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GuIP Coast Supply and MFG 5v Cnmp Metal roofing FL #IIG51.12 2L ga. 5v crimp metal roofing attached to plywood deck using ><9 x 1.5" wood screws with self sealing washer at 12" o.c. max spacing over ASTM D (type 21 30 Ib felt underlayment installed with min. 4 side laps and L" end laps fastened mth corrosion resistant tin caps and with 1.25" ring shank nails spaced L" o.c. at all laps and two staggered room 12" o.e. in field. Attach deck to trusses using attachment detail on this sheet 5/8" thick light textured 12 stucco on tuplcal concrete: 4 1 SLOPE block construction Finish Columns with 5/8" thick x 8"w cut 5/e" thick cut coral coral finished stucco bands finished stucco bands LEFT ELEVATION RIGHT ELEVATION 5GALE: 1/1' M 1'-Q' Gulf Coast Supply and MFG 5v Crimp Metal roofing FL #11651.12 26ad a. 5v crimp metal roofing attached to plywood -deck using #9 x 1.5" woscrews with sell sealing washer at 12' o.c. max spacinover ASTM D (tgpe 2) 30 lb felt underlagment installed with min. 4 sideg laps and V and laps fastened with corrosion resistant tin caps and with 1.25" ring shank nails dpes aced L o.c. at all laps and two staggered rows 12' o.c. in field. Attach ek to trusses using attachment dotal on this sheet .. EGRES PER ( _--------------- 12 SLOPE 14 ------------------0'-0" _Finished Floor 5/8" thick light textured stucco on tuplcal concrete block construction 4AW044.ee: irT- - r-v- Product Approval Submittal Affidavit oQ�PenftsBaLedAiaswhmDoaaw, Owrhesd Doors,=dVingDoors, windows ai i� NO � product Model / Manufacturer Glen Attachment method MtIon Datsi Design Pressure of Approved Tomb 1.2-3 t4 FLU 239.3 Single Hung SH-100 Impact PGT 5/10 I/4" $a. tapcoois ■/ min, 1�3/8" panetrateo�wllodhere to apses per pr yet apprav Cantraetor al inn. edge datenees apeefied m Product approve + 80.0 P5F - A I6-0330.02 Overhead Garage Door g Mclel 824/811 9- ""max ■idigh It -O nax hsi DAH " Yia: 61imr`, `.wl""1 a`""' ai .sees :.� ,a""`�"°,,,e 10-9-21 + 50.0/-40.0 pet B FL# ILLl4.l Fiberglass Design Pro/ smoothPro Jeld-Wen £lei I/4' ilia. t con with en 1.25" enbe�ienL at 3' enex Prop corners and�il.5' oc. max. thereafter in head end ,pmbw + 50.0 PSF C FLIP 251.5 Sliding Glass g Door Series '110 SGD PGT 1" mom T e GSA yP 1/4" a. tape rta s/ inn. I 3/4' ngrau t bba *we � ae; 044uct approval. Co emractor oai'iallcadhorar to inn. Fin edge distance& specified in Product approval ± LO.O P5F Product NOV11% NUMBER Model N Manufacturer Attachment Method Wirstion Date Design Pressure of Approwd Tanta Mullions FLU 241.1 1' x 2 3/4' x .315' PGT Install per fastener type and apaangs shown in Table IA and IB en product approval on sheet 5 or Z2. + 58.0 PSF Roof FLU 11"1.12 5V Crimp Metal Roofing Gulf and Coast Su I manufacturing y 42eom scr5vaiith solfaisroofing aaingi member eft 12Q a.. iomaxdecakcin"�novse9 ASTM D tWp■ 2) 3o lb felt undsrleymsnt metalled with air dig laps and a and I°■�p'r fastanod site aonion resistant tin aa�a and i h 26" ring shank nods spa�sd G' oe. at al'Imps and two etaggsra tons I� o.c. in field. Attach meek to truaaas using attaclaiearit dotal on roof plan - 108.5 PSF Siding Stucco an Black soffit FLU 12198.3 Model T4 12' vented Vinul Soffit Kagcan Install urmg 2" x 2' battens at V o.c. screwed to soffit framing using #8 x 3 wood screws atrin each tinkrues.nais Install aottit to battens using +55.0/-35.0 P5F xt><rria Panels I have reviewed the above and approved it by my seal below. ( Architect or Engineer of Record ) Gulf Coast Supply and MPG 5v Crimp Metal roofing FL #11651.12 26 ga. 5v crimp metal roofing attached to plywood deck using #9 x I.g" wood screws with self sealing washer at 12" o.c max spacing over ASTM D (type 2) 30 lb Pelt underlayment installed with min. 4 side laps and L" and laps fastened with corrosion resistant tin caps and with 1.25" ring shank nails s aced L" o.c. at all laps and two staagered rows 12" o.c. In field. Attach ��L •�, •.... e. ......� .€"...L..a..• .le: 1 .... •L.. .Lace 5/8" thick x 8"w cut stucco on typ-Ical concrete coral finished stucco bands block construction REAR ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4' - 1'-0' 5/8" thick x 8"w cut' coral finished stucco bands 2" x 4" top plate II ' 1/2' drgwall ceiling on truss bottom cord 1/2" drywall on x 4" studs at 16" o.c. base -board 11 11 ., 2" x 4" P.T. bottom plate \ 4' concrete slab with fibermesh OR L"W #10/10 WWM on L and Viayueen over clean compacted termite treated Pill Interior Non-Bearino Partition Braden I Braden AIAe PA Archltecu — Planners 411 S.E. Coconut Avenue Tel : (112) 281-8258 Fax : (112) 287-8283 E-marl: bradenaiaacomcast.net Gulf Coast Supply and MPG 5v Crimp Metal roofing FL #11L51.12 2L ga. 5v crimp metal roofing attached to plywood neck using u9 x 1.5' wood screws with salt sealing washer at 12" o.c. max spacing over ASTM D (type 2) 30 lb felt underlagment installed with min. 4 side laps and L' and laps fastened with corrosion resistant tin caps and with 1.25" ring shank nails spaced L o.c. at all laps and two staggered rows 12 o.c. in held. Attach deck to trusses using attachment detall on this sheet 12 4 1 SLOPE, /?,% - a /7h FILE COPY JUN 2 0 2019 REVIEWED R c^^� COMP IANCE ICIE COUNTY BOCC 1/8" Thick cut coral stucco over paper backed wire lath nailed to substrate through one layer of 15 lb Pelt using 8d nails. Substrate to be 19/32" CDX Plgwood nailed at L" o.c. in field and edges with IOd ring shank galvanized nails into truss webbing. 8'- " BEARING ICI ICI ICI ICI IwI ICI ImI Iwi ICI ICI ICI ICI ICI I[0_i ICI ICI IM1 0011M ICI IM ICI ICI I1111111111 .o) ICI ICO71 ICI ICI FRONT ELEVATION SCALE. 1/4' - 1'-0' ALL CONTRACTOR WARRANTIES BEGIN WHEN THE CLOSING OCCURS BETWEEN THE BUYER AND WYNNE BUILDING CORP. AND WILL CONTINUE FOR ONE YEAR FROM THAT DATE PERMITTING INFORMATION (FORM 100) Florida Swlding Code Readentsil: 6th Edition and ASCE 1-10 for Wind Loading Sukling Design is: Enclosed Risk Category. II Wind Velocity: 165 mph ultimate Mean Roof Height: IIII'-OO' Roof Pitch: 4:12 Internal Pressure dents t e.le SubJectabilitµ to damage tram: Weathering: Negligible Termiter Vern Heava Width of Roof End Zone: 3'-4' Wind Speed: IL5 mph ultimate Wind Exposure Classification: C 1.21 x O.L = O.'126 Adjustment factor for Exposure Height: ASD+Sea n 6D Load Combination: ASCE 7-10 Section 2.4 DL+LL; DL+0.6WL; 0.L Ao L Components t Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) Roof Zone. I. +20.6/-32.6 pat Roof Zone: 2. +20.6/-51.0 pat Roof Zone. 3. +20.L/-84.0 psf Components t Cladding Wall End Zane Width: 3,_4a Components t Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) Wahl one:.