HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSET .. ..... RECOBE /IormitNook, ( O(O—'Q(,5Q State or Florida, Counly of St. I.ncle The Unilerslgned hereby gives notice that Chapter If 13,_1riorichl $talutes, the followi and Getteral loterest in property. Ownef Tree Simple Title holder (irotticr than on Contractor a'Onaer Screen Co, hm, it Addee.. 1692 Surety port Saint Ludo, Pt, Address Amount of Bond lcnaer Address Persons within the State of Florida designated by Section 713.13 (a) 7., Florida Slnlues: Name Address In addition to himselQ owner designates to receive a copy of the Lienver, Notice as pr Comitteoeemeat Is one year from the dale of ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER Arrei 1 PAYMENTS UNDER CK713 18, F.9., AND CAN Rt:SL COMMENCEINENTMUSr BE RECORDED AND PC MANCING, CpN3UL-T WITH YOUR LENDER OR COMMWCMEZ f. Sate of Florida, County of Saint Lucie Ackaowiodged before me chic 7ko pa persomd known to me or who hasp" Signature ori4atpry Title: Notary Public Commission SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT 7CfE COUNTY I:./...: ; 0 279l)Q1I 201911:18:2EAM - K 4242 PAGE981-981 Doc TYpe:NC 1NO: $10.00 .. '.. i SCANNED". i bryce ar cOMMrNCF,MRNT St. Lucie County Property Tax In No. yErovemeai will he made to certain real property, Had In accordance with �loformation is ItroVidtvl is this Notice of Commencement, . Favnilublr -ua V/�Ljc.111 t � V 4m/soroan arlCloaure. Phono#- M.340:4393 Fax P 772,64OA026 Phone # Fax # Phone # Fb x # whom noticoa orother documents may boserved as provided Phone # Fax # r Phone # Fax a tcdiaSection713.13{f}(b),FlariJaSYat�tes. ExplrationdateorooliceuF ordirtg untcss n difrsrent date is specified, WARNING TOOWNLRc EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER NYOUR PAYINGYWICF. MRlMPROVEMENTSTO YOUR PROPERTY. ANOTICEOF :DONT"EleeSITBBEFORE 7rtF FIRSTWSPECPIM IPYOUINTENDTOOSTAIN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WARS .OR. XECORDINO. YOUR NCMCE.'OF :. al IO by l'{W as Ideotifleatioo. Type or Pr int Name Notary =of ARAH GREENublic - Stalo of Floridaission d GG 037044, Expires Oct 8, 2o2o