HomeMy WebLinkAboutSCREEN ENCLOSURE PAPERWORK-K - 1's 0 , ID 'Z f J J > 2 x? \\ L VD Zvi l VADING DIVIS1C+l IIaCWas U�aL,r AIUE�11JUi,Apta®pU ®EiA;LS. z<a VISIEI-E'coP.1�ECT101�S Ah1S Al AIv>o wou IV COIaP1ECTI0 a:SLI ► { z y ? DCTAII.S ARE 141� T= P� II RMali:e�l\Ci`al�iA'y Zi p Z47 f ST. LUCiE cuun I 1 BUILDING DIVISION IREVIEWED MUST BE KEPT ON JOB OR NO INSPECTION WILL BE MADE PAI i / f ;uunly - Z>.3 T•�ESE M PLgNS � RE DIRE E9 kF ANY Cp OP SEDW RK we u IYINO DSRTCTHAT CCMPLYWITH q LFC05p_r t j�Sl / �aUltrrt� A W11 -Ay �n." "�'..0 c m Design Check List for Pool Enclosures (page 1 of 2) 1. Design Statement These plans have been designed in accordance with the Alumir..um'Structuies;b@tsig £ Manual by Lawrence'ErBe -ett and are in compliance with th'e Ftorida'BUllding Co64e 2001 EditrobIChaptec20; Exposure Open or Open Building; Importance Factor 0.77; `tfegatNe`��PiC�(Q 160 MPH Roof Load & 120 MPH or t10 MPH Wall Load, 3 secondgustrvelociolfoad;, Desyn fpr LrfL��r�, pressures are 10 PSF for roofs & 14 PSF or _PSF for wallsl�� / 1„4j��j�JC �L7fQr�5, Notes: Wind velocity zones and exposure category is determined y lo`cca •cgdg Minim es 1 1 of 10 PSF for all roof loads prevents any conversion of roof t6ads:(�De tgn pre �su�e an conversion multipliers are on page 1-ii. 2. Host Structure Adequacy Statement: I certify that I have inspected the host structure and it is in good repair and attachments made to tfie structure will be solid. I- `Phone:' Contractor (please print} ' G ractor Signature Note: If the total of beam span & uprigf t- eight -exceeds 55' or upright'Saighl exceeds 20', site specific engineering is required. 3. BIuilding Pekmit'Apptication'PadKage`contains the following: Yee A. Project name & address on plans .............................................. B. Site plan or survey with enclosure location ..... C. Contractors / Designer's name, address, phone number, & signalure`on plans D. Notice of consumer rights attached and initialed by consumer. ..... .. .. . E. Enclosure layout drawing @ 1/8" or 1(10" scale with the -following: .. .. .... .. y _ 1. Plan view with host structure, enclosure length, projectionAom host structure, ✓ and all dimensions .............-................... ..:..... ........ 2. Front and side elevation views with all dimensions& heights '... ;...... Note: All mansard wall drawings shall include mansard panel at the top of the wall............ ... .;.. No 3. Beam location (show in.plan.&.elevation .wew.) & size. (i.e. 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0.224" 4. Upright location.(show in plan & elevation view) & size 44,cS PQNSAND (i.e. 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0.224") ........ ......'...... ..... ..:.RFOUIREDECT rOOy �OPOSFI Upright &wall member allowable height /span conversions froFhfjY ��R/ECp /NS ORRFCr/ODANS wind zone. V Exposure to MPH wind zone and/or E ®91R�yf TARY/NQ E Sq RS THAT width"}`, A44APP(/ AS ro Look up-span-6n420-WH table-andapply_lhe:following formula:' • eco g Span / Height Required Conve ed"' @ 120 MPH Inal116 _Span �1�4 (b or d).x•4� (b or d)x✓A (b or d)= �2•db Multp ere-Exposure-Mtiltiplier t Appropriate multiplier from,page 1-ii_ 5. Chair rail & girt size, length, &'spacing (i.e. 2" x 2" x 0.644" x T-0" @ $'-0" O-C.) ........- 6.-Eave-rail size,. length, spacing -and stiiching:df (i.e. 1"-x 2" to 2" x 2' x T-0" @ 6'-10" O.C.) ....... .... .. .. .. (. .. -- 7. Enclosure roof diagonal bracing.in plan view.. .. .... .._ B. Knee braces length, location, & size (Le. 2" x 3" x 0.045" for 2" x 8" x 0.072` x 0.224' SMB - b-1 I L g. Walt cables or K-bracing sizes shown in waif views 4: Highlight details from the Aluminum Structures Design Manual: Yes No A. Beam A puffin tables With size; thickness, spacing, A spans Elenglhs (tattles , 1.1 k 1_2 or 1.8 & 1,g) . ....... R. Upnght & girtMIiE!s with Size thickness, spaeirTg, & spens / lengths (fables 1.3 &.1.4)., -- — - - — C. Table 1.6 with beam &•upright combination.. D.. Connection .details.to.be-use such as: _ 1. Beam to upright _ — 2. Beam to wall ... ✓ _ 'S. Beam to beam 4. Chair rail,purlins,_& knee braces .. 5. Extruded gutter connections 6. Angle to deck and / or sole plate T. Anchors go through pavers into concrete,,.:..— `8. 'Minimum footing and / or knee wall details .. .. _ 9. Cable or K- brace detail, pages 34, 36, 27, or 38 _ Wall area calculations for cables: W = wall width, H = wall height, R = rise WS-= width-@ top of.mansard, W2 = width.@ -top -of wall . 'Example 1: Flat Roof Front wall @, eave: _ft. x _ft. _, . ft' @ 100 % _ f1.2 W H _ ,a. ' Largest side wall: ft. x ft. = ff.' 0 % _ ft.