+355.8/-388 pat Wall Zama: . +35.8/-4i.8 pat Components t Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) on Garage Doors+32.0/-40.3Pat Shear Walls Considered for Structure? Yes Continuous Load Path Provided? Yap Are Components an Cladding Details Provided? Yes Mirsmum Sal Beanna Pressure: 2J00 bal. Presumbtive: X Ba Test: Da ROOF LIVE LOAD: 31 pat ROOF DEAD LOAD: 10 pat FLOOR LIVE LOAD: _flL pat FLOOR DEAD LOAD: 10 pot JOB ADDRESS: Q - Roof Zone I Wails Zane 4 ® Won Roof Zone 2 alls Zone 5 END ZONE • R = Corner Zones oof Zarin 3 U1 nne Building . COr Model: Date Drawn : Revisiona : Sheet Comm u P 3-28-18 5-23-18 Garage floor slope and REAR T >�-{ E UJ 11~l D S O fit PORCH Drawn bg: smiles detector revision i c.c.U. 5 ankh Lakes LEFT Checked bg: Impact 5 . Lucie County Florida D.R.B.2. I& 0l 7(D OP 5 FLOOR PLAN Counter top - verify type with contractor Recess top plate L'w x 3/8"d 4" for steel wpport angl wee \ e detail on this cheat TYPICAL NOTES: SCALE 1/4" = 1'-0" I. Contractor to verify ALL notes and dimensions prior to CRASH POST DETAIL N.T.S. 3L" high bg 4" diameter C proceeding with Work. steel crash post. Floor Steel countertop Flange with 4 - 3/8" Install L" from a chpandtan ddgla 2. Contractor to STRICTLY enforce ALL OSHA Requirements. expansion bolts into one in center of counter. 3. ALL Lumber to be used as Beam, Rafters, etc... to have slab (3/8"t 50 ksi steel plate) we angle detail a minimum 1,400 P.S.I. fiber stress. 4. No dissimilar metals to touch. All 1/2' dr ywall S. ALL Concrete used for slabs shall be min. 2,500 PSI concrete. ALL Concrete used for vertical filled cells, cont. tie beams etc., to �" %2' shall be 3,000 P.S.I. concrete and/or 4,000 P.S.I. grout mix ° 6. Drywall at ceilings shall be leveled and attached to bottom chord M O 93/8" 2h" 12" x 12" Concrete column block filled with concrete and (2) #1 bars vert. tied into lintels above Base cabinet ry 2' x 8" wood studs at IL" o.c. 2' x 8' PT wood plate of trusses with screws per FBC R702.3.5. KITCHEN ISLAND FRAMING DETAIL 1. ALL wood in contact with concrete shall be pressure treated. 02 8. ALL wall dimensions are nominal and not finished wall or stud dimensions. 9. ALL plumbing fixtures to be low flow. 10. Contractor to Provide Drain at water heater in accordance with the current edition of the Florida Plumbing Code. 11. Contractor to Provide a 2'-8" wide door at one bathroom for handicap accessibility requirements. 12. Lowest finished floor to be set by Governing Building Department surveyor to set in field. 13. Separation between residence and garage shall be per FBC R302.6 14. Door between garage and residence shall be I-3/4"t 20 min. rated door Water Heater 15. Wall and Ceiling shall have a flame -spread classification of not greater than 200 per FBC R302.9.1 IL. Wall and ceiling finishes shall have a smoke -developed index of not greater than 450 per FBC R302.9.2 11, All exposed attic insulation materials installed on attic floors shall have a critical radiant flux not less than 0.12 watt per square centimeter. Exposed foam plastic insulation materials exposed on the underside of the roof deck or on the attic walls shall comply with F.B.C. R316 - see permit info box of code edition 18. Gypsum board material shall conform to ASTM C36, C19, C415, C514, Cill C931 C%0, C1002, C1041,C1177, CII-78, C1218 C1395, or C1394 and shall be installed according to the following: (FBC R102.3.5) TDh%nsu Location Orientation Mrembrf Spacing Mawmum f fape:r`en Nail wring options for installation or drywall into wow wood from members 2' x min. thickness Nails Y2„ Ceiling Perpendicular 24" 1• 12' 13ga i 3/8' long with 19/1&4' head 0.098' diameter x 1 1/4' long annular -ringed or 5d cooler nail OR 0.080' die. x 1 5/8' long with 15/0' headOR Walls Either Direction IL" 8• IL' Gyg1psum board nail 0.086' dui. x 5/8' with 9/32' head. Ceiling Perpendicular 24' 1" 12• Gas 1 5/8' long with 19/L4" head „ 0.098" diameter x 1 3/9' lama annular -ringed or Ld coder maul OR 0.092" die. xx 1 1/8' Ion with I/4" head Walls Direction IL" 8• IL' OR Gypsum board nail 0.01115' die. x 1 1/e' with 19/1.4' head. 19. ALL ceramic the surfaces installed shall conform to ASTM A108.1 thru A108.6, A108.1, A118.1, A118.3, A136.1 and A1311 20. Cement, fiber -cement or glass mat gypsum backers in accordance with ASTM C1288, C1325, OR C1118 and installed I.A.W. manufacturers recommendations shall be used as backer for the wall tile in tub areas and wall panels in shower areas. 21. Insulation including facings such as retarders or vapor permeable members installed within floor -ceiling assemblies, roof -ceiling assemblies, wall, crawl spaces and attics shall have a flame spread index not to exceed 25 with an accompanying smoke developed index not to exceed 450 when tested in accordance with ASTM E 84. Insulation shall comply with F.B.C. R316. Gulf Coast Supply and MPG 5v Crimp Metal roofing FL #11651.12 2L ga. IIIcrimg metal roofing attached to plywood deck using #9 x 1.5" wood screws with calf sealing member at 12" o.c. max spacing over ASTM D (type 2) 30 lb felt underlagment installed with min. 4 aide laps and L' end laps fastened with corrosion resistant tin caps and with 1.25" ring shank nails des�a�ed L" o.c. at all laps and two staggered rows 12" o.c. in field. Attach ck to trusses using attachment detail on this sheet KITCHEN r AAV 2'� I LAVI 2' 2 2� "0r j s VIM 4 MASTER .0 V 2• 1 i BATH �� 2"1 1 LA:2-000RY 2' uv i I ` I •I I IIII I uv�� _0009% BATH #2 SANITARY RISER rite Window Schedule Mark Size Rough Open. Window Description PRESSURE ZONE I. 4'-6i;'x 4'-i ia" 64ks"x 54)'e" Single Hong ZONE 4 2. V-24'xi 5'-3 %a" Is' x L3 %;' Single Hung ZONE 4 2'-2' x 3'-2h" 21!/2"x 38%' Single Hong ZONE 4 4. 