HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBMITTED DOCUMENTSNOTES BP qs' 6 19 3 7 PR .6D� MUST BE ATTACHED TO BUILDING PLANS DATE il SCANNED BY st'Luelprolo ST LUCIE COUNTY ROAD IMPACT FEE CALCULATION FORM Name of Feepayeroq� i✓lp �riST rlC�+l(/rl 10T f�l (ia nee Au;a«M Address OrA N N Date 6/-7gLgt— Permit � �# y Road Benefit and Collection Zone # I � ld, ,NLaA\8 The impact fee calculated herein has been determined based on the fee schedule adopted in St. Lucie County Ordinance 85-10, effective February 1, 1986 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPACT FEE CALCULATIONS LAND USE FEE PER TOTAL TYPE UNIT IMPACT FEE # UNITS # SQ FT (1000) # PARKING SPACES 11 STUDENTS I q�y o 1000 a 1.9a (X) �� 7 = $ ?07. Z$ 9 s STATE OF FLORIDA. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES ONSITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM' CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Authority; Chapter 381, FS & Chapter 10D-6, FAC 7 PERMIT DATE PAID FEE PAID '$ .''. t", RECEIPT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FOR: " New System [ ) Existing.. System j ] Holding Tank [ ] Temporary/Experimental ], Repair [ ) Abandonment, [. ] Other(Specify). APPLICANT: " 1f, I AGENT: PROPERTYSTREET ADDRESS:. e- ! ' t LOT:. BLOCK: 'SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY ID`: [SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE/PARCEL NUMBER] [OR TAX.. ID ;NUMBER.] 11 1 - SYSTEM MUST BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS OF CHAPTER 1OD-6, FAC. REPAIR PERMITS AND HOLDING TANK PERMITS EXPIRE, '90 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUE.. ALL OTHER PERMITS EXPIRE ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF ISSUE. HRS APPROVAL. OF SYSTEM DOES NOT "GUARANTEE SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE FOR ANY SPECIFIC PERIOD OF TIME, ANY CHANGE. 3N MATERIAL :FACTS WHICH SERVED AS A BASIS FOR. ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT, REQUIRE THE APPLICANT TO MODIFY THE PERMIT APPLICATION. SUCH. MODIFICATIONS NAY RESULT TN2 THIS .`PERMIT :BEING MADE NULL AND VOID.; SYSTEM DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS T [ �] [�GALLONS,y / GP. D']<S-EPTIC TANK/AEROBIC UNIT CAPACITY �"E217I.�T2.-CHAMBE�RREDED�/IN SERIES:.wj=-�J,,. A [ ^--"- ). [GALLONS / GPD') -"""'' CAPACITy Mi=CffXMBE/IN SERIES.[ I N GALLONS GREASE INTERCEPTOR'. CAPACITY [MAXIMUM CAPACITY SINGLE TANK: 125'.0 GALLONS:] W GALLONS PER .DOSE DOSING TANK. CAPACITY DOSE RATE [ PER ] P HRS NO. _OF PUMPS: [ ']. OF NO. D [ L j_ ] SQUARE! :FEET PRIMARY DRAINFIELD SYSTEM IS SUBJECT T SATURATION. FROM ROOF DRAINAGE, a [ x ) SQUARE FEET SYSTEM ROOF MUST BE GUTTERED PRIOR TO A. 'TYPE SYSTEM: STANDARD [ ] FILLED [ ] MOUND FIN�At APPRDVAI. �/ I CONFIGURATION: F` 7 [ ] TRENCHw.]„ BED =r ] )ems i 3 f •-_�'+':,f ri , LOCATION OF BENCHMARK: �l : e-"-, ,-- J r t ,re .ELEVATION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM SITE ( y "] [INCHES/FT)+[ABOVE/BELOW] BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT BOTTOM OF DRAINFIELD -TOBE j ) [�TNdHES�/FT] [ABOVE{BELOF]-BENCHMARY€/REFERENCE POINT FILL REQUIRED: [. 