HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCEDWIN M. FRY, Jr., CLERK 01 43E CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUC]j !OUNTY FILE # 3187153 OR BOOK 2955 PAGE 1072, Recorded 03/31/2E};_ at 11:08 AM OSD3 —7 a V;xMMiNGulA`( 1ACM;;6ING 3 / k �199i� M FatnCA( � 1�: SCA(�l�� K.,........... .. ."'BY NOTICE OF (o;NCEMENT S4. Lucie CO)JO V The undersigned hereby given notice that improvement will be ®de to certain real Property, and In accordance with Chapter 713, Florida statutes the following Information is provided in the Notice ofcommemeroent. _ 87 4a1 r,I 2. GENERAL DESCREPfION OF 3. OWNER INFORMATION: b. Mailing Address description and mere address) TAX FOLIO d. Name and addmss of fee simple titleholder (if other then 4. CONTRACTOR'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE [gip S. SURETY'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AND POND AMOUNT: 6. LENDER'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER:x 7. Persona within the Slam of Florida designated by Owner uponwhnm notices orothor documents maybe served as provided by Section 713.13 (Ixa) 7., Florida StMdn:t� Til//11 �c NANMADDRESSANDPHONENl idimm- 4-iENtMltS6lilA`f 11MES 1y%5% .9r4 �LiA-Tra. t ft&yL- S. In addition to himself or baseU, Owner designates the foilow(ngto receive a copy of the Lianor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13 (l)(b), Florida Statutes: 99 ��,�,,�� 1'� ! NAME,ADDRFM AND PHONE NUMBER: ttrlltllllr�f"A!( kfte, &U$ SW �.;ATtef TA.M ilTK R. 9. Expiration date 20 x Signature of Owner or I year from the dam of recording unless a different date is Print Nasse of Owner or Owner's Authorized Omar Owner's Authorized Ofticer/DlrectorfPartoerlMansip r and Provide Siguamry's Title/Office State of F1oHda Couoryof .� t1 c Thefompingiostmmentwmacimowledgedbcf mmeth(s Z% deyof 200 ht V (Printed name of person sign bli above) (type ofonhority... mg. Owner, o&odr. trustee, attorney in I For (Nine of party on behalf of wfiom insrntmcot win exavted) Personalty B:now,p or produced the following type of ID: MARY TRAPANI _ (Printed N a of Notary Public) (Si ary lint Pub e) ;. ; `f as'IPIAGSSdIONODDOa� - ENPIfiESBop;omber30,201P; Under penalties of perjury, 1 declare that I have mad the foregoing and that the facts in it r ' ' s m belief (section 92.525. Florida Statutes). t" • � S sto s of Own s or Own s r Authorized OOlcerfDiredorlPartnerfMana er who signed above: `' rH) Owner(s) err() E Ea ¢>s_' Qrn~r,10, Y By. v t `�V _ By J Z P-T Q(L� s...avrouorpade) (gll) (Printed Name) w . LL W U O J pUC)Z W=F <o Q J '0 W C CO CO F- F t7