HomeMy WebLinkAboutSURVEYSLEGAL DESCRIPTION: #p6// 6�6T STREET ADDRESS: Emerson Avenue. Fort Pierce. FL. THE EAST 1260.94 FEET OF FOL DESCRIBED PARCEL: THE NORTH 221.08 FEET OF THE SOUTH 863.18 FEET OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF LOT AREA: 266,219 Sq. Ft.; 6.11 Acres± THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 34 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FL. Revised: Relocate proposed residence per owner, WBB, 03-20-07. SUBJECT TO ALL PERTINANT MATTERS OF RECORD. Revised: Form board tie-in, WBB, 04-10-07. CERTIFIED TO: SURVEYORS' NOTES: TOBY T. & KELLY A. ABERCROMBIE; 1. Bearings shown hereon are based on the centerline of Emerson Avenue as platted and bears S00'07'56"E. HARBOR FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK; 2. Written dimensions take precedence over scaled dimensions and distances are not to be scaled for construction and/or design purposes. ROYAL PALM TITLE & ABSTRACT, INC, and 3. All distances and bearings are as field measured and are coincident with "PLAT" and description data unless otherwise noted. FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE 4. This drawing Is not valid without the signature and original raised seal of a Florida licensed Surveyor & Mapper. COMPANY OF NEW YORK. 5. This survey is based upon a description furnished by the client, there has been no search of the public records done_by this office. 6. Property -lies in Flood Zone "X" as scaled from the National Flood Insurance Program Rate Map, Community Panel Number 12111CO070 F, I I I with an effective date of August 19, 1991. 1 7. City water & sewer are available in this area. (OCCUPIED) I I I I I 8 EI t' h b d d FFE-5120 eva Ions shown ereon are ase upon an assume datum. - 9. This plan information to be verified by contractor prior to construction. A N89052'04"E 1260.94' SIRC Do O N N (VACANT) 0 SIRC 221.08' N00007_25699W (VACANT) W tD L0 00 o a'. O n 0 .- ___ 874_3' - i -------------------------- SIRC I (VACANT) SIRC CERTIFICATION 0 1, I hereby certify that the survey represented herean�was?I further that there are no visible, above grounAG{14rW=bW_ APRIL 10, 2007 Date of Signature under my supervision and es shown or noted. WILLIAM ti. dLiVNLI I ' rofessionoi.: Surveyor, 6c�,41apper Florida Cerilficcite- No o353 LB No. 7235 11.5" \45.1. 30.S 11.5' 161 S .-5 � m I I I I 1n I nl I 1 1 I 1 I S89052904"W (VACANT) 700.00' LEGEND FND = FOUND OHE = OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES nRC = FOUND IRON ROD & CAP SIRC = SET IRON ROD & CAP R/W = RIGHT-OF-WAY PK/D = PK NAIL & DISK N TT = NAIL & TIN TAB y 00.0 = SPOT ELEVATION 331.9' 0 = WOOD POWER POLE • - WATER METER X = CABLE TELEVISION RISER W = WATER VALVE E = POLE ANCHOR WPP = WOOD POWER POLE WM = WATER METER. CL - CENTERLINE EP = EDGE OF PAVEMENT SIRC 001 MI N I I Location Map (Not To Scale) w wl W I Z LLI I wl Z .J Z o:l 0 ~ V) a w I C� a o° L 0° L I SCANNED'I Jic BENCHMARK-' ASSUMED ELEV.50.00 (NAIL IN EP) ------------------- Date of Last field work: Form Board Tie -In Survey :Je n n ett Prepared on the order of: Bennett Surveying + Mapping 439 S.E. Port St. Lucie Boulevard Unit 107 Fleid: Port St. Lucie, Florida 34984 tel: 772.336.4933 fax: 772.336.6689 Drawn, email: wbennettdd®cs.com Scale: SunTree Homes, Inc. MIJll I Job No.: WBB I Date:08/ =40 Sheaf: 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: Emerson Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL. THE EAST 1260.94 FEET OF FOL DESCRIBED PARCEL: THE NORTH 221.08 FEET OF THE SOUTH 863.18 FEET OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 34 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FL. LOT