3'-I' x 5'-3%:' Sr x 0'14" Single Hung ZONE 4 ALL Windows to be aluminum windows w/ tint and mullions per elevations. ALL windows to withstand pressures in permit info box ALL windows in bathrooms to be tempered All rough opening dimensions to be verified bg contractor with manufacturer a specs prior to construction on sheet I Door Schedule Mark Size Rough Opening Door Description PRESSURE ZONE A 9'-O' X 1'-O' 108' x 84' Overhead Garage Door ZONE 4 B 3'-O' X V-8' 41Ni4" x 8SN" F Panel - Inswi ZONE 4 C L'-O' X 6'-84 14" x 81 �2" 60ta1 I Sliding Glass Door ZONE 4 D 2'-0' X V-8' Solid Core - Wood - L-Panel -BrFdd Finished 24' x 81 %2" R 2'-1,' X 4'-8' Solid Core - Wood - L-Panel F 6'-0' X V-so Solid Core - Wood - L-Panel - BI-Fold G '-8' x V-8' x IN" Solid Care Wood, Steel, or Masorete Door H 2'-e' X i'-e' Solid Cori - Wood - 6-11"anel J 2'-L" X i'-8' Said Core - Wood - i-Panel - 131-few ALL Exterior doors to withstand pressures stated box on sheet #1 GARAGE DOOR SPECIFIED IN PRODUCT APPROVAL FORM WITHSTAND THE PRESSURES STATED IN PERMIT INFO BOX All rough opening dimensions to be verified bg contractor with manufacturers specs prior to construction in permit info AND SHALL ON SHEET #1 Simpson HETA 20 or equal burpie ne anchor al each trues 12 PRE-ENGINEERED TRUSSES I' x C P.T. B with (�O) IOd x I I/2' node ( 24' oc.) aupporthng Max. 4 at 24"o.e. TYPICAL block with case ISIOIba uplltft prior to door a (shop drawings bg manufacturer) Aluminum Drip �R-30 blown fiberglass Edge t Fascia in bottom chord or trusses I/2' drywall with smooth finish 2" x L" Sub -Fascia Two rows of beam block filled with concrete and (1) #5 bar cont. In each row. Substitute Kagcan full o vent vinYI sofrwt installed precast lintel filled with concrete and (U #5 using 1/8' die shank x 1.5• long gale. bar cant. for bottom row over openings rodng nails with 3/8" dish head per product approval - we chart "at s1 1/2" dr wall over I" x furringg strips at IL" o.c. with I ?1-toil insulation on tgptcal 8' Block walls 5/8' thick light textured All drywall to be installed per PBC R102.3.1 stucco on typical concrete I and shall meet all pertaining ASTM codes. block construction m Mortar to be Type "M' only proportioned per FBC RLO'1.1 - and Mortar Jonta shall comply with FBC R401.2.1. Provide Dur-O-Rock at all wet areas lax showers, tubs etc...) #5 bar vert. w/ 30" overlap Fill cell with concrete and at each filled cell tU #5 bar vert. (typical). Max. spacing shall not exceed Wood 48" unless otherwise noted Base see foundation plan notes for - spacing at openings 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR VxV #10/10 WWM on 6 mil Visqueen over clean compacted termite treated fill Grade 'S i. .t�'.. - III ���I III,,,I IIIIii1 Yl I-V x 14" Concrete footing with (2) #5 bars cunt." and #5 transverse bars at 40ei.c. TYFICAL SI=CTION Scale : 1/2" = 1'-0' Masonry Beam to nails / lla r Attach buck to block mall with 1/4' dia. Elco cone screws with min. 11/4' penetration at 12• o.c. max and 4" max from each corner thru Exterior face 2' x 4' PT Back or swill em nn sin weed sere" thro jamb into hook Detail at Door Olt oe to � ta I�� " �` and NTS INSTALL VULKEM BLOCK SEALANT ON ALL JAMB, HEADER, AND SILL BLOCK PRIOR TO BUCK O INSTALLATION r Install minds" thra back into block with 3/14' tap -can with 11/2' penetration at 6 o c. mom ftra each confer and 20.' to. max K heeeadhearnwltwd"er podl approval 20 K Exterior face Pin' Pr of wall Book to be i' x 4" PT P.T. Buck nailed to leek with case hardened nails Detail at Window S Prior to winds" attachment NTS 12" Verifg attachment7 hole location with GC prior to fabrication 3/8" thick L„ steel bracket Install SGD thru buck into block with 3/I4" tap -con with 1 1/2" penetration at L" o.c. max. 'thereafter corner nperr product approval P P PP Use 3AL" tap -con with 1 1/2" penetration at L" o.c. max. from each corner and 20" o.c. max thereafter at sill per product approval - I" x V P.T. Buck nailed to block with case hardened nails Head prior to door attachment fixed door sliding door Masonry Wall �;;..... i�n . COUNTER TOP BRACKET DETAIL Bottom Trac • Typical Flooring ,.� .,•='� ,Gill Install SGD thru buck into •" block with 3/IL" tap -con with Sliding Door Detail I I/2" Penetration at L" o.c. max. from each corner and 20." o.c. max thereafter at jambs per product approval JafAb At Masonry Wall NTS Braden 4 Braden AIA, PA O v Filled cell under girder above i O PORCH WIRE LATH ll STUCCO CEILING 19'-9" OE q' q ►oi I I I to 9'- " A.F.F. Vaulte Ceiling GRE,A� ROOM m i I N I I I 8'-0" I I o 9'-8" A.F.F.Aill Vaulted Ceiling DINING ROOM I 3/8' thick steel overhang u counter top supports �O„ counter t s to eq. eq. overhang vial 1 �T Ln i ;s lk 15, EGRESS 13'-II" MASTER BEDROOM 8'-0" A.F.F. Flat Ceding ME Rod t Shelf sl r -S OSEIt L - - - - - Rod E Shelf 0 31" WA541E DRYERA LAUNDRY Van® to 11 34 Y2' high 5,_3„ Ln i ih Vanitu to be 34 Y2' high , o, MININN SECOND BEDROOM o 8'-0" A.F.P. OIL- Flat Ceding O THiRD BEDROOM I J i 8'-0" A.F.F Flat Ceiling 12'-8" i+) s Q W IV w IL W I- struck block 2'-8„ ° R-n Dints tirdsnoii/ ° EMERGENCY 150 Am Provide auto Panel p closer ° r--- -------------� EGRESS -----------------1 ° 01 I I I I I I li I .nZQ IGOLF CART GARAGE ° I I O ® ® 2'-8" 9'-0" 2'-8" 6'-4" -8" 9'-0" 2'-8" 35'-O" F Square 'rootage Breakdown Total A/C Space = 1,153 eq. ft. Covered Porch Total = 212 eq. ft. Garage = 459 sq. ft. Total Cubic Ft = 14,02e4 Under Roof Total = 2,484 eq. ft. Wynno Building Corp. Date Drawn Revisions : Sheet REAR 3-28-18 5-�23-I8 Garage floor slope and -• TH UJ (�l D S O R PORCH Drawn by: smoke detector revision 2. LEFT c.c.La. Checked by: S aniah Lakes S, Lucie County Florida D.R.B. OF 5 Comm # 15-1688 impact i — — — —— —Z�-71 .7 1 r�lUL. I LAN/—'cL- INU I =0 I. ALL FOOTING ARE DESIGNED FOR A MINIMUM OF 2,500 PSF SOIL BEARING CAPACITY. IF ANY SUB -SOIL, MUCK OR NON -UNIFORM CONDITIONS EXIST, REPORT TO ARCHITECT AND OBTAIN PROPER ENGINEERING DATA FOR DESIGN. 2• ALL SLABS AND FOOTINGS TO BE A MINIMUM 2,500 PSI AT 28 DAYS ALL COLUMNS, FILLED CELLS, AND BEAMS SHALL BE MIN. 3000 PSI BE 3000 PSI OR 4,000 PSI GROUT MiX AT 28 DAYS 3. POISON SOIL AND COVER W/ 6 MIL. VISQUEEN WITHIN 24 HOURS. NO SOIL POISONING TO BE ACCOMPLISHED OUTSIDE OF FOUNDATION. 