HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBMITTED DOCUMENTSST. LUCIE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE, ROOM 201 FT. PIERCE, FL. 34g62-5652 407-462-1553 DESIGN CERTIFICATION FOR WIND LOAD COMPLIANCE This Certification Is to be completed by the project design architect or engineer. This Certification must be submitted with all applications for building peril involving the construction of new residence (single or multi-bmiy), residential addition, any accessory structure requiring a building permit, and any nonresidential structure. This Certification shall not apply to interior renovations (provided that no eWctural walls, columns or other similar component Is being effected) and certain other minor building perits. For further asslstancepleap contact the Building Inspection Office at 462-1553 or 462-2172. i PROJECT NAME .: <.:OFFICE'i1SE".ONLY STREET ADDRESS PR NUMBER .o � ' r-i PERMIT NUMBER 13Y I G CL-CE, F.L- . OCCP. TYPE /q St. LUCID. ft CST. TYPE CERTIFICATION STATEMENT: 47D7o5g1 I CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO COMPLY WITH THE APPLICABLE STRUCTURAL PORTION OF THE BUILDING CODES CURRENTLY ADOPTED AND ENFORCED BY ST. LUCIE COUNTY.' I ALSO CERTIFY THAT STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS DEPICTED ON THESE, PLANS PROVIDE ADEQUATE RESISTANCE TO THE WIND LOADS AND FORCES SPECIFIED BY CURRENT CODE PROVISIONS. I. BUILDING CODE EDITION USED (YEAR) .1. 1_l::L SSCCI ASCE 7-W OTHER (SPECIFY) L' BUILDING DESIGN IS (CIECK OW ENCLOSED PARTIALLY ENCLOSED OPEN BUILDING !. BUILDING HEIGHT: J FT 4. WIND SPEED USED IN BUILDING DESIGN: �110 MPH I. NAND EXPOSURE .CLASSIFICATION (REFER TO EXPOSURE TABLES IN BUILDING CODE IOETnrFIrD IN we aq: 4 AVERAGE WIND VELOCITY PRESSURE ON EXTERIOR FACES OF STRUCTURE: 25 PSF PEAK WIND vELocmr PRESSURE ON mmRIOR FACES OF STRUCTURE: -� PSF i. IMPORTANCEAISE FACTOR (OBTAIN FROM BUILDING CaXj 1. LOADS: FLOOR 4— 0 PSF ROOFMEAD: I PSF ROOFANE 3�PSF o. WERE SHEAR WALLS CONSIDERED FOR STRUCTURE (CHeoc OM YES ✓ NO II NO, why? (amch explanation) 1. IS A CONTINUOUS LOAD PATH PROVIDED (c Ecic oM YES V NO If NO. why? (mach .ellanation) t ARE COMPONENT AND CLADDING DETAILS PROVIDED (c EM ow) YES NO If NO, whyl (mid •, elmtarutlan) MINIMUM SOIL BEARING PRESSURE 2EJ O O PSF r LS'WITNESSED BY MY SEAL, I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION INCLUDED WITH. THIS :ERTIFICATIION IS TRUE AND CORRECT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. AME: M-d D, � � C �L.I)L'CERTIFICATION NO: iESIGN FIRM: DATE.mmm (SrAL 9--� .11 /Np 07 � � •w w of sEc. 25-34- 39 DESCRIP7IDN: The South S of ihelFollowing d'eacni8ed pnopeaty, to -wit: The faet 300 Feet of the We4t"377 Feet of the NO b of the SW $ of Section 25, 7ownehip 34 South, Range 39 faeiJ Leae the Nonth 330 Feet, Fnontiny 524.32 reef, mane on leae, on Xiag'n Highway/ and LESS the Noath 200 Feet of the Nonth 447.4 Feet of the South 527.4 Feet of the fact 300 Feet of the Weet 377 Feet of the NO % of the SW c of Section 25, 7ownehip 34 South, Range 39 faei, St. Lucie County, Flonida. SURVEYOR'S N07fS: 1. Londe ehown heneort weae not aHetnacted Foa nighia of way and/on eaeementel neconded Hy ihie oFFice. 2. Legal Deecnipiion was eupplied Hy client. 3. Ownertehip of Fencee unknown. 4. Legend of Sunuey AHHneuiatione on Back of this eketch. 