HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD-04-010 ORDERS09/17/2004 11:47 4664198 PLANT14DFI PAGE 04 7 e 9 1n 11 12 13 14 15 16 is 19 20 21 22 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 3o 31 32 33 .34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 46 43 46 47 4 8' 49 5,0 51 C"4.010 File Nw" MIP,04.gr* AN ORDER GRANTING MINOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL FOR THE PROJECT TO BE KNOWN AS DICKERSON/ SOUTH 2e STREET OFFICE SCANNED WHEREAS, the St. Lucie County Growth Managemear Dlree:tor has reviewed the application foraite plan approval submitted by Thomas L.uddo & Associates, reveswedthe comments of the St. Lucie County Development Review Committee on this applioation, and made the following determinations: 1. QiQkgfsnn p rich. Ind, presented a petition for a Minor Site Plan approval to construct a 15,000 square foot office building to be known as OkftrsonfSouth 250 Street Office Building In thetO (Commercial Office) Zoning Districtforthe property described in Part a and generally located on northeast corner of the Intorsection of North 25' Street and Industriaf Av6riue Two. 2. The site plan for the proposed project has been reviewed and found to meet the minfmum technical requlrementa of the Land Development Code and to be consistent with the St. Lucca County Comprehensive Plan. 3. The proposed project is consistent with the general purpose, goals, objectives, and atandards of the SL Lucie County Comprehensive Plan and the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. 4. The proposed projeot will not have an undue adverse effect on adjacent property, the charaomr of the neighborhood, traffic oondhions, parking, utility facifitiee, or other matters affecting the public health, safety, and general welfare. 5. All reasonable slope have been taken to minimize any adverse effect of the landscaping,ppose and screening. vicinity through building design, alas design, & The proposed project will be constructed, arranged, and operated so as not to interfere with the development end Oie of neighboring property, In accordance with applicable district regulations. T. The proposed project Is to be served by adequate public facilitles and services. 8. The applicant has applied for and received a certificate of capaclty, a copy of,.vhloh Is attached to this order ae Exhlblt A, as required under Chaptertl, St, Lucie County Land Development Code. NOW, THEREFORE, HE rr ORDERED: A. Pursuant to Section 11.01.03 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, the site plan for the project to be known as Dkkereoa/Soufh 01 3Meet Of/iae Building, Is hereby approved as shown on the aite plan drawings for the project 09/17/2004 11:47 4GG4198 PLANT14DFI PAGE 05 ......�— Yv. 7oY 1 prepared by Thomas Luoldo & Associates on January 9, 2004 and last revised on 2 April 2, 2004 and dots stamped received by the St. Lurie County Growth 3 Management Director on May 19, a004, for the property described in Par! 9 below' 4 s B. The property on which thiai devolopmont will take place Is described as follows: That part of Lots a, 9 and 10 tying west of westerly boundaN of Far! PNrce 0 Highlands and Late 11, 12 and 1,_ kw la feet strip to SL Luele tawAy. Plat 9 Bpok 1 S1, Pegs 217, of Hoopes Subdivision In bastion 20, Tovmshfp 34 South, 10 Range 40 Last, as raeerdsd In Plat Book 1, Page 12, and eantslning e7.9t 11 actor. 12 13 Less and *A"pt 14 15 Thst parcel of land deeort$rsd wlihtn 01110181 Records (look 1120, Page 1510, of 16 the Public Records of Gt Lucls County, Florida tCantainino 7.eg sores, more 37 or loss). 1a 19 (TAX 10W. 142e-aoz-culls aaivr) 20 11 (Location: Northeast corner of the Intersection of North 260 Street and 22 industrial Avenue Two) 24 C. This site plan shall expire on May 21, 2006, unless a building permit or a alto plan 25 approval extension is granted inacoordance with Section I I.02.06. St. Lucie County 26 Land Development Code. All re%oats for alto plan extension shall be accompanied 27 by a request for a new Certificate of Capsoity for the property and project described 2e in this Order. 29 30 0, The aite plan approval granted under this Omer Is apeciffoaliy conditioned to the 31 reoulremont that the petitioner, Dfterson Florida, Inc., including any successors in 32 Interest. shall obtain all necal+eery development permits and construction 33 authorizations from the appropriate State and Federal regulatory authorities, 34 including but not Ilmlted to. the Florida Department of Envirotvnental Protection, and 3s the South Florida Water Management District, prior to the Itarusnoe of any local 36 building permits or authorizations to commence development activitles on the 37 property described in Part B. 38 39 E• This Order shall beoome effective upon the dote of approval Indicated below. 