HomeMy WebLinkAboutTRUSS PAPERWORKLumber design values are in accordance with A 1 section 6.3 W1 These truss designs rely on lumber values established by others. SCANNED MiTeko St. Lucie RE: 2020094-REGENCY-BAUMGARDNER - 2020094 Regency DKI Baumgardner Ifigi&MA, Inc. Site Information: 6904 Parke East Blvd. Customer Info: Regency DKI Project Name: Baumgardner Residence Model: Garage pa, FL 33610 4115 Lot/Block: - Subdivision: Indian River Estates Address: 5012 Birch Drive, - - City: Fort Pierce State: FL Name Address and License # of Structural Engineer of Record, If there is one, for the building. Name: License #: Address: City: State: General Truss Engineering Criteria & Design Loads (Individual Truss Design Drawings Show Special Loading Conditions): Design Code: FBC2017/TP12014 Design Program: MiTek 20/20 8.2 Wind Code: ASCE 7-10 Wind Speed: 170 mph Roof Load: 40.0 psf Floor Load: N/A psf This package includes 7 individual, Truss Design Drawings and 0 Additional Drawings. With my seal affixed to this sheet, I hereby certify that I am the Truss Design Engineer and this index sheet conforms to 61G15-31.003, section 5 of the Florida Board of Professional Engineers Rules. No. Seal# Truss Name Date 1 T17633930 Al 7/18119 2 T17633931 A2G 7/18/19 3 T17633932 CA 7/18/19 4 T17633933 CJ3 7/18/19 5 T17633934 CJ5 7/18/19 6 T17633935 ER 7/16/19 7 T17633936 HJ7 7118/19 The truss drawing(s) referenced above have been prepared by MiTek USA, Inc. under my direct supervision based on the parameters provided by Builders FirstSource - Plant City. Truss Design Engineer's Name: Albani, Thomas My license renewal date for the state of Florida is February 28, 2021. IMPORTANT NOTE: The seal on these truss component designs is a certification that the engineer named is licensed in the jurisdiction(s) identified and that the designs comply with ANSUTPI 1. These designs are based upon parameters shown (e.g., loads, supports, dimensions, shapes and design codes), which were given to MiTek or TRENCO. Any project specific information included is for MiTek's or TRENCO's customers file reference purpose only, and was not taken Into account in the preparation of these designs. MiTek or TRENCO has not independently verified the applicability of the design parameters or the designs for any particular building. Before use, the building designer should verify applicability of design parameters and properly incorporate these designs into the overall building design perANSUTPI 1, Chapter 2. S11AI111 Thomas A Albanl PE No.39380 MITek USA, Inc. R. Dort 669 69D4 Paden Fast Blvd. Tampa n.33610 Data July 18,2019 Albani, Thomas 1 of 1 COMMON 10 DKI Boumgardner Residence T17633930 ID:KKGgN2mVHMySkn7TVv6CywuzM-ynEsig3TBvDYpIVarz33gz7m"Lm5meGrYNyxU/t -2-0D &1-14 it-" 1&10.2 2341-0 25-0-0 2-0-0 8-1.14 5-4-2 8-4-2 6.1.14 2-0-0 Scale -1:43.6 4x8 = iR4 = J%6 = Ire - -.. Plate Offsets (X,Y)- [2:0-3-O,Edge] [6:0-3-0 Edge] LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CS1. DEFL. in (too) Udeg Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grp DOL 1.25 TC 0.51 Ven(LL) 0,16 B-10 >999 240 MT20 2441190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.72 Vert(CT) .0.26 2.10 >999 180 SCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.22 Hom(CT) 0.06 6 We n1a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017ITP12014 Malrx-SH Weight: 99 lb FT-20% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2-104010.3-8.6-104010.3.8 Max Horz 2=129(LC 13) Max Uplift 2=-634(LC 8), 6=-834(LC 9) FORCES. (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -AR forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-2101/993, 3-4=1839/8511, 4-5=1839/859, 5-6-2101/993 BOT CHORD 2.10=919/1933, 8-10=-08911307, &8=-801f1933 