HomeMy WebLinkAboutREGULATOR PAPERWORKA Bulletin LR6;T_;-, ­'w,!wR1'22H 'Ittot Type R1t22H First -Stages bleCoft, "Introduction" Al, �The Type RV2H!js -an Uhdeiw*ers laboratories listed re K, ��Gas systeft. -Stage EP regulator d `Tfh6_u'_nit is, designed to reduce the aWp it COM size'rria s: "outlet'pr ot ket -_J ressurwof,10fisfg. The a p, Ideal, 1-underground Aariks,,Ihe 6tWel pressur.p setting jifi6riaiijuiitablia dpry vents aTe�r+ented aver the outlet as standard `•` �� tacmeniLffi�-TM RRe ecourriviinclik! 'IR122H'isli -h6 ptovan, designed usmgruogedtii 1 CFlp`v.. .... I'desigrycontepts-an d Aconstru o oorrosion'-­ T);O4,R122HR�t resistant mate"dais- both internally and coderbally.­, Wgh,pro I' 6a ,per. instal ation and pen to inspection and i,'perlouOverpiesture Protec-060 -Thw in enance" of a� high 6 *-xacity r0lefv-a,We and aTge maintenance lheIR122, regulator will nieeis�jd; ReplacementYear .Re'oommendad%Udc -14#nt pmvi a overpressure,protection 'that exceeds­ en-u in-'Conjuhaw )�m -a Up n R622brRS5Z e gosystem.,MP 'taps'drifice'd to ainun 66 beir 54'drill'size d* '-thliffilitthe � " 1, . -" I, �z, - , , �­ , � doi�niin��n piedsi" from 04s"e"66nd"' " - - - tho�lnfet and o6ilit iide'of the, ulator allowlb -stag610 2 ng7,,, P*g 4 d6ublb fallurelsihiaboiti,,, easytesti Al! • Coffoiion�ftsistaju-Added ooroslqwrasistane�y valve ve disc mu ltz emprove-lftp ,perfonianc,T systems ��S om, anintem­a I and; nqpr-po6sa for all , mWated,gascastngs prior -to,pa ng,-stainless,steel r"Of ma vaT WnPan - retainer st and boric •ImprovedAegitifitf6ji =W6rge,Mb&r;6infbrcba valve seat 'u +' Positive Draining w ~stable Spring Case: -i'When j n. Spring oase, vent P properly,with the, pointed`down oint tEasylristaill 'on -The'units, oompact size and fl -'the desillwallows moistmlbrmed inthespring �easiiy a' bid ifil6land outlet .wrench ,flats tvake' 6 4 i n o4limiuriiihe, woiiferns,�ft 'installation easy evenin the'tightAiiniiallaiion's.,,. in fire "s- nit! case., A _J 'A 1 114C sS Management -p- aulhetio,t L R422H,;- 11 W, 1 OrdefiflOnfofmalion :CAFAMTY9TL14RIa NNEeTtom ­�'PAOPANVf UTLETSETTMO,, l"MA 4_1 'I, 30148 MPT 4, ell 'PIMS MTAV vs -1t,' A 4 it 77 ­7 7 MAS 4; 11 pt f t \7 - -� �� I W, : I,.- � "use , "1 7 ji, A4, 't Saw HOLES MC, NES- F1 T� bit USA m7606494872 LISA, feran711 Al, 74 ' Z 'F cri 4 vw P, -TIM w or#spmmmmp - BMW PWP j e T" u • 8ulletinl1 Type R622 Peassure Recducing-R6gulato ac • Goinpact Design " = , .' :�- High`Capacity ` » . :.P,rotective Inlets • Cnternai;Rellei ,Screed' Light Weight r , a _ e a C j 4 9A 5 ' _ = • Inlet=and Outlet -Pressure _Gauge Taps . , z .:, - , .'. FiDu�a:7 �ypaR622Pressurn,RetlncurgReyuletol, a .: z tf �[ in troiiuction Typd,R622 direct-operated,'spring=loaded regulators wolicii .iions. These regulators can be usesi with provuie.econom'ical press rg reducing corrtroi v} , ` _ natural, inanuFaik ed, orpropane�ases antl.Have.tlie a,irariety of residantilaime �'comeci l; ancf industrial _ same inlet and outlet: pressure capabilities., - n x v Al •EMERSON - }, -. � Process iVianagemeafi; r _ wt Bulletin 71 1 R622 "S ec f ii ations Body sa_rze and End Conn_`ectrori'Style{j) , ; i'ressure Registra ioii' 1/2"A "T inlet and,outiet, lntemal;: 56 Maximum Allowable inlet'Pressurett) ; ;Relief.Performance `dperating:`125 psig {t3,6'vbar)' '. ':See Figti"re_d: Emergency.