40 Should the property owner, developer at authaHzed agent wish to appeal spy 41 condition described In $satloh Aalsova, all such appsals must be flied In writing wflh 42 the County Administrator within' 36 days of the rendering of this Order, as described 43 in Section 11A2.1119(8), St. Luck. County Land Development Code. Should an 44 appeal to this Order be filed, no permuting reviews or further administrative action 45 shall take place on the processing of this development project until the appeal Is 46 resolved. 47 4 a F. The CeAficate of Capacity, attached as Exhibit A, shall be valid for the same period 49 asthisorder:Ifthis order expires orotherwiseterminates, the Certificate ofCapaeity so shell automatically terminate. 51 s2 G. A copy of tilts Order shall be mailed, return receipt requested, to the developer and 33 agent of "rd as identitrpd on the alto plan apCllcations_ 09/17/2004 11:47 4664198 PLANT14DFI ,` PAGE_ 03 z 2 3 a 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 26 17 1a 19 20 21 22 23 24 as 26 27 20 29 30 31 32 73 34 K A copy of true Order shall be, amohad to the site plan drawings described In Seotion A, which plan shall be placed on file in the ofNoe of the St. Lucie County Growth Management Director. I. This Order shall he r000rded In the Public Records of St. Lucle County. ORDER effective the 21.s day of May2004. Nm'm GROWTH MANAGEMENT DEPARTMEIJT, DIRECTOR APPROVED ASTO FORM 9T. LUCIE COlIt9i'1'J] .. AND CpRRECTNF�S_ By C9 HAWKPROJECTS00kers0n Oftice=-Order.v" County Attorney 06/24/2004 09:57 7724671303 THOMAS LUCIDO ASSOC HAUL 03 SCANNED 1 CD-04-010 BY 2 File No.: MNSP-04-009��� 4 AN ORDER GRANTING MINOR SITE 5 PLAN APPROVAL FOR THE PROJECT 6 TO BE KNOWN AS DICKERSON/ 7 SOUTH 25TH STREET OFFICE s 9 WHEREAS, the St. Lucie County Growth Management Director has reviewed the application 10 for site plan approval submitted by Thomas Lucido & Associates, reviewed the comments of ii the St. Lucie County Development Review Committee on this application, and made the i2 following determinations: 13 14 1. Dickerson Florida. Inc., presented a petition for a Minor Site Plan approval to i5 construct a 16,000 square foot office building to be known as Dickerson/South 251" 16 Street Office Building in the CO (Commercial Office) Zoning District forthe property i7 described in Part B and generally located on northeast comer of the intersection of ie North 250' Street and Industrial Avenue Two. i9 io 2. The site plan for the proposed project has been reviewed and found to meet the 21 minimum technical requirements of the Land Development Code and to be 22 consistent with the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. 23 24 3. The proposed project is consistent with the general purpose, goals, objectives, and 25 standards of the St_ Lucie County Comprehensive Plan and the St. Lucie County 26 Land Development Code. 27 28 4. The proposed project will not have an undue adverse effect on adjacent property, the 29 character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, parking, utility facilities, or other 30 matters affecting the public health, safety, and general welfare. 31 32 5. All reasonable steps have been taken to minimize any adverse effect of the 33 proposed project on the immediate vicinity through building design, *site design, ,34 landscaping, and screening. 35 36 6. The proposed project will be constructed, arranged, and operated so as not to 37 interfere with the development and use of neighboring property, in accordance with 38 applicable district regulations. 39 4o 7. The proposed project is to be served by adequate public facilities and services. 41 .42 8. The applicant has applied for and received a certificate of capacity, a copy of which 43 is attached to this order as Exhibit A, as required under Chapter V, St. Lucie County 44 Land Development Code. 45 46 47 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED: 46 49 A. Pursuant to Section 11.02.03 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, the 5.0 site plan for the project to be known as Dickerson/South 250 Street Office 51 Building, is hereby approved as shown on the site plan drawings for the project 06/24/2004 09:57 7724671303 THOMAS LUCIDO ASSOC PAGE 04 1 1 prepared by Thomas Lucido & Associates on January 9, 2004 and last revised on 2 April 2, 2004 and date stamped received by the St. Lucie County Growth 3 Management Director on May 19, 2004, for the property described in Part B below !4 -5 B. The property on which this development will take place is described as follows: i6 7 That part of Lots 8, 9 and 10 lying west of westerly boundary of Fort Pierce 8 Highlands and Lots 11, 12 and 13 less 80 foot strip to St Lucie County, Plat 9 Book 152, Page 217, of Hogg's Subdivision in Section 28, Township 34 South, 3..0 Range 40 East, as recorded In Plat Book 1, Page 19, and containing 47.92 11 acres. 