HomeMy WebLinkAboutCERTIFICATIONS6111/2019 Swimming Pool Fence Code Certifications I Protect -A -Child PROTECT• A• CHILDO Certlficatlon5 JUN 112019 ST. Lucie Gean6. L I'@.fp114E111� ;t 9,Find ?TDealer SCANNED BY St. Lucie County INSPECTED AND. PROVEN, TO ;EXCEED ALL CODE STANDARDS There are numerous codes regulating residential swimming pool barriers. t Protect -A -Child pool fencing has been independently tested and certified to meet or exceed these codes. q View Report J n https://protectachild.com/pool-fencecertifications/ QC et.Ibarolval- Inc. ` 1'Lsing PNn.,\tt'dNalrexv C.+�'r1 a \14 ,\w l.Al<IL A� �/ e 00 =. Solid fiberglass fence posts? r Click here . icy Nairn to find out why 13��sL0 NLaL Tm�NL"Ifn'np� - I1 lL<1m aJQ-�� �qp yn Wi\LEI . .\vI PD• 1m4. uw. 6/11/2019 Swimming,Pool Fence Code Certifications I Protect -A -Child PROTECT-A•CHILD* V. I FBC Code R4501.17.1.15 V Find Dealer The Florida Residential Building Code (FBC) was the first to establish a standard for removable mesh pool fencing in Florida, when mesh pool fencing was first approved as a required barrier around new residential swimming pools. Protect -A -Child's extensive experience with the performance of mesh pool fences was called upon to draft much of this government standard. While it was a good start on a minimum -level standard, Protect -A -Child pool fences exceed these requirements. Count on us to build your fence according to our own'more stringent stanclards-based upon our 30 years of field -use experience. ASTM F2286-05 The American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) publishes technical standards for a wide range of materials, products, etc. ASTM F2286-05 specifically addresses the design, performance, and assembly of removable mesh pool fencing. This standard borrowed heavily from language taken from the Florida Residential Swimming Pool Safety Act that produced the first standard for removable mesh pool fencing. Protect -A -Child pool fencing in 4 ft. (1.22m) and 5 ft. (1.57m) heights far exceeds the standards set by ASTM. https://protectachild.mnVpool-fence-certfications/ , 2/5 6/11/2019 Swimming Pool Fence Code Certifications I Protect -A -Child "POOLCE COMPANY V Find n1 Dealer BOCA 421.10.1 The Building Officials and Code Administrators (BOCA) international code has been - superseded by the new [CC (International Code.Council) codes. BOCA,codes leave a long legacy, of codes still referred to in the East,and Midwest.US, such as 421.10.1,,which refers to fencing around residential swimming pools. Protect -A -Child pool.fe,ncing in 4 ft., (1.22m) and 5 ft. (1.57m) heights exceed all BOCA and ICC codes. ANSI - IAF-8 Model Barrier Code The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) IAF-8 Model Barrier Code specifies standards for pool fencing. Protect -A -Child pool fencing in 4 ft. (1.22m) and 5 ft. (1.57m) heights has been certified to meet this standard. BRA G`V��! hfpsJ/protectachild.rom/pool-fence-certifications/ 3/5 6/11/2019 Swimming Pool Fence Code Certifications I Protect -A -Child • PROTECT- A• CHILD' 1 I •J�-. II V Find nly Dealer ICC Code The International Code Council (ICC) develops model codes and standard's for the design of safe structures. Most US communities and global market's'choose the international codes. Protect -A -Child pool'fencing in'the 4 ft. (1.22m) anrd 5 ft.'(1.52m) heights has been certified to rrieet'or exceed the 'ICC code for residential swimming pool -fencing when installed according to the code requirements. = - get Your FREE 2uote! Please fill out the form below for a FREE quote from your local dealer. First Name Last Name ZIP/Postal Code Phone Number https.,//protectachild.com/pool-fenm- ertifica0ons/ 4/5 QC Metafllur8ica1) Inc. Testing & Consulting Senrices Protect -A -Child Pool Fence Company June 29. 2012 Purchase Order No. Verbal QCM Job No. 1217M•61 I INSPECTION RESULTS This report documents testing on 48" and 60" heights of fencing and self closing gates manufactured by Protect -A -Child Pool Fence Company. The samples inspected included fence sections in 48" and 60" heights with support posts attached to the mesh on 30" and 36' centers and sel('closing gates of sa inplc heights. The fence and gates submitted were tested per the standards listed below including ASTM F 2286. • The mesh was tested per ASTM F2286.05. • Vertical load test per ASTM F2286 Pamgmph 5.1. A vertical load test was conducted A I/S" steel wire was looped through the mesh 36" above ground. Vpaaard force of 20 pounds was applied. No tearing of the mesh was noted. • Impact Test per ASTM F 2286.05 Paragraph 5.2. A weight of52 pounds was sating into the Icnce 36" above ground level. No deformation or tearing was noted. • The sclfclosing gates tested were greater dun 48" tall and included self closing Wages and a key lockable self latching mechanism. The release mechanism on the gate was above 54" minimum height requirement. • The mesh properties were certified by PHIFER Incorporated. • Post was tested - loaded 36" above ground. Load reached 91 Ibs. before failing. CONCLUSION: The fence and gates submitted for testing meet or exceed the requirements of: • ASTM F 2286 and ASTM F 1908 for tests performed. No testing on the mesh other than the impact and vertical tests. • ANSI IAF-8 Model Barrier Code for tests perforrwd. • BOCA National Building Code Section 421.10.1 for tests perfonnctl. • •ICC - APSP International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (ISPSC) Public Version 1.0 (•sce note below) tar tests performed. • 2010 Florida Residential Building Code 114101.17.1.15 which requires a load of / 52 Ibs.. 36" above the deck. I J •\leti. ICC•APSI' ISPSC code e{ien inanllcd in weh a neinna dot it is not rcmocaM1ly iNnid or gals. n I Funk crate, PE QC Metallurgical Inc. 2870 Stirling Road • Hollywood. FL 33020-1199+ (9541 889.0089 • Fax 1954) 241-5890 Email: Igrat ngcmct.cona �0 ®A