HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLANSTI KI H UT FOR KEVI N FITZG ERALD JUL 2 9 2019 ST., Lucie County, Pem RE81 &NTIAL COMMERCIAL I IR@IJC - CT — #ARI DD 13326 FL — #AR93250 IL— #001-014842 MA—#32317 NCARB — #87566 NJ — #21 AID 1 1 692DD NY — #03-034472 NC—#014537 80 — #AR993 1 TX — #21 153 WY — #C-3265 F„ 9'14 JACKHON WAY = HUTCHINHON IHLANt7, FL ul DRAWN BYS JPW CHECKED BYS JPW } PROJECT # 19-0107.184 IL DATES 01 JULY 2019 GHEET NO. 1 OF 20 GLJGCT T-1 pE.r�CRIGTION CO�/ER SHEET C-1 SITE PLAN -KEY MAP - DRAWING INDEX A-7 BUILDING � CODE DATA -GENERAL NOTES A-2 FLOOR PLAN A-9 BUILDING SECTION S-1 FRAMING DETAIL�"..o S-2 FRAMING DETAILS S-9 FRAMING DETAILS S-4 ENDUREED SYNTHETIC THATCH SPECIFICATIONS 5-5 ENDUREED SYNTHETIC THATCH .SPECIFICATIONS 5-ro ENDUREED SYNTHETIC THATCH SPECIFICATIONS 5-7 ENDUREED SYNTHETIC THATCH SPECIFICAT10N5 S-B ENDUREED .SYNTHETIC THATCH SPECIFICATIONS 5-9 ENDUREED SYNTHETIC THATCH SPECIFICATIONS 5-10 STRUCTURE WIND CALCULATIONS FP-1 ENDUREED "*%/A SYNTHETIC THATCH TEST REPORT FP-2 ENDUREED �I�A SYNTHETIC THATCH TEST REPORT FP-9 ENDUREED "%.IA SYNTHETIC THATCH TEST REPORT FP-4 ENDUREED "*VA SYNTHETIC THATCH TEST REPORT FPS ENDUREED "*%/A SYNTHETIC THATCH TEST REPORT Christine's Coastal Treasures Address: 914 la&mn Way, HukNnson Island FL 34949 KEVIN FITZGERALD Phone: (%1)601-9157 Wehsite: httpW wwchnsunescoastalueasures.coM 0 SC�.LE: 7" c 7000' FOUND PK NAIL AND DISC SHED .OT 10 0 0 z- 8A B/L 11 new section MoD DOCKS 31.321 O 70' and O N N h C A N A L ' NNW 99.14 -(M) "W 100.00.(p) CINCRE7E HEADWALL PAIM AND AREA 30.00' ONE STORY C.B.S. RESIDENCE LOT FRONT PORCH BRICK PAVER —WALKWAY in FOUL A CC IHUT IIGN I_Irtrwll=ra ❑CT ^ #ARI 0013326 ■FL ^- #AR93250 OIL— #001-014842 ❑MA ^ #3231 7 ❑NCARB — #67566 ❑NJ ^- #21AIC1 169LOO ❑NY — #03-034472 ❑NC ^#014537 ❑BC ^ #AR9931 ❑TX ^ #21 1 53 ❑ WY ^- #C-3265 FOUND M IRON 90.0 . J00 7l 100. 00 FOUh Z. '.a DRAWING TITLE ROD (NO ID) ROD KITH P!_41V o z° lGE3Y M4G omu pWG. IIVDHX N ry JA WAY v 3a EndureedThalch 7H8119 O. DATE .CKSON CEN7ERLlNE OF 50' ROIGHT OF WAY' n / LOCATION OWNEKEG N PITZ6L3 ZALt� ASPHAL T PA VEMENT = Ur T H NEON S`LA G, ti DRAWN BYs JFW CHECKED BYs JPW } PROJECT # 19-0107,164 a DATES 01 JULY 2019 m ET NO. SITE �L,�IV J 6 BUILDING COt�� D,�►T.4 GENSI�.�L NOTES m `o nm 1. USE GROUP: (U) UTILITY - ACCESSORY STRUCTURE 1. ALL FASTENERS SHALL BE FASTENMASTER TIMBERL.OK HEAVY DUTY WOOD SCREWS. FASTENERS SHALL GO THROUGH SECONDARY MEMBERS AND HAVE A MINIMUM 3" 2. CONSTRUCTION CLLA551FICATON: TYPE VB (UNPROTECTED) EMBEDMENT INTO MAIN MEMBER, 3. 'VIVA BY ENDUREED SYNTHETIC THATCH" HAS A FLAME SPREAD INDEX OF 15 AND A 2. ALL COLUMNS ARE EXISTING P.T. MARINE GRADE WOOD DOCK PILES. ALL PROPOSED 4 SMOKE DEVELOPED INDEX OF 500 PER ASTM E84 AND UL723. WOOD GIRDERS, RAFTERS AND PURLINS SHALL BE SOLID BLONDE BALD CYPRESS, o° GRADE 2 4. PROPOSED DESIGN: ONE STORY TIKI HUT - RECTANGLE (10 FT x 12 FT)WANSKUS: 3. "VIVA" BY ENDUREED SYNTHETIC THATCH SHALL COVER PURLINS TO PROVIDE A AOiCHITECTIIRE 5. STRUCTURE HEIGHT: 13'-0" WATER RESISTANT ROOF. "VIVA' BY ENDUREED SYNTHETIC THATCH SHALL BE FASTENED o WITH 1-11W STAINLESS STEEL RING -SHANK NAILS OR 1-1/4" #8 STAINLESS STEEL SCREWS = REBIDS NTIAL 6. STRUCTURE AREA: 120 5F - 168 5F (CANOPY AREA) PER MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS (SEE DRAWINGS 9-4 - 5-9). m COMMERCIAL 7. DESIGN LOADS: LIVE LOAD e 24.78 PEP (DOWNFORCE) -4130 PSF (UPLIFT) D 4. NO PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL WORK 15 PROPOSED. z Dtki Hi EBI�N DEAD LOAD = 10.00 PEP m` '&- 5. ALL WORK SHALL BE INSTALLED SHALL BE OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY FOR EACH J EVELF7PM ENT 6. STRUCTURE DESIGN WIND SPEED: 170 MPH min. FOR "ULTIMATE DESIGN WIND SPEED" RESPECTIVE TRADE. im mm .C788'HAMOARINAYE.. 'NORTH PD RT; il. T.• 441.