HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLEHE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE CO FILE H 3913818 OR Ar 4 PAGE 779, Recorded 01/09/2014 Im48 AM 66ANNED 13V tt0C1@ftJV6* NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Permit No.'O�n1� Tax Folio No.OoC,"+ SteteofFlodda County at St. Uttle The undersigned herebygives notice that Improsementwlll be made to certain real property, and In axprdancewith Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following Information Bpre ided in this Notice of Commencement General �Sjv..:-ors a< g�sab Camaades Name: -r S aS MOb�te \,%r....a ^Je x ContmaorAddress: \S,4,LA TAx., NLW.<w ter• O\e« G'L Phone Number.' -6"Ia Surety fit applicable, a copy ofthe payment bond is attached): Amount of bond: $ Name and address: Phone number. Iender Name: Phone PersonawhNn the Seam A Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section ZLLM(1) (a)7. Florida Statutes: Name: Phone Number: In addition to hlmselfor herself, Owner designates of themes Notice as provided In Settbn of a sa(1) (b), Flodda Statutes. Phone number of person or entity designated by owner. receive a copy of the Expiration date of nice of commencement: (me expiration data may net be before the completion of mnstnuUon and final payment to the mrdre0or, but will be a year from the data of recording unless a differem debt Is specified) WARNINGTO OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNERAFTERTHE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENTARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713, PART I, SECTION 713.13, FLORIDA STATUTES, AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTSTO YOUR PROPERTY.ANDfICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THEEOB SITE BEFORETHE FIRST INSPECTION. IFYOU INMDTOOBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER ORAN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORKOR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Under penalty of perjury, I declare that I hate read the foregoing notim of mmmencementand that the facts stated therein are one to the but of myknowf eandbelief. //';; rnrn --0'' p(SI of Omer at Lessee, or Owners or Lessee's thodced Officer/O1rector/Partner/Manager ♦ (9gna1oryys T18e/Ofncx) 201b Thte�fO�� nsV1hs�P�s a knoxAedged before methls_��day of�,C•L, By_G41N(nersycy�as ChLna\aC for Osse\sa( aoeofPenm Type ofaumodty(e.g. officer, trustee) Parry on behalf ofwhomInstrument was executed Persowlly known_orpmdumd Idemlflmtlon_. (Slgnatum of N PII e *FI $ALA M HUNTER (Pdnt,Type,or Ste sf ,asn&ar'Notaphpgbld, ' "'E SirAHlam I 'I'du d Y omm. Ispire, Jan 23. 2015 Nd �v c • lam pE Florida „w,fk Commisslpn l FE 3f278 'i; a MY C. E•Vnes Jan 23.2015 Bemrd larWpANL'omh NOBr A n,.e` Go )a lEE 31?78 y fan. gamed TnlOeaa Nraolnl NoLOYAesn STATE OF FL DRIDA ST. LUCIE COUNTY THIS IS TO CERTIFYTHAT THISISA 'TRUE AkUORRECT COPY OFTHE E. WITH,104ERK Date