Ron Raymond Construction
Planning & Development Services
Building & Cale Regulation Department
2300 Virginia Ave
Fort Pierce, FL 34982
772-462-2165 Fax 462-6443
1 Fa
sFp �`"Fo
pst.V% Ig1p,9
Address: 1008 Gopher Ridge Road, Fort Pierce Florida 34982
The undersigned hereby certifies that insulation as been installed at the above described property as follows:
1. 6dedor CBS walls have been insulated with ........... ........_...... {) Spray on cellulose
which thickness, according to the manufacturer. -_ () Fibergiasblankets
(Density N/A) will yield an "R" value of () Aluminum Foil
() other
Exterior Frame wall have been insulated with ........... _............
To a thickness of2.9 inches, which thickness, according to
the manufacturer, SES suciaseol(Densrly N/A) will yield an
"R" value-of:l l .
2. Ceilings - Level - have been insulated with _.._.._..___..._.-....
to a thidknesso tZ%inches, whirh'thidkness, according to
the manufacturer,m Sucrasea) (DensityN/A) will yield an
'R'value of20
Ceilings- Cathedral - have been insulated With :...... ... .........
to a thidmess of _, indr_es, which thidmess, according to
the manufacturer, - Density (N/A) will yield an
R' value of
3. Interior knee walls have becrr insulated Wrth ...---._.._...._.
to a thickness of5.25 inches. which thickness, according to
the manufacueer, sES Sutraseal (Density N/A) will yield an
"R'value of 20
4. Garage partition walLt of kvnditioned Irving areas have been
Irsua`sl with . ,............._..._.»...__.........._
to a thickness of 3.5- inches, which thickness, according to the
manufacturer, Cedairiieed, (Density N/A) will yield an
"R"value of 11
{) Spray on cellulose
() Fiberglass blankets
() Aluminum Foil
{>fl ra foam
() Fiberglass blankets
() Fiberglass loose fill
()o epray Mfogr`mWl
()Fiberglass blankets
() Fhetglass loose fill
{) Aluminum roil
() Other Cellulose SAB
() Fiberglass blankets
() Potyurethane
O ra on cellulse
0ro foam
0 Fiberglass'blankets
(} Spray an cellulose
() Polyurethane
() other
St. Lucie MCI*
MULTI -FAMILY, R6TDEMAL CONSMxftON ONLY: The cammcn.(party) walls separating different tenants shall be insulated as
follows - Frame/Metal stud watts R-11(Min); CBS or Concrete walls R-3 (Min) by Energy Code requirements. See Energy Code
Rev.1/87, paragraph 903.2(b), on pages 947, latest edition. These "minimum levels of insulation" are not included the Energy
Calculations, but shall be installed in the field..
NOTE: Densities of sprayed.on, loose fill, or any other composed -on site insulation, shall be the PCF (lb/ft3) average of three (3)
"DRY SAMPLES` of actual lnstalfation.
MER Enterprises, LLC
Print Name of Insulation ContraGor Signature of insulation contractor
26202 9/18/2019
rt)fication Number Data of Certification
A-z 1Y L YOU., G
Aotary?ub;ik Sra;ecFar�.
-'Y Co-m-6enes Ju;'. 2022
30r..Y4 tnrcu;h ha5onx hc:eG. As-