HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACOR AGREEMENTSPERMIT# the r ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVEL®PARNT SERVICES St. Lucie county En9ding & :ode CompHanee Div id R r--I icr. For the project located at —\� BBILDTNGPERIVIff I JUN 10 9019 SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ST, L"CIe County, permitting to be Sub -contractor for ri n e !/e e,; lCt,0i wrmiary contractor) 7 Q\ R It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned proj� the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRAMQRa1GNATURE (Q,,ager) COUNTY ICATRRYNUMBER stateofFiorma,Coaaly of ,S, .e(,� �`��c,�1•�,� The foregoiogimiromeotwas signed before methiv�_d of Zk who is persouaily lmowu �or hasproduceda asidentifimaon. I 16k " .cif E .t..t STAMP "mtareNotaryPubfie t-9)eei Pahhc & 6 L4z k--MOO PnotName ofNofary . NotatfPupttcS#a1904 Fro^da MrC MMIU • e Keld misatohFTa7e543 Revisedtl/t6120)6ap!reao512sl2oah. O RACTORBIGNAT- (QRomer) PRINT NAME COUNTYamTmwATION NUMBER State of Fiorfdo, CDauty ofLLtx , LiQ, �( � The fo;egoiuginstramentwas signed beforema thia� dayof �3��by 1 QW1,I 1&U 1�Sl bbs who is personally lmown.V jor bat produced a asidenGficadon. S �6fia� STAMP Pnot Name of Notary Pabac 9m;J CU6BECCiEn#t;Gt1220T6tc6er21;202DjFsUiyfi�app;t9 Im For*..#W-, pr4w W04 @t . dpn DOW STAW HYANNWI(Ill 00 A... mycoMMISSIQN#GG030145 EXPIRES. 0*002,2020 emded-ThrutidtalY PulftOndstudem agow. MOW no foj!sv 43oylowaffm *two hkje m is lby of um PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PI ANNING & DEVELOPNMNr SFAvrCESN. ` Building & Code Compliance Division p � BMDlNG PERMrr eCo(A17yr SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT eS JUN1 0 20i9.: ST. Lucie County, permilt N Comfort .Control of St. Lucie County, Inc, haveagre WUQ- . (CompanyNameftdividtW Narae) the HVAC Sub -contractor for Wvnne bevelopment Corp. ('type of Trade) (Primary C10—)n atolo For the project located It is understood.that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned.. project, the Building and Code Regulation Divisibn of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuantto the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. COnUCTOR SrWATURE(Qualifier). Matthew Lyle Wynne PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State oflnorlda, County of l .V ♦`q— The foregoingi mb,adi ntwas stkied befdieme this-•?' ddaay of 20�� lyQ��e whoispersonaayknown Jorhasprodnmas asidr�catian. . y■atn of No ublie DOROTHYANNBASKIN MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 Revised 1111V2016 8288 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Stateof norw Connty of� \-V L The fo'regaiaeinstrumenttwas signed before methi •Pay of who is personalty known ✓rhasprodueeda as identification, STAMP STAMP SSipatature ofNotary Pnbl' , Do deo-rK y 11 /JA/ &Soel v , Print Name ofNomryPah6e 7J „ DOROTHYANNBASKIN t MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 %'• cdr EXPIRES: October2, 2020 '•�:;'iii Xgo-'` Banded Thor NotaiyPubllc Underwriters • • . L66-d Z000/3000d bLO-1 899L8L8ZLL du00 suipling euuAM -WOad g6:ZL 91e-60-36 zssli��r d l u �vasf �a1 llli d was .purslla t i .7i `EirYl; _ ?SodRk"`)9Sha�DL.Bes'y?�0.4'�:�ke91Y� fiiS�" •• AAA Sir+` , ........ . ..... CQLK.1Ia.�;1�Ft �S;tt2�df`.�oti�a:�Q11tif�!d�;$Tft.4,t C/C `x d.b..m.w. ;;111�;,�1 uvass. atak@fd:e asy�r. ?a star petdolrr$iFyiardfYa✓uw raaufta'd,: a�3€ntif�aliam �/ 75,�wFaluredYiYdla�r n6Lc: Ilp'2'o—ruy AMA) L}SKia dt�1y Pu67,c PnM DFahm,SYAS�Si37!!a#•a DOROTHYANN9ASKIR ! r a� MY COMMISSION #00030145 e�e-?a:: aDOROTNYANNBAKN WIRES: Mh812.2020 :MOOMMISSION#00030145 �eaanwry EXPIRES: ocronerZ2D20 ,,.;��tie+.. BCnCeQTlwNotayPu6GcU�.