HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBMITTED DOCUMENTS PART 2. Department of Community Affairs 3H: 6568 . FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION tORM 600A-'98 Residential Who1e'Duilding Performance Method A CENTRAL PROJECT NAME: :BUILDER: ANh% ADDRESS: :PERMITTING 'CLIMATE / |OFFIC[: |ZONF: 4|__| 5/_^/ 6`^~` , OWMFK: PERMTT HD |JURISDICTIDN NO. 4 , ' CK 1� New construction or addition ` 2. single family detached or Multifamily attached 3/. f Multifamily -No. of units 4, ' f Multifamily, is this a worst case (yes/no) 3. Conditioned floor area (sq-ft-) 6. 'Predominant euve overhang (ft.) 7. Porch overhang length (ft.) B. Glass area and type. 4. Cleat, Glass b. Tint, film or solar screen 4Floor type and 'insulation: ' b. Wood, raised (R-value, area ) et/Wall typo area and �nsulat�on: �xterior� 1, Concrete (Insulation R~value) ll.Ceiling typo area and insulation: a' Under attic (Insulation R-value) 12. ir distribution systems ` a. Ducts (Insulation + /.00ution) 13,Coolin8 system 14. eating System., 15.Mot water system." , 16.1,lot Water Credits: /HR~Meat Recovery, DHP~Dadioatad Heat Pump) 1.7.Inflltration practice: l, 2 or J lG.HVAC Credits (CF~Ceiling Fan, CV -Cross vent, MF-Whole house fan, R8'Httin radiant barrier, MI~Multlzone) 19.EPI (most not exceed lVO points) a. Total As -Built points b, Total 8usa points I �jpreby certify that the plans and spdcifioations covered by this calcu- lation are in compliance with the F*rida Energy Code. PREPARED 8Y: u*|� ^'-~ � hereby certify that n 6, onipliance with the Code. OWNER/AGENT., � DATE: this building is Florida Energy l. New Construction 2. Single-FaIy J, O 4. 5� 1396.00 h. 2.00 7. 10.00 ~~~~~ Single Pane Double Pane 8a. O.Oeqft O.00sqft 8b� 0�OsqfL 252.60sqft 9b.R�19,00 , 1396.00 sgft 10a-1 R�26.00, 903.00sqft_ 11a.Rz30.00 , 1471,00sqft`__, l2a� R= 6,00 , unoond 13. Type: Central A/C EFR: 10.00 14. Type: Strip Heat COP: 1.00 15. Type: Electric EF: 0.90 16'` HR 17. 2 is.. ' 19. 95'g5 19a. 24490.22 19b. 25524.14 Review of the plans and specifications covered by (-..his calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Coda. Before construction is completed this building will be inspected for compliance in accordance with Section 553,908 F.S. BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: 6 YES RIGHT-J LOAD AND EQUIPMENT SUMMARY 1 1-28-94 For: HMT CONSTRUCTION SCANNED BY St. Lucie Courdy By: PORT ST. LUCIE HEAT &c AIR 1430 SE HUFFMAN RD PORT ST. LUCIE FL 34952 335-7075 Job- #: #3 