HomeMy WebLinkAbout31-34-40 (50) o ST. LUCIE Board of County August 20, 2024 Commissioners J& M Capital Construction LLC 515 N Flagler Dr. West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Chris Dzadovsky DISTRICT I RE: Parcel: 1431-801-0082-0004 Dear J&M Capital Construction LLC, Larry Leet DISTRICT 2 The above referenced parcel has a zoning designation of RS-4 (Residential, Single- Family 4,4 du/ 1 ac)and a Future Land Use Classification of RU (Residential Urban (5 du/1 ac). Linda Bartz The above parcel is nonconforming because it does not meet the minimum lot size of DISTRICT 3 10,000 square feet and the minimum lot width of 75 feet. In order for a parcel to be Vice Chair considered a nonconforming lot of record and thereby qualify for a waiver of these requirements, it must exist in separate ownership and not be contiguous to other lots Jamie Fowler in the same ownership prior to July 1, 1984,pursuant to Section 10.00.04, LDC. DISTRICT 4 Pursuant to the research of county records, it has been determined that the property was not contiguous to other lots in the same ownership prior to July 1, 1984. Cathy Townsend Accordingly, this parcel is considered a non-conforming lot of record. As a result, DISTRICT 5 the lot size and lot width requirements are hereby waived. A single-family home may Chair be constructed upon this property subject to meeting all applicable local, state and federal codes. The RS-4 setbacks are as follows: 25-foot front, 7.5-foot sides, 20- foot side corner and 15-foot rear with a maximum lot coverage of 30%. Administration Please contact the health department regarding well and/or septic at (772) 873-4903 to ensure that their requirements can be satisfied prior to applying for a building permit for the subject property. In addition,you will need to contact the Environment George Landry Resources Division at(772)462-2526 prior to any removal of vegetation. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR If you have any questions with regard to the above determination, please don't hesitate to contact the undersigned. Dan McIntyre Sincerely, COUNTY ATTORNEY Melissa Brubaker Permitting& Zoning Supervisor Melissa Brubaker I Planning and Development Services I Permitting and Zoning Supervisor m brubakermgstlucieco.org 1-2300 Virginia Avenue I Fort Pierce,FL 34982`(772)462-1558 "(772)462-1553 0(772)462-1578 www.stlucieco.gov S -- - T Planning and Development Services Department MCI Planning Division MEMORANDUM TO: File FROM: Melissa Brubaker DATE: August 14, 2024 SUBJECT: NCLOR, 1431-801-0082-0004 The property has a Zoning designation of(RS-4) and a Future Land Use classification of(RU) Zoning District Land Area Lot Width Road Frontage Requirement Requirement RS-4 10000 75 30 NCLOR Subject property 1431-801-0082-0004 Grantor Grantee 1984 Property Appraiser Theresa Janisky South of the Subject 1431-801-0081-0007 Grantor Grantee 1984 Property Appraiser Ronnie Lesane North of the Subject 1431-801-0068-0000 Grantor Grantee 6-26-81 Ken Durham 1/3 and Betty Wise 213 Betty Wise West of the Subject 1431-801-0069-0007 Grantor Grantee 11-23-82 Robert and Annie Pearl Lovell Cora Moore and Janice King Michelle Franklin, CFA-- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser--All rights reserved. Property Identification Site Address:TBD Use Type:0000 Sec/Town/Range:31/34S/40E Account#: 10806 Parcel ID: 1431-801-0082-000-4 Map ID:14/31S Jurisdiction:Saint Lucie County Zoning:RS-4 Count Ownership vckey Walker Richard Walker 1104 Hemlock CIR Fort Pierce,FL 34947 Legal Description HARMONY HEIGHTS NO 4 BLK 8 LOT 18 ` ; Current Values Just/Market Value: $20,400 Assessed Value: $20,400 Exemptions: $0 Taxable Value: $20,400 Total Areas Property taxes are subject to change upon Finished/UnderAir(SF): 0 change of ownership. Gross Sketched Area(SF): 0 • Past taxes are not a reliable projection of future taxes. Land Size(acres): 0.18 • The sale of a property will prompt the removal of all Land Size(SF): 7,755 exemptions,assessment caps,and special classifications. Building Design Wind Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Collectoes Office Download TRIM for this parcel:Download PDF© Speed Occupancy Category I H III Speed 140 150 160 Sources/links: Sale History Date Book/Page Sale Deed Grantor Price Code Jun 4,2021 4626/1574 0001 WD Sookhoo Rabindra $8,000 Nov 15,2007 2904/2627 XX01 TXDEED Janisky Theresa $4,100 Jan 1,1900 $0 Building Information(1 of 1) Finished Area:0 SF Gross Sketched Area:0 SF Exterior Data View: Roof Cover: Roof Structure: Building Type: Year Built:N/A Frame: Grade: Effective Year:N/A Primary Wall: Story Height: No.Units:0 Secondary Wall: Interior Data Bedrooms:0 Electric: Primary Int Wall: Full Baths:0 Heat Type: Avg Hgt/Floor:0 Half Baths:0 Heat Fuel: Primary Floors: A/C%:0% Heated%:N/A% Sprinkled%:0% Sketch Area Legend Sub Area Description Area Fin.Area Perimeter Special Features and Yard Items Type