4 GROUND FLOOR SLAB TO BE A MINIMUM 4" THICK W/ 6X6 10/10 WELDED WIRE MESH REINFORCING ON 6 MIL. POLYETHYLENE VAPOR BARRIER ON TERMITE TREATED, CLEAN MACHINE COMPACTED FILL (MINIMUM 95% DENSITY). LAP POLYETHYLENE 12" MINIMUM. FIBERMESH MIX MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR WELDED WIRE MESH. 5• LOT TO BE CLEARED OF ALL SMALL PLANT GROWTH AND DEBRIS BEFORE FILL IS BROUGHT IN. FILL MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF CLEAN GRANULAR SAND CONTAINING LESS THAN 10% MATERIAL PASSING THE US STANDARD NO. 200 MESH SIEVE. PLACE STRUCTURAL FILL IN LOOSE LAYERS OF 12" IN THICKNESS AND COMPACT EACH LIFT TO AT LEAST 95% OF ITS MODIFIED DRY PROCTOR VALUE. 6• GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS. BRING ANY DISCREPANCIES OR OMISSIONS TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT. GARAGE FLOORS TO BE SMOOTH TROWEL FINISH (SLOPPED PER FOUNDATION PLAN). PROVIDE 1-1/2" RECESS FOR OVERHEAD DOOR 8. SLOPE ALL PORCH SLABS, COVERED WALK, ETC. AWAY FROM HOUSE TO DRAINS (IF PROVIDED) PER PLANS 9. DESIGN LOADS ARE AS FOLLOWS: ROOF (DL+LL) = 41 PSF WiND VELOCITY = PER PERMIT INFO BOX ON SHEET #I EXPOSURE ="C" 10. ALL REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE GRADE 60, MEETING ASTM A-I6, E A-35 SPECIFICATIONS. ALL ANCHOR TO BE A - 301 STEEL, II. ALL DOWELS, SLEEVES, CONDUITS, INSERTS, BLOCKOUTS, ANCHOR BOLTS AND FRAMES SHALL BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO POURING CONCRETE. FOR OPENINGS AND SPECIAL FEATURES OMITTED ON THESE PLANS, SEE ARCHITECTURAL OR MECHANICAL PLANS WHERE APPLICABLE. 12. MINIMUM CONCRETE PROTECTION FOR REINFORCING BARS: FOOTING: 3" BEAMS: 1-1/2" 13. LAP ALL REINFORCING STEEL A MINIMUM OF 48 BAR DIAMETERS. 14. USE STRUCTURAL GRADE WOOD WITH A MINIMUM Fb OF 1400 PSI 15. ALL STANDARD LUMBER SHALL BE SYP WITH A MINIMUM Fb OF 1000 PSI OF NO.2 SOUTHERN PINE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 16. ALL LUMBER IN CONTACT WITH ANY CONCRETE OR MASONRY SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED. FASTENERS TO HAVE MIN. G185 RATING. FOUNDA710N FLAN I. Ang changes to plans must be submitted to the architect SCALE: 1/4" = I'—O" for approval before proceeding with construction. 2. Contractor shall be responsible for verification of all notation and dimensions before starting construction. 3. Soil conditions assumed to be 2600 psf. Should ang other conditions be encountered, the architect shall be notified in writing for revision 4. V erif g all recess thickness at showers, tile, etc.... S. Contractor to provide filled cell with concrete and 1 #5 bar Vert. at 48" o.c. max. Provide (1) filled cell on each side of openings upp to 5'-II" wide. Provide (2) filled cells on each side of openings from 6'-O" to 9'-I1" and Provide (3) filled cells on each side of openings from 10 -O and up Contractor to see plans for ang other condition used. Foundation walls shall have filled cells at 24" o.c. unless otherwise noted (see section) 6. Contractor to provide for Form Board Survey - Form Board Survey to be provided to Truss Compang prior to truss construction 1. Contractor to provide for soil test prior to construction and provide a copy of soil test to architect for review prior to construction 8. ALL Reinforcing steel shall be grade 60, meeting ASTM A-16 and A-35 specifications. ALL Anchors to be A-301 steel. 9. Provide a minimum of 3" concrete protection at footings and 1-1/2" concrete protection at beams for ALL reinforcing bars. #5 bar wart. w/ 30" overlap — at each filled call 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR VxV #10/10 WWM on 10 mil Visqueen over clean compacted termite treated rill I= I 14'w x 14"d concrete monolithic footing with (2) #5 bars cont. F I TYPICAL FOOTING DETAIL SCALE 1/2" = 1'-0 " 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR 6 xb #10/10 WWM on 10 mil Visqueen over clean compacted termite treated fill i #5 bar cont. 41 s �r 10" (2) #5 bars cant. bottom steel 12" 2 DETAIL AT 4" GARAGE STEPDOWN SCALE 1/2" = 1'-0" 12' x 12" concrete column block filled with concrete and (2) 81 bars Vert. tied into lintels above Top of rooter 16" below finished floor_ Verifg house slab height In field Thicken edge to 8"x8" with concrete and one #5 bar continuous GRADE, FOOTiNG SCHEDULE Mark am Dean tron I 14"W x 14'D MONOLITHIC FOOTING WITH 2 #5 BARS CONTINUOUS 12"W X 144D MONOLITHIC FOOTING - 6" STEP DETAIL ON THIS SHEET 30" x 30" x 16"D COLUMN FOOTING WITH (4) #5 BARS EACH WAY 8"W x 8"D THICKEN SLAB EDGE WITH 1 #5 BAR CONTINUOUS ®14"W With x 14"D Curb at Garage MONOLITHIC FOOTING WITH 2 #5 BARS CONTINUOUS - CURB a 0'-0' 12"W X 18"D MONOLITHIC FOOTING - 6" STEP DETAIL ON THIS SHEET 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR Vxb" #10/10 WWM on 10 mil Visqueen over clean compacted termite treated rill PORCH SLAB EDGE DETAIL gr"`IAl t= i/1" = #5 bar vert. w/ 30" overlap at each filled cell Adjust curb height based on gar. floor slope. #5 bar in curb \ (III IIII�III 4L3011x3O"x16" concrete column footing with (4) #5 bars each way DETAIL 4' concrete slab with fibermesh OR VxV #10/10 WWM on 10 mil Visqueen over clean compacted termite treated fill -)" a F F Amt\ I 14"w x 14"d concrete monolithic footI ng with (2) #5 bars Cont. 14" ;2 GARAGE CURB DETAIL 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR 6"x6" #10/10 WWM on 10 mil Visqueen over clean compacted termite treated fill #5 bar Cont. in 0" (2) #5 bars cant. bottom steel 12" DETAIL AT 9" GARAGE STEPDOWN Termite Protection for New Construction. Soil treatment used for subterranean termite prevention inside the foundation perimeter shall be done after all excavation, backfilling and compaction is complete. If soil area is disturbed after initial chemical soil treatment area shall be re -treated with a chemical soil treatment including spaces boxed or framed. Treatment must be in accordance with the rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and consumer services. Protective sleeves around metallic piping penetrating concrete slab on grade floors shall not be of cellulose containing materials and shall receive application of termicide in annular space between sleeve and pipe. 2" x V PT wood secured with \ 3/8"dia. x V anchor bolt at 18" o.c. overhead door track secured to wood jamb per manufacturer's product approval Garage Door Jamb Detail GARAGE DOOR TO WITHSTAND PRESSURES STATED NTS IN PERMIT INFO BOX ON SHEET #I. SEE PRODUCT APPROVAL FORM FOR MANUFACTURER MAKE AND MODEL. Filled Cell Masonry Column With One #5 From Footing To Beam Each. Filled Cell Masonry Column With One Cone. Fill To Be 3000 PSI See Floor Plan For Location #5 From Footing To Tie Beam Cone. Fill To Be 3000 PSI See Floor Plan For Location .O Double Filled Cell Column Single Filled Cell Column NTS NTS 12' x 12" concrete column block Pilled U Pz.. T-,AA I I U / O L with concrete and (2) #1 bars vert. tied I into lintels above "12 8'-10Y2" m 10'-O" CIA J°t ® °I Filled cell under girder above I o I ° p Rear Porch Slab to be poured separatelq O from House Slab. Cr I a I a H.B. 0 IS'-3" r-------- FI — — — � I I FI 4„ I L FI IN I Thicken footing to I 24"w x 14"d x 24"L under Pilled cell under girder bearing. I I FI Rear (Patio/Slab to 4 FI be flush with bottom or sliding door recaes. 