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PROJECT NUMBER A INSTALLATION All landscaping shall be installed in a professional manner according to ac. epted planting practice with the quality of plant materials as hereinafter described and shall be irrigated by automatic means. 4 5 1 Zoning of irrigation system, Sprinkler heads shall be circuited or zoned in order to promote the conservation of water. 2. Automatic rain shut-off device. Automatic irrigation systems shall be equipped with an automatic Lain shut-off device for each zone. 3 Elimination of over -throw onto impervious surfaces: a. Sprinkler heads shall be directed away from impervious surfa...s b. The effects of wind on the spray stream shall be reduced by requiring low trajectory spray nozzles. Maintenance of Irrigation System Irrigation systems shall be maintained in working condition at all 6me: to prevent waste of irrigation water. Irrigation During Water Shortage Irrigation systems shall be operated in accordance with the requirements of water shortages declared for St Lucie County by the South Florida Water Management District or St Lucie County. PLANT MATERIALS 1. Quality Plant materials used shall conform to the stancards of Florida No.1 or better as given in "Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants", 1973, and "Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants', Part II, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services which are on file in the Otfce of the Community Development Director, or standards equal thereto. All plant materials shall be insect- and disease- resistant, and shall be clean and reasonably free of woods and noxious pests or diseases when installed. T r•�� sG H �J � --- >; P i4d - 51wzT}tl ���'x ►�'i 3 M'Jlt+{ M1NIMJFi Zh'�?NIc=I4J 0 Tr�rvt l��Jt►'sNt�I� n R 1311.121 r$ q� ,to --� TTtDJLE�2 616!1,46, vvMx Fv-4H& 1'S"10.5Ji -TYPICAL HANDICAP STALL SGHNNED 12 St. Lude Co ft These Drawings and Specifications as instruments of service are and shall remain the property of Axtman Architects, P.A. They are not to be used on other projects or extensions or alterations of this project except by written agreement with Axtman Architects. P.A. No design changes which alter the intent of the Drawings or Specifications are to be made without obtaining prior written athorization from Axtman Architects, P,A. COPYRIGHT 1996 (07 >111111 Z �- Q O W V J W UJ J Z . 00 N REVISION RECORD PRINT RECORD rWtVV l a z;-�T °1 l SHEET TITLE AXTMAN ARCHITECTS A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION ARCETrECTLW IlVTE " DESIGN 606 S.K. BAY�3HNOrREBOULEVAR0 PORT ST. LUCIE, FL. 349113 (551) 240 — 2172 SHEET NUMBER L 1 - - - - - - - -�-- i I j I I III I I 1 i I I I 14"D X 16 "W MONO FTC, W/2 I 03 BARB CONT, TYP feERIMETER OF BUILDING \ I �l - 4" THICK CONCRETE PAD I FOR C.U. 1" I • I I 4" Ti-K CONC. SLAB (MIN 2500 PV) W/ FIBERME51-1 OVER VAPOR BARRIER I I i OVER CLEAN COMPACTED TERMITE 1 e i TREATED FILL. I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 12 5pppppp � FDN. PL4N (D FRONT ELEV. I /4"= I' -0" TYP. ALL GARAGE DOORS —we"iviv,Sn-"*"W WINDSPEED ph TOBEAM BLOCK ELEv, 8'-O" TO. SLAB ELEv. 0'-0" TO.BEAM BLOCK ELEv. W-O" TO, SLAB ELEv. 0'-0" An C.U. en 