Qty Units Year Blt Current Year Values Current Values Breakdown Current Year Exemption Value Breakdown Building: $0 Land: $20,400 Just/Market: $20,400 Ag Credit: $0 Save Our Homes or $0 10%Cap: Assessed: $20,400 Exemption(s): $0 Taxable: $20,400 Current Year Special Assessment Breakdown Start Year AssessCode Units Description Amount 1999 0051 1 Fort Pierce Fames Water Management $24.00 District Start Year AssessCode Units Description Amount 2010 9006 1 Harmony Heights 2 Street Lights $15.00 This does not necessarily represent the total Special Assessements that could be charged against this property.The total amount charged for special assessments is reflected on the most current tax statement and information is available with the SLC Tax Collector's Office G. Historical Values Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable 2023 $20,400 $20,400 $0 $20,400 2022 $20,400 $20,400 2021 $7,900 $4,507 $0 $$4,507 Permits Number Issue Date Description Amount Fee Notice:This does not necessarily represent all the permits for this property. Click the following link to check for additional permit data in Saint Lucie County All information is believed to be correct at this time,but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. ©Copyright 2024 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser.All rights reserved. EDWIN M. FRY, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 3133044 Jr,,OR BOOK 2904 PAGE 2627, Recorded 11/15/2007 at 12:38 Doc Tax: $28.70 Tax Deed File No. 07-34 DR-506 R.01I95 Property 1431-801-0082-000/4 Identification No. Tax Deed State of Florida Countyof Saint Lucie FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The following Tax Sale Certificate Numbered 2000-506 issued on June 1. 2000 was filed in the office of the tax collector of this County and application made for the issuance of a tax deed,the applicant having paid or redeemed all other taxes or tax sale certificates on the land described as required by law to be paid or redeemed,and the costs and expenses of this sale,and due notice of sale having been published as required by law,and no person entitled to do so having appeared to redeem said land;such land was on the 15 day of Nove er 2 0�— offered for sale as required by law for cash to the highest bidder and was sold to RAIJINb H & PARBATEE SOOKHOO whoseaddressis 8461 NW 26 STREETSUNRISE FLORIDA 33322 being the highest bidder and having paid the sum of his bid as required by the Laws of Florida. Now,on this 15 day of November 2007. in the County of 5e;D j t„r;o State of Florida,in consideration of the sum of($ 4,100.00**************') FOUR THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND 00/100*****Dollars, being the amount paid pursuant to the Laws of Florida does hereby sell the following lands,including any hereditaments, buildings,fixtures and improvements of any kind and description,situated in the County and State aforesaid and described as follows: Harmony Heights No 4 Blk 8 Lot 18 F WitnalEbts �1&14,rcult Jd eC ty Comptroller ame •, ��• Saint Lucie County,Florida. Chery llwee5wn to of Florida County of Saint Lucie 15 November 2007 ,before On tb' day of . me Tameci personalty appeared Edwin M Fry Clerk of the Circuit Court or County Comptroller in and for the State and this County known to me to be the person described in,and who executed the foregoing instrument,and acknow ed the execution of this instrument to be his own free act and deed for the use and purposes therein mentioned. MAi er+d.offiye sea]d�gf 1gi l�A{lW., Comm#DD ... `�T� *�OMST VI•S tlpYw 7112 :..............«..........,. .........i .........wM... ........� ... Michelle Franklin, CFA-- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser--All rights reserved. Property Identification Site Address:2211 N 44TH ST Use Type:0100 Sec/Town/Range:31/34S/40E Account#: 10805 Parcel ID:1431-801-0081-000-7 Map ID: 14/31S Jurisdiction:Saint Lucie County Zoning:RS-4 Count Ownership Lloyd McDuffie 2211 N 44th ST Fort Pierce,FL 34946 Legal Description HARMONY HEIGHTS NO 4 BLK 8 LOT 17 Current Values Just/Market Value: $174,800 Assessed Value: $174,800 Exemptions: $50,000 Taxable Value: $124,800 Total Areas Property taxes are subject to change upon Finished/UnderAir(SF): 1,160 change of ownership. Gross Sketched Area(SF): 1,460 • Past taxes are not a reliable projection of future taxes. • The sale of a property will prompt the removal of all Land Size(acres): 0.18 exemptions,assessment caps,and special classifications. Land Size(SF): 7,755 Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Collector's Office© Building Design Wind Download TRIM for this parcel:Download PDF 12 Speed Occupancy Category I II III Speed 140 150 160 Sources/links: Sale History Date Book/Page Sale Deed Grantor Price Code Apr 17,2020 4413/1667 0001 WD JBM Property Management $159,000 LLC Mar 9,2018 4107/0231 0001 WD Yeary Elizabeth $30,000 Nov 10,2017 