WY n cr i ? Planning & Development services
Building & Code Regulation Department
2300 Virginia Ave
- Fort Pierce, FL 34982
T/2-462-2165 Fax 462-6443
Name: Gentile LLC
Permit #: Address: 1806 N 47th street, Fort Pierce Florida 34947
Lot: Block Subdivision:
The undersigned hereby certifiesthat insulation as been installed at the above described property as follows:
1. Exterior CBS walls have been insulated with ...........................
() Spray on cellulose
which thfcknessr according to the manufacturer: FiFoil ',
(} Fiberglass -blankets
(Density N/A) will yield an "R" value of 4.1 .
Ol Aluminum For
() other
Exterior Frame wail have been insulated with .........................
{) Spray on cellulose
To a thickness of. inches, which thickness, according to
{) Fiberglass blankets
the manufacturer, ""(Density NIA) will yield
ri an
Aluminum Foil O
2: Ceifmgs - Level - have been insulated with .....»......_..... _.......
O Fiberglass blankets
to a -thickness ofln;.binches, which' thickness, according to
00 Fiberglass loose fill
the' manufacturer proPink (Density N/A) will yield an
{) Aluminum Foil
"R" value of90
() Other Cellulose'SAO
Ceilings- Cathedral - have been Insulated with �...................
O Fiberglass blankets
to a thickness of _, . inches, which thickness, according to
() Fiberglass loose fill
the manufacturer, - Density (N/A) wily yield an
O Aluminum Foil
R" value of
(} Other Cellulose SAB
3. Interior knee malls have best insulated vylh ......... .............
() Fiberglass ;blankets
to a thickness of _ Inches, which thickness, according to
() Polyurethane
the rianufaMier, ' ' ' (Density N/A) will yield an
O Spray -on cellulose
R" value of
() Other
4. Garagepartition walls.of conditioned living areas have been
{) Fiberglass blankets
Insulated with »............:».::�:»._.........:>.........:.„._......::.
Spray on cellulose
to a thickriess'of ` inches, which thickness, according to the
manufacturer, ," (Density N/A) will yield an
(} Other
W'vak ieof
Sf. Luo eCI)iint
MULTI -FAMILY, RESIDERML CONSTRUCTION ONLY; The common .(party) walls separating different tenants shall be insulated as
follows - Frame/Metal stud wars R 11(Min); CBS or Concrete walls R-3 (Min) by Energy Code requirements. See Energy Code
Rev.1/87,. paragraph 903.2(b), on pages 9-17, latest edition. These "mtnimum levels of insulation" are not included the Energy
Calculations, but shall be installed in the field..
NOTE: Densities of sprayedon, loose fill, or any other composed -on site insulation shall be the PCP(lb/ft3) average of three (8)
"DRY SAMPLES" of actual installation.
MER Enterprises, LLC
Print Name oFInsuiatdon Contractor
Icatiorl Number
Nuia; bli',
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Signature -of Insulation Contactor
Date of Certification