= W H d '-, TOTAL' Total area / (233 ft.' /cable for 3/32" - ;cable pairs ;. or Total area /:(445it? /cable 118").- cable pairs Sidewall. cable cal anon;: ft.' @ 1-0a%° _ ft.' b Side wall a '/ (233 ft.' / cable -for 3/32') _ cable(s) or Side "all area ! (445 ft.2 /cable for T/W) _ _cable(s) Example 2: Gable Roof Front wall @ eave; ft. x ft. _ _ft.' @ 100'% _ ft' W H a• Front gable rise': ft. x 1/2(_-ft.) _= 100% R W Largest side'waH: fLx _ :@5&%= ft.' W H Largest side gable rise': ft. /2Cft. + ft...) _ (t ? @ 50 % _ 'ft:' -R W -H d r TOTAL Total area! (233 f1.2 ! a for 3/32") _ ^cable pales or Total area / (44 .' / cable for 1/8") _ _cable pairs - _ Side wa able calculation: (L' + ft.' _ ft. @, 100 % c d Side wall area / (233 ft.' / cable for 3/32") _ �cable(s) or Side wall area l (443-t? / cable -for 1/8") _ wble(s)' ` (r 2 Design Check List for Pool Enclosures (page 3 of 31 Example 3: -Mansard Roof Front wall @. eave: ` ' ft. x )' ft. = 3557ift_= @ 100 % � ft , W H a Front mansard rise`: 3 ft. x 1/2( a°I ft. + q' ft_) _ 'ji -ft. @ 100 %o = 'ft., Largest side- R 'W1 -W2 b 1y wall:' d ft x' a." = a)i5- ft:= @ 50 °!o W H c Largest side mansard rise': R k. x 1/2( (a k. +ft_) _ �� .ft,=,@.60 ^la = 2� {t , = ��•�!Tt.= Total area f (233 ft:r1 cable for a/3?j = _cable; pairs TOTAL or Total area / (445 ft.= / cable for 1/8") = 19 cable pairs Side wall cable calculation: 'tIU. rt,=+ ' •t ft? _ 2­bY'ft 2 @ too % c d Side wall area / (233 V / cable for 3132")=_cable(s) or Side wall area-P(445 ft 2 / cable for 1/8") = —�Lcable(s) Example 4: Dome Roof Front dome wall @ eave: _ft. x _ft. = _ft. @ 1 W H a / Front dome rise': k. x 112( ft.) R W Largest side wall: _ft. x W H -Largest side dome rise'. ft.'x ft. .'R 100%= 50%= ft.= @ 50 % _ d aW ft.° ft.2 h.= ft.,=. ft.= Total area/(233ft.=/cable.f 3/32")=_cable pairs A Z NSANDAL ft. z Lp or Rf lJ1.9 eCrT04NyC ROPOSBD Total -area 7 445 ft 21 le'for -1/8') _ _cattle pairs Af y R Nf BSPl L lNS gAfp E� ECSIONS ORK at Side wall Side w70 a I cable, //'(233'k4' t cable for 3/32" a k = cable s f t = @ tt off% f���� A� �/ DSR� ft. ) ,or Side wall area / (445 it:=1 cable for 1/8") = _cabie(s) BUILDI;VC DIUISIC) AS/ALE UM PI ODUCTS IP ECTtO1, FC.q Notes: CONNECTIO LUDEc, ONLY D A SOG�V CON NE TIOIVS AND gILS, ARIm —HER SPONSIBI 0, T,HEALUPr.,;°4I; CC'JONSIB LIT' oR. bFILE 3 SECTION 1 SCREENED ENCLOSURES T 9 (SEE TABLE 1.3) 1 PURLINS (TYP.) PERIMETER MEMBER CABLE CONNECTION (SEE DETAILS SECTION 1) GIRT ..GRADE i 1"� - • K-BRACING;(OPTIONAL) CABLE CONNECTION. GIRT (TYP.) (SEE DETAILS SECTION 1) SCREEN (TYP.) k NOTE:'USE H2 FOR CABLE AREA CALCULATION TYPICAL MANSARD ROOF - ELEVATION- _ SCALE: N.T.S. EXISTING STRUCTURE ALUMINUM BEAM r W (SEE TABLE 1.1 OR 1.8) SCREEN (TYP.) L I � PERIMETER WALL FRAME �— (TABLES 1.3 AND 1.4) K-BRACING (OPTIONAL) ALUMINUM COLUMNS ' (TABLE 1.3 AND 1.6) GIRT (TYP.) 1" x 2" (TYP.) DIAGONAL ROOF BRACING (SEE SCHEMATIC SECTION 1) CABLE BRACING SIZE MEMBERS PER APPROPRIATE TABLES TYPICAL MANSARD ROOF - ISOMETRIC SCALE: N.T.S. a ` CONNECTION' DE TAILS AND NOTES'ARE_FOUND IN -THE SUBSEQUENT PAGES_ _a Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. FL # 16644 CIVIL ENGINEER . DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT V.O. BOX 214368. SOUTH DAYTON& FL 32121 TELEPHONE: (3B8)787-4774 FAX: (386) 767-65% PAGE I © COPYRIGHP E T 2006 BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF LAWRENCE E. BENNETT, E. 1 2 NOT RI SECTION-1 SCREENED_ENCLOSURES t>' .. - l OPTIONAL POSITION OF TOP RAIL W/ 1" x 2" ' 1" x 2" SNAP SECTIONS, 2 x ATTACH TO, 2'x2";W/, -----=------=—>- #10 x 1-1/2" S.M.S. QG 24" O.C. OR CONTINUOUS SNAP I SECTIONS OR 2" x 3" (4) SPLINE GROOVE SECTION ® IP . gFySt` 1 2" x 2" AND 1" x 2" MAY BE' - ®'- ROTATED TO RECEIVE ® -' SCREEN ® ALTERNATE FLAT ROOF �— — —--------.— ® SELECT FASTENER SIZE, c NUMBER AND PATTERN X ' % (SEE TABLE 1.6 & 9.5A OR 9.5B) 1. .. . • V l 2" x 4" BEAM T0.2" x 3". UPRIGHT CONNECTION DETAIL (FULL LAP) SCALE: 3" = V-0"1 Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. FL # 16644 . .1 CIVIL ENGINEER- OEVELOPAfENT CONSULTANT - •. r _ P.O.8OX 214366, SOUTH DAYTONA• FL 32121 ' - -. _- TELEPHONE: (366)T67-4T74 `FAX: (366) 76776&% PAGE COPYRIGHT 20" 1-1 O NOT TO SE REPROOUCEO IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMMION OF LAWRENCE E. BENNETT. P E. SECTION 1 -SCREENED ENCLOSURES SELF -MATING BEAM (SIZE VARIES) 1l4' x 2' LAG SCREWS @ 24' „•. ,; O.C. OR #10- x. 2" SCREWS @, 12" O.C' ,_® TAIL CUT OFF BEAM (OPTIONAL) _ 2' x 2" ANGLE WITH (4) S.M.S. (SEE SECTION 9 FOR SCREW = = .. %r• " - --SUPER OR ® _ - , '3/4' FERRULE WITH 3/8" x 8" "_ SIZES) EACH SIDE TO EXTRUDED' _ LAG SCREWS'@ EACH BEAM BEAM TO SUPER GUTTER'GUTTER'^ MAX. DISTANCE