-984:8993 9. WIND IMPORTANCE FACTOR 1.00 G. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED (U.O.N.), ALL WORK SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR A am Fl .941:. 8999, MINIMUM OF ONE 0) YEAR FROM THE DATE OF OCCUPANCY. •G 3 ElwiuunisQwoceow 10. WIND EXPOSURE: D - CATEGORY II- 7. ANY SUBSTITUTIONS SHALL BE APPROVED IN WRITING BY OWNER AND ARCHITECT. e 11. THE INTERNAL COEFFICIENT = 0 mm .1 O H N P. WAN 5 K V 9 S. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. DIMENSIONS SHALL BE USED FOR LAYOUT PURPOSES. :RA Nr-ARR 12. ALL NEW STRUCTURES ON THIS PLAN ARE DESIGNED AS OPEN, ANY DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY FOR °0 1 Imo. CVARIFICATON. zW 13. MAIN FRAME STRUCTURE 15 DESIGNED FOR HURRICANE LOADS AS PER ASCE 7-10. °-° ❑ CT ^ #ARI 01313326 ^- #AR93250 9. THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN PREPARED WITH THE 2017 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, LIFE of NFL MI 14. FASTENASTER TIMBERLOK SCREWS TO PENETRATE A MINIMUM OF 3 INCHES TO SAFETY CODE, FLORIDA FIRE PREVENTION CODE. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, SAID W OIL ^ #OD 1 -0 14842 ❑ MA ^R #323 1 7 RESIST THE DESIGN WIND FORGE. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS COMPLY WITH THE APPLICABLE MINIMUM BUILDING CODES ❑NCARB ^" #67566 AND THE APPLICABLE MINIMUM FIRE SAFETY STANDARDS AS DETERMINED IN c� El NJ -•� #21 AI01 1 69200 _ ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTERS 553 AND 633 LAWS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA (FBC j0 ❑NY - #03-034472 106.16 o ONO ^-#014537 m� "w CSC ^ #AR9931 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT "SUNSHINE STATE" ONE CALL, FP$L, AND ALL ` ❑TX ^- #21 153 OTHER UTILITY COMPANIES PRIOR TO ANY WORK ON51TE OR OFFSITE 50 THAT THE m° - #C-3265 EXACT LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES CAN BE DETERMINED. zm 11. IF EVIDENCE OF THE EXISTENCE OF HISTORIC RESOURCES 15 DISCOVERED OR mJ OBSERVED AT DEVELOPMENT SITE OR DURING DEVELOPMENT ACTVITIES AFTER FINAL �m �� OF O� APPROVAL, ALL WORK SHALL CEASE IN THE AREA OF EFFECT AS DETERMINED BY THE c DIRECTOR. THE DEVELOPER, OWNER, CONTRACTOR OR AGENT THEREOF SHALL NOTIFY °q �Qr'• •'.� THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORICAL RESOURCES (HISTORY CENTER) WITHIN TWO WORKING pIL y: DAYS. o %• JINN kUS •: EXAMPLES OF EVIDENCE OF HISTORIC RESOURCES INCLUDE WHOLE OR FRAGMENTARY zm • STONE TOOLS, SHELL TOOLS, ABORIGINAL OR HISTORIC POTTERY, HISTORIC GLASS, :m A . 0 �Gj•, HISTORIC BOTTLES, BONE TOOLS, HISTORIC BUILDING FOUNDATIONS, SHELL MOUNDS, SHELL MIDDENS OR SAND MOUNDS. THE DIRECTOR SHALL ASSESS THE SIGNIFICANCE zm OF THE FINDS AND MITIGATE ANY ADVERSE EFFECTS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, BUT NOT TF • LATER THAN THREE WORKING DAYS OF NOTIFICATION. m �> Ep ARG� IF ANY HUMAN SKELETAL REMAINS OR ASSOCIATED BURIAL ARTIFACTS ARE <° VA loon YIFSI•N o SEALED 9 DATED DISCOVERED AT DEVELOPMENT SITES OR DURING DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY, ALL WORK co IN THE AREA MUST CEASE, AND THE PERMITEE MUST IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE NEAREST <W DRAWING TITLE LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICE AND NOTIFY THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORICAL RESOURCES m ° COOE WITHIN TWO WORKING DAYS. ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 672, FL-ORIDA STATUTES, IT 15 UNLAWFUL TO DISTURB, VANDALIZE OR DAMAGE A HUMAN BURIAL, a° NOTES ° o° Endureed Thatch 7H8179 m OI REV.ATE ° OWNER / LOCATION �u KEVIN FITZOERALG F 914 JAGK80N WAY HUTCHIN60N 16LAND, FL DRAWN BYr JPW UI CHECKED BYI JPW PROJECT#19-0107.164 } IL DATE101 JULY 2019 SHEET NO. 11 Ll 4k. �l ® 3 OF 20 ENDURED "VIVA" SYNTHETIC THATCH ATTACHED TO RAFTERS WITH 1-1/4" #8 STAINLESS STEEL RING -SHANK NAILS. (SEE DETAILS - DRAWINGS 9-4, 5-5, S-6, S-7, S-6 I$ 9-9) 10" FASTENMASTER TIMBERLOK SCREW FROM RAFTERS INTO BEAM — 1 15" FASTENMASTER TIMBERLOK SCREW FROM BEAM INTO PILES (COUNTERSUNK) 6" SOLID CYPRESS COLLAR TIE (TYP) \ �6" DIA. SOLID CYPRESS RAFTERS 0_ BEYOND (TYP) lu Q V - OL 8" SOLID O W CYPRESS 1 0 W HEADER ab EXISTING allPRESSURE= ONC TREATED (P.T.) 0 tu Z MARINE GRADE PILE Z (TYP) � D MIN. BEARING CAPACITY: 3,557 L.BS. (2,612 LBS - LIVE LOAD (WIND) 745 LBS - DEAD LOAD - ��� II II11111 DIA. SOLID CYPRESS tiFTERB @ 3'-D" o/c (MAX. - TYP) 10" FASTENMASTER TIMBERLOK SCREW FROM COLLAR TIE INTO RAFTERS 3" SOLID CYPRESS PURLINS BEAM HAS LINCOLN 'I -O LOG STYLE CUT WD. DECKING (DOCK) 2" x 12" JOISTS @ 16" o/c EXIST. (2) 2" x 12" BEAM EA. SIDE APPROX. MLWL -0.1' APPROX. MLW SAND -3.0' REM NS KI EE Ok 1 I r MbLar C _ Z °e ❑CT —• #ARI 001 3326 O NFL ^• #AR93250 1 92lElwy ❑IL ^ #OO1-C14B42 Ww❑MA —#32317 ❑NCARB —• #67566 r— u°❑ NJ — #21 AIO 1 1 69200 i°El NY —• #C3-034472 ¢�❑NC Z#014537 a ❑BC#AR9931 Wa❑TX #21 1 53 m. •—#C-3265 0 ry T HUTCHINBON IBL�N=. Fi- B DRAWN BYt JPW CHECKED BYi JFW } PROJECT # 19-0107.1B4 IL DATEt 01 JULY 2019 0 HHEE'T No.. t ��� y 1�5C 4L6: 1/2" = T-O" 10" FASTENMASTER TIMBERLOK SCREW MIN. 4" ATTACHMENT: TENSION: 1,215 FT. LBS/SCREW SHEAR: 965 FT. LBS/SCREW BENDING: 187,S00 PSI/SCREW DIA. SOLID BLONDE BALD CYPRESS IDGE. :" FASTENMASTER SCREW (TYP) i' DIA. SOLID BLONDE BALD CYPRESS AFTER. (RIDGE CONNECTION) IA. SOLID BLONDE BALD CYPRE: LAR TIE. °ASTENh- IASTER SCREW (TYP) IA. SOLID BLONDE BALD CYPRE: TER. (R.aaFTER - COLLAR -TIE CONNECTION) CO I IRFNRFQ ❑CT ^ #ARI 01313326 NFL ^- #AR932513 ❑ I L — #00 1 -0 1 4642 Cl MA —#32317 ❑NCARB — #67566 ❑NJ ^ #21 AIO1 1 69ZOO ❑NY ^- #03-034472 ONO --#014537 ❑SC — #AR9931 ❑TX ^- #21 153 lEIW'Y #C-3265 7 F, HU- JACK50N WAY HUTCHINSON IHLi+.NG, FL u1 DRAWN BYI JPW CHECKED BYI JPW } PROJECT # 19-0107.164 d DATEI OI JULY 2019 0 SHEET NO. O .= �I ® 6 OF 20 "ON 133N1! ® 0 j MSN:�S I9d OOE'G9L-'9NION39 MM:0'S/591 'ld 906 :N*aH5 M3�JO5/59"1 '1d Sz,L :NOISN31 „ti 'NIW M3TJ�5 >IO"I�J39WI1 T�91^dWN31-^dd „OL 6tOZ ,4,-Inr, l0131Va1N3WH0'd11'd bBl'GOLO-6L# to3road A Mar IAe a331a3No Mdr Ae NMvILO G] H -1d 'GN•d'l51 N09NIH�lf'1H �r h NOS��dr b1.6 ,�o � aoii M7NaMo 'IIdN 3LL-t�39W11 90H 3.LIN-dl'dO (009) .,9 °a-m G ciimu nnieu• nnnmmo m ea "11'dN >INVHS-9NI2i �d -73319 90H a.LZ-d1219 (OOb) ZA 9 x / # ai 0 911110NIMVtIO ma 'o 'IIdN 311'Ll39WI190H 3117J'd1219 (09L).L/L E i� ��l 00�1 7�V.�i .s =m -1MN NOW WOO 90H 3J.IJ-d1219 (09).Z �C z 61✓9 L ''•�i9 > 4=ME04 m� em s9zE-o# -- AM❑ em E9 L L Z# -� X1I7 as L E66LIV# — 080 a LES'b LO#— ON❑ (NOIl�HIVIVO� CIb'� ��Ci1�1 IV1�1�1r'Ici) ZLVt,00-EO# — AND '' OOZ69L LOIVIZ#— rN❑ 'O 999L9# — eaVON❑ i LLEZE#— VW❑ � ZVE3V LO-LOO# — 11❑ OszE6av# — -mm m5010504 9ZEEtoo lav# -ta❑ NZ 559zid.�� ci"1`d9 5CINO"19 CI-105 "vl4 „o 835lq-ffmTTalclvu xo __ 'll`dN >IN'dH5-�JNI?J -19915 OCIH 911J-dl?>JO (CIO•-) 2:A 9 x u 1 .0 "11`dN 911-ai991-JU- -0ciH 911zi-dimo (ciao) „o "••' 'NI'Izind N L71B3O m 559�d.�� ci-1`d9 9ciN0-19 C1705 ''dlci .,E .Lnk. 13111 =i -IVIOm3W W0:7 m 7kiuN G163H = (d.U..) ONlOcilzl9 9NId MO'1"19.� 38�1�311Nomw „ N?'J9H1r10B ('1'd) ci91`d9i'J1 9?�r1559?'Jd b x Z -11`dN 911-Z" aG 41 OC1H 911 J-dlzl0 (Clop 2:A E VOW (d.lJ..) M9z1�5 z1915�dWN915d� „Ol Oec-lOa -a 'vaaD D115f• -ai) eNIdOOzi -raz! cia:)v: Jrns 91,v7s (9ciIM „os) #as O>IWv-L NAN :/o .vz: c7 ('1'd) ci91v?'J1 az f1559a„v x ,,9 -11" 911-2�99W11 00H 911?J-dIJo (ciao) ,.o LJ r Flap QFlap Close up r— Fold line Purlin — Fastening Fold line Fold flap under Fold Line Fasten nail/screw through shingle and flap Nail Location Installation: Eave Tools Needed • Nail Gun/Drill Driver • Hammer • Utility Knife • Ladder/Scaffold • Tape Measure Construct the eave by installing the first row of field shingles on the second purlin, nailing on every indent except the top corner. Place a