21V-r----- -- I I I I ALL GARAGE DIOOR� MUST MEET 110 mp WINDSPEE',D I I TOOLS r- --- ---1 I ATTIC ACCW6 L- -- -- -- J PANEL AHU 10 n OFFICE VTR 5 , NG TOILE a 2468 CLOSET 3 )P' _ 31'9' _3 1. RECEPTION ;3ft8 r Vr -) v PR 04 3 3 3 Ill "' CJI — — XC-JJ3 -- CJ2 CJ3 T3 (2) LPTA 72 \_ Tl Tl T TI TI TI Tl TI I TI I TI T3 CJ3 ` -(2) LPTA CJ3 CJ2 — — — CJI 3 3 3 W W I DI 4 3 P 4404ES LPTA TYP. (1) EA. TRUSS W/ ('10) 10d NAILS LNLES8NOTED OTHERWISE NOTED NOTE: ALL DOORS SHALL HA. ?RuVibE LEVER HANDLE HARDWARE k i nJC� -p,D' - hIE pcc.ES 41 r �Fff41„fiNCB FLAN SITE R AI NACU E FIBERrsI-AS SHINGsLE8 MIN 6 FASTENERS EACH OVER 30a FELT ON IQ" CDX PLYWOOD W/ CLIPS AND 60 RINGSHANK S H E E T TITLE NAILS 4" O.G. AT EDGE AND 6" =. FIELD. FLOOR PLAN, ELEVS, WHERE FILL IS USED. THE OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY \ �'-ma WALL SECTION, ON WHICH THE FILL IS BEING LOCATED, SHALL BE \� - '� ROOF FRAMING PLAN, RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSURING ADEQUATE DRAINAGE SO R-IS INSULATION THAT THE IMMEDIATE COMMUNITY WILL NOT BE \\ ADVERSELY EFFECTED. S.L.C. LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE 4 SECTION 7.04.01 D3 I/1" GYF'811MppppBO�AgR�DggON a TOB-AM BLOCK I- COURSE 8" BEAM TDJ 8'-0' BLOCK W/ 1- 01 CONT a' I- COURSE 8' BEAM BLOCK W/ I eI BEYOND PRE-ENGINEERED PRECAST LINTEL W/1- ^ IN 30M PSI CONCRETE 3/4" WOOD BUCK GENERAL NOTES PROJECT NUMBER CONSTRUCTION SHALL FOLLOW "STANDARD BUILDING CODE" AS These Drawin�e gad ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY AND AS APPLICABLE TO THE AREA IN Specifications as instruments WHICH THE BUILDING 15 TO BE CONSTRUCTED WITH ALL APPLICABLE ofservice they property of AMENDMENTS. Aatmen Architects, P.A. They are not to be used on other pro seta or extensions or al eratplone of THE CONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTOR, SUPPLIER ETC, SHALL VER- wthis projectexcept xce twb h IFY ALL DIMENSIONS, CONDITIONS AT J055ITE, PLANS, SIFECIFICA_ .Architects. P.A. TIONS, ETC, "sign design changes which alter e the intent of the Drawings or Specifications are to be made without obtainins prior ALL WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS TAKE PRECEDENCE written ikn AhrChit*cu P.A. OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS. COPYRIGHT 1997 (2)LPTA STRUCTURAL NOTES DESIGN LOADS: ROOF (DL. + LL.) = 41 P5F WIND VELOCITY = 110 MPH 5UPPORTIN63 STRUCTURE e 110 MPH ROOF SCHEDULE TRUSS MEAN HEIGHT =10'ABOVE GRADE SOIL BEARING CAPACITY: 2000 P5F ALL BEAMS AND POURED CELL CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3000 PSI AT 28 DAYS SLAB/ FOOTINGS TO BE CONCRETE WITH MINIMUM 2500 PSI COM- L V FW561VE STRENGTH AT 28 DAYS. SEE PLANS FOR SIZE AND STEEL REQUIREMENTS. MINIMUM CONCRETE PROTECTION FOR REINFORCING BARS: FOOTING: 3" BEAMS: 1 1/2" SUSPENDED SLABS: V U LAP ALL REINFORCING STEEL A MINIMUM OF 30 BAR DIAMETERS. USE STRUCTURAL GRADE WOOD WITH A MINIMUM Fb = 1200 P51 L ALL STANDARD LUMBER SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF Fb = 1000 PSI OR 03 SOUTHERN PINE, UNLESS OTHERW15E NOTED. z ■ ALL LUMBER !N CONTACT WITH CONCRETE OR MA50NRY SHALL BE PRE55URE TREATED. SPLITTING OR CRACKING OF STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS DUE TO