4064/1944 0111 QC Yeary Benjamin $0 Dec 17,2009 3157/1479 0001 WD Mulherin Gregory $50,000 Jan 27,2009 3057/2003 0112 SPWD GRP Loan LLC $16,000 Jan 29,2008 2946/2105 XX01 CertTtle Wilson Kevin L $100 Jun 8,2005 2276/2215 XX01 WD Wilson Kevin L $100 Oct 7,1999 1254/2069 XX01 QC Wilson Kevin L $100 Jan 12,1998 1127/2260 XX00 WD JIM WALTER HOMES INC $28,600 Dec 5,1997 1127/2256 XX01 WD MID-STATE TRUST II $500 Dec 5,1997 1115/2614 XX01 CertTtle Gary L Bellinger $100 May 1,1997 1075/2117 XX01 QC Betty L Swan $26,300 Nov 4,1994 0933/0169 XX00 WD $26,600 Building Information(1 of 1) Finished Area: 1,160 SF Gross Sketched Area:1,460 SF Exterior Data View: Roof Cover:Dim Shingle Roof Structure:Gable Building Type:SFAV Year Built: 1985 Frame: Grade:SFAV-Fair Effective Year:1985 Primary Wall:Wood/Sheath Story Height: 1 Story No.Units: 1 Secondary Wall: Interior Data Bedrooms:3 Electric:AVERAGE Primary Int Wall: Full Baths:2 Heat Type:FrcdHotAir Avg Hgt/Floor:0 Half Baths:0 Heat Fuel:ELEC Primary Floors:Wood Laminat A/C%:100% Heated%: 100% Sprinkled%:0% i , B 15 ie a OPM BAe m ie m BA4 Sketch Area Legend Sub Area Description Area Fin.Area Perimeter BAS BASE AREA 1160 1160 188 OPAA Open Porch Attached Average 300 0 70 Special Features and Yard Items Type Qty Units Year Blt CHAINLINK 4' 1 260 1985 Driv-Concret 1 400 1985 UTILITY AVG 1 196 1999 Current Year Values Current Values Breakdown Current Year Exemption Value Breakdown Tax Grant Code Description Amount Building: $129,400 Year Year 0500 Homestead $25,000 Land: $45,400 2023 2023 Exemption Just/Market: $174,800 Tax Grant Code Description Amount Ag Credit: $0 Year Year 0550 Homestead $25,000 Save Our Homes or $0 2023 2023 50,000Exemption over$ 10%Cap: Assessed: $174,800 Exemption(s): $50,000 Taxable: $124,800 Current Year Special Assessment Breakdown Start Year AssessCode Units Description Amount 1999 0051 1 Fort Pierce Farms Water Management $24.00 District Start Year AssessCode Units Description Amount 2009 2009 12 County Solid Waste $385.44 Start Year AssessCode Units Description Amount 2010 9006 1 Harmony Heights 2 Street Lights $15.00 This does not necessarily represent the total Special Assessements that could be charged against this property.The total amount charged for special assessments is reflected on the most current tax statement and information is available with the SLC Tax Collector's Office©. Historical Values Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable 2023 $174,800 $174,800 $50,000 $124,800 2022 $160,800 $116,270 $0 $116,270 2021 $105,700 $105,700 $0 $105,700 Permits Number Issue Date Description Amount Fee C0904-0100 Apr 8,2009 Alterations/Remodeling $0 $0 C1907-0607 Jul 26,2019 Roof $2,000 $0 Notice:This does not necessarily represent all the permits for this property. Click the following link to check for additional permit data in Saint Lucie County All information is believed to be convect at this time,but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. ©Copyright 2024 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser.All rights reserved. Resale of Leon King f861992 NEW A/C #869379 Amount Financed: $26,600.00 Finance Charge: $34,192.00 Total Payments: $60,192.00 !.$oo N O 01,00 FLORIDA ei►k eR 3PICI DUD THIS INDENTURE, Made this 4tst day of Ngya&er ,� A. D. 19 94, BZTW EN Jim Walter Homes, Inc., a corporation existing under the laws"of 'the State of Florida, having its principal place of 1.9 business in the County of Hillsborough and State of Florida and Mid- -0.0+, State• Trust U. a Delaware business trust, acting by and through a a 0 Wilmington Trust of Florida, N.A., not in its individual capacity but * * * solely as Trustee of Hid-State Trust II with an address of do Wilmington Trust of Florida, N.A., 900 Bast Ocean Boulevard, Stewart, Florida 34994, hereinafter, collectively, the party of the first part, and Betty_L._Swan# single, 3380 NW 211th Street, Miami, FL 33056, of the County of Bade and State of Florida, party_ of the second part, WITNESSBTH, that the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of $10.00 - Ten and other valuable considerations.--------------Doliars, to it in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold, aliened, remised, released, conveyed and confirmed, and by these presents doth grant, bargain. sell, alien, remise, release, convey and confirm unto said part- of the second part, and her heirs and r� assigns forever, all that certain parcel,of land lying and being in the N 0 County of St. Lucie and State of Florida, more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. ow TOGZT= with all the tenements, hereditasents and appurtenances. u 2 with every privilege. right, title, interest and estate, reversion. ale., remainder and "assent thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining; TO U HAVE hem me TO HOLD the sa in fee sipple.forevir. ,a And the said party of the first- part .doth covenant with the said part Y of the second part that it to11awfully 'seised of the said 4;M prods"; that they are free of all enaumbiencss, and that it has good :n 01 right and lawful authority to sell the same: and the said party of the 1 0 first port does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will H defend the same against the lawful claim of all persons whomsoever by, 0 3 through and under the party of the first part, but not otherwise. u IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has caused these presents to be executed by causing their names to be signed respective- 0Ix ly, by its duly authorised. representative and by its trustee. such 0 trustee bed duly authorised thereunto the day and year above written. 