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�-... ST. LUCIE Board of County August 7, 2024 Commissioners Connor Kennedy 10250 SW Village Parkway Suite 201 Chris Dzadovsky Port St Lucie, FL 34987 DISTRICT 1 RE: Parcel: 1406-343-0010-0006 Dear Mr. Kennedy, Larry Leet DISTRICT 2 The above referenced parcel has a zoning designation of AR-1 (Agriculture- Residential -1 du/ac) and a future Land Use Classification of RU (Residential- Urban, 5 du/ac). Linda Bartz DISTRICT 3 The above parcel is nonconforming because it does not meet the minimum lot size Vice Chair of one acre (43560 square feet). In order for a parcel to be considered a nonconforming lot of record and thereby qualify for a waiver of this requirement, Jamie Fowler it must exist in separate ownership and not be contiguous to other lots in the same DISTRICT 4 ownership prior to July 1, 1984 pursuant to Section 10.00.04, Land Development Code(LDC). Cathy Townsend The research of the county records has determined that the property was DISTRICT 5 contiguous to other lots in the same ownership as of July 1, 1984. Parcel 1406- Chair 343-0004-000-1 (parcel to the North) and the subject property were owned by Francisco M Aranguren C/O Franscisco Milian. Administration Therefore, the subject parcel and the adjacent parcel to the North are considered and undivided parcel. George Landry If you have any questions regarding the above determination,please don't hesitate COUNTY to contact the undersigned. ADMINISTRATOR Respectfully, b 6-rL- Dan McIntyre COUNTY ATTORNEY Melissa Brubaker Zoning & Permitting Supervisor Melissa Brubaker I Planning and Development Services I Permitting and Zoning Supervisor m brubakerm(a�stlucieco.org fi2300 Virginia Avenue I Fort Pierce,FL 34982%.(772)462-1558 S.(772)462-1553 ti(772)462-1578 www.stlucieco.gov Planning and Development COUNTY Services Department Planning Division MEMORANDUM TO: File FROM: Melissa Brubaker DATE: August 7, 2024 SUBJECT: NCLOR, 1406-343-0010-0006 The property has a Zoning designation of(AR-1) and a Future Land Use classification of(RU) Zoning District Land Area Lot Width Road Frontage Requirement Requirement ARA 43560 150 30 NCLOR Subject property 1406-343-0010-0006 Grantor Grantee 1984 Property Appraiser Francisco M Arangure#C/O Francisco Miliani South of the Subject 1406-334-0020-0001 Grantor Grantee 9-9-77 Donald J Edonick E. Lois Landers North of the Subject 1406-343-0004-0001 Grantor Grantee 1984 Property Appraiser Francisco M Ara ngureo C/O Francisco Miliani West of the Subject 1406-334-0011-0005 Grantor Grantee 1984 Property Appraiser Raymond J and Kathryn B Stepanek Michelle Franklin, CFA-- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser--All rights reserved. Property Identification Site Address:KINGS HWY Use Type:9900 ��9(! Sec/Town/Range:06/34S/40E Account#:6183 Parcel ID:1406-343-0010-000-6 Map ID:14/06S Jurisdiction:Saint Lucie County Zoning:AR-1 Count Ownership - Mark Coxson PO Box 641 Belmar,NJ 07719 'Y Legal Description 6 34 40 W 2/5 OF N 1/2 OF S 1/2 OF SW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 LYG W OF TRNPK FEEDER RD(TRACT 260) Current Values Just/Market Value: $11,900 Assessed Value: $10,769 Exemptions: $0 Taxable Value: $10,769 Total Areas Property taxes are subject to change upon Finished/UnderAir(SF): 0 change of ownership. Gross Sketched Area(SF): 0 • Past taxes are not a reliable projection of future taxes. Land Size(acres): 0.53 • The sale of a property will prompt the removal of all Land Size(SF): 23,128 exemptions,assessment caps,and special classifications. Building Design Wind Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Collector's Office Download TRIM for this parcel:Download PDF© Speed Occupancy Category I II III Speed 140 150 160 Sources/links: Sale History Date Book/Page Sale Deed Grantor Price Code Jan 24,2024 5100/2004 0205 WD Conley(TR)Warnie E $300,000 Aug 23,2018 4176/0496 0330 WD Conley Warnie E $100 Aug 23,2018 4176/0492 0311 QC Conley(TR)Warnie E $100 Apr 3,1998 1136/2672 XX02 WD Aranguren Francisco M $28,000 Building Information (1 of 1) Finished Area:0 SF Gross Sketched Area:0 SF Exterior Data Yew: Roof Cover: Roof Structure: Building Type: Year Built:N/A Frame: Grade: Effective Year:N/A Primary Wall: Story Height: No.Units:0 Secondary Wall: Interior Data Bedrooms:0 Electric: Primary Int Wall: Full Baths:0 Heat Type: Avg Hgt/Floor:0 Half Baths:0 Heat Fuel: Primary Floors: A/C%:0% Heated%:N/A% Sprinkled%:0% 1 S . . 1 Sketch Area Legend Sub Area Description Area Fin.Area Perimeter Special Features and Yard Items Type Qty Units Year BIt Current Year Values Current Values Breakdown Current Year Exemption Value Breakdown Building: $0 Land: $11,900 Just/Market: $11,900 Ag Credit: $0 Save Our Homes or $1,131 10%Cap: Assessed: $10,769 Exemption(s): $0 Taxable: $10,769 Current Year Special Assessment Breakdown This does not necessarily represent the total Special Assessements that could be charged against this property.The total amount charged for special assessments is reflected on the most current tax statement and information is available with the SLC Tax Collector's Office©. Historical Values Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable 2023 $11,900 $10,769 $0 $10,769 2022 $10,400 $9,790 $0 $9,790 2021 $8,900 $8,900 $0 $8,900 Permits Number Issue Date Description Amount Fee Notice:This does not necessarily represent all the permits for this property. Click the following link to check for additional permit data in Saint Lucie County All information is believed to be correct at this time,but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. ©Copyright 2024 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser.All rights reserved. ------ This Warranty Deed 1N , a`, Made this ' ?j h d day of a.