7,£ ] INCHES SPECIFICATIONS BY:: EXCAVATION REQUIRED: [ 7Z ] INCHES TITLE: APPROVED BY:: r jj TITLE - DATE ISSUED• ` c f CPHU EXPIRATION. DATE: {n HRS-H Form 4016, Mar'92 (obsoletes previous editions which may not be used) (Stock Number: 5744.001.4016.0) BUILDING DEPARTMENT Page I of 2 a y i is INSTRUCTIONS: PERMIT NUMBER: Permit tracking number assigned by CPHU': is APPLICATION FOR; Check type,of permit, if':Olher" specify type in blapk_ r APPLICANT:. Property owner's full name. TELEPHONE Telephone,. number loos applicant or agent. i AGENT; Property owner's legally authoriztd representative. f li MAILING ADDRESS, P.O. box or street mailing address for applicant arageht. I' LOT, BLOCK, SUBDIVISION of PROPERTY IDK: 27 character id number for Property. (CPHU may require property appraiser ID t%:or stctiort/law+nship/rangelpareel number), t I SYSTEM DESIGNAND I' SPECIFICATIONS: TANK: I Mininaum5peciEeutiens from Chapter, lQD-6, FAC. DRAINFIELD: Minimum specifications. from Chapter IOD 6, FAC. OTHER:: Other specirjcations, such: as operating par rut requirements, lnw-vglume flush toilets, varum" provisos.. ' I SPECIFICATIONS BY:. Name of individual providing specifications. If designed by a registered engineer must be�sealed, APPROVED BY; County Public Health Unit'(CPHU) personnel reviewing and approving permit. n DATE ISSUED: Date permit is issued by CPHU. i EXPIRATION DATE: One year from datei issued if the system has not been. installed. Permits for system repairs become void 90 days from thedat'p , issued. p I I BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS March 15, 1995 RETURN RECEIPT Mr. Frank Rogolino 2607 Kerr St. Ft. Pierce, FL 34947 • 71 TERRY L. VIRTA, AICP SUBJECT: COASTAL FLIGHT CENTER - MINOR ADJUSTMENT Dear Mr. Rogolino: f The St. Lucie County Development Review Committee has completed its review of your March 15, 1995 application for a minor adjustment to the above subject project and have determined it to meet the minimum technical requirements of Section 11.02.05 (E) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. This letter shall serve as approval of an adjustment to the project known as Coastal Flight Center. This adjustment provides for the additions of an office building as shown on the site plan drawings for the project prepared by Velcon Group Inc., dated March 13, 1995, and date stamped received by the Department of Community Development on March 15, 1995. This approval does not in any way constitute authorization to begin construction. Prior to the commencement of any construction on this property an application for specific building permits must be obtained from this department. Building permit applications may be made at any time following the receipt of the recorded agreement. For specific information on the composition of these submissions, including applicable fees, please contact the St. Lucie County Building Inspection section. If you have any additional questions, please contact Diana D. Waite at 462-1576. Y ly, T P. Kelly g Manager HAVERTI L. FENN, District No. 1 • JUDY CULPEPPER, District No. 2 • DENNY GREEN, District No. J • R. DALE TREFELNER, District No. 4 • CUFF BARNES, District No. 5 2300 Virginia Avenue • Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Administrator: (407) 468-1590 • Growth Management: (407) 468-1553 • Planning: (407) 468-1576 Codes Compliance: (407) 468-1571 o ST LUCIE COUNTY CERTIFICATE OF CAPACITY CERTIFICATE NO.:C95-049 This document certifies that concurrency will be met and that adequate public facility capacity exists to maintain the standards for levels of service as adopted in the St. Lucie County comprehensive 'Plan for: 1. TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT ORDER: MINOR ADJUSTMENT TO SITE PLAN NO. OF UNITS: N/A, NO. OF SQUARE FEET: 2,368 2. PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION & TAX I.D.# (& STREET ADDRESS): 1429-342-0001-000/8 JET SERVICE CENTER 3915 ST LUCIE BLVD ALLIANCE AVIATION OFFICE BUILDING 3. APPROVAL #: LETTER: 3/15/95 4. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS FOR CONCURRENCY: N/A 5. OWNER'S NAME: JET SERVICE CENTER/DIV. OF AIR CHARTER OF FLA ADDRESS: 3915 ST LUCIE BLVD FT PIERCE, FL 34946 6. CERTIFICATE EXPIRATION DATE: March 15, 1996 This certificate of capacity is transferable only to subsequent owners of the same parcel, and is subject to the same terms, conditions, and expiration date as listed herein. The expiration date can be extended only under the same terms and conditions as the underlying development order issued with this certificate, or for subsequent development order(s) issued for the same property, use and size as described herein. t SIGNED: DATE: March 15,.1995 Community Development Director ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA ST. LUCIE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT • 3300 VIRGINIA AVENGE, ROOM 202 FORT PIERCE, YL 34983-5652 ' 407-462-3553 FILLED LANDS AFFIDAVIT I, the undersigned, am the owner of the following described property, 15- tuz , �B Ivd I - px ID/`egaI description/address) for which I have applied to St. Lucie County for a Final Development Permit. In accepting this Final Development Permit, BP Number . I acknowledge that as owner of the above described property, and in accordance with Section 7.04.01(D), St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I shall be responsible for assuring adequate drainage so that the immediate community WILL NOT be adversely affected. I further acknowledge that in granting this permit for the development of this property, St. Lucie County is neither obliged nor liable to provide for, or maintain in any form, adequate drainage off my property which will not adversely affect the immediate community. Property Own r _ Propdr er Data (Print) (signature) STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF J WHO EPERSONALLY IOVOWN TO M R WHO HAS PRODUCED AS IDENTIFICATION. N(Lti,n�cly Y �`%limo�A_ SIGNATURE OF NOTARY ' TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF NOTARY MARIWETIQUIA M00RE Notary Public, State of Aug. NOTARY PUBLIC TITLE G�/7 COMMISSION NUMBER My ComCC mission SLCCDV FORM NO.: 011-00 STATE O.F FLORIDA DEPARTMENT/.OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS 2:t40 CEN7ERVIEW DRIP! • TA4tAHASSEF, FI.ORIVA 32399• T00 LAWTON CHILES Gnrem r LINDA April zs, 1994 Gary Marsh Coastal Building Systems 6101 45th Street North i St. Petersburg, Florida 33714-1035 RE: 1994-95 Annual Renewal Based on the 199i-Sae s Manufacturer's I.D. Number: CESSI-94 This Approval Expires June 300 1995 Dear Mr. Marsh: It is my pleasure to.. inform you that the Department of Community Affairs has renewed Coastal Building Systems approval to manufacture commercial buildings for installation throughout t e State of Florida except Monroe County. This renewal is grant d pursuant to inspection of your Submitted plans which were found y this department and your inspection/plans review agency to be - n compliance with the applicable codes. On site installation requirements are specifically entirely reserved to local authorities. These requirements must reasonable and uniformly applied the same as for eonventiol construction. A copy of this letter must be attached to the approved plE when: making application for local buildind permits. Sincerely, Lawrence H. Jordan Planning Manager Manufactured Buildings Lail: cr cc: MWC EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT • HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT • RESOURCE PLANNING AND --------------- e: — ---.... ... .. 10001 GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF 2 1 COMMUNITY AFFAIRS aim EMU January 16, 1992 ceveRNo Mr. Russ Reisch Gelco'Space 4308 North Orangeblossom Trail Orlando, Florida 32804 Dear. Mr. Relsch: Induidlize etrd Buildings - 'h�iple A Custom $udders, I.ac. 