FROM FASCIA RECEIVING CHANNEL J 'TO HOST STRUCTURE WALL -1/8" x 1' W/ (2) #8 x 1/2" S.M.S. 24" WITHOUT SITE SPECIFIC EACH SIDE OF BEAM "' t .'ENGINEERING SELF MATING BEAM AND SUPER OR EXTRUDED GUTTER- CONNECTION SCALE: Y,,=-1'-0" „ 1/4' x 2" LAG SCREWS @ 24"- O.C. OR #10 x 2" SCREWS @ 12" O.C. MIN. AND (2) @ EACH - - STRAP: .. - OPTIONAL 1" x 2" OR 2" x 2' FOR SCREEN SELF -MATING,, 2"'x- " x 0.050" STRAP,:@ ' ' '' EACH BEAM CONNECTION " BEAM' ) : SUPER OR-., AND @ 1/2 BEAM SPACING W/ (SIZE VARIES) ® : EXTRUDED. ;. (2) #8 k 1/2' S.M.S. PER STRAP ANGLE, INTERIOR OR GUTTER MAX..DISTANCE FROM FASCIA EXTERIOR RECEIVING ® TO HOST STRUCTURE WALL CHANNEL (SEE SECTION 9) 24" WITHOUT SITE SPECIFIC ENGINEERING SCALE: 3' = V-0' I Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. FL # 16644 CIVIL ENGINEER • DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT.,� PY . P,O. BOX 214386. SOUTH DAYTONA, FL ]2121 , TELEPHONE: (386)7574774 FAX: (366) 767-65M PAGE •- . - .� _ _ © COPYRIGHT 26W - - - - - - - - 1 -22 NOT TO. BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF LAWRENCE E. BENNETT. P.E. _ SECTION 1 _ _ _ SCREENED ENCLOSURES CABLE BRACING General -Notes and Specifications: = 1) The following shall apply to the installation of cables ii-additional'bracing to,DiAGONAL bracing for pool'' I ' enclosures: „ a) FRONT -WALL CABLES=.7 x-7'OR 7 x 19 STAINLESS_STEEL CABLE DIAMETER TOOF ALL AREA el 2F CABLES ' -" •r „ 3132 a;. 4F CABLES ' .,3 ' TOTAL WALL AREA = 100LL` i 50% OF ONE SIDE WALL `' %' C1 . 'I z% EXAMPLE: FRONT WALL AREA Q 100% (8' x 32') = 256 Sq.,Ft. - -SIDE WALL AREA @ 50% (8' x 20') = 80 Sq. Ft. TOTAL WALL AREA = 336 Sq. Ft. 233 Sq.-,,Ft.- x 2 sets =, 466 Sq. Ft; > 336 Sq. Ft.; thus two sets of 3132" cables is required. b) SIDE WALL CABLES - 7 x 7 OR 7 x 19 STAINLESS STEEL CABLE DIAMETER SIDE WALL CABLE " 3132" ONE PER 233 Sq. Ft. OF WALL - 'j1j8* ! 'ONE PER 445 So. Ft. OF WALL ( T r-h - •• SIDE WALL CABLES ARE'NOT REQUIRED FOR SIDE WALLS LESS THAW233 Sq. Ft. c) To calculate the required, par of cables for'free standing pool enclosures use 100 % of each wall area & 50% of the area of one adjacent wall.--. v NOTES: e 1. Where wall height is such that a girt is required between the -top or eave rail and the chair rail, (i.e. a mid -rise girt), then the front wall shall have two cable pairs and they shalt be attached to the top rail and the mid -rise rail. if more than one'additionai girt is required between the top or eave rail and the chair rail, then there shall be an additional front wall cable pair at that girt also. 2. Side.walls do not require cables unill the side`wall area is greater than 233 Sq. Ft.. The side wall ... cable may be attached at the mid -rise girt or the top rail 3. Standard rounding oH'niles apply. ie: if the number of cables calculated is less than 2.5 pairs use two cables; if the number of cables calculated is 2.5 pairs or greater use 3 pairs of cables. Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. FL # 16644 CML ENGINEER• DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT P.O. BOX 21436E. SOUTH DAYTONA. FL 32121 _ TELEPHONE: (358)TBr4TT4 FAX: (386) 767$y5B a © COPYRIGHT 2M4 1.40 NOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT THE WRITrEN PERMISSION OF IAWRENCE E. BENNETT- P` SCREENED.ENCL(?§,PRES SECTION 1 (5).910 S:M.S. (MIN:).. a " x-1-1/2" x-& FLAT-BARi 4 0.125" PLATE OUT ON 45" ANGLE EYE -BOLT OR TURNBUCKLE FOR CABLE TENSION STAINLESS STEEL (SEE TABLE) .PERIMETER FRAMING 'MEMBER -_ NP1CI41 G%�I3 E'CQN_NE TIONS7AT.CORNER . DETAIL 1 ALTERNATE: USE (1) 1/4" x 1-1/4" FENDER WASHER EACH SIDE OF ®® FRAME MEMBER EITHER A OR B 1" x 2" x 0.125 CLIP AND (4) - ',8. z, MIN'. (2) CLAMPS REQUIRED #10 x 3/4' S.M.S. EACH SIDE FOR CABLES FA®® (TYP.) MIN. 1/4" EYE BOLT. WELD EYE CLOSED (TYP.) (, ALTERNATE TOP. CORNER OF.CABLE CONNECTION - DETAIL IA., upsm PLawrence E. Bennett, P.E. FL # 1.6644 'Y ' CIVIL ENGINEER -DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT P.O. BOX 21436B, SOUTH DAYTONA. FL 32121 ' TELEPHONE! (306)767AT74 FAx: (386) 767-65% PAGE © COPYRIGHT 20" NOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF LAWRENCE E. BENNETT. P.E. - 1 -41 SCREENED-ENCLOSORES' . =' t SECTION 1 2' x 20 x 0.125" ANGLE STAINLESS STEEL CABLE _ 2-1/,4' x 1-1/2' CONCRETE -- — - — ANCHORS (MIN.) CABLE CLAMP (SEE TABLE) NOTE: SEE PAGE 1.41 FOR NUMBER OF CABLES REQUIRED i".'. DISTANCE FROM EDGE OF A - , , .