HomeMy WebLinkAboutCERTIFICATE OF CAPACITY09/17/2004 11:47 4664198 PLANT14DFI PAGE 02 ob;itF. 1/• 21104�111):29AWfaRef4ak 009 Ft- St Lucie County Certificate Of Capacity Date 9/2120044 Certlflccnte No_ 1613 This document certifies that conourrency will be mat and that adsquate public facility capacity existe to maintain the trbrndarda•for tsysls of prvleo e0 adopted Ira the St Luce County Comvrehenalve Plan for: I, 7 v e Of rtevol©Pment Minor Sire Plan Number of units 0 Nurnbsr Of square teat 16,000 2. Property legal description & Tax 0 no: pca of 1428.6024029.OW 7 NP corner of N 25 st and Industrial Ave. Two DiclammVSouth 25eh Street Office Building 9. Approval: Building lR000lution No. CL> W-010 a. Sub)ectto the following conditions for conourrenoy: Construction of a 16,000 square foot office building owner`s name Dicku= Florida. Inc. Address PO Box ikawer 719 letter Sadao Stuett FL - 33995 J 6. Certificate Expiratlon bats 5/212006 This Certificate of Capacity is trbrmfarable only to oubsequeent owners of the same peroel, and is sub)est to the same terms, conditions and expiration date ilsted herein. The expiration date c be extended only proef the "me terneS and conditions sa the underlying develo F.o with thisc•rtifiaste, Or for wbsegttent deyelepmsnt n� sr Ir:aua� j lice earns preperlY, use end sleet as described herein. ar�x�%n Growth Wtlnrgetnant Director at Lucie County. Florida pridgyr may 26, 2Uea .4 Page 1 era 06/24/2004 09:57 77246713303 y \ THOMAS LUCIDO ASSOC 1 HAUL bb Date 5/21/2004 St Lucie County Certificate of Capacity ,SCANNED BY Certificate No. 1613 This document certifies that coneurrency will be met and that adequate public facility capacity exists to maintain the standards for levels of service as adopted in the St Lucie County Comprehensive Plan for: 1. Type of development Minor Site Plan Number of units 0 Number of square feet 16,000 2. Property legal description & Tax ID no. part of 1428-602-0028-000/7 N1: corner of N 25 St and Industrial Ave. Two Dickerson/South 25th Street Office Building 3. Approval: Building Resolution No. CD-04-010 Letter 5/21/04 4. Subject to the following conditions for conourrency: Construction of a 16,000 square foot office building Owner's name Dickerson Florida, Inc. Address PO Box Drawer 719 Stuart FL 33995 6. Certificate Expiration Date 5/21/2006 This Certificate of Capacity Is transferable only to subsequent owners of the same parcel, and is subject to the same terms, conditions and expiration date listed herein. The expiration date can be extended only under the same terms and conditions as the underlying develo qJ.or#prIspued with this certificate, or for subsequent development ore a 71seu r. the some property, use and size as described herein. - 1 Date: 5/28/2004 ;ream Growth Management Director St Lucie County, Florida Friday, May 28, 2004 Page t of 2 0J1I fI ZUU4 11;41 4bb417b 29AP11 r[yortyny 1' FLAN 114 UI-1 F'AUE U2 AU ;iny r. t- St Lucie County Certificate of Capacity pats 51=004 Certificate No. 1613 This document certifies that conourrency will be mat and that adequate public facility capacity existo to maintain the Mandsrds far levels of service as adopted in the 8t Lucle County Comprehensive Plan for: i. Tvoe of development Minur Sire Plan Number of units 0 Number of square feet 15.000 2. Property legal description & tax IC no. part of 1428-602-OD29-OW7 NE comer of N 25 St and industrial Ave. Two DickeMWSouth 251h Sneer Office Building 3. Approval: Building Posolution No. CD-04-010 4. Subject 1A the following Conditions for conctirrency: Comaruction of s 16.000 square foot offlm building owner's name ' D7ickersw Florida. inc. Address PO Box Drawer 719 Stuart FL 33995 S. Csrtlficate rApiratlon bat* 5/21I20t16 SCANNED BY St. udeCourth, Letter Snr/04 't'hls Cartlfloate of Capaclty Is tranafarable only to subsequent owners of the same paroel, and Is subject to the awns terms, Conditions and expiration date listed herein. The expiration date c n be extended only under the acme term$ and conditions an Ute undsHyinp develo qt,o a with this cartifioata, or for aubsequont developmant o� o�esue j the same property, use and sire as described herein. S1>Rned �//�'�� �... >tiata:5F39J20bs ;,mlm Growth nttrgament 01rector St Lucie County, Florida Yriday, May 2S, 204 .6 Palo f of 2