HomeMy WebLinkAboutFAXED PAPERSST LUCIE HEALTH DEPT PAGE 01 amn arwncrnas ' St. Lucie County Health Department oxvxsrow aF Environmental Health Division Environmental Health 5150 NW Milner Drive " Port St. Lucie FL 34983 •'d (772) 873-4931 * Fax (772) 873-4893 Bio•terrorism Response + Beach and River Water Quality + Institutional Food + Body Art+ Group Care+ Migrant Housing + Minimum Housing + Mobile Home Parks + Fuel Storage Tanks SUPER -Act Systems + Wells + Pools + Septic -Tanks + Biomedical Waste Sanitary Complaints +Rabies Surveillance Arbovirus Surveillance (West Nile Virus) + Indoor Air Quality + Emergency Response FAX S ANNED VER PAGE Date: BY St. Lucie County ) To; Company Fax #: hone #: Pages, including cover: comments: 7 1/)3. I],)vAAll n d=C aL%' ldlr 1 From: ❑ James Duncan ❑ Ryan Frasier ❑ John Hanson ❑ Sonji Hawkins ❑ Tracy Hunter ❑ David Koerner ❑ Carolyn Mabry ❑ Bruce McLeod ❑ James Moses Jodi Aolissky ❑ Amanda Saternow ❑ Sheila Swank ❑ Kevin Turner ❑ Jennifer Whigham This fax transmission may y contain material that is confidential under Florida and federal statutes and is intended to be delivered only to the named addressee. Unauthorized use of this information may ithe addre,nformatioss Or the n Is received by anyone other than the named addressee, the recipientshould immediatelyfminal the senes. if r at this in instructions as to the this material should ba violation e destroyed.hone Under ^ err no cr above r cumstances should this material disyy shared,osal retained, If I i able to copied contact anyone other than the named addressee, r r HUSTAD Structural Ennineering, LLC CA 9843 744 Via Toscana °Good works for Great Clients" Wellington; FL 33414 May 15, 2007 SunTree Homes, Inc. SCANNED Attn: Frank__Keiser, President _—_ BY _ 12777 Forest Hill Blvd., Suite 1501 St Lucie County Wellington, FL 33414 Re: Abercrombie Residence #1026 Emerson Avenue St. Lucie County, FL Dear Mr. Keiser. Per your request, our office has reviewed the following items and can recommend:. A 8" x 16" poured concrete tie -beam with (2) #5 rebars top & bottom and #3 ties at 6" on center can be used in lieu of the 8" x 16" pre -cast lintel on the rear porch area. 2. The (2) #5 rebars in the top of the 8" x 20" pre -cast lintel can be placed side by side in lieu of detail 10 on sheet 5. Provided these items are installed in a good workmanship like manner, it will be in compliance with the Florida Building Code requirements and the original construction documents. If you should have any further questions please contact our office at your convenience at 798-7750. HUSTAD Structural Engineering, LLC Sincerely, �i.�j� David L. Hustad, President /S 7 Professional Engineer#44996 Special Inspector #698674 (561) 798-7750 Office (561) 798-7752 Fax dhustad(r),adelphia.net Email ,_, �,: ,: •- ;. • � , . ; - � _ . • . ...-..i io-, -r. .: 1 Y r�.. ': ..•�-.s�. �. ._ , ....•mot• �1 :1� 1" i�. r SunTree Homes, Inc. 12777 Forest Hill Blvd. Suite 1501 Wellington, Florida 33414 (561) 795-4141 • Fax (561) 790-5439 St. DATE: 1 TO: L n c,on �/\ 8 FAX #: 1 FROM: rae NO.OF P GES (INCLUDING COVER PAGE): REMARKS: l nh - �Z� o� Q cvi n O'LI asZI SQr 25- rql THANKYOU!!! 