- _ - - . , s SLAB = 5(D) OF SCREW ALTERNATE CABLE'CONNECTION AT SLAB DETAIL -'DETAIL 2B SCALE: 3' = 1'-0' K SELECT ANCHOR FROM TABLE 9-1, MIN. SHEAR 607# FOR 3/32' CABLE AND 594# FOR 118' A� `' CABLE, FOR 3/32' CABLE (1) 2 1/4' x 1-112' CONCRETE ANCHOR (MIN.) O@ 5d MIN. 0 \ \ \\ 5d (MIN.) v Sd (MIN' 2500 P.S.I. CONCRETE 6 x 6 -10 x 10 WELDED WIRE MESH OR FIBER MESH CONCRETE EIrTr1pNS ATTOA4Ti1QNi L1ETAiL 2c SCALE: 3' =1'-0' Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. FL # 16644 CNIL ENGINEER-DEVELOPIMENTCONSULTANT P.O. BOX 214306. SOUTH DAYTONA. FL 32121 TELEPHONE (386)767-4774 FAX: (366)767-MM PAGE Q COPttlHTHT 2064 .. ., � ;.<, -gyp, _ ,_ ' - NOTTOBEREPRODUCEDINWHOLE ORIN.PARTWITHOUT-THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OFLAWRENCEESENNETT.P.F ,_ - _1-43 SECTION 1 SCREENED ENCLOSURES CHAIR RAIL ATTACHED. TO POST W/ INTERNAL OR" EXTERNAL'L' CLIP, OR'U' CHANNEL W/ MIN. '(4)'910 S.M.S. 1 GIRT OR CHAIR RAIL I 1 2' x 2' x 0.044' HOLLOW MIN:'' SCREW BOSSES GIRT TO POST DETAIL SCALE:3' V-0' y w OFOR WALLS LESS THAN 6'-8' FROM TOP OF PLATE TO CENTER OF BEAM_ CONNECTION OR BOTTOM OF TOP RAIL THE BEAM AND GIRT ARE DECORATIVE _ SCREW HEADS MAY BE REMOVED AND INSTALLED IN PILOT HOLES - z i IF GIRT IS STRUCTURAL AND SCREW HEADS ARE REMOVED THEN THE OUTSIDE OF THE CONNECTION MUST BE STRAPPED FROM GIRT TO BEAM WITH. 0.050" xlT' 3/4' x 4' STRAP AND (4) #10 "x 3/4' S.M.S. SCREWS TO POST AND GIRT IF GIRT IS ON BOTH SIDES OF THE POST THEN STRAP SHALL':BE 6' LONG AND CENTERED'ON', THE POST AND HAVE A TOTAL (12) #10 x 3/4" S.M.S. Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. FL # 16644 CIVIL ENGINEER- DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT - iLF .� P.O. BOX 2WIla. SOUTH DAYTONA. FL 32121 TELEPHONE (DB)7B7�T76 py o, FAT(: (388) T87•QSSB PAGE AC `® COPYRIGHT2M L 1-46 - NOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF LAWRENCE E BENNETT, P.Er- SECTION 1 SCREEN — SCREENED ENCLOSURES 2" x 2"x 0.063" PRIMARY Al EACH SIDE 'd' VARIES _ 4"_SHOWN #10 x 3/4" S.M.S. EACH SIDE (SEE SCHED,ULE•NEXT PAGE) 1;" x 2" O.B. BASE PLATE (TYP.) 5d' MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE -SECONDARY - ® ®� FROM EXTERIOR OF COLUMN 2" x (d - 2") x 0.063" ANGLE TO.OUTSIDE'EDGE OF SLAB EACH SIDE OF COLUMN W/ #10 ®_ Ip LT BO0 Id DIST FRONT VIEW 2" x 4" OR LARGER SELF MATING OR SNAP SECTION POST TO DECK DETAILS SCALE: 3" = V-0' NOTE: FOR SIDE WALLS OF 2" x 4" OR SMALLER ONLY ONE ANGLE IS REQUIRED. Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. FL # 16644 CIVIL ENGINEER- DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT - - P.O. BOX 214368. SOUTH DAYTONA. FL 32121 - TELEPHONE: (366)767.4T74 -' FAX: (386) 767SW _ , PAGE -©..COPYRIGHT 26W- _ ._- -_ ... _ __ _ 1 -50 NOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF LAWRENCE E. BENNETT. P.E. SCREENED ENCLOSURES 114" x 6" RAWL TAPPER THROUGH 1" x 2" AND ROWLOCK INTO FIRST —; COURSE -OF -BRICKS ALTERNATE.CONNECTION OF :- SCREENED ENCLOSURE FOR BRICK OR -OTHER NON- STRUCTURAL KNEE WALL 1" WIDE x 0.063" THICK STRAP- @ EACH POST FROM POST.TO , - FOOTING W( (2) 410 z 3/4" S.M.S.-STRAP TO POST AND .. (1) 1'14_x:1r3/4" CONCRETE 'ANCHOR TO_SLAB_OR- - ,. _ FOOTING 'SECTION 1 ALUMINUM FRAME SCREEN WALL CAP BRICK BRICK KNEEWALL TYPES' MORTAR REQUIRED FOR .LOAD-SEARING.BRICK WALL 4" (NOMINAL) PATIO . . CONCRETE SLAB'(SEE NOTES CONCERNING FIBER MESH) (3).#30.BARS OR•(1.) - #50 6AR:Wl_2 2"-COVER (TYP:) r - REEN WALLS — SCALE: 3/4" =_7'-0 - _ - -1 #5-8AR CONT. (3) #3 BAR.CONT. OR (2) #3 BAR.CONT. OR ° — T 3-112" (TYP. (1) #5 BAR CONT." 2'-0" MIN. - BEFORE SLOPE'j- ALL SLABS)EO TYPE t aTYPE-III c .�m�-_.- 1r,E F_t?O•TJNC'urc TEEP-_SLOPE FOOTING FLAT SLOPE / NO FOOTING M 8TF 0-2" 112" Notes for all foundation'types: 1. No footing required except when addressing erosion until the slab width in the direction of the primary exceeds 32 ft.. then a Type It footing is required under,ttie load,beanng Wall only unless the side wall exceeds 16 ft. in height or the'enclosure is in,a "C" exposure category in which case a Type It footing is required for all walls. 2. The foundations shown are based on a minimum soil bearing pressure of 1,500 PSF.: Bearing capacity of soil shall be verified, using a pocket penetrometer, field soil test, or by a soil testing lab, to be above 1„500 PSF prior to placing the slab., 3. The slab / foundation shall be cleared of debris and roots and compacted prior to placement of, concrete. 4. Monolithic slabs and footings shall be minimum 2,500 psi concrete with 6 x 6 - 10 x 10 yielded wire mesh or crack control fiber mesh: Fibenmesh ® Mesh, InForce" e3T" (Formerly Fibermesh MD) per maufaclurer•s specification may be used in lieu of wire mesh. 5. If local building codes require a minimum footing, use Type ll footing or footing sections required by local code. Local code governs. SLAB -FOOTING DETAILS SCALE_ 3/4" = T-0" — Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E.