HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineeringCONSTRUCTION MATERIALS_ €LA� TECHNOLOGIES CR C t = V i July 23, 2013 IKO Industries, Ltd CJ 40 Hansen Road South Brampton, ON L6W 31-14 Canada Re: Shingle Installation Instructions for 2010 Florida Building Cone — Sir(s), PRI Construction Materials Technologies has completed a technical review and attached sealed shingle instructions in compliance the 2010 Florida Building Code. This review was completed based on the receipt of following evidence from IKO Industries, Ltd: 1) IKO Shingle Application Instructions — 3 -Tab Shingles (EN-3Tab_Appins_8AGXEFS-2012-11 reformatted 2013-02-rev07/13-Florida) 2) IKO Laminated Shingles Application Instructions (EN -Laminated Appins_8TTEFS-2012-04_reformatted 2013-02-rev07/13-Florida) 3) ASTM D3161 Test Report (FM Approvals Project No. 3040947) 4) ASTM D7158 Test Report (PRI Project No. IKO-091-02-01) The attached instructions should be used in conjunction with the published manufacturer's application instructions and applicable code. In the event the instructions conflict, these instructions shall govern. Regards, -Duc Nguyen Attachments: A) IKO Shingle Application Instructions - 3 -Tab B) IKO Laminated Shingles Application Instructions -)A' �/1L 17vC -r r,T(,rvyresj No $5034 STATE OF PRIConshcUm M&Aals Teclmologles,LLC. 64128adguDAx Tmnpa,FL33610 Tel:813.6215T77 Fac813.621-5840 e- mal:mmerialslesting®pricmLcom WebSle:hrpJAw .pdcmtwm IKO Installation Instructions for 3 -Tab and Laminated Shingles Page 2 of 3 IKO Shingle Application Instructions — 3 -Tab Shingles (ASTM D3161, Class F — IKO Marathon 25 AR and CRC Superglass 25 AR) (ASTM D3161, Class F — IKO Marathon Ultra AR and CRC Superglass Ultra AR) (ASTM D7158, CLASS H - IKO Marathon 20 and CRC Superglass 20) NOTE: THESE INSTRUCTIONS SHALL BE USED IN CONJUCTION WITH IKOIS PUBLISHED APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS AND THE APPLICABLE CODE. IN THE EVENT THE INSTRUCTION CONFLICT, THESE INSTRUCTIONS WILL GOVERN. ROOF DECK: Solidly sheathed and fastened deck conforming to 2010 FBC UNDERLAYMENT: Applied in accordance with building code requirements. For areas where the roof slope is less than 4" per foot down to 2" per foot, use 2 layers of underlayment conforming to building code requirements, the first sheet overlapping the save protection by 19", followed by full 36" widths overlapping each preceding course by 19" or other Approved underlayments in accordance with the qualified application instructions. For areas where the roof slope is 4" per foot or greater, cover the deck with one ply of underlayment laid parallel to the eaves, with 2" horizontal laps and 4" end laps. Apply metal drip edges on top of any underlay along rake edges and directly to the deck along eaves in accordance with building code requirements. NAILING: Use galvanized (zinc coated) roofing nails, 11 or 12 gauge, with at least 3/8" diameter heads, long enough to penetrate through plywood or 3/4" into boards. Use 4 nails per shingle placed 6-1/8" above the butt edge, approx. 1" and 13" from each end and 1/2" above each cutout. Drive nails straight so that nail head is flush with, but not cutting into shingle surface. NAILING ON STEEP SLOPES: For steep slopes of 21" per foot (600) or more, use 6 nails per shingle placed as shown below. Ensure that no nail is within 2" of a joint/cutout of the underlying shingle. Seal down each shingle at time of application with three 1" diameter (approx. size and thickness of a quarter) spots of asphalt plastic cement placed under the shingle 2" above the bottom edge and equally spaced along the shingle. Apply plastic cement in moderation since excessive amounts may cause blistering. CAUTION: Shingles should seal to the underlying course when the factory applied asphalt sealant is sufficiently warmed by the heat of direct sunlight. STEEPSLOPES •— 1 SEA UN SIdP6-14T 10 � � • • —� i • � �� I— 6-1m- NAILS NAILS DO NOT NAIL INTO ORABOVE THE SEALING STRIP ID vtr T, M-r�v `(5i1 'p.c. No: G503.4 )daft : x%83/ PRI ConsWcton Matedals Tedmologig, LLC. 641211adgerDdoa TanpAFL33610 Tel:813.621-5777 Fac813-621-5840 WebSde:htlpJAM pncmtcam IKO Installation Instructions for 3 -Tab and Laminated Shingles Page 3 of 3 IKO Laminated Shingles Application Instructions (ASTM D3161, Class F — IKO Cambridge AR and CRC Biltmore AR) (ASTM D3161, Class F — IKO Grandeur) NOTE: THESE INSTRUCTIONS SHALL BE USED IN CONJUCTION WITH IKO'S PUBLISHED APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS AND THE APPLICABLE CODE. IN THE EVENT THE INSTRUCTION CONFLICT, THESE INSTRUCTIONS WILL GOVERN. ROOF DECK: Solidly sheathed and fastened deck conforming to 2010 FBC. UNDERLAYMENT: Applied in accordance with building code requirements. For areas where