HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVALSBI8t247g Florida Building Code Online REVIEWED O.rqw Atls Hems I rap 7n I u-, mita'am 1bt Tapia { su"m V ®I t0 MY� L..1AN V E3m r" tMpfflmm� Produce Approval ST. LUCIE COUNTY SER; PUMC Ua BOCC ' , JO-Ui Preaua�np.ea�i Menu y wemrt arnogQiaEe� stmea y nmlimtla: 6kk y Appaeadan aea�u /f1V•,,//((/�� s--11 FL# FL17499-R5 SCANNI:U L �"V/ -7 �v33 Application lype Revision BY Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved St. Lucie County *Approved by DBPR. Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the CemmISSIOn If nacassary. continents RECEIVED Archived ProductManuFaeturer MIWridowsand Doors AUG 0 8 2019 Address/Phone/Emall p5arzWest , PA 17030 r street ST• Lucie County, Permitting (717) $65-33110 E%t 2560 bsitlingemindwd.com Authorized Signature Brent Sldinger bsldinger®miwd.Com J iCchnlcal Representative Address/Phone/Emall Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Emall category Windows Subcategory single Hung Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing CertMlcaOon Agency Ameft an Archlteetural Manufacturers Assodatlon Validated By Steven M. Urich, PE Validation Checklist= Hanfoopy Received Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) r pdf3ld year AAMA 5g6 2011 AAMA/WDMIVCSA 101/LS.7/A440 2008 AAMA/WOMA/CSA 3o1/I.S.2/A440 2011 Equivalence of Product standards Certified By Product Approval Method Method i Option A Date Submitted 03/10/2019 Date Validated 03/18/2019 Date Pending FBCAppmval httpa;lfiloddabullding.orgrpr/pr epp_dtl.aspX?parem=wOEVXQwtDgtCUOVIOIz8BPh6gG%%2f388zXgygPRV13LovnTSbZoYnLfOge3dya2d Q4 81812019 Retitle Building Code Onllna Date Approved 03/27/2019 Summary of Produeft FL N Model, Number or Name Description 17499.1 105 SH 3SX84 Fin/Flange Frame iG/SG Impact Singis Hung Limils or use Approved for use In HVH7- No Approved for use outside HVH2: Yee Impact Resistant: Yes Design Prossuret +551-55 other! R-PGSS", Missile Level D, Wind Zone 3. Gress to be bedded In Peoura 896 sealanr. Certification Agency Certificate F117499 RS C CAC APC (}927g1 1855iifIQ=),Rdj FL17490 RC C G C APC tl3 ) S85 SH (101Z2X g9 FL174R9 AS C CAC AP(]aog0) t$5 4H ( 01 1�73�1 ndf Ft 17d99 RS C CAC APC (3 0) 185 SH f 1�Z3 A= Quality Assurance Contract EWration Date 10/17/2023 Installation Instructions 11 00-02545eTdf Fy1,7AnR Rs Verified By: Luis A Lomas PE-62514 Created by Independent Third Party: Yae • Evaluation Reports F1 rid 9 RS AS 5 ??Mg-3 odf Created by independent Third Party: Yes 17499.2 185 SH 52)(72 Pin/Flange frame IG/SG Single Hung Laminated Grace Limits of use IM Approved for use in HVNo Approved for use outside HVHZi Yes Impact Resistanti No Design Pressures +60/-60 Other, R PG60 Certification Age Certificate F 1749 R< C CSG APC tb37.5'.� 195 FN fdQ08231,p FL 7495 C CAC APC (132ZQ) t 85 SH (SODSZ31pdf El 17499 RS C CAC APC fI�)1$c SH f1 B 31 odf PLI7499 R5 C CAC APC (13361) Lgj S�f1ooH23).pr�r Quality Assurance Caiitnitt EXPlratlon Date 10/08/2023 Installation Instructions PL17499 R5 !i OR-n75498.13d Verified By: Luis R Lomas PE-62514 treated by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports F117444 RS AE 513M2A-4.adf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17499.3 165 SH 36x84 FIR/Flange frame IG/5G Single Hung laminated Grass Limits of Use Approved for use In HVHZi No Approved for use outside HVI1Z; Yes Impact Reeletantr No Design Pressure: +60/-60 Other: R PG601' Certification Agency Certificate Fr 17499 R5 C rAG aPc (1a27 1 leg SH (1o372v).odf FLIZ499 RS C CAC APC (13�27s) 16J aidj tl1723j,aa Fi 17a9 RS CAC APC ( a� 22 185 SH f10t71 ndf Fl 17699 RS C CAC ApG (d 3 3a3ps sH 1jg17. �2Qf_ Quality Assurance Contract EXPIM1011 Data 10/17/2023 Installation Xronructions; E M99 RS II 08.02ssDa odf Verified By: Luis R Lomas PE-62514 Cleated by Independenk Third Party. Yes Evaluation Reports B7499 R5 Alt 5138280.5.49 •Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17499.4 1BS SH 36971 Fin, F;niess, Flange Frame IG Single Hung Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ; No Certification Agency Certificate FLIM9 R5 C CAC APC H0462 01 109.47 R0 185 SH I04252.2l,gdt ' Quality Assurance Contract EXPirotlon Date Approved far use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressuro! +60/•67 04/25/2022 - Others R-PG60b Installation Instructions PLI go PS lI ell-Q3163,ildf, Verified By: Luls R. Lomas, PE PE62514 Created by Independent Third Party! Yes evaluation Reports PLI7492 R9 AF 514082 odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes ' 1749%S IDS 6H 36X72 Fin, Mangor and Finless Frame InculMd Gies Limits of Use Approved for use In HVHZi No Certificadan AgentY Certificate FL17499$5 C CAC APC( 7QI )1583.02-I06-11-RO 105 9 (061423).odf Quality Assurance Contract Esepirstion Date 06/14/2023 Installation Instructions Approved for use outside HVRZi Yes Impact Reslstarits No Design Pressure; +601-70 Others R•111360 PI 17499RS I Og-eels edP Verified By: Luis R. Lamas, PE PE-62514 Created by Independent Third Party:. Yes Evaluation Reports ftslAoddabuiidingg,orglpr/p_,epp dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXOWIDgtCUGOAQIz6BPh90GOA2f3881XMPRVBLMTSbZoYflLfQ'A3d%3d 214 SIM019 Florida Building Code Celina FL37y5¢ R5 AF Si4977.liff Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17499.E Say SH 52x62 Fin, Range, and Finless Frame, Insulated Glass limits of Use' Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use In HVIIZ: NO Aoprovad for use outside HVHZi Yes FFl 1249 R9 S C CA[ AP9(].=)1711 08-105.17.10 M §(!(fl22Z23=. Impact Restatentt Yes QuallIV Assurance Contract Expiration Date Design Pressure: +501-63 Other: R-PG50 07/27/2023 Installation Instructions 5 i749e RS 1I 0 -0 37e odf Verged By: Luis R. Lomas, PE PE-62514 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FI17499 RS aF K14373 ptlP created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17499.7 185 SH 52x62 Fin, Flange, and Rniess Frame, Insulating Lami Glass Limits of Use Approved for use In HVHZ. No Approved for Use Outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Certification Agency Certificate F117499 R5 C rAC APC(17_ 8t3)a71 - 0 - - 5A723),,pdP Quality Assurance Contract Explratlen Dote - Design Prossuvet +50/-63 07/27/2023 Other: R-PG50 Installation Instructions Fr 17A99 RS tr OS•. an ?MA& Verified By: Luis R. Lomas, PE PE•62514 Crcatcd by Independent Third Party: Yes • Evaluation Reports rw 1740.9 RS A 51437 odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17490.8 185 SFI 36x72 Fin, Flange, Fillies Frame, Insulated Glass Limps aT Use Approved for use In HVHZ: No Certification Agency Certificate FU749n Rs C CAC APC{j Ri 17Y1 07-106.11-RO 185 $Li( 72q 7?A)Adf Quabty Assurance Contract U01liatlon Date Approved for use outside HVH& Yes Impact Resistants Yes Design Pressure: +60/-70 07/27/2023 Other RrPG60 Installation Instructions n8-o93R0 tlr FL17499 Verified By: LUIS R. Lomas, PE PE-62514 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluatlon Reports PL17499 FZ5 AE S14374 odf Created by IndependentYhlyd Party: Yes 17499.9 1$$ SH 5202 FINFlange Frame IG/SG Impact Single Hung Limits of Use ApPrvued Tor use In HVHL- No Approved f9F use oublde tMZ, Yes Certification Agency Certificate Fi 17499 RS A APC (132757 SBS. Rt{,(1QQ6f.