• A.D.19 91� �N by GEN. FRANCISCO MILIANI ARANGUREN U 7 J }a bneyOan celled dhe gaawr.to 4' 1QRNIE EDNARD CONLEY AND 11ARNIE EDNARD CONLEY, II Y t� AS soot: TX11AMs HI28 rULL RIGes's OF 3oav1VM=1p An HOT rrq AS TI2S Is COMM wbose pat office address is: 1766 BROAD BAY ROAD } VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23451 Grantees' SM i& be einaft ailed the grantee: -- .; (whenever wW►{ales re am'{Tarot'aced'rame ieelude as the putin to*k mnnurer tad dK U60. Ube.I*d«peaeraow and amps of W&V dwds.am the maesson and aesipu of corimmiow) CU 'A Witnetmeth, disc the grantor,for and in consideration of the sum of S 10.00 a) 6 and other valuable considerations.receipt whereof a hereby acmowiedged,bereby gents,bargains,sells,aliens,remises, o 7 rdmsa,conveys smd coafimm now the grantee,all that certain land situate im ST. LUCIE .34 19� County.Florida.viz: a; See Schedule A attached hereto and by this reference made a part "Z ,a hereof. ';rjA 2` SUBJECT TO Covenants, restrictions, easements of record and taxes for the current.year. Said property is not the homestead of the Grantor(n) under the laws °. and constitution of the State of Florida in that neither Grantor(s) or A u rr any members of the household of Grantor(s) reside thereon. Parcel IDt 1406-343-0004-000/1 AND 1406-343-0010-000/6 Togeti wsrithall d w umaneam bet ditammts and apptutenaoas thereto belonging or in anywisesppertaining. To Have and to Hotel, the saes is fee simple forever. And the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor a lawfully seized of said laud in fee simple: that the grantor has good right sod lawful autbority to sell and convey said land:that the grantor hereby fully warrants the fife to said had and will deaad the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever,and that said land a free of all atatmbnoces except tastes aocruimg subsequent to December 31.19 97 In Witness Whedreof, the said grantor bas signed and sealed these presew the day and year rani above written. Signed,sealedaa and delivti cd i our presence: 8 LIANI c o o 'Jo; Swords by JESUS R. TORREALRA G., HIS n #A� PLO. n E En 43 ea n Q!—!— o a H State Of r(O/•C�Ct County of $S(. L('tC.G Mw foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Sn[ day of /T�/'� 19 9d , e by JESUS R. TORAMALBA G., ATTORMM IN FACT FOR AND ON BEHALF OF GEN. FRANCISCO MILIANI ARANGURZW who is personally lmown to me or who has produced Pa S s fe't as identifiatiom and who DID NOT take an oatb. Koury wK `Jeronika Swords PREP. BY t VERONIKA SNORDS, C.L.C. My Cooaainioe wpm= RECORD&RE'TORN To COURT HOUSE BOX 28 k FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COKPANY ltAllt OP Aq -1 118 NORTH ZND STREET agNAW � 17mta FT. PIERCE, FLORIDA 34950 cup Id I File Nos FA 98-03-0007 W BMK 1136 PAGE 2673 Schednlo A ALL THAT PART Of Tut NUT TSRst-FIFTHS (N 3/5) OF TU SOUTH OM-uALF (S 1/2) OF Tut SORTS ONt-HALF (t 1/2) OF TSt SOMMUT OMR-QUARTSR (8N 1/4) Of TM SOUTHUST OM-QQARM (Ss 1/4) OF TU BMMftST OM-QUARTVR (ON 1/4) OF 82CTION 6, TOM 88IP 34 SOOTS, RAM 40 SAST, BT. LUCis•COUM, FJ.QRIDA, LYZM MW OF Tu NdTSRLY RIQST-OP-NAY Um OF TM $n M E T is STATR PRAT. ACC= ROAD, BMUCT TO iN RUMUMT FOR === AND S0R=8 OVSR MW ACROSS TU RORTB MW IMM 30 SM 2MMMOF. ALSO IDZNTXFItD 1 AS TRACT 242 AS MMM OR•LOCATION MAP B AS DRANK BY WMAUMIN Sl10ZSiSRINO CO., DITRD APRIL 25, 1966. i ALL TBAT PART OF TM WMM TWO-PIrM (N 2/5) OF TM NORTH ONt-MUN (N 1/2) OF TM SOOTS Oils-HALF (S 1/2) OF Tus SOVIUR ST i On-Qtsu (SN 1/4) OF TU BOUTS BAST Olin-QUARTtR (Ss 1/4) OF Tu BOUTBNUT OW-QUARTSR (ON 1/4) OF 8tCTION 6, TOM 88IP 34 sours, RARYit 40 SABT, ST. Lu= COUNTl, FLORIDA. LYING Nut OF Tut WZMMLY RXMT-OP-NAY LXM OF TSt SI I r STATt PAPjaw ACCUS ROAD, BMUNCT TO AN tilBtSsltP FOR II==B AMID MUS OVSR ACID ACROSS TSt BOUTS AND NSBT 30 FSAT TMMZOF. ALSO IDSNTIFXZD AS TRACT 260, AS 890 0 ON LOCATIOK MAP B.AS DRANN BY UMAUMMM Sli0 LUG CO., D1TSD APRIL 25, 1966. E t . 1 1 It { 1 i` i File No: FA 98-03-0007 A PARCEL NUMBER ACREAGE USAGE DIST DR DIST CTC MTGC 1 1406-343-0008-000/9 99 00 00 0 02 JUST VA 1.000 4.6275COUNTY 4.62 SHAFFER JAN P LND 1,000 6.2740SCHOOL 6.27 230 CENTRAL ARK W APT 14M HOME EX 0 CITY NEW YORK, NY 10024 EXEMPT 0 0.4270SFWMD .42 TCD NBR 6415.000/2 ADDHOME 0 1 .8750FIRE 1.88 6 34 40 W 1/2 OF E 2i5 OF N 1/2 OF S 1/2 OF SW NON EX 1,000 0.4801DBT/SIS .48 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 (TRACT 262) TOTAL 13.6836 13.67 DATE PAID 12i1t RECEIPT_14115.1 . _ PAYMENT _13.26 _ - 1406-343-0009-000/6 99 00 00 _0 02 JUST VA 6.310 4.6275000NTY 29.19 SHAFFER, JANE P LND 6,310 6.2740SCHOOL 39.S9 230 CENTRAL PARK WAPT_14M HOME EX 0 CITY NEW YORK, NY 10024_ _ - - EXEMPT - 0 0.4270SFWMD 2.69 TCD NBR 6416.000i5 ADDHOME 0 1 .8750FIRE 11.83 6 34 40 E 2/3 OF W 3/S OF N 1/2 OF S,1/2 OF SW _-- NON- EX_.. 