�125 pssg {8;8 bar) . - Except 1 8 to 2 2 inches w e {d to_ 5mbar) spring InternafRelief Performance range x}tich lias operating and,emergeney.. = Start to Discharge is'8£to 22 inches w c,,,, {20 to 55 mbar) for setpoits from - p3 ressures of 8D pslg {4 fwbar);, {° ` 1.8 to 20-nchesv c :(4 to 50".mbar) Max MuAllowable P-ressure(l) m . Start to Discharge 1s314D to 20b,%overset point' Operating La Avoid iriteina) Part; Damage: '', ; ,.- ° from20-inches wc. to 2 2 psig,(50 to 152 mbar) 3;psid (0,21 bar dj aboveoutlet-pr`essure seturig Spring Case Merit Connections Emergency; 2D psi (1,4bar) 3/d NPT, vrith removable screen` OuiietPressnre .Ranges _ See Table 1 _ i Temperature CapabUi$esO - ''`� 20 fo 16D°F (-29° to 71°C). ' Orifice $I =1t&inch,{3,2 ttirnj'o"nfice. App Ftow,Coefficrenfs 2rozima#e`Welghtr :35`pourtds {1, kg) V r ode Op %n.Cit far Relief Suing: 12 5 CSnstruct)on' Materials -- Wide -Open C for Relief Sizing: 0 36 1 Body, Spemg Case, D)aptuagm Plate, and " C 35 c Or)fice'Rluminum D#aphrag ; Disk,"and O rrng,�,Nttnle`{NBR) g IEC Seizing Coefficients - AdjustiKg Screw andPushpost Delri X7: 0 78 ' ; . Ciosfni Cap ASA lheiinoptastig (t' Ray Reslstan#j :; Control Spring: TJ�C-piafed steel. FEz 0.89 . _ - - Machine Screw; Spnnng Seat and l:e`ver Znc-plated steel' "Flow Capacities Va#ve` tam Zino' SeGeSable,2= , Relief Valve Spring, Relief &pang Retainer, LeveT,Ptn, and Vent Screen: Stainless steet ,. _ 1..`:tMgfessiaMa5as5m�hS3�Bu�Un orarti �rnEbStxt4aM NNIaL'Sn stmWafml Oe¢kreede4 , °O¢lhfii a11tii11t4'Mr04by E4AuPonl4e t%'nmias �Ca. :.' - ,. .( In addition TypeAgfregulatorshave ntema'l'ielief, SpeClfCat1O11S; across the diaPtiragm tatieip mmlmiza overpressure, Any, outlet presstare above the start dlsaharge point ?? Speaficaiions section Pests speclficati�sforType R622 of"the;non=adjustable relief valve spring moves he Pressure Reducutg Regulators:: As it originally comes " ''-diaphragm off of thcrelief valve seat all&v iiig`eccess tram the,factury, specifications fora g')ven'regula#or r pressure.to bleed out through the screenedspring' are stamped on thespring case nameplate. case vent', I m Ta`trre 1.�OL MPresswe Ranges: rv;OUTLET PRESSURE RANOE, COMROL SPRiNOPiIRT .. NU146ER. • CONTROLSPRI ' -COLOR CODE 'SPRMOWIRE OtAIAETER,;SPRirIG FREEIENhTH,W 1.8 to 2ZWCre8 P1.C(4ios MbW) T14453T0012 :. 'P+1rPiK. ...- 0.051 (L30)' - ., 3.40(86:d) ' 5 to 7-Std�s pl.c 112 to 77 mbar} Y1439970012.. 4 . �.�f _ f. : 0.062 (1:58) 3,404864) , S5 to 9-mgios Wic (IS to 22 m8er) . T14399T0012� ; ; Yeltoe; M067 (1�"IO) -- 3.61(9Y,7) 9to13Jnc{�ivx: j22to3 n=n 1 114d00T0012`- . SWWe 0.71?(4) 4d0 (tOd) 1$`to 20antlres wjc (32 to 50 mbar) 4 j'14401T0012' 'd Gray ,MGM(2,03) 360(9itd) 18to39Mdlkivs'.,(40to87Ovoar). �e T14402T0012. Fmk 0.(193(2,36) 352{84rd) I1'n22'P�8 (� tb 152"T) yT14403To012: LlglrtBtue , 6105 (Z67) . 7 ......3.66 (9?A) e i