nail to the lower purlin at the end of the shingle, which will be covered by the following shingle. Always leave a minimum 2" inch side lap on all shingle installations. Install the second row of the eave detail with the top of the shingle attached to the lowest purlin, nailing through both layers and into the lowest purlin. Placing the shingles at random heights creates a more natural appearance on the eave overhang. Finally, the third row will attach to the some purlin as the first row. Make sure all side laps are a minimum of two inches. Materials Needed �h l RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL TIKI HUT DESIBN CT ^ #ARI 001 3326 FL— #AR93250 IL — #001 -01 4842 MA — #3231 7 NCARB ^- #67566 NJ ^ #21 AIO 1 169200 NY — #03-034472 NO —#014537 SC — #AR9931 TX #21 1 53 WY #C-3265 FkPROJECT HINBON 1 B NCB FLN BYz JPW KED BY. JPW # 19-0107.164 d01 JULY2019 0T NO.®11 OF 20 Tools Needed • Nail Gun/Drill Driver • Hammer • Utility Knife • Ladder/Scaffold • Tape Measure Installation: Field Materials Needed Begin field shingle installation 3 "�, " Hi Rafter at the hip. Extend field shingle j n, }ti 3" over the center line of the hip. Fasten field shingle to the purlin, 3-4" unfost d leaving 3-4" from the hip - unfastened. Continue fastening, leaving the top corner unfastened, see X. Place one fastener in the field shingle on the purlin below. �! r I / Overlap the next field shingle over 2" inch verlap the first by min. 2". Fasten through both shingles on the overlap at the corner. Installation: Field As you install the field shingles, be sure to off -set each row from the previous row at a minimum of 8" L11 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL TI ICI IHu3 I MF_bL5 . CT -- #ARI CD 1 3326 FL— #AR93250 IL— #1301-1314842 MA ^-#32317 NCARS — #67566 NJ — #21 AIC 1 1 69200 NY — #03-034472 NO —#014537 SC -- #AR9931 TX #21 153 WY ^ #13-3265 • .•'ON�FI'V EO •: • F„ 9'14 JACKSON WAY NUTCHIN60N 16Lo.NG, FL ul DRAWN BY7 JPW E CHECKED BYI JPW Y PROJECT # 19-0107.184 IL DATE101 JULY 2019 0 SHEET NO. ® 12 OF 20 ENDUIZE�D "�/l�/.�-�a" SYNTHETIC TI-1,4TCH S�,�CI�IC,aaTIONS m m W Wm n x r Installation: Hip Installation: Hip - 0 zm m F Tools Needed Materials Needed WaNsKu;s CHITEftiE Fasten the corners of the a o R EBIDENTI^L • Nail Gun/Drill Driver • Hammer field shingles over the top z TIKI HLIT COMMERCIAL • Utility Knife • Ladder/Scaffold + ' y[i s��. of the hip/ridge shingle. / / s I M't WW m' im DEBIbN EVEL0 Pr -ENT • Tape Measure ,•��� } 1• NORTH PORT.AFL vai sea.'esoe. ,I ;m s�I ENiAN�IN.�AGLOOAI � 111 W C mlONN P. WANSKUS OW RA NICARS 1 1RFN 4Ff"--. ❑CT ^ #ARI CC13326 9� Hip/Ridge Continue installing hip/ridge o� ■FL ^- #AR93250 OIL— #00 1 -0 1 4B42 shingles 1 per row, lifting the field `/ w ❑ MA ^- #323 1 7 ❑NCARB ^ #67566 shingles and fastening the •, - uQ ❑NJ —#21 A101169200 hip/ridge shingle to the previous-� AIM❑NC %;.� o El #03-034472 —#014537 Pullin. /� , Jti m ❑BC ^� #AR9931 r'• i mm ❑TX ^ #21 1 53 ❑WY — #C-3265 Start the hip comer by stacking 2 hip/ridge shingles and inserting F°/ '� ( I Z. < M` mm OF F 0 under the field shingle corners. ` a W . �O 01CID om zo ,m .: m o Fasten the corners of the field shingles over the top m� ED ARG ` Place fasteners (2) through the two stacked hi shingles P 9 intooc of the hip/ridge shingle., vA to c ou YIxcI.N o A oAOA o the lower purlin \ % ` I \�\i m DRAWIND TITLE !i ' = u o Y Tl--f 4TCH OET�aILs Ii 1 t mm °W Endureed Thatch D O ATE OWNER / LOCATION KEmN jl�=I _O= wA WAY —CMA3: = Hul =HIN040N HUTCHINBON 16L4NC, FL DRAWN BYI JPW ul } CHECKED BY: JPW PROJECT # 19-0107.164 a OATEI 01 JULY 20t9 BHEET NO. G -ca m•1133 0 Cl ® OF 20 i Tools Needed • Nail Gun/Drill Driver • Hammer • Utility Knife • Ladder/Scaffold • Tape Measure 11 Make sure the top rows of the field shingle are overlapping the top of the ridge, this ensures the waterproofing for the ridge. Cover the ridge by installing the hip/ridge shingles perpendicular to the field rows, centering the shingles on the ridge with a 6" inch spacing. Use a minimum of 4 nails per ridge/hip shingle, placing the nails as far off the center as possible. Install the ridge shingles beginning at the ends of the ridge, working toward the center. Installation: Rid Materials Needed Hip/Ridge e Installation: Rid A folded Hip/Ridge shingle can be used to create a transition between the Hip/Ridge shingles Fc running in opposite directions. 