HomeMy WebLinkAboutLETTER TO MR BRODEUR09/17/2004 11:47 L 4664198 PLANT14DFI PAGE- 0 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Nit. Al Brodeur SMED Thotngs Lucido & Associates 100 Awe u* A, Ste. 2A BY FL pierce, M 949s0 .Stlucie0ou* SV)MJECTt CD It 04-010 AN ORDER GRA Ni aVc3 M1NOit SITE PLAN APPROVAL FOR A PROJECT KNOWN AS D1CiSMONRSOL"M 2f= STREET OMCE Deer Mr. Brodeur. Enclosed is your copy of unrocorded CA Order 04.010• Unless otherwise stated in Section A of this resolutloa, you may proceed to melee application to Si. Lucie C4=y for building permits. Please contact the Bullding Division for specific plan subilittil MgUixaIMM Please note aW five copies of the starmwatet management plans must be subtttiaed to the County l ngineer concurrently •with your building p ndt sabmittalt. No building patirnits, including foundation ptrwits, will be issued until thee* paving and &AWAge plans have been approved. , After building permits have- been issued, adjussurienirs to the site plan w))1 rcquiro mvieOd stortriwater management dmwirigs. These drawings are to be submitted to the County Enginwe concurrently with the sits PIRO 4ustmont. if you have any questions, pleise cetitact the Planning or R wilding Division at (561) 462-1576, or the County Engineertrig Division at (561) 462-1707. Sincorely, i h4l ay DovelopmentRaview-planner M Cs AnAti mcni Cc: C*=tyEagineer Are Miriu Coutuy Atrammy Road & RAdgo Aoaid¢itbn Hie TOWN D. owmN, emNel N•. 1 . DOUG COWARD, DaMCt NO, 7 • PAULA A: LEM5, DWItf No. a r tRANNis NUT-HINSON, OL4flQ NO A • tl1KF nkkkbS Dinfict No. 5 CeUAry Atlmin'motot-.Oodglus YA. AnOeW" 2300 %rr9inio Avenue • pout platrce, FL 3G082-5652 Administrorion: (772) 462-1590 a planning: ;772) 462.2822 • G&tT rchnicol 5ervlcas: (772) 462-1553 Economic Dowtopmeni: (772) A62.15SO • %x: (172) 462.1581 l'Aurlst/Conv® lion: (77' )462,192G • FPx: (772)462Q132 Y,ww,rosrluCeA.us 06/24/2004' 09:57 7724971303 THOMAS LUCIDO ASSOC PAGE 02 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS May 28, 2004 Mr. All Brodeur Thomas Lucido & Associates I OD Avenue A, Ste. 2A Pt. Pi rce, FL 34950 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SCANNED BY 64-Luciecommy DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CD if 04.010 AN ORDER GRANTING MINOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL FOR A PROJECT KNOWN AS DICKERSONISOUTH 25' STREET OFFICE Dear Mr. Brodeur: Encl Ised is your copy of unrecorded CD Order # 04-010. Unless otherwise stated in Section A of this resolution, you may proceed to make application to St. Lucie County for building permits. Please contact the Building Division for specific plan submittal requirements. Please note that five copies of the storrawater management plans must be submitted to the County Engineer concurrently with your building permit submittals. No building permits, including foundation permits, will be issued until these paving and drainage plans have been approved. , After building permits have been issued, adjustments to the site plan will require revised stormwater management drawings. These drawings are to be submitted to the County Engineer concurrently with the site plan adjustment. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning or Building Division at (561) 462-1576, or the County Engineering Division at (561) 462-1707. Siint cerely, it Development Review - Planner III Cs Attachment Cc: County Engineer Fire District County Attorney Road & Bridge Acquisition File IOHN D. mRUHN, Distrlcr No. 1 • DOUG COWARD. DlsirIcr No. 2 • PAULA A. LEWIS, District No. J • FRANNIE HUTCHINSON, DISrrlCr No. d •CLIFF 13 5, DIsrricr No. 5 County Adminisrroror - Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue • Fort Pierce. Fl. 34982-5652 Administration: (772) 462-1590 • Planning: (772) 462-2822 • GIS/Iechnical Services: (772) 462-1553 Economic Development: (772) 462-1550 • Fox: (772) 462-1581 Tourist/Convention: (772) 462-1529 • Fox: (772) 462-2132 www,CO.sr-lUde.fl.u5 09/17/2004 11:4/ 4bb41`Jb t'LHN 1 14111- 1 I HVt- _ Gb BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS May 29, 20W COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR :err. Al Brudeur SCANNED Thomas Lucido &. Associates BY 100 Avenue A, Ste. 2A ft ������g,, Ft. Pie=, FL 34950 "`� SL%JECTr CD 0 04-010 AN ORDER GRANTING MINOR SM PLAN APPROVAL FOR A PROJECT KNOWN AS DICKF.i OMSOL'TH 2918 STRIBET OFFICE Dear W. Brodeur. Enclosed is your copy of unrecorded CD Ordar N 04-010• Unless txberwise stated in Se ction A trf this resolution, you may proceed to make application to St. Lucie Courtly for building permits. Please contact the Building Division for specific plan saturA l regUIMmenta, Please note that five copies of the stormwater mmagetnent puns must be submitted to the County Roerteer co acurrently with your building penrdt submittals. No building petirdts, ineltulinq foundation permits, M11 be issued until these paving and drAWApe plans have been approved. After bullaing permits have been issued, adjuitv=rs to the site plant will mquiro revised stomwater rnenagctucttt diuwirrgs. These drawings aret to be tnbnnitted to the County Buginna* eoncumently with the sita plan 4ustmont, • If you have any questions, please contact ibe planning or B Lidding Division at (561) 462-1576, or the County En$lneeting Division as (561) 462-171i7. Sincerofy, •--7 / CyndlSnay Development Fwvlew - Planner III Cs Aatnch=9 Cc: Cetmy snsineaa Are M-tria County Aummy Rood & bridge AcgU191600 rut IONN D. DAUHN, DMaf Nn. 1 • DO M COWARD, DAVOCI NO, 2 • -AULA A LEM5, Damn rb. D - iNANNK "VICHINSON, Dlmiq NO. e • 019F BARNCS, Dla,tr No.5 Ceonry Aamin'bmror• 130dgiUS M. A('eeOan 2300 Vir§wio Avenue • Fear Plarree, Ft. 34982-5652 Adminisrrorip,): (772) 462-1590 • Plowing; ;772) 462-21122 • GIS,?trct1nico15eviegt: (772) 462-1593 Economic Devvlopmenr: (T72) d62.1550 • fox; (172) 462.1581 1'aurlarlCorn ry'lon: C772) 4d2.7529 • Pox: (772) A622132 rwnv.casrluaw,A.us