6,310 0.4801DBT/SIS 3.03 1/4 OF SE t i4.OF_SW _ii4'_LYING_E-OF ELY R/W-TRNPK _ _ ..- _ _ . ACCESS RD (TRACT 261) TOTAL 13.6836 ' 86.33 DATE PAID 12/11 RECEIPT 14113.1 PAYMENT 03.74 1406-343-0010-000i6 99 00 00 0 02 JUST-VA.__, ___6,310 4.6275000NTY _ 29.!P ARANGUREN, FRANCTWO.M _ _ -_LND__.__--6,3r0.___. ...----- 6.2740SCHOOL 39.59 Ci0 FRANCISCO MILIANI HOME EX 0 CITY CALLE Gg07-01 URB LA PAZ EL PARAISO �_ __.-__. _ 0__0,_��}j27SQQ Fww_ p 2.69 CARACUS 102. VENEZpEi:FV _. _ __ ADDHOME 0 T.8756 IR __ . _ 11.83 TCD NBR 6417.000/8 NON EX 6,310 0.480tDBT/SIS 3.03 6 34 40 W 2/5 OF N 1/2 OF S 1/2 OF SW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF SW 1 i4 LYING W OF TRNPK FEEDER RD--(TRACT 260) TOTAL 13.6836 86.33 DATE PAID 12i07 -----RECEIPT`T2957.T ,- _ " 'PAYMENT___ _ __.__83,74__-- -_ _ - - 1406-343-0011-000/3 99 00 00 0 02 -JUST VA 8,190 4.6275000NTY 37.89 VALARINO, DR, JESUS M LND_ - 8,-190- 6..2740SCHOOL 51.38 P 0 BX 5502 _ __. HOME 'EX -0 CITY CARACAS, VENEZUELA EXEMPT 0 0.4270SFWMD 3.50 TCD NBR 6418.000/1 ADDHOME 0 1.8750FIRE 15.36 6 34 40 E '2i3 OF W 3/5-OF 5 1/2 OF S 1/2 OF-SW - - NON EX 8,190 0.4801DBTAIS 3.93 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 LYING E OF TRNPK FEEDER RD (TRACT 279) _ _ _ _. TOTAL 13.6836 112.06 DATE PAID 11/30 RECEIPT 14371 .2 PAYMENT 107.58 Michelle Franklin, CFA-- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser--All rights reserved. Property Identification I\fo gyp_Site Address:KINGS HWY Use Type:9900 -- ] Sec/Town/Range:06/34S/40E Account#:6177 Parcel ID: 1406-343-0004-000-1 Map ID: 14/06S Jurisdiction:Saint Lucie County Zoning:AR-I Count i Ownership Mark Corson PO Box 641 Belmar,NJ 07719 Legal Description 6 34 40 W 3/5 OF S 1/2 OF N 1/2 OF SW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 LYG W OF TRNPK FEEDER RD(TRACT 242) Current Values Just/Market Value: $15,500 Assessed Value: $14,036 - Exemptions: $0 - Taxable Value: $14,036 Total Areas Property taxes are subject to change upon Finished/UnderAir(SF): 0 change of ownership. Gross Sketched Area(SF): 0 • Past taxes are not a reliable projection of future taxes. Land Size(acres): 0.91 • The sale of a property will prompt the removal of all Land Size(SF): 39,639.6 exemptions,assessment caps,and special classifications. Building Design Wind Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Collector's Office 12 Download TRIM for this parcel:Download PDF© Speed Occupancy Category I II III Speed 140 150 160 Sources/links: Sale History Date Book/Page Sale Deed Grantor Price Code Jan 24,2024 5100/2004 0205 WD Conley(TR)Warme E $300,000 Aug 23,2018 4176/0496 0330 WD Conley Wanve E $100 Aug 23,2018 4176/0492 0311 QC Conley(TR)Warnie E $100 Apr 3,1998 1136/2672 XX02 WD Aranguren Francisco M $28,000 Building Information (1 of 1) Finished Area:0 SF Gross Sketched Area:0 SF Exterior Data View: Roof Cover: Roof Structure: Building Type: Year Built:N/A Frame: Grade: Effective Year:N/A Primary Wall: Story Height: No.Units:0 Secondary Wall: Interior Data Bedrooms:0 Electric: Primary Int Wall: Full Baths:0 Heat Type: Avg Hgt/Floor:0 Half Baths:0 Heat Fuel: Primary Floors: A/C%:0% Heated%:N/A% Sprinkled%:0% Sketch Area Legend Sub Area Description Area Fin.Area Perimeter Special Features and Yard Items Type Qty Units Year Blt Current Year Values Current Values Breakdown Current Year Exemption Value Breakdown Building: $0 Land: $15,500 Just/Market: $15,500 Ag Credit: $0 Save Our Homes or $1,464 10%Cap: Assessed: $14,036 Exemption(s): s0 Taxable: $14,036 Current Year Special Assessment Breakdown This does not necessarily represent the total Special Assessements that could be charged against this property.The total amount charged for special assessments is reflected on the most current tax statement and information is available with the SLC Tax Collector's Office Q Historical Values Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable 2023 $15,500 $14,036 $0 $14,036 2022 $13,600 $12,760 $0 $12,760 2021 $11,600 $11,600 $0 $11,600 Permits Number Issue Date Description Amount Fee Notice:This does not necessarily represent all the permits for this property. Click the following link to check for additional permit data in Saint Lucie County All information is believed to be correct at this time,but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. ©Copyright 2024 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser.All rights reserved. ' ----- This Warranty Deed h Made this - 3�d day of / 'Jr�l A.D.19 ra QD wN OUR. FRANCISCO NXLIANX ARANGURhIN U J 'r1 —dosfEx called the gaiter.to 11A=Z RDWARD CONL=Y AND MARNIs RDMARD CONLRY, II Y r4l AS JOI1rr 2S1lMS 11I2R FULL RIGMM OF SURVIVORSHIP ACID NOT rq As Teriers r It1 Commwhose pat of&e address is: 2766 BROAD BAY ROAD VIRGINIA BRACE, VA 23451 iu_o Ghee onealled th�r ONt grantee. twt o"a nea bacon&e Was'afirOt'and"game iodide an die potties b iba