12 13 Less and except: i4 i5 That parcel of lend described within Official Records Book 1130, Page 1510, of i 6 the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida (Containing 2.85 aces, more i7 or less). is i9 (TAX IDO:1428-602-0028-000f7) 20 21 (Location: Northeast corner of the Intersection of North 25u' Street and 22 Industrial Avenue Two) 23 24 C. This site plan shall expire on May 21, 2006, unless a building permit or a site plan 25 approval extension is granted in accordance with Section 11.02.06, St. Lucie County 26 Land Development Code. All requests for site plan extension shall be accompanied 27 by a request for a new Certificate of Capacity for the property and project described 28 in this Order. 29 30 D. The site plan approval granted under this Order is specifically conditioned to the 31 requirement that the petitioner, Dickerson Florida, Inc., including any successors in 32 interest, shall obtain all necessary development permits and construction 33 authorizations from the appropriate State and Federal regulatory authorities, 34 including but not limited to; the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and 35 the South Florida Water Management District, prior to the issuance of any local 36 building permits or authorizations to commence development activities on the 37 property described in Part B. 38 39 E. This Order shall become effective upon the date of approval indicated below. 40 Should the property owner, developer or authorized agent wish to appeal any 41 condition described in Section A above, all such appeals must be filed in writing with 42 the County Administrator within 30 days of the rendering of this Order, as described 43 in Section 11.02.03(B), St. Lucie County Land Development Code. Should an 44 appeal to this Order be filed, no permitting reviews or further administrative action 45 shall take place on the processing of this development project until the appeal is 46 resolved. 47 48 F. The Certificate of Capacity, attached as Exhibit A, shall be valid for the same period 49 as this order. If this order expires or otherwise terminates, the Certificate of Capacity 5o shall automatically terminate. 51 52 G. A copy of this Order shall be mailed, return receipt requested, to the developer and 53 agent of record as identified on the site plan applications. 06/24/2004 09:57 L�- 77246713003 l THOMAS LUCIDO ASSOC l NAGt tl5 1 2 3 4 5 16 ,7 Is 9 11D iz i2 i3 14 15 16 17 18 i9 20 z1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 I H. A copy of this Order shall be attached to the site plan drawings described in Section A, which plan shall be placed on file in the office of the St. Lucie County Growth Management Director. I. This Order shall be recorded In the Public Records of St. Lucie County. ORDER effective the 21" day of May 2004. ,,v7vm" GROWTH MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT, DIRECTOR ST. LUCIE COUKTY._f-LQRID6 BY CS H:\W P\PROJECTS\Dickerson Office\CD-Order.wpd APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: County Attorney r�wv i 1 •.ur c rrau� uY 1 I � 1 CD-04-010 SCANNED 2 File film: MtiC}'- -00 BY 3 4 AN ORDER 13RANTINGi MINOR SlPrjLudeCiouMY 5 PLAN APPROVAL FOR THE PROJECT 6 TO BE KNOWN AS DICKERSON/ I SOUTH 25T" STREET OFFICE a 9 WHEREAS, the St. Lucie County Growth Management Director has reviewed the application io foralts plan approval submitted by Thomas Luddo & Associates, raviawedthe comments of 11 the St. Lucie County Development Reviow Committee on this application, and made the 12 following determinations: 13 14 1. lQkpfsen Florida, Ing.. presented a petition for a Minor Site Plan approval to is construct a 15,000 square foot office building to be known as DtarrersonhSouth 25e 14 StreetOffice Building InthoCO{Commercial Office) Zoning District for lfteproperty 7 descdbad in Part 13 and generally loceted on northeast corner of the Intersection cif is North 2b"` Street and Industrial Avenue Two. 19 20 2. The site plan for the proposed project has bean reviewed and found to meet the 21 minimum technical recivImmenta of fhe Land Development Code and to be 22 consistent with the St. Lude County Comprehensive Plan. 21 6 24 3. The proposed project is consistent with the general purpose, goals, objectives, and 25 standards of the SL Lucie County Comprehensive Plan and the St. LLoie County 26 Land Development Coda. 2% 2 a 4. The proposed projeot will not have an undue adverse effect on adjacent property, the 29 character of the neighborhood, traffic oonditlons, paridng, utility facirdiras, or other 3o matters affecting the public health, safety, and general welfare. 