HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-35-40 (2) C0' ST LUCIE OF ■ Board of County October 11, 2024 Commissioners Roderick Waller 130 S Indian River Dr Suite 202 Chris Dzadovsky Fort Pierce, FL 34950 DISTRICT 1 RE: 2405-601-0574-0008 Dear Mr. Waller: Larry Leet DISTRICT 2 The above referenced parcel has a zoning designation of RS-4 (Residential, Single-Family 4, 4 du/ 1 ac) and a Future Land Use Classification of RU (Residential Urban(5 du/1 ac). Linda Bartz DISTRICT 3 The above parcel is nonconforming because it does not the minimum lot width of Vice Chair 75 feet. For a parcel to be considered a nonconforming lot of record and thereby qualify for a waiver of these requirements, it must exist in separate ownership and Jamie Fowler not be contiguous to other lots in the same ownership prior to July 1, 1984, DISTRICT 4 pursuant to Section 10.00.04, LDC. Pursuant to the research of county records,it has been determined that the property Cathy Townsend was not contiguous to other lots in the same ownership prior to July 1, 1984. DISTRICT 5 Accordingly,this parcel is considered a non-conforming lot of record. As a result, Chair the lot width requirement is hereby waived. A single-family home may be constructed upon this property subject to meeting all applicable local, state and federal codes. The RS-4 setbacks are as follows: 25-foot front, 7.5-foot sides,20- Administration foot side corner and 15-foot rear with a maximum lot coverage of 30%. Please contact the health department regarding well and/or septic at (772) 873- George Landry 4903 to ensure that their requirements can be satisfied prior to applying for a COUNTY building permit for the subject property. In addition, you will need to contact the ADMINISTRATOR Environment Resources Division at (772) 462-2526 prior to any removal of vegetation. If you have any questions regarding the above determination,please don't hesitate Dan McIntyre COUNTY ATTORNEY to contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Melissa Brubaker Zoning& Permitting Supervisor Melissa Brubaker I Planning and Development Services I Permitting and Zoning Supervisor ►w brubakerm&stlucieco.org 1 2300 Virginia Avenue I Fort Pierce,FL 34982 t.(772)462-1558 "(772)462-1553 4i(772)462-1578 www.stlucieco.gov = - Planning and Development Services Department COUNTY Planning Division MEMORANDUM TO: File FROM: Melissa Brubaker DATE: October 3, 2024 SUBJECT: NCLOR, 2405-601-0574-0008 The property has a Zoning designation of(RS-4) and a Future Land Use classification of(RU) Zoning District Land Area Lot Width Road Frontage Requirement Re uirement RS-4 10000 75 30 NCLOR Subject property 2405-601-0574-0008 Grantor Grantee 6-29-77 Henrietta and Sidney Lehman and James and Nancy L Bouchard Gertie and Morris Weiner West of the Subject 2405-601-0575-0005 Grantor Grantee 3-30-79 Robert A and Mary L Parnell Robert A. Parnell and Grace St Clair Michelle Franklin, CFA— Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser--All rights reserved — 10/8/2024, 12:28 PM Identification Use T C✓" Site Address:3900 AVENUE K Property Type:0000 Sec/Town/Range:05/35S/40E Account#:18807 Parcel ID:2405-601-0574-000-8 Map ID:24/05S Jurisdiction:Saint Lucie County Zoning:RS-4 Count Ownership Valsaint Rental Property LLC 4708 Palmetto DR Fort Pierce,FL 34982-8514 F Legal Description SUNLAND GARDENS BLK 31 LOT 11(0.23 AC) vi h . Current Values ;ra Just/Market Value: $20,800 Assessed Value: $20,800 = Exemptions: $0 2 , ` Taxable Value: $20,800 Total Areas Property taxes are subject to change upon 0 change of ownership. Finished/[TnderAir(SF): Gross Sketched Area(SF): 0 • Past taxes are not a reliable projection of future taxes. 