AREA: 266,219 Sq. Ft.; 6.11 Acres± SUBJECT TO ALL PERTINANT MATTERS OF RECORD. CERITIED TO: SURVEYORS' NOTES: TOBY T. & KELLY A. ABERCROMBIE; 1. Bearings shown hereon are based on the centerline of Emerson Avenue as platted and bears S00'07'56"E. HARBOR FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK; 2. Written dimensions take precedence over scaled dimensions and distances are not to be scaled for construction and/or design purposes. ROYAL PALM TITLE & ABSTRACT, INC. and 3. All distances and bearings are as field measured and are coincident with "PLAT" and description data unless otherwise noted. FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE 4. This drawing is not valid without the signature and original raised seal of a Florida licensed Surveyor & Mapper. COMPANY OF NEW YORK. 5. This survey is based upon a description furnished by the client, there has been no search of the public records done by this office. 6. Property lies in Flood Zone "X" as scaled from the National Flood Insurance Program Rate Map, Community Panel Number 12111CO070 F. with -an effective date of August 19, 1991. I I I I 7..City water & sewer are available in this area. (VACANT) I I I I 8. Elevations shown hereon are based upon an assumed datum. 9. This plan information to be verified by contractor prior to construction. r » 01 I I I _ I� N89052 04 E 1260.94 SIRC I5° 00 O N N (VACANT) SIRC ° Xy� St. Lucie County Healih Dept Environmental Health Section SiteSupe Plan Approved for Constructicn OSDS#rr��Arqq+�s//��1 "ions S'iF an r Review �� csu(t - 0 NOV 1 6 221.089 ff T PROPOSED WELL 'Q'-- 25--- \ Y S� r W ``' Z O W N ccV 7 i o a)U f= N PROPOSED WO-STORYI 2ESIDENCEj (6 W—y I. o i/ r 00 , ' N U rn, , LriI , ! �w N00°07 56 W in I (VACANT) I S89°52'04"W SIRC O O SIRC CERTIFICATION (VACANT) I I (VACANT) I hereby certify that the survey represented heredn was pzrformzd, under my supervision and it l complies with the minimum technical standards 'as set forth by the Florida Board of Surveyors & Lr) 6 O O SIRC O Cr) O— O 1' 700.00' Ct Ill I I o I bII�I 00�M' PROPOSED �yl24' rn DRIVEWAY I � I � in I _ NI I U 15'y� LoI I l o �I d °Q xaz 0: � �I ao_of 77 __--- - - -- _______ i ! J NO WELLS OR SEPTIC I iL I SYSTEMS OBSERVED I I v WITHIN 100' OF c PROPOSED DRAINFlELD OR PROPOSED WELL I I �I I SIRC I I I Mappers in Chapter 61G17-6 of the Florida Administrative.Cbde, pursuant to Section 472.027, Florida LEGEND Statutes, and further that there are no visi e;..c o ground encroachments unless shown or noted. FND - FOUND 0 = WOOD POWER POLE . c ♦ = WATER METER OHE = OVERHEAD UT_.TY LINES CABLE TELEVISION RISER SEPTEMBER 25, 2006 ^, ; -};�' 9% p SIRC = SET IRON OROD &CAP N ROD 8c AP = WATER VALVE Date of Signature BENIJETT �0jC W = RIGHT-OF-WAY �— = POLE ANCHOR �I� D PK NAIL L DISK W M = WOOD POWER POLE Professional Su)veyor & Mapper / yiM = WATER METER ( Florida Certificate No. 6353 UT NAIL & TIN \TABoP = SPOT ELEVATION CL = CENTERLINE LB No. 7235 EP =EDGE OF PAVEMENT 0 O Z 0 L 3i Y Location Map (Not To Scale) III I„ W-,0KO-1 Q I V I W! Z) ° O° 0 W St. Lude c� BENCHMARK L` i ASSUMED ELEV.50.00 165.100 (NAIL IN EP) Date of Last field work:08/25/2006 Boundary Survey N;e n n ett Prepared on the order of: BenneH Surveying + Mapping SunTree Homes, Inc. 439 S.E. Port St. Lucie Boulevard Unit 107 Field: LMJob No.: 06-0705 Port St. Lucie, Florida 34984 tel: 772.336.4933 fax: 772.336.8689 Drawn: WBB I Date:08/25/2006 email: wbennettdd®cs.com Scale: 1"=40' 1 Shoot: 1 of 1 m LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THE EAST 1260.94 FEET OF FOL DESCRIBED PARCEL THE NORTH 221.08 FEET OF THE SOUTH 863.18 FEET OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 34 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FL. STREET ADDRESS: Emerson Avenue. Fort Pierce, FL LOT AREA: 266,219 Sq. Ft.; 6.11 Acres± SUBJECT TO ALL PERTINANT MATTERS OF RECORD. Revised: Relocate proposed residence per owner, WBB, 03-20-07. CERTIFIED To: SURVEYORS' NOTES: TOBY T. & KELLY A. ABERCROMBIE, 1. Bearings shown hereon are based on the centerline of Emerson Avenue as platted and bears S00'07'56"E. HARBOR FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK; 2. Written dimensions take precedence over scaled dimensions and distances are not to be scaled 'for construction and/or design purposes. ROYAL PALM TITLE & ABSTRACT, INC. and 3. All distances and bearings are as field measured and are coincident with "PLAT" and description data unless otherwise noted. FIDELITY NATIONAL TiTLE INSURANCE 4. This drawing Is not valid without the signature and original raised seal of a Florida licensed Surveyor & Mapper. COMPANY OF NEW YORK. 5. This survey is based upon a description furnished by the client, there has been no search of the public records done by this office. _ 6. Property lies in Flood Zone "X" as scaled from the National Flood Insurance Program Rate Map, Community Panel Number 1211100070 F. I I I with an effective date of August 19, 1991. 7. City water & sewer are available in this area. (OCCUPIED) I I I 8 Elevations shown hereon are based u on an assumed datum FFE=51.20 I I I I P 9. This pion information to be verified by contractor prior to construction. A N89'52'04"E 1260.94' (VACANT) 00 O N N SIRC SIRC 13, a x St. Lucie County Health Dept Environmental Health Section Site Plan Approved for Construction Superce as wlous SitWPIS c Reviewer: rL I\ i 9 MAR 2 2 2007 1 F J L E a ST ----------------------------------- 864.25'___ , 221.08' 00007_'56"W (VACANT) LJ t0 1n 0 yo� O O X SIRC o 0 N I (VACANT) SIRC PROPOSED WELL I 4--251-- I.. ---------------------- we. t a_ �i ZJ n; 0El *PROPOSED MINIMUM ; FFE=51.60 PER SLC HEALTH DEPT. 1 S89952'04"W CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the survey represented hereon was performed under my supervision and further that there are no visible, abov %uniefc oachments unless shown or noted. MARCH 20, 2007 Date of Signature rofe3siedgl Surve)bf'& Mapper Florida Cortificate No.,.U63 LB ' No. 72�_ `» ` (VACANT) 1-if:Tih PROPOSED ^ 24' DRIVEWAY 331 _93'---- 6 I I I I 5 nnNwol e I`oo x0 U —I N W �0-1 I I NO I LO WELLS OR SEPTIC SYSTEMS OBSERVED WITHIN 100' OF PROPOSED DRAINFlELD OR PROPOSED WELL 700.009 LEGEND FND - FOUND OHE - OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES FIRC FOUND IRON ROD & CAP SIRC = SET IRON ROD & CAP R/W = RIGHT-OF-WAY PK/D = PK NAIL & DISK N/17 = NAIL & TIN TAB y.QPP= SPOT ELEVATION SC BY St. iucieCou* = WOOD POWER POLE A = WATER METER X = CABLE TELEVISION RISER D4 - WATER VALVE E—= POLE ANCHOR WPP - WOOD POWER POLE WM - WATER METER CL - CENTERUNE EP - EDGE OF PAVEMENT LL_ CL LL_ 1( Location Map (Not To Scale) III OVA WML: Q I (n � I � W OV' i C9 h W St+udecount \BENCHMARK (ASSUMED) ELEV.50.00 (NAIL IN EP) -----------------�I Date of Last field work: U3/16/2007 fBoundary Survey & Site Plan en n ett Prepared on the order of: Bennett Surveying + Mapping SunTree Homes, Inc. 439 S.E. Port St. Lucie Boulevard Unit 107 Field: LM JD Job No.: 06-0705 Port St. Lucie, Florida 34984 tel: 772.336.4933 fax: 772.336.8689 Drawn- WBB Oafs:08/25/2006 email: wbennettddOcs.com so: 1" 40' Sheet: 1 of 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: " THE EAST 1260.94 FEET OF FOL DESCRIBED PARCEL THE NORTH 221.08 FEET OF THE SOUTH 863.18 FEET OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 