�,);Jldt &L ]49g Ra c CAC APC W=) 1R� SH (1On823).oyf Impact Resistanh Yes Design Ptessurat+551-55 Other R-PG55, Missile level D, Wind Zane 3. Glass to be FL17499 RS C CAC APc(43?77) 105 SH f1n�).W FL37499 6F [ CAC APC(13291),ja SH 1n0823I,pdf Quality Assurance contract Expiration Pate bedded in Pecora 896 sealant 10/08/2023 Ipsfaliation Instructions Fi 17429 08.0251JO RS 11 142 VerlRed By: LuiS R Lomas PC 62534 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports PLI7a99 R5_A s1332ge 1 odf Created by Independent Third Patty: YeS 17499.IQ 285 SH 52xa4 Fin/Flange Frame IG/SG Single Hung Limits of Use Approved for use in HVNZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes LortHiaatlon Agency Certificate 171.17499 R5 V CAC AM 326 1 1nn9 3).pdP Fr 17499 Rc C CAC APC (j3Mg 1009231.edf Fr 17499 Rs C rAr, Apr H326.S1 ]AS 4H f100 a1 edP Impact Resistant: No Design Pressurat +60/-60 Other. R-PG60 PLI7499 R5 C CAC APC (133E21189 sH (1009231pdf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 10/09/2023 Installation IflMUC00119 PL17499 RS It 08-025460-Loo Verified By; Luis R Lomas PE 62514 Created by independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17499 RE AE 5133228-2.gGP Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17499.11 165 Triple SH 111x72 Fin Frame IG/SG Single Hdng 110x72 Flange Frame IG/SG Single Hung httpsJ/8aidabuliding.orglpdpr app dd.aspVpemm=vGEVXi LvADgtCUGgMQtz6BPhS0G%2f365z)(gygPRVBLo nTSbZoYnLfQOla3d%3d 314 SIBI2010 Florida Building code online Llmlp of Ua0 ���-.__��-•--�...-'v.•..-_-•-.-�� .- Approved for use in HVHM No Approved for use outside HYH2; Yes Impact Resistant: No esl Dpn pressure: +501-50 other: R-PG50" CertlUeatlan Agency Certlfleate .w . F117dgq R5 C CAC ADC (1v4dY7 SRS CH TP l �),�gQ[ Ei 1749 RS CC-e ApC (1� d 1 Sa5 SH TPLt3a�17,I)�pg} PI17499 RS C_CAc APC ( 31 3467 al 5 5H 1&. 1 o2023),pg FL, 7499-1)j,.,{ f�A,� APC (1,�;„�)„iRa cH 7PL (1021231Ag Quality Assurance Contract Explratton Data 10/20/2023 Installation Instruddees &17499 RS rl 0e-o254 Wff Verified By: Luis R LamaS PE 62514 created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports F117499 RS AP 5133246.6.gdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17499.12 185 Twin SH 1a6x72 Mn Frame IG/SG Single Hung IOSM Flange Frame IG/SG Single Hung Limits of Use . Approved for use in HVHL• No Approved for use o flalde MOM Yes Impact Resistant; No Design Pressure; t45/-45 Other; R-PGdS Certification Agency Certificate EL17499 95 G-CAC AEG (13340)„115 SH TWN ( 2 2 • g FL77499 �, C CAC,, jiPC,_(1334�185.$}j,j]y�11 04 •,gill FLt7dgq R9 C CAC APC (133477 1R5 SH 7WN.r,1n n )AW S17440 Ri C CAC APC RRdg1 185 SH TWN f0=).9df Quality Assurance Contract Expiratten Date 10/20/2023 Installation iR9troctions U 7Badf F 1749§ R9 00-(j25A Verified By: Luis R Lomas PE-62514 Created by independent Third Party: Yes ' evaluation Reports m 17499 AS AE 9121"e-7.edf Created by Independent Thins Party: Yes FOR Pq rMted.W a 28o101 1 Sb R Tal n_ 936aIm Ph,", 83a 7-19>A The Stair of Fifth I$ M AMMO Pmployar.>�yyjpM PDO>21py1 -btadp .:i :: Pdvay 51tabmaet:: Az=LD MlN Stabmant :: RSAL please hilps'lmoddabuUtfing.org/prlpt.app dtl.esWpamm-wGEVXQMDgtCUGgvjGi-6BPhSOGA2f3887XgyRPKV13LOVAT8b?QYRLfQ°Poad%Zd 4/4 NOTES: 1. THE PRODUCT SHOWN HEREIN IS DESIGNED PND MANUFACIIRZEO TO COMPLY WITH REGUIREMEDTS OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. 2. WOOD FRAAONG AND MYSONRT OPENING 70 BE DESIGNED AIO AHCHORFD TO PROPERLY TRANSFER ALL LOADS 70 STRUCTURE FRAWNG AND MASONRY GPEN➢W 6 THE RESPDNSIIKLGY OF THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER Or RECORD. 3. III BUCK OVER UASRRRRT/CONCRETE IS 01`710HN1- 4. WHERE SHUL OR RUCK THICKNESS 6 LESS THAII 1-1/Y W NDOH UNITS MST BE ANCHORED THROUGH THE FRAME IN ACCORDKHFE MATH MIWUFACTURER•B PUBUSHED INSTAUA71ON INSTRUCTIONS ANCHORS SW3.L BE SECURELY FASTENED DIRECTLY INTO MASONRY. CONCRETE OR OTHER STRUCTURAL SUBSTRATE LIATEPIAL 5� WHERE WOOD BUCK T XHESS IS I-1/2" OR GREATER, SUCK Sl6YLL BE SECURELY FASTENED TG MASONRY, CONCRET_ OR GIVER STRUCTURAL SUBSTRATE WINDOW UNITS MAY BE AI.¢HONED TODUGT FRAME TO SECURED MOOD RUCK IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S PUBLISHED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. 6. WHERE 12 BUCK IS WILT ABET? OISSIWLAR MATERIALS MUST BE SEPARATED WITH APPROVED COAT= OR MEMBRANE SELECTION Or COATING OR E.♦EmzwE Ts 7HE RESPONSIBNTY or THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD. 7. BUCKS SNAIL EXTEND REYOND WINDOW INTERIOR FACE SO THAT PULL FRAME SUPPORT 6 PROWDED. 8 FOR FIN D1STAl1ADON SHIM AS NEEDED. FOR FRAME INSTALLATION SIN AS REQUIRED AT EACH ANCHOR LOCATION WITH LOW BEMNO SKILL BILL! TMERE SPACE OF 1/16' OR GRFAIER DCCURS WXiMUM ALLOWABLE SHRI STACK TO BE 1/4". B. SHE'S SHALL BE LOCATED. APPLIED AND WADE FROM VAM44 S AND TrOCIOLESS CAPABLE OF SUSTAINING APPLICABLE UOAOB 10. WIND LOAD DURATION FAC70R Cd-1A WAS USED FOR WOOD ANCHOR CAUEINATONS. 11. FRAME 6MTERMU EXFRWED RIND PVC. 12. UNITS MIST BE GLAZED PER ASNA E130O-04/09. SEE SHEET 11 FOR 01A5S DETAILS. 13. APPROVED IMPACT PROTECTIVE SYSTEM K NOT REOUARED FOR THIS PR1DtlCI-IN WIND BORNE DEBRIS REGIONS T4. FOR ANCIOMG THROUGH FIN INTO WODD FRAMING OR 2X DUCK USE PO IYeTOO SCREWS WITH SUFFDIEETT LENGTH 70 ACHIEVE A 1 1/4" MIRIMW EMREDATENT "TO SUBSITMTE. LOCATE ANCHORS AS SHOWN IN EIEVATDIIS AND INSTALLATION DETAILS AFNA9G OtS�vK[N 04[ Ai18K0 P.Et'6W ANCHOR 5(t1p110 h ilIAR15 U1/ll/IG RL EME0 fiAS 10/02/17 RL IS FOR ANCHORING THROUGH FRAME INTO WOOD TWANG OR 2K BUCK USE 010 WOOD SCREIRS 6118 SOMENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE A 1 1/4" KRIMO11 EIIBEGMDFR INTO SUMATE. LOCAIE ANCHORS AS SPURN IN DEO WNS AND INSTALLNION DETAILS. 16 FOR ANCHORING THROUGH FRADE INTO MASONRY/CDNCRETE USE 3/16' TAPCONs WITH SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE A 1 1/4" IRFRKUM EMBEDMENT` 011O SUBSTRATE WHH 2 1/2' MNIAM MOE DISTANCE LOCATE ANCHORS AS SHOWN IN ELEVATIONS AND INSTAUATON DETAIS. 17. FOR ANCHORING THROUGH FRAME INTO MEIN. STRUCTURE USE Ito SL6 OR SELF DRILLING SCREWS WITH SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE 3 7HRFADS LRNWM SEYOND S11RUMURE INTERIOR WALL. LOCATE ANCHORS AS SHOWN IN ELEVATIONS AND INSTALLATION DETALS. 18. ALL FASTENERS TO BE CORROSION RESISTANT'. 16 INSTALLATION ANCHORS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN Y.000RDAHCE WITH ANCHOR ANAOFPCTURERS I STALIAR N INSTRUCTIONS AND ANCHORS SCULL NOT BE USED IN SUBSTRATES WITH STRE7WT16 LESS THAN THE NU,=0 STRENGTH SPECIFIED BELOW: M WOOO,MINIL0.111 SPECIFW GRAVITY OF C-0.42 6 CONCRETE: M=WH COMPRESSIVE SfREMLTH DF ZBOO PSL C. MASONRY: HOLLOW/FILLED BLOCK PER AST A C90 WITH FA7=2.O00P51 HINIMULS D. METAL SIRUCIURE STEEL HIGA (.O46j PT`,=33KSI/FUas2K51 OR PLULWNUM 6063-15 FN=30KV A46" THICK WNIMUM MI WINDOWS AND SERIES 165 ALUMINUM SINGLE HUNG WINDOW 36' x 84"- LMt TABLE or CONTENTS NOTES SFffif NG. 'DESCRIPTION owr. 0ss, . 