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11 Right -Suite® Universal 2012 Short Form 111b: � - wrightsoft° AHU 1 QUICK CALCS, INC. 1 317 6T. LUC3E LPL, FT. PIP .RCE, FL3afi1B PM= 7M4W4r88 Fait 771i68f M Gang; OUICKO%LOGQAOL.COM For METS MINOR LEAGUE CLUBHOUSE 650 NW PEACOCK BLVD„ PORT ST. LUCIE, FL Htg ag Outside db (°F) 42 89 Outside RH (%) - 62 Outside Wb ('F) - 78 Daily range M - 15 Moisture diff. (grub) - 61 Heating Equipment Make Model Type Efficiency Heating Input Heating Output Humidifier I eavingAirTemp Actual Healing Fen Gas furnace 80 AFUE 0 MBtuh 0 MBtuh 4.7 gpd 70.0 "F 2853 cfm Equipinent Location System Type Fan Motor Heat Type Fan S Motor Combined Efficiency Static Pressure Across Fan Htg all Inside db (°F) 70 75 Inside RH (%) 50 Inside wb (°p 63 Design TD (°F) 26 14 Cooling Equipment Make Model Type COP/EER/SEER Sensit le Coating Latent Cooling Total Cooling Leaving Air Temp Actual Cooling Fan AHU 1 PEAKCl/ PACKAGE 0 % 0 in H2O Split AC 0 0 MBtuh 0 MBtuh 0 MBtuh 55.0 OF 2853 efm INAME Area Heat SenstIle Latent Htg Cig Time fe Loss Gain Gain cfm cfm Room1 2405 27672 71240 45574 2853 2853 Jul 1800 LDT AHU 1 2405 27672 71240 45574 2853 2853 Jul 1800 LDT + Wr7ght50fV Taght,-.ZM rk f21i1212.8.07R$UWOI ...efaXDmm&ftW4 twit HVACMM MINOR LEAGUE CLUeNOUSIPJ* C9m=CCTO Frwdt) wf m 20i" Wg 12:48,33 Page 1 B2/9:aced BL9T29b:01 OU 8 9NI1b3H SR IIN9:W0J3 t72:£T £T02-80-Nuf `> } Right -Saito Univemal 2012 Load SUmmaryro b:, wrightsaft• AHU t$ � QUICK CALCS, INC. 317 $r. LudE UL, ir. PIERCE, RL3" PTMrm 1R•46a = Raz 7724Ea M ee13 ae:a(01LCMAOLCOM Zane: AHU 1 COOLING LOAD 1. DESIGN CONDITION& at Jul 1800 LDT Peak road at Jul 16W LUT inside: 75 OF Outside: 89 OF TD: 14 OF RH: 62 % Moist[ t 61.5 W ib Mult: 0 tnsawb 63 'F Sensible Latent 2. SOLARRAWATIONTHROUGUGLASS 21972 - 3. TRANSMUSM GAINS Sensible 14238 Wails: 5745 Glass: 3517 Doors: 0 Partitions: 0 - - Floors: 0 Owlings: 4973 4. IirlrERNALwATGAIN Sensible Latent 201W 3800 Occupants: Ism380D - - Motors: 0 _ - pol S. IN37L'TRAt O : Outside air atm : 425 6306 17754 6. SUSS $pace lead SSesiiWle Latent 62709 21554 Envelops eWemal Less 0 Redistribution 0 0 - 7. SUPPLYDUCr 0 !i. SUBTOTAL: Space load { supply duct 62704 - Actual dm: 2953 at supply TD: 20 9TIL . VENATION: Make-upair%! 575 8531 24020 fighting + plenum (not) - il. TTt1RN p0 TOAD: 0 IL TOTALLOADSONEQMMENT -74240 45574 HEATING LOAD 13, DESIGN CONDITIONS Mult 0 tnsida 70 OF Outside: 42 OF M 28 OF 14. TRANSIMMON LOSSES 16216 Wails: =I - Glass: 7295 Doors: 0 partitions: 0 - Floors: 839 Cetii�atBgss 2302 - ItS. INBILTRATION: Outside air ctm: 316 9736 16. SIMTOTAL. Space load 25954 Envelope 25954 - Less Memal 0 Less iransfor 0 - Redistribution 0 17. SUPPLYD1,14M 0 Makeup air ctm: 0 14. tY"IAt�IPIC1A07 ON 1718 MIP! 20. REDUC 0 21. TOTALWATINGLOADONEQ10blIENT 27672 �yty` weft' RsMaukn® umtw a2 VAO R5LWai m+s.6nns 1 o .mno�am..ec�v nonraAa