'GANNE® BY _ucie County 1 'd C991'ON Wdll:l LOR 'Ll'JdV 03/22/2007 10:04 772E l93 ST LUCIE HEAL' -_PT PAGE 01 rr HEAL St. Lucie County Health Department e=vfst N a r Environmental Health Division Environmen I Health 5150 NW Milner Drive * Port St. Lucie FL 34983 (772) 873-4931 * Fax (772) 873-4893 Bioderrorlsm Res pone +-Beach and River -Water Quality-• Institutional Food * Body Art ♦-Group Care* Migrant Housing I Minimum Housing a Mobile Home Parks • Fuel Storage Tanks ♦ SUPER Act # Water Systems ♦ Wells Pools • Septic Tanks # Biomedical Waste • Sanitary Complaints • Rabies Surveillance Arbovirus Survell once (West No Virus) ♦ Indoor Air Quality ♦ Emergency Response Pages, inch Comments: From: - //,, �f Y j ElJarriEsr&3 ❑ Ryan Frasier ❑ John Hanson ❑ Sonji Hawkim AX COVER PAGE / V e,holy i�in�eP James Moses ❑ Kevin Tumor ❑ David Koerner �_g Jodi Polissky ❑ Jennifer Whighom ❑ Carolyn Mob ry ❑ Amon rnow ❑ ❑ Bruce McLriod ❑ Sheila Swank •rl A�yy I 1"` °''�1i6 This fax transmission may contain ' al that is confrienfial under Flori and federal statutes and is intended to be defvered only to the amed addressee, un dzed use of this informa n may be a violation of criminal statutes. If this information is received by anyone other than then addressee recipient should immed ately notify the sender at the address or the to aphone numbarabwe and obtain ins ions es to the disposal thereof, If unable to contact sender, this material should is destroyed. Under no circumstant;es should this material by shared, retained, or copied by anyone other thanthenamw addreeeaa a 'd E99PON Wdld:t Loot 'LI'ttlh' 03/22/2007 10:04I 772B' '93 ST LUCIE HEALT ;PT PAGE 02 STATE OF FLORIDA / DEPAR MENT OF HEALTH ONSITI SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL $YSTEM •� CONSTRUCTION PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT OR: [.,X ].New System [ ]Existing System [ )Holtling Tank [ [ )Repair [ ]Abandonment [. )Temporary [ CENTRAX ]f: 56-9F-09079 DATE PAID: FEE PAID : $ RECEIPT : OSTDSNBR 06-0485- •N ] Innovative Other ] APPLICANT: AbercFomb>,e/Buntree Homes AGENT:WILLIAM BENNETT PROPERTY STREET ADDR SS: Emerson Ave Fort Pierue Ft 34951 LOT: BLOCK: SUBDIVISION: [Section/TownshiplRanga/Parcel ido.) PROPERTY ID ,$: 10-3A -39E- IOR TAX ID NUMBER] SYSTEM MUST BE CONST UCT.SD IN ACCORDANCE WITT.i SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS OF CHAPTER 64E-•6,FAC DEPARTi.,-1ENT APPROVAL F SYSTEM DOES NOT GUARANTEE SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE FOR ANY SPECIFIC TIME PERIOD. ANY CHANGE, N MATERIAL FACTS WHICH SERVED AS A BASIS FOR ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT, REQUIRz THE APPLXCAN ' TO MODIFY TAE PERMIT APPLICATION. SUCH MODIFICATIONS MAY RESULT IN THIS PERMIT BEING MADE NU L AND VOID, ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT EXEMPT THE APPLICANT FROM COMPLIANCE WITH OTHE . FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL PERMITTING REQUIRED FOR PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT. SYSTEM DESIGN AND SPECIPICATIONS T [ 1350 ]Gallons A [ 0 )Gallons N f 0 ]GALLONS K [ 0 1GALLONS 0 [ 923 )SQUARE; R [ 0 )SQUARE A TYFE SYSTEM: I CONFIGURATION: N F LOCATION TO BENS I ELEVATION OF PR' E BOTTOM OF DRAIN L D FII,L REQUIRED: [ MULTI-CRAMBERED/IN SERIES: [Y' ) MULTI-CRAMB£RED/IN SERIES: [Y ] ASE INTERCEPTOR CAPACITY ING TANK CAPAC'.TY [ 0 ] GALLONS @ [ 0 ] DOSEE�S/jP.ER 24 I -MS 0 PUMPS 1 00� ] PRIMARY DRAI'.4FIELD SYSTE14 / � I 'x 5' !