1 I Slope I" I I I I I I I 4" ¢oncrete slab with fibermes OR I 6"x6" ##,,10/10 WWM on 6 mil Visq en over clam compacted termite tr attvfill I I I C WASHE DRYER I I I 1 I I I I � I I I I jF1 I iI I I c I U U I I I I I i Dw , h i " i I I I 1 tsueR 0XV concrete O WWM on fibermesh viqenover Fi I i clem compacted termite treated Pill I I mNCORN VEN7 I R81'. se' CLEAR I 0 r= i f "! N - Steel Ballard detail on this sheet Attic Assess to 011110 o■L1L1�::,. ft ii 150 Amp s 5 : Panel 1 I I 4" s p 1 I I I Hill (L I I 51 r 1 -J QI 1 I I ----�J------� " 8 O t—————— — — — — —� 1.5" Recess for ° " ° O ° ° .5" Recess for ° arage oor ;a pi I Garage Uoor I 6-23-18 2'-8" 1 9'-0" _ 1 _2'-8" -1 _ 6'-4" _ 1 _ I _ 9'-011 _1-2'-8" Braden 4 Braden AIAe PA Wynne Building Corp. Architects - Planners THE W r N D s O R Tel S.E. Coconut Avenue l (112) 281-8258 Fax : (112) 2891-8283 Spanish Lakes E-mail: bradenaia comcast. net St. Lucie Count Florida GI OlAggL itAAf"nnnnA') Date Drawn Revisions : REAR 3-28-18 5-23-18 Garage floor slope and Drawn by: smoke detector revision PORCH C.C.U. LEFT Checked bg: D.R.B. I Sheet Comm # l5-158B impact OF 5 ROOF SHEETING ATTACHMENT DETAIL I. Minimum Nail Size = 8d ring shank (min. 2.5" long) 2. Minimum Screw Size = US x 2" 3. Minimum Sheathing Thickness 14/32" COX P(gwood 4. Use nails or screws based on ress re for roof stated in permit info box on these pans for zone 3 Ke Area Ede Field Fastener MaxPressure Zone I 4 If`" 8d ring shank 45 psf Zone 2 4 It 4 It Sd ring shank 7L pof Zone 3 8d ring shank 84 pef ** Zone 3a 6" 6" US wood screw 112.5 psf ** Use nails or rews based on res$ure for r of stated in permit info s box on these pl�ns for zone Provide #5 bars with min. 48 bar diameters overlap into beam. Tie filled cell steel into continuous beam block steel. It,, Provide Cast -Crete SUB-OB/OT precast set mortar Min. in Min. 8" Bearing Verify with Plan'1111] 1 Concrete i2ex 12" Lintel EIFColumn Block Column Rebar Rebar jm48 Bar Dia. Min. Overlap to Lintel Attachment BEAM SCHEDULE Mark Size and Desert tlOn Gulf Coast Suppll and MFG 5v Craap Metal roofing FL #11661.12 Two row* of beam block filled with concrete and I US bar 2L ga. 5v crimp metal roofing attached to plgwood deck using 09 x 1.5" BI eontlnuous In each row. Hook Vert. bar over top bar with wood screws with self sealing washer at 12' o.c. max spacing over ASTM D cS 90° bend bar with a 10e min. la at t bar. (tgpe 2) 30 lb felt underlagment installed with min. 4 aide laps and L" end p laps fastened with corrosion resistant tin caps and with 1.25' ring shank nails spaced L' o.c. at all laps and two staggered rows 12' o.c. in field. Attach II ii eckl'to itrusses using attachment detail on this sheet Addrecast Lintel itional Lintel Bar Clear A B #6 bars ctE.ie Length Length Span Barr Bars X-10" 2'-8" I'-6. 2,#3 none 1 1 1 1 1 1 3'-0 3'-4" 2'-2" 2,43 none eP9-013/IT OPS-ID/IT SPG-Ie/2T dditional 4'-0" 3'-10" 2'-8" 2,43 1 none ., , #5 bars clew , I 4'-6" 4'-4" 3'-2" 2,43 none •,3it:• ne Row oflock Abov5'-4" 5'-2" 4'-O"2.#3 none 2,#4 none r ;f.'.;. Precast Li-6"6'-4" 5'-4" 2,#4 none AdditionsI#5 bars --'� 1'-6" 1'-0" 6'-2" 2 #5 none eIRli-IS/IT eIRK-IS/2T 8'-4" 1'-101, 1'-O" 2,#5 none NOTES: I. min. coverage of steel=1.5" 2. min. bearing required a ea. end=e" ALL reinforcing steel is grade 60. 3. atandard for rainf. ateal=ASTM A615 TYPICAL LINTEL SECTION If PRECAST CONCRETE ) PT 4' Pre -cast Sill Provide #5 bar set in pre -cast R O C F F L A IN Scale : 1/2" = 1'-0" lintel into beam where length of the opening calls for it. - O I i- O u 1 h d h h ver sings at Un ass Ot erwlse note On t is s set — Roof pitch at +12 unless otherwise noted on this sheet — Truss shop drawings to be provided bg manufacturer Ang changes to this plan shall be submitted to the Z architect for approval in writing prior to starting construction. o - ALL TRUSS TO TRUSS CONNECTIONS BY TRUSS MANUFACTURER — Architect to review Truss Shop Drawings Prior 77- to construction for lagout and uplift verification Poured Filled Call — Contractor to provide for Form Board Survey and to provide Form Board Survey to Truss Compang prior to truss construction n Provide #5 bars iameters overlap with min. 48 bar W in filled cell. Tie filled call steel into continuous Tooter steel. • ._ Concrete rooting as .. .. J..., ,:.... .: •. ,., . L. _ (sse rooter schedule . for exact Siva) +••i X � DETAIL AT WINDOW OPENING IN CBS WALL Scale: 1/2" - 1'-0" q aQ n SINGLE PLY REAR GIRDER TRUSS I) I O u to di 'A go Nail 2' x Y blodcep to verL kr8 d trues with IOd x 1.5 Wet 4' aa. e E u 00 oD - to N Instal Simpim MOT rmmiito ad wag" hre moo "L bias and (A rodr�r 2m* to trove N F W TRUSS BLOCKING,, DETAIL 'r AT GiRDER STRAPPING AT CENTER BEARING POINT NTS I w 1/8" thick lig9ht textured stucco installed par ASTM C 926 over ASTM D tgpe 2 paper backed wire lath nailed to substrate through one lager of ASTM D Type 2 felt paper using 8d nails. Substrate to be 14/37 CDX Plgwood nailed at L o.c. in field and edges with IOd ring shank nails into studs. LINTEL SCHEDULE Mark woe U 8dt0iu 8 aRCeagori aHAbBmreck 8wtl" Slaw► Tbt�ielilliew t fPi P)"LL aeOuaKd L22 2'-2' V-0 8F8-01SAT — I 85 3069 1"9 1024 L31 -La II- 4'-0" 8IRS-OB/IT 1 85 2641 ISAS 1L3 L46 1 41-5' 1 S'-10" ePe-06/IT i I a6 1106 909 334 LSO 5'-0' i'-i' sra-OS/IT i 86 =0 an 121 LLO V-e' 1'-i' spa-OB/IT i 86 Ion 121 554 Leo V-O" T-4' SIRS-1e/2T 1 *6 2 #5 162 691 512 L9O 9'-O" 101-i' spa-I"T 1 86 2 #6 643 111 401 L908 T-O' 10'-4' IIF1L-11111/1T ONE 1 86 2 as 1633 Iles 401 I= W-O' II'-4' SIRS-I15/1T 1 85 1 85 582 444 452 LIO08 XV-O" 1 111-4" SPIL-6/2T ONE i 86 1 2 a6 Isis h718 462 L120 12'-0' IV-4" ePe-10/2T 1 s6 2 a6 411 428 324 L1205 IT-Off13'-4' sNi-8S/2T ONE 1 2 86 1015 110 324 LMO 14'-0' IS'-4' sIRli-15/2T ONE I 86 1 86 1250 L09 259 LILO W-O' IT-4' SIRS-1e/2T 1 *5 2 8s Soo 192 194 LWS IL'-0' IT-4" ePli-8!