0 a.'4�U,�'.rI CO ICI LICENSES m ❑CT #ARI 0013326 NFL— #AR93250 OIL— #O01-014842 ❑MA—#32317 ❑NCARB ^ #67566 ❑ NJ — #21 AIC 1 1 6921313 o ❑NY ^ #C3-C34472 ❑NC—#C14537 ❑BC — #AR9931 m ❑TX — #21 153 ❑wY — #C-3265 F„ 014 JACKEON WAY HUTCHIN60N 1—OLANC, FL [� DRAWN BYI JPVV CHECKED BYI JPW } PROJECT # 19-0107.184 h DATER 01 JUL*( 2019 0 SHEET NO. ® ��40 J WIND C,�LCUL,4TIONS o 6 m IEecaWind v2327 W a Software Developer: Meca Enterprises Inc., www.meca.biz, Copyright 9I 2018 u z f Calculations Prepared by: Calculations Prepared For: Client: KEVIN FITZGERALD m Date: Jul 01, 2019 Project #: 19-0107.184 0 Designer: John P. Wanskus, RA, NCARB Location: 914 Jackson Way, Hutchinson Island, FL o° Description: F° TIKI HOT L ' WAN S KU;S, AQtCWITECTURE FileLocation : C:\Program Files (x86)\MecaWind\TIKI HUTS UNLIMITED\FITZGERALD.wnd a RESIDENTIAL CWW 'n wma ° 6 COMMERCIAL Basic Wind Parameters Direction o TIICI'HUT Wind Load Standard = ASCE 7-10 Exposure Category = D u DESIGN Wind Design Speed = 170.0 mph Risk Category = II g 7=0. �, EVELC]PMEw Structure Type - Building Building Type = Open h YP 4 4 YP P Wm 4736'HANYARD7IVE.- z 'NORTH PORT, FL General Wind Settings g ° a T:941.,e6C 6994 F1 941: sea. e99e; = ASCE 7-10 Wind Parameters = •�° 'E:W wNaIOJC.¢¢N � AO _." _ Incl_IF = Include ASD Load Factor of 0.6 in Pressures = False _ --- DynType = Dynamic Type of Structure = Rigid MWFRS Pressures per Fig 27.4-5 on Pitched Free Roof - Wind Dir 0 Deg -- NF = Natural Frequency of Structure (Mode 1) = 10.000 Hz All wind pressures include a load factor of 1.0 ° m NF = Natural Frequency of Structure - 10.000 Hz 3 Alt = Altitude (Ground Elevation) above Sea Level = 0.000 ft Load Case Cnw Cnl Pnw Pnl RA INIMARM I Ir.F N g r e Bdist = Base Elevation of Structure = 0.000 ft psf psf zW GenElev - Specify the Elevations For Wind Pressures = Automatic ----------- ------ ------ ----- ------ F ❑ CT ^ #ARI DO 1 3 3 2 a SOB = Simple Diaphragm Building - False Load Case A 1.300 0.450 71.59 24.78 ■ FL - #AR9 3 2 5D MWFRS - Analysis Procedure being used for MWFRS - Ch 27 Pt 1 Load Case B -0.150 -0.750 -8.26 -41.30 52 OIL- #DO 1-O 1 4B 42 C&C = Analysis Procedure being used for C&C - Ch 30 Pt 5 wW € ❑ MA - #3 2 3 1 7 ❑NCARB ^ #a75aa Reacs = Show the Base Reactions in the output - False Notes: o ❑NJ - #21 AIO 1 1 a9200 MWFRSType = MWFRS Method Selected = Ch 27 Pt 1 Pnw, = Pressure on windward portion of roof: qh*G*Cnw*LF (Eqn 27.9-9] W >° ❑NY #03-034472 Pnl = Pressure On Leeward portion Of roof: qh*G*Cnl*LF [Eqn 27.9-91 ❑ N C ^ #O 1 453 7 Topographic Factor per Fig 26.8-1 All wind pressures include a load factor of 1.0 °nm O 6 C ^• #AR993 1 Topo = Topographic Feature = None + Pressures Acting TOWARD Surface - Pressures Acting AWAY from Surface WE ❑TX ^' #2 1 1 53 Kzt = Topographic Factor = 1.000 °a ❑ WY _• #13-3 2 a 5 Wind Pressures on Open Building Pitched Free Roof per Fig 27.4.7 - Wind Dir 90'Dog: uW Building Inputs tm RoofType: Roof Type = Pitched Pitched = r OF. F h Mean Roof Height = 10.000 ft L Width Normal to Ridge- 10.000 ft L p° G {i ,...n , •.:f'� D Length Along Ridge = 12.000 ft WindFlow: Wind Flow Method = Clear ° �Q'�' ••.