AT WATERTOWER Wthr : Fort -Pierce FL Zone : WINTER DESIGN CONDITIONS Outside db: Inside db: Desiqn TD: HEATING SUMMARY SUMMER DESIGN CONDITIONS 42 Deg F Outside db: 70 Deg F Inside db: 28 Deg F Design TD: Daily Range Rel. Hum. . Grains Water t�ldq. Heat Loss 9643 Btuh ,entilation Air 50 CFM Vent Air Loss 1540 Btuh Design Heat Load 11183 Btuh INFILTRATION Const Qual a # Fireplaces 0 HEATING COOLING Area (sq.ft.) 880 880 Volume (Cu.ft.) 0 - 0 Air Changes/Hour 1.2 0.5 ElOuivalent CF1v1 0 0 HEATING EQUIPMENT SUMMARY MI ke Model Type Efficiency / HSFF HHating Input ating Output atinq Temp Rise tual Heating Fan Htg Air Flow Factor 0.0 0 Btuh 0 Btuh 0 Dea F 431 CFM 0.045 CFM/Btuh 'gig Deg F 75 Deg F 15 Deg_ F L 50 % 6'2 g r SENSIBLE COOLING EQUIP LOAD SIZING Structure 8056 Btuh Ventilation 825 Btuh Design Temp. Swing 3.0 Deg F Use Mfg. Data n Rate/Swing Mult. 0.95 Total Sens Equip Load 8437 Btuh LATENT COOLING EQUIP LOAD SIZING Internal Gains 460 Btuh Ventilation 2108 Btuh Infiltration 0 Btuh Tot Latent Equip Load 2566 Btuh Total Equip Load 11005 Btuh COOLING EQUIPMENT SUMMARY Make Model Type C:OP/EER/SEER 0.0 Sensible Cooling_ 0 Btuh Latent Coolina 0 Btuh Total Coolinq 0 Btuh Actual Coolina Fan 431 CFM Cla Air Flaw Factor 0.053 CFM/Btuh MANUAL J: 7th Ed. RIGHT-J: V1.74 S/N 2147 Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form J YES c P.IGHT-J C:ALCULATION PROCEDURES A,B,C,D Job #o #3 AT WATERTOWER Procedure A - Winter Infiltration HTM Calculation* 1 1. Winter Infiltration CFM i, 1.2 AC/HR x 0 C:u.Ft. x 0.0167 1 2. Winter Infiltration Btuh 1 1.1 x O CFM x 26 Winter TD = 1 3. Winter Infiltration HTM '1 O Btuh ! 179 Total Window = 1 & Door Area Procedure B - Summer Infiltration HTM Calculation* 1 1. Summer Infiltration CFM 1 0.5 AC/HR x O Cu.Ft. X 0.0167 11 2. Summer Infiltration Btuh 1 1.1 x 0 CFM x 15 Summer TD = 1 3. Summer Infiltration HTM 1 0 Btuh / 179 Total Window & Door Area IF'rocedure C - Latent Infiltration Gain ------------------•--------•------ 1 0.68 x 62 ar.diff. x 0 CFM = Procedure D - Equipment Sizing Loads ------------------------------------ 1 1. Sensible Sizinq Load 1 1 Sensible Ventilation Load it 1.1 x 50 Vent.CFM x 15 Summer TD i Sensible Load for Structure (Line 19) + 1 Sum of Ventilation and Structure Loads - 1 Ratina and Temoerature Swina Multiolie x 1 Equipment Sizing Load - Sensible + 2. Latent Sizing Load Latent Ventilation Load 0.68 x 50 Vent . C:FM x 62 ar . d i f f . _ Internal Loads = 230 x 2 No. People + Infiltration Load From Procedure C + Equipment Sizing Load - Latenb = l i-28-94 0 CFM O Btuh 0.0 HTM 0 CFM 0 Btuh 0.0 HTM 0 Btuh 925 Btuh 8056 Btuh 8881 Btuh 0.95 RSM 8437 Btuh 2108 Btuh 460 Btuh 0 Btuh 2569 Btuh 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MANUAL J. 7th Ed. RIGHT--J" V1.74 S/N 214/ +Prin•tout certified by ACC•A to meet all requirements of Manual Form J NO, ob #. 