1 NOTES N.G. OB-D2545 R 2- 3 ELEVAIONS HTS 1a 12/09/2014 14 1 Or 11 4 - 10 UNSTMLATION DETAILS ... LAVefRKO1pMOPE.,."Tr.,. SIGNED; Lub R. LeIms P-E Ft Na: 62514 3G" WAX 3v um cRAXE VIDTH IFROZE WtOTH z' ewc'wufi c --� --I 2' MAX z• MAX fw6z --� z^ MAX I p§/ M• MAX O MAXO MAX ac. ( as �-- 04' 84" unx 1FAX Hs(;HH HEIGHT 4 4 � x� x� 165ALOMOVLWSWGLEHUNG PVMOW 785ALUM7NUMMaERLING M=W Ecn9 Iyq vmw GFSIG#o VaEARJR WH9 FFAMM&FMl'FSS WXV.147m FNNGESFIKEW G67A=m SE600"OFORSMAUER CWTSREWUMDAAMM SiZCt"#f FDR8MALLrRFK=8Ea,7mAWMRB DE318NFAE331l2�RAlING dHPAC7/R7U.YF -+33.6FSF LAW- momErm'Acf WSMELEY&U NIA VZONE3 MOM: f. MMMUH SASH WE 34 1/2' X W. 2. MAXMM SASH D.LO. 31 f/2' )f 32 1/2' 3. UAX WM Fi%m D1G: 33 1/8' X 45' Fn o�tmoe e.0 wpm A Iff14E01NCIbR SPMtX6 L RW3S DOji ljlG 81 B REw$ED GUISS tO/Wjfi RL CWT 0 FLANGE B fMESS M5TAUATM NwWro(er LwlooSOMtM�Ya4 HHem4 Fumei Uo X 7dW F.P.W I S6.ao a val Ho 31 Jamb Ikaf Jamb fktR i J4 Jamb SO.aO 2 S S e 3 1 5 3 3 SOAR 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3GaG S 9 3 3 3 3. EaG 4 9 4 4 4 4 faW 2 4 3 4 9 4 3 4 Ito 2 5 3 a 3 5 3 a MR b 3 3 3 5 G&W 2 5 3 S 3 6 & 6 7200 2 a 3 c a 8 3 I 780G 2 6 3 a 3 6 3 6 PAW 2 5 3 6 3 & s B SERIES 185 AEUUMU1f SINGLE HUNG WIHDDW 360 X Or— Lu1 FLANGE AND FDRESS ELEVATIONS HTS WFR. Lomw P.E. L Nw Q51d 36' NA1f 35' mix FRAME WDTM FRAME YMTN 10' V IV Y JIM MAX 2' MAX 2' MAX MAX ^{ 0.0. Y LNX -2- 0.0. 1 2' inu= 7L] W, MAX ID' VAXO.G. a� om FRAIE FFMR: IisGNf NEIG17f 185Alf3M7NUMS7MGEEfMG WWDOW 18SAWMWUM SFNGlE HUNG MNDOW EXTERIOR VIEVF DEMER FXTEIMB VIRV F01mrALTA7NN ANIMS7AUAtIW gEGWiTf1X/RSNA[lSiAAV17S RELV!liEOM 5MMR7i2F0RSWAU&?UWM REDWt OA1 IMU DFSATVFRA511RERA7AJ3 111PAOTRATAG f550nSi uIa3E AtFSSUE6lPACT urs39ELEv¢n, wuoza7res ' 1. UA t. AMUSASH SRC 34 l(Y X 36'. MA 2. AtOiNM 50.5N DJ-G.: 37 i(Y % 32 1/2" 3. UAXMM FTKED 0.L.0: 33 IN X 45' . t ¢� nac A'IW15:D RLy6flp AN(`1gR SPA441G B (MMLS 0i/t t(75 R.L. WASH CiAi4 16(U2/17 ILL. CMff 02 FW WSTALGU70M MmOWefasmfW m/Ws Dad Ft=) Fnme W12n 1 New law1600 MbS JasD NbS .Aanb RbS lamb l3sm. Nb3 AmD 3A.W 3 1 9 1 3 1 3 4 1 3 1 5 1 3 39.00 1 4 3 4 4 4 6 4 X0 3 5 3 6 6 5 5 CL00 3 5 3 6 4 e 5 s 40.00 3 9 3 4 6 6 04W 6 3 6 4 6 5. 6 60.00 6 7 3 7 4 I 5 7 6600 3 6 3 8 4 9 5 9 7200 3 8 3 9 4 B 5 S #D7 3 8 3 4 8 6 9 k� 3 D 3 B ♦ 8 9 9 GSO WEST MARKET STREET GRATZ. PA 17030-0370 SEINES 185 ALUMINIUM SINGLE HUNG WINDOW sc X 64'- LMi Ft" ELEVATIONS NTS Luis R. Lomas PM FL Nt 62514 DIi a hNCE EDCE D w000 FRAMINO OR 2X EIIIX B7 OTHERS 1 1/T MIN. 1 E1WDMEN7 GIACM ROD & APPROAhD i/4a ASNC %Rg SPADE SEMAmr flo 1ROOD scaw EACKER ROD R APPROVED WOOD FRAMMC OR 2X SUCK By OTHERS SILL TO BE SEi FM A BED OF APPFMM SROICTIMAL SEALAMr 1/4" MAY. SHIM SPACE MrCAL CROSSSECTRIM WO FLAM MWTP[BHGMTAUA nON L 1Nr! 31NR AND F_TIFl8T17 FBJL4NL& BP 0 T1i^Ji4, Ak)J6NOWNFOAGWMI: 2 PEF7NEIFRAM1iDJl1Mi1$4IA7R8YOTHfRS7OP.d D319l� MADCDBDAt�HmfAsrarEzttt A i ROWMD ANCHOR SPKRIG is MWTS 37/11/16• 1 R.L B 1 RDZU) MASS I ID/W/17 I RL 1 1/4' ABN. 1/C MAX EMBE)NFM 51 SPACE 1/2' fM✓=RlOR MRT cm DISTANCE #10 Wo0o S=W MDOB MOM OR 2X BNCK By DIRMS QED ✓<X7&41OR SEALW JAMB 1NSTALLATM DETAfC VA700RAMdV8B =BUIXPBTANATION 650 WES7 MARKET STREET ORAT7, PA 17030-0370 SERIES 185 AWM(NUN SINGLE HUNO WINDOW 36' X 84°- LMI rLAKGE INSTALLATION DETAILS SIGNED:IalU r7 Luis R. Lo s P.E. FL No.: 62514 1/2- FAN EDGE DISTARCE MAL srRicnow 8Y 01HERS i u v .7T7oTr.^ NET! SmuGr6r BY 0THEF NoTEer, A AY7 H0%WIYO a.AfflWRFfN1Skl�RYOR�FS P PEF ONNF[YtLL1AfrY. D T'E1 M (ff CZ0FW AR=WaxT6r &W2 roeF BESfGN✓:D FHACCOROAAI:E WRNA6AeRf2f72 1/4" MAX. SRI11 SPACE 91.1. TD BE 50 N A BED OF .IRUCrURAL ,TAUW1 1/4- M4X. SM SPACE ANcm sp we 8 C1WD5 D7/I1/16 N Glrss 1D/01/17 1 HL 1/4- w SMM SPACE g to sms OR $EIF SCREWS —\ W INTFFlOR BCIM0R UkM ROD APFROIW SEALAUr Ml WINDOWS AND SERffS 185 ALUMINUM SINGLE HUNG WtRNW 56" X 84"- LMI FLANGE USFAILATIDN DETAILS N.G. SJGrEO: l2FF4,Wl7 Luis R. Lomm P.E. TL No- 62514 2 1/2" MN. EDGE OrsTAHce CONCRETE/M.4SONRY BY OTMERS " a.. fm. OPTIDAIaL 1% BUCK ' ' r.Q EMBEDMENT SEE 903ES 3 - 7 i SNEEi 1 1/Y wy- BACKER ROD SHR SPACE & APPROVED sFAlavr 3/16- TAPCON 1 1/4- M01 E1IMMENT 3/16- T com P 2 1/2- EDGE :s DISTANCE " A RLVISED Nil`JIOR SP!{NG R OGHIS DTltllf6 RL ' u 1RtvSO C1.16 10/b2fi] R1 1/4' MAX SWM SPACE I S L— EXTERIOR ROD a: APPROVED $ APPROVED OPIIONAL I% BBCK SEALANT SEE NOTES 3 - 7 SNEEV I JAMS MSTALLATION DETAIL CONCREMMSgV METALL4MM BACKER ROD SILL TO BE SET h APPROVED SEALANT IN A BED OF NOTGS: APPROVED f,R1TMCRAAD00HRO EMBrO0X 4 OPNDNAL IX BOCK SEALANT NOTSHDWNFOAMARDY. SEE NOTE 3 - 7 EPEROITETERANO JOMTSEAlANTBYOTIfBLS rVSE SHEET 1 1/4- MAX DESICNED tNACCORDANCE IIITMA571 SUC SIGNED: 1214=7 F� SP'M CCNCRETE ��' MI MMDOWS AND DOORS, LLC { r' OTFMRYs BY onBx B50 WEST MARKET STREET . D erg GRAT2. PA 17030-0370 6 ' -• ^ + SEi8C5 165 ALUMINUM SINGLE NUNS YARROW ' e� '.• <•. -. 36" %LD L ,. `.. . ..Y a e:.'t e. --. :'.. .;.:• • FLANGEE INSTALLATISAT ION BETAllS ari r VERTICAL CROSS SECTION. KAI OB-02545 B IlT+T711 ¢ac Ms °g 12/09/20146 OP I5 OLNV' TE76A+JuS0A67Y1ABTA1IARON - r_xwemoeauarnr. Luis R. Lnmw P.E. FL No.: U514 Aoi 1/2' Lm EDGE DISTANCE WOOD FRAMING OR zX BUCK BY D1HER5 BACKER ROD J ll•4 UAY & APPROVED SPACE SEALANT •• •• L 110 (MOOD SCREW lNTERlOR EXTERIOR SWOER ROD & APPROVED SEALANT NOW FRAMMG DR 2X BUCK BY DRIERS MLL TO BE so N A BED OF APPROVED ITRUCIURAL EEAEANI 1/c uAR. SHIM SPACE VERPDAL DROSS SEO7110N ND00 F7MMJN00118YeUCK81STALfA 7.A TM0RAIdDEXTEANRRM&fES, BYOYMRS. AbT9ANTlfFT1RGYARtTS: 8Pe&VWV44C DRDANCC WGRASAW Mtfg3 roeE DEsrruuEotaaacoRmwas M77NABfi1 arrz I my 1 ormwnns I � S Amaam 1 1/4" MAX SHIM SPACE 81D scRLw mmv MOOD FRILLING�� OR 2X BUCK ___ BICKER ROD BY OTHERS & APPROVED SEALW .W MB B143FALLA TION DETAIL I FMMMg9TRBWKMWALLA77M 650 WEST MARKET STREET GRATZ, PA 17030-0370 SERIES 185 ALUMINUM SINGLE HUNG YRNDOW 36° X Be,- 1M1 FINLESS INSTALLATION DETAILS C�f.iLLti�kJ Luis R. Lam P.E. FL Na: =514 1/2- hDN EDGE DISTANCE °ro p1bpd°°0s' °ASf''0�0 HETAREI n RflSLD Mlcxors SwaRc s nwlss 07 s/i� rsi STRUCTUa REINED D1A4 IO/D2/tT RL By Gram 1/4" 5A%. B r SNIUh SPACE Nliu /10 SUS OR SELF DRILUUG SCREW WFER1O E1fR mma SRL TO RE SET IN A BED OF APPROM STRUCTURAL EACXER ROD SEAEART & APPROVED SEAMED 1J4" UAC if SND1 SPACE STRUCTURE E?Y OTHERS VERTICAL GROWSECTIOM USTALSTRMATORER BIUATWN NOTEb` t.1N764NRAND F7:f9i'�9 F1N1SHE3. G✓01RPN& ADITSHORNFQti tlARlf 1: 2 PERRdET74t Mmd05Jf $FAfA7?BY01FiFF87L8E DESARYED MACCOfmAMCEWITHASAt EYfL! 1/4" UA%. SHIM SPACE #To SNS DR SELF DRILLMG 41OLMR SCR LY___— 1/z NDL EDGE INSTANCE EXTERIOR METAL BACKER ROD STRLCIURE & APPROVED BY OTHERS SEALANT JAAAR 1NSTALSATIONDEWL ATEEAE STRDL7fWWrALLATLOM MI WINDOWS AND SERIES 185 ALUMINUM SINGLE "B 1TINDOW 3W X W- EMI TINLESS INSTALLATION DETAILS wcv: mn to N.O. 03-02S45 Ruc Nf5 — 12/D9/2DN —Is OF 11 SMIED: 1914APO17 Luis R. Lomas P.E. FL No, 62514 2 1/2' MIN. EDGE DlsraucE CONCRETE/l4Z%w _ ^� BY OTHERS h 1 1/4" MIN, OPTIONAL IX BUCK A. ra' EMBEDMENT SEE NOTES 3 M 1 _ —r 1/4^ MAX BACKER BOD SHIM SPACE & APPROVED SEALANT I11E1 `3/16^ 7APCON 071ERIOR EXTERIOR 1 1/4 WIN. E118EDKENT OONMIE/M SONR! BY OTHERS r 3/15- TAPCON 2 1/2• MIN. EDGE DISTANCE .y A6COP.Of 4VE YHmRD a Ta+nstTt :uTcxoR sPArna & aDRrs ml11lte R4. _ B R045ED fDAS 1010 ry AL ' OPTIONAL 1X BUCK SEE NOTES 3-7 SHEET I MAIL SPILT INTERIOR \\ EXTERIOR ` BACKER ROD & APPROVER SEALANT JAMS INSTALLAITM OETAIt SILT TO 8E SEr CONCRET6M4SMINYMS7AUATNN RI h �D OF BACKER ROD APPROVED & APPRONCD SIRUCIURPL NDDeY SEALANT SEAUINT 7. WfER1R4AA97 EXTERKIAFAYI.SIF$ DYOTNERS, OPTIONAL IX UUCK 1/4^ IADL NDrSFff%wV RCLUV. M SEE NOTE 3 - 7 SHIt4 SPACC OEStaNEDM Aa COteDANCUMTHrAIFTM meE SIGNED: i2/f4M7 SKEET I �NCREIrJ�AsoNRr Ul WINDOWS AND DOORS LLC i� BY DTHERS - O ' . S 650 17- MARKET STREET d!• GRA1Z. PA 17030-037R •�._P •f: _S ate•. a ~ SERIES 185 ALUMINUM SINGLL HUNG 3V X tie- ILO .^�.^ FWLE551maLLAVON DETAILS .