•� Slope Slope of Roof = 33.69 Deg i3 (q .' It Expbauze Constants per Table 26.9-1: Alpha: Const from Table 26.9-1= 11.500 Zg: Const from Table 26.9-1= 700.000 ft Pitc ed Z°m At: Const from Table 26.9-1= 0.087 Bt: Const from Table 26.9-1= 1.070 Am: Const from Table 26.9-1= 0.111 Bm: Const from Table 26.9-1- 0.800 Distance sm im . A 3 ~ (� C: Const from Table 26.9-1= 0.150 Eps: Const from Table 26.9-1- 0.125 from Windward Gust Factor Calculation: Edge mz tan R E;....D Gust Factor Category I Rigid Structures - Simplified Method e e zz G1 = For Rigid Structures (Nat. Freq.>1 Hz) use 0.85 - 0.85 Wind Direction aW Gust Factor Category II Rigid Structures - Complete Analysis 90m Y a° DRAW1Nm TITLE Zm = 0.6 * Ht - 7.000 ft aW m Izm = Cc (33 / Zm) 0.167 - 0.199 ° P4L_M Lzm = L * (Zm / 33) Epsilon 535.972 Open Building Along Ridge Pressures. per Fig 27.4-7 - Wind 90 Deg ? Q = (1 / (1 + 0.63 * ((B + Ht) / Lzm)^0.63))^0.5 = 0.963 All wind pressures include a load factor of 1.0 z JiZt:�Njrn G2 = 0.925*((1+1.7*lzm*3.4*Q)/(1+1.7*3.4*lzm)) = 0.907 Me Gust Factor Used in Analysis Roof Var Start End CnA CnB Pressure Pressure o G Lessor Of G1 Or G2 = 0.650 Dist Dist PnA PnB ° EndureedThatch 7/18/19 ft ft psf psf ; O.REV. I DATE ________ ______ _____ ________ ________ Main Wind Force ResistingSystem MWFRS Calculations per Ch 27 Part 1: -----' _----- Y ( ] p -W OWNER/LOCATION = IF - Load Factor based upon STRENGTH Design 1.00 Roof_1 0.000 10.000 0.800 0.800 -44.06 44.06 KeVIN FITZCaewLO Zh - Mean Roof Height for Kh: h + Base Dist = 10.000 ft Roof 2 10.000 20.000 -0.600 0.500 -33.04 27.53 g - - F 994 JACKO=N w?.Y HLTCHINSGN 16LAN=, F:L Kh = Since Zh<15 ft [4.572 m] --> 2.01 * (15/z g)^(2/Alpha) 1.030 DRAWN BYr JPW Kzt - Topographic Factor is 1 since no Topographic feature specified - 1.000 Notes Roof Pressures: C Kd - Wind Directionality Factor per Table 26.6-1 - 0.85 Start Dist - Start Dist from Windward Edge End Dist = End Dist from Windward Edge CHECKED EO KED 6Yi JtT•V CHECKPROJECT BYIJ 07.184 qh - (0.00256 * Kh * Kzt * Kd * V^2) * IF - 64.79 psf CnA - Cn for Load Case A CnB - Cn for Load Case B } DATEIOIJULY 2019 PnA - qh*G*CnA (Eqn 27.4-31 PnB - qh*g*CnB (Eqn 27.4-3] IL O H EFT NO. Wind Pressures on Open Building Pitched Free Roof per Fig 27.4.4 - Wind Dir 0 Deg: + Pressures Acting TOWARD Surface - Pressures Acting AWAY from Surface O] [ ® 150E 20 l O a LU W Page 1 of 9 REPORT NUMBER: 102741688SAT-001A ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE: September 20, 2016 REVISED DATE: EVALUATION CENTER Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. 16015 Shady Falls Road Elmendorf, TX 78112 RENDERED TO Global Innovations, LLC 496 S.W. Ring Court Lake City, FL 32025 Report of Testing "VIVA by Endureed, Synthetic Thatch" for compliance with the applicable requirements of the following criteria: ASTM E84-16 TEST FOR SURFACE BURNING CHARACTERISTICS OF BUILDING MATERIALS (UL 723, UBC 8-1, NFPA 255) Project No. 102741688SAT-001A Global Innovations, LLC Specimen I. D. "VIVA by Endureed, Synthetic Thatch" September 20, 2016 Page 2 of 9 Test Standard: ASTM E84-16 TEST FOR SURFACE BURNING CHARACTERISTICS OF BUILDING MATERIALS (UL 723, UBC 8-1, NFPA 255) Test Date: September 20, 2016 Client: Global Innovations, LLC Test Results: FLAME SPREAD INDEX 15 SMOKE DEVELOPED INDEX 500 UL 723 Sections 7.3.2 and 7.3.4 Ceiling Position Calculations. Flame Spread Index Smoke Developed Index Ceiling Position 15 300 Darrell Gonzales Technician II Reviewed and approved: ervando Romo Project Engineer RE51 Ik 1 IRCIJQPC 'le ❑CT ^ #ARt 0073326 i NFL -- #AR93250 1�luvvy OIL— #001-014842 ;w❑MA ^#32317 ❑NCARB ^ #6756fi i ❑NJ ^ #21 AI01 169200 :a❑NY ^ #03-034472 i�ONO ^#014537 I�❑BC ^ #AR9931 �o❑TX — #21 1 53 ^ #C-3265 kIAlp • 1„ 9'14 JACKBON WAY HUTCHINBON IBLANG. FL B DRAWN BYI JPW � CN ECKED BYI JPW } PROJECT # 19-0107.164 R DATE101 JULY 2019 D SHEET NO. y C] 16 OF 20 Project No. 102741688SAT-001A September 20, 2016 Global Innovations, LLC Page 3 of 9 INTRODUCTION This