4#3 AT WATERTOWER ---- MANUAL J. 7th Ed. 1; Name o Room 21 Running Ft. Exposed 1 31 Room Dimensions. Ft. 1 41 Ceiings,Ft 1 Condit. Zone: 11-'28-94 ---- RIGHT-J. V1.74 ---- S/N 2147 --- Page 1 ---- I Entire House 1 RECREATION ROOM I Wall 1 156.5 Ft. 1 73.0 Ft. I 1 1 24.0 x 18.0 Ft. I Option: 0.0 1 1 0.0 1 heat/cool I ------------------------------ I -------------------- I TYPE OF I IC:ST: HTP7 1 Area 1 Btuh 1 Area 1 Btuh I EXPOSURE 1 !NO.:Htn 1Cla :Length: Htg 1 Clg :Lenothi Hta 1 Clg I ---- ----------------------------- 51 Gross ;a112MI 1.01 0.8: 1 Exposed :bl 1 0.01 0.01 i Walls and ;c; 1 0.0: 0.0: 1 Partitions 1d; 10.0i 0.01 I :el 1 0.0: 0.0: I ;f: 1 0.01 0.0: ---------------------------------: -- 61 Windows 1a! iC132.31 #•# : 1 & Glass ;b! BC132.3: ## I I Doors Htq_. :c: 1 0.01 ## 1 I Id: 1 0.01 ## 1 ; lei ; 0.0: ' ' # 1 I :f: 1 0.01 ## 1 -------------------------------- I-- 7: Windows 1 North :27.01 I & Glass 1 NE&<NW 1 0.01 I Doors Clg. 1 E&W ;85.01 1 SE&SW 1 0.0: 1 1 South 1 0.0: 1 1 Horz 1 0.0: ------------------------------- :-.- e: Othr doors 1a110D112.9:10.4: I ;b; 1 0.0: 0.0: -------------------------------- I--- 91 Net :a112MI 1.0: 0.8: 1 Exposed :bI 1 0.ii; 0.0: 1 Walls and :c: 1 0.01 0. 0; 1 Partitions :d: 1 0.0: 0.01 1 1 e I 1 0.0: 0.Q; I :f: 1 0.0: 0.01 -------------------------------- !-- 101 Ceilings !a1 1 0.01 0.0: I ;b: 1 0.0: 0.0: 1 1c1 1 0.01 0.01 -------------------------------- : -- III Floors 1a122AI22.7: 0.0: I :bl 1 0.01 0.o; I I c I 1 0.01 0.0; -- 12: Infiltration a 1 0.0: 0.0: ----------------------------------:-- 1051 3389: 54: 1753: o1 0: 01 01 01 01 01 01 20: 260: 01 01 -179: -184 : 01 01 01 01 01 V; ------------- 01 01 01 0: 01 0: 157; 35491 01 01 0: 01 1791 0: 13ISubtot Btuh Less=6+B..+11+12: #### 1 141 Duct Btuh Loss I 10V 151 Total Btuh Loss == 13+14 1 #### I ---------------------'-----•----•-- I------- 161 Int. Gains. People @ 300: 21 I Appl. @ 12001 01 171 Subtot RSH Gain=7+8..