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�5 L LUCE ST. LUCIE September 19,2024 Board of County Jeremy Dzurick Commissioners 1500 HWY AIA Vero Beach,FL 32963 Chris Dzadovsky RE:2404-608-0159-000/1 DISTRICT 1 Dear Mr.Dzurick: Vice-Chair The above referenced parcel has a zoning designation of RS-4(Residential, Single-Family 4,4 du/1 ac)and a Future Land Use Classification of RU(Residential Urban(5 du/I ac). Larry Leet DISTRICT 2 The above parcel is nonconforming because it does not meet the minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet and the minimum lot width of 75 feet. For a parcel to be considered a nonconforming lot of record and thereby qualify for a waiver of these requirements,it must exist in separate ownership and not be contiguous to other lots in the same ownership prior Linda Bartz to July 1, 1984,pursuant to Section 10.00.04,LDC. DISTRICT 3 Pursuant to the research of county records, it has been determined that the property was not contiguous to other lots in the same ownership prior to July 1, 1984. Accordingly,this parcel is considered a non-conforming lot of record. As a result,the lot size requirement and lot width are hereby waived. A single-family home may be constructed upon this Jamie Fowler property subject to meeting all applicable local,state and federal codes. The RS-4 setbacks DISTRICT 4 are as follows: 25-foot front,7.5-foot sides,20-foot side corner and 15-foot rear with a maximum lot coverage of 30%. Please contact the health department regarding well and/or septic at(772)873-4903 to ensure that their requirements can be satisfied prior to applying for a building permit for the subject property. In addition,you will need to contact the Environment Resources Division Cathy Townsend at(772)462-2526 prior to any removal of vegetation. DISTRICT 5 Chair If you have any questions regarding the above determination,please don't hesitate to contact the undersigned. S ncerely, Administration Lydia Galbraith Zoning Specialist George Landry Building and Code Regulation COUNTY (772)462-1555 ADMINISTRATOR galbraithl a stlucieco.org Dan McIntyre COUNTY ATTORNEY Lydia Galbraith Zoning Technician Planning and Development Services 92-Palbraithlc&stlucieco.ore Ir2300 Vir-inia Avenue(Fort Pierce,FL 34982 (772)462-1555 (&,ww.stlucieco.gov Planning and Development Services Department Planning Division MEMORANDUM TO: File FROM: LYDIA GALBRAITH DATE: September 13, 2024 SUBJECT: NCLOR, The property has a Zoning designation of(RS-4) and a Future Land Use classification of(RU) Zoning District Land Area Lot Width Road Frontage Requirement Requirement RS-4 10000 75 30 NCLOR Subject property 2404-608-0159-0001 Grantor Grantee 1984 Larry & Frankie Barriner 07-25-1985 Larry & Frankie Barriner Tommy Sumpter & Peggy Morris East of the Subject 2404-608-0161-0101 Grantor Grantee 1984 Dorman & Olga Kimbrell West of the Subject 2404-608-0158-0004 Grantor Grantee 1984 James & Nancy Waldron 06-13-1985 James & Nancy Waldron R.E Jenkins & Carol Jenkins South of the Subject 2404-608-0160-0001 Grantor Grantee 1984 Robert Arend & John Arend w Lh cn 135 138 . 83 138 . 83 0 2s4 - 6 08 - of 56_ oo c� { 0 c� F 137 . 11A3 7 . 11 L z`to't� 60$ + o ks9 - boo t a ,eck 137 . 2Z 137 . 22 � �oq - bob - o 61 - 01 o R� it � f w � . Q 270 . 80 Michelle Franklin,CFA—Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser—AIL rights reserved—9/1312024,9:11 AM subJ ed- Property Identification Site Address:AVENUE I Use Type:0000 Sec/fowdRmge:05/35S/40E Account#:16809 Parcel ID:2404-609-0159-M-1 Map m:24105S Jurisdiction:Saint Lucie County Tuning:RS-4 Coma Ownership tom._ Vero Atlantic 2 LLC ^ 1V50000 Y 319963 �. Legal FDescription GARDEN CITY FARMS 05 35 40 FROM NW COR OF TRACT 102 RUN E 450 FT,TH S 30 FT FOR POE,TH RUN E 60 FT TH S 137.22 FT,TH W 60 FT,TH N TO POB(69)(0.19 AC) Current Values Just/Market Value: S18,9W Assessed Value: $18,9W Exemptions: s0 Taxable Value: $18-000 Property taxes are subject to change upon change of ownership. • lbl taxes ere sot•reWble pnjedMa K f�due taxes • TW ale of s property w1B prompt&a removal elan exemptions,assmme of eapa,sad special e1WEauo.a. Taxes for this parcel:SLC Tax Collectols Office O Download TRIM for this parcel:Download PDF O Total Areas Fmished/UnderAir(SF): 0 Gross Sketched Area(SF): 0 Land Size(acres): 0.19 Land Size(SF): 8,276.4 Building Design Wind Speed Occupancy Category I H M Sped 140 150 160 Sources/links: Sale History Date Book/Page Sale Code Deed Grantor Price Nov 2,2022 4910/2714 0111 QC BUFFALO BILL LLC $100 Oct 18,2022 4906/0267 0111 TXDEED Welcome