report describes the results of the ASTM E84-16 TEST FOR SURFACE BURNING CHARACTERISTICS OF BUILDING MATERIALS a method for determining the comparative surface burning behavior of building materials. This test is applicable to exposed surfaces, such as ceilings or walls, provided that the material or assembly of materials, by its own structural quality or the manner in which it is tested and intended for use, is capable of supporting itself in position or being supported during the test period. The purpose of the method is to determine the relative burning behavior of the material by observing the flame spread along the specimen. Flame spread and smoke density developed are reported, however, there is not necessarily a relationship between these two measurements. "The use of supporting materials on the underside of the test specimen may lower the flame spread index from that which might be obtained if the specimen could be tested without such support... This method may not be appropriate for obtaining comparative surface burning behavior of some cellular plastic materials... Testing of materials that melt, drip, or delaminate to such a degree that the continuity of the flame front is de- stroyed, results in low flame spread indices that do not relate directly to indices ob- tained by testing materials that remain in place." This test method is also published under the following designations: NFPA 255 U L 723 UBC 8-1 This standard should be used to measure and describe the properties of materials, products, or assemblies In response to heat and flame under controlled laboratory conditions and should not be used to describe or appraise the fire hazard or fire risk of materials, products, or assemblies under actual fire conditions. However, results of this test may be used as elements of a fire risk assessment which takes into account all of the factors which are pertinent to an assessment of the tire hazard of a par- ticular end use. Project No. 102741688SAT-001A September 20, 2016 Global Innovations, LLC Page 4 of 9 II. PURPOSE The ASTM E84 (25 foot tunnel) test method is intended to compare the surface flame spread and smoke developed measurements to those obtained from tests of fiber cement board and select grade red oak flooring. The test specimen surface (18 inches wide and 24 feet long) is exposed to a flaming fire exposure during the 10 minute test duration, while flame spread over its surface and density of the resulting smoke are measured and recorded. Test results are presented as the computed comparisons to the standard calibration materials. The furnace is considered under calibration when a 10 minute test of red oak decking will pass flame out the end of the tunnel in five minutes, 30 seconds, plus or minus 15 seconds. The fiber cement board which complies with Annex A3 of the ASTM E 84 standard forms the zero point for both flame spread and smoke developed indexes, while the red oak flooring smoke developed index is set as 100. III. TEST PROCEDURE The tests were conducted in accordance with the procedures outlined in the ASTM E84. The specimens are placed directly on the tunnel ledges. As required by the standard, one or more layers of 0.25 inch thick reinforced concrete board are placed on top of the test sample between the sample and the tunnel lid. After the test, the samples are removed from the tunnel, examined and disposed of. This report Is for the exclusive use of Inter[ek's Client and is provided pursuant to the agreement between Intertek and its Client Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client in accordance vdth the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of the report. Only the Client Is aulhort red to copy or distribute this report and then only in Its entirely. Any use of Intertek name or one of Its marks for the sale or advertisement of the tested material, product or service must first be approved In writing by Intertek The observations and lest results In this report are relevant only to the sample tested. This report by itself does not imply that the material, product, or service is or has ever been under an Intertek certification program. IV. REVISION SUMMARY t [ r&F_hLE F R OCT — #ARI CID 133z6 NFL — #AR9325D DI — #DD1-Ell 41342 ❑MA—#32317 ❑NCAREI — #67566 ❑ NJ — #21 AID 1 1 692130 ❑NY — #03-D34472 ❑NC—#1314537 ❑SC—#AR9931 ❑TX ^- #21 1 53 1EIWY — #C-3265 .