•+-12+161 #### I 181 Duct Btuh Gain I 15%: 87661 877: 96431 -----1--------------------; 0: #### 1 #### 1 01 #### 1 #### ; #### ; 01 #### 1 #### 1 #### 1 01 #### 1 #### 1 ##•at# 1 01 #### 1 #### 1 #### 1 0: 1 #### 1 1 -----I-------------------- x##x 1 61: 19791 #### 1 ##x# 1 0: 01 #### 1 #iF## 1 01 0: #### 1 ##if# 1 0; 0.1 #### 1 #### 1 0: 01 #### 1 #### I 0; 01 #### ; -----I-------------------- I 3338: 26: #### 1 6971 0: 0: ##x# 1 01 30081 35: ## a••x 1 3008 1 0: 0: ### 1 0: 01 0: #### 1 0: 0: 01 •u### 1 0; ----- I -------------------- I 210: 20: 2601 210: 0: 0: 0; 01 ----- I --'------------------ I -146: --S1: -841 -68: 0: 01 0: 01 0 i 01 0: 0: 0! 0: 0: 0; 0: 0: 0; 01 0; 01 0; 01 ----- I --------------------- I 0: 01 0: 01 0: 0: 01 0; 0; 0: 0; 0i ----- i---------------------- ; 0: 73: 1656: 0: 0; 01 0: 0: 0: 0; 0: 01 ----- I -------------------- I 01 0I --_- I - -- #### 1 #### 1 39 1 1 I ###' 1 #### I 10%; 2811 #### 1 ##•## 1 41921 #### 1 ---------------------- I 600: 11 #### 1 300: 0: 0: ##•## 1 0: 7005: #### 1 #### 1 41471 10511 15%: #### 1 6221 ;1201 CFM Air Required i 'tt"h(•## i -+�iI i ° j.L i 'A"R"a" i loi 1 ,:.JJI --- Printout certified by AC'CA to meet all requirements of Manual Form J - MEiS Job #: #3 AT WATERTOWER ---- MANUAL J: 7th Ed. - 1 11 Name of Room 21 Running Ft. Exposed l 3; Room Dimensions, Ft. 41 C:eiings,Ft 1 Condit. ------------------------ Zone-. --- FIGHT-J: V1.74 ---- S/N 2147 --- 1 REi= ROOM l Wall l 28.0 Ft. ; ; 13.5 x 14.0 Ft. 1 8.0 •1. Option: 0.0 1 heat/cool 1 0.0 ; --'--------'-----'------•-------- l-------- TYPE OF 1 !CST! HTM 1 Area 1 Btuh 1 Area 1 EXPOSURE 1 1NO.1Htq 1Clq ll-engthl Htq 1 Clq :Length! Gross Exposed, Walls and Partitions Windows & Glass Doors Htq. Windows & Glass Doors Clg. la112M1 1.01 0.81 lbl 1 0.01 ih.01 Ic1 1 0.01 0.01 ldl 1 0.01 0.01 lei 1 0.01 0.0; if; 1 0.01 0.01 ----------------1 lal iC:132.31 ## 1 lbl BC.132.31 ## 1 1 c ; ; 0.01 ldl 1 0.01 ## 1 le; 1 0.01 ## 1 lf1 1 0.01 ## l 1 North 1 NE?NNW 1 E&W 1 SEQSW ; South ' Horz I 127.01 ; 0.0; 185.01 1 0.01 1 0.01 0.01 191 621 1 541 17531 O1 01 0; 01 01 01 01 0l 8l Othr-doors la1101);12.9110.41 Ol lbl ; 0.01 0.01 01 ---------------------------------- 1------------ 91 Net 1 a: 1211 1 1.0 l 0.81 -73 1 Exposed 1 b 1 1 0. 01 0. 01 01 1 Walls and Icl 1 0. 0: 0.01 01 1 Partitions Idl ; 0.01 0. 0: O1 ;e; ; V.01 0.Q1 1)1 1 ;fl ; 0.01 0.01 01 -----------------------------------: ---._-_•._---- 101 Ceilings lal 1 0.01 0.01 Ol l lb! 1 0.01 0.01 01 i i 1c; I 0.01 0. 0: 0! ----------------------------------- ;----------- 1111 Floors ;a;22A;22.71 0.01 291 1 1 1 b 1 I 0. 0: 0. 0 1 0 1 I 1 C I 1 o. o 1 0. 