HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTS\qo� oases. Is1s 1� f MANNING &•DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building"& Code Compliance Division BU[LDtNG PEttAUT = SCANNED , ms-cor +croRAc �igve �Y: i St. uctoCoun4t: A!'iartce Group Contracting Corp _ have agrud to he , • ' Icomp�9Y4amdrnaivaaatxame)', � : � -' ' ,• -:.. ; � - , Root TRM,Constudion Mmmgernont. tlx:' theSub-contrac _q�pc orTrsdc) (Pricey Conrad") For tfix pmjeu located at 128 Ocean Estates Drive, Fart Pierce. Fl. 34949 ' -(FmjadScutAddressorProputyTax m ' it is undeistoud that, if there is any'change ofstatus-regardingour pwticipatiou with the above mentioned. :. Pmjcct� the building and Code Regulation Division of St datcie County will be advised Pursuant to filing o£ a Chuuge of Sub=coatrnctor XiOti • art rtst�n7uttE(Rvn�.a - � sr*acn.�rratsransl�+ , - t ttC `Danielle Ryc}Qtlan'- ` @R NrNAdil:: - _ .. .. ,MUNTNAM _ Cf COWM CDffMCAT[O.YR t1EA COMMYCERTIFtCAr70N n'tHd3Elt S� �vC,ee •. sdr.rEhrri+,cw.a.r - 1 � ' 71t4�eEeieS Was ermsee �.; TU Ate t smd6wd i+r aerrY6 dtyar . ,L•/'F!/!� :` .iYWiM `'' �Jjh 'Q��inultR. � _ " ' r xists y ." Baal ar Fa3rMa • , vls faFa'sxaaytami rlastrsie.do AAA::_- STASH !`ciaSNse Nlti'shcyhMk Uste FMAK LWPAUL J PAYN£.aaeal[t1onAFF9bi120FCommiteion E[OIpFtDwar' 24. 2020 PERmrr# 11906-0257 ISSUEDATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division rn�,���, WNW Sbdw BUfLDING PERMIT �y SUB-CONTRACTORAGREEMENT BY 11 have agreed to be (Company ��ma'tndtvidual. pmet the Sub -contactor for TRM Construction Management, Inc fTvne of Trade) (Piimafy Contractor) For the project located at 128 Ocean Estates Drive, Fort Pierce, FL 34949 (Pna = Street Address or Property Tax ID N) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to thf fill of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. nR SiGY.tTURE yQ,mllf¢y PRE NMIE 29976 COUNrY CEUMCAT O\ x'Ujalfa/ER. SLh dFlorldr. Caamraf 57•,LKrC TIDeforgdoa l,mramrnt rre sfeoN^g"�Halaf ,;L'4a m�nr 1 K:e , Ik..I/a w§a n ➢rmodoar roam✓ or lu ➢md uteri u Msv dow SrANP Sip rarea(le _ P b(lk� PfiVI �¢mrofa(\aiary l'aWk �— e,CommlallOn / FF9rMY cemmbatpn F (n FRET NAME CQU\TY C'EATtFlCAT10' ntaEA Fxe afitertd�. Coacry-.e(�,�,y4q t-... TEe rare In lamumrnr was de brf rar ttdsia-Itr dq Pr a➢t3PLI arG w bgnomlly kaasrA _sr bat lvodu¢N• ar Wratlfie . - STAMP Y !Urt 1 Prim N.meafabupraEUe Ly �aP1Nobry Potlfic state oT Florida E�ii�Oil2d2022 w PERF 1906-0257 rsa --,E PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Cade Compliance DIvislon BUILDING PMIU 5MCGNTRACTGR AGREEM MT 'I"PI�ibm�(l �`Pr�U5 Qubo—b�(1Q have agreed to to savany:VMw7M1 n°ax) TRM Construction Management, In the mbMN Suh•cootmctor for (IJ9vorcladc) �7 (MmerYCrnaanm) For the project located at 128 Ocean Estates Drive, Fort Pierce, FL 34949 a•rvjMStrar Addmf a Pr ymy Tu m Y) It is andmu od that, if them is any ebmge of emus regarding our participation with the above rocntimed pmjea, rbe Building sad Code Regulation Divisiau of St. Lucie Coaatywill be advised punumt to the nliM ofa Change ofsubeonuacmr nouca. Y0411GNnTVp[@vulw) NAme 29976 CUkHi'Y C0N[IIIC.HIUY NaN6CN ban Mnn�e+.Cwc4N S%�I•cI C TM6nN%Iminm,ofau Jb.t 4lN ^iILXG Jo�nP��G� yt<i: jiarl, vM4 pr®u0/ bv�✓a EropxMu,an. u W. .tea 4TA?IP • Na 11 \((l'eyy��\Jl PtiuNmO(Nwy PoW['Q PAUmJ PATXE commbnpn /IHN110 My Cpm UIIOn lrplt/I u r/amp,r xA. aoxo as 'N.vLYo raY .+rwn P�P 1Glm+n �S itY�Y�'eL 201 tvS to COVfYYCC&I!{ICAnUN ntUlE6N MN<tbMaeweaa(�Lliar' i. J ,yr Npten PutrHc slsu elFbada S � MgbTaiimm patdomo a x MYtamMvaMn li0021910 VyRB ExPIa108r2bxa30 (TAMP .S ��ED M. Luclecolirb BUILDING PERMIT SUB-GomrRACTORAGREEMENT SCANNED BY St. Lucie Countv PJ.0 6a"F1�3 t JrC41 h have agreed to be tC +y Na Ind' dual Yarmet 7RM Construction Management, tnc ariQ Sub -contractor for tbc. tPritnaryContra W For the project located at 128 Fort Pierce, FL 34949 it is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project. the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. AFL C-0—UNMY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Fbrtdx. Cauap of 5T. ty,; C 77ec tercgofnp w.m,ara'et»ss signeab ,Temgymh�r�I cayor 20 by led, ebolr Pena-"Y1-.-A orbasproduceda m idra' tfon. f STAMP 5 fnreorNatn b�l'rc}� �CsvG a^ '(T4,�vt C PrNt Name orNorarY Pabfis • PAUI J PAY►tE Gommisaton f Pi QA� 1 M - bTY COmmi�abn Ea It" ,f1t6 F8DtUory 24. 2020 m -wmfs prrsooany taoxn,l or Iin producN a. p ar Sdmtined8on. STAMP reo .. brae �K�` JOHNSAGORAC •. a -.. MYC'OMMWON a#GG 16m y cQ EXPIRES: Match 16, 2022 'w°qf; ., scn"Thu.WayWie,ldMe�mBefa.