34 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FL. STREET ADDRESS: Emerson Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL LOT AREA: 266,219 Sq. FL: 6.11 Acres± SUBJECT TO ALL PERTINANT MATTERS OF RECORD. Revised: Relocate proposed residence per owner, WBB, 03-20-07. CERTIFIED TO: SURVEYORS' NOTES: TOBY T. & KELLY A. ABERCROMBIE; 1. Bearings shown hereon are based on the centerline of Emerson Avenue as platted and bears SOO'07'56"E. HARBOR FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK; 2. Written dimensions take precedence over scaled dimensions and distances are not to be scaled for construction bred/or design purposes. ROYAL PALM TiTLE & ABSTRACT, INC. and 3. All distances and bearings are as field measured and are coincident with "PLAT" and description data unless otherwise noted. FIDELITY NATIONAL TiTLE INSURANCE 4. This drawing.is not valid without the signature and original raised seal of a Florida licensed Surveyor & Mapper. COMPANY OF NEW YORK. 5. This survey is based upon a description furnished by the client, there has been no search of the public records done by this office. 6. Property lies in Flood Zone "X" as scaled from the National Flood Insurance Program Rate Map, —Community Panel Number 12111CO070 F, I I with an effective date of August 19, 1991. I I 7. City water & sewer are available in this area. (OCCUPIED) I I 8. Elevations shown hereon are based upon an assumed datum FFE=51.20 1 I I I 9. This plan information to be verified by contractor prior to construction. A N89*52'04"E 1260.94' (VACANT) N N Q SIRC SIRC x5,° St. Lucie County Health Dept Environmental Health Section Site Plan Approved for Construction Supercpdes ggII "r •pious . itf PI n�' OSE O at , v 1 Reviewer: MAR 2 2 2007 j - / PROPOSED WELL I ,--25�--� \ \ y lf.\ — y19 \ x ------------ 864.25'-- :.1-21 -------------------------•- W iG LO CO O O x SIRC 221.08' o C: ° 0*07'56"W tin , I (VACANT) (VACANT) i SIRC PROPOSED MINIMUM FFE=51.60 PER \SLC HEALTH DEPT., CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the survey represented hefebn was'performed under my supervision and further that there are no visible, abov jnd:;ehc oachments unless shown or noted.�� MARCH 20, 2007 Date of Signature 1al-SUrvPXor & Mapper 'ertificatti No. 6353 LB No. 723$ U >Q a3 W rottbay Ny. 7• 8.67 ZX 6. w Ixazl I �aa iF of I�i UO j I UN \ <; L_J S89052'04"W 700.009 (VACANT) LEGEND FND = FOUND OHE = OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES FIRC = FOUND IRON ROD & CAP SIRC = SET IRON ROD & CAP R/W - RIGHT-OF-WAY PK/D - PK NAIL & DISK N/TT - NAIL & TIN TAB 1.QPP = SPOT ELEVATION 01 I SIRC I yo' I I I I I� I II PROPOSED 24' DRIVEWAY I I ao I Kjl I 331.93' I I ---„`---------------------- NI I • jlj� I I d I I j *NO WELLS OR SEPTIC I I I SYSTEMS OBSERVED I I WITHIN 100' OF PROPOSED DRAINFIELD OR PROPOSED WELL I I �I I SIRC �I I I 0 = WOOD POWER POLE • - WATER METER X - CABLE TELEVISION RISER D4 a WATER VALVE E— - POLE ANCHOR WPP - WOOD POWER POLE WM - WATER METER CL - CENTERLINE EP - EDGE OF PAVEMENT c0 �0 Z Location Map (Not To Scale) W W j I i W I I I Z Q I I IJJ 1 Z I i a =1 Q I I 31 U i I Z W I- in a fO W I � ID I iu COD w CAN I BY I St. uciecount 1 a I BENCHMARK L` I ASSUMED I I ELEV.50.00 I I , 165,100 (NAIL IN EP)_i Date of Last field work: ClaBoundary Survey & Site P ande n n ett Prepared on the order of: Bennett Surveying + Mapping SunTree Homes, Inc. 439 S.E. Port St. Lucie Boulevard Unit 107 Field: LM JD Job No.: 06-0705 Port St. Lucie, Florida 34984 tel: 772.336.4933 fax: 772.336.8689 Drawn: WEIB Date:08 25 2006 email: wbennettddOcs.com Scale: 1"=40' Sheaf: 1 of 