HomeMy WebLinkAbout14-34-39 (29) C t ST. LUCIE Board of County October 22, 2024 Commissioners James Trefelner 1760 Copenhaver Rd Chris Dzadovsky Fort Pierce, FL 34945 DISTRICT 1 RE: Parcel: 1301-601-0086-000/8 Dear Mr. Trefelner, Larry Leet DISTRICT 2 The above referenced parcel has a zoning designation of RS-4 (Residential, Single-Family 4, 4 du/ 1 ac) and a Future Land Use Classification of RU (Residential Urban (5 du/1 ac). Linda Bartz DISTRICT 3 The above parcel is nonconforming because it does not meet the minimum lot size Vice Chair of 10,000 square feet. In order for a parcel to be considered a nonconforming lot of record and thereby qualify for a waiver of this requirement, it must exist in Jamie Fowler separate ownership and not be contiguous to other lots in the same ownership prior DISTRICT 4 to July 1, 1984 pursuant to Section 10.00.04, LDC. Pursuant to the research of county records,it has been determined that the property Cathy Townsend was not contiguous to other lots in the same ownership prior to July 1, 1984. DISTRICT 5 Accordingly,this parcel is considered a non-conforming lot of record. As a result, Chair the lot size requirement is hereby waived. A single-family home may be constructed upon this property subject to meeting all applicable local, state and federal codes. The RS-4 setbacks are as follows: 25-foot front, 7.5-foot sides, 20- Administration foot side corner and 15-foot rear with a maximum lot coverage of 30%. Please contact the health department regarding well and/or septic at (772) 873- George Landry 4903 to ensure that their requirements can be satisfied prior to applying for a COUNTY building permit for the subject property. In addition, you will need to contact the ADMINISTRATOR Environment Resources Division at (772) 462-2526 prior to any removal of vegetation. If you have any questions with regard to the above determination, please don't Dan McIntyre COUNTY ATTORNEY hesitate to contact the undersigned. rely, ltA� S Danielle Williams Zoning Tech Danielle Williams I Planning and Development Services I Zoning Tech .—. williamsdakstlucieco.org 1 2300 Virginia Avenue I Fort Pierce,FL 34982 t.(772)462-1865 (772)462-1553 0(772)462-1578 www.stiucieco.gov i AMR p � f x 1. yyYY 4 � i �$ .�'.$:l k- �. x J . da �-.We ie SIT`}' � ^' Ra�i:.. ✓• _•�r - n 7 mi{ ^ r g-•'- • icy a.": '3'W4"+�'.*` .. �( •- a ,4i t Js iiN � r 41 ilk a, T' e j r "n a^ 1 4,0 A. k do s VIP 4tr Ilk 44 t 46 IV 4-4 s. w r f Q� • O•. IT, 1111 Ill liggrIIIIIIIII! - •, MORNIMMIM LCr ~CC Planning and Development ou Services Department Planning Division MEMORANDUM TO: File FROM: Danielle Williams DATE: October 22, 2024 SUBJECT: NCLOR The property has a Zoning designation of(RS-4) and a Future Land Use classification of(RU) Zoning District Land Area Lot Width Road Frontage Requirement Requirement RS-4 10,000 75 30 NCLOR Subject property — 1301-601-0086-000/8 Grantor Grantee 1984 Property Appraiser Archie C. and Rebecca A. Lewis East of the Subject Property — 1301-601-0087-000/5 Grantor Grantee 10/01/1978 Thomas A. and Mary E. Osteen(Brown) James P. Sparks and Jean Szymkowiak West of the Subject Property — 1301-601-0085-000/1 Grantor Grantee 03/20/1972 Norman and Evelyn G. Mai Dorothea Johnstone North of the Subject Property — 1301-601-0089-000/9 Grantor Grantee 02/25/1982 Robert Theodore Ruth Bosworth 6A,,63CkA- Michelle Franklin, CFA-- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser--All rights reserved -- 10/22/2024, 2:52 PM Property Identification Site Address:7304 MIRAMAR AVE Use Type:0000 Sec/Town/Range: 14/34S/39E Account#:392 Parcel ID: 1301-601-0086-000-8 Map ID: 13/14N Jurisdiction:Saint Lucie County Zoning:RS-4 Count Ownership Treasure Coast Land 93 LLC f 865 S Kings HWY Fort Pierce,FL 34945-3016 Legal Description LAKEWOOD PARK-UNIT 1-BLK 6 LOT 10(MAP 13/14N) Current Values Just/Market Value: $37,100 Assessed Value: $37,100 Exemptions: SO ! P Taxable Value: 537,100 Total Areas Property taxes are subject to change upon change of ownership. Finished/UnderAir(SF): 0 • Past taxes are not a reliable projection of future taxes. Gross Sketched Area(SF): 0 • The sale of a property will prompt the removal of all Land Size(acres): 0.22 exemptions,assessment caps,and special classifications. Land Size(SF): 9,375 Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Collector's Office© Building Design Wind Download TRIM for this parcel:Download PDF Speed Occupancy Category I II III Speed 140 150 160 Sources/links: Sale History Date Book/Page Sale Deed Grantor Price Code Jul 3,2023 5016/0091 0001 WD Sanchez Jose L 540,000 Jun 8,2007 2932/1495 XX00 WD Sparks James $30,000 Jun 27,1989 0644/2864 XX01 WD James Sparks 51,400 Jun 26, 1989 0644/2866 XX01 WD James Sparks 51,400 Jun 26, 1989 0644/2865 XX01 WD James Sparks 51,400 Jun 26,1989 0644/2863 XX01 WD S 1,400 Building Information (1 of 1) Finished Area:0 SF Gross Sketched Area:0 SF Exterior Data View: Roof Cover: Roof Structure: Building Type: Year Built:N/A Frame: Grade: Effective Year:N,A Primary Wall: 19e3 VA AL ESTATE 9mm Of ST USIE PAGE 90 PIMI1<L DIST M DIET CTC MTK 1301-i01-OOE3�000�7 00 00 00 3 02 .Aw VA 3,090 M.l3S000MV 14:31 vamp . Cti1MIlEA WJ M" El MT 0 0.3990~ 1.23 _ 6.01 I0R"ON ) • 1301-i0�'! 2� .tm p0 00 02 JOT VA 3.090 M.03�OCOr#ITY 14.94 LMO 3,090 i.2S00 10q. 19.31 LITY FT P1 . FL 33Mf1 mT 0 0.39"M 1.23 TO 1 i1 few3;010 t"awfOf llA: 6.01 (OR 212-1612) TUYM 1301-601-0005-000-11 Ot 00 - 00&LUMaLIIp 3.090 02 .AST va 20.510 f.p18COITY 1".97 FT PIOM FL f1 0 1: 9.21 509I 40.0f IOR 200- ) 00 00 00 02 jw VA 3.090 4. 14.94 L"D 3,090 i.2S00 !� 19.31 Rx L YEW (ET AL) E'°°IPT 0 O.NVOWM i:0213 UP W "3.000i7 1- KK 6 LOT 10 (MAP /3-114M) 1301-i01-0007*000�f 0100 00 (Nos) Ss 02 AST VA "6910 6.0"CQUWV 76." L"D !l.44 PT PARIOW1 EXEIPT 0 0.3990 6.39 _ 4 0 0 1.9M ." 10R t!s-2' ) • L6A i 1984 REAL ESTATE COUNTY OF ST LUCIE PAGE 96 i PARCEL NUMBER ACREAGE USAGE DIST -DR DIST CTC MTGC. . 