Home Properties Inc $10,800 May 30,2006 zs83/0623 XX01 PRDEED Brown(Fat)Emmin S8,100 Ale 20,1990 0697/2228 XX00 WD Barron Walter B $2,500 so Jul 1,1996 0521/0305 XXoi Cv Jul 1,1995 0471/2879 XX00 CV 51,000 J1,1981 0359/1922 XX00 CV f1,900 u1 Building Information(1 of 1) Finished Area:0 SP Gross Sketched Area:0 SF Exterior Data View: Roof Cover. Roof Structure: Building Tom: Year Built:N/A Frame: Grade: Effective Year:N/A Primary Wall: Story Height: No.Units:0 Secondary Wall: Interior Data Bedrooms:0 Electric: Primary Int Wan: Full Baths:0 Heat Type: Avg Hgt/Floor.0 Half Baths:o Heat Fuel: Primary Floors: A/C%:01. Heated%:N/AYe Sprinkled%:a% Sketch Area Legend Sub Area Description Area Fin Area Perimeter Special Features and Yard Items Type Qty Units Year Blt Current Year Values Current Values Breakdown Current Year Exemption Value Breakdown Building and SFYL SD Laid: $18,900 JusVMadket $18,900 AS Credit so Save Out Homes or 10%Cap: $0 A38C8sett, $18,900 Exemptlon(s): $0 Taxable: $18,900 Current Year Special Assessment Breakdown Start Year AssesaCode Units Description Amount 2010 9009 t S®land Gardens Street Lights $13.00 Start Year AaxsaCode Units Description Amount 2013 0054 0.19 North St Lucie Water Mmag®art District 525.00 This does not noomonily repr t the total Special Measemrnts that could be charged against this property.The tool amoont charged for special assimm ants a reflected on the most current tax statement and adormstion is available with the SLC Tax coilecoora OtTim Q Historical Values Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable 2024 S18 2023 $21,5�00 S21,500 so $21,00 S0 521,500 2022 $14,800 $4,090 50 $4•090 2021 58,200 $3,719 SO 53.719 Permits Number Issue Date Description Amount Fee Notice:This does not necessarily represent all the permit-far this property. Click the following link to check for additional permit data in Sam Lucie County All information is believed to be correct at this time,but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. 0 Copyright 2024 Saint Lucie County Ftopetty Appraiser.All rights reserved ST-42,723 Air �� ��'` E osso elflo *M wore i►aluon , Iwl wAnaAprr n "Wilson.Ta ntanrto 536033 «1 styli iNAlrauttyBW Afee& Ilse 15th. dey of July A. 1). 1981 by [� MARTHA D. THOMAS, a/k/a DESSIE THOMAS Ua herrinafter called the grantor. to LAW BARRINER and FRIWRIE M. BARRINER, his wife tt•lwse postoffite address is 111 No. 8th. Street, Apt. B., Fort Pierce, Fl. 33450 ' hM/YllaflM Call Ihf ganttr: • •� t1,hn..n wed hn" A, rn. -pa.tr' cad -paawe" iat1.6 A the Pattie.t. nh- i u..rw awl U.) A. hrin. heal u,t.r.uur. ad airier .1 iwh.wuah- ad At wect ad tram d c.gwu—1 idttat": Thal the grantor. for and in cmisideralion of the sum of S 10.00 and other cd valuable consideration-, receipt a-fier•of is herrhy echnswledgrd. hereby grants• bargains. sells. elicits. rr. 0 mises, releases. cam-eys cowl confirms unto the granter.all that certain land situate in St. Lucie County.Florida.1•12: Beginning at the Nil corner of Tract 102, GARDEN CITY < — FARM in Section 5, Township 35 South, Range 40 East >>�> run East 450 feet; thence South 30 feet to point of beginning. Thence run East 60 feet, thence run South 137.22 feet; thence run Went 60 feet, thence run North e- to point of beginning. t � 0S- I i' The above described property is vacant and unimproved and is not a homestead. Togtthtr with all the tenements. heredilaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any- u•isr appertaining. _—J `,� ]��'J jjTo��JBut Allll to NoW, the same in fie simple f onuer. 111111 the grantor hereby covenants wills said grunter that Ike grantor is lawfully seised of said land in fee simple. that the grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land: that the grantor he fully umnants the fill, to said land and will defend the same against the leuful claims of j all persons whomsore•e►: and that said land is free of all encumbrances. except faxes accruing subsequent to nocrisher 31. 19 SO. Sl B/ECT TO: 1. Restrictions,reservations,limitations exit easements of record,if any;this reference to said restrictions shall not operate to reimpose the same. 2. Zoning ordinances affreting said property. Ia WihM 10htrtof, the said grantor has signed and sealed these presents the day and year t first above written. Sig ed. sealed and de in our presence: ... ..-- _ .I ---------------... .... ----....._.. —e' O�1.,.. oNes S• ..._.......