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THE EAST 1260.94 FEET OF FOL DESCRIBED PARCEL: THE NORTH 221.08 FEET OF THE SOUTH 863.18 FEET OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 34 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FL, SUBJECT TO ALL PERTINANT MATTERS OF RECORD. STREET ADDRESS: Emerson Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL LOT AREA: 266,219 Sq. Ft.; 6.11 Acres* Revised: Relocate proposed residence per owner, WBB, 03-20-07. CERTIFIED T0: SURVEYORS' NOTES: TOBY T. & KELLY A. ABERCROMBIE; 1. Bearings shown hereon are based on the centerline of Emerson Avenue as platted and bears S00'07'56"E. HARBOR FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK; 2• Written dimensions take precedence over scaled dimensions and distances are not to be scaled for construction and/or design purposes. ROYAL PALM TITLE & ABSTRACT, INC. and 3. All distances and bearings are as field measured and are coincident with "PLAT" and description data unless otherwise noted. FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE 4. This drawing is not valid without the signature and original raised seal of a Florida licensed Surveyor & Mapper. COMPANY OF NEW YORK. 5. This survey is based upon a description furnished by the client, there has been no search of the public records done by this office. 6. Property lies in Flood Zone "X" as scaled from the National Flood Insurance Program Rate Map, Community Panel Number 12111CO070 F, I I I with an effective date of August 19, 1991. i 7. City water & sewer are available in this area. (OCCUPIED) I I I B. Elevations shown hereon are based upon an assumed datum. FFE=51.20 I I I I 9. This plan information to be verified by contractor prior to construction. A N89'52'04"E 1260.949 (VACANT) 00 0 N tV 0 SIRC o St. Lucie County Health Dept Environmental Health Section Site Plan Approved for Construction OSDS#rcP_rs-41 Pro Toys qitF oa r Reviewer: MA A 2 2 2007 ST Ll1P _ NT W t0 LO O O 221.08' o at bo' NO0'07'56"W 0 SIRC O (VACANT) CERTIFICATION �6 X SIRC (VACANT) SIRC PROPOSED \ WELL I ,-- 25--- X 864.25'---------------------- iI *PROPOSED MINIMUM FFE=51.60 PER \SLC HEALTH DEPT., I hereby certify that the survey represented hereon was performed under my supervision and further that there are no visible, abov u'rid noted. , 5 enc oachments unless shown or MARCH 20, 2007 Date of Signature _ a,BEiJNETT:' ,•rveyor,;;& Mapper Certificate: No'. 6353 irB .No1a7235 (&ettbay My.8101 7. 6.67^ I--� / 6 I I I o of 4. INw�I 4 Ia0W (L �ap�, I CO U PF m i Gi ' 1- 0 V5 I I v L_J ui : m, H S89052904toW (VACANT) 700.00' L PROPOSED 24' DRIVEWAY i SIRC J 331.93' "--------------------- *NO WELLS OR SEPTIC SYSTEMS OBSERVED WITHIN 100' OF PROPOSED DRAINFlELD OR PROPOSED WELL LEGEND FND a FOUND 0 = WOOD POWER POLE OHE = OVERHEAD UTILITY UNES • — WATER METER RRC - FOUND IRON ROD & CAP X - CABLE TELEVISION RISER, SIRC = SET IRON ROD & CAP D4 - WATER VALVE R/W - RIGHT—OF—WAY E--= POLE ANCHOR PK/D - PK NAIL & DISK WPP - WOOD POWER POLE N TT = NAIL &TIN TAB WM = WATER METER ' Cp' o CL a CENTERLINE �' y. = SPOT ELEVATION EP - EDGE OF PAVEMENT [ IZN O Q U Z LL: D_ Lt_ 165 Sennett Location Map (Not To Scale) a al Ld W I > w Q J 1 Ve �I J IC OZ in Q Q V) w I I LLJ Q !