MMualrous MINOR cmM=am .mss; rmftO o Pa �, BZ,L:abed BL2T89b:o1 Od 8 9NUI:13H S3WRI9:wea .4 92:£1 002-80-Ntif - wrightsofr Right -Suite@ Universal 2012 Short Form -D°°: J�,o8, AHU2 g QUICK CALCS, INC. art sr r urte u{. Fr msRee P4 m•4eseYes Fox rtxdcssres onaa: cuICK4XL WLCOd Project Information For. METS MINOR LEAGUE CLUBHOUSE 650 NW PEACOCK BLVD., PORT ST. LUCIE, FL Outside RH %) 42 62 ( 18.4 62 Outside wb (*F) 78 Daily range CF) - 15 Moisture diff. (gr/Ib) 61 Heating Equipment Make Elec strip AHU 2 100 EFF Inside RH 18.4 MBtuh i6A MBtuh 3.3 gpd e0.5 OF 1600 cfm Inside db AHU 2 70 75 Inside RH {°IA) - 50 Inside wb (°F) - 63 Design TO (°F) 28 14 Cooling Equipment Make Model Type COP/EER/SEER Sensible Cooling Latent Cooling Total Cooling Leaving Air Tem p Actual Cooling Fan Trane TSC072E3E0A AHU 2 Pkg AC 11.2 PEAKCV 50.4 MBtuh 21.6 MBtuh 72.0 MStuh 55.0 OF 1500 elm Equipment Location AHU 2 System Typs PEAKCV Fan Motor Heat Type PACKAGE Fan a Motor Combined Efficiency 0 Static Pressure Acros Fan 0 In H2O NAME Area Heat Sensible Latent Hill Cig Time H' Loss Gain Gain ofm cfm Room2 1554 18381 47361 24781 1600 160D Jul 1800 LOT AHU 2 1554 18391 47361 24781 1600 1600 I Jul 1800 LOT + wrightsoft° wgMauaem wuvm�+zaa txwn rswerot swoe�mew�cmm�stwwvaEcsMINORCFAcLEausttoMmp cm=cxm Fmto�t�- m3 t9 w 12:4&96 Peso 2 g2/8:a6ed 8L9129t.:0i JU 8 9NIlU31-1 S3WIa9:wojd 92:£1 2102-80-NUf wrightsofx AHU2-Sane Universal 2092 Load SummaIYDatpOwRa" QUICK CALCS, INC. 917 SL LUCIE LN., F% PIERCE, FL3QM$ Phwm 7Tb4866799 Fax rtZ4886786 elreR OUI0001LCs07aLCOM Zane: AHU 2 Project Iriformatioti Fat. METS MINOR LEAGUE CLUBHOUSE 850 NW PEACOCK BLVD., PORT ST. LUCIE, FL COOLING LOAD I. DESIGN CONDITIONS at Jut 1800 LOT Peak toad at Jul 1800 LDT inside: 75 OF Outside: 89 OF TO: 14 OF W. 62 % Mols=f: 61.5 Wdib Must: 0 Ins.Wb 63 OF Sensible Latent 2. SOLARRAWATIONTHROUGH GLASS 18027 3. TRANSMIlMONGAiNS Sensible 8018 Wails; 1918 Glass: 2W _ Doors: 0 _ Partitions" 0 _ Floors: 0 _ Callings: 3214 4nsTGAtT Sensible Latent 13827 2$5 pat�OW Appliances: 0 - 5. 961ILTRATION: Outside airzi m 275 4080 11488 6. SUBTOTAL: Space load Sensible Latent 43852 14338 nvelope43 Less 14338 wemal 0 stribution 7. SUPPYDucr S. SUBTOTAL: Space load + supply duct 43285 Actual cfm: 1800 at epA Iv TD: 20 - - 91 VENTILATION: Make-upairGfpm: 250 3709 10443 10 �TT�AAIURLOAD: UoUng+ plenum (not) . . Cr U 12. TUrAL.LOADSONEQ11.111MOM 47381 24781 HEATING LOAD 13. DESIGNCONDTTIONS Mult 0 Inside: 70 OF Outside: 42 OF TD: 28 OF 14. TRA SSIONLOSSES 10431 15 ils:Doors: 0 . Partitions: 0 - Floors: 542 - Ceilings: 1487 15, INFILTRATION: Outside air oft: 220 6766 14. SUBTOTAJL Space load 17187 Envelope 17197 . Lass external 0 Less transfer 0 _ Redistribution 0 - 17. SUPPLYIDUCr: 0 19. VENTILATION: Mako�upaircft; 0 0 19. EIMINIpir 11R'ICATION 114 Pis 0 20. RETURN DUCT 0 2L TOTALHEATINGLOADONEQUI NSM 18391 �1 WrighesofC ftVS-h6 W1.hW 