5. Flood Zone X � SI7f PLAN CLR77FIED 70: Weei Riuea Packing 1 hereby certify that the attached stretch of survey of the hereon described property is true and correct to the, hest of my knowledge and belief as surveyed under my di&cction.' I further ceteify that this survey mods the minimum technical standards for land surveying in the Slate of Florida (chapter 61G17.6) p�.usuant to section :72.027, Florida Subject to We qualifications noted hereon. EIAEL P. MCLA ' }II.fN PROFEss10NAL I.Ar�v SURVEYOR FLORIL?A REGISTRATION NO. 2960 a01INDa/2y suRvEy CE/27I7IED TU; Gleet /2iuea Packing le 1 This certiftcatioa is made only to above named panic for putChBae and/or mortgage of herein delinmled property by above named pwcluiwr. No responsibility or liability is assumed by surveyor for use of survey for any other purpose ircludmg but not limited to, use of survey for survey affidavit, resole of property, or to any other perm not listed in certifiratim, either directly at indirccUy. McLaughlin Land Surveying, Inc. SCANNED 498 Maple Avenue St. LUCIeL'OUr➢$9/ Ft (407) 465-05082 FAX: (407) 489-0790 DATE: �727-910 (SCALE: �•,: �jp . DWN. BY: ,JZ.,� JOB NO.: ek I I , NO Legend of Survey Abbreviations ' A Are Lorgth GO Grade RES Residence AfC Air Conditioner ONO Grand RET Rdenliormats" g + ACCMP Asphalt Coaled GOVT Govnmianl RNO Rorge ComVeled Metal Pipe DW Guy Who 1VW Righl-ol•Woy ADDN Addition HORIZ Horizontal S South ALUM Aluminum HW Head Wall SAN Sanitary ASPH Asphalt HWI High Water Lino SCM Sol Concrete h"irnam AVE Avenue IV Imad SCN Screen BL Bass Una L LwVth Be Soulheaet BLK Block LB Land Surveyor Business SEC Section BLVD Boulevard LP LIQN Pole SEW Sewer BM Bench Mark US Land Surveyor SIP Sol Imn Pipe BNDY Boundary LT Left SIR Set Iran Rod BOT'T Bottom MAS Masonry SN Set Nag CALC Calwiated MEAS Measured SP Screen Porch . CS Chord Bearkg MH Men Hale SR Stalo Rued GB Concrete Book MKR Marker ST Street CO Chord Distance MN Mean STA Slellon r ` CL Center Una MOL More or Lea STM Slorm C-L Chain Unk Foxe MSL Mean Sao Level STRUG Siructure CM Concrete Monument N Nab STY Story CMP Comgald Metal Pipe Nan Nal and'Dlek SUB Subdivision CONIC Camrata NAVO North American SW SaprweM COR Caner Vertical Datum T twwq COV Covered NE Nonheaet TB Top of Barak CR County Road NOVD National Geoddrtlllo Tam Temporary Banda Mark CIS Concrete Slab Vadkal Datum TEL Telephone ,CT Court NO Mnnber TR TracVTral CULV Cu?vwI NW Northwest TRANS Tnnwlamer D Dead OE Overhead Electric TV Television On DB Dead Book OR Official Record TWP Towoshlp DIST Distance P .- Rat UGO J Udommnnd ° DOT Department of PAR Parcel UTrI Utilities. Transportation PAT Patio V Vertical DR Drive PO Plat Back VAR Vedas DRA Drainage PC Point of Curvature 'W West Retention Area PCP Permanent Control Point WO Wood I DAN Drivawsy PIED Pedestal WM Water Motor E East PO Page WMN Wolff Main ELEC Electrical PI Pohl of lnteteectlon WV Water VMwe ELEV % Elevation PK Parker Kahn Ned ENCL Enclosure PI ' Property Une SYMBOLS ESMT 'Eseemonl PLTR Planter a Delta Anglo FCM Fond PM Pawn Meter 00 De reps Concrete Monmwil POO Point of Boginnkg 0' Minutes . FD - Faired • — - -PP Power Pole or Seconds FF Finish Floor PPED Phone Pedeetsl a92.5 Editing Elevation FFE Finish Floor Elewlon FIRM Permanent Proposed Elmaan ' FH Fire Hydrant Reterornce Monument nn�; Proposed Sudeca Flow i FIP Fend Iran Pipe PT Point of Tongercy, a Found Imn Pin or Pipe FIR Fond Iran Rod PWR Power 0 Set Iron Pin and Cap ,FL FTowlina R Record by Rat or Dead - ■ Found Concrete Msrkor FM Fletd Measured RAO RedallRodius O "-Sol Concrete Marker . FN Fend Nall RCP Reinforced .... - • Dists a Nat Suppoled LIAR Garage Concrete. Pipe by Flak) Meanramore . It 1 '1 111 ` r i .. 1 • n r ll 1.1111.t iaJ a