WEBS 4-8=-284/579, &8=371/388, 4-10=283/579, 3.10=371/386 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-8-7 cc pudins. BOT CHORD Rigid willing directly applied or 6.1.10 oc bracing. NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wnd: ASCE 7-10; Vult=170mph (3-sewnd gust) Vasd=132mph; TCDL=5.Opsf; BCDL=S.Opsh h=158; Cat. II; Exp B; End., GCpi=0.18: MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Extedor(2) -2-0.9 to 0.11.7. Imerior(1) 0-11-7 to 11-6-0, Exledor(2)11-6-0 to 14-6-0, Intetior(1) 14-6-0 to 25-0-9 zone; wmilever left and night exposed ;C-C for members and forces 8 MWFRS for readions shown; Lumber DOL-1.60 plate grip DOL-1.60 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonwncument with any other live loads. 4) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 24).D wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to beating plate capable of withstanding 100 Ito uplift at Jolm(s) except Qt=lb) 2=634,6=634. tit PsrArr"0. No 39380 i�so •• O R AD \=O`• 1*410NA, �%%% Thomas A. A)Eanl PE No39380 Mrfek USA, Inc. R. Can 6634 6904 Pane East Blvd. Tampa R.33610 Date: July 18,2019 AWA NG-Va4y UWPn paramalars and AEAD NOTES ON THIS Me INCLUDED hall AUFFEAFIIC5 PAGE.702 m. Isnozea la F UME Design vaik kr use orly Wth Mnek®connedoro. TNs design Is based only upon evenehn shoan, and Is for an Indtvkual Wgdmg mmponern, not ;�� a Musa syseemBelow use. Belouse, me bulking designer muse veNy the appicabi ty of design paremehra and propery Incorporate Nis deekn Inca the areas NNW k' WWingdesign BmdrpkMi dIatoprawn[WafingdirMMdual Wsawebandlerdmdmembers". AAMMnaltemporaryendpennenombracing Is aWaya raqubadfor nabliay and to prevent conspaewet possVe personal injury and propeM damage. FcrgarandgukonceragaMingme febrralloM1 storage, delivery, eredlon end bncng oftruasas and Wsa ayMn". see ANSVTRI Q.&M,Cman& DSB49 and SCSI Building Component 6g04 Parke East Bhd. SayeylMena"on avelade fmm Trvu Pkh Institute, 219 N. Lae Shad, 6uM 31Z X.nM1., VA223I4. Tamp., FL MID Truss Type Oy Ply 2020094 Regency DKl Baumgardner Residence HIP GIRDER t 1 T17633931 Scale 1:51.5 NAILED NAILED4, _ 2A II 10x12 5 6 26 8 21 NAILED NAILED 25 - 4.00 12 194 17 2x4 3 2 TOP CHORD MUST BE BRACED BY END JACKS, ROOF DIAPHRAGM, OR PROPERLY CONNECTED PURLINS AS SPECIFIED. NAILED NAILED 10x12 J 28 20 2A a 12 13 18 21 17 22 7823 24 15 ` 3xl2MT20HS = NAILED 3xt2 MT20HS = 4xe = 4x10 MT20HS = 44 = Special NAILED 3x8 = Special NAILED NAILED 3-10-14 7-0-0 17.8-0 WK-1 18-t-2 23-0.0 Plate Offsets L,)O- (2:0.7-2 0.1.8] [4:(-" Ednel f11:0.S8 0-0.0] fl3:0-7-2 0-1-8] LOADING (psp SPACING- 2-0-0 DEL DEFL. in (lac) Well L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grp DOL 1.25 TO 0.37 Ver(LL) 0.29 16.18 >945 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.52 Ver(CT) -D.3516.18 >777 180 MT20HS 1871143 BOLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WE 0.34 Horz(CT) 0.12 13 n/a n1a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017rTP12014 Matrix-SH Weight: 1341b FT=20% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2a4 SP M 31 'Except' 4-11: 2x6 SP M 26, 4-8,8.11: 2x4 SP No.2 BOTCHORD 2x4SPM31 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 REACTIONS. (Ib/Size) 2=1931/0-3-8, 13=193110-3-8 Max Harz 2=129(LC 8) Max Uplift 2-1240(LC 4), 13=1240(LC 5) BRACING• TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-5-9 co: purins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 4-9-3 oc bracing, JOINTS 1 Brace at Jt(s): 7 FORCES. (Ib) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or lase except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=4766/2807, 3-4-461812696, 4-5=262811540, 5-7=2627/1540, 7-9=2827/1540, 9.11=2628/1539, 11-12-4615/2697, 12.13=4763/2811, 