00 00 00 0 02 JUST VA 3,090 4.6275000NTY 14.31 ' HIE C JR LND_ 31990 , 6.2744SCHOOL 19.39 } LEWIS, REBECCA A HOME EX 0 CITY - i TAYLOR, BARBARA L (ET AL) EXEMPT 0 0.4270SFNMD 1 .32 � RT 1 BX 253 . ADOF ME 0 1 .8750FIRE. 579 I+ POCOMOKE, MD 21851 NON X 3,090 0.4801DDT/SIS 1 :48 TCD NBR 371 .000/1 LAKEWOOD PARK-UNIT..1 6.BLK. LOT A .14._(MAP- 13�14N1__ . -TOTAL 13.6836 42.29 ' { DATE PAID-12/1-1 _ RECEIPT-141.40,,1. _ PAYMENT _ -.____ _. .,..,41.R 02_ 1301-601-0087-006/5 01 00 00 _.0 ... 5_- o27,MV VO ,650 4.d27sCOuNTY 65.02 SPARKS, JAMS P & JEAN SZYMKOWIAK (ROS) X1 5,620y _ 6.2740SCHOOL 88.15 FTO I RCE L 33451 _____-___.. ..___.____..__. _____II�E?_-.-. 39.----.__.-___.__. CITY �._ � X----..25. 4b_,O.42'fOSFWD- 6.00 TCD NBR 372.000/4 ADDHOME 0 1.8750FIRE 26.34 LA�(Ey OD_P�q�K-LIN�L_1-.BLK .�LQL11._�1!Ifl2_13!.L'tl�?---._._.---._------_---.___ '.__..�N9N-2X---.----_.-14�050 0,_w801DBTiSL.S 6.74 (OR 295-2 06) 3t6836. _ ._. . ,192.25 DATE PAID 11/30 RECEIPT 14398.4 PAYMENT 184.56 ` 1301-601-0008-000/2.,. 01 00 _._ 00-__ _ _ _0 15 __ 02 JUST VA__,_ _ 37� 80 -_4.6275000NTY 57.29 i MDL.INA. .V MAiEK &•PATRI-CIA ti LND _5, __._ _. _._._____. 1 �1'7W+OSCHOOL 77.67 ` 7301 JAMS RD IMP 31,760 R HOME EX 254000 CITY FT PIERCE, FL 33451 . 0 0.4 70SFWMD 5.29 B _ ..__, 7366 . ------- ._-_________ _._._ _ _... ,TCO _ . 6- fi. ToFIRE _ 23.21 LAKEWOOD PARK-UNIT 1- BLK 6 LOT 12 (MAP 13r14N) NON EX 12,380 0.4801DBT/SIS 5.95 (OR 273-897) TOTAL 13.6836 169.41 DATE PAID 1 ti30 RECEIPT a661 '4 r 01 00 00 0 02 JUST VA 46,000 4.6275000NTY 94.87 RUTH N 3 090 6.2740SCHOOL ., 128.62 JA4s RD_ - -- -- - - 4_- ROBEs - __ 29ao6. - - --CITY---- FT PIERCE, FL 33451 40 EXEMPT 500 0.4270SFNMD 8.75 T D MQR 374 044,!0 _..- ._. _ __.--.___-• HRME 0 1 .8750FIRE 38.44 LAKEWOOD PARK-UNIT 1- 8LK K L$T 13 (MAP 13i14Fii-__. -. _ _ cX ----2ti;�ab0 _d.4B01DB1"iSIS 9.85 (OR 371-2722) - TOTAL __ _.. ._. .13.6836 280.53 , (�s� Michelle Franklin, CFA-- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser--All rights reserved -- 10/22/2024, 2:56 PM Property Identification Site Address:7302 Parcel ID: 1301-601-0087- Account#: 393 Sec/Town/Range: 14/34S/39E MIRAMARAVE 000-5 Map ID: 13/14N Zoning:RS-4 Count Use Type:0100 Jurisdiction: Saint Lucie County Ownership Legal Description James P Sparks LAKEWOOD PARK-UNIT 1-BLK 6 LOT 11 (MAP 13/14N) 7302 Miramar AVE (OR 566-1445: 1114-2881) Fort Pierce,FL 34951-2187 Current Values Historical Values 3-year Just/Market: $258,100 Assessed: $53,486 Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable Exemptions: $33,486 Taxable: $20,000 2024 S258,100 $53,486 $33,486 S20,000 2023 S248,500 $51,929 S31,929 S20,000 2022 S230,400 $50,417 S25,917 S24,500 Sale History Date Book/Page Sale Code Deed Grantor Price 12-02-1997 1114/2881 XX04 QC James P Sparks S20,800 11-01-1987 0566/ 1445 XX0I CV SO 10-01-1978 0295/2706 XX00 CV S36,500 Primary Building Information Finished Area of this building: 1,225 SF Gross Sketched Area:2,070 SF Exterior Data View: Roof Cover:Metal Roof Structure:Hip Building Type:SFAV Year Built: 1977 Frame: Grade: SFAV-Avg Effective Year: 1977 Primary Wall:Hrd Plnk WoodFrm Story Height: 1 Story No.Units: 1 Secondary Wall: Interior Data Bedrooms:3 A/C%: 100% Electric:AVERAGE Primary Int Wall: Full Baths:2 Heated%: 100% Heat Type:FrcdHotAir Avg Hgt/Floor:0 Half Baths:0 Sprinkled%:0% Heat Fuel:ELEC Primary Floors:Carpet $ Total Areas 340 17 Finished/UnderAir 1,225 z ��� �s (SF): „ o ' Gross Sketched Area 2,070 (SF): Land Size(acres): 0.45 Land Size(SF): 19,625 Total Building Count: 1 Special Features and Yard Items Type Qty Units Year Blt Driv-Concret 1 720 1977 CHAINLINK 4' 1 180 1999 All information is believed to be correct at this time,but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. ©Copyright 2024 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser.All rights reserved. WARRANTY DEED f1AMCO FORM of 114011041s. TO 1h DIVID This barranty ]Defd ,%beete the 9th clay of October A. 1). iQ78 Ly i0 Thomas A. Osteen and Mary E. Osteen, formerly Mary E. Brown, his wife t�l hereinafter 1-41-41 tin• grantor. to I , James P. Sparks and Jean Szymkowiak, joint tenants with rights of survivorship whose postuffite address is 7302 Mira Mar Avenue, Fort Pierce 33450 lterein gill er r t►lletl the fl►clntee: rpheteset ovd betein thr ma.- 'grant.A" and ':'remoter" includr all the patties it, this iauuument and the he.s., legal teptr tenuUtes an.l m.agn% td tnd.sidwh. and flog vucce.a.rs and aw4ns of curputauona 10itnes5eth. That floe gronfur. for and in consideration of file sum of S10.00 and outer culual►le Considerations. receipt ueloereof is hereloy ac-Irnowltvlfled. herel►y flrants. bargains. sells. aliens. re- mises, releases. conveys and confirms unto floe grantee. all that certain land situate in St. Lucie ('ounh Florida. riz: Lot 11, Block 6, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT NO. 1, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 51 and 51A through 51C, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. SUBJECT TO Mortgage in the amount of $27,000.00 given by Thomas A. Osteen and Mary E. Brown to Citizens Federal Savings and Loan Association (Loan #22005662) dated March 4, 1977, filed March 9, 1977, in O.R. Book 264, Page 2890, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. t y FLORIbA SURTAX _ VJ[/i11�Et`'t. R_� Together with all the tenements. heredifaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any- wise appertaining. To Wive and to Hold, the same in fee simple forever. :lnd file grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that the grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land; that the grantor hereby fully warrants the title to said land and will defend the some against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and that said land is free of all encumbrances. except taxes accruing subsequent to December it. 19 77. SUBJECT TO: 1. Restrictions, reservations, limitations and easements of record, if any, this reference to said restrictions shall not operate to reimpose the same. 2. Zoning ordinances affecting said property. c , 3nttnesSIftnitof, the-said grantor has signed and sealed these presents the clay and year G first above written. Signedsealed and delivered in our presence: ,/ n as A. seen16 ------- --- ---............ . � ui w ess cr ) S►ACt IEIOW FOR RK020M YSE i STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF St. Lucto P(3'r'VY\ Michelle Franklin, CFA-- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser--All rights reserved -- 10/22/2024, 2:56 PM Property Identification Site Address:7303 JAMES Parcel ID: 1301-601-0089- Account#:395 Sec/Town/Range: 14/34S/39E RD 000-9 Map ID: 13/14N Zoning:RS-4 Count Use Type:0100 Jurisdiction: Saint Lucie County Ownership Legal Description Joyce J Foerst LAKEWOOD PARK-UNIT 1-BLK 6 LOT 13(MAP 13/14N) 7303 James RD (OR 1635-1094) Fort Pierce,FL 34951-2130 Current Values Historical Values 3-year JusuMarket: $258,200 Assessed: $93,408 Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable Exemptions: $55,000 Taxable: $38,408 2024 S258,200 $93,408 S55,000 S38,408 2023 S253,800 $90,688 S55,000 $35,688 2022 S231,400 $88,047 S50,500 S37,547 Sale History Date Book/Page Sale Code Deed Grantor Price 12-16-2002 1635/ 1094 XX00 WD Stout Clarine A S70,000 04-03-2002 1560/2297 XX01 QC Friend(LFEST)Arthur S I M 05-20-1992 0791 / 1305 XX01 ORDADM Bosworth(EST)Ruth SO Primary Building Information Finished Area of this building: 1,918 SF Gross Sketched Area:3,283 SF Exterior Data View: Roof Cover: Fibrglss Shg Roof Structure:Gable Building Type:SFAV Year Built: 1982 Frame: Grade:SFAV-Avg Effective Year: 1982 Primary Wall:Wood/Sheath Story Height: 1 Story No.Units: 1 Secondary Wall: Interior Data Bedrooms:3 A/C%: 100% Electric:AVERAGE Primary Int Wall: Full Baths:2 Heated%: 100% Heat Type:FrcdHotAir Avg Hgt/Floor:0 Half Baths:0 Sprinkled%:0% Heat Fuel:ELEC Primary Floors:Carpet Total Areas Finished/UnderAir 1,918 (SF): Gross Sketched Area 3,283 (SF): Land Size(acres): 0.22 Land Size(SF): 9,375 Total Building Count: 1 -lam ,i Special Features and Yard Items Type Qty Units Year Blt Driv-Concret 1 600 1982 RES POOL AVG 1 336 2008 POOL DK-AVG 1 389 2008 POOL ENC-AVG 1 725 2008 Fen WoodSB 6' 1 50 2009 .......... 4 PAGE 96 1 PARCEL 'NUMBER ACREAGE. _USAGE 00 ,00 00 O 02 JUST VA 3.090 4.6275COUNTY 14.31 :C_,lR.a 30D,..,... .._._...._ _. _ ._ 6.2740S 19.39 { LEMI.E, REBE Co A HOME 4 _. . ._..: ... ._... . . _...... SIX 1,690, 1 .4801 FIRED 1.32 1. BX-253 (ET AL) EXEMPT' 0 0.42--p WM _ ..AA H . o ..1..97 SI5 i:48 T,AYLOR BARSARA L ► POCOMOKE MD 2185.1 L TCA NBR 371 .000,11 AKEXQ.QD_.:p.. RK-UNIT._.1-_ (PR 72-224) fbTA� 13.6836 42.29I .PATE . _. 1301-601=0087-0005_.. _..... _ G30 ------00 0 5: off•TLi$T �,:�50 4,�,2'75COiJNTY 65.02 SPARKS, JAMESf PP A JEAN SZYMKOWIAK (ROS) L '% 5.620 ,,.�•-- 6'.2740SCHOOL 88.15 33 F1 RAM EX� 0 0.25.4�4 _ FT C TY _--. ... ...... . .. CE EXEMPT, R lil 6'60 TCDINBR 372.000i4 ADDHOME 0 1.8750FIRE 26:34 27omU.NILL'_ B1aK L4LLC j1 ]'! � . _�_�_ .