`.•t YER7 m CROSS SECTION N.G. 118-02545 CQNGRFTDKRASLI'ARI'I�TALLATM17A1 s NTS JIM 12/OB/2074 9 OF 11 1.f81llll� 1. NoselrOTmRISPd Luis R. lama P.L u=NimaEaNDaolatm Eas`'xe+ FL Ow Mf4 APPRANID SEALANT BEND INO 0 FIN N 7/1B- WIN EDGE DISTANCE 1 1/A- ". EWBEDMENT sY'HR6 1/4. HAIL _ E SHW SPACE 7 86 WOOD SCREW » ANCHOR SPA= a CW= ai/1a/lo RL CUSS 1D/07/17 R1 iJ4 � � TlRRGD L •• Ma SHIA SPACE is WODO same 11111 �I� um JAMB INSTALLATION DETAJt HOOD FTNMIN6 OR 9CWQKRWAu ATmf•I NOTE ).R/RRA7AAND ON7EAfO1Ti1eASI7FS s✓OTHERS 1 eNTs1�1H1VRA7C1.VR71: SHw II! SPACE 2AEAWdt7EWAM7,WDA6FAWtI9YQOilFS PC/IiE -. DE%=V--DPIA=FWANC6{11IIA9OREUt2 SIGNED: 1042U77 EDGE in�� �B gyp0p WOOD MI WINDOWS AND DOORS, LLC 65O WEST RARNET STREET GRAIZ, PA 17030-0370 t �, ' .. !';��,1(,IC't+t' SCREW 1 1/4- mim. 6YOMERE SERIES 165 ALUARUM SINGLE HUNG WINDOW -. EHBEWIEHT 3C 8 64'- LNI '''S •. APPROVED ANT FIR INSTALLATION DETAILS BEHIND rul VSMr.4LCFT0SS5ECA0N 14LpDPm1IDIGOB2X61ffiKW97M1ATTON E[ITS1a 12/09/2014 a"R' 10 OF 11 ILC S L e✓CE iQLVZPA Lul. R. LGmGs P.E. 1tl241VGPWA'1Rnu:1161R[e, NGdimt FL Na 62514 /N�9C10q ems® 2 3/I6" 13J76 LLF--j RANGE FRAME HFAD cu-]umr AWA MM6563-73AW7RACK 3 AUAlAYlN 6CEYle. W3' flN7' �it— IJrr• 1` GL427NG BEAD YXd]84l3 6XAvr1•v.d6D•vurx /6` 2 3/I6• RANGE FRAMEJAMB Cf'Amm AUA551tMeoSM5X5A TI= 2 5/16• --.I L FINLESS FRAI44E SILL <GMT51 AGA9MAf wGR75,Ds5' T}RAC 1 7/t6` 2 6/1fi` L80T70MRAIL CAT-tMS ALUMPINJOW45.W'P'71MCK i5/78" —SASH SME Caa]esw AUWdkM GAS9-I3XWTH64C 2 3/16" i sJ1s• 7 FTVLESSFRAME HEM r46UM AUA1A M6M-T3.MV`?X.T8( 3/� 2 3/2� gNLESS FRRMEJAW cu-]gists ALU891Wt16061-TS.GSD"iM'CJC 3 S/4 FIN FRAME SILL GAI-NISD7 AL MU0fiPfi5T5A FJACN 2 LLB � L GRA2 ctarsso] uu6aAatlaLeM rs.ASr Wlrcx 2 3/16" 2 5/16" HEM CM IMM ALU11MMd/6D68T3.Aw^]ifMJC z 3/6• 2 116" EJAA78 AMPr6sro AL041D7UMeBR4.73.0.a0•TRN1Y a ARC60R SPACING G CIWRiS 07J1t/t6 2t GLASS ID/02/17 lim t/a• ARIt. — 3/32 ANN. J.PVB BY XURAM 3/3Y lWN. EXJERAIR II III U2UIYL SPACER UOURKW 1/2" RRE SILICONE SEIZING BLOCK GLAZWGDETAIL WINDOWS AND DOORS, LLC SERIES t8S ALULONUN SINGLE RUNG WINDOW 3C X 84"— LRI COMPONENTS NTS 08-02545 &'GNEM IX14rc4117 LAis R. Lamos P.E. FL Uo.: 62514 SCANNED � BY St. Lucie County MS Home I Log In I User Registratlon Hot TOPTO I Submit Sumbame I Stars a Facts Pubnratlons I Conned Us l BCIS SRe Map unks I seamb db r1 C �°'� Product Approval x USER: Public User t= Pmeud Anumvel Menu > Prouu[x nr Apm Cation SxarcS > 82pp<a"nn L a > Appllcatlon Denton FL * Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived FL1421-RS Affirmation 2017 Approved REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOCC Product Manufacturer Wayne -Dalton, a division of Overhead Door Corporation Address/Phone/Email 3395 Addison Drive Pensacola, FL 32514 (330) 763-8121 dkornish@wayne-dalton.com Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Testing Lab Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of Independence Steckbeck Tom tom_steckbeck@overheaddoor.com Dwayne Kornish 14512 Lincoln Way St E Dalton, OH 44618 (330) 828-3327 dkornish@wayne-dalton.com Exterior Doors Roll -Up Exterior Door Assemblies Test Report Intertek - York (ATI) PFS Corporation 12/31/2019 Gordon Thomas, P.E. ❑ Validation Checklist- Hardcopy Received FL1421 R5 COI COI - ATI.odf FL 47.1. Rs CQI_H.ET ame_r Independ,ad F1,1421 RS COI Wayne Dalton Test Reyort Expiration Lgt er. df Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard ASTM E-330 TAS 201 TAS 202 TAS 203 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Year 1997 1994 1994 1994 Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect FL1421 R5 Eauiv WD PE Ea Std 1-09 - signed odf Ell affirm that there are no changes in the new Florida Building Code which affect my product(s) and my product(s) are In compliance with the new Florida Building Code. Documentation from approved Evaluation or Validation Entity OYes ONO O N/A FL1421 RS COC FL 01421 Affirm for FBC 6th 2Q175.Odf Product Approval Method Method 1 Option B Date Submitted 09/19/2017 Date Validated 09/19/2017. Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 09/21/2017 Summary of Products i FL # I Model, Number or Name Description 1421.1 DS 350 Round Commercial Roll Up Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL1421 R5 II 7.Qo93 DS 350 Installation _pciff Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Gordon Thomas FL 46718 Impact Resistant: No Test Reports Design Pressure: +37/-37 P7ID 1421 RI T ATI 01-46385-04.pdf Other: Round panel profile, 10 ft w,+/- 37 psf design pressure. Steel and grote Filled concrete block mounting. Not for use in HVHZ. - 1421.2 DS 350 Round Commercial Roll Up Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL1421 R5 II 101-0093 DS 350 Installation.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Gordon Thomas FL 46718 Impact Resistant: No Test Reports Design Pressure: +28/-26 FL1421 R5 TR ATI 01-46385-05 pdF Other: Round panel profile, 12 it w, +/- 28 psf design pressure. Steel and grote filled concrete block mounting. Not for use i HVHZ. 1421.3 DS 350 Round Commerical Roll Up Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No - FL1421 RS II 101-0093 DS 350 I t ilaf n odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Gordon Thomas FL 46718 Impact Resistant: No Test Reports Design Pressure: +28/-28 FL1421 R5 TR AT` 01-46385-06 pdf Other: Round panel profile, 16 ft w, +/- 28 psf design pressure. Steel and grote filled concrete block mouting. Not for use in HVHZ. 1421.4 DS 350 Square Commercial Roll Up Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL1421 R5 II 101-0093 DS 350 installation.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Gordon Thomas FL 46718 Impact Resistant: No Test Reports Design Pressure: +44/-44 FL1421 R5 TR ATI (Ll 46 gSLGI.Pdf Other: Square panel profile, 10 ft w, +/- 44 psf design pressure. Steel and grote filled masonry mount. Not for use in HVHZ. 1421.5 DS 350 Square Commercial Roll Up Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL1421 R5 II 101-0093 DS 350 Installation.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Gordon Thomas FL 46719 Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +40/-40 Test Reports FL1421 RS TR AT! 01-46385-02 odf Other: Square panel profile, 12 ft w, +/-40 psf design pressure. Steel and grote fill concrete block mounting. Not for use in HVHZ. 1421.6 DS 350 Square Commercial Roll Up Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL1421 RS It 1,01-0093 DS 350 Installattotpgf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Gordon Thomas FL 46718 Impact Resistant: No Test Reports Design Pressure: +34/-34 FL1421 R5 TR All 01-46385-03 odf Other: Square panel profile, 16 ft w, +/-34 psf design pressure. Steel and grate filled concrete block mounting. Not for use in HVHZ. 1421.7 DS 75 Round Commercial Roll Up Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL1421 R5 II IQI-DI14 DS 75-100 Instaila4cimpdf Verified By: Gordon Thomas FL 46718 Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Test Reports Design Pressure: +34/-34 FL1421 R5 TR ATI 01-46384-01 odF Other: Round panel profile, 10 ft w, +34/-34 psf design pressure. Steel jamb and grate filled concrete masonry mounting. Not for use in HVHZ. 1421.8 DS 75 Square Commercial Roll Up Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approvedfor use in HVHZ: No FL1421 RS I1 101-0114 DS 75=100 Installation gdf Verified By: Gordon Thomas FL 46718 Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Test Reports Design Pressure: +30/-34 FL1421 RS TR HETI-01-1117.0 Other: 1) DS 75: Round panel profile, 10 it w, +30/-34 psf design pressure. Steel and grate filled concrete block mounting. HVHZ. 1421.9 Series 800 Service Door Commercial Rolling Steel Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL1421 RS II Service Door Installation Manual.