-FL # 16644 ' CIVIL ENGINEER- DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT P.O. BOX 214368, SOUTH DA,-TONA, FL 32121 TELEPHONE: (386) 767.47/4 FAX: (388)767-65% PAGE © COPYRIGHT 2884 - . ; NOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERLUSSION OF LAWRENCE E. BENNETT. P:E. - 1'55 SECTION 1 SCREENED ENCLOSURES • R1; Table 1.1 ' Allowable Spans for Primary Screen Roof Frame Members Aluminum Alloy 6063 T-6 For Areas with Wind Loads up to 150 M.P.H. and Latitudes Below, 30'-30%00" North (Jacksonville, FL). ' Koji" Sections , ., I - - Tributary Load Width'W' - Beam Spacing T-0" 4'-0" 1 - 5'-0,"- .1 6'-0" 1 7'-0" 1 8'-0" 9'-0" _ Allowable Span •L• I bending b' or deflection 'd• - 2"xY•x 0.044" 9'-10' b _8'-7" .D -T-B' �b 6'•11' b 6'ii' b " b' 5'=8'' b 2" x 2" x 0.055" 10'-9' b 9'-4 b 8'4" b T-T b T-1' b 6'-T b 6'-3` - b 2" x 3"x 0.045*,•, 13'4' b 11'•T b 10'4' b 9'S" b 1 8--9" b 8--2- -b ' '7'-8"- b Y x 4" x 0.050" 14--8" b I t2-8- ' b- 1 114" . bi 10-4- b 1 9'-7- b b: ' • 8'-5"- -'b- Self Mating Sections .-Tributary Load Width W =Slam Spacln _• - r T-V X-F 5'-0" 6'-0" ' - . Allowable Span VI bending b' or deflection-'cr 2" x C. x 0.044 x 0.100- _ 19'-11' b ,17'4" b 15'-0' •b 13'-1" b, • 12'-3" " b 1 V-6" b 2" x 5" x 0-050" x 0.100" 24'-9" b 21'-5" b 19'-2" b 16'-2": �b. 15'-2" - b. 14'-3' b 2" x 6" x 0.050" x 0.120" 28'-7- b 24=9- b 22'-2- b b 18'-9", b 1 Tfi' b 16'-6" b Yx7"x0.055".x0.120".... .-, 32-0" - b 2T-11" b 24'-11" b b 21'-l" b 19'-9" b 18'-7" b 2xZ=x0,055"-wllnserC 42-10'b' 3T-1''•'b '33'-2' b b, XW-9", t28'-1' b'.'t2fL3_ b t24'-9" D 41'-7" ' b 36'-l" • b 32'-3-, b b 2T-0' "b " ' tr 24'-0"b2" x 9" x 0.072" x 0.224" 45'-1" b 39'-1" b 34'-11" b b 29'-6' b 2T-8' -D 26'•1' D 2" x 9" x 0.082' x 0.31 D" 49'-0" b 42'-11- b 38'-4" b b 32'-5"- b 3W4" b 28'-7" b Y xi0" x 0.092' x 0.369" 59'-W " b' 51'-7" ' b' 46'-1" b b 36'-11" b 36'-5" b 34'4^ b Snap Sections. - Tributary Load.Wldth'W' ut Beam Spacing - 31.-V 4'-0". - 5'-0" 6'-0." 7'-0" ' 'W- ' 9'-0" Allowable Span I bending b' or deflection 2" x 2' x 0.044' 11"-9" b 10'-2"- b ' 9'-l" ' b 8'4" 6 7'-8" , b _7'-2" b 6'-9" b 2" x 3" X 0.045" 15'-l" b 13 -Y" b ' 11'-W b 10'-8" 'b B'-10" b 9 -3" ' b 8'4r' b 2" x 4" x 0.045" 18'-5" b 15-11", _ b 14'-0' b IT-0 b 12'-1" b 1 V-3" b 10'-8- b 2" x 6" x 0.052" 31'-3' b 27'-1' b 24'-2" . b 22'-1" b 20--5" b 19'-2" b 18'-0" b 2" x 7" x 0.062" - - - 134'-9" b 30'-1'. b .26-11' b 24'-7 b 22'-9" b 1 24'-3" b 20'-1" b Note: - - -1 1. Thicknesses shown are "nominar industry standard tolerances. No Wall thickness shall be less than 0.040", 2. The structures designed using this section shall be limited to a maximum combined span,and upright height of 55 and a maximum upright height of 20'. Structures larger than these limits shall have site specific engineering. 3. Spans are,based on a minimum of ,10q I Sq. Ft. for up to a 150�M.P.H. Wind load. • t _ 4. Span is measured from center of beam and upright connection to'fasda or wall connection. I 1 , 5. Above spans do not include length of knee brace. Add horizontal distance from upright to center of brace to beam connection to the above spans for total beam spans. 6. Purfin spacing shall not exceed 6'- 8' . For beam spans greater than 4W-0" the beam at the center pudin and one pudin for each 14'-0' on each side of the center pudin shall include lateral bracing as shown in detail (48'-0') span with pudin at 6'- 8" D.C. center pudin and (2) pudin each side of center pudin need lateral bracing:., , 7. Spans may be Interpolated. , Example: Max-'L' for 2 x 4" x 0.05D" hallow section with W' = 5'-0" = 11'4" " r 1 Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. FL # 16644 CAVIL ENGINEER. OEVELOPMENTCONSULTAN'l" P.O. BOX 214368• SOUTH DAYTONA. FL 32121 TELEPHONE: ,(386) M-4774 FAX: j:i6;761-6550 PAGE Q COPYRIGHT 20W - -' 1-56 NOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OFLAWRENCE E. BENNETT, P.E. SCREENED, ENCLOSURES I SECTION 1 Table 1.2 Allowable Spans for Secondary Screen Roof Frame Members •• '" Aluminum Alloy 6063 T-'6 For Areas with Wind Loads up to 150-M.P.H.. and Latitudes Below 30'-30'-00".North (Jacksonville, FL) A. Sectlons Fastened To Beams With Cil s-- ...,.:• Hollow Sections _ _ '+ r "- = Triutary Load Width W'-= Partin Spacing . 4'-6' -5.0"= T-6" - 6'-0" 6•-8" -Allaviable'Span'L' hbending'b' orde0eetlon'd' 2"'x 2"x0.044"•` - 7•-8"_ d- T-4" tl 7.'-0' --d -6'-9" -,d -6%6" b 6'-3" b 5'nlV b 2" x 2" x 0.055" - 8'-1"._- d .-7'._9'-. _d l - 7:S" -d __7'_2•-'- d. -.6'=11"- -d - 6'-9" - d• 6'-6, b -3" x 2" x 0.645" _ 8'-8"_.�d.. 8'-3" .tl 7-11" _tl -, 7'.8•_-d. T-5".