-- 1 f►ACE"tow ros MCOMtM aSf STA E OF RZDA 1 COI:\'TY OF ST. Li1CIE ( 536033 I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day,before tee, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the C.uaty aforesaid to take �6 �� ('� 00 acknowledetnwnu, personally appeared FIIFC ARE FFC""" j MARTHA D. THOMAS, a/k/a DESSIE THOMAS 5 inlG�F tt01TRA S p(Ig_R 1`C11iRt.5 CLFSK 6i:CW:1.IIRT to mr known to be the proton drscribed in and who executed the lo,"Dins instrument and she- ac►ntowiefta before me that she --• raeruted the woe. t....n hm hand and official seal is the County and ate 4rr aid this 15th. day of Jar.• `�!• A. D. 19 81 ' a My cori sion.expires: WWpg &TMt0FR�0W 7%n fniirnll�i��....... _ UNCOMOWN Addtrsc' �1 5::'i� d011 .,3W rud ww to A 1984 REAL ESTATE COUNTY OF ST LUCIE PAGE 4361 PARCEL NUMBER ACREAGE USAGE DIST DR DIST CTC MTGC 2404-608-0158-000:4 01 00 54 NSL 1 10 JUST VA 8,810 4.6275OOUNTY WALDRON, JAMES & NANCY C ICONT ) LND 1,220 6.2740SCHOOL R E & CAROL J JENKINS IMP 7,590 R HOME Ej, 81610 CITY 3507 AV I EXEMPT 0 0.4270SFWMD FT PIERCE, FL 33450 ADDHNON OME 0 1 .3980FIRE S TCD N5R 16706.000.'6 + I_ NSL ASS GARDEN CITY FARMS 05 35 40 N 1.2 OF F 0 L DEc-' ,, .00180.6000NSL MT PROP:FrOM NW COP OF TRACT 102 RUN E 390 FT,Trl S 31) FT FOR PO',TH E 60 FT,TH S 274 .22 FT,TH W TOTAL 14.6015 60.03 FT,TH N TO POP + 6Q1 1OR 2.J"29JL! DATE PAIL+ 0S.';:3 RECEIPT 27r8'7.3 PO MENT 30 . 11 24:a4-S,;te-01 CIO-010,'7 1.11 ,�t� �,4 NSL 1 02 lUl-T ;1(i +�,'70 4.6275COUN1'r' WALDRON, JAMES H 3 NANC 1_ , COt4T t L14D i,22ci 6.27405CllOOL JENKINS, R E & CAROL IMP S, FGo HOME E 0 CITY 3507 AV I EXEMPT 0 0.4270SFWMD FT PIERt�F, FL 334c,Li A1InHOME 0 1 .8750FIrE TC:1 N5r 1u?, '1 ji)t�.^'� NON E.-: 6, 770 0.4801DDT,,SIS GARDEN -IT', F1arMS •+F 3� 41) ,r "i 1E NSL ASS•, .00180 .6000NSL MT PROP:FROM NW COr OF TrOCT RUN C T�v, r?,TI+ 30 1:T FOr r,r`r,, T1+ [ :,a) TT, TI•} ?k r—,`I-i w TQit'IL 1_.4-836 r1l:4 r- rt:,Ir1 '3 ^C'_FI,r.- 2-,�.C.,.= �,,.IMCt,1- • 17 10 1 _UST �`h:, i, , _ -,�; � -,;•�:. w _ . 1 , 4.u2?SCOUNI'r' _ 1, F+PRINEr;, LI:-RR' Fr,:itl�:IE M 011, � , �1 t;f 6.2740SCHOOL t t 6 1.+F r HOME c, r1 C I T'+' - r IE— c. rL Er:EMPT if n .4270SFWMr, T1 rt�.(: 1 ;7r;r8,tssai. ADDHOME 0 1 .8750FIRE Fr Pmc- 1)F 3r 40 Frr)m NW OR rIF rI:p- NON C�: 1 ,21 1 1 .TOSODz:T,•SIS rr1: F:L`t; c yr , F.T. -1., c _n FT F!�F; r.nr-,, Ti•t 'lJti E n�? NSL ASP i1I:+1$C' .6000NSL MT F=-TI , 3'.2� FT,To w _. r-;, TI•s tj Tr, r•-nP 1 1�g nr TOTI:iL 14 .601 F. Dri-E P 94 3 MEt 7 St-46,501 717552 6/ THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY Pat Neu ASSOCIATED LAND TITLE GROUP, INC. watwann ot:Eo 205 S.2nd ST. FORT PIERCE,FLORIDA eavo 10 NOW his Varrltlttg peep Made the a,Sth day of July A.DI 1985 by LARRY BARRINEt and FRANKIE M. BARRINER, his wife, hereinafter called the grantor,to [� TOMKY L. SUMPTEt and PECGY MORRIS J ` whose postoJhce address is 1123 Avenue F, Pt. Pierce, Florida 33450 5' hereinafter called the granke: lVtTererer used herein the terms•'grsatsr"and•krssted'include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs legal rt:perntalives ad amigos of individusla,and the success"and assigns of corporations) Wittte$$eth: That the grantor,for and inconsideration of the sum of$ 10.00 and other valuable considerations, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hereby granto4 bargain; sells; aliens remis*4 release;conveys and confirms unto the grantee all that certain land situate in St. Lucie County Florida,vir Beginning at the NW corner of Tract 102, GARDEN CITY FARMS in Section 5, Township 35 South, Range 40 East, run East 450 feet, thence South 30 feet to point of beginning; thence run East 60 feet, thence run South 137.22 feet, thence run West 60 feet, thence run North to the Point of Beginning. 5T`AYE �� FLORIDQ' DOCUMENTARY,:._ ..,; STAMP TAX I ,b - JutJVIIS o s. a G I • _ J523_ `� _a' 909fthtr with all the tenement; herediaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining O XR11e Mb tO X01b, the same in fee simple forever �b the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fre simple;that the grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land;that the grantor hereby fully warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persona whomsoever; i and that said land is free of all encumbrance;except axes accruing subsequent to December 31,1984. SUBJECr TO.