HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSM 107-00/-7 �'T /]h1 _ UI I t t ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SCANNED SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMEN'r BY AC Quality Electric have agreed to be (Company Namellndividual Name) the Electrical Sub -contractor for GRBK GHO Homes LLC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at or It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sib -contractor notice. William Handler/GKBK(GHO Homes LLC State = CBC051145 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of .St Lucie ,file foregoing instrument vvus signed before me lhislLN duy of by William Handler Revised II/1612a14 produced u -- STAIMP Rebecca Difaa b. iullujv00r3g62021 FxPlfes'. daRoWeR Nolan Salim thN SUa-CONTR.\CT RSIG !ZE (Qualllior) ('neevu (2, GutAvLC'- PRINT N.W 1EI (= C )3oo40,8 COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNU\taER State of nurldu, County or Si ' l_ d ee e, —7 Tlm foregoing instrument was signed bcrure me lhis I)ayof YA ,ap� by G\CkV-11 Bicky s PERMIT# ` (h m —0 I I _ z ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES i "Id��w_- ?� Building &Code Compliance Division 0 -- BUILDING PERMIT SCANNED SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT BY St LucleftntV •e Gh ov.1 a n J'A J I Ar^ ✓ „p y &,� have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name* the &Le C;Y"riCa�t Sub -contractor for GRBK GHO HOMES, LLG. (Type orTrade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at Address or Property Tax lD n) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the tiling of• a Changi o l' Sub -contractor notice. State or Florida, County or X1 'UA(IC The�� fuTrc'galn�C instrumentfo nnenl was slCned before me ads _ day of s' erknnlly known "r bus produced a .SY11 Cn•ONrll.lCl'Olt�RE (Qualifier) I\n nvlU �fn1`91l M Gt. PRIN-1•NA1IE /uj -zif 9 ( o coUKry CB:rrrjPICA'r10N NnhfoEE state or Plurida, County of `F I t 7 t o `1 The foregoing Instrument was shened before me this � day of \P' j (t"a�, 20-n, by (' who is personally knusm _�[pr has produced n 7 ,Is isleatinrntim SEAInt' STAMP SlCnnnve nflnlnry' I'n dirt Print Nome Nolnq•public Print Muse ariulry 1'ublir IRehet ca Dima 76 2 e� �V`%-: Commission 6 RG i ;�:.�.� SITYAN T BROAEIOW U 9 212 Jan y �.a i NotaryoPublic -State of 711Florida 3e thm Won�PltdaN t` V, Commission! GG 262711 'b •••• c Bonded :!;,ern ! My Comm. Expires Oct 17. 7022 �rfn�lllP"`�� lie•ised I I/162UIG Bonded through National Notary Assn. PERMIT# 0_7 rCA ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT SCANNED BY StlucieCounty RIDGEyWAY PLUMBING have agreed to be PL(Cj I�1G me/tndividual Name) GRBK GHO HOMES, LLC the Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) For the project located at Street Address or Property (Primary Contractor) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Chang of Sub -contractor notice. William State CBC051145 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of St Lucie The foregoing Instrument was signed before me Ihis,22 of ate_, 20_n by W) )) i 4 vn / l6 rail Revised 11/16/2016 SU ONTRA RSI ATURE(Qualifier) GREGO KOZAN PRINT NAME 19-15354 State CFC0577 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER state or Florida, county or FLORIDA The (ongoing Instrument was signed berate me thitz8 day of atA-- 201J by GREGORY KOZAN who Is personally known X or has produced ■ as Idenlificatiom STAMPunryP�� Rebecca• Dlma