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TRINITY Contaloing Our'WcridS'Eneigy^ - I II OUTSIDE I II o DUVMETER ' � II I I "DTH'- - LEG SPACING General Speclficattons`,' . ''ConfO6;.to,the lafest'edi#6n of $ie MME abbe fbr ' Pressure.Uessels, Section VIII,•Dlvlslon` 1; Compiles with' NFPA 58 + FLOAT GAUGE Rated at 250 pSlg fran •200P tb}125,* F All tanks may tie ' evacuated, a full (143 psl) vacuum Vessel Finish Coated with epoxyed powder ;(Tanks coated+ wdh the epoxy powder must be buried) ForAtiiivegroundnse, ;tanks may tie coated wlfh TG1C powder sErivlcE! \ Applicable;federal, state or localiegulatlonsinay MULTIVALVE , contain, speck requirements for protective coatings and ROE cathodic s` p'rotectlon;,:The pur, aser`and installenare responstble;fG comp61.0 wlth all federal, state;or loca(regulabons " FITTINGS AYOL l WITHDRAWAL'' VALVE �\ ANODE •' j CONNECTION' O-�-rFill - VALVE - �; :PLATE DER DOME ,' , fq WEIGHT .`QUANTlN,,,' ' FULL LOAD STACK i 245Ibs = 06 12 472Ibs 63 - !667 kg,,:. Rev: Jan, 27, 2016 ALL WORK SHALL BE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH FeriellgaspRORAN TANK tGAn tnen NFPA 54-58,`NATIONAL FUEL'','GAS'CODE AND FLORIDA FUEL' GAS CODE'2017 ,& FORCE, ON TANK =`,O 00256V4A'Cd F L O R I D A' BUILDING CODE 2-0'17, 0,00256(1.70M002 + 13.33R' • 1.2 = 1184 LBS 3232 SE Dixie Hwy. Stuart, PL 34997: T-NKS'INSTALLED,IN TRAFFIC AREAS' FORCE ON J' CABLE 1184 LBS SHALL BE;PROTECTED'W1TH GALV. STEEL 'IENSILE'STRENGDC " �° CABLE = 2000 LB5 SCHED 80;;PIPE' BOLLARDS (4`d)':8' LONG > X 3' BURY DEPTH `WITH CAP ®3' 0 C FORCEON AUGER ANCHOR = 1184 / 2 592 'LBS MIN PULL OUT RESISTANCE OF AUGER ,ANCHOR'= 1360 LBS CODE t13C'2017 / ASCE Z 10 Z WINWSPEED='170�MOH, `3 SE' 'G'UST EXPOSURE D',I INTERNAL; PRESSURE ,�COEFF ,'0:00 ,CYLINDER EYE i" 7x19 GALV AIRCRAFTICABLE C7 Q L5 ,' (CONTINUOUS THRU BOTH CYLINDER,, LPG TANK. STIR 1 ING,BOLT IC�IO� i GROUND`ILEVEL'!t'.�;,I Tf fJT= 8'xt6"x4' CONCRETE BLOCK ('TYPICAL,OF: '4'MIN); I ' " AUGER ANCHOR, v i=l E V A h I sl LONG W/ 8`0'HEUX, ' `� ' ,,� '' 2 ,TOTAL , ' „ > ,Port Ploico L'nginaoring Ino; S I D T I O N > D pmd ble M ualeol Wenr4til i,• ,� s0umbmgne,lgn .SCALE /'I '.I' ,O. i OA No 281QSP'y, r ` I" 315 SOVIh 70i SttcOt I Ott Plena PL 34950 ;1 ` 111 t•' Ji d I 't!'�, '., : ' • . ,.. ,Ph66:' 26-12=64636 772'672. 36) STRAPPING BOLT'W/ ` r'i is AUGER ANCHOR 9ELOW'` bIt '' `tio , E • 'LP TANK �'.7xIUGALV`;•. y .Ear1' �' pbodOP FLAN , V I I~ lll AIRCRAFT CABLE , p�% Pp NN sc a.e F/F.� a „9 PAT p0 (� „e 0PROVEDtIEJ$ !