HomeMy WebLinkAboutTERMITE TREATMENT CERTIFICATEPlanning & Development Services Building & Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Ave Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772-462-2172 Fax 772-462-6443 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT #: I u I I— 001 a. JOB ADDRESS: BUILDER/CONTRACTOR: PEST- CONTROL CONTRACTOR: $� PEST CONTROL LICENSE #: -ski SCANNED BY St. Luciecoonty �1bon Zi-N±a ? 0'—�A\ecct �LkcaS We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. Square feet if area treated: 5 � Percentage of solution: I Q� Date of Treatment: 1-1-? -� _Footing is Treatment !_Re -Treat _Driveway .Ss` Treatment —Re-Treat _Other _--1st Treatment Re -Treat Chemicals used: &Le Total gallons used:S Time of Treatment: '::;,00 _ )QSlab _� Treatment _Re -Treat Pools _15` Treatment -Re-Treat _Perimeter for Final In on Sig ture o rminator Note. There must be a completed form for each required treatment orm-treatmentand tirls farm mrastbe on the jab site to be picked up by the inspector at time of each Inspection or the scheduled Inspection will fall and aTe inspecton fee charged. FBC104.2.6 aw i&ate ofpmtedive Treatmentforprevention oftermltes. A weatherreshdantJo&rite posting board shall be provided to recelve duplicate Treatment Cerlifirates as each required protectve treatmentis completed, providing a copy for the person the permit is Issued to and another copy for the building permit files The Treatment Certificate shall provide the product used, Identity of the applicator, time and date of the treatment, site locatlon, area treated, diemica/used, pelwntconcentrabonandnumberofgallons used to establish a verifiable record of protective treatment. If the soil them1& bander method for tamlte preventionis used, final exterior treatmentshall be completed prior to final bullding approval. St Lucie County requires for the final Inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover, listing all the treatments and dates of applications. planning & Development Services Building & Code Regulation Division 2300Wr9inia Ave Fort Pierce, FL 34532 772-462-2172 Fax 772-462.6443 �L,Y � lir".i.Cf`���- r,��Y Tr i°!, i t: I•''„' � I'. ;. F-i.�1_ PERMIT #: ) 1411 Oo 7 7, JOB ADDRESS: 1 % 600 BUILDER/CONTRACTOR: Nr l 1kc9 `Y' E Soon PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR: Witt A - PEST CONTROL LICENSE #: SCANNED NEED BY S4. Ludlecouobf We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the NationalPestPest Central Association. Square feet if area treated: Sd 'IF Chemicals used: 4�1J I�— Percentage of solution: Date of Treatment! _Footing 1�t Treatment _Re -Treat _Driveway �..111 Treatment _Re -Treat _Other 15t Treatment ^Re -Treat Total gallons used: — Time of Treatrnent: S Slab _I' Treatment _Re -Treat _Pools _h` Treatment _Re -Treat Perimeter for Final Inspection Signature of F_xterminat6r 3`HY5- For--l- Q d e vrLZ Note: There must be a completed form for each required treatment orre-treatment and this form must be on the job site to be pldted up by the inspector at time of each inspectlon or the scheduled inspection W11 fall and a-re•inspecdon fee charged. F0C104.2.6 Certificate of Protective Treatmentforprevendon ofterm&-, A weatherreststantjabsife posting board sliall be provided to receive duplicate Treatment Certificates as each required protective treabnentis completed, providing a copy for the person the permit is issued to and another copy for the building permit files The Treatment Certificate shaft provide the product used, identity of the applicatorr time and date of the treatment: site location, area treated, chemical used, percent concentration and number ofgailons used, to establish a verifiable record of protective treabnent. 0the soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention Is used, final exterior bwtmentshall be completed poor to final building approval. St Lucie County requires for the final inspection for CO, a permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover, listing all the treatments and dates of applications - 08/06/2015 15:31 772466?4a5 JACQUIN AND SONS_, �aWr'i p(iti" W6,� Planning & 9'Danrelopment Senfices P3aalld'easg & Code Regulation Division ® 2M virgln3a Ava e Fort Pierce, Fl. 34982 772-462.2172 Fax 772-452-6443 CEW11FICA°TE OF TERMITE TREATMENT d,tl NSTPLUCTIrON SOIL TWFATMENT PERMIT PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR: PEST CONTROL LICEN:.E #: -& PAGE 8CANNFD S� BY g. L BY St° uejecnron, We, the undersigned, hereby :ertity that we have pretreated the above described construction for subterranean termites in acc)rdaom with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. $k (7 Square feet if area treated: -:': t' Chemicals used: Percentage of solution; D 1. LL— Date of Treatment: ' Sf ; is- -Footing 1st Treatment _Re -Treat Driveway -4N.4i� i"Treatment Re -Treat _Other k4— _�1" Treatment _Re Treat Total gallons used; 0 Time of Treatment Slab ^____V� Treatment —Re-Treat ,Pools _V1 Treatment _dRe-Treat Perimeter for Eel nspection Signature of ExtennVatur Nota: There must tea complExad lb rm for each mqu/red treatment orre-Vmtmentaad this fom7 mustbe