• 1. Restriction4 reservations, limitations and easements of record, if any; this reference to said restrictions shall not operate to reimpose the same 2. Zoning ordinances affecting said property. �n 'Witne88 rhere0f, the said grantor has signed and sealed these presents the day and year first above written. Signed,sealed and delivered in our presence: L INFER W .:ss "`",e: x+"t''LQt� E ->o -- Q/�Jr t1l1�? STATE OF FLORIDA l MACE anw roe au'onouv USE COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE j I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before ma an officer duly '� JUL 31 A S:37 authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments,personally appeared Ty BARRLNER and FRANKIE M. BARRINER, his wife, Fli ROGE. ST.UK ►y qIo me known to be the person 8 described in and who executed the foregoing '71/552 >'instiigoent and .they acknowledged before me that they esdfriited.the saawFS9 l� VOTTIO1my hand and official seal in the County and 'Mate tas�-sforesaid this ��t1 day of ` C' e.july .A.D.19 85 >< o J.tXPIRES lard, baifal BUOK 471 PAGE 2878 Michelle Franklin,CFA—Saint Lucie County Properly Appraiser—All rights reserved—9/13/2024,10:08 AM 0�— Property Identification Site Address:3502 SLOAN RD Use Type:0100 Sec/Town/Range:05/35S/40E Account#:16911 Parcel ID:2404-M-0161-010.1 Map ID:24/05S Jurisdiction:Seim Lucie County Zoning:HSd Count Ownership ''(( Sophis WY-spite a PO Box 2414 i - Fort Pierce,FL 34954 Legal Description GARDEN CITY FARMS 05 35 40 BEG AT NW COR OF TRACT 102,TH RUNE 510 FT,TH S 30 FT TO POB,TH E 120 FI,TH S 270.79 FT,TH W 120.06 FT,TH N TO POB(0.75 ACXOR 3761-91) Current Values JusuMarketValue: S2I0,200 Assessed Value: S45,992 Exemptions: 525,000 Taxable Value: $20,992 I t Property taxes are subject to change upon change of ownership. • put taus an not a rdiable pnjecdn of hens taus. • The ale of a property will prompt tie removal of all exemptions,assessment caps,and special cLWentleu. Taxes for this parcel:SLC Tax Collector's Office O Download TRIM for this parcel:Download PDF 8 Total Areas Fi rished/UnderAir(SF): 1,089 Gross Sketched Area(SF): 1,585 Land Size(acres): 0.75 [and Sin(SF): 32,670 Building Design Wind Speed Occupancy Category I II M Speed 140 150 160 Sources/links: Sale History Date Book/Page Sale Code Deed Grantor Price Jun 23,2015 3761/0091 0001 WD Noble Rose M $53,000 Jm 25,2008 2937/0494 xxos SPWD Federal Home Loon Mong Corp $55,000 Jul 16,2007 2851/2529 XX01 cc fftle Wnhera000n Sophia s0 Apr 19,2004 1947/2219 XX00 AD Dmiel Hubert $70,000 Jun 23,1993 0963/0299 XX00 WD Roberta Roxanne K $35,800 MIZ 1994 0939/0480 XX01 PB Dorman K.9-11 s0 24,1965 0134/0058 Xx0l S12,000 Building Information(1 of 1) Finished Area:1,089 SF Gross Sketched Area:1,585 SF Exterior Data view. Roof Cover.Fibrglas Shg Roof Structure:Gable Building Type:SFAV Year Built:1948 Frame: Grade:SFAV-Avg Effective Year:1960 Primary Wall:Couc Block Story Height 1 Stay No.Units:1 Secondary Wall: Interior Dam Bedrooms;2 Electric:AVERAGE Primary Int Wall: Full Baths:1 Hem Type:FrcdllotAw Avg Hgt/Floor.0 Half Baths:0 Heat Fuel:ELEC Primary Floors:Carpet A/C%;1001/6 Heated%:100% Sprinkled%:N/AX o mars, re 1 �� 1 OPM d• ''(tEj 24 3 (UiM 5 13 (75) II O It BAS 24 GA4 10 (ION I (405) to 32 2O Sketch Area Legend Sub Area Description Area Fin.Area Perimeter BAS BASEAREA I089 1089 158 GAA Garage Attached Average 405 0 88 OPAA Open Porch Attached Average 16 0 16 URAA Utility Room Attached Average 75 0 40 Special Features and Yard Items Type Qty Units Year Blt CHAINI INK 4' 1 220 1948 Current Year Values Current Values Breakdown Current Year Exemption Value Breakdown Building and SFYI: $86,100 Tax Year Grant Year Code Description Amount Land: $124,100 2024 2016 0500 Homestead Exemption $25,000 Just/Market $210,200 Tax Year Grant Year Code Description Amount Ag Credit: so 2024 2016 0550 Homestead Exemption ova S 50,000 So Save Our Homes or 10%Cap: $164,208 Assessed: $45,992 Exemption(s): $25,000 Taxable: $20,992 Cement Year Special Assessment Breakdown Start Year AsaessCode Units Description Amount 2009 2009 12 County Solid Waste $385.44 Start Year AssessCGde Units Description Amount 2010 9008 1 Sunland Gardena Street Lights 513.00 Start Year AssessCodc Units Description Amount 2013 0054 0.75 North St Lurie Water Management District $25.00 This does not necessarily represent the tom Special AssesaemenG that could be charged against this property.The total emornt charged for special assessments is reflected on the most current in statement and information is available with the SLC Tax Cotlector's 011ice Q Historical Values Year Just Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable 2024 5210,200 $45,992 $25.000 520,992 2023 5196,500 544,653 $25,000 $19,653 2022 5151,400 543,353 $25,000 $18,353 2021 $101,100 $42,091 $25,000 517,091 Permits Number Issue Date Description Amount Fee C1412-0208 Dec 15,2014 Roof so so C1903-0029 Mar 5,2019 Roof so so C2103-W8 Mar 5,2021 Roof $20,000 fG Notice:This does not necessarily represent aB the permits for this property. Click the following link to check for additional permit data in Saint Lucie County All information is believed to be correct at this time,but is subject to change and is vided without any warranty. ®Copyright 2024 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser.All rights reserved. 