26T2=1107RIMIM01 z9t3toge:z:eeae _dM%DMsnmt&WfthWR HWCtMEM MINOR EEAGUE CLEMKOUSMrw Cak=CC* Fwab wfB Nat 82i6:a69d BLSi29h:01 Oti 8 91,1I11131-1 SEWINS:w0j i s2:0 siez-Be-Wdr wrightsoft' Right-sulteO Universal 2012 Short Form r00 QUICK CALCS, INC. 377 ST. LWE W.. Ft MERE, FL34U$ Menne 772-4368768 Fm n2A964M OAzW. *UlIXd4iCS&MLCOM Project• • For METS MINOR LEAGUE CLUBHOUSE 650 NW PEACOCK BLVD., PORT ST. LUVE, FL Outside db (°F1 42 89 Outside RH (%) - 62 Outside wb CF - 78 Dally range, (IF) - 15 Moisture diff. (grAb) 61 heating Equipment Make Type EIeC strip 70 75 Efficiency 100 EFF - 50 heating Input 9.7 MBtuh Heating Output 9.7 MBtuh Humidwar 3.3 gpd Leaving Air Temp 78.5 "F Actual Heating Fan 1600 cim Equipment Location System Type Fan Motor Heat Typo Fan & Motor Combined Efficiency Static PressumAcross Fan Inside db (°F) 70 75 Inside RH (°%) - 50 Insidewb ("F) - 63 Design TD (°F) 28 14 Cooling Equipment Make Trona Madel TSC048EW (B,E,(3w-00 Type Pitg AC OOP I EER I SEER 13.0 Sensible Cooling 33.6 MBtuh Latent Coaling 14.4 MBtuh Total Cooling 48.0 MBtuh Leaving Air Temp 55.0 OF Actual Cooling Fan 1600 cfm AHU 3 PEAKOV PACKAGE 0 Old 0 in H2O 1 NAME A ea eatfe LOSS ens iota 1 GGaainnt MIO Cegm Time Room3 1134 9705 I 23664 I 23737 I 1600 1600 Jut 1800 L QT AHU 3 1134 9705 Ij 23604 23737 I} 1600 1600 Jul law LOT * weight? saW rupmawwa tk*mw mw vAo7 rs=tm ...•bi0oastrcrtelwdpMacR 7r7tpL157E78 MiNCR LERaUE c1778tk7W`E.my CBC-CLTD Fmd Daw7a= 2013dao-867Z46M Psse3 82/07:a°ed BLST29b:01 OU $ 9WIlti3H S3W1N9:wor d SZ:£T 002-80-iJUf I i / I - wrightstafC' AHUh1 Sui#8 Y Universal 2012 Load Summary) w BY QUICK CALCS, INC. 317 &T. LUPE LN.. FT. PIER1,5. FL34M P1pnn: 7M•4$0I V aB Fu 7M4M,p a anal: W ICKokLC3@AOLOOM Zone: AHU 3 Project• For. METS MINOR LEAGUE CLUBHOUSE 650 NW PEACOCK BLVD.. PORT ST, LUCIE. FL COOLING LOAD L DESIGN CONDITIONS at Jul 1800 LOT Inside: 75 °F Outside: 89 °F RH: 62 % WWII. 61.5 grJib 2. SOLAR NADIATIONTIMUGHGLASS 3. TRANSMISSION GAINS Sensible 4. Mbtom:, 0 5. 1 RAi1�ON. Outside sir cf4 m 6. SUBETOTAL: Space load S i� Less e:demal 0 Redistdbutipn 0 7. SUPPLYOUCi' S. SUBTOTAL: Space load + supply duct Actual dm: 1600 at sup YTD: 9. VENTILATION: Makeup air cm: Io. RETURNAn1LOAD: ughting+plan= t(ot) 11. 99TUBNDUCP 12. TOTALLOADSONEQ11NA ENP 13. DESMON CONDITIONS tnside: 70 OF Outside: 14. TRANSMISSION LOSSES Walls: 3848 0 0 0 396 1085 laaOutside air cf n: 6470 0 0 0 15. 16- 17. I& 19. 20. 2i• Peak load at Jul 1600 LDT TOt 14 eF MuiMull:0 Ins.wb Sensible 0 5642 275 Laltaft 14330 0 HEATING LOAD MUL 42 "F TD: Makeup air dm: 0 4DONEQWPhmNT WriJdftOf' 00M•3u3NS UP2*12 112 0.Or R9=101 ,..dsAmnNnmidWA4�eh N%%0MM3 MINOR LEMSI IE O1AWH E,nq C*dC o FI Oao 1i 4080 20528 0 20526 0 28 6F 5329 3141 6470 0 0 1235 0 0 9705 63 "F Latent 2850 11468 14338 5399 23737 20I3,184012.4W,30 Pace 3 e2/jT:aeed BLST29b:01 OU 8 ONIIU3H S34I0:wo1 .,i SZ:£T £102-80-NUf