4-6-1841/1119, 6.8=-1624/1150, 8-10=182N7147, 10.11=1841/1118 BOT CHORD 2.18-267714445, 16-18=-2489/4302, 15-16=2383/4299, 13AS=-2551/4442 WEBS 4-18=2311652, 7-16=0/370, 11-15=-233/651, 3-18=224/354, 12-15=-225/356, 7-8=-502/898, 9-10=2221254, 5-6=2321259 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7.10: Vult=170mph (3-second gust) Vasd=132mph; TCDL=S.Opsf; BCDL=S.Opsf; h=15ft; Cal. II; Exp B; Encl., GCp1i=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) gable and zone; cantilever left and night exposed ; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate gdp DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 5) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcumerd with any other live loads. 6) - This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom Chord in ell areas where a rectangle 3-6.0 tell by 2-0.0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other member, 7) Provide mechanical Connection (by others) of buses to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1001b uplift at joint(s) except at -lb) 2=1240,13=1240. 8) Graphical pudln representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the Pullin along the lop and/or bottom chord. 9) "NAILED' Indicates 3-1 Od (0.148"xT) or 3-12d (0.148"x3.251 tce-nails per NDS guidlines. 10) Hanger(s) or other Connection devIca(s) shall be provided suffrdent to support concentrated load(s) 435 It, down and 290 lb up at 7-0.0, and 4351b down end 2901b up at 15-111-4 on bottom chord. The designtselection of such Connection device(s) lathe responsibility of other. 11) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead +Roof Uve (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads, (plq Vert: 14=60, 11.14=-60, 2-13=20, 4-8=80, 8.11=.80 ,,%%t%%.S A all �gCe,''4 No 39380 , 40n "D 0NA� 1��``% 1 Thomas A Mani PE No.39380 MRek USA, Ina FL Cert 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL33610 Date: July 18,2019 DesignDe WARNIlld •Vady sid, grtmaMnned BEADNOTE ONilea Only L paraeteEsixem, ENCEPAGE4VL717pWi faeYapr4BEFORE USF. foran Valkm. LLYrd Only Ypalls9n lerty my abuse use, usIerit, aapplIs abuse system. BBIWa e99, NB pYWkg,)96IgMlmYM VBNy Na aDDeGppyarde94jn pdf9R,etan entl pNpeM kCDrypl618 Ma design IIM IIIB NTne pareners an property Imes One Merpord81ds design WetleevereggaredlplMkandb WeratIend/orcMNmy alLL Eretlip MlTek• 18 aMeys laquyed prownenlllapsellm pestles damage. emlgukanoangeNlna Na for tlabllly and Is pnvenl mlkpsewN possible pereor,al N}ury and property tlSVIrMl senswle n, eldaae, aalpry lNprmedon T uss bncinp Jules, 218 N. eeee aydeme, see ANSVA 14, CrBorlq DSa4lT end SCSI Building Camponenr Quality tleliroryry need avalaSle lnm Truss Pan* Modules, 218 N. Lee Slnel, Suva 312, Alexandria, VA 2231p. Tamp East 6M1. � Tampa, FL 38610 a. FL Truss Type Dty IPy 2020094 Regency DKl Baumgardner Residence T77633931 HIP GIRDER LOAD CASE(S) Standard Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 18=-435(F)15=-435(F) 19-116(F) 20=-116(F) 21=-55(F) 22=-55(F) 23=56(F) 24=-55(F) 25=-116(F) 26=116(F) 27=-116(F) 28-116(F) ®WARMNO-VerAyydWpnpwmetvs and READ N07E5 ON Ti MDfNCLODEDN KNEFEKENCEPADEM147M.. 1611342015BEMMME. oesNn valid for use onlyarm Woodsconnedors. n1a design Is boom only upon parameters rtmwn, and Is for an Actual building component, net a wee system. Before use. Me balding deeyner must VO*" app9coblRy ofdesign parameters and property btcmpelms Ws design Men the ..I buDd4pdeelgn.&atlrp lMkamdlsroprsvam bussing oflMMduel WsawaD arklarcMrd mambarsaNy. Addtlbrml temporary end pennenaN Gatlrp M!Tek' IsoWme requbed for stabgXy and to prevent collapse web possble personal Injury and property damage. Forgereml9ud®warsgardngme fabrication, storage, doing .a Marco andbraeNg olweeoe and was syNmM. sea ANSNy flf OUNlCrttarls. DS"S and BCSI Soullemg Component rm S."ImbWon avafla fmm True PlalelnWMa.21a N.Lae SbeeLSalle Dl2,Nermndda.VA22314. 