�_ _- �l4MK__ _.�_wRQ54._�z91,p$TiSI:S._ .._ _.. 6..74 ^. 192.25 DATE PAID 11/30 RECEIPT 1-4398.'4 PAYMENT 184,,56 ' s A-- 37_40..�4. 6275000NTY- 5.7,29 I Ci 1f FfA1 IC fiT A ?i LAD- r 3' 274'�D5C ML 77''.67 7301 JAMES AD IMP 3 ,760 R HOME:::EX 254000 CITY r._..._O 0.. 70SF D . .,.. .. 9.29 9977 21.21 OR me LAKEWOOD PARK-UNIT 1- BLK 6 LOT 1.2 (MAP 13-11'4N) ON EX 12.380 0.4801DBT/SIS 5.95 (OR 273 wv.. _.. TOTAL 13.6836 169.41 .DATE PAID „y 01 00 00 0 02 JUST VA 46,000 4.627SCOUNTY 94.87 O T R TH Q�� _ 6 _2TFO CFKIOL. 128.62 -.r ,3.,� ms' _ 9f 0 fir~_ . -._ ,. _ _ `(1 FT PIERCE, FL 33451 40 EXEMPT 500 0.44�22�7550SFNO 8.75 T MAR 7-,'► 1Q. AtSF1 L 20 b0 ,:4�61 TiSTS..__. . ...__. ,39:86 lLAKEW 0D'PAiw-- OR 3 1 2722) 280.53 _: ,•,.fr ompki"n ev TERESA PAUI.EY ST-431 ,.1'r.T✓Jt TITLE COt1P. Os FLA i1 r. r 7 31 rtAlf 1016AC4.rLVr1.04 WARRANTY O[[O rwmvto. ro/r.owlo 557812 - b 10anuty Pttd glade the 25th. ddy o, February i A. D. 19 82 by ROBERT RALPH THEODORE hereinafter called the grantor, to RiT H BOSWORM Whose posluffice address is 7402 James Road, Fort Pierce, Fl. 33450 Aft hereinafter called the grantee: 1Wttreeer umd herein the MAIL ' IM heirs..1"&I r aewulivn and trwwr.w" i .<<wa . iaehedt dl the A a . uwrwtwr and s L elr/ wrips of iwdiodwb. iwd rht sr.cceswws c+ld �isd .1 cwrpaariorls? �flitneSSetli: That the grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of S 10.00 and other ![ valuable considerations, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants. bargains, sells, aliens, re- mises, releases. conveys and confirms unto the grantee, all that certain land situate in St. Lucie }` County. Florida, viz: u } LOT 13, BLOCK 6, LAKEWOOD PARK, UNIT 1, . according to the Plat thereof, as recorded N in Plat Book 10, Pages 51 and 51A thru 51C, WIT- of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, f - ,;.T-:: - Florida. sip The above described property is vacant and unimproved and is not a homestead. 709 with all the tenements, hereditamenis and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any- wise appertaining. To But and to Hold, the same in fee simple forever. Rnd the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that the grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land; that the grantor hereby fully warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and that said land is free of all encumbrances. except taxes accruing subsequent to December.31, 19 81 SUBJECT TO: 1. Restrictions, reservations, limitations and easements of record, if any; this reference to said restrictions shall not operate to reimpose the same. 2. Zoning ordinances affecting said property. �n Ififi S IhMO, the said grantor has signed and sealed these presents the day and year first above written. Sig , sealed a d deliv in ur presence: G� ROBERT RA1iFH THEODORE . .... . j SPACE "tow NH IECOMMts USE STATE OF VWRITIA (t\k�t Michelle Franklin, CFA-- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser--All rights reserved -- 10/22/2024, 