HomeMy WebLinkAboutREVIEW COMMENTS.�• �irritri l�ac� -_ Planning & Development Services Building & Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Phone:(772)462-2172 Fax:(772)462-6443 Address: 5541 Teal Ter City / State / Zip: Fort Pierce, FI 34982 Parcel#: 3409-503-0011-000/8 Zoning: RS-3 APPLICATION INFORMATION Permit Number: 1906-0392 REVIEW COMMENTS SC N1 to BY St uclaCOUnfV 1 Owner(s): Norman O'donnell / Thomasina B O'donnell Jurisdiction: SAINT LUCIE COUNTY Lot#: 8 Block: Permit Type: SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC RESIDENTIAL, CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Name: Daniel T Yates Business Name: Efficient Home Services Of Florida LIc Business Addr: 3121 Indian Ridge PI City / State I Zip: Lakeland, A 33810 REVIEWS AND COMMENTS Stories: Automatic Sprinkler System? No Fax Number: Email: Baprojectsolutions@Gmaiil. Com Review Tvoe Status Reviewed By Date Started Date Completed Date Released FRONT COUNTER REVIEW COMPLETE Karen Nielsen 611912019 6119/2019 611912019 Comment: PLANS EXAMINER REVIEW COMPLETE Dave Johnson 612412019 6126/2019 612612019 Comment: ZONING REVIEW INCOMPLETE Lydia Galbraith 6126/2019 Comment: BASED ON ST LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEV. CODE CHAPTER 7.10.28 B: SOLAR ENERGY, A GROUND MOUNTED SYSTEM HIGHER THAN V IS REQUIRED TO MEET THE MIN. REQUIRED SETBACK FOR THE ZONING DISTRICT. PLEASE PROVIDE 2 UPDATED SIGNED AND SEALED SURVEYS INDICATING THE PROPOSED SOLAR 6/27/2019 SYSTEM WITH SETBACKTO THE PROPERTY LINES. MIN. REQUIRED: - SIDE 10' (NORTH) -REAR 15' (WEST) St. Lucie County, FL Land Dex�elnpment Code Page 1 of 4 7.10.28. - Solar Energy. G 03c]9, The following provisions are intended to facilitate the commercial generation and distribution of solar power and the use of on -site solar energy systems to meet the energy demands of buildings and support facilities in the unincorporated County. All Solar equipment and devices shall comply with Florida Statutes and shall be certificated by the Florida Solar Energy Commission. A. Solar Generation Station. In addition to other applicable sections of this Code, a solar generation station shall be subject to the following provisions: 1. Solar generation stations shall require submittal of a Major Site Plan application concurrent with a Conditional Use Permit, when required. The development shall be subject to the following supplemental criteria: a. Physical access to a solar generation station shall be restricted by fencing or walls. Razor wire is prohibited. All fencing and wall details shall be provided for review and approval as part of the required site plan. b. The devices that capture energy and convert it to electricity shall not be placed in wetlands, environmentally sensitive resources or habitats, imperiled and critically imperiled habitats as defined by the Florida Natural Areas Inventory, and buffers. Any environmental impacts from such devices, or any component of a solar generation station, shall only be allowed in compliance with the provisions of the County's Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code. c. All devices that capture and convert energy to electricity shall be located at least fifty (50) feet from any lot line under separate ownership, unless otherwise approved by the Board of County Commissioners. d. The maximum lot coverage by structures, including solar ground or pole mounted panels, for the zoning district may be waived by the Board of County Commissioners. The approved maximum lot coverage shall be shown on the site plan and specified in the resolution approving the development. e. about:blank 6/26/2019 St. Lucie County, FL Land DevPlf)pment Code Page 2 of 4 All solar generation station sites must comply with the landscaping and screening requirements of the Land Development Code. The perimeter buffer landscaping requirements may be waived by the Board of County Commissioners, if it is shown to the satisfaction of the Commission that the adjoining property owners have no objection to the landscaping waiver. Interior vehicular use area landscaping requirements may be waived by the Commission, to the extent necessary to ensure optimal solar access. The Board of County Commissioners may require additional landscaping to enhance compatibility with adjacent land uses. f. On -site power lines shall be placed underground to the maximum extent possible. B. So/ar Energy System. In addition to other applicable sections of this Code, a solar energy system shall be subject to the following provisions: 1. All solar panels and devices are considered structures and subject to the requirements for such, together with all other applicable building codes and ordinances, unless otherwise provided for in this Code. Solar panels installed on roofs are exempt from the building height requirements. Solar panels installed on rooftops shall be located two (2) feet from the roof edge. 2. Non -roof installed solar energy devices integrated into the architecture of the building, such as the walls of the building, shall be no greater than ten (10) feet above the maximum height requirements of the zoning district. Ground or pole mounted systems shall be limited to a height of ten (10) feet above the base floor elevation of the primary structure. "Solar energy systems shall o e oeated in rant or sr e corn yards any parcel, unless the following are met: 1) the conditions of the side and back yards prohibit the installation of a system, and 2) the lot is one (1) acre or greater, and 3) adequate buffering along the adjacent roadway is provided, and 4) the location is approved by the Director of Planning and Development Services. 5. about:blank 6/26/2019 St. Lucie County, FL Land De-Pl-pment Code Page 3 of 4 Solar ground and pole mounted systems le s tha s x 6 feet ire Might may encroach into the side and rear setback area, but in no case shall the system be located closer t�i h" if_ an_ i3ei(i5 from the property line. Where the system is higher than six (6) feet in height the setback requirements of the zoning district shall apply. 6. Solar collectors maybe co -located on communication towers, and parking lot and street light poles, in which case the height and setback requirements for said tower/pole shall apply. 7. All new exterior electrical lines and utility wires connecting aground or pole mounted solar system to the building it serves shall be buried underground. 8. The Board of County Commissioners may allow for a modification of these accessory use provisions when the proposed solar energy system will serve buildings within a planned development project. The modification shall be identified on the site plan graphics and within the resolution granting approval to the planned development. 9. Waiver. In the event any of the provisions in this Section have the effect of prohibiting the installation of a solar energy system, the applicant shall have the right to apply for a waiver from these provisions to the Director of Planning and Development Services or designee. The Director may grant a waiver upon determining that strict application of the Code would result in prohibiting the installation of a solar energy system. 10. Landscape Waiver. The Environmental Resources Director may waive the landscaping requirements of the Land Development Code to the extent necessary to ensure optimal solar access. 11. Any approval of a solar energy system does not create any actual or inferred solar energy system easement against adjacent property and/or structures. The owner and/or property owner of a solar energy system shall not infer or claim any rights to protective writs to any caused shadows or operating ineffectiveness against future development adjacent to or higher than the property location of the solar energy system. The approval of any solar energy system granted by St. Lucie County shall not create any future liability or infer any about:blank 6/26/2019 St. Lucie County, FL Land De—lnpment Code ' ,. I - Page 4 of 4 vested rights to the owner and/or property owner of the solar energy system on the part of the County for any future claims against said issuance of approval of the solar energy system that result from reliance on this section or any administrative decision lawfully made thereunder. (Ord. No. 10-034, Pt. A, 11-9-2010) about:blank 6/26/2019