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I i I :PERMIT # ISSUEDATE I PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES_ T `�� ��� � ' � '- -_ Building &Code' Compliance Division _ � -SCANNED, - - =i SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT BY St. Lucie County --- (Co6phnv Nafry/IadividualName)';. the L ,. Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYA HOMES f ' (Typ; j f Ti'z�3e}I i i (Privlalg Contractor) _ _ or-theprolectlocat at �a4 ] �Qt�I�iYIU LkIJ-�C�PE(�+ �1e�CC FL �{qSf i (Project Street Address orPraporty Tax ID #) t is underst� od th t, there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned roj ct, tlrelB liIuldiiia d;Code Regulation Dbision'of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the g of n C}3at'gP of ub-Qontractor notice. O.V 1kf_r _ (Qualifier). -i •CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE ( ali5er) INTNAMF PRINTNAh1E OUNTYCL+RTf[TCATION BR COUNTY CEIMMACATION N'UME+R I �� • S to -fluoride, Gouutyof PHLM BEACH State ofIloridn, County of f-�i%{Ut_R C�`A 1 cfG egob,gius ma tias signed before me tbis�t of - The foregoinginstrument was signed before me this /Q dayoi' I i `,�,,, - 20 b lv,>�R?uiC"ZLA ,2045by c IIIlh _ pia o is personalty) uumvnT I has produced a IT_ � who is personally known �r fins produced n�(� , / a 'denfd'icatian.,i :j Asidenfirlentlon. STAMP ! STAMP ntw•a of No Public l Mgnnture ofNotaryPablie I 1Y r �11�ltnn hl f5( I6af -- PliutNnmeof otAryPnbhc -. Prbtt NAme of Notary Pubtie, � ; ,. CAr �• Notary Public State of Flontla $ Andrea Lambert g� p My Commission GG 184517i Expires 0=0/ 022 `,�, 1 •♦tY/�rj Junan K. 0 Clair Commission # GG151707 • I I I — Expires: October 15, 2021 R wised uf! :: 'lo�t'L Banded thm Aaron Notary i � � i ' Ali 0n, nmo I 'I I PERMIT# I ISSUE DATE PLANNING I DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building &Code Compliance Division e BUILDING PERMIT SU&CONTRACTOR L+M AGRELNT _ SCANNER - - - - - i- — BY St. LUCK V OQTo - i - -- - — - -- - ' - --- --- - - !-- I n_e.Stop CooJing ant, Heating LLC _------ __. _--have.agreedto-be��_l_. _I � SCompady le MechaBlcal%HVAC Name individual Name) Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES (Type of Trade) (Primary. Contractor) rtieprojectlocate at 5aQ OQktond LaYe C rck i'El `fence, FL-3'�g5I ; . (Project Street Addressor Property Tax ID #) li is understood' that, i tlii rc is, any change of status regarding our lirticipation with the above mentioned �' p I i t -oject, the iLuldhil'iJ '� 'Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie Cc my m ill be advised pursuant to the I ling of a Chan of Ili -contractor notice. C-- SUB-CONTRAC O SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Ii St A'I usllhlF! IITRAC. Ir KEVIN STINE INT NAMF a PRINT NAME 29939 COUNTY CERTIF S all, of Floiida, Ce I I T Ie foregoinginstr �I it Io ispersbnflll}' k. IA ZSi nNureol'Notal i I�r1�w L P IntnAmebfNol i JR vis4ll![df20h .1TION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER I PAIeeacR - ORANGE Ity of I iM Sate of Florida, County of i I OO� h men( tv�ss1 ned before ma this, day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 23 day of c FEBRUARY L. KEVIN STINE !O, Ib• C©kt SQ. ' ;.) Q.be� �. 20 by I ivn / I o Ihfls produecdia ! .tvbo is personally hnotvn Kor has produced a T j as identification. 