HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBMITTED PAPERWORK1 _ : 1 _ - 7ys J„1i� vC1 nv ptil 29. i 991 Sr. Luca Ccony Buildl�19 Department 2300 'v.ryinla Avenue, Rocm 210 Fort Pierce. FL 34982 - 56052 rar. Cnuck Mc Derrnod A. Centc, ,..r rvic DennoW if:L�ii� the aCC.c f013fii ..0 1)i :e reel that tn6 Vial; cE..:t!Cns 111 an, 2.1 orl r3;"_:.V ±-2.3-ri`,. ..1 r.:ii 1 40U. L. D2$:n.' �,o 11435 1 upy 3tt9, t? 'j; in L, i �� „'1i1. C�(f-.-LF:C. �J ti'�... ., rQ SpE'ifyin'� c i'1CbVA _'S"yE Sl£CI .S tU� it's. Il . auo and %%L CS❑ n?! nny ...;on! in Uu::iaE3: PS t:o?•1 as pcss;bla. t Very Truly Yours, L - 1L11v Striven A. Trezlse, A \� Pnnclpai ,.4 SL 82eC-' FL (.'i -- i J-, -2 1: 3I .. FIRE RESISTANCE RAl Design J p1 Acsenibly Uuarh.id vvair lyl ) l _ ' LL '�r1�1 rIU,�I IL�LITV •vtll) 11111 1,I1(!'I I� �� t II ` " ---- - � l• roll f 41 1, rpm Ceiling Flunnma - ChmneL:hamad, m n 3 ;S in. wide with Four I v, in. Ious. fabricated ire" No 20 htSG for O33 ut thick) U+Ivamzed steel Auecr o l to fluor and caJ.rp with steel n1 faneurae Emceed not p,rA., than 24 a' O.0 2. Stool Studio - ConeSele Prtsxted :-Bit cords. .,in 3'A In. wide, on No 20 GSG (0.03e In. tI nikk) galvanized steel ur No. 20 fA:G (0033 its thick) cold,ormed, primod steel. Studs shall be dasr,n,d in eso,dunce whh the Fer.en[ edition m the Slwnfo.atan for the Design of Cold.Formrd 5tnel Structural 4ieo Or,s by the A,.,,.n Imn and Sled Institute. AN design do- Iris ouh.rcm, the smuctural olrgnry W the wan assembly, mc"din, the anal d.f. en bed of the studs, shall be os smacdood by Iha swN SEW dumrlwr, ard/mr unforca, and sMll mast eu m rnpuupmnn, of all amPLcable local red. aVencre. The max tied spucbg ahall at m'caed 24 er O.0 Surds anachnd to flow lord rutted Item.,, wnh Sr In. lone T,u S-12 pan head. see. 16111n9 situ tnpPnn >„ol screw, on bath Sudm of tied,. lit 3 Lateral SumIX,tt. Menrbers - put -howid - N/h.+o repaired for lateral support a studs, sup iwrl may tre prawdod by means of .cool straps. U,annols. or f,n'n r milI moans BE S, aclfied at or ma deargn el a pmbcel,u ,teal [cod Wail System. 4 Wafthuard, Gypsum' - A., V. In 1190. gyms,," wallhoard beinnuo the ULI Classification kJ Marking Be to Fire resistance AppLnrl verdeally with joinL, faslunot to studs wiID Type 5-12 by I in :Bell seif Isrh mp ought head ;teal Screws, spaced 12 it, 0 C See A1,11truard Gym,.", ;CR14d1 Contrary for names tit 0lassirial Companies. III 5 Metal Lath - Palos bnckrrd small draneud m<ah, erydndW ne.•L min 3.4 !b/ap yd, 27 by 9e _ shw". N4sc.'red I. studs and fbmr and Lo 1og rounora with stool snows (rem 6). May also (il W '"Brut, to latest e'rPPPIt member: whaovm Practical. S. Feribmuse - Far Fore win —let IaW fl"er 5) NO 8 13 by 1 aI long Phillips fist head gloat -screws The screwhead diameter is a nu r '6 in Spaced 6 m. 0 C 7 Vout'and Lament Pleriho - V. R, Ihmk APpi,od ,, Iwo c.EC Salk, ,,at corsslaeng of loo PI Ili coarani to 50 Ib I:me to 5-1/. to V of Fred; bmwn coat cvnse,tinJ of 100 to cement to 90 �I Ib hr.w to a cu ft of nand B. Halts end Blankets' Nruxur0 Placed in slur cam:ia_ Any 91aSa fiber nor maronl wool L ban maloeal Iro I d the UL Clasc(.eLon Markme as to Fire tins sr ice Max Ihbknesa 3'/, in F Sea Dicta and 0ta t (8 Jn Category for names of Claavf cd Co,npj,iv3. If Jrunt Tripe and Ca nmB I it ar rasa o, dry o, bm,mxed to I r,mp.,.d applied In two coal- Io I -OVE old t heads. Perfralyd papa m,. 