✓S/ /1 VW SYSTEM. (it/ N ] STANDA•..D [ N ] FILLED [ Y ]MOUND [ ] ( N ]TRENCE ( X ]BED [ N I SYSTEM SITE [ ) [ INCITES ) [ BELOW ] BENCHMARK/REk'EKtNL6 YU1NT TO BE [ 12.0 ) [ INCHES ) [ BEWW]BENCHMARK/REFERENCE 20214T 0 1INC.HES EXCAVATION REQUIRED: [ 96.0 ] INCHES the �licensed ucontwa,toz in:,talling the system is responsible for installing the minimum category of tank in coore'ance with a. 64E-6.013(3)(£), FAC. Home stubout invoz to 'te level with benchmark, "Elevation revised 3/14/2007* Excavate 641X17IX7' da-ap. SPECIFICATIONS BY TITLE: APPROVED BY- Polissl , Jodi TITLE: Environmental Speo St. Lucie CHO DATE ISSUED: 11/17/ 6 _ EXPIRATION DATE: 5/17/08 DH 4016, 03/97 (Obsolete) pr=vious edicions which may act be used) (Stock t=ur"-• 57-1 (ar, adnlnoa •;n: o-ni - Pane 1 of 2 6 1d E991ION Wd[Z:I LOOd 'LI'Itld 03/22/2007 10:04 772E ,193 ST LUCIE HEALI`s_ .,'!PT I�TJAE"I APPLICANT.: AGENT: F FLORIDA ENT OF HEALTH SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ALUATION AND SXBTEM SPECIFICATIONS LOT; BLOCK: I SUBDIVISION: CENTRAX $: 56-SF-09079 OSTDSNBR : 06-048S-N IO#: 10-34S-39E- 'S PROPERTY SIZE CONFORMS TO SITE PLAN:[XI YES. [ ]NO NET USABLE AREA AVAILABLE: 6.11 ACRES TOTAL ESTIMATED SEWAGE FLOW: B00 GALLONS PER DAY (64E-6, TABLE 11 AUTHORIZED SEWAGE FI, W: 9165 GALLONS PER DAY (1500GPD/ACRE OR 2500GPD/ACRE] UNOBSTRUCTED AREA AVAILABLE: _ 2000 SQFT UNOBSTRUCTED AREA REpUIREb: _1530 _ SQFT BENCHMARK/REFERENCE $oINT LOCATION: Nail, In Edge of Emerson Ave. Near S. P/L (Labeled ELEVATION OF PROPOSEq SYSTEM SITE IS 16.00 [ IN= ] [ BELOW ]BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT THE MINIMUM SETBACK ksATCH CAN BE MAINTAINED ':'ROM THE PROPOSED SYSTEM TO THE FOLLOWING FEATURES: SURFACE WATER; N/A FT DITCHES/SFALES: 15+ FT NORMALLY WET? [ ]YES [ X ]NO WELLS: PUBLIC; N/A FT LIMITED USE: N/A FT PRIVATE: 75 FT NON -POTABLE: N/A FT BUILDING FOUNDATIONS 7+ FT P.ROPER'''Y INES: 15+ FT POTABLE WATER LINES: N/A FT SIT$ SOBJECT TO FREQUENT FLOODING: C ]`.ES [ X )NO 10 YEAR FLOODING? ( ]YES ( X INO 10 YEAR FLOOD ELEVAT)ON FOR SITE: 0 FT NGVD SITE ELEVATION: 0 FT NGVD SOIL PROFILE INPC Mtutsell #/Color 10y.8—Si1A—R Ana +.nyg_7 lr-YW nm-F /i -cv 1 Dvv-R/1 ..r_y USDA SOIL SYRIES: OBSERVED WATER TABLE ESTIMATED WET SEASON HIGH WATER TABLE VEG SOIL TEXTURE/LOADIN( DRAINFIELD CONFIGUR' RFMARFS/.ADDITIONAL c Estimated WSWT de'cei BDF elovationn o$ at SITE EVALUATED BY SITE I �^ Death n to 1 a 1 q to '4a gg to I _ tG to to to SOIL PROFILE INFORMATION SITE 2 xtmieall 9/Color Texture D!Eth to to to to Y OYR-4/1-D cy Wi , Reni4 n to 1R I OYR 51�_r. as Ei� I A to a0 ...I nYR-r Ir_-'y RN AnnA an t0 AA (11nv — AA to AR USDA SOIL SERIES: Unknown 4 00 INCHES [ BELOW ) EXISTING GRADE TYPE: [ PERCHED ] FER TABLE ELEVATION:20.00 INCHES [ BELOW ] EXISTING GRADE. LION: [ ]YES [X) NO MOTTLING: [ ]YES [X]NO DEPTH: 0.0 INCHES RATE FOR SYSTEM SSZXNG:Fine S=110.65 DEPTH OF £XCAVATION:96.0 INCHES ION: [ ]TRENCH [ X )BED [ )OTHER (SPECIFY) STERIA: fined £Yom USDA Soil Conservation Svc Soil survey of mx & ¢xisting rounding properties. DH 4015, 03/97 106101e[.al prmvious edition:: Which may not be used) !Stock. aunbet: 5744-003- nIS-1) (ostds eve! 4016-3) DATE: 11/7/06 Page 3 0! 