l2) LPTA INSTALLATION OF HARDWARE 15 NOT PERMITTED. UNLESS OTHERW15E NOTED, THE INSTALLATION OF SPECIFIED HARD- WARE SHALL CONFORM TO THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND STANDARD PRACTICE. REVISION RECORD BEARING POINTS OF GIRDERS AND BEAMS SHALL HAVE VERTICAL SUPPORTS SUFFICIENT TO SUPPORT LOADS. ROOF 51-CAT`4W-% TO BE NAILED WITH 10d GALVANIZED NAILS OR � EQUAL 6" O.C. E + F IN ZONES 1 A 2 AND 4" O.C. E + F IN ZONE 3 PRINIT RE ORD —� LEFT ELEY. ST. LUCIE c(7UN1'Y-FT. PIERCE B,NGLE- ALUM WINDOW TO. SLAB FIR#iS"fRICT •x. , II; )t't D_F ft C°0 1PI,IANCE AND ftLl[3�'L'I,iC, '6'(i, � ry,� F.IF:L�-.I SpECTION BY: JQHnYDEN MARBLE BILL — A1'E : Compliance to; 1, N,FPA, 101 2, 5t"�Iic# rcl [iL1i6t�In Co3"GYPSUM BOARD ON 9 FI-FOIL ON I X 2 P.T. 3. Sfato Fire ffiar�h�l Rules RIRR1NG • 16.0t. TOEEAM BLOCK 1, LOCIII Firs Codgh ryE+LE v �8'.-y0y"t p �v i� t Rr t t q BASE �. . !�1 �"./�Ll.i7F',E�' �,i;�'f�I4I kVFL' l�l WV?R1 [ E4� RE: FOUNDATION PO. BOX 3030 PLAN TF.LEF'HON�C,. (4UrJ 462-�1� tT -P4E ECG., R �a491;9 f<'A%,, (407I 463-2335 TO. SLAB ELEv. 0-0" LPTAIFSm STRAP STRAP 0 EA OR A OR A8 NOTED T09EAM BLOCK A X T M AN \� ELEV..8'-O• \� AaD{CN F/j/��■ /���• L 1i C 1U�../ V f A/ ALUM DRIP A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION `-- I X 2 P.T. DRIP DA.LMTEL ARCIErnECTURE GONT. AL. Ct4T. A E-LEv.6'-8' IIV'I'EIRIOR DESIGN SOFFIT PLANNING 3/ 4" STUCCO - 2 X 6 RS. CEDAR 3/ ON CM. FASCIA 806 S.W. BAYSHORE BOULEVARD PORT ST. LUCIE, FL. 34983 (681) 340 - 2172 NOTE FOR WINDOW BUCK I X 2 WINDOW BUCK NAILIWs 18 APPROVED TO BE e8d CASE HARD 8ENCO COIL NAILS CAD CONSULTANT 6" O.G. TOP AND SIDES. BOTTOM OF WINDOW TO BE MUDDED WITH BILL. WINDOWS WILL BE SCREWED IN WITH ALCAN SCREWS, CALKED AND ALSO SECURED BY DRYWALL AND STUCCO AR LIND WINDOW FRAME. CONC. SILL. SLOPE MIN 1/2, (1)9 IN CONC. SILL ---STUCCO ON C.M.U. 7= 0a T.0 EL s FOUNDATION RE: FO NDATION PLAN 8 uJf4L.L SEGT(ON A 1 e1 e MAIN D15CONNECT G.U. ELEC. METER VERIFY LOCATIOt IN FIELD C / 3 W 10 OHD I 1 I I / ' I 1 � E. I , \ I / I 1 I 1 O ' I / , I GD.OPENER Q f TOOLS OU t ELEC. PANEL FAN/ / O n LIGHT `J COMB --- r I �` - � � -- RECEFTICN O ELEC.FLAN U 2" x 611 PT W/ 318" X 4" REDHEADS AT 12" O.C. OR EAIIAL WP/GFI .0 NOTE FOR WINDOW AND DOOR BUCK, I" X 2" WINDOW BUCK NAILING 18 APPROVED TO BE aed CABS HARD SENCO COIL NAILS 6" OC. TOP AND SIDES. bOTTOM OF WINDOW TO BE MUDDED WITH BILL. WINDOWS WILL BE SCREWED IN WITH ALCAN SCREWS. CAULKED AND ALSO SECURED BY DRYWALL AND STUCCO AROUND WINDOW FRAME. C;AR/4GE DOOR BUCK PER NEC 220 430 S. F. X 4.5 KV A/C Refrigerator Coffee Welder Compressor 15.035 230 = 65.37 - 68 AMPS Use 200 AMP Panel w/40 circuits 1935 KV 5000 1500 600 3000 �UOO 15.035 ELECTRICAL C4L.C. TOOL p•p:--'PEZ)fIEC Zoc. out5(DE p,fL OFF I'(�E Cox 10 vy �� ✓" ' Alt 1.5 TOO N.C77� 4XrAV RECEPTION A/C COMPRESSOR 2" 3/0,113 IN 2 IN. j CONDUIT 2" RIGID UG. SERVICE F.PL. I I 200 - _ AMP M -- PANEL NO. 4 CU. WIRE TO 5/8 DIAXV CU. GRI-V ROD IN 1/2" PVC SLEEVE .4" MTL EXHAUe SO CPI EF. ELEC. RISER DI>�C->Rr41"I NOT TO SCILE ALL LOAD DETERMINATIONS AND INSTALLATION BY A LICENSED ELETRICAL CONTRACTOR PER N.E.C. ADDITIONAL ELECTRODE (ROD)a IS REQUIRED WHEN THE FIRST ELECTRODE RESISTANCE EXCEEDS 25 OHMS MAINTAIN