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Gordon Thomas FL46718 Impact Resistant: No Test Reports Design Pressure: +44/-44 FL1421 RS TR ATI 01-46389-01 0dF Other: 800 Series Service Door: Flat or insulated slat, 10 ft w, +/-44 psf design pressure. Steel and grate filled concrete block mounting. 1421.10 Series 800 Service Door Commercial Rolling Steel Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL1421 RS II Service Door IngollatigniAgnuill.9df Verified By: Gordon Thomas FL 46718 Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Test Reports Design Pressure: +47/-47 FL1421 RS TR ATF O1-46.i8$_Ql pdf Other: 800 Series Service Door: Flat or insulated slat, 10 ft w, +/- 47 psf design pressure. Steel and grate filled concrete block. HVHZ. 1421.11 Series 800 Service Door Commercial Rolling Steel Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL1421 R5 II Service Door Installation Manua! pdf Verified By: Gordon Thomas FL 46718 Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Test Reports Design Pressure: +311-31 FL1421 R5 TR ATI 01-46389-02 odf Other: 800 Series Service Door: Flat or insulated slat, 16 ft w, +/-31 psf design pressure. Steel and grate filled concrete block mounting. HVHZ. 1421.12 Series 800 Service Door Commercial Rolling Steel Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL1421. R5 tI Servi4e Dgor Ln 0ation Manua Verified By: Gordon Thomas FL 46718 Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Test Reports Design Pressure: +37/-37 FL1421 R5 TR ATI 01-46389-03 odF Other: 800 Series Service Door: Flat or insulated slat, 16 ft w, +/-37 psf design pressure. Steel and grate filled concrete block mounting. HVHZ. 1421.13 Series 800 Service Door Commercial Rolling Steel Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL1421 R5 II Service Door Installation Manual.ndf Verified By: Gordon Thomas FL 46718 Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Test Reports Design Pressure: +47/-47 FL1421 R5 TR ATI 01-46387-01,odf Other: 800 Series Service Door: Flat or insulated slat, 16 ft w, +/- 47 psf design pressure. Steel and grate filled concrete block mounting. HVHZ. 1421.14 Series 800 Service Door Commercial Rolling Steel Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL1421 R5 II Service Door rnstall tin M n al odf Verified By: Gordon Thomas FL 46718 Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Test Reports Design Pressure: +37/-37 FL1421 RS TR ATI 01-46389-04 odf Other: 800 Series Service Door: Flat or insulated slat, 22 it w, +/- 37 psf design pressure. Steel and grate Filled concrete block mounting. HVHZ. 1421.15 Series 800 Service Door Commercial Rolling Steel Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL1421 RS 11 Service Door installayn-Mlianuat.ndf Verified By: Gordon Thomas FL 46718 Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Test Reports Design Pressure: +56/-56 FL1421 R5 TR ATI 18215-05.odf Other: 800 Series Service Door: Flat or insulated slat, 22 ft w, +/- 56 psf design pressure. Steel and grote filled concrete black mounting. HVHZ. Contact U :: 2601 Blab Stone Road. Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone, SS0-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer. CoovtlpM1[ 2002-2013 State of Flmtltla.:: Privacy Statement :: ArcessuniTte statement :: Refund Statement Under Flanda law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. if you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. 1pursuant to section 455.225(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they,Nwe one. The emalls provided may be used for officlal communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department wit an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, I15., please dick hem . Product Approval Accepts: EB EM Cfedit Card_ Safe ".,7 AL Architectural Testing PERFORMANCE TEST REPORT Rendered to: WAYN&DALTON CORPORATION Door and Systems Division Model DS-350 Round 16'x S' r Report No: 0146385.06 Test Date: 09/09/03 Report Date: 11/13/03 Expiration Date: 09/09/07 130 Derry Court York, PA 17402.9405 phone: 717.764.7700 fax: 717.764.4129 www.archiest.com Architectural Testing PERFORMANCE TEST REPORT Rendered to: WAYNE•DALTON CORPORATION Door and Systems Division 1 Door Drive Mount Hope, Ohio 44660 Report No: 01-46385.06 Test Date: 09/09/03 Report Date: 11/13/03 Project Summary: Architectural Testing, Inc. (ATI) was contracted by Wayne -Dalton Corporation to perform wind load testing per ASTM E 330.97. The test Has performed upon a Model DS-350 Round commercial roll -up sheet door. The door was 16' wide by 8' high. The door was tested to a +/-28.0 psf design pressure. This report includes test data and drawings. Test Procedure: The test specimen was evaluated in accordance with ASTM E 330-97, Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference. Testing was conducted at positive and negative loads as listed in the test results. General Description: The steel test chamber provided a clear opening measuring 16' 0" wide by 8' 0" high. Two jamb conditions were provided. Steel tube with a 5116" wall thickness was utilized on the left jamb and a 3,000 psi grout filled concrete block column for the right jamb. The head was comprised of two 12" steel channels that were stacked and welded. 130 Derry Court York, PA 17402-9405 phone: 717.764.7700 tax: 717.764.4129 www.archiest.com 01.46385.06 Page 2 of 3 Test Specimen: Product: Model DS-350 Round commercial roll -up sheet door Door Opening: 160" wide by 8' 0" high Assembly Details: ' G" guides were utilized for both the steel and the grout filled concrete block jambs. The guide anchor spacing was 6" from the bottom and 12" on center thereafter for the steel and the grout filled concrete block jambs. The curtain was fabricated with .018" sheet steel with windlocks on every bead. The windlocks were fastened with two rivets per lock. Reference Wayne -Dalton Drawing # 035-0013 and 035-0016 for these details. Test Results: The following results have been recorded: ASTM E 330-97: "Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference. " Note:` -Polyethylene film and tape were used in a manner that did not influence the test results. Deflection was measured at the midspan and ends of the door with linear transducers. Maximum Deflection Permanent Set (Inch) (Inch) Transducer Number Transducer Number Test Pressure' Duration #1 #2 #3 #1 #2 #3 +14.00 psf (1/2 Design) 10 sec Remove Slack +28.00 psf (Design) 10 sec 0.290 8.280 0.400 0.010 0.030 0.010 +42.00 psf (Overload) 10 sec 0.450 10.460 0.590 0.020 0.350 0.170 -14.00 psf (1/2 Design) 10 sec Remove Slack -28.00 psf (Design) 10 sec 0.820 13.560 0.630 0.060 0.820 0.030 -42.00 psf (Overload) 10 sec 1.070 16.400 1.030 0.180 0.160 - 0.620 There was no visible damage and the door was operational at the conclusion of testing. List of Official Observers: Mark Daus Wayne -Dalton Corporation Michael Mendez Wayne -Dalton Corporation Scott Kramer Architectural Testing, Inc. 0146385.06 Page 3 of 3 ASTM E8-01 Test Method: The test specimens were evaluated in accordance with ASTM E8-01, Standard Test Methods for Tensile Testing of Metallic Materials. The test specimens were machined and sized in compliance with section 6.0 of the standard. The specimens were tested using a Satec 50UD Universal Machine with a cross head speed of 0.2 in/min Test Results: The test results are shown on test logs 18970 through 18875 (attached) and summarized in the following table. Specimen Yield Strength (psi)m Yield Strain Tensile Load h Tensile Strength sr Elongation Area Reduction 1 41,391 0.0039 518 - 48,413 30.00 35.50 2 42,804 0.0033 504 49,429 27.50 . 