2:53 PM Property Identification Site Address:7402 Parcel ID: 1301-601-0085- Account#:391 Sec/Town/Range: 14/34S/39E MIRAMAR AVE 000-1 Map ID: 13/14N Zoning:RS-4 Count Use Type:0100 Jurisdiction: Saint Lucie County Ownership Legal Description Jody L Dutcher LAKEWOOD PARK-UNIT 1-BLK 6 LOT 9(MAP 13/14N)(OR 7402 Miramar AVE 917-2755) Fort Pierce,FL 34951-2188 Current Values Historical Values 3-year Just/Market: $140,400 Assessed: $28,775 Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable Exemptions: $25,000 Taxable: $3,775 2024 S140,400 $28,775 S25,000 S3,775 2023 S133,900 $27,937 $25,000 S2,937 2022 S 129,300 $27,124 $25,000 S2,124 Sale History Date Book/Page Sale Code Deed Grantor Price 08-31-1994 0917/2755 XX02 WD William S Johnstone S44,500 06-09-1993 0846/1666 XX01 WD 5100 Primary Building Information Finished Area of this building:909 SF Gross Sketched Area: 1,275 SF Exterior Data View: Roof Cover: Fibrglss Shg Roof Structure:Gable Building Type:SFAV Year Built: 1958 Frame: Grade: SFAV-Avg Effective Year: 1958 Primary Wall:CB Stucco Story Height: I Story No.Units: 1 Secondary Wall: Interior Data Bedrooms:2 A/C%: 100% Electric:AVERAGE Primary Int Wall: Full Baths: I Heated%: 100% Heat Type:FrcdHotAir Avg Hgt/Floor:0 Half Baths:0 Sprinkled%:0% Heat Fuel:ELEC Primary Floors:Carpet Total Areas „a Finished/Under Air 909 (SF): Gross Sketched Area 1,275 (SF): Land Size(acres): 0.22 �1;e Land Size(SF): 9,375 Total Building Count: 1 Special Features and Yard Items Type Qty Units Year Bit Driv-Concret 1 720 1958 UTILITY FAIR 1 81 1999 CHAINLINK 4' 1 120 1999 All information is believed to be correct at this time,but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. ©Copyright 2024 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser.All rights reserved. w STATE OF FLOP(DA. = Z DOt.UMENTAev STAMP TAX 21GrV5�7� FEE. PARKER & FEE. P. A. -1 ' �_ -' y s ��., IGrV �7( ATTORNEYS AT LAW 0 POST Orrace BOA 1000 h V a►pt.OFa"[WAK FORT PIERCE.FLORIO^ 33450 Vwmty Bad Made the .2,1 day of March A. D. 19 72 by NORMAN MAI and EVELYN G. MAI, his wife, hereinafter called the grantor. to DOROTHEA JOHNSTONE whose postoffkoe address is 2375 Miramar Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida -33450 hereinafter called the grantee: (Wietever wed t axes tie sass "Eraatar" asd "pastes•' isch&& an the v+rw• to tii, ;gstrgtgeat NW kcal eeprneatatim atl songs of isdivtdrd+. asn the wxcesoe>, ud asps d oaperftiees) �111: That the grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of S 10. 00 and other valuable considerations, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants. bargains, sells, aliens. re- mises. releases. conveys and confirms unto the grantee. all that certain land situate in St. Lucie County. Florida viz: Lot 9, of Block 6 of LAKEWOOD PARK, UNIT NO. ONE, as per plat thereof on file in Plat Book 10, pages 51, 51 A. 51 B, 51 C of the public records of St. Lucie County, Florida. SUBJECT TO reservations, restrictions, covenants and easements of public record. ALSO SUBJECT to mortgage from grantor to First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Fort Pierce in the original sum of $7, 300. 