` DRAVYING' N1iMRFR I WI LP.12-- 0UPA1 PIPE A\D TltAl\C SPJ,IIG 7i1BLES 5&115 Table 16.1(m) Corrugated Stainleii-5teel,Tubing (CSST) In Pressure: 11.0 in. w,t Pressure. Diop: 0.5,in. w c. $i2e: JNn J�Jn �Jn �aII J u „ 1�J,) 1�2° 1 _ — Flow ,r 2" 2" Design don: 13 16 IB 19 23 2b 30 31 '37 39 46 Length (ft) 48 80 62 Capacity in ThOusi nds of Btu per Hour 5 !0 72 50 99 69 181 129 211 150 35P 254 426, 303 744 521 863 605 1,420. 1,638 2,830 3,270 5,780 (,5j0 15 39 55 104 121 208 248 422 490 971 775 1,179 y72 1,990 2,820 9;110 4,G40 20 34 49 91 106 189 216 385 41 661 847 1,620 1,400 1,�00 3;370 3,290 20 30 36' 42 80 94 164 192 325 379 11583 762 1250 1,630 Ga 1,486' 2, y3U 3,20U •0 40 28 23 39 33 74 64 87 74' 151 177 2117 344 528 698 1,140 1,3:i0 2;b3 2;90(1 o,t 2,680 50 20 30 58 66 ' 131 1,18 153 137 • 256 127 297 2(i5 446 397 610 988 1,170 2006 2,330 t0 ]9 26 53 60 107,,• 1`26 207 241 73-9 548 8.44 1,050 1,870 12,096 70, 80 17 15 25 23 49 45 57 90, 117 191 222 330 502 502 805 $05 fJG): 890 1,710 115.96 1,900 1,760 y,0. 15 ,. 22 44 52 GO 94 f)0- • 109 102, 178 169 222 197 330 286. 438 6% - �833 1,490. 1,(i50 100 14 20 41 47 $5 98� 159 186 276 414 393 (i,56 621 787 1,900 200 200 11 9 15 14 31 28 3fi 33, 6(i 75 123 143 _�17 324 506 746 fi11 1 330 1,090 '1,980 1,210 250 8 12 25 30 60 53a. 69 6] 1]2 99 129 117 183 1(i3 2ii3 )' 54 438 �iS1 998 1,050 300 fHD: Equi):Iknt hytli:iuhc 8 11, dialnetcr. 29 Ameasure: 20 ci0. , ; 07 90 107 „ d 47 • 234 390 i;i7 47(i 131 8�0 7 i 984 85¢ ol'the greater the gas capacity of the uthing. ` relativii hydr,ollir e0ici(nc] bctxcen rliffcrem uih)n(, siies,'1'tie i,)�,n r dlor dui, ofl:H, 54 Ngtes: (I) Table illcludeJ losses for four 90 degree bends and byan equilalem Icngtli oftubing 10 the follnwiu9 equation: n, o elld fittings 711bing Allis 1 with larger nmabers Or h,I(Is lll(I/nr'Alllll(fb sil 111 ))l. ioCl'e;Ml'd fittings and/or hen(is. L= 3,1, wh rc Las additional lcogth (11) or Olbing and v is'Ore 11,i 11,1, nl'ndditio)ial (2) All tattle entries are rounded to 3.rigni(iaant digits. 2017 Bdltlorl 2017 Edltl n (4 TFuIISIze Sarin, hcse'fint sutgc•resl4nton.Lire used to reeiocc I P but tonk pressures for n seein»I stagereguldlor (normolly, l0 PS1Q). All Mt (-first shigc «gut»fors arc red indwating.high outlt pressure'. hlrst stage full siZe tekUlnun'vcnls have 3/4"I'NI 1.11, Lippe portand 1 7.,Cirij>- screenslocnledovcr the Outle[.BoilltheML4R 1122H;ineltlleMlidll-102Huncp'ofrcrnl»imnlrclicfperfenniincc,ihetexcecilillLtcs(rc- Mr-C txcei pmvldiag double, Ftilureovcgiressuroproleclin»avitcnused with ML(: MHGR IG22 MI GR IG52kues