4th� day of Nove*er 1994 N ~T t is JIH WALTER HOMES, INC. POD W0O G ys `� BNama: HNC"�A_.. u N (seal)' - %iz f 4� �: • Tit11s: Vice-President ri,.4 a ATTESTS q S. L. RISSELL S cretary RETURN TO Fv.&-X A b JIM WALTER HOMES, Ifq d 0 AM USOF PIMIEiV I l W P.0 BOX 31601 °i u TA APA FLA 33631 3601- n ru a 3 • f OR BOOK 0 9 3 3--•- PAGE 03.70 i Ni Ingrid Gonzalez + ; Gina M. Mtevez MID-S'L?Z TENT II Ayi .Vilaington Trust of Florida, N.A., not in its individual P f V! , `, :: oapaoity but solely as trust" i:.-`�,,.. �`.(-,'�,' a'_`•' r t of Mid-State Twat U By$ Jim halter Boris, Inc. the Attorasyka-Fact for Millsiaytca Trust of k a Lary Florida, N.A. a'tNitriii t Lxprid.Gonzalez Gina M. Fata" Ayr moot H. R. Title Vice-Preeldent STATI OF RARIU COUNIT.OF MiSDOlDfhM Us.for"oipg instrument wan acknowledged before as this 4th day of . 19 94 . by H. R. C[J4A[lSal Vice-Psealdentzo Jim halter Same. Inc.. a Florida corporation, on behalf of.the• dorporation. Bs. is personally known to ss and did not tars an oath. Signature of Notary SIMM M. B3LF °A „ocsma print Naas"of Rotary esne.dbbANO 44;«; .eww4 s Print Title Serial Number, if any ��. AClQiOWLMGl1MENP STATS:Ot.FLAfhIDA COIAM OF BUI SROh#D= The fore=oiag instrument was acknowledged before me this 4th day of � , 19 "% . by H. R.'CLARKSON Vice-Pruident o ;to. Walter Bares. Inc.. a Florida: corporation, on behalf of the corporation as attorney-In-fact for Nilaington Trust of Y - 1 3 f - `Y r V..iJ i , O r l y X ). ' 'e• 3-'+ i �'�j 7'} ,+h t�f �.t t ;" t.;;.I- ���; y TTr ti .+ ��� ra.3G�TZZ�#t� �" .� � 1.. . ''��+"(ta-.F�L!Yk.��.�- 3x�.l:f tkas,.�£$_.,�i..3•.i-.�.. i.! ;.�.... _T�. d P aZ oe Florida, ILA..* He is personally known to as and did not take an oath. ' hs (Signature of Notary r--- M print.Nam o2• Iotary Print Title) van W serial Nwmber. if any =8 Imupw PWAM BYt APTIR 1tBCMIW AlRiRll TOs Yhe�as =. i�ortnotttb. Jim Halter. SON", Inc. AtUr"J.'sk Lev P.- 0. sox 31601 P. 0. Boat..3'601 Tamp, n 33601-3601 _. laNa, >rl 33601-3601 Attns'R. R. Clarkson r TV4-3a �4 # y ERA", f J•F t r ♦. yF 4Ak. fQ� S^F Y�f i} 1. �Et�, l 'Y^y`�r Ft c7i7 t rrr ��© * ,,'1I�@�!�' *'4tR O '� .K -- _ N W EXHIBIT "A" M A/C #861992 '} N. COUti'1'Y.OF. ST. LUCIE STATS .OY FLORIDA N Lot :17, alook8, Hnr►nony Heights Addition No. 4, according to. the plat thereof as':reoorded in plat Book:'90 Page 71=of the Public Records of St. Lucie County `Floridai. Lees and .except .any road:right of ways of record. Grantor-does hot assume any liability for unpaid taxes:. This`deed_ 6.given'subject to that certain Mortgage fr9m. the :Grantee. heroin to:the.Grantor herein dated the 4th day of November 1994. Parcel #1431-801-0081-6407 41 i:'8 ',.. ruuul ur Afluulcf l c:0421 z,U Wtimingten ttaat of ftnttAs, N.A., not In Its I"41tIA1I41 cnpar.lty but c `:.irokljNJ se ao-owner trustee (the "Co-Owner Ttuatee") of 1114-ttsto Ttast I t ~YA$ giRe"t-dated "arch let 1110 by Mld-Rats "coast Inc. of 1tt"ntnr, lfetehy jirtetitsbly constitutes and eppol"tit 111.1-ltato NfKes, Inc. tthe "Isttteet") " pNA�i►�. Jlu: Walter Nams , tole.. (the "lub-aetelest"►. Its true "fill Initial x e '.:pttit"el-In-iect` and-agent, to eteevto, ask"veledle, verlfl,_ ?we -tee *'delt�at,-reword-sold-tile, .la-lit-et-Ita�fllnei�i-neiee• pl>see *Na' et#NA. 0 al11hotevveats, documents and certificates able% may (tell time to ttne be m ti0 �'teeNYfei in connect Ion with the, latvlelnf Mtoome"t, listed ea of April 1, 1'' W 1116i4men6 the letricer. llid-state Slid teat east lank, N.A. all Ttetl"e S, W ,(tht ' otrlelnl A tefent") or the lab-�eefielniI Apoement between the t1 >-letileec and the /vsoe-letrleers ineiuilne, without limitation, to eneewto `onJ deeuviente regvited to be osfewted of rototdd $1 the Co-•vwnor trtf•tre �� b �';pvirova"t to tsetlon 2.01 thereof. . It tsgvltad, the Ce-vrner tro"tee "hall q aseeute wild deliver to tife saft1e91 o"i/or open rehn"nt k, thetetwte, web lutthfic. deollnetle"o, powers of attefnol of ether lnettewonte as the tereieer •oldler fob-tftflcet obeli reasonably deem 0 nseosostj for thalf pvtdotes hettel. N 11101MIb AKg • lts CHIC rir Nll0lniten Trust at tlsc►de, N.A., oteto � W tat In Its 1"iletiuvil capacity bvt solely as to-owhar Trvetse tot ° 1114-1tats Treat It ender the Treat Aftefmsnt fisted so fi Nerah if, 11106. tJ N tJ fmilarsholl, Vice ref an ftAtf ter KOQIDA ="tt or MMT IN ' lallt remembered that on this )th day of Jvna . 