0: Q 1 1--------------------------------•- i ----------- 112; 1 Infiltration a 1 0.01 0.01 1 73; U; 01 O1 C> ; 0 6351 01 0l 0I ••- j-------------------•_-_•--------- I -----__-_••-•_-•__ 1131Subtot Btuh Lclss=6+8..+114'121 #### 1 29331 1141 Duct Btuh Loss 1 10%; 2931 1151 Total Btuh Loss = 13+14 1 #### 1 22261 1--------------------------------- ; --------------- 1161 Int. Gains: People @ 3001 0111 #### 1 1 Appl. @ 12i)0l 0; #### 1 171 Subtclt P.SH Gain=7+8.. i 12 r161 tt### 1 •tt•### 1 �181 Duct Btuh Gain ; 15%1 #### 1 #### 1 0l ##•>t# 1 0: 1 ###•tt ; 01 ##tt•# 1 O1 ###tt• 1 01 #### 1 01 #### 1 51 #### ; 0i ###tt 1 0; #### l 01 #### 1 01 x### 1 0! 19821 - 51 01 01 0; 01 hit ill 01 O1 0 i 0 i '-------- 0 1 0: 01 O1 -611 -51 0l 0; 01 01 0; 01 0; 0! U 1 0: ------ i---'----- 0 i 0: 01 0l 0: 0! ----- i-------- 0i 9! Q 1 0: 0I UI 0; 51 #### 1 #### 1 Ol it 0; 01 19201 #### 1 28BI 15%l 11-28-94 Page 2 ---- BATH l 8.5 Ft. l 11.0 Ft. 1 heat/cool ; ------------1 Btuh 1 Fit 1 Clq 1 1681 0l 01 0' I 0' 1 0' 0 1 1 01 -J 1 C I 0: 01 0: 0 ; 0! 0: 0 1 I 0i � 1 19J1 01 0; 0 ; 3561 261 3911 #•tt•x•# 1 #### 1 ; 201 CFM Air Required 1 #### i 144 i 11G i �i 1 / 1 G/ i --- Printout certified by AC:CA to meet all requirements of Manual Form J -- I MSS 4ob #: #3 AT WATERTOWER Zone: 11-28-54 MANUAL J: 7th Ed. ---- RIGHT-J: V1.7,1 ---- S/N 2147 --- Page 3 ---- 11 Name of Room ! BEDROOM 1 ! }21 Running Ft. Exposed Wall l 47.0 Ft. 1 Ft. 1 r 31 Room Dimensions, Ft. 15.5 x 11.0 Ft. ! x Ft. 1 41Ceiings,Ft1 Condit. Option: O.0 ! heat/cool l l ! - - --------------------------------------- l ---------•------------- ; TYPE OF 1 !CST! HTM 1 Area 1 Btuh 1 Area 1 Btuh l 1 EXPOSURE 1 INO.IHt(3 IClg 1Lenathl Htg 1 Cla !Length! Hta 1 Cla 1 ----------------------------------------------------1--------------------; ' 5� ' r ' .a. �' 12M' 1.01 0.81 Gress 0: 1 1 Exposed lb1 1 0.01 0.01 01 #### ! #### 1 #### ! #### 1 1 1 Walls and 1cl i O.OI 0.01 0; #### 1 #### ! ! ##u•tt 1 #### ! ! 1 Partitions 'd' ' 0.01 0.01 01 #### 1 #### 1 1 #### 1 #### ! 1 l :el 1 0. 01 0.01 01 ##•## 1 #### 1 ! ##x•x• 1 ##x•# ! l 1 !f1 1 0.01 0.01 01 #### ! #### ! 1 #### ! #### ! 1-----------------------•---------• 1 ---------------•------- 1 -------------------- l 1 61 Windows 1a! 1C132.31 ## , 19! 6211 ### 1 1 ! #### 1 1 1 & Glass 1bl BC132.31 ## 1 0l 01 ' � � , Doors Hta. ��_ C i '-' 1 0. f ## 1 0: 0: a&### 1 1 1 #.st## 1 1 l 1dl 1 0.01 ## 1 0; 01 #### ! 1 ! #### 1 ' ' ## ' ii' C)1 #### 1 1 ! #### ! l 1 1f1 1 0.01 ## i 01 01 1-------------------------------;--------------------;--------------------; .1 71 Windows ' North 127.01 191 #### 1 5181 1•### 1 ! 