0.23 • The sale of a property will prompt the removal of all Land Size(acres): exemptions,assessment caps,and special classifications. Land Size(SF): 10,018.8 Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Collector's Office© Building Design Wind Download TRIM for this parcel:Download PDF Speed Occupancy Category I H III Speed 140 150 160 Sources/links: Sale History Date Book/Page Sale Deed Grantor Price Code Aug 5,2022 4869/2626 0001 WD Bouchard Nancy L $16,500 $0 Jun 1,1977 0271/0186 XX02 CV Building Information(1 of 1) Finished Area:0 SF Gross Sketched Area:0 SF Exterior Data View: Roof Cover: Roof Structure: Building Type: Year Built:N/A Frame: Grade: Effective Year:N/A Primary Wall: Story Height: No.Units:0 Secondary Wall: Interior Data Bedrooms:0 Electric: Primary Int Wall: Full Baths:0 Heat Type: Avg Hgt/Floor:0 Half Baths:0 Heat Fuel: Primary Floors: A/C%:0% Heated%:N/A% Sprinkled%:00% Ir !I F y r 5 Sketch Area Legend Sub Area Description Area Fin.Area Perimeter Special Features and Yard Items Type Qty Units Year Blt Current Year Values Current Values Breakdown Current Year Exemption Value Breakdown Building and SFYI: $0 Land: $20,800 Just/Market: $20,800 Ag Credit: $0 Save Our Homes or $0 10%Cap: Assessed: $20,800 Exemption(s): $0 Taxable: $20,800 Current Year Special Assessment Breakdown Start Year AssessCode Units Description Amount 2010 9008 1 Sunland Gardens Street Lights $13.00 Start Year AssessCode Units Description Amount 2013 0054 0.23 North St.Lucie Water Management District $25.00 This does not necessarily represent the total Special Assessements that could be charged against this property.The total amount charged for special assessments is reflected on the most current tax statement and information is available with the SLC Tax Collectoes Office©. Historical Values Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable 2024 $20,800 $20,800 $0 $20,800 2023 $23,500 $23,500 $0 $23,500 2022 $16,100 $4,090 $0 $4,090 2021 $9,000 $3,719 $0 $3,719 Permits Number Issue Date Description Amount Fee Notice:This does not necessarily represent all the permits for this property. Click the following link to check for additional permit data in Saint Lucie County All information is believed to be correct at this time,but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. m Copyright 2024 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser.All rights reserved. v ff QjLa tj Made the 29th day of June A. 1). iQl7 by HENRIETTA LEHMAN and SIDNEY LEHMAN, her husband, AND, GERTIE WEINER and MORRIS WEINER, her husband hereinafter called the grantor. to JAMES BOUCHARD and - NANCY L. BOUCHARD, his wife whose postoffice address is 1406 N. 37th Street, Fort Pierce, Florida, 33450 hereinafter called the grantee: (Wt+em" w d bmis tie terms " ter'. ud •• •• ictr" of the yours to t)ua ietruseat and tie bek% &"W seyseseesetwes aid a�itr d i rid�b. aad t4 wn �s �d a+�iy � � tior) s: That the grantor. for and in consideration of the stun of $10.00 and other valuable considerations. receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. hereby grants. bargains. sells. aliens. re- mises. releases. conveys and confirms unto the grantee. all that certain land situate in County. Florida. viz: Lot 9, Block 27, SUNLAND GARDENS and Lot 11, Block 31, SUNLAND GARDENS, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 32, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. I ' ► l J - --- --- G �-rATE _�� FOR: 5T i u c•' ti ii �Ll„V1E.