6904 perko East Bw. Tampa, FL 3661D Truss Type JACK -CLOSED T17633932 Scale,17.5 LOADING (pat) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL, in Poo) Udell L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 TC 0.41 Ved(LL) -0.00 24 >999 240 MT20 2441190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.22 Vert(CT) 0.00 24 >999 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Inor YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) 0.00 NO Na BCDL 10.0 Code FBC20171TP12014 Matrix-P Weight: 8lb FT=20% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 REACTIONS. (Iblslw) 2=274/0-3.8, 4=391Mechaniwl Max Ham 2=101(LC 8) Mist Uplift 2=-337(LC 8), 4=39(LC 1) Max Grav 2=274(LC 1), 4=91(LC 8) FORCES. (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 1-4-15 oc pudins. BOT CHORD Rigid wiling directly applied or 10.0.0 on bracing. NOTES. 1) Wind: ASCE 7.10; Vuh=170mph (3-sewnd gust) Vasd=132mph; TCDL=S.Opsf; BCDL=5.Ops[ h-1511; Cal. II; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) gable and zone and C-C Extedor(2) -2-0-9 to 0.11-7, Imedor(1) 0-11.7 to 1-4-15 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactlons shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcuaent with any other Ilve loads. 3) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0.0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss wnnedions. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at 101nt(s) 4 except (f=ib) 2=337. ♦♦��IIIIIIII/III, ♦♦♦♦oMpS A.% .92�i. j No 39380 00 p , ��: �i,CC O R1 O. �j�=� E p-sS1ONA� 110,6 Thomas A. Nbanl PE N0.39380 Mlrek USA, Ina. FL Can 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa R.33610 Data: July 18,2019 AWM 110-VMyoWpnparamaMn and REIDNOIES ONiNISANDINCLUDEt1NTENNEFEN "PAGEN ?Mm. IsMetrra BEFONEUSE 00dOvelld Wuse onlYWINMIna saonnedors. meadesign labasedanyupan parsmdero eFrtwn, and laforen Intllvkuel buOdbp canponmt,nd a trues awtem. 13810,109, the btuding deelgiaf mud Vedy the, appOwbilydaleslgn parameters end propeM Fcoippam W e dasipn Intotbe averse busdbgdedgn.Soodl, Indicated le to prevent budding lndMdual Wee web erWat0ord membem ony.Addtionaltempord,endpeimaneatbntlrp MiTek- Iea"arOqubedfw=baftywdtoMwMwllapsawMp blepereanalin)uywdpropewmage. For panarelpWddnee roperdlnp the fabrication,storage,deow. eredionand budingatruveddnd trade systems, see ANSVfg10ue11y Greedy DSB-ggmdBCSI BUIIdrnp Component Se(ay lMa on ewgebla lnm u Tmpldelndlhdo.21BN. Les 6lreel, 8vee 31t. Aleomndda, VA0314. BgOC peAe Eeat BIW. Tampa, FL 36610 JACK -OPEN T17633933 Soele-1:10.0 Plate Offsets (X Y)- f2:0-2-0 Edne) LOADING (Pat) SPACING- 2-0.0 CSI. DEFL. in Doc) Vdefl Ud PLATES GRIP TOLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TO 0.48 Vert(LL) -O.OD 24 >999 240 MT20 2441190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.08 Vert(CT) -0.01 24 >999 180 BOLL 0.0 Rep Stress [nor YES WB 0.00 Horc(CT) .0.00 3 n/a n1a BCDL 10.0 Code FSC2017/TP12014 Matrix-P Weight: 121b FT=20% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2X4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 3=28/Mechanicel, 2=293/0.3-8, 4=271Mechenical Max Holz 2=122(LC 8) Max Uplift 3=-42(LC 12). 2=298(1_0 8) Max Grav 3=28(LC 1), 2-293(LC 1), 4=54(LC 3) FORCES. (lb) -Max. CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. BRACING. TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied ar 2-10-15 cc pudins. BOTCHORD Rigid wiling directly applied or 10.0-0 oc bracing. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7.10: VuN=170mph (3-second gust) Vasd=132mph; TCDL=5.Opsf; BCDL=5.Opst h=15ft; Cat II; Exp B; End., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C EXtedor(2) -2-0-9 to 0.11-7, Imenor(1) 0-11-7 to 2-10-3 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate gdp DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load ncnconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0.0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Relerto girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 3 except rib) 2=298. A. No 39380 Thomas A. Atbanl PE N0 39380 MRek USA, Inc. R. Cart 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33810 Date: July 18,2019 ® "W"-VM4ydWgn yarwnatare and READNOTES ON TN6 ANDINCLUDED 6eiEN REFERENCE PAGE a@'lgl m. faO31101aaEWRE USE ' Dealgn valk sir use"Win hi oonne ame. We design la Weed only upon parameters eamvn, and [afaran Individual eullNg component, not a eves system. Before use, en buiding designer must vemytre m cpplosawyordealgaparaelers and propedy hmmorstd We design Ntotba overa0 buadYgdeslgn. BmdiglMWMNtopreventbuWngahN dud Wseweban orcMM=mbom"ly.. AddXbreltempaery and permanent bretl,p MiTek• Is always rsqutred for steblgfy and to prevent sonspsewlh passfole personal injury and property damage. ForgeMralguldidnelegamingthe fabdea0on. dorage,donvery, meoilon and brooms of "nos aMWaa syeUms,sae ANSprFllf Duely MmRs, DSada and BCSIBYIImng Component 69U Peft East Blvd. 88"Informmlem eva8able Irum Truss Puts Institute, 218 N. Lee Street. Build 31ZRmandda, VA22314. Tamps, FL 361310 OKI Baumgardner Residence JACK -OPEN T17633934 Scale-1:13.7 Plate Offsets (X,Y)- 12:0-2-0 Edne] LOADING (par) SPACING- 2.0-0 CS]. DEFL. in (foc) Vdeg Lrd PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TO OA6 Vert(-L) -0.03 2.4 >999 240 MT20 2441190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.27 Vert(CT) -0.06 2-4 >962 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Inor YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 3 Na nta BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017rrP12014 Matrix-P Weight: 18 lb FT=20% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2z4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 3=110IMechanical, 2=35010.3-6, 4=471Mechenical Max Ham 2=168(LC 8) Max Uplift 3=125(1-C 12). 2-304(LC 8) Max Grav 3=110(LC 1), 2=350(LC 1). 4=94(LC 3) FORCES. fib) - Max. CompdMax. Ten. -Ail forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-10-15 oc purilns. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10.0-0 oc bracing. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=170mph (3-second gust) Vasd=132mph; TCDL=S.Opsr; BCDL=S.Opsf,, h=150; Cat. II; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Extedor(2) -2-0-9 to 0.11-7, Imedogl) 0.11.7 to 4-10-3 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces 8 MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL-1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 per bottom chord live load nonconcunent with any other 11" leads. 3) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0.0 wide will 8t between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for tress to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) or truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 Ito uplift at joim(s) except ()t=lb) 3=125, 2=304. JseepMP:S,A' .