2 in wide enuadt,d is fist tape of I/I cvlearar rJ ov an "mils of 9yPmrm wallboard 'Bearing the UL Classdlcabvn MarkmB •r `/ Design No. U435 tl Assembly Rating-3 Fir or 4 FIT (See Item 41 ,1 Nonbeanng Wall 1' C4 1 L- •� ITi lV� lit 1 Stcds - Chan',uI hO.vf 19. to w.Je by I 'J. in ,I—r, wah •l ,ri, ;olJryar t Back "tn flours I"{r tnhn4ned i"" If .b SIF(I II JYarur+d 51«ul Slud Ili" 1111E 11 24 Ia OC Studs 1a toe cut 1 in ,-a than,+ mLry h-.q4, IL 2 F if Giulia, nunmrrx - [11n.rryLhd,Fcd rune...... I% rn w'do Cl I'/. in dean. fabrierio- u• LOOK FOR MARK ON PRODUCF l FIRE RESISTANCE RATINGS (RXUV)—(.ont7nueo .qI W from No 25 MCG IWlvnninnd zi<cl. AnnnLOA la floor and tailing wild InSiunnn abated 24 In n C me' laced in nmdo of wail cavity 3. nn ea and monk-W - toPlem") - Nnndnbl "Re" V united star.. Gyp"Ean CO. 4 Wallboard. GymsunJ -'b In thick 4 It wale .,tit Ibera o [nPcred ad0ns. Fur 4 Ito natm9 fur, layer+ of walibnnrd to 1'. Hard Ilmor dyers to be implied vertmsliy wallis cantered F, stud,. Ouml Lryer oav 1'.ru o abutted vocalty or honzonia9y. First dYnr r Yr:ne w each .Intl vmh 1 in lend IYPn S, elf-upplag emit straws. Second eyar "stroll 1 to r;cn cod rbrrnh Iha Fit ea, will, 1.4 n. long. Tyup S solf.t.01,40 vwal screws. TL.Id dyer Iaeta,arl I. o-a4b surd mr.urgtrlh1'.fuSt el to Ugh s[Wrare lhmu9h t w/fiat.in ' econtl ad third meprn9 : oil u.ewa. I mrtlh layol rewc. fret Lure, screws nhAI ha located metre ,In 2% m. I"'fl. type s, • Il tapping coal u Item top and nmmm U rah coal, a enuu mom q>•+c'nu of 4ll in. UC van¢aW between tvP I'ml tn[[um Screw,. SocorrI vno Ilea, L,yr scram Shar be Iocnte0rosmcc- Iivoly, born the too cad bunam ul wall Si It,. same ypnic.6 spacing as dm fiat layer screws. Fmntb la", screw^, shall liebeatgt 2 in from trip and oattom of wall rind sWrrl 12 I. O C .,Roca PV Ca, m rid bunb lapin Ironagnla'I M1¢artl ci psd half NE ac vutically eoa aria d to he s,ud win, screws spaced V, n. tine end Pain '^ n. Vote the ,omt, Gill be S"Oeered. Al lmrd c.dn to'nis Ali v:rewz shah Ue located 'h r lmnts fourth dYue nrisn Secured m 9ra srculM enJ of" an IayorD wdh IX n Ion9. IVPe G. sn9 ,Port +reel SEE."kwamd midway between scads and 1 in frmn the Ilavnnlal joint. Jomro a, each dyer of walllrnazd m be e.t,EUUAmd Lan Ilia lain, on U,e Adjacent layer and on .01" srlo Sulu: of s[utls.am, I eel ironically For 3 if, HadnO - Throe layers of wallboard m be uc call vanw�V or I Or¢a telly lust layer with loons cmomd ov" sn'da. Bute, layer, may be ambit Insmnad be each St." with 1 m fund. Typo 5, coif rapping steal screws. Second layer I+aaneJ to each End iota.'