19.60 3 39,454 0.0034 503 47,003 30.50 37.40 4 . 42 615 0.0036 518 50,292 30.50 35.00 5 41 175 0.0035 515 48 094 29.00 33.60 6 43 477 0.0036 519 50 918 32.t10 35.30 Average 41,819 0.0036 1 513 1 49,025 j 29.90 132.70 The average Tangent Modulus for the tested specimens was 25.5 x I06 psi. A copy of this report will be retained by ATl for a period of four years. This report is the -exclusive property of the client so named herein and is applicable to the samples tested. Results obtained are tested values and do not constitute an opinion or endorsement by this laboratory. This report may not be reproduced except in full without the approval of Architectural Testing. For ARCHITECTURAL TESTING, INC.: Xeo" . C Na9�d bYaWlR Warr DDWYSWAI :Cm LOl d Scott D. Kramer Connie Owad Technician Technician 7 a. Joseph A. Reed, P.E. Director - Engineering and Product Testing SDKbaw 01-46385.06 i / / DOCUMENT CONTROL ADDENDUM #01.46385.00 Current Issue Date: 11/13/03 Report No.: 0146385.01 Requested by: Mark Daus; Wayne Dalton Corporation Purpose: ASTM E 330 testing of Series/Model DS-350, 10' x 8'. Issued Date: 11/13/03 Comments: Florida P.E. seal required on report. Report No.: 0146385.02 Requested by: Mark Daus, Wayne Dalton Corporation Purpose: ASTM E 330 testing of Series/Model DS-350, 12' x 8'. Issued Date: 11/13/03 Comments: Florida P.E. seal required on report. Report No.: OI46385.03 Requested by: Mark Daus, Wayne Dalton Corporation Purpose: ASTM E 330 testing of Series/Model DS-350, 16' x 81. Issued Date: 11/13/03 Comments: Florida P.E. seal required on report. Report No.: 0146385.04 Requested by: Mark Daus, Wayne Dalton Corporation Purpose: ASTM E 330 testing of Series/ModeI DS-3501tound, 10' x 8'. Issued Date: 11/13/03 Comments: Florida P.E. seal required on report. Report No.: 01-46385.05 Requested by: Mark Daus, Wayne Dalton Corporation Purpose: ASTM E 330 testing of Series/Model DS-350, 12' x 8'. Issued Date: 11/13/03 Comments: Florida P.E. seal required on report. Report No.: 0146385.06 i Requested by: Mark Daus, Wayne Dalton Corporation Purpose: ASTM E 330 testing of Series/Model DS-350, 16' x 8'. Issued Date: 11/13/03 Comments: Florida P.E. seal required on report. I., 40( 10( ..ONMENNEM ME H......NEMENOOM ..'I "MEMOS 0 on [OWN ONNEOMME ■....E.E. .....M... i1fi5 i i 11191off l 115. Counter: Elapsed Time: ATI #: Client: Material Type: Sample #: Comments: Procedure Name: Start Date: Start Time: End Date: End Time; Workstation: Tested By: Strain (in/in) Test Summary 25 18870 00:04:10 01-46385 Wayne Dalton Corporation Steel Door 1 16 a 8 Round 120-32 ASTM E 8-01, Tensile Testing of 10/16/03 3:32:31 PM 10/16/03 3:36:41 PM Architectural Testing Inc. Connie Test Results Width: After Test Width: Thickness: After Test Thickness: Area: After Test Area: Tensile Strength: Peak Load: Load at Yield: Position at Yield: Time at Yield: Strain at Yield: Stress at Yield: Elongation at Yield: Reduction of Area: Total Elongation: Pretest Punch Length: Posttest Punch Length: Modulus of Elasticity: 0.5115 in 0.4160 in 0.0210 in 0.0165 in 0.0107 in' 0.0069 inz 48413 psi 518 lbf 442.8800 lbf 0.0682 in 0.3445 min 0.0039 in/in 41390.6600 psi 0.0078 m 35.5 % 30.0000 % 2.000 in 2.60 in 20904300 psi �oonsnREE MM HEMEMENO MEMM..■. MONSON No ME ME �.O ®OMMOMMMEM ®OMMEM MEM00,..11,11"100,, Counter: Elapsed Time: ATl #: Client: Material Type: Sample #: Comments: Procedure Name: Start Date: Start Time: End Date: End Time: Workstation: Tested By: Strain (in/in) Test Summary 6 18871 00:03:54 01-46385 Wayne Dalton Corporation Steel Door 2 16 s 8 Round 120-32 ASTM E 8-01, Tensile Testing of 10/16/03 3:39:36 PM 10/16/03 3:43:30 PM Architectural Testing Inc. Connie Test Results Width: After Test Width: Thickness: After Test Thickness: Area: After Test Area: Tensile Strength: Peak Load: Load at Yield: Position at Yield: Time at Yield: Strain at Yield: Stress at Yield: Elongation at Yield: Reduction of Area: Total Elongation: _ Pretest Punch Length: Posttest Punch Length: Modulus of Elasticity: 0.5125 in 0.5130 iti 0.0200 in 0.0160 in 0.0102 in 0.0082 in= 49429 psi 504 lbf 436.6016lbf 0.0580 in 0.2932 min 0.0033 inrn 42804.0800 psi 0.0066 in 19.6 % 27.5000 % 2.000 in 2.55 in 30346700 psi 1/moo ��������■ I=mossHNOMMOSEEN SMOMOM MMENN I0m...®.■.n Counter: Elapsed Time: ,An Client: Material Type: Sample #: Comments: Procedure Name: Start Date: Start Time: End Date: End Time: Workstation: Tested By: Strain (in/in) Test Summary 18872 00:04:00 01-46385 Wayne Dalton Corporation Steel Door 3 16 s 8 Round 120-32 ASTM E 8-01, Tensile Testing of 10/16/03 3:45:44 PM 10/16/03 3:49,44 PM Architectural Testing Inc. Connie Test Results Width: After Test Width: Thickness: After Test Thickness: Area: After Test Area: Tensile Strength: Peak Load: Load at Yield: Position at Yield: Time at Yield: Strain at Yield: Stress at Yield: Elongation at Yield: Reduction of Area Total Elongation: Pretest Punch Length: Posttest Punch Length: Modulus of Elasticity: 0.5115 in 0.4210 in 0.0210 in 0.0160 in 0.0107 W 0.0067 in2 47003 psi 503 lbf 422.1572 lbf 0.0530 in 0.2682 min 0.0034 in/in 39453.9500 psi 0.0069 in 37A % 30.5000 % 2.00Q in 2.61 in 25689000 psi .a 4 3 5 rn 3 1111 =monsoon0 Ip 1�1 I I I 1 1 IJ� 1 1 1 Counter: Elapsed Time: ATI #: Client: Material Type: Sample #: Comments: Procedure Name: Start Date: Start Time: End Date: End Time: Workstation: Tested By: Strain (in/in) Test Summary 18873 00:04:00 01-46385 Wayne Dalton Corporation Steel Door 4 16 a 8 Round 120-32 ASTM E 8-01, Tensile Testing of 10/16/03 3:52:06 PM 10/16/03 3:56:06 PM Architectural Testing Inc. Connie Test Results Width: After Test Width: Thickness: After Test Thickness: Area After Test Area: Tensile Strength: Peak Load: Load at Yield: Position at Yield: Time at Yield: Strain at Yield: Stress at Yield: Elongation at Yield: Reduction of Area: Total Elongation: Pretest Punch Length: Posttest Punch Length; Modulus of Elasticity 0.5130 in 0.4190 in 0.0200 in 0.0160 in 0.0103 in2 0.0067 in? 50292 psi 5181bf -438.93801bf 0.0672 in 0.3395 mn 0.0036 in/in 42615.3400 psi 0.0071 in, 35.0 % 30.5000 % 2.000 in .2.61 in 25660900 psi wu 400 300 10 NOMMOSIM �IN.M...M..N .