1984 REAL ESTATE COUNTY OF ST LUCIE PAGE 4362 PARCEL NUMBER MCREAGE USAGE DIST DR DIST CTC MTGC 2404-608-0160-000:1 01 00 54 NSL 0 02 JUST VA 9,340 4.6275000N T Y AREND, ROBERT J LND 1,210 6.2740SCHOOL AREND, JOHN 1= IMP 6, 131) 1.1 HOME EX 4,670 CITY 3506 SLOAN RD EXEMPT 0 0.4270SFWMD FT PIERCE, FL 33450 ADDHOME 0 1 .8750FIRE TCD NBR 16709.000/S NON EX 4,670 0.4801DBT/SIS GARDEN CITY FARMS 05 35 40 FROM NW COR OF TRPI-T NSL ASB .00180.600ONSL MT 102 RUN E 510 FT,T1.1 S 167.22 FT FOR POB,TH W 100 FT,TH S 137 FT,TH E �0 .03 FT,TH N 137 FT Tn Pnr. TOTOL 1_.6836 t73i (OR 40?-iG3'. it,�3, 1S34, 1F3G, 1S3o, IF37r DATE POID 01.•29 RECEIPT " 2,1368. 1 PA'r'MENT 2404-608-0161-010.11 111 O11 54 NSL 0 10 JUST VA 2?,410 4.627SCOUN T Y KIMBf ELL, DORMAN & OLr:Fl r ,-nNT + LND 4,840 6.2740SCHOOL 3Sn2 SLOAN PEI IMF 17,F,7r) r HOME C,.. 22,410 CI T Y FT PI1:F'CE, FL 14+ rr E,:EMPT 0 0.4270,FWMLr CiEt"DHOME ii 1 .8750FIRE r-AF?EN CIT'f' FMirM irr. 3e 4r1 E+: OT NW '-?r OF i T NON E 0 1 .3980DBT/SIS 102,TH RUN E 51.? F T.T 11 S 3 � F T. TH C 1 2f) F?,T I-! t, !=4Sf .00180.600ONSL MT '- F", Tt•1 W 120 .0,' F", T1-! N T O rQr TOTrIL 14.1;01 PECEIF`T 14a?_,. t V '-,,'ME1•�T 2>3.cc +"+F +Wi Vi L 10 )UST ,;(1 41 ,420 4.627Ci OUN1,. POWLEY, -ILLIE it . COPOL SUE Lt•1t, 1 1 ,24i, 6.2740SCHOOL 140E HOLE CTTMf• a0 30 HOME E� I' .1 CIT',' FT F'iEPrE, rL ;•3Lst.i E:�:EMF'T 0i).4?7OSFWM?r T -r_, N5R 1971 0 ,r1,'t r�rrDHOME- 0 1 .8750FIRE r:+�f �rF►.� rIT, ��PM� nc 3r 4f: g[i_: `c. E 2c FT '' NON E: 41 ,420 1 .3'?SCID-5 'SIS OF NW ;OP nF Trl'1C- 1 c;4, Tr-± SUN E 1 FCC F T, TH S '17t)y NSL ASS• .110180 .6000NSL MT F-,-ii AWL ' IS ,s PT rn E LINE O1= riNGLE Rr:, VA.38 F 7`;r ���' C,'1 i nr.; 2�?�-+-24?1 i TQTI?L 1 4,+jig 1 S Michelle Franklin,CFA—Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser—AEI rights reserved—9/13/2024,10:14 AM Property Identification Site Address:AVENUE t Use Type:0000 Sedlbwn/Raoge:05/35S/40E Account M:16807 Parcel ID:240460941584004 Map ID:24105S Jurisdiction:Sint Luck County Zonmg:RS4 Coact Ownership t, Tay Grant 6873 NW 69th Ct Tamarac,FL 33321 Legal Description GARDEN C11Y FARMS 05 35 40 N 12 OF FOL DESC PROP:FROM NW COR OF TRACT 102 RUN E 390 Fr,TH S 30 Fr FOR POB,TH E 60 FT,TH S 274.22 Fr,TH W 60.03 FT,TH N TO POB(69)(0.19 AC)(OR 1963-2185) Current values JustMuket Value: $18_00 Assessed value: S4,948 Exemptions: s0 Taxable Value: $4,948 Property taxes are subject to change upon change of ownership. • IMt taw are sot■rcaWk pn)eetMa othtare tarn. • The oats of a property wm proupt the rmord of an eumpdom,assemmt ups,and spedal datlentlou Taxes for this parcel:SLC Tax Collecws Office O Download TRIM for this parcel:Download PDF O Total Areas FinishedlUnder Air(SF): 0 t( Gross Sketched Area(SF): 0 C �^ 1 f Land Sin(acres): 0.19 /' 7 �VC, 1 C `A co Land Sin(SF): 9,276.4 Building Design Wind Speed Occupancy Category I II III Speed 140 150 160 Sourcesflinks: Sale History Date Book/Page Sale Code Deed Grantor Price May 7,2004 1963/2185 XX02 WD Shaaer Maurice $13,000 May 7,2004 1963/2183 XX02 WD Jenkins Carol J S5,000 m16,1990 0699/0334 XX02 WD Jenl®s RE $100 ,1985 0467/2913 XX01 CV s0 Building Information(1 of 1) Finished Area:0 SF Gross Sketched Area:0 SF Exterior Data View: Roof Cover. Roof Structure: Building Type: Year Built:N/A Franc: Grade: Effective Year.N/A Primary Wall: Story Height No.Units:0 Secondary Wall: Interior Data Bedrooms:0 Electric: Primary Int Wall: Full Baths:0 Heat Type: Avg Hgt/Floor:0 Half Baths:0 Heat Fuel: Primary Floors: A/C%:0% Heated%:WAN. Sprinkled%:0% a rf`, 2 Sketch Area Legend Sub Area Description Area Fin.Area Perimeter Special Features and Yard Items Type Qty Units Year Blt Current Year Values Current values Breakdown Current Year Exemption Value Breakdown Building and SFYI: so Land: $18.900 J, $18,900 Ag Credit SO Save Our Homes or 10%Cap: $13,952 A3SCssed: $4,948 Exemption(s): s0 Taxable: S4,948 Current Year Special Assessment Breakdown Start Year AssessCode Units Description Amount 2010 9008 1 Smland Gardens Sweet[rghm $13.00 Start Year AssessCode Units Description Amount 2013 0054 0.19 North St.Lucie Water Management District S25.00 This does not necessarily represent the total