i FT SEPER,4TION BETWEEN RODS. TT v f LLZ"15INC; i'LAN 1/411 21'-01 1 HVAC SCHEDULE AND N- HVAC unit shall be Trane split system DX or approved equal. Unit shall be 1.5 tons. Mount on plenum stand for return air. Unit shall be minimum 10.0 SEER 120/208/230/1 /60 Supply air diffusers shall be 4 way Metalaire or equal - all aluminum construction, series 5000, sizes as shown. Return air grille shall be Metalaire or equal. All diffusers and grilles to be white. Provide thermostat with unit - Honeywell or equal "On - Auto" fan and "Heat / Cool" settings. Ductwork shall have all joints and seams sealed with approved tape applied with adhesive to make joints air tight. Ducts shall be reinforced foil faced 1 - 112" fiberglass insulation board (R-6 minimum). Flex duct shall be Thermaflex or equal. Provide spin -in connection with diverter and volume damper for each take -off from the main trunk ductwork. The Contractor shall be responsible for balancing the HVAC system to meet the criteria on the plans, and shall return to the site to rebalance the system to meet any specific individual requirements. The Contractor shall obtain all required permits and inspections from governing agencies and furnish a written guarantee that all work shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of equipment start up and final acceptance. Manufacturer's instructions and guarantees shall by given to the owner. TO SEPTIC LA TO SEPTIC PLUMBING RISER DIAGR,41„1 O HANVIC:AP TOILET Q NAhVICAP LAVATORY W/LEVEL FAUCETS O 24" X 40" PL, GLASS MIRROR ® 1 I/2" DIA ST STL GRAB BAR 3b" LONG © TLT PAPER DISPENSER (RECESSED) PAPER TOWEL DISPENSER ©I I/1" DIA ST. STL. GRAB BAR 42" LOVG PROVIDE BLOCKING AS WCE66ARY FOR ALL FIXTURES PROVIDE IN&L-ATM =;r£! FOR HOT WATER/ PROTECTION FOR OTHER PIPES. INTERIOR ELEV,4TION 11411_11-mil P n.. nK These Drawings and Specifications as instruments of service are and shall remain the property of Altman Architects, P.A, They are not to be used on other protects or extensions or alterations of this project exce t b,T written reemenf wifL Axtman Architects, P.A. No design changes which alter the intent of the Drawings or Specifications are is he made without obtaining prior written etherization from Altman Architects, P.A. COPMGSf I W7 } Z� W V J w >M W -� Z� my RF,vISION RECORD PRINT REQORD SHEET TITLE MECH PLAN, ELEC . PLAN, PLUMBING PLAN, RISER DIA- GRAM AXTMAN ARCHITECTS A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION ARCHITEJUIUM INTERIOR DESIGN PLANNING 606 S.N. BATSHORE BOULEVARD PORT ST. LUCIE, FL. 34963 (561)UO-2172 CAD CONSULTANT RODDY AXTMAN SHEET NUM ER UK CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT SURVEY prepared for Tom Gibney W ACT 01 --- m End of Fence 5. 59' S 6 19. 59' E 25. 00' u p0�-2 0 _ 116. iJ' - cAi sti,ng "ra I _.- ..y .._ 39.15' •• r'nl sC rIw^ 40. 0• Y - x `•' 49.'• 49. C' 30. GO'' -{- PROFCSConcrete BIrCk Off la I I Es1laated FINsn f!ccr X } ,50 N l : hater 6 Nl'FPublli 1 Sewer Avallable N_ CDm X,'", I. I I Q z l roll O CD IN Area CD CD Fence Corner li 19, 15' N S 19. 43' E {� 25. 00' x 0. 