1111 A.U. personally came before vies the undttetfn'ef— Fri Netatr v e n end lot told prate dwly commissioned end awot": N. trot Mlrshill of 1I1161"lton Trust of Florida, N.A., ;at a lie 111diva lial c"rat tj tot solely of* Col-0wfgc Truffles for IIId-•tote Ttvst It under the Tevot Altee■ent detod of of "stew to, 19/81, patty to the within Grid fetelHtnl Inottafeent. knee" to at pecse"slit'' to bs each end the,rerfevi•whe onecated #self IMetrvuent not behalf of swell treat. "old "etf"swledgod to Ise that "tfeh InstrwmaAt woe like own oat Hold does end the met and deed of such trust, that the.ollnatvte thetatn in hie ewe" Floret hsmdwtltt"g, th"t his act of oesestivil avid. delivering such instrument uav,duly ovthetteld "nA that the Iocts'Itsted theteln ate truet given sndet my Fond ani feel si oilleer the ,iy soli lest stetseeid. , a. oea �ti�i i �. ill a atf s ely o t (� 1111•( ?vf t e�fi• Ny Cswele"ti�,mt ►rpf.tt" :*t:'•(�i•�' Sins+ U���tr���l.i+•. �•eJ,,,mh�ia dfl�NertU�t p ,I ja,� j jf, i,jfti+Ol j+d!t aawerast•wwf+.�•a • Arks or rum"k I .�^.."" C"IV to tAus�(etaC:•n Sttij11� ilNllf.IgCantN�nw1 ttfl t?S1I0Asn1nA ..rr�11 tnllaMlO. ecotw *ttvi:na:uwrtt r +H ',• %�// rlls ae ewe or ,qt NAhn AND 00 01 1984 REAL ESTATE COUNTY OF ST LUCIE PAGE 2717 PARCEL NUMBER ACREAGE USAGE DIST DR DIST CTC MTGC 1431-801-0081-000/7 00 00 5t FPF 0 18 JUST VA 1,070 4.6275000NTY 4.95 LESANE, RONNIE LND 1,070 6.2740SCHOOL 6.71 2907 AV S HOME EX 0 CITY FT PIERCE, FL 33450 EXEMPT 0 0.4270SFWMD .45 TCD NBA 10509.000/3 ADDHOME 0 1 .8750FIRE 2.01 HARMONY HEIGHTS NO 4 BLK 8 LOT 17 (OR 297-2286) NON EX 1,070 1 .2341DBT/SIS 1 .33 00 MT ACRE .00 FPF MT 5.00 AI ACRE .00 0.7000FPF AI TOTAL 14.4376 20.45 DATE PAID 01/31 RECEIPT 22799.1 PAYMENT 20.04 0092 000 4 00 00 5 143 1- 1- - i 1 FPF 0 18 JUST VA 1,470 4.627500U NTY 4.95 80 JANISKY, THERESA LND 1,070 6.2740SCHOOL 6.71 BX 198 HOME EX 0 CITY RICHEYVILLE, PA 15358 EXEMPT 0 0.427(.,FWMD .45 TCD NBR 10510.000%7 ADDHOME 0 1 .8750FIRE 2.01 HARMONY HEIGHTS NO 4 BLK 8 LOT 18 NON EX 1,070 1 .2341DBT/SIS 1 .33 ' 00 MT ACRE .00 FPF MT 5.00 1 Al ACRE .00 0.7000FPF Al TOTAL 14.4376 20.45 I xs� CERTIFICATE 85-0644 ISSUED ON THIS PARCEL 1431-801-0083-000/1 00 00 51 FPF 0 18 JUST VA 1,070 4.6275000NTY 4.95 ', HHRRIS, MARY 0 LND 1,070 6.2740SCHOOL 6.71 ` I 814 DUNDAS CT HOME EX 0 CITY FT PIERCE, FL 33450 EXEMPT 0 0.4270SFWMD .45 TCD NBR 10511 .000/0 ADDHOME 0 1 .8750FIRE 2.01 HARMONY HEIGHTS NO 4 BLK 8 LOT 19 (OR 403-2752) NON EX 1,070 1 .2341DBT/SIS 1 .33 i 00 MT ACRE .00 FPF MT 5.00 AI ACRE .00 0.7000FPF Al TOTAL 14.4376 20.45 j CERTIFICATE 85-0645 ISSUED ON THIS PARCEL 1431-801-0084-000/8 00 00 51 FPF 0 18 JUST VA 1,070 4.6275COUNTY 4.95 WALDEN, JOSEPH F LND 1,070 6.2740SCH001. 6.71 C/O WILLIAM WALDEN HOME EX 0 CITY 4385 LAKE RD EXEMPT 0 0.4270SFWMD .45 WILLIAMSON, NY 14589 ADDHOME 0 1 .8750FIRE 2.01 TCD NBR 10512.000/3 NON EX 1,070 1 .2341DBT/SIS 1 .33 HARMONY HEIGHTS NO 4 BLK. 8 LOT 20 00 MT ACRE .00 FPF MT 5.01) Al ACRE .00 0.7000FPF AI TOTAL 14.4376 20.45 Michelle Franklin, CFA-- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser--All rights reserved. Property Identification Site Address:2214 N 45TH ST Use Type:0100 Sec/Town/Range:31/34S/40E Account#: 10793 Parcel ID: 1431-801-0068-000-0 Map ID: 14/31S Jurisdiction:Saint Lucie County Zoning:RS-4 Count Ownership Richard Walker Jr Vickey L Walker 1104 Hemlock Cir Fort Pierce,FL 34947 Legal Description HARMONY HEIGHTS NO 4 BLK 8 LOTS 4 AND 19(0.36 AC-15,510 SF) �°` (OR 3261-2040) _ Current Values Just/Market Value: $133,200 Assessed Value: $46,135 Exemptions: $0 Taxable Value: $46,135 Total Areas Finished/Under Air(SF): 600 Property taxes are subject to change upon Gross Sketched Area F) 0 change of ownership. Land Size(acres): 0.36 • Past taxes are not a reliable projection of future taxes. Land Size(SF): 15,510 • The sale of a property will prompt the removal of all exemptions,assessment caps,and special classifications. Building Design Wind Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Collector's Office Download TRrM for this parcel:Download PDF© Speed Occupancy Category I II III Speed 140 150 160 Sources/links: Sale History Date Book/Page Sale Deed Grantor Price Code Feb 15,2019 4233/1449 0003 WD GSL Investment Group LLC $4,400 Jan 18,2011 3261/2040 0001 WD Wilder Charlie $7,000 Jan 3,2011 3258/2345 0001 WD Durham Deloise $7,000 Mar 1,1999 1207/0852 XX00 WD Wise Betty $13,000 Jun 1,1981 0358/2716 XX01 CV $5,300 Dec 1,1980 0344/2925 XX00 CV $10,000 Mar 1,1979 0307/0237 XX01 CV $0 Building Information(1 of 1) Finished Area:600 SF Gross Sketched Area:708 SF Exterior Data View: Roof Cover:Dim Shingle Roof Structure:Gable Building Type:SFAV Year Built: 1954 Frame: Grade:SFAV-Fair Effective