/1T ONE 1 85 2 e6 960 BOO M4 - ALL LINTELS SHALL BE MADE BY CAST-CRETE. - LINTELS SHALL BE FILLED SOLID WITH 3000 PSI CONCRETE - REFER TO CAST-CRETE CATALOG FOR ALL INFORMATION REGARDING LINTEL CONSTRUCTION. HANDLING INFORMATION. AND SAFE LOAD REQ. REQUIREMENTS - LINTELS OVER 14'-0" LONG ARE TO BE PRESTRESSED. Simpson HETA 20 or equal hurncaris nclwor at arch truss with (10) PO x I I/2 nails — ( 24' o.c.) suppportwng Max. lefolbs. up [It Aluminum Dri . Edge t Faacia 12" 2' x 4' Kalican full at vent vinyl safht installed uang 1/8' din shank x LF long poly. roofing nods with 3/8" dia. head per product approval - ace chart sheet 91 13' x 12' concrete column block rifled with concrete and (2) *1 bars vart. tied___ mto lintels above thicken edge to 8"x8' with concrete and one #5 bar continuous BEYOND Top of tooter IL" below finished floor 4 on hanaaiwal road into vertical a Aluminum Drip Edge t Fascia Flash and Counter v flash Nail ledger to gable end truss with (2) IOd " �its at each web \ hi -rib loth vertical re 5/8" thick light textured stucco on tgpical concrete block construction Varies - see plan #5 bar vert. w/ 30" overlap at each filled cell Rear Patio/Slab to be flush with bottom of sliding door recess. Stop per foundation plan - 4 Slope per foundation plan - --(IIIIIIII �' IIII �...: •:..... I � =0 Brace Gable end with 2" x 4" SYP #2 8ft back nailed to bottom of top chords using (2) IOd nails at each truss l shop drawings bill \R-30 blown fiberglass in bottom chord of trusses I/2' drgwall with smooth finish Two rows of beam block filled with concrete --and (U #5 bar cunt. in each row. Substitute �recast lintel filled with concrete and (1) #5 ar cont. for bottom row over openings, 1/2' drywall over I" x furringg strips at IL" o.c. with R'4.1 fr-foil insulation on tgpical 8" Block walls All drywall to be installed per FBC R10: and shall meet all pertainingg ASTM codes. ao Mortar to be Tgpe "M" onT(( proportioned and Mortar ,points shall complg with FBC p Provide Dur-O-Rock at all wet areas (or Fill cell with concrete and (U #5 bar vert. (tgprcal). 'Max. spacing shall not exceed 48' unless otherwise noted see foundation plan notes for spacing at openings 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR L'x6" #10/10 WWM on L mil Visqueen over / clean compacted termite treated fill Scale : 1/2" = i'-0" rr ) RL01.1 tubs etc...) Provide downspout Strap truss to wall tieing Simpson MOT with Simpson HETA 20 5/8' din. threaded rod with min 12" beam embedment hurricane anchor ice at each truss into (22) either wet set or in 111truss persdetaildonbthisishoot-, epoxgggwith oan supporting Max. log ETA 20 1810 lbs. uplift 1 WA FAA WA A I F", Al VAI FAA I Ar -1 IENRON ,FAAF ' 0 I I NPAP lip! ` ?A�Aru I WAA A PAP Anne I PEWA 5 FAA N A , A V�,a I I IPA "rulr 01WA, rAg d WA A AFAF ,its I INN—_ ICull e Ifl ��� .� A C,HET'O) ETA 20 Provide for gutter Simpson HETA 20 hurricane anchor at each truss Provide dornspout ! 24" o.c.) supporting Max. 1810 lbs. uplift I I x O� ty m w 03 d 7 C4 zL. Q s ad W to s O ao Nuh s PANEL "A" Pclea SR Load Wire Description amaa circa Description Wire Load BR Pales 2 40 1.0 kw a8 A/C comp I 2 AHU 010 3.5 ka 30 2 3 4 2 30 4.6 ko silo 40 gal. water HTR 6 L Ran 86 12.0 his 60 2 a 1 20 1.8 kw $12 Pump 9 Dr a10 9.0 kw 30 2 a 1 20 1.6 in a12 13 Dishwasher $12 1.2 kw 20 1 1 20 1.6 ke $12 Microwave ,6 J20 Refrigerator a12 1.2 kw 20 1 1 20 1.6 kw a12 Kitchen S.A.C. 11 Recepts a12 20 I 1 20 1.5 kw a12 Kitchen S.A.C. 19 Recepts 812 20 1 1 20 1 1.2 Its 812 Clothes Washer 21 22 Racepts $12 -" 20 1 1 20 1 0.81 kw a12 Garage Door Opener 23 24 Racepts a12 20 1 1 20 11.4 kw $12 26 24 1 Recapts 812 - 20 1 1 20 11.112 he a12 21 28 Recapts a12 - 20 1 1 16 - 814 General Lighting 29 30 Recapts a12 - 20 1 I Is - 814 General Lighting 31 32 Racepts a12 --' 20 1 I I6 - a14 General Lighting 33 34 Exterior GFCI $12 - 20 1 I 16 - a14 General Lighting 35 36 Bathroom GFI aIZ - 20 I 1 20 a12 smoke Detectors 31 38 I General Lighting a14 - 15 I 1 20 $12 am BothraGFI 39 40 General Lighting 414 - 16 I spare 41 42 1 spare PANEL 'A' LOAD CALCULATION 844EET Load Description Qt . Watts Total(Watts) General Lighting .13. watts sg, ft.) Small. Appliance. Clrcwt(a) . . . . . ......... . , ... Range .... I .. Rerrlperator .. t1ieromavo.................................................. plsh . Wesher ....................................................... Clo;hep, ,lpagh9r............. .................................. lrIR\hep..Qryer................................................ Water Heater . ............................................................ Water Pump. _ . ,Garage,poor.Opensr.............. I ....................... I 1136 3 6.205 2 1,500 3.000 1 12,000 12,000 1 1200 1200 1 1.500 1500 1 1,200 1,200 1 1,200 1,200 1 5.000 51000 1 4 00 4500 1 1800 1800 I 810 810 Total Watts 31.415 First 10000 Watts e100% 1 10,000 10,000 Remainder 21,415 e40% 1 O 10.9619 Electric Heat or A/C 10.000 065% 1 10,000 10,000 Calculated Load Watts 30.5LL Voltage 240 Calculated Wattage Divided bg Voltage = Total Amps1 129.03 Panel Size Required = 150 Amps Electrical S mbol Legend S Sayllo Pole switch ® Recessed Can Light 66 Double Pole switch Bushell Recessed e Push Button Switch Exhaust Pan -8 Duplex outlet Q C Mounted Light -0 Special It 0- Way Mounted Light Waterproof. gregrld fait RMWnOtm Light with Pull Chan (attic) ® Floor Duplex Outlet © Comilpagir Connection Jack ® Carbon Manmade Detector 4t? Pload Li T� Thermo" m Electrical Panel Central Vae 8 Electrical Meter ® Smoke Detector IV Coma fan ® Television Jack ® Telephone Jack o � I A/C Disconnect ® I x 4 Flo•eseant Light 2 x 4 Fliareaesrnt Light ® Speaker Hook -Up D Intercom J Q = JUNCTION BOX TO SUPPORT A FAN = THERMOSTAT LOCATION BSA = Balanced Air Electric Notes: I. Use copper wire onlg, no aluminum. 2. Provide and wire all required smoke detectors. 3. Contractor to verify location of electrical service and provider. 4. ALL paddle fans shall be on a rheostat. 5. ALL bath and kitchen receptacles to be GFI protected. 