•'\GENS No 39380 trz Os'ONA; fill 4N`���p Thomas A. Mari PE No.39380 MRek USA, Inc. FL Cart 6634 6W4 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: July 18,2019 AWARNINO-Ntdy o'Wgn peruneM s+MREADNOTE3 ON TNISANDINCLUDED AOiEK REFERENCE PAGE L0pTa7d m. 10'OatM11 BEFORE WE Design vend W use onywM MM,M Connectors. TNs design Is based onlyugon psnmeren sham, and Is bran Indddul bullring oomponers, nor a buss system. Beale use, the hulloing daslorermud wdy Ne 8ppOre614y01dwan perunerors end Properly hcoryorela We design IMa the overel bulking design. Bracing lMirsnd is to prevent bueUng d irelMdual Was web alWar Nod members only. AddWonal temporary and pennaneM"dr; MiTek' Is always required for dablldy and to prevent collapuwln P.ulole panonel Injury and propedydamage. Forgoneralgukenmregardingthe %141 tlon, Aorege, dellw edlon and owing otvostes and Imes systems.ue ANsE lLluoury Cdnde, DW49 andSM SuOd/ng Component SefeWinkeele0on evesaryreehamTmu PateIMMe.218N.LaoMM,Suae312,Ml dda,VA22314. 6104 Paden Bind East . Tamp.. FL 36810 Baumgardner Residence JACK -OPEN T17633935 Sots -1:17.5 7-0-0 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CS1. DEFL. in Goc) I/deg Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.69 Vert(LL) 0.10 24 >836 240 MT20 2441190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.51 Vert(CT) -0.20 2-4 >399 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress [nor YES WE 0.00 Hom(CT) -0.00 3 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017rTP]2014 Matrix-SH Weight: 25 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural woad sheathing directly applied or S-0-0 oc pudins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid railing directly applied or 160-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. ([b/size) 3=176/Mechenicai, 2=424/0-3-8, 4=75/Mechanirat Max Ham 2=212(LC 8) Max Uplift 3=176(LC 12). 2=331(1.0 8) Max Grav 3=176(LC 1), 2=424(LC 1), 4=124(LC 3) FORCES. (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -AII forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown, NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7.10: Vutt=170mph (3-second gust) Vasd=132mph; TCDL=S.Opsf; BCDL=S.Opsh h=15R; Cat. II; Exp B; End., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Extedor(2) -2-D-9 to 0-11-7, Imedor(1) 0-11.7 to 6-114 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate gnp DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcunent with any other live loads. 3) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tell by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100Ib uplift at jolm(s) Except Gt=lb) 3=176. 2=331. 11 ONSi A',q(e,��I No 39380 as�'i�Fs O P =`• R 1 S�nilNA� Al Thomas A Albanl PE No.39380 MITek USA, Inc. FL Cart 6634 69D4 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: July 18,2019 ®WARWNa-Vary Mtlgn pamneM eM REAO NOTES ON TMS ANO MCLWEOMnJ(REfENFNCE PAOE4fB-y47am 1dT3/aaf5BEFORE USE u■�' Design valid far use tsyw MTea®aodnadon. This design b basadany upon paamaten anmvn, and Is foran Indsidual bulleN component, no a Wee system. Before use, the, bullding deaignermu avedylhe appMcablGryordesipn paremoere and propeM Incoryo ev, he design Into the overed bulldhgdesign. Bradngindk dlstopremntbucUngoflndlNdualtmawebanWarohordmembemony. AddXlanaIrempoaryandpermanem Wadng MiTek- Is abvay, requFed far stabilyand to prevent wllapsa W V POMWO Pemonal Injury and pmpedy damage. For genero qukenca regerdng Ne fabdration,damge.delNery,eredionaMbmebgWVussesand WossyM=,we AN=Prf Quality Cdtede, DW49 anditw! Bueding Component Sefeylrllormdfan avatuns Iron, Truss Plate institute.218 N. Lea Street, Saba 31Z Alexandra, VANTIC 6904 Parke East ENd. Tampa. FL 36810 DIAGONAL HIP GIRDER NAILED NAILED Residence T17633936 Iul 1808:24:212019 Pagel TI5D6S4sJ72h_8e)910ywu9u I Bea. =1:23.3 2x4 1 4 5 NAILED 4,03 Plate Offsets (X,V)- 12:0-3-0,Edoe) LOADING (psQ SPACING- 2-0.0 CSI. DEFL. In (loc) VdeO Ltd PLATES GRIP TOLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.76 Vart(LL) -0.09 2.8 -999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.44 Vett(CT) -0.09 2-8 >999 