mativa E nod dw nW � bell.bpi reptaeou�ra nerd sn*a of W ividub.cud etc mcceiiors nod�of empiatioml W1taesSeth, that the grantor,for and in consideration of the sum of$ 10.00 and other valuable considerations.receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged.hereby grants,bargains,sells.aliens,remises. O In releases.conveys and confirms unto the grantee.all that certain land situate in ST. LUCIR N� o Canty.Florida.viz: � �D o hereof. cHA 2 L SUBJECT TO Covenants, restrictions, easements of record and taxes for the current .year. z Said property is not the homestead of the Grantor(s) under the laws -°�+' and constitution of the State of Florida in that neither Grantor(s) or A L'tY any members of the household of Grantor(s) reside thereon. Parcel ID: 1406-343-0004-000/1 AND 1406-343-0010-000/6 TOgdberwithall the tenements bereditameats and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywiseappouining. To Have sad to Hold, the same in fee simple forever. And the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple: that the grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land:that the grantor bereft fully warrants the title to sold land and will defend the same Maim the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever,and that said land is free of all eoarmbraooes except tastes accruing subsequent to December 31,19 97 In VVkn s Whereof, the said glamor has signed and sealed these presents the day and year first above written. Signed,sealed and delivered i our presence: ... _� . 1/t-� c �• a-''�-. 0p- VU ki MLS A — Co NI IANI o 0 0 Yoe '' Swords 1GUR> by JRSUS R. C rn _c TORRIAL8A G., HIS a, _ n E9tl►N E in ��� MLS o o State of l'(Or•�G ,. County of S(•lf4C•G Mic foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of �r r' 19 9d , by JSSVS R. TORRRALBA G., ATTORNEY IN FACT FOR AND ON BEHALF OF GEN. € FRANCISCO NILIANI ARANGURBN f who is personally known to me or who has produced PG S S pCr f as identification gand who DID NOT take an oath. l t Prim Naury Public `de.oniica Swords PRRP. SYs VERONIKh SWORDS, C.L.C. MyCoumninioa Expm: RSCORDiRZrURN TO COURT HOUSE BOX 28 l FIRST ANZRICAN TITLE COMPANY AbiA�a e z wt 118 NORTH 2ND STRZNT 1pr<pR1t1Ub11C Nq a3Ntts uAt FT. PIURCE, FLORIDA 34950 t71t9a File No: FA 98-03-0007 W BOOK 1136 PAM 2673 schedule A ALL THAT PART OP WE NRBT TSRRR-FIPTSB (N 3/S) OF TNR SOt1TR OUR-RUX (8 1/2) OF TBS NORTH OW-NALI Qf 1/2) OF TNR SOOTMUNT OMR-QOARTRR (SW 1/4) OF TSR BOUTSRABT on-QMUrM (SR 1/4) OP TSR BOUTSMSST OM=-QMUMM (SN 1/4) OF 8RCTION 6, TOWUMP 34 8O9TS. RANOR 40 RABT, ST. Luaw Com" R.ORIDA, Lrm wa, OP TOM N WMT RIQST-Ol-1DY LINK or TNR S - aWTI R STAIR PRLY. ACCR88 ROAD, S=JZCT TO iM RRBRIRNi' MR I GUM AND ROAMB OVRR AND ACR08S TSR NORTH AND MZ 30 Mn TIMMV. ALSO IDRiiiTIP'IRD A8 TRACT 242 AS MIKW OM•LOCATIOK NAP B AS DRANK BY NCL&MMIN z R CO.. DAM APRIL 15, 1966. I ALL THAT PART OF IRS NRBT TWO-PIPTHS (U 1/S) OF THR NORTH OMR-BALE (N 1/1) OF TS= BOM MR-SUM (8 1/2) OF THR SOUTHIMST I Om-Qwjmm (8N 1/4) or TBR 80O='S BAST OMR-Qm am (8R 1/4) or TOM BOOTHIMST 0613-9MUM R UM 1/4) OF SNLTIOM 6, TOM 88IP 34 BOUTS, RANG= 40 RIM, ft. LOCI= COONTT, PLEA, LYING NRST OF TSR N88TSRLY RI08T-OP-MY LINT OF TSR SQNSBINR STATR PARKM ACCR88 ROAD, SMONCT TO AN RABR� FOR IMGRUS AND 2OR=88 OVRR AND ACROSS THE SOOTS AND NZB& 30 PRRT THEMM. ALSO ID=IT rm AS TRACT 260, A8 88OUx ON LOCATIOM NAP B.AB DRAMA BY NCLADOHLIN RNOINiRRT 0 CO.. DAM APRIL 2S, 1966. i { {1 1 1: ii 0 i i� ij fa Pilo No: FA 98-03-0007 PARCEL NUMBER ACREAGE USAGE DIST DR DIST CIL 1406-343-0004-000/1 99 00 00 0 02 JUST VA 7,940 4.6275COUNTY 36.74 ARANGUREN FRANCISCO M LND 7,940 6.2740SCHOOL 49.82 i C/O FRANCISCO MILIANI HOME EX 0 CITY k CALLE G1107-01 URB LA PAZ EL PARAISO EXEMPT 0 0.4270SFWMD 3.39 + I CARACUS 102, VENEZUELA ADDHOME 0 1 .8750FIRE 14.89 1 TCD NBP 6411.000/0 NON EX 7,940 0.4801DBT/SIS 3.80 6 34 40 W 31S OF S 112 OF N 112 OF SW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 LYING N OF TRNPK FEEDER RD (TRACT 242) TOTAL 13.6836 108.64 DATE PAID 12/07 RECEIPT 12956.1 PAYMENT 105.38 1406-343-0005-000/8 99 00 00 0 02 JUST VA 6,810 4.6275000NTY 31 .52 AVERY, PAUL E LND 6,810 6.2740SCHOOL 42.73 DELLA BARBA GERALDINE.E HOME EX 0 CITY 17 EDISON Sri EXEMPT 0 0.4270SFWMD 2.90 OUINCY, MA 02169 ADDHOME 0 1 .8750FIRE 12.77 TCD NBR 6412.000/3 __. NON EX 6,810 0.4801DBT/SIS 3.27 6 34 40 W2/3 OFT 3i5-OFS 1/2 OF N 1/2OFSW 1/4 OF SE 114 OF SW 1/4 (TRACT 243) TOTAL 13.6836 93.19 DATE PAID 02/25 RECEIPT 26444.2 PAYMENT 92.26 1406-343-0006-000/5 99 00 00 1 02 JUST. VA_ 1,000 4.6275000NTY 4.62 CHESTER, FRANCIS H LND .1 000-- _ _ - _ 6.2740SCHOOL 6.27 CHESTER. ROSE HOME EX 0 CITY 49 REEGER AV _ EXEMPT 0 0.4270SFWMD .42 TREFFON. NJ 08610 - - - _ --- ADDHOME 0 1 .87SOFIRE 1 .88 TCD NBR 6413.00016 NON EX 1.000 0.4801DBT/SIS .48 6 34 40 E 1 i5 OF S 1/2 OF N 1/2 OF SW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 (TRACT 244) TOTAL 13.6836 13.67 DATE-PAID 05i15 RECEIPT 32137.4 PAYMENT 28.48 1406-343-0007-000/2 99 00 00 0 02 JUST VA 1,000 4.6275000NTY 4.62 SHAFFER, JAME P LND 1,000 6.2740SCHOOL ti.27 230 CENTRAL PARK W APT 14M HOME EX' 0 CITY NEW YORK, NY 10024 EXEMPT 0 0.4270SFWMD .42 TCD NBR 6414.000/9 ADDHRp�M,�E 0 1 .6750FIRE 1.88 6 34 40 E 1i5 OF N 1/2 OF S 1/2 OF SW 1/4 OF SE NON EX 1,000 0.4801DBTiSIS .48 1/4 OF SW 1/4 (TRACT 263)) TOTAL. 