seunid stage rcbuhniirs.: All, MCC Iixccla-hlo dotiteshc aguiiitors tCItuiv ii'25ye irreconunutdcd rtPlilecntent life had ilie'MGO cxelnuvy 1wrAwaY Icuk check m)ef;uNt ill, Al MIsGR:112211lcruvo M 011ers,n;c0l"Pituffintsingen:golateir(Icsipu p i feet' for tight uppltu»tons :zuch as Underground tank domes. IIlcy=felljore no adjaslnnui liuige froat;9.12 PSI(i (I'uclnry set s. 0st 10 1>SI(,). s1ain1i8s steel internal contponenis. fluorocarbon (1 KM) scut discs, nwldcil`lip I'llhrtc rcinftireeddittplu'ngnts 'iind large Adominurn(irevishM olachined orificogo nuniolizu'lYcezc ups while pt;ovidutb superior downs(rcant-roguf+luon mul,pptzi»nps umirsion. resntimcc'Sb iitrsf weathgiis weather or cunhunhi itul , (,eiittiacb seriestegidnuirs I'cnture IA" UNIT drip lip vcut opcnuigs; MR(iN-122211 Ser{•s; OCCuv al contpa.t IN singe icgulnuir 'ilcslgn 1wrfeet for tight upplicaua»s such Us undcrgruuiid lnuk domes. They ,feature ail udjustincet.rn0ge rrnm 9.12 PSIG (I'aclory set (0 !0 PSIO):'slnioless steel' intemai cbmponcnls:"(hiui•ecnr•bon� (h:K'M) s}�I discs molded lip ltabrie 'rctitlorec(L diaphragms and Il M) aluminum precision machined.. orifice I , inimire free, I , w"bile ptoviding superior do)vnslmallvregulalion Lind nutxinitim corrosion resislaneg against svcitther or canlam iiiated g:is, Mhh W ifi221i sr..rvew: Of fcrs all of the seine f'rdures als the conll»tcl.: MI Ott-I122H Series In it full size version, our full sc MI.OR-162211 Sencz has n liugc fabric whillorecd diapLmgmdor suprruq'd(ilvnslmnnt • n.gululine:.henvy.'(luty wrotich Outs, and'ularge 314" FNPP tapped drip Up vent'to help prevent runefvent blockage. „ ,' I cmnpeel I I 1122I1AAJXI Cmnp ul l 122211 »(il+•� a on 30 PSIG Roll Svc I 2,UXIAXXI I•LII Sire -2,7SI lil,lo ra Line 20% LIMP pressure 4S' SI'I:CII/ICNrIONS' Type: First Stage Exterior Finish: R+ Interior Finish: Re Orifice Size .150- Diaphragm; Fabric Coat & .219- Full f NM Molded Lip O•Ring Relief Type: Internal Relief- Spring Loaded Bonnet I Body Material: Dle Cast Aluminum' Seat Material: Fluorocarbon (FKM) ' Listings: c of ,,s/ UL 144 'Mounting • Holes: Standard3.1/2" Conter pressure Taps: 454 Orifice, 1/8- FNk, Plugger Relief Travel Stop; Molded In Adjustment Cap' (Compact), Black (Full &o1 t/� INIYI" i!X X:h � �INirl I(�j 12 1NI'I' 1IR 1N1'I X•h IU `•, 1/2IINI?'I' 1/S I'NI'I 9,12 12 FNIYC y 1/S fNl''I Itl :. 912.. 10 I/2 INirl` ifl FNlrl X•12. 1/4 INtYI' 1/4FNI X 12 Ifl� to 1/1VNIr1:.. 