�:�AhY _ - lamF. I At c-' '� �.%:�.n ..tit.,..,. �'•- - + %" 3. 50 Cm Ps 1 _ r i,w�'.S'1T ee. � 04. 9 J I� 'E 1QG4 REAL ESTATE COUNTY OF ST LUCIE PAGE 4880 PARCEL NUMBER ACREAGE USAGE DIST DR DIST CTC MTGC 2405-601-0570-000:0 01 00 54 NSL 0 5 10 JUST VF 64.080 4.6275000NTY 180.84 THOMAS, JAMES JR AND CECELIA LND 2,420 6.2740SCHOOL 24S.19 3907 AV L IMP 61,660 R HOME EX 25,000 CITY FT PIERCE, FL 334SO EXEMPT 0 0.4270SFWMD 16.69 TCD NBR 18773.000/0 ADDHOME 0 1 .8750FIRE 73.28 SUNLAND GARDENS BLK 31 LOTS 7 AND 8 (OR 229-1952) NON EX 39,060 1 .3980DBT:SIS 77.57 NSL ASB .10180.6000NSL MT 4.34 TOTAL 14.601S S97.91 DATE PAID 11:30 RECEIPT 14305.4 PAYMENT 573.99 2405-601-0572-000.'4 00 00 F4 NSL 1 10 JUST V"I 1,210 4.6275000NTY 5.60 CRUICKSHANK, CEPHUS W LND 1,210 6.2740SCHOOL 7.59 416 AV D HOME EX 0 CITY FT PIERCE, FL 33450 EXEMPT 0 0.4270SFWMD .51 TCD NkR 18774.000;3 ADDHOME 0 1 .8750FIRE 2.27 SUNLAND GARDENS ELK 31 LOT ° (OR 298-t1c NON EX 1,210 1 .3980DBT:SIS 1 .?0 NSL AS. .00180.600ONSL MT 2.l0 TOTAL 14.6015 20.17 CERTIFICATE ISSUED TF'S r �rCEL 24fjt-dn1-0573-000.'1 00 rfn 54 NSL 0 i0 !UST VA 1,490 4.6275COUNTY 6.89 PAllE5014, REMIGIO LND 1,44:)0 6.2740SCHOOL 9.35 _43 JEFFERSOH HiV HOME EX 0 CITY -+ENAPLY, NJ 07670 EXEMPT 0 0.4270SFWMD 63 TCD NBR 1877S.000,6 ADDHOME 0 1 .8750FIRE 2.79 SUNLAND GARDENS ELF: 31 LOT 10 NON EX 1.- Fo 1 .?980DBT:SIS 2.08 NSL ASB 00180.600QNSL MT 2.r0 TOTAL 14.6015 24.24 DATE PAID 1"; '12 RECEIPT 14817.1 PAYMENT 23.5� 24r�5-661-0�.?4-000:8 00 00 S4 NSL 0 10 JUST VA 1,490 4.6275COUITY 6.89 BOUCHAPD, JAMES & NANCi L LND 1,490 r.2740SCHOOL 9.35 250 WPLShST %- TEE, 3' S2 EXEMPME T 0 0.4270SFWMD .63 1� CITY FORT �� i.UCIE. FL �4;� TCD tiBR 18'17� .000.'9 ADDHOME 0 1 .8750FIRE 2.79 SUNLAND GAP DENS BLF: 31 LOT 11 (OR 271-1861 NON EX 1,490 1 .3960DBT:SIS 2.08 NSL ASB .00180.6000NSL MT 2.50 TOTAL !4.6015 24.24 DATE PAID 11,26 RECEIPT 9492.1 PAYMENT 23.27 Michelle Franklin, CFA— Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser--All rights reserved -- 10/8/2024, 12:25 PM Property Identification v/LY� Site Address:3904 AVENUE K Use Type:0100 Sec/Town/Range:05/35S/40E Account#: 18808 Parcel ID:2405-601-0575-000-5 Map IR 24/05S Jurisdiction:Saint Lucie County Zoning:RS-4 Count Ownership RESIDENT Legal Description SUNLAND GARDENS BLK 31 LOT 12(0.18 AC) Current Values Just/Market Value: $124,600 Assessed Value: $60,679 Exemptions: $0 Taxable Value: $60,679 Total Areas Property taxes are subject to change upon Finished/UnderAir(SF): 1.048 change of ownership. Gross Sketched Area(SF): 1,270 • Past taxes are not a reliable projection of future taxes. Land Size(acres): 0.18 • The sale of a property will prompt the removal of all 7,840.8 exemptions,assessment caps,and special classifications. Land Size(SF): Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Collector's Office 12 Building Design