HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval'Fldrida,BuAdla9 (2 de Oniine- Page l d`f 3 �.N-A -0 tis. f rawlf�Li' dss :.,..,•.... ,:.v....:�...,,.,�.,�i.. :actsMane'.i tng In �I .uuFazhtrraem i':��'.Todh I si,fiNisrdwpe i stAk aFacK i Amn®aaa ('racsmnt eassmboP ::nom l:semd, I;. ausnles: �. _ roduatApproyal Prokssi G U¢ER:?WQC U5M - Regulation AWAvfla Cdrtle:NE' .�,.,y,..;....:...,.....,- fiaCJ¢aMJ4vLt-MSNi,Y9 �L+¢y-,,••_'•--+,e. tdYS(yt�'.saCLRllst>A"PPllwdon 4emn "5a1nt:PelRm4urgr (72?k lis-szsl, FL:3 'FL7.0o5-R7 rinetzOdl�mpatiay.rrmm Apputatlon Type wwriar Change -Andy Lodge Code'lfer,sjon 20.10 'IKQ Industries LTD' Appllcatlan.Stalus Apprdvetl 44 Hansert lioad, S. FL33763 d ' ip,prgped by DBFR. 'Approvals by DBPR.sholl be revrevyed and raffled Brampton; byple,P4,Sand/ortha Sommissb,0 IT'n0eegary. �iii) SIS -0342' [nmments'. rmetz001®Calnpabay.rr,cbrti Arthivdd Product Mahufettiuev IKdlnddkHes, Ltd Adamss/Phone/Email `40 HOSen Road,�outh Eramppp,,NON-u$ LS,, IH4 ('7ds�J9rr2H00 EA 200 rinetz001�Yn'nipahay.m.com Authodzed Signature. "Robert Metz rmetid0l'6f4mpabayrrwm- Technical, Represgrropve BQ4. Aotr Addiess/Phonalandil 'REMCd of Pinellas AWAvfla Cdrtle:NE' FL33703 "5a1nt:PelRm4urgr (72?k lis-szsl, rl� yy (� rinetzOdl�mpatiay.rrmm Quality AssumnLe Repiesiftmt va' -Andy Lodge 1✓ � AddAms/Phone/Email 'IKQ Industries LTD' 44 Hansert lioad, S. FL33763 d Brampton; �iii) SIS -0342' }, rmetz001®Calnpabay.rr,cbrti Category Rgoing SubcatagRW Asphalti$hinglas, - - - - --- Ccrhpittrlte Method 'ortk atyon Msrkgr"'*ftg CertiOcauon Agency 'FM Appwv8fs-. CER. Validated BY Loclfe Bdwden R NAIldatlon Checklist= Hardwpy Renelved, Refemnted,Standard and Year(of-Standard); .Standard Year ASM-D31H1 mbdlfled to -i30 inph2008 ASTM 17340, 2d4i ASTM EIOS 2007 EgUNaleA0e' pf, ProddLt StAdd'ards. CeitlRed By, F%OC(ApPmval Method :MeZhbdl Option A http:lJwww.floridabuilding.orepr/pr app, dtl,aspx?param=wGEiXQwtDgse7mYBd2b3K... '6/12/2014 kdrida,$d9didg:C6de Online- Page 2 of 3 Date $ubmitted -li/22/2013 Date Validated 32/OZ%2673 JSa�:Pend(ng PBCAPProvAf limmpton',.Qntano, Hawkesbury Ont„ Toronta'apd Da�,AAProved 22%ItJ201$ Summafv of Prddects �FL# -tial, Ningbo or Name. Description 760"6:4 Cambddge,C ridgetiljand CRC asphalt shingle neriefactured atlKtYs Kanlmkeer.IL, Hawkesbury, Ont., YAIMQ9ton„DE-and Torohto, Ont,,plants timltp.of Use Approved far use 1p "Anl4f No 4jif6ved f6'f-vs6'outsirle i1"Z:'Ye6' Impact Resietadf.;N)A Design Pressure:.H/A Other. 0ertific2ifian hgency Certificate 6-iQ06 It C- CAC 7bWd 2L"67 -. FSC ASTM csirtltisa iattgr-f7 }•7A121iRdf ''EL70Q6 it7'T--,r/CC Shlkale 14"1* ASTM Colit ilance- 14,1W 20 M,Ddf Quality.Assurance Contract Expirafion Date '12j31AObB Installation Instructions TM06 R7 =II IKO--098.02=01 Letter • Installation laitmtL4,PPkom!-Tab,_§g_d-,teim(mo tg4'Shinates adf Verified BY: Duc T Nguyen 7402; 'treated by IndependentThlyd Party: Yes EvalrAtion Reports Created by Independent Third Party; 7006.2 Hip and Rrdje 12'Cap fib'erblass 'This is a'12"z1Y'fibeMihm asphaltstlnoermad to cbve'r shingles- _ the.hipand/orfidgeof an a5phaltshingle:rooFsy8tefn maaufdctured- In Toronto, Ont, Anct Brompton, Ontario ;iinibi of use Ceitififafiou Ayeilcy Certiligte Approved fay use in HVHZ.