31 32 S. All reasonable stops have been taken to minimize any adverse efloci of the 33 proposed project on the iminodiate, vicinity through building design, sits. design, 34 landscaping, and screening. 35 36 S. The proposed project will be constructed, arranged, and operated so es not to 37 interfere with the development and use of neighboring property, In accordance with 38 applicable district regulations. 39 4o 7. The proposed project is to be ser+ed by adequate public facilltles and services. 41 42 e. The appaeant has applied for and received a certificate of capaciV a Copy of which 4: Is aftched to %hie order as Exhibit A, as required under Chapter V. St. Lucle County 46 Land Development Code. 45 46 a 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE rr OROEFIEM 48' 49 A. Pursuant to Section 11 AL03 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Cadet, the 5,0 Site plan for the project to be known as O/ekereron/South N' Stneat Otiose si Building, Is hereby approved as shown on the vita plan drawings for the project 09/17/2004 11:47. 4664198 PLAIATI4DFI PAGE 05 1 prepared by Thomas Lucldo & Assoclates. on January 9, 2004 and fast revised on 2 April 2, 2004 and dale stamped received by the St. Ludo County Growth 3 Management Director on May 19, 2004, for the property described in Ptut 5 below - A s B. The property on which 11hi>3 development will take place M described as follows: 6 7 That Part of Lots 8, 9 and 10 lying crest of wYbrly bawndary of Fart Pierce a Highlands and Lots 11, 12 and 13 rose 60 feet strip to SL Luels County, Met 9 hook 152, Pag■ 217, of HM's Subdivision In section 20, Town*W 34 South, 10 fteng 40 last' as recorded to Plot Book 1, Page 14, and oontalning 47'.92 21 12 13 Less and except 24 is That parcel of land doerutyed wihtn t3Mlclal Amcor" leek 1120, Pape 1510, of 16 the Public Records of tit Lucia County, Flwtds (Containing 2.66 acres, mere a7 ` or low). 16 19 • (TAX ID#-. 142edt02-oo2e-o9nrn 20 21 (Location: Northeast comer of the Intersection of Morth.26'" Street and 22 Itrdustrlal Avenue Two) 93 24 C. This site plan shall expire on May 21, 20D6, unless a building permit or a site plan 25 approval extension is granted in stoordance with Section I I.0206, St Lucie County 26 Land Development Code. All regt,eetta for site plan extension shall he se4rompanied 27 by a request for a new Certificate of Capsotty for the property and project described 2s in this Order. 29 30 D. The site plan approval granted under this Order Is spedfioaily conditioned to the 31 requirement that vie petitioner, DfoKenon Florida, Inc., Including anyauccessors in 32 Interest, shall obtain all namisary development permits and conattuction 33 authorizations from fhe appropriate State and Federal regulatory authorities, 34 including tut trot limited to; the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and 35 the South Florida Water Management District, prior to the Immom of any loos! tie building parmlte or authorizations to commence development set as on the 37 property described in Part B. 38 39 E. This Order shall become effective upon the data of approval indicarled below. 40 should the propperty owner, deved loper or suftflz agent wish to appeal any 41 oondiion deserlbed.in Section Aahova, all such appeals must be Pleo In writing with 42 the County Administrator within 30 days of the rendering of this Order, as described 43 in Section 1t.02.08(8), St. Lucke County Land Development Code. Should an 44 appeal to this Order be filed, no permitting reviews or further administrative action 45 shall take place on the pnxmasing of this development project until the appeal Is 46 resolved. 47 48 F. The Certificate of Capacity, attaehsd as Exhibit A, shall be valid for the se;me period 49 as this order. If this order expires orotherwise terminates, the Certificate of Capacity s o shall automaileaily terminate. 51 52 G. A copy of this Order shall be malted, return receipt requested, to the developer and 53 agent of retaord as Identified on the site plan applications- UWI tI ZULI4 11: 4/ 4bb4i t1d . l41'91 ..LG nIP ` C Y'LHNI14llY1 _ ___ Y'HUt_ L73 1, 2 H. A copy of th!%Order eha►I ba attchrrd tv the site plan drawings desertbal In Seotfon 3 A, which plan shall be placed on file in tho of o of the St. Luolo County Growth a Management DireeMr. 5 6 1. This Order shall be mordeo in the Public Records of St. Lucie County. 7 I g 9 014DER uffective the 21,; day of May 2004. 10 11 12 13 f'7wt'^7 14 GROWTH MANAGEMENT DEPARYME14T, DIRECTOR APPROVED AS TO FORM is ST. LUCIE COI.► ID AND CORRECTNESS: 17 . 19 BY 20 6mandy Stevenson County Attorney 22, 22 23 241 I 25 26 2? 29 29 30 31 32 33 CS 34 H:1W WROJECTMDiokersoh Office\CD•Order.m"