1/4 INPI' •., X.12. + �_. _ .. Ifl ... v11-1 , CCNVFRS. GA (600) 241.5652 GfaCoaneslibas ' GOLbSB. R . NC (9W) 4 9 gRift leY-fiord GOLD§BORO. NG (ti(w) 426.9T,93 - 51 - NUU1111MN+ , JrYnnXIWIIIV +a 'l hesc second singe itgalulor s nre used.lo nduce.tiullet pr�ssurex fntm fint stage n.f uhgrns{hnnm111 U\:.Vus1181) t l l Back )Aount Serles ' C US M[ ( second sl r) c npulatnn .ire green urdreatirig law uullcl prcssun .Second stage rge lull Size rcguitiulr vcnlS'huve 3 d'7tNlY1 estic i Ipons!'did tint exclusive 1i-% ),np screen. located over the inlet. All MLC:second Singe domesticYcg`ulatoN feature it'sin cssicd Iigei:IiaplIedrcen to induce dubnti frnm pnsamg thnwgh therugulalol Both lifeMi:GR-1022 and the Ml?(iR.1452 Scric. ofYu bpt mul it;.licf lxr6pn mcc thnfuxceell to v dtice 'nqurruacnls pnrvldmg-duithlc lailure overprewair proleclion.(nu nnrn Ethan 2 PSI dowmtreaull presx`urr) syhcnuacd wrth MGCk-.I 122H ntest ail Mt (,R IG2211 krres I irst.Str(,c acgul gone Ail MI (I sceL•i='1 to donicsI rcgl hitors fautlre,ft 25 year reccnnineudcd nplact ntcnf life find .our cxclusjv¢lcur.nv.ry,leak't.•heak tulliesive slicker: SP1?CIrI6A1IONS' uro: 10, PSIG °'0'R Green Powder Coat. Brecn'PowderCoat )` (Compact) & .219" (Full) Reinforced (NBR) Molded Lip O-Mig Bonnet Listings;', l't . I / UL 144' Mounting Holes: Standard,ZI-J " P.•re'ssure Taps: #54Orifice V8"F Rellef Travel Stop: Molded In Adjl Black (FullSiz ---•••••• ...-t;,,- -vgunnor aosrgn perrcet for Jowl: I)'f (9 applie,niuna Iht.y fcWC) m a(juaablc,mage frulp 95 13" WC Mlulory sc WC) stainless steel interrml comptnH•nls; lluonjcnrhoi (1 KM) scurdnes• nulhlcJOgr :fubire nenrlimcd.diaghnlgtris fin( hhnnintop,Precisiun machined onhces pnrvidirig �suPcrin( dnj ownstro:o»regailtlioo and maximnincoreosiuo rcsislancc;igninsl wcolheror conyrinhnual glts. The MOOR 1222 Series liave Moth the inlet and outlet in line Where the Ml:(iK •1252 Statics liavc a hpprutdtslofis c`Guck iiunua oullcl f)r crnrvelrleni wall mount applications: _ME(:R-1622AN4Mk tfeec t . .O11crS all ol'the Stunc fraurc ati Ihecanyxrel MI:(jlt-1122 Series but in 11:fall, size. high capneity venion.'Utlrt'ull size Second "'Ingo rogulhitus• have li Ipr(,c fubrie rel"I'Orcud,, dinphnigm I'or superior downslitmn Itl ul uiun, heavy (luly empch Piilx. and. a Imtic 'i/4;';PNP7 zapped (1hp lip vent lu help prcycm julicl,valve Black igu j'he Ml (IR-1,623 Sul have both lhe��ini'I mtiroulld in line +vhcl the Mi:OR-..1652'scric.1hme :............... VV 11 'Pica, Will 'Ruth f CaComeftns i.�.4) �'uumAuwr • P'� ®�'� CQNYFRS, GA (8W) 2415652 UIg1.Yll' IIAxIYlUU111CIN - 52 - APOPKA. FL11360) 432.1869 001.1)980RO, NO (800) 426-9293