HomeMy WebLinkAboutSITE PLAN - SHEDediij -TRo1k-!q)A - Fo O R .G N A I OVERHEAD i RLE GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 30 UTILITY LINES _ (wi+ese) LOT 10 I LOT 9 ( LOT 8 I L min = e0 a rt vacANr I VACANT I OCCUPIED I STREET ADDRESS OE BE ---OE--- -- CI'•� tff �E-____�— -' - - - a — - 3404 Avenue R 12' ALLEY N89'47'30"E 151.06' 19 1 J LEGAL DESCRIPTION 0 N n w C4 0 0 z LOT 11 , Z17z THOMAS P. KIERNAN DATE Professional Surveyor & Mapper Florida Certificate No. 810 I PATIO 1 STORY S RESIDENCE I ENTRY I I LOT 12 I N 150. RIGHT-OF-WAY '•0�� Being all of Lots 11, 12 and the West 1/2 of Lot I 13, Block 5, according to the plat of SUNLAND I MIN. SETBACK REQ. GARDENS , as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 32 of x the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. I FRONT,' Contains 0.270 acres more or less. 4! CHAINLINK FENCE I SIDES, LEGEND & ABBREVIATIONS CONC. DENOTES CONCRETE , 79' I CNR SIDrES�; (((P DENDZU PLAT DATA MEASUREMENTS DEENNOTTES OE OVERHEAD UTUnEESnF7D I REAR 1�' ID DENOTES IDENTIFICATION NUMBER .. END. DENOTES FOUND LB. DENOTES LICENSED BUSINESS C4 ZNG. C.M. DENOTES CONCRETE MONUMENT 'O.RB. DENOTES OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK M i TEC I IR&C DENOTES IRON ROD & CAP ' I.P. DENOTES IRON PIPE I.R DENOTES IRON ROD �!gdg// •7(�7L�a' U.E. DENOTES UTILITY EASEMENT BY P.L.S. DENOTES PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR ®Y For r N-LudeCou* LOT 13 I -C LOT 14 GENERAL NOTES rn OCCUPIED 1. The bearings shown hereon are referenced to the centerline of AVENUE R having a bearing of South 89'48'00" West, according to the Plat of SUNLAND GARDENS, Plat Book 8, Page 32, St. Lucie County, Florida. 35' 2. All above ground fixed improvements, if any, have been located and shown. I hereon. 3. Underground utilities and utility services have not been located on this survey. 4. Reproductions of this map are not valid without the signature and original RIGHT-OF-WAY raised seal of a Florida Licensed Surveyor & Mapper. - 5. Lands shown hereon were not abstracted by this office for rights -of -way, easements of record, ownership,abandonment's deed restrictions, or Murphy Act Deeds. r \RINGr:REFEREIdGE,'� ` 6. The 'last date 'of field work was January'6. 2014.' _ _ 7. Additions or deletions to survey maps or reports by other than the signing party or parties is prohibited without written consent of the signing party or parties. 8. The purpose of this site plan is to show the shed for permitting. The .Recsiv2^ gy boundary information was provided from a survey by Ronald W. Herr dated . _ 3�I,^-,(1iii:1_i llBiTa?1 9-12-1994, Job No. 94-130.02. . 9. Flood .Note: By graphic plotting only, this property is in Zone X, according to the Flood Insurance Rate Map, Community Panel No. 12111CO178 J, effective date February 16; 2012. The exact designation can only be determined by an elevation certificate Shed Site Plan For: Kevin Jackson Ft Pierce, Florida File: 13-219.DWG CULPEPPER & TERPENING, INC Date: 1/7/14' 13-219 map W�ZLI CONSULTING ENGINEERS I LAND SURVEYORS Scale: 1 "=20' �' 2980 SOUTH 25rh STREET FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34981 Drawn by: GLM - J' PHONE 7724464-35377 FAX 772464-9497