HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E_ SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4576342 OR BOOK 4278 PAGE 691, Recorclecl 06/04/2019 12:58:45 PM SCANNED PR1lMT BHA- -••• �0 ptBY,,yy�� �g1ri -- N'-.."` I fAb NM�mis nwrrvW YwrccuN44f lu®$. Lude-Caull 'F NONCE OF CONIl\�NCEMENT ' 7fie undersigned hereby given notice that improvement wilt be made to certain teal properly, end in accordance with Chapter 7) 3. PloridaShAufas the feBowing information is provided intheNotice nfeommenwoene - (Legal description and .beet addmss) TAEFOLIO NUMBEE8:3 91 4 -A O l -1 707 -0 0 09- • �,b-t`r.¢a ��2 aeZ•asae� e��-�Saeti-on 25 T�.ren ab-9 n. A.F.c. .R a ao>• 2. G13lHERAL D83CR7P1'iON OF IIHPROVffivIENT: 'si:n 1�_�'i3iii3Ty residence 3.OWNF.R INFORMATION:-• ahem w�.++., :: r�C tfa ts' r• p , le Address 8000 S_ US1, Suite 402, nPSL, FL 34952 c_ interest in property d. Name and address offee simple titleholder Cif other than owner) N 4, corinucrc)ws NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: Wynne Develooment Corporation N 8000 S. USS., Sulte 402 PSL, FL va 59 77p A7A Srl4 d - 5-SURETY'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT-_ _ 6. LENDER'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER• . 7. Persona within Ne Stara of Florida designated b_ Owner epon whom notions Brother doeumenm maybe served as provided by Section 7I3.I3 OX.) 7.. Plorlda Smulaen _ .. __.___-._..._. _ _ _ - ivAD'Q.ADDRPBSAtmPfiOTIENditmER=Doug ,Brantley 1 Silver- Oak. Dr_ PSL. FL. a7-�&2Fr5 8, In addition tobim.elf or herself, • Owner dadi,natas the following to receive a ropy of the Una.'. Notice as provided in Section - 713.13 (l)(b). Florid. Statutes: NAI W-"DREW AND 1RION&NOh3gEtL- 9. Brphatton date of notice ofcroun rarzmem (the expond. date :.1 year from ca, date orr2crno ne unless a diHarent data is sP-med) ._:20_ Matthew L gle W n ent Signatr re of Owner or Print Name and Pidvide Signatory's Titie/Oifice Owner`s Authorised O�eerlDlreetorlParmea/IYlanager Stafeof3nmid. Covnp'of At _ e.nrie •The (megoinS isunum®t was aelmowled8ed befom me this 3 v day of 20 ) 9 Poen'Y 1 1(�OYDO raLl R (Name ofparq on behalf of of whom instrument rvaz executed) Personally Known_ of produced the following type oFID: HASKIN 65 ]G 20TN't EXPIRES: DWWb2,202D (Printed Name of Notary Public) (Signatures o erery Pub]ie) ( j)..:v •` �.aml'nr N.aryP.Mc undenaturs Under penaidne of ped.V. I ded. What I have read the foregoing and that the facts in it are true to the best of my kaowtedga and bclfe£(.eoden 92327. lrtaridH SmNtw). Slgnnh ,z(s) of Ow ar(s) or Owner(s)' Authorized Ofrrcm:1DlrecWr/P8rtner/Man09e1` who signed above: By:� By Bee awmaesmae'ead Q'h Digitally signed by The Honorable Joseph E. Smith Date: 2019.06.04 13:01:58 -04:00 vwr Ines://srwmrueKCW ro vaaux Hn coarsen Reason: Electronically Certified Copy Location: 201 South Indian River Dr, Fort Pierce, FL 34950