1 I I STAMP- STAMP 'ublic i I Signature of Nofary Pu 1 - , ` Notary Public State of Florida— .Pu61 i, :F @„yP Andrea Lambert int 115 V ofpry Public KELLY WEBSTER I tI co,�., My Commission GG 184517' s 4 t o II tgap Exps ov20lzozz Notary Public - State al Florida �o' My Comm SExpl es Apr 4. 2020 opn,. t iii I I I l ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building& Code Compliance Division i BUILD1NGPERMIT ---`� SUB-CONTRACTORAGREEMENT SGANNEW BY Sf. LUCIACOUPIft l IMBING__ I. -----have agreed to -be ppNaMeJ'' dividnai I>tatr fth PI�U �N,G .1 i Sub-contfhetor•for �iV�=YlC (i�pe� �YGIn �}pryl s (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) Fof thei projecf 1'ocated at of C71Oct Wnd We e_ r6c, Ft. l lerce� FL34gS l (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) — It i understood that, if iheie is -any change of status -regarding our participation -with the.above mentioned- --- pro'Ceti tlie Bulldingla, Codekfikul atio n DiYision of St, Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the fili g of a Change of Sub -contractor r}otice. I I I I • i CO, TaAR O $ iN (Qualifier) ,,' SUB -CONTRA NATURE (Qualifier) L ltGL GARY KOZAN PRINT NAME - PRINT NAME 17-6826 j CO YCERTIFICATION BER 'I COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER ;' $fate ofFlorida, County of. � �J2gC,h State of Florida, County of FLORIDA The I Dregoing instrument waslsiAedibefore me this 'day oft The foregoing instrument was signed before me this Uday of ,II i o n� C of F > , P'n �, 2g(a, by GARY KOZAN ,I I .1 l I who s personally Imuwl or 15 produced ai I who is personally known X or has produced a as id ntlficafioh. I as identification. 1 i STAMP STAMP igna ureofNotary Public i Signature of Notary Public I Print Namd ofNotaryiPu6licPribt Name of Notary Public f Notary 1O7J2012022 te of Florida I I Andreart .? g, My ComGG t845f7 '?q Expires KATNLEEN flR. HALL 4y Notary Public - stale of Florida Ji Revis d 11116d016 r My COMM, Expires Jun 17, 20104? Commission fi+ FP 133666 i �- Bonded Through Nationalt 11 Assay 0 • I I I ' i I I I I I FITRMLl # i _ ISSUE DATE I iDLA ` NING & LLlE V L.1..®S 1v111C.' i V JL SJL'',R AC1''uS ;Buildifig &(Code Compliance DivisionI i - j BUILDING PERMIT SCl tCONTRACTOR'-AGREE;MFNT ShHNNED' BY St C t.ounty 'I I I sn R4pfin9 And Solar'Systems Ino. - 1:I or the projedt loc; I i is understo Id tha I ojei t,:the'B I'ldi I ing of a WrIge l I I I I qffi.-Ok aR x, narvtcual Name) :. _---_—o-- Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES ' - -- -(Primary Contractor) - ---- - - at5a�D� ,©QKlandl.0 eW&R.Pieg-e rL-13L 'S) (Project Street Address or Property -Tax ID 4) there is any cbange-6f status regarding Our paMcipation with the above mentioned d Code Reg% lation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the. I � •1 b-cdrltractor notice. . i�' I •� I „ .?x rten'rl i;� I�ItlnanRR Ida, eauiE}•br PA-M'BEACH ig instrument 11; Sseined before mle this2-$W} vof 2B461• �TratrnPc i ra het - I %ally known l O las produced a ' I I I( top. j • I. - - i STAMP Yolary,rublic I . —, . I I a An `I tavikd 111II6n016 I l - OIP17WC1'OR SIC\�'fIIRg — I -, (Qualifier) Byron Keith McStoots rnrrr..-tmE — 29024 CO[+Y4'Y PER'CIPiCA'I'lON dL'SIBER StnteoCFlorlda,Cmmlyor Palm Beach Thu Cnr��tui3i� instrument i1as signud before nic}fits 22 — d;ry; o f � � ' February —.2B 181,a. Byron Keith M_ cStoots Who is persoaally knmvn t� or has prndUced a asidentification. gnaturc orhotap• rabiic . .. 51'Al1P ' Beth WannA. •• ate of F „ r ruunc rt odda GG 184517 22 BETH WAGNER " MIY COMMIBSION/tGG 087821 EXPIRES: April 13, 2021 "'f ey B0adWThm NOWYPublk UndamLers