- Iha lint toyer bUllh with 1•/. n. Ion o Typo S. ¢rail -tapping slue, aem. third Ia,u ,atoned fo Bench stud and Imo the fast and second Iabers with 4 S d turn, Type S. and colt helium of wa9fuel Lmemccov««tP/,awnt�e maximunouu Cin9 ai 48 InA be d. 0 C. dv+ll cant'- To3 in o thirdFlier snos Fhl, abe Iota,,, 2 totrim Ream of and Raof soP with a m-nmleu cpriet of 12 wn U.C. vanitatlY Encu ❑mJ dyer .1 tr ,torus .=rile d 'Goat'. fr and pint and 17 inu01, vunu Fire will, type S. full-"Ppm41 , " eah 1'/. In Irma, Type Ib, I dUr loud layer, also :m:ur.•d to ttm first end IM second layers ia9 lamporg heel slaws Inc+wd mdway between - d, andb1 to in from -111 he""" 'I'.� Eavd and pines shall [,a mndgorud Vmbad board Boon • magi en b In< Fell, coit�asysflcnUed9etGvumCowa , IP x2 5. Jinni Tape and Cam erne, - Vmyj a, casein, dry or Prur,rocd pint tFm,A.n,E Bob hnJ In two coats ,e tomb and +new h ud, par. to,. 2 in. vwd i. anrbnddPd In t'v "yvr at eumlwund ova, ell loon, '6oarino the Uk C".udre.,Sml Mslen(I Design No. U436 ,,,I ply 1 ffnq -i Hh 2 tin-1 fl ,N7 IlrCorit3 IIF (feed[turns 5 and Sly 6tNOTrues NG %V rs ILvny NOhl1LNUNG WAI L 2St�'> � . _....... � �e to •_ CFILINO gv J r I `I C3L] C yI�Llr LI 1. .« FLOOR 1 Lrp•lo ne ..I .'Abed IV. n wnr br 1 rr hi vi Z m i I:IrJ b rk 1 m L+nun ..... 9 I.rn fatal I a I ran 75 MA'•L' )ply :mil Ytadf. to 1, , ul 'i m. I,'.,a than , _o I,Iy hn.dnl. 2 9;,,,A,, Of 1. 1 on, = 1Faam,ml EREIre• :lord, wnwill,tuna Na a or '/r inTrPa 1 t r I 'I - % , , -I wlldu hnl. Jn[ p 1 ' b rM1 4 N / - I q n..'16 m. w:M f ntMrnd in ahb Imo .h 1s W yh ,hmo TYa' S w I 1 W .0 t ch ee, era I% m wale by 1 /. inJiro"m . I.r. t 3 I lour ABU C Leg n naa- fhnnnes I t n l r w:6so-nas • ad 24 or O L of Irate Nit , tenor near _b,i Nwcb••.1 to floor "Ref an61.I It' �i,+' .,nl Tncs ManbnE, To If— With snw.D✓ah stoat err U"ne' ""S" red in accnrtlam.n with • Ion ;�• 'rVl:on ter tea It. .'nit, Fabr. F�e ,n .1111 rrnmmn of Gerrit Start III Onldrn9a MrLL„cl•bY :he A,.I'll dn io_ 1 of >InJ Cmrt e�nt+ct [he tirimvmtwzpbuartl. Athtearee re,,<n IF, -:ad •,.J :nj na:[ vmhtr•: m+Y h ,he AISC saxlGcatmn fee ten d, s:yldrn o^ trll^rl m aremdaxo wa wwght of :•m..I W J :rx,•. .,dj In 3 75 mot LOOK FOR MARK ON PRODUCT a 0 N \ • � F• - � 1 I Apt i l 24, ., t(: 1 Atlanta Builciir,'a trttt6,) fn,.: 945 Placncr i,Acr_ Fort Pi r.q c:e. r Attent.iosti; I l i i ,,, -, i ,.. A I1,a ,,,r rr. ( Before m(', -1.1„ ;,, , r knm,m and l;nc':n, 1,.. r�l 1 ;1' Jacksonvi i 1 1 �,• i "� <�c. i; tr;, sworn did cic;poa,c jv)) tl7c pt'nitu t cLr 1'c•ii' �,; elaoCifit•atiOS'X !.-at,: lus V!s'y truly ,+rrurrl, I C)gmty PVlnt Rudd •���•'tirr:\'ll�(I, ri'yill lil Si11H I I r I)p virj:,I at the \ r-lat:rl ,1 _U,., •.lil.• ht,vtrl+f ho(til rcl ':r L!'rn c\asca, Aviation iin,;l r ,c i..: r•r7 t.o : iOCt the �'E17: `�N.CS. -YY��. ,., )•,i.'!., :•�,F.;; FIJItM .S�'YI,E i THP CRIOTEX r"'OPPOicATTro, J r ' �. Vincent J. '471,iLe.cayc• Quality Cbni.i of Supervist'l V Jyti : s 1 )40 p ,'<}G�• ... �' a'Vrrdi nu, tire) r•g •.'