� R F HU- JACKBON WAY = HUTCHIN60N 18La.NC, FL E9 DRAWN BY[ JPW —�, CHECKED BY[ JPW } PROJECT # 19-0107.184 IL DATE[ 01 JULY 2019 C3 BHEET NO. F:- P='-2 0 17 OF 20 �NC�UREED "�/1�/.�° SYNTHETIC TH,�TCH TEST RESORT Project No. 102741688SAT-001A September20, 2015 Project No. 102741688SAT-001A September 20,2016 Global Innovations, LLC Page 5 of 9 Global Innovations, LLC Page 6 of 9 V. DESCRIPTION OF TEST SPECIMENS Date Received: 9/16116 Date placed in the conditioning room: 9/16/16 Conditioning (730F & 50% R.H.): 4 days Specimen Width (in): 24 Specimen Length (ft): 24 Specimen Thickness (in): 0.06 Material Weight (Ibs): 10 Specimen Description: The specimen was described by the client as "synthetic thatch shingle". The 24-ft. long test specimen consisted of eight 3-ft. long sections of plastic foliage. The product was received by our personnel in good condition and given an identification number of SAT1609161717-001. Mounting Method: The specimen was supported by 0.25 inch diameter metal rods that were spaced approximately every two feet and 20 - gage, 2-inch hexagonal galvanized steel netting. The specimen was the same on both sides. UL 723 Tenth Edition - Ceiling position calculations - Sections 7.3.2 and 7.3.4: The ceiling position Flame Spread Index result is based on the maximum flame spread at the ceiling position. The ceiling smoke developed Index result is based on the area under the obscuration curve which is recorded until the time of maximum flame front advancement at the ceiling position and floor ignition occurs. UL 723 Sections 7.3.2 and 7.3.4 Ceiling Position Calculations. Flame Spread Index Smoke Developed Index Ceiling Position 15 300 The test results, computed on the basis of observed flame front advance and electronic smoke density measurements are presented in the following table. VI. TEST RESULTS & OBSERVATIONS The test results, computed on the basis of observed flame front advance and electronic smoke density measurements are presented in the following table. Test Specimen Flame Spread Index Smoke Developed Index "VIVA by Endured, Synthetic Thatch" 15 500 The data sheets are included in Appendix A. These sheets are actual print-outs of the computerized data system which monitors the tunnel furnace, and contain all calibration and specimen data needed to calculate the test results. VIL OBSERVATIONS During the test, the specimen was observed to behave In the following manner. Time min:sec Observations 0:00 The test bumers were turned on. 0:110 Melting was observed. 0:14 Transient ignition was observed. 0:25 Steady ignition was observed. 0,36 Flaming drops and failing were observed. 1:06 Floor flames were observed. 10:00 The test bumers were shut off. After the bumers were turned off, a 60+ second after flame was observed. After the test, the specimen was observed to be damaged as follows: Distance FEE Damage Descriptions 0-7 The sample was consumed. 7 - 12 The sample was melted to the floor. 12 - 24 The sample was partially melted. Z 1_ r .Ebl S F_ C CT ^ #ARI o01 33Z6 FL — #AR93250 IL — #001-014842 MA ^-#32317 NCARB ^ #675fi6 NJ — #21 AI01 1 fi92oo NY — #03-034472 NC—#014537 BC ^ #AR9931 TX ^- #21 1 53 wv .— *m-amas . i �v Afid-t— ' 1 • HUTOHINBON 16L.�\NG, FL ul119HEET DRAWN SYI JPW CHECKED BYI JPW }PROJECT * 19-0107.1a4 RDATEIOI JULY 2019 D NO.