HomeMy WebLinkAboutTERMITE TREATMENT CERTIFICATEZ a6ed PERMIT PEST CONrj PEST CONTI \Ve, the under snbterraaean Square feet of Percentage of Date of tmatn Q Footing Cl Isl Rc• 0 Sla © 1st Re- a Diivewl Q ist ❑ Re- 0 miols 0 Is[ ❑ Re. ❑ Other _ Q l sz Q Rc- U Perimptc )VOTE. 70 996L594ZLL St Lucie County erections 2300 Virginia -Avenue Ft Pierce, Fie 349$2 (7n) 462-2172 O EC q E® r6=CT LGOZ'90 JdY 2 2 00$ public Works St. Lucie County, FL SCANNEDPa 2f i� BY S St. Lucie ... CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATNM , ADURMCj-IC)� Lair -C-ir A r .r hereby certify that we have pretreateddtheabovedescribed cot,struction for 1 in amordauce with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. �� cZ Tofal gallons used; Time of Treatment- FllCi04-16 CerafieeteofProtectiveTiealmeatfvrpreueRtiatrterat;let, A weather rcrivam fobsircpostmg G-ard shall be prurided to rcceiUe duplicate 7ieatrriae CertFfieater as cac/t requtred prwerrivc treatment is cokaplaed prorlding a copy far die person slid pemklr is issued to and another coFYJorrhe building permilfilu. The Creotmenr Certifrote sha!! pro• -.de the pradad used idenriry of the apphrator rime and date orthe 6carmna. Site lacarian, area treared chemical used. pere.ft, eana-mlrarian and number Ofgallaas used, to errablirh a verifable record of prorccare 11carmcnr lfthe sail chemical Gamier mrthodfor termiteprrvcnrion is aced, rural everiar ucalmem shall be eompldrd pnar ro final b.&Mg approwl. St Lucie Cm-ty mgkitrs for the final inspettinn for Cpk a Pcromttent Sticker t6 be pieced on the electrical pants box cover, Ihting all the treatments and dates of appliCtttions. mimem it it k for F'2Rdl lI1Sp8CtIC•Il Signature o eft �tertttinnior There sntlst b a completed form for each required treatment orre-treatment and &Firs jann must he an the job vita t he picked up by the inspeclor at time njeach iaspectwn or life srhedais inspe= will ttr.Vre sum�,he fail and a re -inspection fee charged �`! 3i7f9MISNxm1 99tilS7PZ1: 9T-1913 .Z(A16/90![L§ E abed 08Z MIZE TZ:60 800Z'8Z ZdP -1 •• I This report is submitted t All contracts for Section 1: Company Addr Z32804- Zip; 1517 Section 2: Company Nam Phone No.: Section 3: Propei. Building Permit No.: _ Location of Structure(s) l Type of Construction: Approximate Depth of Fo HomeTeam PEST DEFERS Construction Subterranean Termite Treatment R EC yi T3 NAie0unty, 08 3ks FL information purposes to the builder on (new) construction rases where treatment for prevention of can termite infestation is required by the Florida Building Code, Section 104.2.6. es are between the Pest Control Operator and builder, unless stated otherwise. SCANNED im Pest Defense BY tune Place City: West Melbourne State: Fl- fib, Lucia Qonifffi, r Phone No.: 321A09.8489 Business License No.: JE20424 Information Information FORT PI ❑ Basement ❑ Crawl ❑ Other Outside: Inside. Type Fill: DIRT Section 4: Treatment Information Date(s) of Treatment(s): 1 Brand Name of Product(s) Final Mix Solution:,.05_ 1 7712008 EPA Registration No.: 432.1332-73748 Used: I Maxx Pro Treatment Area Sq. Ft.: Linear Ft, 220 Linear Ft. of Masonry Voids: Total Gallons of Termiticid 3 Applied: 08 Service Agreement Availa le? ® Yes ❑ No This building has received a complete treatment for the Liquid treatment: ®Yes ❑ No prevention of subterranean termites. Treatment is in Liquid Final exterior treat ent: ®Yes []No accordance with the rules and laws established by the Borate treatment: n Yes ® No Florida Department of Agricultural and Consumer Bait in lieu of Pretreat: ❑ Yes ® No Services. Initial_ Note: Some state laws rec uire service agreements to be issued. This form does not preempt state law. Attachments (List) _ Comments Name of Applicator(s): HDFFPRRE Certification No.: JF9264 Authorized Signature i� Date 11/10/08 nH-NT9I05 - Z abE3 0976EZLIZE OZ:oL 800Z'Z1 AON