13.6836 13.67 DATE PAID 12i11 RECEIPT 14114.1 PAYMENT 13.2.6 .. ` Michelle Franklin, CFA-- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser--All rights reserved. Property Identification Site Address:TBD Use Type:9900 Sec/Town/Range:06/34S/40E Account#:6146 Parcel ID: 1406-334-0011-000-5 Map ID: 14/06S Jurisdiction:Saint Lucie County t t� Zoning:AR-1 Count Ownershipt P Gregory J Stepanek } Steven Stepanek Kathryn B Brown(EST) F- s 4 East Wind DR Berlin,MD 21811 Legal Description 6 34 40 E 115 OF N 1/2 OF S 1/2 OF SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4(TRACT 259)(OR 1336449) Current Values Just/Market Value: $1,000 Assessed Value: $1,000 Exemptions: $0 Taxable Value: $1,000 Total Areas Finished/Under Air(SF): 0 Property taxes are subject to change upon Gross Sketched Area(SF): 0 change of ownership. Land Size(acres): 0.51 • Past taxes are not a reliable projection of future taxes. Land Size(SF): 22,392 • The sale of a property will prompt the removal of all exemptions,assessment caps,and special classifications. Building Design Wind Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Collector's Office 17 Speed Download TRIM for this parcel:Download PDF 12 Occupancy Category I H III Speed 140 150 160 Sources/links: Sale History Date Book/Page Sale Deed Grantor Price Code Oct 12,2000 1336/0449 XX01 PRDEED Stepanek(EST)Raymond J $100 Jan 1,1900 $0 Building Information(1 of 1) Finished Area:0 SF Gross Sketched Area:0 SF Exterior Data View: Roof Cover: Roof Structure: Building Type: Year Built:N/A Frame: Grade: Effective Year:N/A Primary Wall: Story Height: No.Units:0 Secondary Wall: Interior Data Bedrooms:0 Electric: Primary Int Wall: Full Baths:0 Heat Type: Avg Hgt/Floor:0 Half Baths:0 Heat Fuel: Primary Floors: A/C%:0% Heated%:N/A% Sprinkled%:0% h Sketch Area Legend Sub Area Description Area Fin.Area Perimeter Special Features and Yard Items Type Qty Units Year Blt Current Year Values Current Values Breakdown Current Year Exemption Value Breakdown Building: $0 Land: $1,000 Just/Market: $1,000 Ag Credit: $0 Save Our Homes or $0 10%Cap: Assessed: $1,000 Exemption(s): $0 Taxable: $1,000 Current Year Special Assessment Breakdown This does not necessarily represent the total Special Assessements that could be charged against this property.The total amount charged for special assessments is reflected on the most current tax statement and information is available with the SLC Tax Collector's Office Q Historical Values Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable 2023 $1,000 $1,000 $0 $1,000 2022 $1,000 $1,000 $0 $1,000 2021 $1,000 $1,000 $0 $1,000 Permits Number Issue Date Description Amount Fee Notice:This does not necessarily represent all the permits for this property. Click the following link to check for additional permit data in Saint Lucie County All information is believed to be correct at this time,but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. ©Copyright 2024 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser.All rights reserved. JOANNE NO W, MERK OF THE CIRCUIT COLOR - SAINT LLICIE COLdfTC F11e Nuter: 18M2 OR BOOK 1336 PAGE 449 Recorded:10/19/00 09:32 i PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE'S DISTRIBUTIVE DEED THIS INDENTURE,made this A2t day of �'w 2000,by and between GREGORY J.STEPANEK,individually and as the duly qualified and acting Personal Representative of the estate of RAYMOND J.STEPANEK, deceased,in the Circuit Court for St. Lucie County,Florida,File Number 99-387- CP10;party of the first part and GREGORY J.STEPANEK,a single man,and i STEVEN J.STEPANEK,a single man,as joint tenants with rights of survivorship, I 11711 Medallion Ter.,Upper Marlboro,MD 20772,parties of the second part. WITNESSETH: said party of the first part in consideration of the premises and i in connection with the distribution of the estate of said decedent,and for other good t and valuable consideration,in hand paid,does grant,bargain,sell,alien,remise, release,convey.and confirm unto the said parties of the second part,and to their heirs -(successors)and assigns forever,said certain land in said County of St.Lucie,State of Florida,described as follows,to-wit: The East one-fifth(E 1/5)of the North one-half(N '/,)of the South one-half(S'/2)of the Southeast one-quarter(SE'/4) of the Southwest one-quarter(SW'/.)of the Southwest one-quarter(SW %)of Section 6,Township 34 South, x x Range 40 East,St.Lucie County,Florida,subject to an easement for ingress and egress over and across the South •• •• •• and East 30 feet thereof. Also identified as Tract 259, ~«N as shown on Location Map"B",as drawn by McLaughlin Engineering Co.,dated April 25, 1966. 