� 0 00 w CANN St. Pciecou* BENCHMARK ASSUMED ELEVM.00 (NAILIN ---- -- - --� Oate of Last field work: Boundary Survey & Site Plan spared on the order of: Bennett Surveying + Mapping 439 S.E. Port St. Lucie Boulevard Unit 107 Fleld: Port St. Lucie, Florida 34984 tel: 772.336.4933 fox: 772.336.8689 Drawn. email: wbennettdd®cs.com Scale: SunTree Homes, Inc. I JD Job No.: 06-07 WBB I Date:08/25 20 1 "=40' I Sheet: 1 of 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ' THE EAST 1260.94 FEET OF FOL DESCRIBED PARCEL: THE NORTH 221.08 FEET OF THE SOUTH 863.18 FEET OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 34 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FL, SUBJECT TO ALL PERTINANT MATTERS OF RECORD. STREET ADDRESS: Emerson Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL LOT AREA: 266,219 Sq. Ft; 6.11 Acres* Revised: Relocate proposed residence per owner, WBB, 03-20-07. CERTIFIED TO SURVEYORS' NOTES: TOBY T. & KELLY A. ABERCROMBIE; 1. Bearings shown hereon are based on the centerline of Emerson Avenue as platted and bears S00'07'56"E. HARBOR FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK; 2. Written dimensions take precedence over scaled dimensions and distances are not to be scaled for construction and/or design purposes. ROYAL PALM TiTLE & ABSTRACT, INC, and 3. All distances and bearings are as field measured and are coincident with "PLAT" and description data unless otherwise noted. FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE 4. This drawing is not valid without the signature and original raised seal of a Florida licensed Surveyor & Mapper. COMPANY OF NEW YORK. 5. This survey is based upon a description furnished by the client, there has been no search of the public records done by this office. 6. Property lies in Flood Zone "X" as scaled from the National Flood Insurance Program Rate Map,_Community Panel Number 12111C0070 F. - with an effective date of August-1.9,_1991. — --- — 7. City water & sewer are available in this area. (OCCUPIED) 8. Elevations shown hereon are based upon an assumed datum. FFE=51.20 9. This pion information to be verified by contractor prior to construction. N89052'04"E 1260.94' OSIRC __.-----_______.._._. _ T� U i 00 MAC 2 007 ; (a3 i� 00 / \ O / PROPOSED St. Lucie County Health Dept I _25_ N Environmental Health Section N Site Plan Approved for Construction Super a �vious ` it, O r ` y, OSDS . 7a-� (VACANT) Reviewer: _ � r yN. x LO w----------------------------- 864_--- - ----------------------- I�-------------- O Z W s yo• O O x SIRC 221.08' o (; O h°6NO0'07'56"W ((n I (VACANT) SIRC O i SIRC (VACANT) CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the survey represented hereon Yeas perforr and further that there are no visible, abov un�d enc.oac nm noted. l MARCH 20, 2007 Date of Signature w . BENNETT Profs urveyor,&, M Florida Cortlficatd-NoT-6: *PROPOSED MINIMUM FFE=51.60 PER \SLC HEALTH DEPT., (s:"tthay wy 9 n 7' / 8.67 / 6 I I I I S �I of 2'. INN d IxOr ao ¢o ' z I I 0 L_J u7' Cal S89052'04"W 700.009 (VACANT) ad under my supervision its unless shown or LEGEND ' FND - FOUND OHE = OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES FlRC - FOUND IRON ROD & CAP SIRC = SET IRON ROD & CAP R/W = RIGHT—OF—WAY ipper PK/D = PK NAIL & DISK i3 N = NAIL & TIN TAB y op., — SPOT ELEVATION SIRC PROPOSED 24' DRIVEWAY *NO WELLS OR SEPTIC SYSTEMS OBSERVED WITHIN 100' OF PROPOSED DRAINFiELD OR PROPOSED WELL Ri - WOOD POWER POLE ♦ - WATER METER Ir - CABLE TELEVISION RISER M - WATER VALVE E— - POLE ANCHOR WPP — WOOD POWER POLE WM — WATER METER CL - CENTERLINE EP - EDGE OF PAVEMENT SIRC �I Oi NI off' t0 �0 0 a5 Z C111, e n n e t t i I Location Map (Not To Scale) III O IX L w S ANNFD St. L c eCounty BENCHMARK ASSUMED ELEV.50.00 --(NAIL- IN -EP) -� Date of Last field work: Boundary Survey & Site Plan spared on the order of: Bennett Surveying + Mapping SunTree Homes, Inc. 439 S.E. Port SL Lucie Boulevard Unit 107 Field: LM .TD Job No.: 06- Port St. Lucie, Florida 34984 tel: 772.336.4933 fax: 772.336.8689 Drawn: WBB Data:08/25/ email: wbennettddOcs.com Scale: 1"=40' She@h 1 of