Spew]Asseasem®ts that could be charged against this property.The total amount charged for special assessments is reflected on the most current tax statement and information is avaflsble with the SLC Tax Collectors office Q Historical Values Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable 2024 S18,9W S4,948 so $4,948 2023 S21,500 $4,499 So S4,499 2022 $14,900 $4,090 So $4,090 2021 $8,200 $3,719 So $3,719 Permits Number Issue Date Description Amount Fee Notice:Thu does not necessarily represent all the permits for this property. Click the following link to check for additional permit data in Saint Lucie County All information is believed to be correct at this time,but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. ®Copyright 2024 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser.All rights reserved. 1984 REAL ESTATE COUNTY OF ST LUCIE PAGE 4361 PARCEL NUMBER ACREAGE USAGE DIST DR DIST CTC MTGC -'404-608-0158-000:4 01 00 54 NSL 1 10 JUST VA 8,810 4,6275000NTY WALDRON, JAMES 8 NANCY C tCONTI LND 1,220 6.2740SCHOOL R E & CAROL J JENKINS IMP 7,590 R HOME EX 81810 CITY 3507 AV I EXEMPT 0 0.4270SFWMD FT PIERCE, FL 33450 ADDHOME 0 1 .8750FIRE TCD NBR 16706.000,'6 NON EX 0 1 .3980DBT!SIS GARDEN CITY FARMS 0S 35 40 N 1,,2 OF FnL DE�.r. NSL ASER .00180.600ONSL MT PROP:FrOM NW COP OF TRACT 102 RUN E 312Q FT,TH S 30 FT FOR POE•,TH E 60 FT,TH S 274 .22 FT, TH W TnTAL 14.601S 60.03 FT,TH N TO POE 169 , ! OR 2�'-29321 DATE PAID 0S '23 RECEIPT 27G87.3 PAYMENT 30 . 11 24: 4-+�08—r?158-010.'7 ii1 rir G4 NSL i (12 JUST ,lA 6,770 4.627SCOUNTY WALDRON, JAMES H & NANCY C 'CO LND 1 ,L21*1 r.1740SCIIOQL S Gcii HOME E:-; 0 CITY )ENf:INS, �: E u CAROL IMr-, , 3S07 Fiv I E.,:EMPT 0 (1.4270SFWMZr FT PIERCE, FL 3345n ► DD-IOME 0 1 .87S4FiRE TCi raC.R 1 u7! }r�r,, NON EX 6, 770 0.4801 DDT,'SIS GARDEN :IT',� F!--)PMS �iS .-5S 41) S i nF r-L NSL A5i ,f3Cr18�! .6r1C+ONSL MT PROP:FF?OM NW COP QF TRACT' 1 r,4 (6N E 3. FT,TH S 30 9:7 FOE rrS., TH [ FT, tf 2'u F 't+ ! i�.=?�T! w,Tr F�yIr, 23 ^C�_EI.r. T 2717.g(zo.: r!=!'''MEt.j ' 1 ? ?--1 _Gi -,jf, C=�-III''. 1'. Cy !ij,-, 111 JUS! Jf•! 1 ,.:1t) 4.6275COUN!'Y' SiaPP j raEr, L! G( ' Fr F-rN�:I E t•s L►.yr, 1 _t n (--.2'40SCHOOL t t t rd 8 5' rar-7 HOME E, 0 C I T!' r r• r:, EXEMPT 0.42709FWMD TrF; ��FF: i671,,n,,}Yr",. ADDHOMC 0 1 .6750FIRC �,.,Fi[,� r- . Ft:,RM_ ,�S `r 4 � FRS*+ NW OF nr r;rIl , NnN C�: 1 , "1,) 1 .3)Q80L'ET.'SIS �'," F.,'1► E .r F7, `t•: _ :ii FT F^F r•rtr•., ri•j 7PLJt•1 E �O NSL !ISM: ri(!180 .600ONSL MT F- Ti-iy, t _ F-,TF•a W ,�,l FT T V-f t1 T!? r n ,r nrjC GF!lrrf'r'M��l4 �U 17 i TITLE TO SUBJECT Pi`,°C''ERTY This instrument was prepared by: I''::,L E`!•"!' ``"}' '` ` t.� .. SPENCER B. GILBERT '7113'70 ���th �1 /� Soomod Sued POW PIERCE.FLDRIDA 33WO W ra1ity Bad (STATUTORY FORM-SE(TION 689.02 F.S.)' (94to 3nbrntnrr. Mode this / 3 day of 19S5 . 4ietwren JAMES WALDRON and NANCY C. WALDRON, his wife, of the County of St. Lucie , State of Florida grantor'. and R. E. JENKINS and CAROL JENKINS, his wife, whose post office address is Route 4, Box 582, Fort Pierce, Florida 33450 of the County of St. Lucie . State of Florida grantee'. 'Aitneellrth. That said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and no/100-------------- Dollors, and other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in St. Lucie County. Florida, to-wit: The North one-half of the following described tract: Beginning at the NW corner of Tract 102 thence run East 390 feet; �T thence South 30 feet for point of beginning; thence run East 60 feet, thence run South 274.22 feet; thence West 60.03 feet; thence North to point of beginning, GARDEN CITY FARMS, Section 5, Township 35 South, Range 40 East, as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 2, page 5, public records of St. Lucie County, Florida. 711370 J N 14 P 4:08p S� FILEC• ROGER ST.LUCK-r:: and said grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the some against the lawful claims of all oersons whomsoever. "Grantor" and '•grentee•' are used for singular or plural, as context requires. Jn Witness Nberenf. Grantor hos hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written. t S:gned, sealed and delivered in our presence: / -11 s s V4 / (Seol) oo"James Waldron ewd.