-d - 7'-3" -d �: 6'-11' d. 2" x 3" x 0.045" 10'-9" d 10'-3L. d- 9'-9' b- -9'-3"'- b 8'-10" b --8'-5" b 8'-0" b _ 2" x 4" x 0-0501... - 12'-2" b 11'-4" ::-b' - 10'-8- `0 -10'-2'"'b '9'-8" b T-3" b 8'-9" b _.. Snap Sections ., ' s - _ _ _ - Tributary Load Width 'W' = Purlin Spacing .3,-0,,,,:. .. 4._a,..: 4._6" 51-VI . -I- S.-6.,. _ 6,-a"_ 6,-a" __ __ _ Allowable Span"L'/ banding'b'or degectloh'd;' - - _ 2" x 2" x 0.044, - -V-5" _:d - ,8'-l" -d. 7'-9- --d --T-6" -d - .7'-3" a' d � T-O" --d ' 6•-9` d 2" x 3" x 0.045"' ' 11'-7" d y t--1." d. 10'-8'- d- , 10'-4"-- d 9'•11" b .9'S" -- 6 -9'-0"- -b 2"x4"x D.045" 14'-8' _..d. _14;0". .tl -13'-0'-- d 12'-9' b 12'-2"' b -1'1'-8"-`6 B:"Sectlons Fastened Through Beam Webs Into Screw Rn«"� Ho11owSectlons6•-8•:- • Tributary Load Width' W = Purlin Spacing-, _ - - - - --- .Allowable Span'VF bending' b'ordeflectlon'd'-' -'-'- 2" x 2" x 0.044" ... 9'-2'- b --8'-7" - b. 1V;1" -.b. -..7-8"- - b -7'4" b 6' 11" b 6' 7" b 2"x2"x Ob55"' °' - :9'-.1:1'_ b"'9'-4'== b-8'-70"• ;b --8=4" '.b -•T-11" b T-7' b T-3" b r;X<3YXO.iiSDF 12'-4'- b -.11'-7" . b 10'-11- b 10'-4' b 9'-10" b '9z5" j"fi 8'-11" b ' x d" x 0,050 ` - ` - '13'-7" b -12.-8,' ": b' -11'-i 1" b 11'-4" b -10'-10'- -b 10--4" b' 9 =10" -b _ ._ Snap Sections- -Tributary. Load Width'W'= Purlin Spacing 3'-6"_ ` _4'-0C__. -' 4'-8" = ..- 5'-0"'6'-0'^ _ -_.6'-8^4 ✓_ 1. Thicknesses shown are "nominal" industry standard tolerances. No wall thickness shall be less thaR0.040". _ 2. Spans are based on a minimum of 10# / Sq. Ft. for,up to.a 150 M.P.H,.wind load.3. Span , is measured from " center of beam and upright connection to fascia or wall con nection. 3. Span is measured from center of beam and upright connection to fascia or waif Connection. , 4:' Pullin spacing shall not exceed'6'-8'"For beam spans greater than 40';0" the beam at the,centerpurlin and ..... one pudin for each 14'-0" on each side of the center purlin shall include lateral _bracing as shown in detail (48'-0") span with pudin at 6'- 8" o.c, center purint end (2) puffins each side of center purlin need lateral . bracing. r, ,. .. . 5' Spans 'may be interpblated. - .I CHECK TABLE -1.6 FOR MINIMUM UPRIGHT SIZE FOR BEAMS. Example: . . _ -41 tI .. Max.'L' for 2' x 4" x 0.050" hollow section fastened tc_beam wlth,cllps with W. 8 +1r;,, 10 2 'Allow able ,nce E. Bennett,, P.E. FL # 16644 CIVILENGINEER DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT P O.'80x 214368, SOUTH OAYTONA, FL 32i21 TELEPHONE: (386)7674T74 FAX: (386) 767fi556 © COPYRIGHT 280111 1 PAGE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERM1551ON OF LAWRENCE E. BENNETT, P.E. 1 "S% s SCREtN'&E"NCLOSURES I I Table 1.3 Allowable Post/.,Upright Heights forPjitimary 5c�een ..Wall Fialne Members Aluminum Allov 6063 T-8 - - - -For 3 secbntl wind -gust at velocity'of 120 MPNor an applied.load of 14.01, / sq., • - ': `: - ": Tributary Load width W Upright Spacing .. Hollow Sections 3'-0"-- 4'-0" 5.0' ;6'-0`• T-0•:-' .8'-0'-'� g•-0" r •-- ---• -- - -- -- - --->-Allowable Heigh 'H') bending'b' or deflection'd' ' 2"'x 2•" x 0.044" _" "... _.' :. '. 8'4't b _ 7t3e- . -b -6'i6" - b . "Sry 1• b 5'$' b.. 5'd" Sb • 4'-10" b 2"x 2' x_D.055" - _ _- _ xi _-9'-1' --b T-i-1". -b rq'+1" _b. _ 6'25" "b 5'-11' b• _c5'-7". _b -=5'$" b 2" x T.x 0.045" _ _71'-3" - b 9'-9° --b --8'-9"---b 'T-1.1" `b T-5" b 6'-1.1' :b �6'$' b 2"'x.4"-x, 0.O50" -- - . b 9',7" .. -b..._ 8'-g" b 8'-1 ° b 7'-7". +b -T-2- b ' :. Self Mating Sections • , Tributary Load Width W''=:UprightSpacing "- 3'-0' T-0"._9-0" - - -'--Allowable Hei ht'H'l bending b,` or deflection'•d' --' '- ---_. 2" x 4"x 0.G44 x 0-100" - - 16 =11" b ; 14'-8'... b '. T3'-f", _ b 11'.11" b 11'-1- b 10'4" b 91; 9" b 29.11"- b -18.1" - b :'16'-2-- -'b "14'.9^ 6 r.-13'$" b 1 _W ; ' 12'-1" b 2". x 6" x 0,050" x.0.120" - 24'-2"- 6 ;20'-11" %b : 16'-9" "b' -77-6 15-10' b , 74'-10" b '13'-11' b 2" x 7" x:0-055" x 0.1Z0" . _ ..27'-3' b -2Y b - 21'-1" -::b ' 19=3"- -b iT-10' b 7r,7"n. b. "15'-9" b 2- x 7" x 0.055" wl insert _ -36'-3', It. =31'4"- b 28'=1" - b' -" 25'-7" b - 23'-9' b 22'.2" b 20'-11" b 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0.224- 35'-2' b 3V-6! . b , 27'-W .cb .24'-10' 'b z23'4r,,%' b. '!Z7.'.-6".tc:b = 20' 4 b 2" z 9"•x 0.072" x 0:224"- - - - 38'-2: ,: b- "33'-0".. b- 29'$" It 26'-11" b 24'-11" b 7 23'-4" b 22'-0" b 2"x 9"x 0.082"�x-0.310" - 41'-10'"b 36-3". b 32'-5"=:b 29T '-• b 2T-5' .rb' =25'$" ';,b 24'-2" b Vx TV x. 0.092'1 x.0.'369"-`-' 7507-4'--b -43'•T b 38'-11,"�;.ti 35'-T b 32'c11' b 30'-10' 6 29'-1" b _ - Snap Sections, _. Tributary Load Width W _Upright'Spacing ,. . 3'-0" 4'-0"_- -$•;0^ a••8•-0"-. ' 7•;Q+-- 8 -0,-x .. - - =- - -- _- -- _ -Allowable`HeIghDH'l,tienilf�g'b':or defledion7d' • " Y'x2 x0.044" - _ 1.