HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-35-40 (5) ST. LUCIE October 2, 2024 Jorge Pachon Board of County 10700 SW 108 Ave, Unit C314 Commissioners Miami, FL 33176 RE: Parcel: 2405-601-0486-000/4 Chris Dzadovsky Dear Mr. Pachon, DISTRICT 1 The above referenced parcel has a zoning designation of RS-4 (Residential, Single Family-4,4du/1 ac)and a future Land Use Classification of RU, (Residential Urban. Larry Leet DISTRICT 2 The above parcel is nonconforming because it does not meet the minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet and the minimum lot width of 75 feet. In order for a parcel to be considered a nonconforming lot of record and thereby qualify for a waiver of these requirements, it must exist in separate ownership and not be contiguous to other lots in Linda Bartz the same ownership prior to July 1, 1984 pursuant to Section 10.00.04, LDC DISTRICT 3 Pursuant to the research of county records, it has been determined that the property was not contiguous to other lots in the same ownership prior to July 1, 1984. Accordingly, Jamie Fowler this parcel is considered a non-conforming lot of record. As a result,the lot width and lot DISTRICT 4 size requirements are hereby waived. A single-family home may be constructed upon this property subject to meeting all applicable local, state, and federal codes. The RS-4 setbacks are as follows: 25-foot front,7.5-foot sides and a 15-foot rear,with a maximum lot coverage of 30%. Cathy Townsend DISTRICT 5 Please contact the health department regarding well and/or septic at (772) 873-4903 to ensure that their requirements can be satisfied prior to applying for a building permit for the subject property. In addition, you will need to contact the Environment Resources Division at(772)462-2526 prior to any removal of vegetation. Administration If you have any questions regarding the above determination, please don't hesitate to contact the undersigned. George Landry Respectfully, COUNTY (��„1_U��i. ,�,.X ktw� _ ADMINISTRATOR uC Melissa Brubaker Zoning&Permitting Supervisor Dan McIntyre COUNTY ATTORNEY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES I BUILDING &CODE DIVISION v BrubakermAstlucieco.org 4r2300 Virginia Avenue I Fort Pierce,FL 34982 (772)462-1558 (772)462-1553 0 (772)462-1578 Qwww.stlucieco.gov Planning and Development � COUNTYServices Department Planning Division MEMORANDUM TO: File NC40¢'- '1q6q' FROM: Melissa Brubaker cz-012,3 DATE: October 1, 2024 SUBJECT: NCLOR The property has a Zoning designation of (RS-4) and a Future Land Use classification of(RU) Zoning District Land Area Lot Width Road Frontage Re uirement Requirement RS-4 10,000 75 30 NCLOR Subject property — 2405-601-0486-000/4 Grantor Grantee 1984 Property Appraiser Frederick Arnold East of the Subject Property — 2405-601-0485-00017 Grantor Grantee 1984 Property Appraiser Norman Hewitt West of the Subject Property — 2405-601-0487-00011 Grantor Grantee 01/19/1984 Samuel Pierce, Jr Lloyd Taylor and Clotilde Taylor DATE PAID 12:13 RECEIPT 15171 .1 PAYMENT 1984 REAL ESTATE .OUNTY OF ST LUCIE PAGE 4862 PARCEL NUMBER ACREAGE USAGE DIST DR DIST CTC MTGC 2405-601-0483-000r3 01 00 54 NSL 0 10 !UST VA 25,230 4.6275COUNT', 1,0m BAKER, PETER & HATTIE LND 1,210 6.2740SCHOOL 1 .44 3706 AV M IMP 24,02E R HOME Er; 25,+)00 CITY FT PIERCE, FL 334SO EXEMPT rj Ci.4270SFWMD .10 TCD NOR 18'^ .000%6 fiDDHOME 0 1 .87SOFIRE .43 SUNLAND GARDENS BLM: 26 LOT 1UR 275-1096) NON Ei 230 1 .3980DBT,SIS 23.26 NSL ASP 001930.600ONSL MT 21SO TOTAL 14.6015 2P•79 DATE PAID 04:03 RECEIPT 32966.1 PfrrMENT 29.u5 r, ii 1ii I -!; 1,811) 4,6275COUNT'r $3.'' 405-601-0484-000:0 00 00 4 NSL Ui ; MIKLE, GEORGIA LNE' 1,810 t�.2740SCIIOOL II .3u 162S NW 5: AV HOME C• CITY LAUDERHILL. FL 33313 E.,EmPT 4,4270SFWMP TCD NBR 19745.Or)+1,'9 rIDNQME 1 .875nFIRE 3.3° SUNLAND 0ARDENS ELM: 26 LOT 16 FIND ELY 1.•2 OF LOT M 11 C. 1,,31c, 1 .3989DBT,,SIS is IOR 245-929) Wt G)S MT =.2f T fli)fL 14,ph 1 5 2. 