Year: 1954 Primary Wall:CB Stucco Story Height:1 Story No.Units: 1 Secondary Wall: Interior Data Bedrooms:2 Electric:AVERAGE Primary Int Wall: Full Baths: 1 Heat Type:FrcdHotAir Avg Hgt/Floor:0 Half Baths:0 Heat Fuel:ELEC Primary Floors:Carpet A/C%: 100% Heated%: 100% Sprinkled%:N/A% ze ORM 12 (84) - T 2 - _ 6m 24 (E00) 12 LI 0 IB OWN (24) Sketch Area Legend Sub Area Description Area Fin.Area Perimeter BAS BASE AREA 600 600 100 OPAA Open Porch Attached Average 24 0 20 URAA Utility Room Attached Average 84 0 38 Special Features and Yard Items Type Qty Units Year Blt UTILITYAVG 1 100 2014 Fen WoodSB 6' 1 420 2021 UTILrrY AVG 1 200 2021 Current Year Values Current Values Breakdown Current Year Exemption Value Breakdown Building: $70,600 Land: $62,600 Just/Market: $133,200 Ag Credit: $0 Save Our Homes or $87,065 10%Cap: Assessed: $46,135 Exemption(s): $0 Taxable: $46,135 Current Year Special Assessment Breakdown Start Year AssessCode Units Description Amount 2009 2009 12 County Solid Waste $385.44 Start Year AssessCode Units Description Amount 2010 9006 1 Harmony Heights 2 Street Lights $15.00 Start Year AssessCode Units Description Amount 2020 0051 0.36 Fort Pierce Farms Water Management $8.64 District This does not necessarily represent the total Special Assessements that could be charged against this property.The total amount charged for special assessments is reflected on the most current tax statement and information is available with the SLC Tax Collector's Office Q Historical Values Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable 2023 $133,200 $46,135 $0 $469135 2022 $119,500 $41,941 $0 $41,941 2021 $65,600 $38,129 $0 $38,129 Permits Number Issue Date Description Amount Fee C1105-0062 May 49 2011 Tainted Drywall $0 $0 Removal C1108-0191 Sep 6,2011 Altemtions/Remodeling $0 $0 C1912-0467 Dec 23,2019 Roof $1,500 $0 C2003-0391 Jun 25,2020 Remodel $9,500 $0 C2209-000286 Oct 12,2022 Fence $2,000 $0 Notice:This does not necessarily represent all the permits for this property. Click the following link to check for additional permit data in Saint Lucie County All information is believed to be correct at this time,but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. ©Copyright 2024 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser.All rights reserved. WARRANTY 016LO 5;34733 RAMCO FORM OI INO.It10. TO INDIY10 I �s 10arranty ]Dttd m-1114. the 26th day of June A. 1). it) 81 by KEN DURHAM, 1/3 interest, and BETTY WISE, 2/3 interest hereinafter called 1144• foraulur. to BETTY WISE rr 11u.e 111stu►filr• addre.s is Rt. 8, Box 814, Ft. Pierce, Florida 33450 hereinafter cn led the grantee: %hrte.er ...ed hews" A. tutu. g#&j.t.q" at..l e.aulre' awl.dr all the {tatlie% a. th.. nt.1—wea a.wl the heal. lee.) t.p..e..latnt. and a•.au. .4 u.d..dual.. and the .w.r.w., and a• tu, ..1 ....{,.tau..t.. 191tatutth: -1-hill the rparllur. for turd ill con>irh•rnliun all the sum of S. 10.00 and 01hrr va111ab1e considerations. red-eipl u•h1-rec►l is hereby ac�nuu l.•11�pv1. ltt•n•lev tpants. bargains, sells. aliens. re- mises. releases. conveys and confirms 181110 the f1rantet•. gill Mat 1-4•rluin land %iluald. in St. Lucie Counly. Florida. viz: Lot 4, Block 8, HARMONY HEIGHTS, NO. 4, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 71 of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. SUBJECT TO restrictions, reservations, limitations, and easements of record, in any; this reference to said restrictions shall not operate to reimpose the same. Zoning ordinances affecting said property. ST%TE JUL-2'81 ,~�,' - �=_` Z 3. 8 5 1 �r = Ilia._ -?�-:!_ 1 109tthtr will all the tenements. hereditaments and appurtenances (hereto belonging or in any- wise appertaining. To fiaut and to Hold, the same in fee simple f orel•er- find the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that lite grantor is lawfully seized of said land irk fee simple. that the grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land: that file grantor herebv fully warrants the title to said land anti will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever: and that said land is free of all encumbrances. except taxes accruing subsequent to December 31. 