the roof slope is less than 4" per foot down to 2" per foot, use 2 layers of underlayment conforming to building code requirements, the first sheet overlapping the eave protection by 19", followed by full 36" widths overlapping each preceding course by 19" or other Approved underlayments in accordance with the qualified application instructions. For areas where the roof slope is 4" per foot or greater, cover the deck with one ply of undedayment laid parallel to the eaves, with 2" horizontal laps and 4" end laps. Apply metal drip edges on top of any underlay along rake edges and directly to the deck along eaves in accordance with building code requirements. NAILING: Use galvanized (zinc coated) roofing nails, 11 or 12 gauge, with at least 3/8" diameter heads, long enough to penetrate through plywood or 3/4" into boards. Use 4 nails per shingle placed in the nail line 7-3/8" below the top edge, approx. 1" and 13" in from each end. Drive nails straight so that nail head is flush with, but not cutting into shingle surface. NAILING ON STEEP SLOPES: For steep slopes of 21" perfoot (600) or more, use 6 nails per shingle placed as shown below. Ensure that no nail is within 2" of a joint/cutout of the underlying shingle. Seal down each shingle at time of application with three 1"diameter (approx. size and thickness of a quarter) spots of asphalt plastic cement placed under the shingle 2" above the bottom edge and equally spaced along the shingle. Apply plastic cement in moderation since excessive amounts may cause blistering. CAUTION: Shingles should seal to the underlying course when the factory applied asphalt sealant is sufficiently warmed by the heat of direct sunlight. NAILING -STEEP SLOPES APPLICATION Use six nails asshown. 7 3/B• t r NAIL LII NAILS � CEMENT PROPER APPLICATION REQUIRES THAT THE NAILS PENETRATE BOTH THE OVERLAY AND UNDERLAY PORTIONS OFTHE SHINGLE Qv ••y\v...r5 •'h'i 65034•••:2'% *' Ar '* ° Dvc i-, 9-r�vYl5N STATE OF .•�� 'P,'E , N 0 GJ�?lf .'�,. PPIConsvudm MatedalsTechnal lm,LLC.6412BadguOrivs Tampa.F03610 Td:813b215M Fmc813-821-5840 e-mml:Mted S%3b g@PdCmtC0M Websiw.lopjAx ..P&MLMm TURQUOISE Engineering, LLC Structural Engineering, Design & Testing, CA #28948, NOA #13-0222.02 6915 Washington Rd, W Palm Beach, FL 33405 / Ph. (561) 804-9908 / Fax (561) 8049907 / e-mail: turginc@aol.com February 06, 2015 TO: Ft Pierce County / Building Department FROM: Riza N. ALTAN, P.E. SUBJECT: Flat Roof Uplift Pressures & Base Sheet Enhanced Fastening ADDRESS: McBRIDE Residence / 7007 Plumosa Ln., Ft. Pierce, FL 34951 CONTRACTOR: Code Red Roofers Dear Sir; The re -roofing specifications of flat roof area of the subject residential building are reviewed by myself. The purpose of this letter is to determine the wind uplift pressures and enhanced spacing of mechanical fasteners. The one-story building is located in Exposure C area. The flat roof has 5/8" CDX plywood with positive drainage. The roof mean height is 15 ft. As per 2010 Florida Bldg. Code, ASCE 7-10, for Risk Category II, 170 MPH ultimate wind velocity in Exposure C area, using Wind Load Factor of 0.6 for ASD; the wind pressures are determined as follows: Field: P1= -44 psf /Perimeter (4' wide): P2 = - 74 psf / Corner (4'x4'): P3 = -111 psf The proposed CertainTeed Modified Bitumen Roof System over Wood Decks (NOA #14-0224.03) consists of mechanically attached 75 -lbs GlasBase base sheet followed by torched down Flinti-astic GTA modified bitumen cap sheet. The system max. design pressure of -52.5 psf [Deck 1I, Syst.E(1), page 12/16, Limitation #7] is specified by tin -tagging the base sheet with 11 ga., 1'/4" long ring-shanked roofing nails, spaced at 8"o.c. along the laps and 8"o.c., three rows staggered in mid -sheet. It is required that, as per RAS 117 in order to meet the actual roof pressures, the base sheet is tin -tagged to the existing 5/8" plywood deck in the following enhanced pattern: Zone 1: Field (Intermediate areas): @ 8" o.c., staggered three rows in mid -sheet, Zone 2: Perimeter (4' from edges): @ 4" o.c., staggered three rows in mid -sheet, Zone 3: Corner (4' from ea. side): @4" o.c., staggered foul rows in mid -sheet. Laps: Field areas @ 8" o.c., Perimeter @ 4" o.c., Corners @ 4"o.c. Therefore, thin letter is to certify that installation of CertainTeed Modified Bitumen Roof System (NOA #14-0224.03) torched -down re -roofing system conforms to requirements of 2010 Florida. Building Code which specifies 170 MPH ultimate wind speed for Risk Category II in Exposure C area. If you have any questions regarding this matter or I may be oV01WIA- Wstance, please do not hesitate to call me. ,�°��1 �;,AQ0?:r Sincerely _ No. 38521 a Riza N. ALTAN, Pa.815211 v I ttVV i �, e sT�' cE , n Consulting Engineer o�°=�( IVAL 9i,i?£nfilo