■■.M.MON ;ounter: 3lapsed Time: :lient: vWerial Type: Sample #: lomments: ?rocedure Name: Start Date: Start Time: End Date: End Time: Workstation: Tested By: Strain (in/in) Test Summary 25 18874 00:04:06 01-46385 Wayne Dalton Corporation Steel Door 5 16 x 8 Round 120-32 ASTM E 8-01, Tensile Testing of 10/16/03 3:58:38 PM 10/16/03 4:02:44 PM Architectural Testing Inc. Connie Width: After Test Width: Thickness: After Test Thickness: Area: After Test Area: Tensile Strength: Peak Load: Load at Yield: Position at Yield: Time at Yield: Strain at Yield: Stress at Yield: Elongation at Yield: Reduction of Area: Total Elongation: Pretest Punch Length: Posttest Punch Length: Modulus of Elasticity: 0.5105 in 0.4190 in 0.0210 in 0.0170 in 0.0107 in' 0.0071 in2 48094 psi 515 ibf 440.5768 IV 0.0754 in 0.3803 min 0.0035 in/in 41175.4000 psi 0.0070 in 33.6 % 29,0000 % 2.000 in 2.58 in 25199700 psi FA mom r r r r ME ®...M....M N......M.. Irrrr �.N...O... r r r r I>�r r r e r r rJ�lr r r r Counter: Elapsed Time: An #: Client: Material Type: Sample #: Comments: Procedure Name: Start Date: Start Time: End Date: End Time: Workstation: Tested By: Strain (in/in) Test Summary 25 18875 00:04:08 01-46385 Wayne Dalton Corporation Steel Door 6 16 a 8 Round 120-32 ASTM E 8-01, Tensile Testing of 10/16/03 4:06:28 PM 10/16/03 4:10:36 PM Architectural Testing Inc. Connie Test Results Width: After Test Width: Thickness: After Test Thickness: Area: After Test Area: Tensile Strength: Peak Load: Load at Yield: Position at Yield: Time at Yield: Strain at Yield: Stress at Yield: Elongation at Yield: Reduction of Area: Total Elongation: Pretest Punch Length: Posttest Punch Length: Modulus of Elasticity: 0.5105 in 0.4150 in 0.0200 in 0.0160 in 0.0102 in2 0.0066 in2 50918 psi 519 lbf 443.4646Ibf 0.0661 in 0.3340 min 0.0036 in/in 43476.9200 psi 0.0073 in 35.3 % 32.0000% 2.Ot10 in 2.64 in 25003300 psi r_ UNTING BRACKET. C DETAIL oo¢ BAR I6'0" OPENING BBOLTS. BOTH BOTH ENGAGE m BOTH ENGAGED COILSIDE ELEVATION DURING TEST SCALE = NONE LEFT HANG RIGHT HAND T-B N T-BRACKET' I--44.25--1 1--f4.25—I ALUM EXTNUSION FASTENERS VARY, 6 LOCATIONS n 2 : 2 Y .112 ANGLE 035-0013 7 R.zz (12 PLCS) I .125 (TYP) / 1 R.60 a ao (6 PLCS) I 0 W EVERY ON EVERY BEAD 1 An (TYP) PANEL DETAIL SCALE = 1:4 NOTES: I. UNIFORM STATIC AIR PRESSURE TEST PERFORMED PER ASTM E 330 2. TENSILE TEST PERFORMED PER ASTM E 8 ArcMt6Et11TBlTlet" 3. TESTED BY ARCHITECTURAL TESTING, INC. 4. CURTAIN IS .018 MIN STEEL PER ASTM A 653. GR.40 Te5lanple[cP010ErATAIEev:4NARL S. SEE 035-0016 FOR COMPONENT DETAILS Otr011wtii, mAei LEFT HAND )TIGHT HAND BOTTOM BAR SEAL STAMPED BRACKET STAMPM BRACKET DW n-CA•nt Tan_,$Ar-- {•--f4.18 ---I fi---14.19---1 BOTTOM BAR DETAIL F7 SCALE - 1:2 DENOTES UNTESTED CONFIGURATIONS APPROVED BY COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS v,1NT KU IEP r<L1GM (LR7 I EITII wpM HDLOAo tFsr, Ds-sso, 1B' , S. BRACKET DETAIL ROUND PROFILE PANEL SCALE = 1-12 S28 PST DESIGN (t42 PSF TEST) sa TEST OATS "'N RESOLES IRIIFORM STATIC AIR PRESSURE T TENSILE ' I s - .:rte Txa Ia+wTxu e IS .SO' Nwl AS SNONN TPH4R A !.ale ieRAe .n tNFAR .m S .pIO >rm.. r INFU{M } ,yp• n YI� P oWcxswxs w IxONS ps., pY. ,n tlR ND X B 035-0013 DIRECT DRVE CHAIN HOIST OPERATION STEEL JAMB VS/16-12 x I SELFORILLING SCREW REDUCED DRIVE CHAIN HOIST OPERATION• W MASONRY JAM8 p GROU7 FIIIED BLOCK, 3000PSI MIN GROUT 03/8 x 3 KINGPIN WEDGE ANCHOR / MOTOR OPERATION' MANUAL OPERATION' OPERATION DETAIL SCALE = NONE i 1- 1.375t.020 J m G.089 MIN SiL PER ASTM A 653 G-GUIDE DETAIL SCALE - 1:2 .168 MIN STL PER ASTM A 653 — f N R.19 ma WALL ANGLE IL SCALE - 1:2 1 r' MASONRY JAMB,/Z' CONCRETE, 3000PSI MIN 03/B x 3 KINGPIN WEDGE ANCHOR JAMB DETAIL SCALE = NONE co-c� WF.UtSTRIP, .12 GRIP OS/16-11 x 5 8 TNMS 0-GUIDE (D-L272) WEARSIRIP..40 GRIP 05/ts FLATTE HER WALL ANGLE .500,-{---�; - o WINDLOCK DETAIL SCALE = FULL -0016 FLANGE NUT I. UNIFORM STATIC AIR PRESSURE TEST PERFORMED PER ASTM E 330 505/16-16 GUIDE ASSEMBLY DETAIL .2. TENSILE TEST PERFORMED PER ASTM E B Y� M 3. TESTED BY ARCHITECTURAL TESTING. INC. SCALE a 1:2 4. SEE 035-00t3, -0014, -0015 FOR TEST DETAILS .,M.,. �y AfCAIEaLUFBT Tv..,g TLST WTE TEST REPORT � RESULTS TeslF�Ote Il1a�cRiAnuIL LNiRu UNIFORM STATIC AIR PRESSURE hmlA nT_ UFTYC n/ we fe-.T7-.F3 iETt. SAK TENSILE 'DENOTES UNTESTED CONFIGURATIONS APPROVED BY COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS "'., ..." WINDLAAD TEST. DS-350, WHO w OAbS ROUHO PANEL, 1b/IS/moT COMPOM NEDETAILSSGAL - WMII 11 NAmw AS SHOWN em rs .w' IRWi AS SHOWN IN TOLW)KL6 OIRWBj SpumePEd1IE0) i �o ' twu M +sE xt aRR,xAR 3 biNnsbxS W RSNGt nw�on i we Sn bRA,m. Ra15x ^� 8 035-0016 Florida Building Code Online Page 1 of 3 SGANNE© _ BY S4. Lucie County ^Seartti BUS Home I Uxt in 1 User Registration ( Hot Topics I Submit 5umharge ( Stats&Facts I Publications CmrtaR Us BUS Site Map I tJnks I , Rl *" ProdctApproval public 0009 _ ProduR Aoomvai F1enu> Product or Aoollcation 5earcb> Amlira[ion List> Application Detail /� y �'p�Y�p� /� /'y V I IdWO0 3000 FL# Application Type FL15336-R23JN Affirmation HOd (33M31AElb Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved -Approved by DBPR. Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary. REVIEWED FOR Comments CODE COMPLIANCE Archived ❑ ST. LUCIE COUNTY Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Plym Corporation �®�� 5001ndustrial Rd. Elkhart Lake, WI 53020 (920) 876-3611 Ext 431 ageisthardt@plym.com Authorized Signature Alan Geisthardt File �� 1 P.7 ageisthardt@plyco.com JJLi��l Technical Representative Alan Geisthardt Address/Phone/Email PO Box Q Elkhart take, WI 53020 (920) 876-3611 Ext 431 ageisthardt@plyco.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency National Amreditation & Management Institute Validated By National A¢reditatlon & Management Insdtute Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 2005 AAMA/WDMA/CSA 301/i.S.2/A440 2008 ASTM E 283 2004 ASTM E 330 2002 ASTM E 331 2000 R.' I affirm that there are no changes in the new Florida Building Code which affect my products) and my product(s) are in compliance with the new Florida Building Code. Documentation from approved Evaluation or Validation Entity OYes 0No ON/A https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtH8572gvdWI... 8/12/2019 Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 3 FLI5336 R2 CDC SA15336 SS 2017-10-10 odf Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A Date Submitted 10/19/2017 Date Validated 10/19/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 10/29/2017 Summary of Products FL # Model, Number or Name Description 15336.1 Series 20EV Glazed Steel Inswing Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL15336 R2 C CAC NI010971 01-R1 odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL15336 92 C CAC 1\1I010971-R1 odf Impact Resistant: No Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Design Pressure: +45/-45 11/30/2019 Other: Configuration: X Frame: 39-3/4" x 85-3/8" Panel: Installation Instructions 35-3/4" x 83-1/4" FL15336 R2 II PC0005 SS 2015-12-13 ndf Verified By: Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Florida P.E. 73778 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL15336 R2 AE PER4044 SS 2015-12-13.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 15336.2 Series 20EV Flush Steel Inswing Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL15336 R2 C CAC N1010971.05-R2.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL15336 R2 C CAC NI010971.06-R3 odf Impact Resistant: No Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Design Pressure: N/A 11/30/2019 Other: See drawing P00006 for qualified sizes, design Installation Instructions pressures, and installation instructions. FLS5336 R2 II PC0006 SS 2015-12-18 odf Verified By: Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Florida P.E. 73778 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FLS5336 R2 AE PER3961 SS 2015-12-18 odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 15336.3 - Series 20EV Glazed Steel Outswing Door w/ Exit Bar Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL15336 R2 C CAC NI010971.04-Rl.