Conlmisswit I G09� 021 wilco JaI10", NobN Boadedt w watt Print Name of Notary Public KATHLEEN M. HALL Rded Notary Public-5tate of FioddaCammnuon e6G117.2y Comm. E.piret tun 17,2022 through National Notary Assn STAMP PERMITiI iL ISSUE vi, r DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB.CONTRACfOR AGREEMENT SCANNED BY St Lucie County have agreed to he (Conipony N6"`e/(ndividlml Name) GRBK GHO HOMES, LLC. the I11/WC _ Sub -contractor for (TYFU nf'fra ic) (Prinulry Coatroulor) For the project located at It is understood thpt, if there ix any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Bglding and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be•ltdvised pursuant to the filing of Ch*ggof Sub -contractor notice. `Jrc=x� yS__ f, IYL'Y Cylt l'tl lCA' IIIN NlInlUBll , Slnlonf19nr1du,4mnlyid e- •1. The ftn—rnoh,p inelrumanr was tignt)d be1fore me thin 6 day or &V �71„ Rebecca oima o y� Commission d GG 20�t ;:. *'- Fxpites: JanuisJ o'NotaB' ' ded thru Pero uamrra nnanuto '„�•�•`c' Bon s`I .r.. KIRAC role H fl, i iu . lvnyaner) 06Quc6 MeG� �J 111UNT NAME, S�YR'r� r 18r y s1 �' �oamv (•.aRT1Vlr*4%TlON NUMulsu Stale of Vlorldn, Cminly of :1160 n,. tJPJL. `) i'hr forevinit lmtrnmrni not eblned henue rot lhl3_%4 do of who li pmannully known. or hoe produced a as Idrn1f0ea}Inn, I �,�' � n'fAhll` Slgmnlun of Notory Puhlic -- ..VIJb4,t L clar Print Nmne orNonlry Ppultr rRRI�`; � VICTORIA L CLOd 1 MY CAMIAI6810N 6 OGo70644 ">J/ a%PIREaFd}fu�d07,202t I• the For the project located at PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division 131JILUING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT SCANNM BY St tudeM have agreed to be Sub -contractor for GRBK GHO HOMES, LLC. (Project Street Addressor Property Tax ID k) Contractor) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the filing of a Change and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the ub-contractor notice. GtU L' '- 1 l� 1 l�iJ COIJ,I''I'\' (:hlt'1'I FIG\T10\pRU�IrOKIt ti h+tc of Fluridn, Conn Q' of �1 � • [,(A (/ e, The ouurl1r—gu aing ins eras signed before nor tlds LS � of +elm Is persminity knoll n "r has pru: used a STAAIP Comm01 0. Gt9 021 ExPitIs J3nuatY n2NotaH Bonded thN Revised 11116Q016 Z4l-k: MC I32- -732 COUKiI' CER'I'IIQG\'I'IO,I' NUMBER State of Florida, Cuuny of�) \ ( \A �_T�h��cfyo, sr�e� �g,�ghnssrumcul arts signed before me this,�tiJ ' w ,20_0,by kyl dnr nr CLIIPC� I, ahu Is pemwady' knuml _ur has producod n t)+s' CHRISTINEMKOSAKOW5KI ' ;� MY COMMISSION N OG007803 -'�EKPIRE9 June 13, 2020 Pfh •° War 394a161 FIaNpNoty SeMw,rwn PERMIT # 1�'/2 GCS (Corgprwy NameAnd the <Lit6SLY4 (Type of Trade) For the project located at n 1 I_ / I I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTR4CTORAGREEMENT SCANNED SLLucjeeiCounty have agreed to be Sub -contractor foe �c �/ V ��f L[(" (Primary Contractor) (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the state of Florida, County ofdL" C The foregoing Instrument was signet) before me Ihisr/1�of ICI A. ,20-6.byWl/1/4f i W4✓tdl�i vho is persow11 knmrn ar Ims produced a as id, ti cation. STAMP O�ma 16 w wgbe � g41M%N nsi Y t00, to Revised 111160016 SUB-�IGNATURELQualtacr) PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County oks±L(g e The foregoing instrument was signed before me Ihis2r�o dTny or Tq\__. 20B. by � { iu.l J �Yr r/(�e_ h who Is personally known _or has producer. a Ii L ns Idcn Oc W-5 —Z �I - y 6 � � agbec6g0 GD�gg6 fAmmtS agasuatY �NrNI