61 DATE PAID 1 t. 30 f':ECEIPT 15=+84.; '+.rrMEla <?.48 Z405-601-0485-000:7 00 01) S4 NSL 1 10 !UST VI-1 t,g l r+ 4.o275C'?UNT'' 8.3' HEWITT, NORMAN Ltil) 1,8tr, :.2749SCHOOL WINED. MOTORS INC I,iOME r, 1-1T., 1425 EARNUM AV E,fMPT 4270SFWMD FAIRFIELD, CT 06430 ADDHOME 1 .870FIRC 3.3P TCD NBR 15706.01)n,•2 NON C, 1 ,btii .3080DET.'SIS 2.53 SUNLAND 5AR.DENS BLY. 26 WLY 1:2 OF LOT 14 Z :ILL NSL ASE• l018u.6ut)0NSL MT 3.25 LOT 20 )OR 374-1262,12G31 TOTAL 14.61)1 119.6 DATE PAID l l,�30 RECEIPT 1,1 16 1 .3 PAYMENT 28.413 �p 240 5-601-0486-000.4 00 00 54 IJSL (i I n !UST vi) 1,21 rr 4.6275COUNTY 5.60 ✓`� ARNOLD, FREDEr•TCK LNEI 1,210 6.2740SCHOOL 7.S9 3316 N 30 ST HOME E' 0 CITY TACOMA. WA 98407 E-�EMFT n 0.4270SFWMD 51 TCD NAP 18707,000.1S ADDHOME o 1 ,8750FIRE 2.27 SUNLAND GARDENS BLY. 26 LOT 21 14014 E.- 1,210 1 .=980DE' 'SIS 1 .70 NSL I)Sl• .00180,e.000NSL MT 2.50 TOTAL 14.d015 20.17 DATE PAID 11:08 P.ECEIPT 2562.4 PAYMENT 19.36 St-44,942 . 094-118854-203 This instrument was prepared by _ MILLIAM J. SC DIER , U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 70O Twiggs Street. JAVA Florida DEED FOR FLORIDA THIS INDENTURE,Made January 19, 1984 ,by and between SAMUEL R. PIERCE, JR. , Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, of Washington, D.C.(hereinafter referred to as "Grantor'). and LLOYD TAYLOR and CLOTILDE F. TAYLOR,- his w: fe (herebWter referred to at "Grantee(s)"). ' 406 South Sth Street,Fort Pierce; Florida 33450 WITNESSETH:That the said Grantor,for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS(S10.00)to him/her in hand paid and other valuable considerations, the receipt- whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold, aliened, remised, released, conveyed and confirmed, and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise,release,convey and confirm unto the said Grantee(s),and the heirs and assigns of said Grantee(s). forever, all that certain parcel of land lying and being in the County of ST. LUCIE .and State of Florida, more particularly described as follows, to wit: Lot 22, Block 26, SUNLAND GARDENS, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 8, at Page 32, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. SUBJECT TO TAXES BEING the same property acquired by the grantor pursuant to the provisions of the National Housing Act, as amended (12 USC 1701 et seq.) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development Act(79 Stat. 667). TOGETHER with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions,remainder and remainders,rents. issues and profits thereof. And also all the estate, right, title,interest,property,possession,-claim and demand whatsoever,as well in law as in equity. of the Grantor, of, in and to the same, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appur- tenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described premises with the appurtenances, unto the Grantee(s),-and the heirs and assigns of said Grantee(s), to their only proper use, benefit and behoof forever. SUBJECT TO ALL covenants. restrictions, reservations, easements, conditions and rights appearing of record.and SUBJECT to anv state of facts an accurate survev would show_ County Conunhabn Of St. Lucie County, Florida PERMIT For Building, Alteration, Repair, Removal, or Demolition 51221 Date 11/16/' ! C.H.O. # FPUA r State Reg./Cent. County Cen. 9453 This certifies that: Great South Construction Co. a15 Valley View lAne Address: Helen" AL 150$U has permission to cQn:+ tz-ucc restaurant S1 1 t, i'1_a ,,?A(;Ki t BARREL Code / 0327 Job Address: 155t1 Peters Road Owner: Cracker Barrel Uld Country She, Inc. 11. U. Box 787 Owner's Address: i.P!)anon, TN 37U88 Tax. I.D. # Part of 2324-132-0001-000/4 Lot Block Unit Sec. Ni -24 T 35S R 39F Zoned Cu GMPP S/O Map a Flood Zone N/A Elev. Lot^6ize/Dimensions 414.9 7' x 4 4 4,8' x 2 7 0.8' x 3 80,01' kADON: Setbacks: Front 11!' Rear 11 U` Sides 1 fi1. 1 t3' a Sq. Ft. Bldg.: Living Area 11,J23 q. f t.Access. Road Impact'61st. Hainland Zone 7 Fee 45,474.05 Fee P d ._. Estimated Costs 555,681.00 �Pvebpment Director Posted /I I%ER _ - l / VOID AFT 1 AO DAYS CONiTlMICTiON H"NOT COONMENM