6. ALL exterior outlets to be WP/GFI protected. 1. Recessed cans to be installed per NFPA requirements. 8. AFCI receptacles are required in all rooms except Kitchen, Bathrooms, and Garage. 9. A/C Return Air Balance Must comply w/ FBC RMI602 10. A/C Refri i��/r t lines that are run thru slabs must be sleeved in II. ALL A/C Equipment shall comply with energy calculation 12. All work shall be performed bg a licensed electrical contractor, the completed aystem shall be fullg operative. 13. Contractor shall pay for all Tees, permits, testing, and inspections including blower testing where required. 14. All work shall be coordinated with other trades to avoid interference with the progress of construction. 15. All required insurance shall be provided for protection against the public liability and property damage for the duration of the work. 14. Contractor shall guarantee all materials and workmanship free of defects for a period of not less than two years from the date of acceptance or certificate of occupancy, or one year from closing sale of house. Correction of defects shall be completed without additional charge and shall include replacements or repair of any other phase of installation that may have been damaged. 11, It is not the intent of these plans to show every minor detail of construction. The contractor shall furnish and install all items for a complete electrical aystem and provide all the requirements necessary for the equipment to be placed in proper working order. 18. All work shall be done in accordance with the N.E.C. and shall comply with all local codes and ordinances, and shall meet all standard requirements of the local electric utility and teleehone comoanu. A/C dim. ISO Alwmnua feed I n e I wit _ PANEL 24 PVC I 2' rigid service FPL I I'o">�5 earie��iberaine slab ELECTRICAL RISER 3 TON SEE MANUAL 'J' and Energy Calculation for Unit info - Contractor shall no AL-CU Landing - Contractor shall torque lugs I.A.W. lugs. NTS I manufacturers recommendations which shall be verified prior to construction 19. The electrical aystem shall be completely and effectivelt� grounded as required bg the latest edition of the N.E.C. 20. All material shall be new and shall bear underwriters' labels where applicable, 21. All equipment and panel sizes shall be verified before ordering. The contractor shall provide circuit routings to suit the job conditions, 22. Furnish and install all fixtures as called for on the plans or as selected bg others. 23. All raceways and pipes placed in or through any concrete slab shall be spaced a minimum of three diameters of the largest conduit or pipe from any other service. 24. All exposed wire below T-I" shall be Installed in metal EMT conduit. 25. Dryer Vents to be installed per FBC RM1502 PORCH 141 CFM IOx100 GREAT 141 CFM 10x1ox1 DINING ROOM I `� I I - - I DW I ° 141 CFM IOx1ox1 I In I 124 Claim I 103d" KITCHEN I n"�"O1Vr'vE� I REF. 36' CLEAR L OPeNMG 4'0 Steel Ballard -See detail on this sheet r----- Atttm A�as L _"`h_Mk _ Jl GARAGE r----------------- i I I I I I I I I I , I , 12 S O /A r-w 12' IL' 20x20 Barr � �! J 124 CPM IOWOx6 /MASTER BEDROOM 124 CFM IOxIO" 0 r-a I'hQ1W B/A It Clem LOSE - 0 50 CFM WASHER DRYER LAUNDRY *x4x4 IL CFM ex4x4 III CFM 12xLx1 SECOND BEDROOM :! S�A THIRD BEDROOM 100 CIS M 150 Amp Panel GOLF CART GARAGE I I 1 1 I I I I MECHANICAL LAYOUT OTHERMOSTAT LOCATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0 " PORCHEP '1> WP GFCI 1 MASTER BEDROOM rI CID I _ ------ I I IJ I I I ° I r I I GREAT! ROOM I I I I I � L Vent thru I \ Berta I Install oulet under disc, not shown for clarity WP GFCI Ul Q U I ! i IT HE' Rol ItTa O ar C OPE 06 LOSET \ WASHER DRYER I \ DINING \ LAUNDRY #_\ ROOM 5'4 Steel Ballard ee detail on this sheet r----- 22' Attic Aopr. .ui;;; T mI 0 OPTIONAL PANEL . LOCATION +� 1_4 SECOND 1 `BEDROOM 1 CM $ THIRD f rV W� ----BEDROOM IDTI I � � IQ, I \ I _ 1 � lrllb • / GFCI L '� \ \ GFC GARAGE ice `r 1 / I! iO Ampi GFCI \ GFci Panel r--------a-------� \ �•�--------� , Garage , �"" Garage I EL Door , \ Dear Opener , \ a , Opener , a _ p \\ ; GOLF CART Wire For Front Post i i 11 I GARAGE I Light G I I to garage Ights GFcr I I I I � 1 1 WP GFCI ELECTRICAL FLAN O Post Light with r Photo call SCALE: 1/4" = I'-O" Center Post Light between driveways Attic Venting Calculations Total Attic Space = 2101 sq. ft. FBC 2309. Venting Ratio 1/150 = 18.00 sq. ft. required Provide A Continuous Vented Soffit Braden It Braden ,41A, PAWy_nne Building Corp. MODEL: Date Drawn : Revisions : Sheet Comm # Architects - Planners 12-6-I�-23-18 Garage floor slope and 411 S.E. Coconut Avenue tel (772) 281-8258 J J III `j�l O Q T �I Vu I I `l I\ REAR Drawn bg: smoke detector revision PORCH e.e.u. S anish Lakes Fax : (112) 281-8283 E-mail: bradenaiascomcast.net LEFT Checked bg: IOB Stuart FL 3,4996 #AAC000032 St, Lucie Count} Florida 1 D.R.B. A I OF 5 A=LIFE SAFETY WARNING This symbol identifies Life Safety Warnings that should be read given special attention by all persons installing trusses. 5PAGING NOTE ALL TRUSSES ARE TO BE SET AT 2'-0: ON CENTER EXCEPT A5 NOTED ASTENED TOGETHER PER ENGINEERING BEFORE SETTING. REFER TO ENGINEERING DRAWING TO DETERMINE A IF MULTIPLE PLY. DON'T LIFT TRUSSES WITH SPANS LONGER THAN 30' BY THE PEAK. CONSULT BCSI 30' Spanlor less Al 30' to 60' Span Leo degrees Spreader Bar or less 112 T dg amine spcc approx. REFER TO BCSI Truss must be set Inls way If crone used. Truss Is an example, yo,r :ross may not mstch. nsist crane operator sets truss this way. troy �_Aoprox 2/3 to Line 1/2 of Soon REFER TO BCSI iss must be set this way if crane used. This is on example, truss may not match. Insist crane operator sets truss this way. All load bearing walls, headers, beams & lintels must be in place at indicated height before trusses A are installed. Al R 1 iA1V F=>Ill IF—=R NOTE UNLESS NOTED ELSEWHERE ON THIS LAYOUT, THESE TRUSSES ARE NOT DESIGNED FOR AIR HANDLERS IN THE ROOF OR FOR ANY OTHER A/C REQUIREMENTS. THIS MAY BE IN CONFLICT WITH BUILDING CODE AND A/C DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. CONSULT WITH BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND A/C CONTRACTOR. Carrying Girder For Truss to Truss Connections see hanger/connector ails must be as shown. Guideabs o schedule in engineering Domes gle nags. package. Carried