an the Job site to be pkKed up by the lnsrr,.Ctar 3t rime of each /nspect/on or the acheou/ed Imp= on will fall and a•n-ftPaVOP fee charged. FBC104.2e60erVflCBteofPfOl,'C nTreatmentibrpmventionofbVM&es. AweadrernslslantJodslYepostlrtgboard shall he pmvJded to mWjVff duclleate. Treatment CajVO etas as each required protective treatment is wmpleted, prov/ding a copy for the person the Aarm/t is /slued to and another copyfor the btdding pefmlt files. lire 7?w&/ nt art(frcabsMil piowde the pnaiuct i tsed, Iden* of Me applicator, time and date ofthe treatment site 10t:3tlnn. area treated, cbetnlcal used, perrert concentrationaminumberofgallons used, to eateb&h a wMable record of pmt ve treatment 7f the s7u r a onical bardermethod far termite prevantfan h; U04, fi" I att wor batbnentShall bs completed prior to 6na1 bu)I ing a pproval. St Lucie Couni:V requires �tr0e final inspection for CA a Permanent Sticker to be placed an the electrical parcel box 4rnver, listing all the treatments and dates of applications. 03/06 06/06/2015 15:31 77246E70m5 JACQUIN AND SDNS_ PAGE 06/06 ey J Chrlst Is Lo' ,��Futct A•Bug n r Termite & Lit. JBI75775 Past Control, Inc. Past Prevention Termite Protection �i� I I III I THIS NOTICE POSTED PURSUANT TO SECTION 104.2.7, FLORIDA BL ILDING CODE AND CHAPTER 482,226, PLORIDA STATUTES • 'Df I,VC4AAk4/)rratw- f'n-i-rx Date or WDO Inspection pf Mad I ❑Evidence DAclivity ❑No Aetivity ,V - h' • i L3 Bn 1 zi i r�P'_ Dale o' Initial Treatment Materials Used Dale o' Final Exterior Treatment Materials Used 1 Vood )estrti ing Organism Treated For ' hla prgelty has haan pealed and plpcod under a mlreaVnenVrepair contract for subterranean t•Irmltes. This contract is renewable by payment on annual fee. TOO mot is hereby advised to t ave this property InSWIed annually by Evict -A. Bug Termite & Pest Control, Inc. I. s x •A. B,q Termite & Pest Cannot. Inc. provided Ine tennne protection ol:mnpmiedy. CAL,n3 rogirdIng our Peat Prevenilon. Pre Ant Leven STvlGnond Rnhmitta 1, Y r72-.323.7921 • 1.877-365-99901EiwN,v.evlctabuq.orci • evictaouq@gmail,com 2' 73 SW Maddest, St. -Port SIB Lucre, P494ae3 Cott f#&JIUWOYDarTermiteGear8#180 SCANNED BY StLuCieCounty 08/06/2015 15:24 7724662806 JACQUIN AND SONS PAGE 01/06 ,,acquin & So . Established Commercial 1940 Paul CONSTRUCTION Inc. Industrial Residential Mailing Address Physical Address P.O. Box 4343 n1n1�n 7348 Commercial Circle Fort Pierce, FL 34948 www.PW.com SGANNE N Fort Pierce, FL 34951 BY St U DATE: 8/6/2015 _ TIME: 3:20PM NUMBER OF PAGES (Including cover page): 6 NOTE: if you did not receive nl I of th a pages or if you have any questions, please call the verifying number (below). TO: FROM: CONAMP. -- St Lucie County -- NAM6 Alyssa Modinc ADDRUS SUn1RCr; ATTE"ON -- Orel? Smyth PAXNO. (772) 466-2806 FAX No. PHONE: ('772) 462-6443 (772) 465-2475 FAX Transmission RE: Termite Treatment Attached are copies of the termite treatment paperwork as requested. The pool permit number for the deck is 1505-0132 ' The house permit number for the driveway and front entry is 1411-0072 Alyssa Modine Accounting alvssa.modineAT)isi. com (772) 465-2475 Phone (772)466-2806 Fax 08/06/2015 15:24 7724667R; JACQUIN AND SONG PAGE 03/06 ��tlN� �rrtkf''t vo( ) t)P� 'Planning &, Development Services laullding ell Code Regulation Wi ision 2300 VWS1012 Ave Fort Plemer Ft. 34982 772-462-2172 Fax 772-462-GM CERIUM CATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT e:,OKSTRUCTIGH SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT #: 14 11 - Oc BUILDER/CONTRACTOR PEST CONTROL CONTit PEST CONTROL LICEN,S SCANNED BY St- ucieC®urib, We, the undersigned, hereby :erMv that we have pretreated the above described canstructlon for subterranean termites in acoydan,:e with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. s1F Square feet if, area treated: _'_� 7 Chemleais used: Percentage of solution: 0 2;i %_.._. Date of Treatment: -:� : I ,S _Footing I" Treatment _Re -Treat Driveway Treatment _Rq-Treat Other a c 2bak&--� �24— ,�C1s Treatment —Re-Treat Total gallons used: , � 0 Time of Treatment U 5 o Slab tIt Treatment Re -Treat _Pools _V Treatment _Re -Treat _perimeter for Foal Inspection signature of FxtermVetor Note: There must be a compkl ed tbmr for each required trwtmont orre beatmentand this form mastbe on the 0b site to be plticed up 6y Cre InsZr:cYor attire of each limspecdon ar the scheduledlnspecdon w!!/fdl/ and a•re•lrapecNon fee d wyed FISC804.2.6[pr6&ateofPro.z:.c'JveTremtmentfarpmveMlonoftermka°M AvieafherreslstantJobsiteposdngbaaM shapbepmvldedbrawAeducllcah! ern provlding a mpy for the person the Fwmit is Issued to and another copyfor the buleng permh l�rdfi��shall provide the pnxlud used IdentRyofthe applicator, time and date ofthe treatment M lorvtlon, area batedm vefabrnrof , ,aasrid proterdve baa*Mnt If the _qop chemieal barrier method for termite prevention is used, final er2prlar b2atmentsha// bs complatedpdorto final buft.'hrg 4PPmval. St Lucia County requires 9'®r'-ie final inspection for CC, a Permanent Sticker to be placed am the electrical parcel box cower, listing all the treatments and dates of appilcatlons. �gCJ14 sr pie"