- '- 91-111'- b --8'<7" b T$" b 7-0"- b 6'$" b 6'-1" b 5'-9" b 2': x.3" x-0.045"- - - - -. - - 12'-9"- b•. `1.1'i0° b'.-9'40"- b 9'-0" b 8'4' b 7'-10" b 74' b Z' x 4" x 0.045" _ _ 1577- - b ,-13'-6'-- b 12'-1"'-:b -11'.-0' ,b 10' 2' b 9'-7•",; b 8'-11" b 2" x,6" x 0.052",. _. T_ _. C: -. 26`--5"- b 22'-10' 4 -20'S't.'b 18'$"- b • 17'-3" b . 16'-2" b , 15"•3" b 21 x 7" x 0.062° _ -': _ ' „ - 29'-5" 'b -25'-5" b..22' g•._..b -20'-9'--b 19'-3"-b •71T=L7'61 16'•11" b -_. nee.cen"erslgn wore 1A on the specification page for tables at the beginning of this section and example below. Note: - u• 1. Thicknesses shown are "nominal' industry standard tolerances, No.wall thickness shall be less Oran 0:040'.� •; • - 2, Using screen panel Width'W select upright length"H'. ' ' - ' ' 3. Above heights do not include length of knee tiwce. Add horizontal distance �tmm upright,to. center of brace,+to beam connectionto the above spans,for total beam spans.- ' 4. Site specific engineering required'for pool enclosures'over 20` in mean.roof-height,, -;. , Z _ 5. Height is to bemeasuredfromcenter of beam and vpnghI connection to fascia or wall connection. 6. Chair rails of 2° x 2' x 0.D44' min. and set Q 36' in height can be considered as residential guardrails,pmvided, they are attached with min. (3) #'10 x 1-1/2" S.M.S. into the screw bosses anddo. not exceed 8'-0' in span._;ri <-. •„��,., , 7- Heights maybe interpolated, '"• '-' - -' ` ' CHECK TABLE.'1.8. FOR MINIMUM UPRIGHT SIZE FOR BEAMS. IF SPANS FOR'C° EXPOSURE'CATAGORY AND/OR'WINDZONES bTHER THAN 120 MPH ARE REQUIRED, SEE EXAMPLE ON SPECIFICATION PAGE FOR TABLES AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS SECTION. - 561F f°At16 0-1. of 3- F Lawrence, E. Bennett,'P.E. FL # 16644 'CIVIL ENGINEER-OEVELOPMENTCONSMrANT /?D Mrofi MUI.T T/L.CErK - P;O. 803(:214388, SOUTH DAYTONA F7- 32121 TELEPHONE: (386).767AT74 I FAX: 1386) 767-66W PAGE COPYRIGDT20W - "J� NOT TO S REPRODUCEO IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITFIOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF-LAWRENCE E. SENNETT. P.E."' SCREENED -ENCLOSURES-,, ,-r' ';< SECTION 1 Table 4.4 Allowable Post I Girt / Chair Rail Spans; Header -Spans.& Upright;Heights, forSecondary Screen Walt Frame Members _Aluminum Alloy 6063 T-6 , - - . - - For 3 second wind gust atveloclty of 120 MPH or an applied load ot.14 # I sq. it.' - A. Sections As Horizontals Fastened To'PostsVith Clips- _ • Hollow Sections ":- - --' ---- - - - - Tributary Load.Widlh'1M T.6' -- - -4'-0" -- - 4'-V - -5'-0" 5'-6" ;. 6%0" W-Brr _ Allowable Helghts'HCl:bending W or deflection'cr 2" x 2" x 0.044'� 6'-10" . d 6'-6" b .6'-1' - b 1 5'-9" b b5:" 5'-0" b x O.055 7'-3" '-11" , d bW b6'-06b 5"b2".x2" 5'-fi' - b 3"'x 2"x 0.045"_ .:.'_ T-9" d 7-5" d T-1' d 5'-10' 2" x 3" x 0.045.. §Qt" b' 8'-9" b 1 8'-3" b 1 7'-10" b T-5"^ b• T•2" b 6'-9" D 9'.7"-- b 1 9'-0" - b I - 8'-7" b I b 1 .1 -10" _ .b I 7'-6" b Hollow Sections .- --. Tributary Load Width'W' " TIP 1.. 4'-0" V-W' I 5r7F5--w- Cd[,;a61c- Allowable Heights'H' I bending'b' or defiectloiNr - 2'_x 2" x 0.044" _ 7'-9" b 7'-3" b I fi'-10" b 6'$° b 6'-2" b 5'-11" b - 5'-T` b -2 "x 2"x0:055"•b 7111" -:b 7=5" b 7'-1' b Br,y. o- 8•-5" D. .8•=1" ,.tt. 3" x 2" x 0.045" -9'-3" h 1,, 8'-8- b ' 8'-2" b I 7'-9" - b T-5` _ b _ 7--l" b 6'•8" b 2" x 3" x 0.045" 10'-5" b- 9'-9"-- b I -9'-2' - b 1 8'-9" 111 8'-0" b T-11" b T-/- b 2Zr 4,txt '.. 41Yl31Ni 14'-8' b 10'-9" t1. ./ 1Q'-1" h ''9'-7'-2". b / b 8'-4 nap Sectidns 2" x.2" x 0.044" 9'-2" b Allowable Hel hts'H'=1 bending'b' or doflechon'd' 8'-7' b 8'-1" b T-8" b T-4- b 7'-0" b t 6'$" b ' Fo"llowabie heights at whld veroclnes arner.cnan T<v.mrn, see can.vu.vn uu.a 11 ..,r ..r„ • specifications for tables page at the beginning of this section aod'exampte below. Notes: 1. Thicknesses shown are 'nominal" industry standard tolerances. No wall thickness shall be less than 0.040". 2. Using screen panel width 'W'select girt lengths. 3. Site specific engineering required for pool enclosures over 20' in mean roof height. - 4• Span is to be�measured from center ofbeamand uprijht connection to fascia or well connection. 5. Chair rails of 2' x 2" x 0.044° min. and set @ 36" in Height can be considered as -residential guardrails provided they are attached With min. (3) #10 x 1-1/2" S.M.S. into the screw bosses and do not exceed 8'-0" in span. 6. Girt spacing shall not exceed 6'-W. ' 1 7. Spans may be interpolated.