Wind Download TRIM for this parcel:Download PDF© Speed Occupancy Category I II III Speed 140 150 160 Sources/links: Sale History Date Book/Page Sale Deed Grantor Price Code Jul 10,2018 0130 WD $100 Jun 20,2018 0130 WD $100 Jul 10,2017 0111 TXDEED $25,800 Jun 16,2017 0111 QC $0 Jun 16,2017 0111 QC $100 Jun 16,2017 0111 QC $100 Jun 14,2017 0111 QC $100 Jun 14,2017 0111 QC $100 Jun 14,2017 0111 QC $100 Jul 9,2008 XX01 ORDADM $o Apr 8,1994 XX01 WD $39,500 Apr 5,1993 XX01 WD $13,000 Mar 1,1979 I ( XX01 CV $0 Jul 1,1973 3t)4 1 d0 ` XX00 CV $12,000 Building Information(1 of 1) Finished Area:1,048 SF Gross Sketched Area:1,270 SF Exterior Data View: Roof Cover:Fibrglss Shg Roof Structure:Gable Building Type:SFF Year Built: 1949 Frame: Grade:SFF-High Effective Year:1970 Primary Wall:CB Stucco Story Height:1 Story No.Units: 1 Secondary Wall: Interior Data Bedrooms:2 Electric:AVERAGE Primary Int Wall: Full Baths:I Heat Type:FrcdHotAir Avg Hgt/Floor:0 Half Baths:0 Heat Fuel:ELEC Primary Floors:Carpet A/C%:100% Heated%: 100% Sprinkled%:0°/u 24 EWa 24 eA5 (1048) 13 10 B Sketch Area Legend Sub Area Description Area Fin.Area Perimeter APOA Aluminium Porch(Open)Average 120 0 46 BAS BASE AREA 1048 1048 154 OPAA Open Porch Attached Average 102 0 66 Special Features and Yard Items Type Qty Units Year Blt Current Year Values Current Values Breakdown Current Year Exemption Value Breakdown Building and SFYI: $75,000 Land: $49,600 Just/Market: $124,600 Ag Credit: $0 Save Our Homes or $63,921 10%Cap: Assessed: $60,679 Exemption(s): $0 Taxable: $60,679 Current Year Special Assessment Breakdown Start Year AssessCode Units Description Amount 2009 2009 12 County Solid Waste $385.44 Start Year AssessCode Units Description Amount 2010 9008 1 Sunland Gardens Street Lights $13.00 Start Year AssessCode Units Description Amount 2013 0054 0.18 North St.Lucie Water Management District $25.00 This does not necessarily represent the total Special Assessements that could be charged against this property.The total amount charged for special assessments is reflected on the most current tax statement and information is available with the SLC Tax Collector's Office Q Historical Values Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable 2024 $124,600 $60,679 $0 $60,679 2023 $118,900 $55,163 $0 $55,163 2022 $79,000 $50,149 $0 $50,149 2021 $55,700 $45,590 $0 $45,590 Permits Number Issue Date Description Amount Fee C93-02539 May 13,1993 Alterations/Remodeling $2,500 $2,500 Notice:This does not necessarily represent all the permits for this property. Click the following link to check for additional permit data in Saint Lucie County All information is believed to be correct at this time,but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. ©Copyright 2024 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser.All rights reserved. ttA11f-tlA1M OfM RAMCO FORM 8 'QVk0( M Iftds Executed this 3041day of .1/. A. D. tWg , 6y ROBERT A. PARNELL and VARY L. PARNELL, A lint party, to ROBERT A. PARNELL and GRACE ST. CLAIR whole pastOffics address is 3904 Avenue K,Ft. Pierce, Florida 33450 second party: (N'wr"w wed bmi& &r tecoe "lira tr" &&d "wcwd pntr•' tWl i=6& eiasulw a&d pbW9. ►aim lead egraeeatiw. &M aseis&e at iradiridwY, ud ve waeron ad aristi of eerl+eruwae. wbemw da &sent r&dead of ee+Wir4w) itaeOle aaw P That eke said first party. for