'Iu reapo:ass to your request for a letter concerning this Departmengs approval of 7iipie A Custom $udders, Inc., they are currently approved to build the Following occupancies theft Saville, Georgia plant for installation in Georgia: R3 (Residential, one and two family) R2 atWdential, multi+&mdy) A (Assembly) 13 (Business)- E (Educational) M (Mercantile) Agreements between Georgia and the states of Florida, South Carolina, New Jersey, Buildings allow Sena to also build finstallationvania and the"cilfSt tes on. then.Indust. Aid Housing and it evidenced by bearing the insignia of the GeorgiaDepartment pProval of each wait and the state of installation. Parturient of Community 1t8'a;rs Sineerely.�����:�� Je C. Hurd.Smith Program Coordinator 404/656.5526 JCH/ca cc: 7`siple A Custom Builders, Inc. B"'table . u"Ing • 100 Peachtree Street 0 Atlanta, Georgia 30203 •'(404) 666-3830 • Fax (404) An Equal OAwnunity xmp&�v 0 m rLo"It.1A w4pnoy toplialMal (Ailik POH BUILM"d WMAM1014 SECTION 9 6 1RUILbINd bM310H OV bOMPliNgHt I AUG 1'rl 1988 StA11511cs: nESMEN114 ANt) _h1iOJECt NAME: CILY, ZIP CODE.- llof II U/7- MOM limilmit Noj W motti �doqlchj OVINE111:1 JuSlabletlum BUILUINa 11 IMMAMN COMPONENT 0-VALUE th6l U. _Mt AhM Concrete black altdclure [CBS) Woodhome 011ie? U., Cover U; Under Attic Cavity al"gio Assembly Uek' U. color Ue tole) can jillormc! hoot Am Concl@lg Over Unco"dilloned Spocit U. Wood Over Unearldilloned Space U. 0 slab an aged@ Cleat Single elate Clear Double elate U. 11"tSIrtolo Olan U. Vtd boubldalaze onrei U.' wood Metal tristilated Ue Ocher U. Total Llghifry Walicign ............................ ....... Total co"dilla"od Floor Am* fail. ft.) ....................................... Llqllllfv Budget MoRl"Turn atlsisq. SYMMS INPOnMAllo At" CONDITIONE11 EFFICIENCY bir Iftt" - I of (COP I HEA11140 SYSTEM TYPE StPlln4 11JEWUMId hAdtj t)lLtj b&Mtj I HEAI NO SYSTEM EFFICIENCY cup� 01 EFFICIENCY 110t WAIEn SYSTEM TYPE ELECinIC 11EAthECDVEhrd Ohd btLtj boLAMLJ U, wag Allowable 3 6 U,"allAclual— I iT i; rb -- L"llply,"d (Wit thA bloulilatif of b. Itug.1, 6"Jej Ills t6g&&6d ud U, toollcAlloill1tV Ailt;nablo U; Soolfcelgngi vallifis lot thA finfilb iMV6608 Inpi Abello". lid Uc [low owable �Ullocf AoWal I D, (j9@"vb6HMo*ibj4_j_.).0 6 Illivilope ActualV"V WartArtr4ablo b"V ikil Quit 0 lil V toolic—elfilng Aflti;vabla Will toolirctlad, Acloal rl4 Or 114 place and eaW lion lm' etAtrMFbrNiEnwpy ov"HIP A IM190441111 111,11 plane Ind lip" •114th 14 ticirldi Energy tW&. k6jai oatmilm li b"%tj. NI htKblkd 1:016AU .. . fIANUFACTURER HUDEL Gross Wall Net Wall _. Glass Doors Gross Roof Gross Floor Gross Envelope I r - • �LuR1uA MUDEL ENthuy tFt'lCjt,4Y •NUILU1Nd OTHER THAN 'it UUiLbiNd 'i o _/Da & - AUG 1 `71988 AoW d / &/ 4(=, 1. 1 . AW d / UU AG AD d - 3 !� Ub AUR e 01 AUF a M/ IF Our d : 0.7 AU a Aow +. Ault * AU1 Wall UUW (AW UW) 4- (AU UU) 4 (AD UU) UW Wall UUW n / yyG�vt!`'lno/ Envelope Allowable UU a .36 (AUW) 110 (AbR) •1 13tl 000 0 Envelope Allowable UU Envelope Actual UU n (UU•IAUW) 4- OUR AUR) 1' (UUF hkl U Envelope Actual UU n �>'��/(,//� f-OS- 06il-,�y&0/-, Wall U•1.1•V` a (UW AW 1•DEG) + (AG -SF SC) * (UU AG 6 ) Wall ortvL ,of6tn f Yg/�/63�I% f-/,/315��/�,�/_ 2(,Ip < 2010. -Water Nester Eff. - 4.0 Watts/FEI! -Shower He'"do d 3 em Max. -Public lavatories (hot water 6PH talth iitl°F hItIA j -All penettationd through building bhveiupq h1ld11 bd 6Odibd -All connections between toot and Wd11I dhd 14611 ithd ilbtit hhoil bh sealed with caulking compound bt #agUildibhtl 0 r r