` IF HEIGHTS FOR 'C'EXPOSURE CATAGORY AND/OR WINDZONES OTHER THAN 120 MPH ARE -REQUIRED, .SEE EXAMPLE ON SPECIFICATION PAGE FOR TABLES AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS SECTION. ,r - Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. FL # 16644 ' CIVIL ENGINEER- DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT P.Q BOX TELEPHONE: SOUTH DAY 7-47T FL 72121 AirPY TELEPHONE: (366)767A7T4 k�� 0 FAX: (386)167-656 PAGE r. © COPYRIGHT 2001 NOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERLUSS10NOr LAWRENCE E. eENNETr-P.E. 1 "S9 SCREENED ENCLOSURES _ - - � SErsTION 1 Table i.6 Minimum Upright Sizes and Number of Screws for Connection of Roof Beams to Wall Uprights or Beam Splicing Beall size side '-upright' size Minimum Purliri, Gilt & Knee Brace Size" 'Deck: '.-I Anchors Notas- "'- ---- •'MUdmum Ntrmberof•Screws'-,• Beam.Slltching,. Screw 24" O.C. -#8 VA- --#10 x S" #12 x yf' .2".x.3" 2°.x 3" 2" x 2" x 0.044" 2 Full La 6= - ' 4 4 2" x 4" 2" x 3" 2' x 2" x 0;044' 2 . " Full la "' `8 •"" 6 4 48 2" x 4" 2'x 4'` _...2" x2' x,0.044"'.' - -2- - =Full La'8� = -- - "6'' "' 4 #10 2"x 5"- i '2.-x.3"' , . 2"rz-2°-:x0.044' - - 2 Full ,Lap. -' •-- 8=- - 4 6- 4 #8 ' - 2"x6" .2"x3"- 2"'x "rz;0.044". ..:4.-; ,Full La - - --10-- 8 `' 61 #10 2".x 6" 2" x 4" 2' x-2":x o.044" 4 Partial La - - to- - 8 - - 6 #to ` 2',x 7" -� 2"x47r G12'u'x° _._2'x2'x:0:044' r V,0.'044" _.... �4 ` Partial La- Partial La Partial La -'- 14" - - 16 12--;.=--10- -#12 21x=9". 2r x:6": ` -- 2i z3:'--x.0;045' - 6 - - 18 16-- i�-� 14. - 914 2' x 9""" -2" 0' .. ._ 2' x 4' x 0.050' -. ,.-8 Partial... 20-• 78' % - � 16 - #94 i 2" x 10" 2" x 8'-, ':. 2" x 4`x 0.050". -- 10 -- Partial La - -- -20 _ 18 16 # 14 Screw Size -Minimum Distance and Spacing of Screws - " _ --'- - Gussel:P..late;Thickness Edge To Center, .. , Center To Center. Beam Size -'' Thickness ''#10 -•- #12 :'' --_ - 5J161 • • � _ -: 318" = •ill". �_ ., 518" - -`- -3l4' __`" 1" - _. "2" a 7" x 0.055"x0:120"` 2"'x 8"x 0:072"x 0:224" 2" x 9" x 0.072" z 0.224" 1116" = 0.063" � -i/8 118 = 0.125" •#14 or 114"-- 5116" - `.314'- -' -`-716": -�- _- 9-112" _-2"x9'z.0.082",x - 1-3/4" _ _ _ _ 0..306' 2"x 10'x 0.092' x:0.369" AM"=0,125' IW=0.25" ' R fi t - ach ofthe connectfiiWi ftherbeam'and upright and each side -ofsplice connection. _ .. a ors. o e I •• 0.082"_wall thickness, 0.310! Oange thickness;,' ..Note:. 1. Conneciion ol2" z 6"'10 2" x 3" shall use.a fulltap-cut or 1/16"•gusset plate. - All 2. gusset plates shall be.a minimum of 5052 H-32 Alloy or have e,minimum,yield strength of 23 ksi." 3. For beam splice connections the number of screws shown -is the total for each splice with 112 the screws an each side of the cut. 4; The number of screws is based'on the :maximum -allowable moment of.the. beam, S. The number of deck anchors is based on RAWL R Tapper allowable load data for 2,500 psi concrete and or equal anchors may be used. The number shown is the total use 1/2per side. 11 - 6.'Hollow splice connections cam be'made provided,the-connection is=apprdved:2y: the .eh jineer. 7. if a larger than minimum upright is used the number of screws is the same for each. splice with 112 the screws on each side of the cut. „ . . 8. All beam to uprigftttonnections fort"x7-"beamsor-larger shall 'have_an'inteinal`_orexternal gusset platea.*Gusset.plates-are required for mansard or gable splice connections. 9. For gusset plate connections 2" x 9" beams,oclarger use 3/4" long screws.,- 10. Thesidewa(bupright.shall have am inlmum.beam.sizeas.shown.above: ie„-a'2" x-4"-upright shall have a 2",x 3" beam. 11. Connect beam to upright w/ H-bar, gusset plate, or angle clips for each splice with 1/2 the screws oiieach side or the cut. 12, For girt size use upright size (i.e. 2' x 6"). Read the 2" x 6" beam row for min. girt of 2" x 2" x 0.044". , Table 1.7 Minimum Size Screen Enclosure Knee Braces and Anchoring Required -Aluminum 6063T-S Brace Length Extrusion AnchoringSystem 0`-2'-0"- 2" x-2• x-0.044' 2° H-Channel With 3 #10 x 1/2' EACH SIDE To T-O" 2" x 3' x 0.0145' 2' H-Channel With 3 #10 x 11Z' EACH SIDE To 4'-T 2' x 4" x 0.044" x 0.12" 2' H-Channel With (4) 314" long screws (size to be rdetermined by beam size,•see..table.9.6) (See Table 1.6 For Number And Size ur screws) Note: 1. For required knee braces greater thaw4'b" contact engineerfor-specifications and details: 2. Cantilever beam detail shown on page 1-32 shall be used for host structure attachment when knee brace length exceeds 4'.6". Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. FL # 16644 _ CIVIL ENGINEER • DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT P.O. BOX 214368; SOUTH DAYTORk Ft 32r21 TELEPHONE: (306)767.4T74 FAX: (386)767-6W 7PAGE COPYRIGHTZIIW, ,.6.'� .. NOT TO BE REPRODUCEDIN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT THE WMITEN PERMISSION OFLAWRENE CE . BF.NNE7T, PE.