HomeMy WebLinkAboutFAXED - TERMITE TREATMENT CERTIFICATESFeb 01 11 09:10a HEMMINGWAY HOMES 772-781-0054 p.1 H-EMM(N!�IwAY LtoMES "An Old Florida Building Company" SCANNED FAX MEMO By St LuciecountV To: Ilene St. Lucie County Inspections Department From: Mary Trapani Date: February 1, 2011 Re: Final Termite Inspection Re: 1103 Tilton Road PERMIT # SLC 0803-0272 I am forwarding the final inspection for the temvte as you requested. Could you please fax to me the final Certificate of Occupancy to: 772-781-0054. We appreciate all your help in resolving this matter quickly for us. Thank you. Sincerely, Mary Trapani 6858 Wedelia Terrace. Palm City, Florida34990 Email: ht�uM.iwgwpyhcvues@Haheo.ao�u Office: 772-215-3218 Feb 01 11 09:10a HEMMINGWAY HOMES 772-781-0054 p.2 12/03/2006 19:23 772-�- 1,737B HANNON ENV. I 1 1, PAGE 01/03 St Lucie County Inspections 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft: Pierce, FL 34982 (772)462-2172 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT �} PERMIT I-& JOB ADDRESS 1163 �/-66 "f• IKA, F� BUILDER 1-yew7owlegw lY/ma's . PEST CbNTROL CO CT HANNAN FNU11�0A1W f Ut2 -SeAUI LrtM- PEST.CONTROL LICENSE#_159241 S We, the undetsigaed, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above -described construction for aubtetaancsn termites in accmdancc with the standards of the National Peat Control Associatiom- Square feet of area treated: '2-40 Charnical9 used: 5 A7/we / Percentage of sohrtion: o Talal gallons used: 2Z 454 Date of treatment 21 Time of treatment: 123 o ❑ Footing ❑ 1st Treatment ❑ Re -treat NOTE: Slab ❑ 1st Treatment ❑ Re -treat ❑ Driveway ❑ 1 st Treatment ❑ Retreat Pools O 1st Treatment ❑ Re -treat FBC1042-6 CatEllcate ofPnow0w nraaueal for prevention of MEMilea. A weather resistant jobsirc posting board shall be provided to receive dophcate Treatment Certificates as eaeb required protective averment is complerad pmvidiag a cord' for rherwrmn rhP pPrmit & iecord to and mother copyfor the building permit files. ibe Treatment Certificate shall provide the produce used ideality of rbe applicato; time and date of the rrrxtmwtr site locwtiun, area uoaloa chww" used, pemeor con,zntmdoa and umber orzWons used, to uYublish a verifiable teeord ofpmrective treatment. If the soil chemical barrier method for termite protection is used, Imo! exh!mr treatment srrau oe completed prior to final building approval. St. Lucie County requires for the flat mspacbm for CO, a Permanent Sacker to be placed on the electrical panel box cove; listbag all the treatmrata and dates of applications. U Qtbler 1st Treatment Re -treat Perimeter for Final Inspection There must be a cbmplered form for each required the job site to be picked up by, the inspector at time of each inspection or the scheduled inspection will fail and a reinspection fee charged Feb 01 11 09:10a HEMMINGWAY HOMES 17/03/2006 19:23 772-: 7378 772-781-0054 HANJAN ENV. p.4 PAGE 02/03 PERMIT # St. Lucie County Inspections 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft- Pierce, FL 34982 (772) 462-2172 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT BUn DER n PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR JOB ADDRUS J1123 21111 Z" t' PEST CONTROL LICENSE# 1R°Od13 r.rec. We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above-deacnbed construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Poet Control Association. Square fcct of area treated SOoO Percentage of solution: . b% Date of treatment: - - o Y ❑ Footing ❑ 1 Rt Treatment. ,,_,� �❑ Re -treat llB_lab - ['J"lst Treatment ❑ Re -treat ❑ Driveway. ❑ Ist Treatment ❑ Re -treat ❑ Pools ❑ IstTreatutcul ❑ Re -treat Chemie2k use& % l`-SAM v Total pHous used.- S-0a Time of treatment: 9:00 X M FBC104.2.6 Crrdlkdiv ufPturwaive 2trafiucol fvrprnvt=rdW of eermbM A weather mistant jobsite postios board shall be provided to receive duplicate M ubncra Cerdficares as each requincd protective treatment is rum pinrwi pmvidingn cxpvfor the rmrrao the pelpdt ry issued to and another copyfor the budding permit rues lie Trcahocat Certificate shall provide rbe pmdtxt used identity of the applicalor, time and date of the e anca4 sire location, a.ca treated, chamia7 vseQ pexent eoneenenrim and pmnber ofsallnns used, to establish a verilable record ofpmtective treatment, if the soil chemical barrier method for ta=ite protection is vsaA Opal exredar awoo mt eball be wmphtullxior to fmal budding approval. St. Lucie Coealy requires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sdcbc to be placed as the eloctcb:4 panel box cover, luting all the treatments and dins of applications. Other ❑ 1st Treatment Re -treat d Perimeter for Final Inspection • "", I , �/iMi at . NOTE: There must be a completed form thr each required treatment ore-tteatmentaod this form must he on the job site to be picload up br the inspector at time of each inspection or the scheduled inspection will fail and a re -inspection fee charged. Feb 01 11 09:10a HEMMINGWAY HOMES 772--781-0054 p.3 12/03/2006 19:23 772 g7378 HANNAN ENV. PAGE 03/03 St Lucie County Inspections 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft, Pierce, FL 34982 (772)-462-2172 M CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT # BUILDER t1¢� wR lHa PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR JOB.ADDRESS 1103 T,kh—k Rd P-f. Pf L« PEST CONTROL LICENSE# JBu9418 erl We, the undersiped, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above -described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the sumdarda of the National Pest Control Association. Square feet of area treated: —:3W ZZ�+ Chemicals used: t'Ia4 r Percentage of sohnion: .2r'.2 Tote] gallons used: lzit /1 Date of treatment: 5-12,- 0� Time of treatment: 11: ya AN .. NdlF: Z'Footing Treatment ❑ Re -treat ❑ Slab ❑ 1st Treatment g Re -treat Driveway ❑ 1 st Treatment ❑ Re -treat Cl Poole ❑ 1stTreatmenl ❑ Re -treat ❑ Qther. 1st Treatment Re -treat ESCto42 -6 Ccr6fwfe orPrttraYfve 2kcatmart fir prw®lipa of La dlw A w"fberre0stani jobsite posting board shall be pmvlded to reaeive duplicate 7rnatment Cenificates as each required protective uw=cnt is rt purred. providing a envy for tha person the peA it is icn,df to and another copytor the buildingpamit files. Vhe Treatment Carrificalc Sba1/ provide the product used, identity of the applicato>; rime and date of the fn me cn; site locaeioa, roue treamd, eherrdral used pcancnt eonrentrarion and numbar ofgallons uead, m astablish a verifiable record ofpm(cc five tmab.w t. If the sell chemical barrier method for termite protection is used, final rrmrfer ueatmear sball be cvmpkted ptior to !anal bui Wing approval. St Lucia County tequirra for the. Creel inspection for CO, a Petmaneat. Sdukcr to be placed on the alccodcat panel boot ca n liuft all the treatrarans and dates of applications. Q Perimeter for Final Inspection Signature o terminator There must be a completed form for each required treament or re -treatment and this foam must be on the job site to be picked up by the inspector of rime ofeath inspection or the scheduled inspection will fail and a re -inspection fee charged.