000 SUBJECT TO easements,as the same appear of record 8 S in the Official Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. THIS PROPERTY IS VACANT LAND AND IS NOT NOW AND NEVER HAS BEEN THE HOMESTEAD OF THE GRANTOR. TOGETHER with all and singular the tenements,hereditaments and appurtenances belonging to or in any way appertaining to that real property and 1cr 9� ■lNt■ YO YT. anoOIlTf. VY/plOo 0.12 XLV0_OWO W O S. L 018 Y . /t •t LOCIL R O -*Mr $NO oro-3 o e. 9 OR BOOK 1336 PAGE 450 i subject to all restrictions,reservations and easements of record,if any. The recitation of same shall not operate to reimpose same. And the said party of the first part doth hereby covenant to and with the said parties of the second part,their heirs(successors)'and assigns,that in all things preliminary to and in and about this conveyance,the orders of the Circuit Court of Florida and the law of tender have been followed and complied with in all respects. f PROPERTY APPRAISER'S PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NO. 1406-334-0011-000/5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the undersigned,as Personal Representative of the estate of the said decedent,has executed this instrument under seal on the date aforesaid. Signed,sealed and delivered in the presence of Witness Signatura, Gregoryl.Ackiek,individually and ✓ as Personal Representative I�in@ Name I P ess of the Estate of Raymond J.Stepanek / 11711 Medallion Ter. Witness Signature Upper Marlboro,MD 20772 t Printed Name of Wi r STATE OF MARYLAND COUNTY OF S`_hayl eJ� I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day,before me,an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments,personally appeared GREGORY J. STEPANEK,individually and as Personal Representative of the estate of RAYMOND J. STEPANEK,deceased,known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument,who acknowledged before me that she executed the same,and an oath was not taken. (Check one:) iy Mtttaa Y1 VI. orra"sro. \Rttl/ot tut *too, toot t. 0.4 L tTL 44 /f. or. Lm& A "me-elm (M4 pt-t000 I E ".I OR BOOK M PAGE 451 Said pawn is personally known to me. �_Said person provided the following type of identification: inn(A C S 3 K';49 WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this WKI day of SMlaabw,A.D.,2000. v Notary Signature CRrd:cr L Printed Name of Notary State of Maryland at large My commission expires: This instrument prepared by: Wo �SM OF Charles E.Ray,Esq. M„c ►�a """°"� MESSER AND RAY ! 8000 S.U.S.1,Suite 400 Port St.Lucie,FL 34952 561-979-3000 i j TITLE NOT E)SAMIIVED BY SCRIYEiiut 1 1 i i rwn Yo m. �noawasa anapoa wa aaro. a000 a o.►. 4 ora. gym, n. ar. txu, n onaa•raa IW an•a000 i i 1984 REAL ESTATE COUNTY OF ST LUCIE PAGE 1638 PARCEL NUMBER ACREAGE USAGE DIST DR DIST CTC MTGC ' 1406-334-0009-000/8 99 00 00 0 02 JUST VA 1,000 4.6275000NTY 4.62 j KOUKAL, HARRY LND 1,000 6.2740SCHOOL 6.27 74 TIDWORTH SQUARE HOME EX 0 CITY AGINCOURT, ONTO CANADA MIS 2V3 EXEMPT 0 0.4270SFWMD .42 TCD NOR 6376.000/4 ADDHOME 0 1 .8750FIRE 1 .88 6 34 40 W 1/2 OF E 2/5 OF S 1/2 OF N 1/2 OF SE NON EX 1,000 0.4801DBT/SIS .48 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 (TRACT 240( TOTAL 13.6836 13.67 DATE PAID 03/19 RECEIPT 29904.1 PAYMENT 13.67 1406-334-0010-000/8 99 00 00 0 02 7UST'VA 1,000 4.6275000NTY 4.62 KOUKAL, HARRY LND 10000 6.2740SCHOOL 6.27 74 TIDWORTH SQUARE AGINCOURT, ONT, CANADA Mi5 2V3 ___ E EMPTX 0 CITY .42 TCD NOR 6377.000/7 ADDHOME 0 1 .8750FIRE 1 .88 6 34 40 E 1/5 OF S 1/2 OF N 1/2- OF .SE 1/4 OF SW _ _ NON. EX, 1,QOO 0,460100T/SIS .48 1/4 OF SW 1/4 (TRACT 24i) TOTAL_ 13.6836 13.67 DATE PAID 03/19 RECEIPT 29905.1 PAYMENT 13.67 1406-334-0011-000/5 99 00 00 0 02 JUST VA i,_000, 4.6275000NTY 4.62 STEPANE-K, RAYMOND J AND KATNRYN Tt _ __ -'LW__ i3Ob0 - - - 6.2740SCHOOL 6.27 5911 85 AV HOME EX 0 CITY NEW CARROLLTON, IN 20784 EXEMPT 0 _0_.4270SFWMD. .42 TCD NOR 6378:000i0 _ . __ ._ _-___-- ADDiiOF{E 0 1 .8750FIRE 1 .88 6 34 40 E 1/5 OF N 1/2 OF S 1/2 OF SE 1/4 OF SW NON EX 1,000 0.4801DBT/SIS .48 1;4 OF SW 1/4 (TRACT 259) TOTAL 13.6836 13.67 DATE PAID 01/14 - --RECEIPT 24064:2___ ___PAYMENT - 13.40 1406-334-0012-000/2 99 00 00 0 02 JUST VA 1,000 4.6275000NTY 4.62 FOSTER, W L LND _ 11000 6.2740SCHOOL 6.27 FOSTER, WILLIAM L JR HOME EX 0 CITY 897 ROLLING ROCK RD EXEMPT 0 0.4270SFWMD .42 PITTSBURGH, PA 1S234 ADDHOME _.. 0 _ 1 .3750FIRE- 1 .08 -TCD NOR 6379.000,,3 - ___. __ . _ - NON EX 1 000 0.4801DDT/SIS .40 6 34 40 W 112 OF E 2/5 OF N 1/2 OF S 1/2 OF SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF SW.-1/4. (TRACT 258) TOTAL 13.6836 13.67 DATE PAID 11/30 RECEIPT 16iB8.3 PAYMENT _. 13.12 _ __ Michelle Franklin, CFA-- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser--All rights reserved. Property Identification Site Address:TURNPIKE FEEDER RD Use Type:9900 ' 0 Sec/Town/Range:06/34S/40E Account#:6155 S o ! y� Parcel ID:1406-334-0020-000-1 Map ID: 14/06S Jurisdiction:Saint Lucie County Zoning:AR-1 Count Ownership St Lucie County 2300 Virginia AVE Fort Pierce,FL 34982 Legal Description 6 34 40 E 115 OF S 1/2 OF S 1/2 OF SE 114 OF SW 114 OF SW 114 AND W r 1/5 OF S 1/2 OF S 1/2 OF SW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 LYG W OF TRNPK FEEDER RD(TRACT 278) Current Values Just/Market Value: $13,400 E .c Assessed Value: $12,221 s �w Exemptions: Taxable Value: $12,221 Total Areas Finished/Under Air(SF): 0 Property taxes are subject to change upon Gross Finished/Under