Truss SEAT PLATES BY CHAMBERS N „+F".,s yI w-a.a TRuf LanrveR -- aHaY �Rk, CORNER DETAIL_ OVERHANGS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY - upset=1/4" heel=315/16" PLUMB CUT END 2 x 4 Top Chord WALL HEIGHT 8' END DETAIL: TYPICAL VAULT upset=1/4" heel=315/16" PLUMB CUT END 2 x 4 Top Chord WALL HEIGHT 8' TYPICAL END DETAIL TRUSSES FOR THE FIRST MODEL_ SHOULD BE SHIPPED AND SUCCESSFULLY SET BEFORE ANY MORE TRUSSES ARE BUILT FOR T-TAT MODEL. ARRANSE WITH CRANE OPERATOR IN ADVANCE FOR A SPREADER BAR OF 18' - 24' IN LENGTH A I� I Do not stand on trusses until they are braced per BCSI & properly nailed to straps & hangers L I C L 15-1� 19'-9" ^ �19'-9" ., 1-3" 5' � I _ J INDICATES LOAD BEARING REQUIRED BY TRUSSES SUPPLIED BY BUILDER AT A HEIGHT OF W-0" ABOVE FINISHED iFLOOR o N 111 n r n GRA BHA 11, 1 7 assesse il%offill 'mil- ���� ���� INVERTED "V" WEBS AT CENTER W/9' B.C. PANNEL. LOAD WJ (2) IL--- N r���� WIMIMIMIMIMIN PORCH RIGHT ah1q- ® ti 11 hL INVERTED "V" WEBS AT CENTER W/9' B.C. PANNEL. LOAD W/ (2) I. �FF O r�1i �40 'IV I I I I i' CLOU'SED AREAS ARE OF / SPECIAL CONCERN & MUST BE 1 CHECKED CAREFULLY & MAY 1 INDICATE DEVIATION FROM PLANS. .. I I t I I I 1 N , sl .l > ? I GRA BHA TRUSSES CANNo~rBRiCgT "ONIAGREEMEN paReTURNeD.... T1ia legal description of the props where �' the trna90 xill be Installed Is; The underslgne eeknowtegea end agree°;_ Is th ee will a made In strld accordance trig, this true° placement diagram out, which le the wb authority for determinin s 2,All dimensions h this layout have been ev rifled by Ne851 cunide pre �88es, do .3, Unlea's wnkan notice 4 provided by oertlfled mall to Chambere Trues within ten (10) such owrittenhnotitice Is turn hetl Chamber Try :o backcherges will be allowad,.ln the event to begin a alre a ulred, or to aubeti" othe, buehall have three (3) buaklasa days in which ! The underslgned adcwvdedges receipt of,gC°�j j.ap3Csummers tl3° 8. DeWery b to Job ales. k Is Nab �' n. delivery. Chambers Truw ha° the wle aWlro roe or' sheet by Tau WiG4, Potion of the Job eke for dative ponsiblilry to make Ne Job eke aulteble for The buyer le reaponalble for addklonel delhreeo tletermine Nn sultabllky of the Job site or a ruse will be reaponelble for tlump deINery only. beoer Is Job efts is riot laepered for delivery or bxPanses k Chambers True° has to redeliver Buyer le roeponeible to Chamber TNea for tovnng zero dno ue W e d It call 8. Prlca ee shown I �' of trua as' thla.laybuL A S h0 n Pr arePh 7 below Ia subJect to change k any chengea are. made In . r 7h15 Is a Pon CHAS O, Rstc Chambers Ter' ad by hhB sum agree to or k in agreement a reeaonabI price, ImroIce will be msde on delvery and pall within terms of no on dollvery. Invoice may be made at echeuled date bf delivery I{ buyer cannot acts delltrery of fabdcatsd trusses. The undersigned agrees to pay Chambers er cannot nosonable shsiv ywl fee for eolleUlon6 In evert Poaf pa rrlerrt e�elmety made. 1.12 % Jce all wig be added Inn sums not kI 8. Signature or Initials o Per month sere nrwllere on this sheet consgtutea agreement to ell terms herein. 9: 1n wnslderetlon of Chembere boas extending cradle for I, material tee underein. 'Chdmbere Tnua by any en es payment when due of any end all Indebtedness owe to Indebtedness Including recelNng material end the unddrelgneagrees to e redplerd.' g attorneys fees, r default In payment for material be made by the 70. In Ne event of any algetlon concemthg this agreement, the tteme fumlahed hereunder or payments referred to hareln, the, parties agree Net the ePle venue (or any such action will ba tall baiols County, Flodtla. N. Design responslhlllUee era per Net Standanl And ReIIbmmanded-Duldallnea On Raaponslbllltlea For Construction Using Metal plate Connected Wood Tru°see ANSI?PWVTCq 4.20D2 DATED STONED !0.R Trri 7A7spfinal readw1w ba eletedPer''smust be fastened together Per englneering t; failure to do so can result In roof co eerie, manent bras leg are required and can save life d Is the responslblilty, of the truss erector. 'Study the contents of the Information packet Included on delivery beforesetting trusses. Thesesmoatbeaoandbracedperdesl8ntopreysrdlt aY& carnegal Trusses must be set plumb and square Do not set bunks or stack of plywood roofim other cotitentrated loads on trusses ' 9 material or any this can cause collapse, SNOT SET TRUSSES USING THIS LAYOUT 'E USE LAYOUT DELIVERED WITH TRUSSES TO SET TRUSSES CHAMBERS TRUSS INC 3105 Oleander Avenue Fort Pleri Florida 34982.8423 800-551-5932 Fort Pierce772.408.2012 Vero Beach 772-589.2012 Fax 779-05-8711 Iiii aeui t, Stuart '772-2863302 YA■aCCDsiTGl raS'CnM . -rhe Archita;_.,,. r'epresentative's shop dr'"ing 1pld'a,vai is NOT a "double check" of the contractor. The contractor shall remain responsible ! for checking field measurements and other construction criteria, Architect's approval covers general roof shape, review of truss strapping, and loading on structure from -r :.ity and uplift loads and their re active lot. do/yl s. Approved By� Date: ���Vl� Braden & Braden 92.0/93.2 MITEK 4.2 DESIGN CRITERIA County SAINT LUCIE Building Department ST LUCIE COUNTY Wind Design Criteria ASCE 7-2010 Wind Design Method MWFRS/C-C hybrid Wind ASCE 7-10 Roofing Material Shingle or Shake Loading in PSF Roof R.D.L. c Top Chord Live 20 Top Chord Dead 7 4.2 R � w to c Bottom Chord Live 10 Non -Concurrent r Bottom Chord Dead 10 3 c TOTAL Load 37 7.2 w ( y Duration Factor 1.25 r� Wind Speed 165mph m T Top Chord C.B. Sheeting by builder. Bottom Chord C.B. Sheeting by builder. w = Highest Mean Height 15'-0" Building Type ENCLOSED Building Category ILNon Restrictive Exposure Category C Barrier Island No Conforms to FBC 2017 K.u.L.=rtesualining tread Load C.B.=Continuous Brecin Verify DESIGN CRITERIA shown above with the building department and your engineer. Design Criteria is the responsibility of the Building Desi ner and/or En ineer of Record. LOOL Chambers Truss Inc. Drawing Name: M11392 WScale: 1 /4 = 1' 82 total trusses, 15 different trusses. MI 4: RLC ACAD: RLC Reviewed By: 7 Fannie Date:10/07/15 Revised:03/21/18 (J) FOR 114 4• Q WYNNE BUILDING CORP. PORCH LEFT DESCRIPTION: 71' CARLTON 3BED REAR PORCH PAGE 1 of 1 CUSTOMER INITIALS EACH PAGE 15 TRUSS DRAWINGS ARE ATTACHED TO LAYOUT M11392 ,yogi L.15nL� -)&olq