- No fi?bP. R7 C•CAi17§7=072f9 X67 -PRC -ASTM ,Aporevad for uee:outside HVNZ- Ye5 'caMftcatifin letteD+i3=520d2I,ddf f-mpact Resistant:, rl/A s RT- LCAC _S I letetmy' As1't4 ComolIp CCe_ Deaigmpregsure:,N/a ""{4.16�2012�tdf Other., Quality Aseprance coritraq F.xpiritkinf Oate. Ridge Cao 9hlnala YnsYa-1tABan 62.OfiK0f2061 Au-limbori Letter.lw :Created by Independeot'rhird Party: 9gD6.3 Ceading Edge, plus Asphalt Sbl9gle_ Onepiece Nberg(ass asphalkshl!rgle used aseatarterstrlp at th Sfaiter$ti1p al:ptfain.efgrUofsystem maauiattµred lh.6t'aoipGieq Ontado plant Litilts di Use _Approved forpe'in 4VOZ: No .Approved for use outiiE¢ HVNZ,i'Yes Ympatt Resistant:Ir%A Deaign Pressure: N/A Other, CertiHWtitrn Ilgency.CertifjWte {L7�09: R7'L^---C�[C 797=0]2t9,�„267 � FBG A5YH, c@jjffl4atipg letter,-f3-}-7,����( "� FL7RQ6 R7 -C: GAC ual qShinalalaiferASTPiTmm�liance- ;^201z1 otic ality,Assuraape ContractExpiration bate. ell2010 Y hatnstallatidn Iestructidns LF'700v—v.It IK0=089-02.01' fKOIJs0U1 A -plication PL7{i06: R7.31 Leadlna Edge Pins lnsYdlletion 115gTtittlions. Vet IMliyvZeclia`rp Pnest PE 74021 Created by:Independent Third Party: Yes Eyafuation Reports ;Cleated by lndgpendent`fhlid Parry; 7000' !atethon ZS AR, CRCSupergla5s; Stab fiberglass aspheitshingle manufactured atIKO's M2SAR limmpton',.Qntano, Hawkesbury Ont„ Toronta'apd .KanakakeoAIL plants Lferits of Use 'Certi(wtior Agenry:CeiUfic to .Approved far use'in HVHZg Na _ F17006 R7 _CrGRC 797-07219. 67 - FRC'ASTM .Approved fpnuse outside iiV.HZ: Yes cenjfratlen Igti»r-.fo-1=20i25'�f Impyat Reaistant.h/A ,iL78M R7R7 CCAC SM1lnalelefiarASTM.Comoliance- Design V`ressuie N%A L4-'M-20121:ddF Other: Quality Assurance Contrect 15koiration"Date a1'/2019 I .Installation nstructions nak http://www.floridabuildigg.org/pr/pr_app., dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQw€Dgse7mYBd2b3K... 642/201.4 Fldrid03fiilditig.Co& O@ine, Page. 3 of.3 PL76a ftyllf wcr-696162-61A;ia —, x6ifiMlafidd ln@C�dnt Verlfled 6y,"Z4ChVV Prlest-7401#. )created by,YndependenPThhi� Party; Yo reii6dbyhdepaClndbhtTblrd Party: �Fii� ry9. fm.[[ r':;3gMnrnnr.mn'ritmmi f-'6hdi,, FL 9 Rl'k' ASOL482-1 smtmm lcmdit http://www,Moridabuflding.orgt ,pr/pr:-apPjtl.aspx9param--W'GEVXQ.wtDqsd7mYBd2b3Ki,. 6112/2014 • yVlluu uYl1Y 11� �VLLV V111111V Business & Pij stonal'Regulaiion rFr 't^' I7'usF td -t, alit •rTaat'd 9 '.r,.. ^a.-. .a nF/°,. Bus fire. Product ApprovalRegulation rage 1 of 1 PMuct ADOMOl Men >Pn llr nr AonlrAMnnc mh>ApplleMon Litt Search Criteria Code Version 2010 Application Type ALL Category ALL Application Status ALL Quality Assurance Entity ALL Product Model, Number or Name ALL Approved for use In HVHZ ALL Impact Resistant ALL Other ALL FL# Product Manufacturer Subcategory Compliance Method Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired Product Description Approved for use outside HVHZ Design Pressure Refine Search 2533 ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL Search Results - Applications �FL* Tvae Manufacturer Validated By Status ,,Teed orporation-Rooling John W, FL25o33-R12 Revision I Subcategory: Modified Bitumen Roof System ( (954) 772-124 �� PE Approved -APM,md by DBPR. Approvals by oePR anal be reviewed and ratified by Me P aad/pr the cpmM4lon p neve q. LoptadJfs::)9MINmrh Mnm� Crmptrllaha=c R 21,phone:858-482-1824 The State or n dda 5 an AA/E employer. Codvriaht 002- 0t SW of Florida :: Pdvac S'; ment :: ACMnW V_lMt raga tt ReNM Statement one. M public records. p Wu do not contact Me office by phone or I an em ll address wNch can be on Ctupter 455, F.S., please di&Li{ Product Approval Abrades: ®®©® CredI1' C1FE Me OepaRrrant with an ema8 address if are public record. If you do not wish to To determined you are a Ieensee under http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_lst.aspx 2/6/2015