Sketched Air(rea F): 0 change of ownership. Land Size(acres): 0.63 • Past taxes are not a reliable projection of future taxes. Land Size(SF): 27,400 • The sale of a property will prompt the removal of all exemptions,assessment caps,and special classifications. Building Design Wind Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Collector's Office 12 Download TRIM for this parcel:Download PDF© Speed Occupancy Category I II III Speed 140 150 160 Sources/links: Sale History Date Book/Page Sale Deed Grantor Price Code Feb 26,2024 5116/2500 0316 WD Despagne Jean-Larice $100 Feb 26,2024 5116/2485 0318 WD Despagne Jean-Lance $305,000 Oct 30,2023 5066/2505 0311 QC Vedrine Mackenson $100 May 23,2017 4007/2668 0311 QC Despagne Martine V $100 Ju125,2016 3894/1210 0111 WD Despagne Martine V $0 Jul 21,2016 3894/2586 0205 WD Pickering Trevor J $70,000 Aug 24,2011 3318/1486 0001 WD Bemenderfer(TR)Shirley $7,500 Sep 10,2004 2074/2926 XX02 WD Bemenderfer Shirley K $100 Jan 28,2003 1660/0488 XX01 QC Hardwick Jeffrey V $100 Apr 30,1992 0788/1400 XX00 WD Frank V Malfa $14,000 Feb 9,1990 0679/1940 XXOI WD Frank V Malfa $100 Jan 5,1990 0671/1374 XX01 WD Charles A Urso $13,000 Jan 1,1986 0488/1423 XX00 CV $4,100 Dec 1,1985 0487/2360 XX00 CV $4,000 Building Information(1 of 1) Finished Area:0 SF Gross Sketched Area:0 SF Exterior Data View: Roof Cover: Roof Structure: Building Type: Year Built:N/A Frame: Grade: Effective Year:N/A Primary Wall: Story Height: No.Units:0 Secondary Wall: Interior Data Bedrooms:0 Electric: Primary Int Wall: Full Baths:0 Heat Type: Avg Hgt/Floor:0 Half Baths:0 Heat Fuel: Primary Floors: A/C%:0% Heated%:N/A% Sprinkled%:0% 1 � S, I Sketch Area Legend Sub Area Description Area Fin.Area Perimeter Special Features and Yard Items Type Qty Units Year Bit Current Year Values Current Values Breakdown Current Year Exemption Value Breakdown Building: $0 Land: $13,400 Just/Market: $13,400 Ag Credit: $0 Save Our Homes or $1,179 10%Cap: Assessed: $12,221 Exemption(s): $0 Taxable: $12,221 Current Year Special Assessment Breakdown This does not necessarily represent the total Special Assessements that could be charged against this property.The total amount charged for special assessments is reflected on the most current tax statement and information is available with the SLC Tax Collector's Office©. Historical Values Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable 2023 $13,400 $12,221 $0 $12,221 2022 $11,700 $11,110 $0 $11,110 2021 $10,100 $10,100 $0 $10,100 Permits Number Issue Date Description Amount Fee Notice:This does not necessarily represent all the permits for this property. Click the following link to check for additional permit data in Saint Lucie County All information is believed to be correct at this time,but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. ©Copyright 2024 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser.All rights reserved. '�4073i3 � WARRAf�TY �►ESQ . RAMCO FORM OI lNOM& TO IMDIYID This 10arranty Bted made the 0'� day of ' l'f- v A 1). io Y�J by ELSIE LOLS FTMCK tVWa E. MIS IAAIJkRS hereinafter called the ttranlor, to JOE HIIHMM, JR. whose postoffite address is p, O. Box 442, Fort Pierce, Florida 33450 hereinafter called the {!ranter: IWhere%er u•ed herein the tetun "trar.n.t•' and ..trantee" include All the parties to this inttrutnent and r` � ttheer`heir•. tttd reyre•tuutr•t• and a••itn• of indooduah, and the succr,w.rs and a••itns of corpocatiuml ��lntzeth• That the tfrolltor, for and its Cor``isideration of like slim of S 10.00 and other valuable considerations, rpreipt Whereof is hereby aCRnowledged. hereby (Rants, bargains, sells, aliens, re- mises. releases, conveys anti confirms urlto the grantee. all that certain land situate in St. Lucie County. Florida, l•iz: All that part of the East one fifth of the South one half of the South one half of the Southeast one quarter of the Southwest one- quarter of the Southwest one quarter together with all that part of the West one fifth of the South one half of the South one half of the Southwest one quarter of the Southeast one quarter of the Southwest one quarter of Section 6, Township 34 South, Range 40 East, St. Lucie County, Florida, lying West of the Westerly right of way line of the Sunshine State Parkway Access Road, subject to an easement for ingress and egress over and across the North 15 feet thereof, (also identified as Tract 278 as shown on Location Map "B", as drawn by McLaughlin Engineering Co. , dated April 25, 1966. ) , 1�9Q will, all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any- wise appertaining. To Not and to Hold, the same in fee simple forever. Ind the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that the grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land; that the grantor hereby fully warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and that said land is free of all encumbrances, except taxes accruing subsequent to December 31. 19 85. SUBJECT TO: Restrictions, reservations, limitations, conditions, and easements of record. hn INUMs 101tre0f, the said grantor has signed and sealed these presents the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delive in our presence: ................ .. ��.. ......... !t ' C - E. LOIS LAND ERS SPACE WOW FOE RECORDERS USE STATE OF PE3tIIdSY MIA. C01114TY OF DEL 1984 REAL ESTATE COUNTY OF ST LUCIE PAGE 1641 PARCEL NUMBER ACREAGE USAGE DIST DR DIST CTC MTGC 1406-334-0020-000/1 99 00 00 0 02 JUST Vn 6,840 4.6275COUNTY 31 .64 LANDERS, E LOIS LND 6,IB40 6.2740SCHOOL 42.91 j 1600 GARRETT RD E105 HOME EX 0 CITY UPPER DARBY, PA 19082 EXEMPT 0 0.4270SFWMD 2.92 TCD NBR 6387.000/8 ADDHOME 0 1 .8750FIRE 12.83 6 34 40 E 1/S OF S 1/2 OF S 1/2 OF SE 1/4 OF SW NON EX 6,840 0.4801DBT/SIS 3.29 1/4 OF SW 1/4 & W 1/5 OF S 1/2 OF S 112 OF SW 1/4 J OF SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 LYING W OF TRNPK FEEDER RD (TRACT 278) (OR 276-46) TOTAL 13.6836 93.59 DATE PAID 01/31 RECEIPT 2SS70.2 PAYMENT 91 .72 1406-341-0011-000/7 99 00 00 0 - 02 JUST VA 1,000 4.627SCOUNTY 4.62 BURR, CLYDE V JR LND 11000 6.2740SCHOOL 6.27 2603 MARY PL HOME EX 0 _ CITY FT WASHINGTON, MD 20744 EXEMPT 0 0.4270SFWMD .42 TCD NBR 6388.000/1 ADDHOME 0 1 .87SOFIRE 1 .88 6 34 40 E 1/2 OF W 2/S OF N 1/2 OF S 1.2 OF. NE NON EY 1,000 0.4801DBT/SIS .48 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 (TRACT 191 ) _ TOTAL 13.6836 13.67 DATE PAID 01/31 RECEIPT 2SS12.2 PAYMENT 13.40 140e-341-0012-000/4 99 00 00 0 02 JUST VA 7,370 4.6275COUNTY 34.10 III WILSON. CHRISTOPHER & ELIZABEni C L14D 7,370 6:2740SCHOOL 46.24 10001 W 32 AV HOME EX 0 CITY WHEAT RIDGE► CO 80033 EXEMPT 0 0.4270SFWMD 3.14 TCD 1BR h�89.000/4 ADDHONC- 0 1 .8750FIRE 13.82 f 6 34 40 E 1/S OF N 1/2 OF S 1.'2 OF NW 1/4 OF SE NOW EX 7,370 0.4801DBT/SIS 3.55 1/4 OF SW 1/4 AND W 1/5 OF N 1/2 OF S 1 ,2 OF HE 1/4 OF SE Ir4 OF SW 1/4 LYING E OF TRNPK F-EEOER RD (TRACT 1901 TOTAL 13.6836 t00.85 DATE PAIi1 12: 1 RECEIPT 22681 .2 PAYMENT 97.82 1 14005-341-0013-000/1 99 00 00 0 02 JUST VA 1,000 4.627SCOUNTY 2 tIITSCHE, KLAUS I.1 LND 1,000 6.27405ITOOL G.27 2811 NW 52 CT HOME EX 4 ! FT LAUDERDALE, FL 33309 EXEMPT 0 0.4270SFWMD .42 TCD NBR 63%,000/8 ADDHOME 0 1 .8750FIRE 1 .88 G 34 40 W 1/S OF S 1/2 OF S 1/2 OF 14E 1.'4 OF SE NON EX 1,A00 0.4801DBT/SIS .48 1/4 OF SW 1/4 (TRACT 209) I TOTAL 13.6636 13.67 1 DATE PAID 11/27 RECEIPT 9107.2 PAYMENT 13.12 1 .. �• • 382173 WA RRANTY O91EO RAMCO FORM O1 +•00 INS• 1NDIV10.To 10601110 I- ce 10amty Pad male the 9th day of September A. D. 14 77 by ' o DONALD. J. EDONICK, unfnarried ,c art n'I t 1 hereinafter called the grantor, to ELSIE MIS EDONICK, now E. LOIS LANDERS whose postof fice address is 1600 Garrett Road,E206, Barclay Sq. , Upper Darby, hereinafter called the grantee: Pa. 19082 IWherner used heteia the terms ••waassw" mW "traatre•' itrchmk all the parties to this imsuuwrat sad the Miry, letd repre.eutauses and awtos of i"-.iduah, nod the swcr ws and awttu of corforatiomi �o doll That floe grantor. for and in consideration of the sum of S 10,00 and other _y' valuable considerations, receipt whereof is hereby acknowlea fed. hereby grants, bargains. sells, aliens, re- ;)O o111111111 mises, releases, conveys and confirms .unto the grantee, all that certain land iituale-In St. Lucie "•' County. Florida, viz: ' IlIltHlllf�� All that part of the East one-fifth (E 1/5) of the South one-half In (S 1/2) of the South one-half (S 1/2) of the Southehst one- quarter (SE 1/4) of the Southwest one-quarter (SW 1/4) of the dl Southwest one-quarter (SW 1/4) together with all that part of o the West one-fifth. (W 1/5) of the South one-half (S 1/2_) of oy t� it the South one-half (S 1/2) of the Southwest one-quarter (SW -1/4) c of the Southeast one-quarter (SE 1/4) of the Southwest one- quarter (SW 1/4) of Section 6, Township 34 South, Range 40 east, St. Lucie County, Florida, lying. West of the Westerly right-of- way line of the Sunshine State Parkway Access Road, subject to - an easement for ingress and egress over and across the North 15 gJ,r feet thereof. (Also identified as Tract 278 as shown on • Location Map "B", as drawn by McLaughlin Engineering•Co. , �} s . dated April 25, 1966) i• 2 9 119 Toythff with all the tenements. hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any- SAINT it wise appertaining. GCY To But and to }told, the same in fee simple forever. the grantor hereby covenants with sold grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple: that the grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land: that the grantor hereby fully warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful clams of. all persons whomsoever: and that said land is free of all encumbrances, except taxes accruing subsequent to December 31. 19 7 6 The purpose of this Deed is to vest in Grantee (former spouse of Grantor) full and complete title to property deeded to Grantor and Grantee during their. marriage as tenants by entireties by . Deeddated February 20, 1967, recorded in St. Lucie County, Florida, Official Records Book 165, page 1830. In Ifib S Whtrtof, the said grantor has signed and sealed these presents the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence: f f ' '. .........................` 'J --. DONALD J. ONICK j SPACE "LOW rOR acomils U" STATE OF Pennsylvania {j