�'P a l F9 •"Atl altY.A l�]V if,lt+l] t)1:]CG .r BUILDING PLAN CHECK ST. LUCIE COUNTY -FORT PIERCE FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA TELEPHONE 465-6655 JURISDICTION: St. Lucie PROJECT NAME: COASTAL FLIGHT CENTER SPRAY PAINTING CENTER CONTRACTOR: St. Lucie Structures ARCHITECT: Bailey Engineering OWNER: Michael Prefontaine LOCATION: 3915 St. Lucie Blvd. BUILDING SIZE: 9600 sq. ft. OCCUPANCY TYPE: Storage CONSTRUCTION TYPE: SBCCI. NFPA. II (000) PLAN NUMBER #6120 BUILDING DEPT. NO. 91-0720 PHONE NUMBER 466-7250 PHONE NUMBER 407-697-8150 DATE RECEIVED 4-4-91 4-8-91 NUMBER OF STORIES 1 BUILDING HEIGHT 30'*- FIRE PROTECTION: Automatic Sprinkler Yes x No Occupancy Hazard N.F.P.A. #13 Hazardous Group II Requirements: 1). Cleaning and painting major aircraft assemblies and sub -assemblies which are not removable may be done at any hangar that meets the requirements of NFPA 409 "Standards On Aircraft Hangars" and those outlines in Chapters 5-4.4 through 5-4.9. 2 The notes listed on plans call for heated supply air for cold weather use. NFPA 469, 5-4.5 Electric, gas, or oil heaters listed for use in air craft hangars may be installed in aircraft storage and servicing areas. Heaters shall be installed at least 10' above the upper surface of wings or of engine enclosures of the highest aircraft. In shops, offices, and other sections heaters shall be installed not,less than 8' above the floor. Mechanical ventilating systems shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 90A "Standard For The Installation Of Air Conditioning And Ventilating Systems". When blower and exhaust systems are installed for vapor removal, the systems shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 91, "Standard For The Installation Of Blower And Exhaust Systems For Duct, Stock, And Vapor Removal Or Conveying". While the major cleaning, painting, or paint removal operations are being conducted, no concurrent, potentially hazardous operations shall be conducted within 50' of the w6rking area. CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY BUREAU ON ALL INSPECTIONS 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED ON ALL INSPECTIONS REVIEWED B DATE 9/ Qh..f Nn / of BUILDING PLAN CHECK COASTAL FLIGHT CENTER PAINT SPRAYING CENTER #6120 9ONTINUED: 3. Fixed electrical equipment shall conform to Article 513 of NFPA #70, National Electrical Code. Temporary lighting used for general illumination during these operations shall be located as not to be in direct range of any flammable sprays or liquids or in any "overspray" areas. Such equipment, if not approved for use in Class 1 Group D hazardous locations, shall be enclosed and of gasketed type to minimize the danger of breakage and reduce entrance of hazardous vapors wtihin the fixtures. 4. Aircraft electrical systems shall be de -energized during cleaning, painting, and paint removal operations. �. Only an operational supply of paints and flammable solvents, limited to one (1) day's or one (1) shift!s needs, may be maintained in a hangar._ Paints and solvents at the aircraft in the working area shall be limited to only those necessary for the job. Epoxy or polyester resins shall not.be stored close tq ketone -type thinners. 