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I I 'I . I -r- iPERIy11T•# -, . _ _ .. ISSUE DATE -. i I ! PI ANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES_ ' w N Building & Code Complianee Division af: or tbeprcj{ I � t • , I I I It is Andersd ,i BUILDING PERMIT-_ _ . SCANNED SUB-iCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT BY — -I, I St. LUrip rn)mb I ,viuuu, ivuucl / - I I % Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES _ (Primary Contractor)"- at SaLi1 iylK��Yfl1 t� ��,�PE�•�1fCL'."FL�gs� (Project Street Address orProperty Tax ip #) - there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned d-Code Regulation Division of St. Luoic County will be advised pursuant to the lb -Contractor notice. Qnxlincr). i. ,-COONTILICTOR SIGNATURE (Q xliaer) I PRM19AME I I " 9 7 MER COUNTY C R IFICATION NOMRRR - / I MI BEACH .I state ofrlorlda,county or M3-b— OLIJ/1 gedbefoiometlds�;.eyof Theforegoinginstrumentwassiguedbciorcmetltis,anyof I, r-.r,l�:i'��rneS Fabn1' � ft�n�rc�,20j�by c Itz�n ArfrlT4'-1,tiy� I ' w ovcpersenxyylmm1.yn cans produced who is personnily[mmva rbas prodneeda�L'+Z_ i f a dens exHan.;i asidentificntlon. } }J t �Ik,I .. STAMP 0_� Eta _-/v t Al71JI.J STAMP nturc of NotnryYubblic l SIgnxture of Notflry PubltC ' PI iutNnmq of Notictry_Ptrblic Prbrt Nflme of Notary Public. . l l %W' Notary Public Staie of Flonoa I Q 8 Andrea Lamherl y My Commission GG 184517 ��q'1��1r Junan K. 'Clair I y •"Dar, Expires 02/20l2022 opp7.t,% 4 = Commisslon # GG151707 �= Expires: Crlober 15, 2021 R viscd'll/162016, 0 ��� Bonded thin Aaron Nalary ' n 'I �I is understol I 'I oject,;the S I ing of a Cli II 'I ' T Ic forlgdi'ng instrl LXl4� .I iv ro is personally k ideAT11 etfon. I Si nnlhre o 'otary I , I•I I I I I i I I I PERMIT # ISSU E� DATE ! 'I J II I I I PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES i Building & Code Compliance Division .14 I BUILDING PERMIT ` 6L+%�NniE® sull-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ' - BY ' St. Lucie County ieatin�_LLC - -- have�agreed to_lie��_ _!.�_ lividual Name) Sub -contractor for NVR; INC, dba RYAN HOMES (Primary. Contractor) 5ayl I OQKICtn� LC�kC L'r��le iF�t.�P'�e�ce, Fi_3�g151 • (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) I iere is`any change of status regarding our p rticipation with the above mentioned ;Code Rlegulat' ' Di I'ision of St. Lucie Co L my v ill be advised pursuant to the I ' I ;_,ccontractor notice. .om4c-' I I RTlli_PrINTRAf`Tr1 RIGNATrmRlOnnliM,•1 PrpLbe;r 1 KEVIN STINE PRINT NAME I 29939 MEER I COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER I 13EACH staieot'Ftorida,County of ORANGE ,ed before me thi§23-day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 23 day of iCZkk S6Lfryr �ab2C FEBRUARY z9L, by KEVIN STINE 1 �/ I I as produced'a' I who is personally known Xor has produced a is Identification. I STAMP - - STAMP Signature of Notnry Pu $ Notary Public 51ate of Florida— Andrea Lambert im nrl�q¢ o)pry.Public KELLY WEBSTER g My Comm,ssion GG 194517' 04 '6 - �ay� Expiros o?nh/zozz `°; ; •= Notary POhllc - Siateal Fioilda - - e• Commission S FF 978034 I' 1 "11fot�m °'• My Comm. EXPires Apr 4, 2020 I I � I ; I I I� I � HL.. 