1980. In INUMs 11hert0fr the said grantor has signed and sealed these presents the day and year first above written. Signed. led and delivered f our presence: r .L: .i .t<l�1r ..... . ' SPACE UIOW Poll RECORDERS USE STATE (IF F RIDA COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE 1 I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly Michelle Franklin, CFA-- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser--All rights reserved. Property Identification Site Address:2212 N 45TH ST Use Type:0100 Sec/Town/Range:31/34S/40E Account#:10794 Parcel ID: 1431-801-0069-000-7 Map ID: 14/31S Jurisdiction:Saint Lucie County Zoning:RS-4 Count Ownership Patricia Burey-Walker ' 1803 Barnstable RD Wellington,FL 33414 Legal Description HARMONY HEIGHTS NO 4 BLK 8 LOT 5 Current Values Just/Market Value: $99,900 Assessed Value: $99,900 _ Exemptions: $0 Taxable Value: $99,900 Property taxes are subject to change upon Total Areas change of ownership. Finished/UnderAir(SF): 816 • Past taxes are not a reliable projection of future taxes. Gross Sketched Area(SF): 1,221 • The sale of a property will prompt the removal of all exemptions,assessment caps,and special classifications. Land Size(acres): 0.18 Land Size(SF): 7,755 Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Collector's Office© Building Design Wind Download TRIM for this parcel:Download PDF Speed Occupancy Category I II III Speed 140 150 160 Sources/links: Sale History Date Book/Page Sale Deed Grantor Price Code Sep 20,2022 4892/1208 0001 WD T 3N Enterprises $100,000 Sep 20,2022 4892/1206 0111 WD Burey-Walker Patricia $100 Mar 14,2013 3495/2842 0111 WD Hourihan Nicholas R $100 Oct 20,2011 3335/0684 0112 SPWD Wachovia Mortgage FSB $4,500 Jul 19,2011 3309/2180 0112 CertTtle Lloyd James $100 Feb 3,2004 1894/1772 XX00 WD McGill Rodney $50,100 Aug 30,2002 1592/2708 XX00 WD Moore,Carolyn E $22,500 Aug 22,2002 1592/2707 XX01 WD Moore,Carolyn E $100 Ju129,2002 1560/1421 XX01 ORDADM Moore(EST)Howard $0 Apr 1,1986 0515/1159 XX01 CV $0 Apr 1,1986 0515/1158 XX01 CV $0 Nov 1,1982 0388/1865 XX01 CV $0 Jan 1,1981 0346/0564 XX00 CV $28,000 Sep 1,1979 0317/0155 XX00 CV $15,500 Building Information 0 of 2) Finished Area:816 SF Gross Sketched Area:1,056 SF Exterior Data View: Roof Cover:Metal Roof Structure:Gable Building Type:SFAV Year Built: 1954 Frame: Grade:SFAV-Fair Effective Year: 1954 Primary Wall:Conc Block Story Height: 1 Story No.Units: 1 Secondary Wall: Interior Data Bedrooms:2 Electric:AVERAGE Primary Int Wall: Full Baths:1 Heat Type:FrcdHotAir Avg Hgt/Floor:0 Half Baths:0 Heat Fuel:ELEC Primary Floors:Carpet A/C%:100% Heated%: 100% Sprinkled%:0% i7 � if f Sketch Area Legend Sub Area Description Area Fin.Area Perimeter BAS BASE AREA 816 816 116 SPAA Screen Porch Attached Average 240 0 64 Building Information (2 of 2) Finished Area:0 SF Gross Sketched Area:165 SF Exterior Data View: Roof Cover:Roll Comp Roof Structure:Gable Building Type:DGAR Year Built: 1957 Frame: Grade:DG Effective Year:1976 Primary Wall:Conc Block Story Height:1 Story No.Units:0 Secondary Wall: Interior Data Bedrooms:0 Electric: Primary Int Wall: Full Baths:0 Heat Type: Avg Hgt/Floor:0 Half Baths:0 Heat Fuel: Primary Floors:CONC GRD A/C%:0% Heated%:0% Sprinkled%:0% om „ con V _ Ila Sketch Area Legend Sub Area Description Area Fin.Area Perimeter GDA Garage Detached Average 121 0 44 OPAL Open Porch Attached Low 44 0 30 Special Features and Yard Items Type Qty Units Year Blt CHAR-;LINK 4' 1 100 1995 Current Year Values Current Values Breakdown Current Year Exemption Value Breakdown Building: $54,500 Land: $45,400 Just/Market: $99,900 Ag Credit: $0 Save Our Homes or $o 10%Cap: Assessed: $99,900 Exemption(s): $0 Taxable: $99,900 Current Year Special Assessment Breakdown Start Year AssessCode Units Description Amount 1999 0051 1 Fort Pierce Farms Water Management $24.00 District Start Year AssessCode Units Description Amount 2009 2009 12 County Solid Waste $385.44 Start Year AssessCode Units Description Amount 2010 9006 1 Harmony Heights 2 Street Lights $15.00 This does not necessarily represent the total Special Assessements that could be charged against this property.The total amount charged for special assessments is reflected on the most current tax statement and information is available with the SLC Tax Collector's Office©. Historical Values Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable 2023 $99,900 $99,900 $0 $99,900 2022 $86,500 $39,327 $0 $39,327 2021 $48,800 $35,752 $0 $35,752 Permits Number Issue Date Description Amount Fee C23080929 Aug 21,2003 Demolition $0 $152 C23081063 Sep 22,2003 Alterations/Remodeling $350 $102 C23080874 Aug 19,2003 Demolition $0 $152 C1111-0045 Nov 4,2011 Demolition $0 $0 C2211-001639 Jan 11,2023 Roof $9,700 $0 C2302-002746 Feb 16,2023 Demolition $400 $0 C2302-000483 Feb 10,2023 Fence $80 $0 C2302-002750 Feb 14,2023 Window $1,400 $0 replacement C2302-002748 May 3,2023 Demolition $700 $0 FENC-2405- Jun 4,2024 Wood Fence $0 $0 001139 Notice:This does not necessarily represent all the permits for this property. Click the following link to check for additional permit data in Saint Lucie County All information is believed to be correct at this time,but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. ©Copyright 2024 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser.All rights reserved. A- IS�•1 • 5b�'�'461 AOQtttM[NT FOR DEED QAMCO FORM A v119reemeatt11r,tirles ,trade this 23rd day of November in the year of our Lord. one thousand nine hundred and eighty-two 1ttlem ROBERT LOVELL AND ANNIE PEARL IDVELL, his wife parties of the first part. and CORA A10ORE and JANICE KING, both single adults o1 o'?jx X— 4SVA S7. - �'.