00' ASSUMED BENCHMARK top of 112' Iron Rod and Cap 'RLS 239P LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 1, RUSSAKIS INDUSTRIAL PARK, according to the Plat the r;c. as recorded In 'l:,t 3e01 33, Page 22 of the Public Records of St. Lucie County Florida CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR I HEREBY CERTIFY that the attached Map of Construction Layout Survey, depicting the PROPOSED improvements, of the hereon described Property is True and Correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and is based upon a boundary, survey as surveyed to the field under my chection. I furthe•: certify that This survey meets the Minimum Technical 3t:3r+Ja:Js set forth in Rule 61G1746 FAC adopted by the Florida Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers, pursuant to Florida Statutes 472.027 There are no above ground encroachments other than those shown hereon, subject to the surveyors report and qualifications noted hereon. Dated this 20th day of August, 1997. roes A. 1 by III R r Bred Land Surveyor Florida Registration Number 2391 Field Book 97-02,.Pa,ge 36 Field Book 95-06, Pages 56-57 Field Book 95-04,'Page 1 Field Book 35-393; Pages 64-68 Fi e i d Book 93-05, _E_'-agg§ -49-51 N89' 50' 24' E 1396. 28' N. S. L. R. W. C. D. CANAL NO. 44 OOLBOURN ROAD N89'50'24'E 13ll.t2' 1795., LOT 1 9.438 ACRES± S89'39'16'W 1370.57' LOT 2 S89' 39' i 6' W 1369. 97' LOT 3 SURVEYOR'S REPORT 1. Reproductions of this sketch are not valid unless embossed with the surveyor's seal and contains an original signature 2 Lands shown hereon were not abstracted or researched by this office for Rights -of -ways, Easements of Record, Reservations, Ownership, Abandonment's, Deed Restrictions, Zoning Regulations or Zoning Set -back Lines. Land Use Plan Designation adjoining . deeds or Murphy Act Deeds. This survey is not intended to delineate Wetlands Local Areas of Concern or any other Jurisdictional Boundary Lines 1. Legal Description shown hereon was provided by the client and/or his agent. 4. FLOOD NOTE. By graphic plotting only, this property is located in Flood Zone ' h ', of the Flood Insurance Rate Map. Community Panel Number 12111CO175 F. effective August 19. 1991. and is not in a Special Flood Hazard. No field surveying was performed to determine this zone and the exact location can only be determined by an elevation certificate. S. Elevations shown hereon are based upon an assumed benchmark located at a 112" Iron Rod and Cap "RLS 23910 located at the southwest caner of Lot 1, with an elevation of 50.Ol 6 The subject property has no visible above ground man-made improvements other than those shown hereon No attempt was made dy this office to locate underground improvements. NOTICE: THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS THAT ARE NOT RECORDED ON THIS PLAT THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTY. r August 28. 1997 C 50 t00 150 SCALE 1' = 50' VICINITY MAP 3 21 min J r M \_ -h. NOi TO SCALE sip n If.ld D: nm -6 I"K `IT9C-d ` L lo,% a A 1- ry J3 :..�t \. \ ✓ � IW44wJ � —A s. �..� St7E a li ': q. L Y Q -r ' IIE N ., �. -tM-n N89°50'24"E 1396.28' <r� 2G. CC' 1— O Z 3AMES A. K IRBY I I I REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR 5105-B Sunshlne State Parkway Feeder Rd. P.O. Box iB26 Ft. Pierce, FL 34954-t826 (561) 464-9621 Phone J=i( (561) 466-9326 Fax Drawing No. 96-000BC (L)