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lncr NO WE 0.26 Hom(CT) 0.01 7 ale n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017fTP12014 Matrix-SH Weight: 46111, FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 20 SP No.3 BOT CHORD REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 7=408/Mechanlcal, 2=56110-4-9 Max Horz 2=211(LC 4) Max UplIft 7-274(LC 8), 2=+i93(LC 4) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 fib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=765/373 BOTCHORD 2-8=465/690,7.8=4651690 WEBS 3-7=£64/448 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6.0.0 co pudins, except end verticals. Rigid calling directly applied or 8-6-8 co bracing. NOTES. 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=170mph (3-second gust) Vasd=132mph; TCDL=5.Opsf; BCDL=5.Opsf; h=15R; Cal. II; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed: Lumber DOL-1.60 plate gdp DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live two nonconcumerd with any other live loads. 3) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2.0.0 wide Will tit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girders) for truss to truss connectlons. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of muss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100lb uplift at joints) except at=lb) 7=274, 2=493. 6) "NAILED" Indicates 3-10d (0.149'x3") or 2.12d (0.148X3.25') toe -nails per NOS guldlines. 7) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead+ Roof Uve(balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (plU Vert: 1-4=-60, 4-5=20, 2-6=20 Concentrated Loads (Ib) Vert: 10=51(F=26, 13=26) 11=64(F=32, B=32) 13=37(F=19, B=-19) 111111111111111 �P��pS A. q�B111i .� G E N g�. Poo No 39380 '.......... J. l Thmuts 1LAlbanl PE No.39380 MITak USA, fat FL Can 6634 6904 Pafke East Blvd. Tampa R.33810 Date: July 18,2019 AWARNING•V.dydufpnpammawa and READ NOTES ON 2184ANUMCEUDED a97EKREFERENCEPAGENIR702.. 10ozzonSBEF0RE USE veld W M MIYwlm Wek®wnneaon. Tins design d basso ohyuwn Paemetere shown, and 13mran InaWOual balding compwem, na Nil'Design a WaS System. Battle Use, the bull ing designer muaemdyth9 appiabilty afdre esign pamoten and property dc.rtaa ps this design Imo the overall bu0dingdeslgn. Brec9q intlkated is to prevent WWng ofinElVdua Was web eMtarehoN members ony. Addhomattempasry and permanent treeing MiTek- I. always nin ubed for subdip, and to prevent wllapsewah posadie pemana Injury and property damage. For general guldib ce regardln9 the fabdealam Mmge,delWry er.t maMbrwingoftussesaWtwoasyMme.we ANSUTRf Gualfry CdNde,OSBdB mdBC5l BUDdtirp Comp.nant SerWIRlermdan "aid ;e fmm Truss PWa lna 0, 218 N. Lee SlmeL Sude 312, Aletmndne, VA 22314. 6904 Perta Fret BIM. Tampa, FL 36610 Symbols PLATE LOCATION AND ORIENTATION 3y4" Center plate on joint unless x, y offsets are indicated. Dimensions are in ft-insixteenths. Apply plates to both sides of truss and fully embed teeth. 0-1T16 r r For 4 x 2 orientation, locate plates 0- w,d" from outside edge of truss. This symbol indicates the required direction of slots in connector plates. Plate location details available in MTek 20120 software or upon request PLATE SIZE The first dimension is the plate 4 x 4 width measured perpendicular to slots. Second dimension is the length parallel to slots. LATERAL BRACING LOCATION Indicated by symbol shown andror th by text in the bracing section of the output. Use T or I bracing if indicated. BEARING Indicates location where bearings (supports) occur. Icons vary but reaction section indicates joint number where bearings occur. Min size shown is for crushing only. Industry Standards: ANSI7TPI1: National Design Spec cation for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction. DSB-89: Design Standard for Bracing. BCSI: Building Component Safety Information, Guide to Good Practice for Handling, Installing & Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses. Numbering System 6-4-8 dimensions shown In n lxteeths (Drawings not t0 scale) 0 ir 2 U a 0 f JOINTS ARE GENERALLY NUMBEREDB-ETERED CLOCKIMSE AROUND THE TRUSS STARTING AT THE JOINT FARTHEST TO THE LEFT. CHORDS AND WEBS ARE IDENTIFIED BY END JOINT NUMBERSILETTERS. PRODUCT CODE APPROVALS ICC-ES Reports: ESR-1311, ESR-1352, ESR1988 ER-3907, ESR-2362, ESR-1397, ESR-3282 Trusses are designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss unless otherwise shown. Lumber design values are in accordance with ANSUTPI 1 section 6.3 These truss designs rely on lumber values established by others. © 2012 MTek® All Rights Reserved MiTek Engineering Reference Sheet: MII-7473 rev. 10103)2015 A General Safety Notes Failure to Follow Could Cause Property Damage or Personal Injury 1. Additional stabiliy, bracing fortruss system, e.g. diagonal orX-bmcing, Is atvvays required. See BCSI. 2. Truss bracing must be designed by an engineer. For wide truss spacing, Individual lateral braces themselves may require bracing, or alternative Tor I bracing should be considered. 3. Never exceed the design loading shown and never stack materials on inadequately braced trusses. 4. Provide copies of this truss design to the building designer, erection supervisor, property, ovmer end all other Interested parties. 5. Cut members to bear tightly against each Omer. 6. Place plates on each face of truss al each joint and embed fully. Knots and wane at joint locations are regulated by ANSIrrPI 1. 7. Design assumes trusses will be suitably protected from the emironment in accord with ANSYMI 1. 8. Unless otherwise noted, moisture content of lumber shall not exceed 19-A at time of fabrication. 9. Unless expressly noted, this design is not applicable for use with fire retardant, preservative treated. or green lumber. 10. Camber is a non-structural consideration and is the responsibility of truss fabricator. General practice is to camber for dead load deflection. 11. Plate type, size, orientation and location dimensions, indicated are minimum plating requirements. 12. Lumber used shall be of the species and size, and in all respects, equal to or better than that spewed. 13. Top chords must be sheathed or pudins provided at spacing indicated on design. 14. Bottom chords require lateral bracing al 10 f . spacing, or less, IT no ceiling is Installed, unless otherwise noted. 15. Connections not shovm are the responsibility of others. 16. Do not M or alter buss member or plate without prior approval of an engineer. 17. Install and toad vertically unless Indicated otherwise. 18. Use of green or treated lumber may pose unacceptable environmental, health or permanence risks. Consult with project engineer before use. 19. Review all portions of this design (front, back, words and pictures) hot= use. Rmiavdng pictures alone Is not sufficient. 20. Design assumes manufacture in accordance with ANSV(PI 1 Quality Criteria. e L/ V OF NmEXTE NEW TRUSSES y4 n N CyI U V U ¢ Q Q OVER G V V CJ1 CJ3 CJ5 < rt a ER � 2• G11 = FLA CFJL NG EJ7 V12 Z c w EX < E H y EJ7 (r ER a o ER a CJ5 v y CJ3 CJ1 jFOVERHMIG zr o" F%TFM OF NEWTRUSSES ANY MODIFICATION TO ALL FLAT CEILINGS EXISTING TRUSSES BY OTHERS 4/12 ROOF PITCH Hatch Legend MATCH EXISTING 2 PLY 1 3/4" X 11 7/8" LVL FILE COPY EXISTING ROOF -7 MX—osr REVIWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE S'T. lLUCIE COUNTY Bocc , 3-15/16" TRUSS HEEL 24" SQUARE CUT OVERHANG NO LEVEL RETURNS WIDTH OF GARAGE 231-011 SCANNED BY St. LucieCounty CAUTIONIII Imo.. REGENCY GNI ♦. V.um/mmt cuu