00, dated January 10, 1972, recorded in O. R. Book 198, page 2133 zM5; which grantee assumes and agrees to pay. ► LD AND RECOR ROGER ICIE C RA A►O�ITR STATE OF FLORIDA 1TF OF FLORIDA E OF FLORIDA 1if OF FLORIDA [ATE Of FtOR10A CLERK CIRCUIT COWIT `-Q DOCUMENTARY DOCUMENTARY)OCUMENTARY DOCUMENTARY DOCUMENTARY RECORO VERIFifoawaa,, SUR TAX i SUR TAX SUR TAX ; SUR TAX )1 SUR TAX � � � �� r �1.10 �1.10 ;i.10 D�] $5 SO •;...� /Ic,L 109!'L Iff.. with att the tenements. hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any- wise appertaining. j�,� To % }}o ut wd t Vold, the same in fee simple forever. FWthe grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple: that the grantor ha, good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land: that 16 grantor hereby fully warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful clause of 0 all persons whomsoever; and that said land is free of all encumbrances, except taxes accruing subsequent to December 31. 19 71. hVb u ?AhtMf, the said grantor has executed this Deed the day and year ffrst above written. Sig and delivered ur presence: _.:_Y �t! ......----------------- •• ------...._..--........ ._....._._. Every - G. ai ..................................................--._..--_........-....... ........-.................--- ........._._.-------__._..... ....(Seal} 000 of $Inrida_ 1904 REAL ESTATE COUNTY OF ST LUCIE PAGE 95 PARCEL NUMBER ACREAGE USAGE DIST DR DIST CTC MTGC 1301-601-0083-000/7 00 00 00 0 02 JUST VA 3,090 4.6275000NTY 14.31 i SHAMBROOOK,DOT GLAS LND 3,090 BV HOMEEX 0 6.2740CITOOL 19.39 22 TORONTO, ONT, CANADA M4J 3A4 EXEMPT 0 0.4270SFWMD 1 .321 TCD NOR 360,000/1_ ADDHOME 0 1 .8750FIRE 5.79 LAKEWOOD PARK-UNIT 1- BLK 6 LOT 7 (MAP 13/14N) NON EX 3,090 0.4801DBT/SIS 1 .48 � (OR 326-2828) fttt TOTAL 13.6836 42.291 f DATE PAID 01/15 RECEIPT..2Q693.,1 PAYMENT 41 .44 ' i I { i 1301-601-0084-000/4 00 00 00 0 02 JUST VA 3,090 4.6275COUNTY 14.31 JOHNSTONE, WILLIAM S &iDOROTHEA LND 3,090 6.2740SCHOOL 19.39 69_MMPLE DR _HOME_ EX.__ CITY NEW HYDE PARK, NY 11040 _ _ __- _.. _. _ ... ..__ . E. 6 0.42705FWMD 1 .32 TCD NBR 369.000/4 ADDHOME 0 1.8750FIRE 5.79 LAKEWOOD PARK7UN.IT. 1--84K,_6.._LQ.T.@_(MRP 13i 14N i_.. ..._ __. _ ____. .NON EX -3.,090 0,,4801 DBT/S IS 1 .48 (09 212-1692) 13.6836_ I� DATE PAID 11116 RECEIPT 6398.2 W,NENT 40.60 r-- 01 00,. -_.00 _ _ 0- ___.,..,.- __ 02_JUST.VA --�0 590.. 4.-6275COUNTY 95.28 JO DOROTHEA _. .._... -. LND 3,096_.... __ -. :. - 6.27405CHOOL 129.18 69 MAPLE DR IMP 17,500 -HOME EX 0 CITY NEW HYDE PARK,,-NY 11040 ''� EXEMPT- - 0 0..4270SFWMD 8.79 _ _ TCD NOR -370.66 8_ .._.____ ____. _ -ADblHOME 0 1 .8750FIRE 38.61 LAKEWOOD PARK-UNIT 1- BLK 6 LOT 9 (MAP 13i14N) NON EX 20,590 0.4801DBT/SIS 9.89 (OR 200-2889) TOTAL 13:6836 281 .75 DATE PAID 11116 RECEIPT 6397.2 PAYMENT _ _ . 276.48 i `