- — t5eall - Nancy Waldron t — ;Seall j F -- -- -- 1 Sea!! STATE OF FLORIDA i COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE 1 I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me. on officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments. personally appeared t { JAMES WALDRON and NANCY C. WALDRON, his wife, o me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that t hey executed the some. WITNESS my hood and official seal in the County and State lost of said this �J day.of 9 85 N Publ�� r, My commission expires' State of Florida at Larger 1 a>,l-K467 PlGE2913 � , G IF I - y.f+ 1 Michelle Franklin,CFA—Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser—All rights reserved—9/13/2024,10:23 AM Property Identiflcation Site Address:3506 SLOAN RD Use Type:0100 Sec/Town/Range:05/359/40E Account#:16810 Parcel ID:2404-608-0160400.1 Map ID:24/05S Jurisdiction.Saint Lucie County Zoning:RSd Count i Ownership - Alejandro Antes `C imon RD Fort Pisa,FL 34947-5961 it Legal Description _ GARDEN CITY FARMS 05 35 40 FROM NW COR OF TRACT 102 RUN E 510 FT,TH S 16722 FT FOR POB,TH W 60 FT,TH S 137 FT,TH E 60.03 Fr,TH N 137 FT TO POB(0.19 AC)(OR 3949-1364) - Current Values — JusuMarketVehre: S112,100 Assessed Value: $55,924 � J �I Exemptions: f0 - Taxable Value: $55,924 Property taxes are subject to change upon change of ownership. 7 • Put taus a sots ty will pseleet he re • The sate of a property wB1 prompt the renovai of all exemptions,assessment caps,and special tLmmeanou. - Taxes for this parcel:SLC Tax Collectors Office O Download TRIM for this parcel:Download PDg©� "�"" Total Areas Fmished/Under Air(SF): 672 Gross Sketched Area(SF): 1,276 L ce-o4 0.19 8,27 Land Size(acres): L Land Size(SF): 8,276.4 e Building Design Wind Speed Occupancy Category I H III Speed 140 150 160 Sourceaflinks: Sale History Date Book/Page Sale Code Deed Grantor Prim Dec 20,2016 3949/1364 0001 WD Persons 1— $37,000 Dec 9,2016 3949/1363 0130 WD Levine Michael $500 Nov 23,2016 3936 11913 0001 WD Back County Properties LLC S22,500 Sep 22,2016 3921/1473 0001 WD Ptau Jenny $I0,000 Sep 22,20I6 3921/1473 0001 WD Schmidt Catherine st0,000 Sep 22,2016 3921/1473 0001 WD Schmidt Nagy L $10,000 Aug 3,2016 3907/2718 O111 PH Schmidt(ES"17 John E $ O Oer 31,— 1107/2126 XX00 WD Arend Robert J 528,000 Jun 1,1997 0547/0305 XX01 CV so Building Information(1 of 1) FinishedAtea:672 SF Groaa Sketched Ares:1,276 SF Exterior Data View: Roof Cover.Ft'brglss Shg Roof Structure:Cable Building Type:SFAV Year Built 1950 Frame: Grode:SFAV-Fan Effective Year.1965 Primary Wall:CB Stucco Story Height:1 Story No.Units:1 Secondary Wall: Interior Data Bedrooms:2 Electric:AVERAGE Primary Int Wall: Full Baths:I Heat Type: Avg HgMoo,0 Half Baths:0 Heat Fuel: Primary Floors:Carpet A/C%:0% Heated%:0% Sprinkled%:0% -- r ' 12 OPAA in (400) 8 OWN 8 (re) 8 4 7 12 Ufl —� m ) ,r OAS (672) 17 28 Sketch Area Legend Sub Area Description Area Fin.Area Perimeter BAS BASE AREA 672 672 114 OPAA Open Porch Attached Avenge 556 0 144 URAA Utility Room Attached Avenge 48 0 32 Special Features and Yard Items Type Qty Units Year Bit UTIIM GOOD I 462 2015 Fen WoodSB 6 1 130 2018 Current Year Values Current valises Breakdown Current Year Exemption Value Breakdown Building and SFYI: $61,100 Land: $51,000 JustMakek 5112,I00 Ag Credit: f0 Save Our Homes or 10a/e Cap: 556,176 A88C86ed_ $55,924 Exemption(s): $O Taxably $55,924 Current Year Special Assessment Breakdown Start Year A==Code Units Description Amount 2009 2009 12 County Solid Waste $395.44 Start Year AssessCode Units Description Amount 2013 0054 0.19 North St.Lurie Ware Management District $25.00 This does not necessarily represent the total Special Aseaeemems that could be charged against this pnpetty.The total mount charged for special assessment.u reflected on the most current tax statement and information is available with the SLC Tax Collecmh Office Q Historical Values Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable 2024 5112,100 $55,924 so $55,924 2023 $113,300 $50,940 $0 $50,940 2022 $89,200 $46,219 $0 $46,219 2021 $63,800 542,018 $0 542,018 Permits Number Issue Date Description Amount Fee CIOOS-0083 Aug 10,2010 Altentiom/Remodetirg so f0 Notice:This don not necessarily represent all the permits for this property. Click the following link to check for additional permit data in Saint Lucie County All information is believed to be correct at this time,but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. ®Copyright 2024 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser.All rights reserved. 1984 REAL ESTATE COUNTY OF ST LUCIE PAGE 4362 PARCEL NUMBER MCREAGE USAGE DIST DR DIST CTC MTGC 2404-608-0160-000/1 01 00 54 NSL 0 02 JUST VA 9,340 4.6275000NT`/ AREND, ROBERT J LND 1,210 6.2740SCHOOL AREND, JOHN 'E IMF 6, 130 1-1 HOME E": 4,670 C I T'e 3506 SLOAN RD EXEMPT 0 0.4270Sr-WMD FT PIERCE, FL 33450 AD.DHOME 0 1 .8750FIRE TCn NBR 16701?