�/EEC'6� 3 y.5�1'c'rry o j the second part. OWN", That it the said part y of the second part shall first make thr payments and perform the covenants hereinafter mentioned on her part to be made and performed, the said parties of the first part hereby covenants and agree s to convey and assure to-the said party of the second part, her heirs, executors, administrators or assigns. in fee simple, clear of all im•unebranees whatever, by a good and sufficient deed, the lot piece or parcel of land, situated in the (;aunty of St. Lucie . State of Florida known and described as follows, to-wit: Lot 5, Block 8, NAI*UW NEIGINS ADDITION 14, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 9, page 71 of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. and the said party of the second part hereby covenant s and agree s to pay to the said part ies of the first part the sum of Twenty-Nine Thousand Five Hundred and 00 Dollars. in the manner following $3,500.00 downpayment at closing and the balance100 of a $26,000.00 payable in 240 monthly payments of $288.29, .including principal and interest at the rate of 12% per annum on the unpaid balance. Buyers may prepay in part or whole at any time without penalty. The Sellers hereby reserve the right to accelerate this agreement if the purchaser is more than 30 days late. with interest at the rate of 12 per centum per annum, payable annually on the whole stem remaining front lime to time unpaid; and to pay all taxes. assessments or impositions that nuty be legally-levied or intposed upon said land subsequent to the year _ 1981 . and to keep the buildings upon said premises insured in some company satisfactory to the parties of the first part, and payable for the parties. -, respectively as their interests may appear. in a stint not less than the highest insurable value during the term of this agreement. A►td in ruse of failure of the said p arl y of the second to make can u the payments or as earl thereof. or to er arm cue u the rovenants on her - = J / I I yl / P / y / purl hereby made and entered into, this contract shall, at the option of the ixtrt ies of the first part. be forfeited and irr►ninuted. and llte part y of the second (Hirt shall forfeit coil payments made by her on this contract; and such payments shall be retained by the said part ies of the first part its fall satisfaction and liquidation of tell damages by them sustained, and the said part ies of the first part shall have the right to re-enter and take possessiote of the premises aforesaid without being liable to tiny action therefor. L �LL PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES S�L _ , ;., BUILDING & ZONING DIVISION CC, 2300 VIRGINIA AVE n k 1 �_ FORT PIERCE, FL 34982 (772) 462-1553 FAX 462-1578 CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTOR OR CANCELLATION OF PERMT PLEASE SELECT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR—Change of Contractor is to be signed and notarized by the property owner, and the new contractor of record for the current permit. A new permit application must also be completed with new contractor information and signature. A new Notice of Commencement must be filed in the new contractor's name for job values greater than $2,400 ($7,500 if A/C Change-out). A recorded copy must be submitted prior to commencing any work. There is a$50.00 fee for the Change of Contractor. CHANGE OF SUBCONTRACTOR—Subcontractor changes are to be completed by the general contractor. The new subcontractor must fill out a Subcontractor Agreement Form. There is a $50.00 fee for the Change of Sub- Contractor. CANCELLATION OF PERMIT—The cancellation of a permit is acceptable only if no work has been done. Cancellation of permit is to be signed and notarized by both the owner and qualifier of record. There is no fee for cancellation of the permit. Date: Permit Number: Site Address: State License SLC License Original GC,subcontractor or owner/builder State License SLC License New GC,subcontractor Reason for Cancellation The undersigned does hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless St Lucie County,its officers,agents and employees from all costs,fees or damages arising from any and all claims of action for any reason,which may arise as a result of this change of contractor/subcontractor or cancellation of permit.A permit cannot be cancelled if work has been performed. SIGNATURE OF OWNER(or owner/builder) SIGNATURE GENERAL CONTRACTOR(or new GC,as applicable) PRINT NAME PRINT NAME State of Florida,County of St.Lucie County State of Florida,County of St.Lucie County The following instrument was acknowledged before me this The following instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20_,by day of .20_,by who is personally known to me who is personally known to or who has produced as ID. me or who has produced as ID. Signature of Notary Date Signature of Notary Date Revised 04/15/16