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 11/30/2019 Design Pressure: +40/-40 Installation Instructions Other: Configuration: X Frame: 39-3/4" x 85-3/8" Panel: FLI5336 R2 II PC0007 SS 2015-12-13 odf 35-3/4" x 83-1/4" Verified By: Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Florida P.E. 73778 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL15336 R2 AE PER4045 SS 2015_12-13.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 15336.4 Series 20EV Flush Steel Outswing Door w/ Exit bar Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FLI5336 R2 C CAC N10t0971.09??-RI.pdr Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No - 11/30/2019 Design Pressure: +25/-25 Installation Instructions Other: Configuration: X Frame: 51-3/4" x 85-3/8" Panel: FL15336 R2 II PC0008 SS 2015-12-i�df 47-3/4" x 83-1/8" Verified By: Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Florida P.E. 73778 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL15336 R2 AE PER3962 SS 2015-12-18 odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 15336.5 Series 20EV Glazed Steel Outswing Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL15336 R2 C CAC NI010971.02-R1 od Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL15336 R2 C CAC NI010971.03-Rl.odf Impact Resistant: No Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Design Pressure: +45/-45 11/30/2019 Other: Configuration: X Frame: 39-3/4" x 85-3/8" Panel: Installation Instructions 35-3/4" x 83-1/4" FL15336 R2 II PC0009 SS 2015-12-13 �dP Verified By: Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Florida P.E. 73778 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtH8572gvdWl... 8/12/2019 Florida Building Code Online Page 3 of 3 FL15336 R2 AE'PER4046 SS 2015-12-13.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 15336.6 Series 20EV Flush Steel Outswing Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL15336 R,2 C CAC N1010971.07-lill Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL15336 R2 C CAC N1010971.08-RI.odf Impact Resistant: No Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Design Pressure: N/A 11/30/2019 Other: See drawing PCO010 for qualified sizes, design Installation Instructions pressures, and installation instructions. FL15336 R2 it PC0010 SS 2015-12-18.odf Verified By: Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Florida P.E. 73778 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL15336 R2 AE PER3963 SS 20 5-12-1$LO-f Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Back neat Conte :: 2601 BWr Stone Road. Tdllahas iee F 32399 Phone: 850487-1824 The State of Florida is an A EO employer. Copyright 2007-20t3 Stale of Flpdtla.:: Prwacv Statement:: Accessibility Statement:: Refund Stamme Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public -records requesq do not send electconii mail to this entity. Instead, contad the affice by Phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395.-Pumuant to section 455.27° (1), Florida Statutes, effective Dctober 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. ThI me ils provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a Personal addres! please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please dick he, Product Approval Accepts: ® F�7 EE] M securitZ*a1>isr�? https://www.floridabuilding.orglprlpr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtH8572gvd WI... 8/12/2019 /(2rBUILDING DROPS A Perfect Solution in Every Drop! Certificate of Authorization: 29578 September 20, 2017 TO: Whom It May Concern FROM: Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Registered Florida Professional Engineer #73778 MANUFACTURER: Plyco Corporation 500 Industrial Rd. Elkhart Lake, WI 53020 FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL #: FL15336 PRODUCT CATEGORY: Exterior Doors SUBCATEGORY: Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies 398 E. Dania Beach Blvd. Suite 338 Dania Beach, FL 954.399.8478 PH 954.744.4738 FX contact@buildingdrops.com 19o7-ov3y RECEIVED AUG 0 8 2019 L Lucie County, Permitting SUBJECT: Product Conformance to the 61h Edition (2017) Florida Building Code Dear Sir (Madam), I have reviewed the referenced Florida Product Approval and associated documents and found all drawings, reports, referenced test standards, and associated ancillary tests as noted in the currently approved documents listed below to be in compliance with the current of the Florida Building Code. It has been concluded that no revisions or changes to the referenced standards and standard years has occurred between Chapter 35 of the 5`h Edition and Chapter 35 of the 6ch Edition of the Florida Building Code. Therefore, all test standards listed below are valid for the 6rh Edition of the Florida Building Code SECTION INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CERTIFICATION NUMBER CERTIFICATION AGENCY QUA. EXP. TESTSTDS. National 15336.1 PC0005 N1010971.01-R1 Accreditation & 11/30/2019 AAMA/WDMA/CSA N1010971-R1 Management 101/1.S.2/A440-05/08 Institute National N1010971.05-112 Accreditation & AAMA/WDMA/CSA 15336.2 PC0006 N1010971.06-R3 Management 11/30/2019 101/1.S.2/A440-05/08 Institute Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Florida P.E. No. 73778 Page 1 of 2 BUILDING DROPS A Perfect Solution in Every Drop! Certificate of Authorization: 29578 398 E. Dania Beach Blvd. Suite 338 Dania Beach, FL 954.399.8478 PH 954.744.4738 FX contact@buildingdrops.com INSTALLATION CERTIFICATION CERTIFICATION SECTION QUA. EXP. TEST STDS. INSTRUCTIONS NUMBER AGENCY National Accreditation & AAMA/WDMA/CSA 15336.3 PC0007 N1010971.04-R1 Management 11/30/2019 101/1.S.2/A440-05/08 Institute National 15336.4 PC0008 NI010971.09-R3 Accreditation & 11/30/2019 AAMA/WDMA/CSA Management 101/1.S.2/A440-05/08 Institute National N1010971.02-R1 Accreditation & ASTM E 283-04 15336.5 PC0009 11/30/2019 ASTM E 330-02 N1010971.03-R1 Management ASTM E 331-00 Institute National ASTM E 283-04 15336.6 PCO010 N1010971.07-R1 Accreditation & 11/30/2019 ASTM E 330-02 N1010971.08-R1 Management ASTM E 331-00 Institute To the best of my knowledge, all referenced & included test standards, methods of installation, details, and performance ratings have been found to comply with the 61h Edition of the Florida Building Code. This product is manufactured, under a quality assurance program currently approved by the Florida Building Commission. Please note that I do not have, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing the product(s) for which the reports are being issued. I also do not have, nor will I acquire, any financial interest with the Laboratory that performed the test(s), or with the Engineer witnessing the test(s) and sealing the test report(s). Respectfully``` „`t,/!'''' F. 0 ♦♦♦i v T T � ►' %�0,�•' CO OP•.• lug: ♦ S G �` Digitally signed by Hermes F. Norero, P.E. ♦♦♦�� fit Reason: Iam ppoving5this document Hermes F. Norero, �.�. Florida Registered Professional Engineer#73778 Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Florida P.E. No. 73778 Page 2 of 2