3 6 'd E991'0N Wd[Z:[ LOOZ 'L['1dV person Avenue as platted and bears S00'07`56'E_ w is and distances are not to be scaled for contraction and/or design purposes. e coincident with "PLAY' ar�d description data unless otherwise noted, � 31 raised seal of a Florida licensed Surveyor et Mappg- cilent, there has been no search of the public records done by this office. ial flood Insurance Program Rote Map,"Community Panel Humber 12111CO070 F, (OCCUPM) um. FfE=61.20 constmellon. A N89•52'04"£ 1260.94' , a_ a. r ' M U � J a a3 i U J f PROPOSED r S.Si' Si i ��RaPosfn J � ma rott 1wD-sY fEsm \�y� ^ f in s� R x l I -------- ---- ------^--- r4tl 2 7 ? 1`a0Q 0. wed C-4 r• � i v n' 1 m FFE=51.60 PER m \$LC HEALTH DEPT. 0 S89'52'04"W 700,00' N m (VACANT) formed under my supervision L'tKllritV Iv; TOBY T. & KELLY A. ABERCCROMBIE; HARBOR FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK; ROYAL PALM TITLE .6c ABSTRACT, INC. and FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. SiRC PROPOSED 24' DRIVEWAY 331.S3' *NO WELLS OR SEPTIC SYSTEMS OBSERVED fin' F I 14 J Location I (Hot To ScJ N Cy— LLI 2 w WITHIN 100' Or PROPOSED ORAtHFlt7 O BENC J OR PROPOSfO WELL(ASS—. ELEV stRc ! I I (NAIL - I I -j 1 165.�10' -- -- -----------+,----F---------- Date of Ind flad v / p I Boundary Sun C ",l Development Services, Inc. Wellington Country Plaza • 12777 West Forest Hill Blvd • Saite 1 Wellington 561-790-4471 • Far 561-790�4488 �• February 15, 2007 SCANNED 9 St. LucCounty zp°� E• PROJECT NAM Proposed Residence: Abercrom>Z� LOCATION: PCNO.: 1310-412-0005-000-5 Emerson Avenue St. Lucie County, Florida CLIENT: SunTree Homes, Inc The compacted building pad at the above referenced site has been prepared, examined, and tested in accordance with accepted Engineering practices and Section 1804, Footings and Foundation, Florida Building Code. Conformance to the appropriate ASTM and AASHTO Standards have also been observed. Based on the results as indicated on the attached test report, and knowledge of compaction methodology employed, the existing building pad has been developed to a minimum soil bearing value of 2500 p.s.f. The building pad area is defined as an area of at least five feet beyond the proposed building lines. It shall be the responsibility of the owner or contractor to maintain the building pad in a manner to keep soil erosion at a minimum. This report does not certify any subsoil conditions. If you have any questions regarding this report, please feel free to call for further information. Respectfully Submitted, JHC/cn Land Sarveming • Soil - j- Development Services, Inc. Wellington Country Plaza • 12777 West Forest Hill Blvd • Suite 1503 • Wellington, FL 33414 561-790.4471 • Fax 561-790-4488 SunTree Homes. Inc,Abercrombie •: 1.41 PROJECT: Proposed Residence: PCNo.: 1310-412-0005-5 Date 02-15-07 (Emerson Avenue), St Lucie County INTENDED USE: Building Foundation - Compacted Soil NO. OF SAMPLES_ SOURCE OF SAMPLES: IN - PLACE MATERIAL REPORTED TO: CLIENT SPECIFICATIONS GOVERNING: 95% of T - 180 LOCATION DEPTH DENSITY PROCTOR PERCENT DENSITY SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BUILDING PAD 0'-1' 101.2 106 95.5% SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BUILDING PAD 0'-1' 101.4 106 95.7% NORTHEAST CORNER OF BUILDING PAD 0'-1' 101.2 106 95.596 NORTHWEST CORNER OF BUILDING PAD 0'-1' 101.4 106 95.7% These tests are representative of and apply only to the location and depth as shown above. Land Suroe0to • Soil Testing • Planning