6. Fire extinguishing equipment. Provide a 20BC rated (15 lb capacity) placed close to painting area. Provide a 80BC rated (125 lb capacity) wheeled extinguisher and locate within 50' of the operation. 7. To reduce the hazards of static electricity, aircraft shall be electrically grounded when parked in aircraft hangars. 8. Smoking shall be prohibited in hangars except in designated safe smoking areas. 9. Boots with metal cleats or tacks shall not be worn. 10! Scrapers for cleaning floors shall be of a non -sparking material such as brass or bronze. 11. No open flame shall be permitted in the vicinity of the working area. 12. Flamma4e and combustible liquids on the job shall be kept in approved safety cans marked with product name. Pre -mixed paints shall be kept in their original metal containers covered when not in use. The maximum solvent or paint container size on the job shall be 5 gallon. D. CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY BUREAU ON ALL INSPECTIONS 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED ON ALL INSPECTIONS REVIEWED BY: DATE USE ST. LUCIE C .- T. PIERCE F.P.B. CHECK LIST PH# 91-0720 Project Name: COASTAL FLIGHT CENTER - AIRCRAFT PAINTING CENTER Architect: BAUZY ENGINEERING Ph: 697-8150 (W.PALM) Contractor: ST. LUCIE STRUCTURES Ph: 466-7250 Owner: MICHEL PREFONTAINE Ph: 465-2002 Address: 3915 ST. LUCIE BLVD. FT. PIERCE, FL 34982 Occupancy Classification: rfke 1&/AJ1 AMD &AAM*% See rrk j1 Type of Construction: Height and Area: Occupancy Requirements per Chapter IV: Construction Requirements: A. Fire Protection: B. Egress Requirements: Other Requirements: Elevators Sprinklers 6 Standpipea Combustible Materials - Interior Roof Coverings Light - Ventilation - Sanitation Handicap Requirements Plans sent to Fire Dept. - Date: �'j 9 Approved: Plot Plan Check Water Sewer Energy Code Paving 6 Drainage approval by Engineering Dept. Special Conditions prior to issuance Threshold Affidavit/Before Issuance Affidavit 0 9 VEGETATION ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING/SITE PLAN CODE ENFORCEMENT USA TAZ WATER SUPPLIER SEWER SUPPLIER DER CERTIFICATION FL DNR (CCCL) FL DOT SLC DRIVEWAY PER SLC STORMWATER PER MANGROVE ALT SEA TURTLE PROT BP VALUE PLANS EXAMINING FEE FOR OFFICE. USE ONLY SPECIAL APPROVALS REQUIRED DATE RECEIVED REQQUU/IRED FEES $ft do �. A ROAD IMPACT FEE $ N! A ROAD IMPACT DISTRICT ROAD IMPACT CREDIT: YES: NO: PR`#. .I. ` ..W.. . NOT REQUIRED RADON FEE: A" , ROAD IMPACT ZONE SCHOOL IMPACT FEE $ N /A DATE PAID: _ SCHOOL IMPACT CREDIT: YES: NO: SCHOOL BOARD APPROVED EXEMPTION: YES: ALTERNATIVE DEV. FEE $ /VIA DATE PAID: T. DEV. FEE ZONE: SUB PERMITS REQUIRED GAS AIR CONDITIONING ELECTRIC PLUMBING SCREEN ENCL/FENCE I .. ROOF lUmi3 NOT REQUIRED CHK# CHK#. ZONING CHECKS At /A BBL NIA LOT COVERAGE Al, /A EASEMENT _SPLITS � L uNT,L r/iau9 TleJA) �S IVO7 �SS�e�o alas/�r '