Name: Name:
Planning & Development Services
Building & Code Regulation Departmentrtment SCANNED QS�t.2300 Virginia Ave
Pierce,Fort °stese p Ie•�
1peT262-26Fax462-W3 Se6. Lu e Go,cOtY at
AddreSS; 2800 S. Brocksmith Road. Fort Pierce Florida
81odc: r Subdivision:
The undersigned hereby certifies that insulation as been installed at the above described property as follows:
L l5dedor CBS walls have been insulated with ..............._.......... () Spray on cellulose
which thfcrrtess, according to the manufacturer- () Fiberglassblantcets
(Density N/A) w111 yield an "R" value of () Aluminum Foil
() other
Exterior Frame wall have been insulated with ............ ...........
() Spray on cellulose
To a thidmess of, inches, which thickness, according to
() Fiberglass blankets
the manufacturer, (Densy N/A) will yield an
() Aluminum Fbd
"R` value -of: .
( )Other
2. Wings - Level -,bmaheen4nsulabad with _.._....__.._.._......
09 Fiberglass blankets
to a thidvress .Fr10 which ties, accordingto()
Fiberglass loose fill
the' manufacturer,_ Certainfeed, (Density N/A) will yield an
() Aluminum Foil
"R" value of30
() Other Cellulose SAB
CCeiilings - Cathedral - have been Insulated with ..........
00 Fiberglass blankets
to a thickness of 9.5-1 r7' which thickness, according bi
() Fiberglass loose fill
m the anufacbrrer, Cedainteed Density (N/A) wii(yield an
() Aluminum Fog
"R` value of 30
() Other Cellulose SAB
3. Lnterar kneewalls have insulated with ....... _..... .......
to a thickness
(4 Fiberglass blankets
of .5-10' which thidmess, according to
() Polyurethane
Me mamufaGNrrr,C'ertaifiteed: (Density NIA) will yield an
() Spray on cellulose
"R'value of30"
O other
4- Garage partition walls of conditioned living areas have been
() Fiberglass .blankets
Insulated trith ._ ._._.._.. ...._ .............._...:......_
(} Spray on cellulose
to a thickness of _ Inches, which thickness, according to the
() Polyurethane
manufacturer, - ' (Density N/A) will yield an
() Other
"R".value of
MULTI -FAMILY, RESIDE M& CONSIRLICTION ONLY: The common.(party) walls separating different trrrants shall be insulated as
follows - Frame/Metal stud wags R-11(Min); CBS or Concrete wags R 3 (Min) try Energy Code requirements. See Energy Code
Rev.1/87, paragraph 903.2(b), on pages 9-17, latest edition. These "minimum levels of insulation" are not included the Energy
Calculations, but shalt be installed in the field..
NOTE: Densities of sprayed.on, loose fill, or any other composed -on site insulation shag be the PCF (Ib/ft3) average of three (3)
"DRY SAMPLES -of actual installation.
MER Enterprises, LLC{ i(1 ►]T�
Print Name of Insulation Contra= Signature of Insulation Contractor
26202 10/15/2019
yrtification (dumber Date of Certification
Note olio ;
e Y-�;\zt. l=tLY L 1"JJAC
-, `:T .�(Dn,^inicn=Cti'ii1s2
- ttY:c"n. Eac�+eslu�', 107:
i`cC.�:hrcuyh t.a[icnt; Acts FSY.