and in consideration of the suns of S10.00 in hand paid by the said second party, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remiss. re- lease and quit-claim unto the said second party forever. all the right. title, interest. clatm and demand which the said first party has in and to the following described lot. piece or parcel of land. situate. lying and being in the County of St. Lucie State of Florida to-wit: Lot *12, Block 31, SUNLAND GARDENS, according to the public records of St. Lucie County, Florida. "The scrivener of this instrument makes no representation of checking the title thereof." ; I rt�cJ %•`40 RECORDED' � !' 'jTA T�- „ j- 1. i-1 "�:" 1.'OUNTY. FLA. ;. is_+Ciird!c!ti Ai{_Y - �'i,14`:. - - 0 0. 3 0 '79 AP' 10 Xf '10 13 _-.,rj rI rt� -I Ally �., .. -. FLORl13A` `� UR k-', �,Lrris; �l, C _ Pe en 00 OF t� ..,0 L' ' i '10 Vot Ad W Wd the some together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. and all the estate, right, title, interest. lien, equity and claim what- soever of the said first party, either in law or equity, to the only proper use. benefit and behoof of the said second party forever. �n witness Wwof,The said first party has signed and sealed these presents the day and year � first above written. j Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of: Robert-_A....P'`arnetl r i�Y , !i ............` .. �1�.............._ !�4_ ' ,�._.._..__!.�... .......... - MAI�y L. hd1T' (C STA4 r. ." FLORIDAI ^� t 1984 REAL ESTATE COUNTY OF ST LUCIE PAGE 4881 PARCEL NUMBER ACREAGE USAGE DIST DR DIST CTC MTGC 2405-601-0575-000r5 01 00 S-4 NSL 0 26 '0 JUST VA 17,830 4.627SCOUNTY 82.50 PARNELL, ROBERT A LND 1,21(1 6.2740SCHOOL 111.87 ST CLAIR, GRACE IMP 16,620 HOME EX 0 CITY 3904 AV K EXEMPT 0 0.4270SFWMD 7.61 FT PIERCE, FL 33450 ADDHOME 0 1 .8750FIRE 33.43 TCD NBP 18777.000%2 NON EY. 17,830 1 .3980DBT/SIS 24.94 SUNLAND GARDENS BLK 31 LOT 12 ror 306-2911 , NSL A3B .00180.600ONSL MT 2.50 TOTAL 14.6015 262.85 DATE- PAID 11:'29 RECEIPT 11654.4 f•fl';'MEt1i 262.34 240 S-6')1-0 57b-n00:^2 01 00 S4 NSL 0 ?12 10 JUST VFt S1,5110 4.6275COIjN T'r 240.21 LEE, LARRY JR LND 2,421) 6.2740SCHOOL 325.68 WILLIAMS, LORENZO IMF• 49,4FO HOME E CITY HENDLEY, JEROME 1E7 )L1 EXEMPT 0 0,4270SFWMD 22.16 708 N 13 ST ADDHOME 0 1 .8750FIr•.E 97.33 FT PIERCE, FL 334SO NON EX S1,910 1 .3980D-RT/SIS 72.58 TCD In77rj 1100.•C NSL AS_< ,00180.600ONSL MT 4.34 SUNLAND GARDENS ILK 31 Lr+S ,3"'• 1L :Or TOTAL 14.60IS 762.30 DrrTE PA I RECEIPT 1^1'�.4 f AYMENT 240=-001-0576-000/5 nir iiir 54 NSL 4 lir JUST VA 1,'10 4.6275000iJT'r 5.60 CARO, SADIE LND 6.2740SCHOOL 7.59 86-45 8BTH ST HOME E! 0 CITY WOO-DHPVEN, t-b- 1 1 u 111 E!Z--MPT 0 0.4270SFWMD .51 T A=i,rHOME 0 1 .8750FIP,E 2.27 SUNLAND GARDENS ELK 31 L91 1 r NON E : 1,210 1 .39SODB T%SIS 1 .70 NSL .1)0180.600ONSL MT 2.50 TOTAL 14,601S 20.17 DATE PAID 12/20 RECEIPT 16?t3.� I>A'MEtdT iF.56 2405-501-n-7?-000:3 01 nq F,4 Nr2L 1) 10 JUST VA 68,610 4.62?5COUNT'i' 201 .80 SM:TH, CALVIN % rU=-r' LND 2,420 6.2740SCHOOL 273.61 PO EX 4072 IMP 60.19;, R HOME EX 25,000 CITY FT PIERCE, FL 3347; EXEMPT 0 0.4270SFWMD 18.63 TCD (t:1R 18790.00rl,2 ADDHOME 0 1 .8750FIRE 81 .77 SUNLAND GARDENS 6L1•: 31 LOTS 1 u f)t4D 17 r nr "-c:8u! NON EX 43.610 1 .3960N T/SIS 63.92 NSL tiSt• 00180.6000NSL MT 4,34 TOTAL 14.6015 664.07 DATE PAID 11l30 RFCEIPT 1986S,.4 PAYMENT 637.51