- +000,'S NON Er 4,670 0.4801DBT/SIS GARDEN CITY FARMS 05 35 40 FROM NW COR OF TRR- T NSL ASB .00180.600ONSL MT 102 RUN E 510 FT,TH S 167.22 FT FOR P05,TH W 1.7*0 FT.TH S 137 FT,TH E FT,Tll N 137 FT Tn F'OR TOTAL 13.6836 173) 1OR 40?-1532, 1533, 1534, 1535. 153", 1F..3-71 - DATE PAID 01f2Q RECEIPT 2-2'368. 1 f'AYMEPJT ;c.0'-' .�.'tC14-608-0161-010r 1 O 1 0+) G4 NSL �i 10 JUST VA22,410 4.6275COUN T Y KIMBPELL, DORMON c. '7Lt:1-! t CONT t LND 4,840 6.2740SCHOOL 3502 SLnRN PE! IMF 17,571? r HOME C,,. 22,410 CIT't' FT PIERCE, FL 3345::i E:�:EMPT 0 0 .4270,fWMD T CD Np.r it, 1'," .ittti t. !:Ii DHOME ri 1 .87SOF IRE '-,AP.DEN C I T'r F!!tiM5 '?r 3s 40 j;Ef, 1:1T NW 1-fir OF Tr!at'; 1JQN %:! 0 1 .3980It8T;SI a 10-.TH RUN E 510 FT,TH S 31:' f-!.TF1 E 1 2i) F?,TH NSL hIST. .00180.600CINSL MT F-, TO W 1-10.06 F-,TI-1 PJ Tn F'n: TOTAL 14."�Otz ^ECEIF'T '4?'8. ' r0 'MENT 8 FF cr t,ISL tj ?t_ 11a )UST 'Vr-! 41 ,421) 4.>>2��t�Q111J�.. ROWLE'r', ILLIE Tv . CF!RnL :UE L N 1 1 ; , 74it h.274t�S[HO"1L 140F, I-H�LE 47 IMF' �`.', '30 HOME E., ti rI T'r' F FIERCE, rL �� c.ii EXEMPT rl 0.4??4c•FWMit tJS.F: 1 ;712 �'i+ tj.'c ADDHOME 0 1 .87SOFIRE +!'#1'JE't IT FFtFMSr't� 3t 4t': EEC'' _, FT C 2C FT 'Z NON E: 41 .420 1 3?8i11h.1,'SIS QF `iW -nF f>F 'r)(7 104, Tk �'UN E 1 c,it (T, II ; 17ii NSL t#SE i1Q180,6000NSL MT 'Fl SWL 1rZ.1. FT T^ E LINE OF I:NGLE r-D,-,., N ' f Tn T I-IL 14 831838 aan.cula gsto I � RIII� 411it"UM 1eedr Executed this-2-1 day of .A. n. 19 87 .by JOFW E. AREM I'm party.ro Feem icm Awo r-1 . S ('�'cvc l 3�IS C S� t t whose poslof Jice address is second party: MV10atr uard h"ein tie tires'•first parr'and"second Pauly""im"singular and plural,btin,lepl reprrtewtires, aad awiam of indi.idwb,and%be wormer and aayn of earpaatien.,t.hermtr lbr~eat ! s 1s adstu a regsue►) �Uitafi{ss I, That the said first party,for and in consideration of the sum of$ 10.00 in hand id 6 the said second paid y poNy, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. doe: hereby remiss. re-' (eons and quit-claim unto the said second party forever,all the right,tills,interest,claim and demand which the said first party has In and to the following described lot.piece or parcel of land,situate, (vino and being ALL in 111 4 1 9 St. Lucie 5��� e+ F�� a in 137 feet ITfB INMRST IN W16 M& FOLLOWING D PRO�PEMM the E� of the following described real estate situate in St. Lucie County, Florida; Fran a point Iridvaay between the adjacent corners of Lots 90, 91, 102 and 103, GAROEN CITY FARMS, Section 5, Zbwnship 35 South, 40 East, run east along a = line parallel to the north line of Lot 102 of said Garden City Ferns, a dis- tance of 390 feet; thence run South along a line parallel with the west line of Lot 102, a distance of 30 feet to a point of beginning. IThence nln East 1 parallel with the north line of Lot 102, a distance of 120 feet;E , .. thence South along a line parallel with the west line of Lot 102, a distance of 274.22 feet; thence run West with a forward angle to the right of 88n09h', a I distance of 120.06 feet; thence nut North to the point of beginning. t GRANMR herein certifies that the above property is not his homestead and that he I he resides at 65 Sunshine Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida. {I) 831838 '87 JUN 22 P 3:25 I 1 am 1A VIbjeet propert•/ .LRK i Um swifined by the St M-22f. S1. �t;Y.FL. I� To heist and to Iloid the same together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunlo ,j belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, right,tills,interest, lien, equity and claim what- soever of the said first party,either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said second party forever. In WltM WIIL['( C The said first party has signed and sealed these presents the day and year first above written. Signed,sealed and delivered in presence of: � .................................. ..... ......... ..... .... ........................-.... John E. Arend .� .......................a J�{,� ................. STATE OF FLORIDA, �y couNTY OF ST. LUCIE rR I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day,before Ise, an rx M officer duty authorised in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgmeau, personally appeared ' John E. Arend i io me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and he aeknowkdstd -C before me that he executed the ume. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State Last aforesaid ttiir" day of 8� A. D. 1987. ' td�iYAtFY•_• C,' - -ate of •'at Large. i MY colmdssioli e�irefi ,• �o 'roll Inomment prepared by: Arldrrlf ao�><54"l PAGE 305