'I I I PERMITI' 1 - ISSUE DATE - ' .,,-• ti PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES l Building & Code Compliance Division RIDGEWAY, P UMBING th (Type of Trade It project ieistod li the Bu: t a Chat I . , 'I I Co, A - S 'lv i ' ,3II PRUIT NAME 'I r `I .I I COU Y CERTIFICAT•1 I. ION r $tale of Florida, County. ofj 1 'I I The rreguinginstrumei twas, � /},I svho i personally know) " t as id�Intificahe'. ' ,mcldfNotaryi Public I I I '1 I I 1111W016 ` i i I I I I i I I NTRACTORAGREEMENT BY St. Lurie Canute = 'Sub-contractor'for --have agreed to -be - - i�rce, (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID areisany; change of 'status -regarding our participation with the -above mentioned; ---- Code'Regulation Division of St' Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the contractor notice. 1 I, oualifier) I - - SUB -CONTRA IGNATURE(Qualifier) IfiGt In e r GARY,KOZAN 1 PRINT NAME 17-6826 BER 1COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER 'l ki—I Ob-c-�1 State of Florida, County of FLO RI DA led before.methis d�:day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this U(:o day of 1� GARY KOZAN iCOI E ..4(4(YIPSFa�2r� .�t 20L%by 9s produced al who is personally (mown X or has produced a 1 � i I as identification.. .` STAMP STAMP 1 Signature of Notary Public Priht Name of Notary Public ! :FV ::::, 1 E�' .. It I(ATHLEEN P.7. HALL ' Notary Public -Stale of Florida 1 i= My Comm. Expires Jun 17, pole • o "-',yn Commission f� FF 133566 f� Bonded Through National Notary! � W.•ri.,-,,,.:-•a-P•c: — _.,,tip Assnla 1. I i ;PERMIT_#: - - I- - `ISSUE'DATE - I iPgANMIINs & IIDEITL®FMi;1@'7T SERVICES c Buildefig & Code Compliance Division _-RE, " BUILDING PERMIT �UFI=COIVTRACTOR':4GRGEPoFEIYT 'BY - St: Lucie �oun�v , I I I:3et(senD,an Rc fing And Solar:Sysfem"s"Ino.haw: -- - — ;(Comp-Bny Nan zllndivl ua, amej--'— -- r �d=t e a LL he Rooflh Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES I ;Crype of Trade l -(Rrtmary Contractor)- ©n f For the projectlOcl t dat Sa.y7 K�af1� U�JUfc ___64 Pi r`Q S% _ .I 1 (Project Street Aduress or Property Tax ID #) P _ �� 1 is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our jTdr&ipation with the above mentioned p oject,ithe B ldffi Il i Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the, I filling of a (,ha%re of ub-Wnfractor notice.' I I i f. '1S7t4CTp11 lt' R} (Qualifier) L . �' I I +pyCfOfRARhICNAf11R6 (Qualifier) Byron Keith McStoots II I PRI17 A'AMG I. 29024 j ' c 1,�rl�cuirlrlrin•rf "v,l tlnatsr�t I I COUNI'1r PCR'fIFIC'A'1'10\r\LiIRO R Sm r afFlm,lda, County bf PA M:6EACH Palm Beach , ��� State of Florida, Connly of r I t a t, 7h foregoing instrument w s s-,md beforemethis0000ding of - 'fhc foregoine iastrnmont+vas signed before me this 22 day, of I ' • IBA GyS T� fYIP�a t�Cr February _, 01 byByron Keith McStoots wh is perso�nlly l:riowm _ol,us prdduced'a I , lrhu is personally known , ur has produced a Ltiflcatinp., as identification. I• I ;. sT.1a1P Sign lure ofNolwry, ohlrc ' aFnatore of.ZZotlly Pablic , 51'A91P Beth Wagner = Erin \wrr�e'ofNolary l',u[ilic int:;amc or;Votmy Public 'Notary Public State of Florida! p,ntlrea Lambert My commission GG 184517 npyydr Expires 02/2012022 .y„t• , BETH WAGNER YF •., . a MYCOMMISSION#GG081027 Revi -d 111IGf2016 1i+p> EXPIRES: ApN13,2021 i '_� q' ;S••`• BondsdthmuolmrPublicllndwArs f