1 1 & Glass 1 NE&NW l 0.01 01 #### 1 01 1 #### ! ! Doors Cla_. 1 E&W 185.01 01 #### ; 0l 1 #### ! 1 l 1 ! SE&SW 1 O.OI 0! #### 1 0! 1 #### ! 1 i ! 1 South h i 0.0: U! ; 0: 1 ! 1 1 Horz 1 0.01 01 #•## 1 01 1#### 1 l ------------------------------- 1-------------------- 1 -------------------- ; 81 Othr doors :a:10DI12.9l10.41 0: Of 0! i i i :b: 0.01 C.li1 C�1 0; C7: i 1------------------------------- 1-------------------- 1 -------------------- 1 1 '31 Net 1a:12M1 1.01 0.81 -151 •-181 --161 1 1 l ;1 1 Exposed lb! 1 0,01 0.0: p Vi 0, 0, i i 1_l : 0.01 0 0' Walls and ��_� � � � 0' � Ol 9� i i i I: - Partitions ld: 1 � �i.01 O.U. 01 0, 0, i i i ! ! lei 1 0.01 0.0! 0i 01 0l ! ! 1 !fl l 0.01 0.0! 01 0! 01 l l 1 1------------------------------- 1-------------------- 1--------------------1 1101 Ceilings :a1 1 0.01 0.01 0! 01 0; ! 1 lb1 1 0.01 O.Oi 01 01 01 1 1 ! 1 1 1cl 1 0.01 0.01 01 0! 0; ! ; ! 1------------------------------- ; ---------------------- l--------------------1 ;111 Floors la!22A!22.71 0.01 471 10661 0; l l ! l 1 Ibl 1 0.01 0.01 01 0; 0! 1 ; 1 I l 1c1 1 0.01 0.0: 01 01 01 1 i 1 i-------------------- ! 1121 Infiltration a 10_0__0_01 19! 0! 01 l 1 ! 1------------------------------- 1 - -------------------1---------------------! 113lSubtot Btuh Loss=6+6..+11+121 #### 1 16671 #### 1 #### 1 l #### 1 1141 Duct Btuh Loss 1 10%l 1671 ###•x 1 V 1 #### ! 1151 Total Btuh Loss = 13+14 1 #### 1 18341 #### 1 #### 1 ! #### 1 1------------------------------- 1 -------------------- l--------------------1 1161 Int. Gains: People @ 3001 01 #### 1 01 1 #### 1 1 i1 l Appl. @ 1200! 01 #### 1 Ci! 1 #### 1 ! 1171 Subtot RSH Gain=7+8..+12-1-161 #### 1 #•rc•## 1 5021 #### 1 #•>F#tt 1 ! 118! Duct Btuh Gain 1 15%1 #### 1 751 %1 #### l ! 1201 CFM Air Required 1 **** i k1i: i :j1 i t *** 7 i i -- Printout certified by ACC:A to meet all requirements of Manual Form J -- YES MANUAL J: 7th Ed. RIGHT-J: V1.74 S/N 2147 NIGHT-J WINDOW DATA Job #: #3 AT WATERTOWER 11-2E-94 W S D W G L S S 0 N A S 0 0 W c W S N K I A L 0 T H V G I\I H V V H H N H D Y R L A W R A H L G c R R G T A A W L Z E IVI D G Z L 0 X Y T M R R RECREATION ROOM a n e a c n n n v 1 90 1.0 2.0 1.0 4.2 95.0 42.0 6.6 a n n a c n n n v 1 90 1.0 2.0 1.0 4.2 27.0 19.2 0.0 REC: ROOM a n s a c n n n y 1 90 1.0 2.0 1.0 4.2 44.0 19.2 19.2 b n e a c n n n y 1 90 1.0 10.0 1.0 6.0 05.0 54.2 54.2 PATH a n s a c n n n y 1 90 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.1 44.0 5.2 5.2 BEDROOM a n s a c n n n y 1 90 1.0 2.0 1.0 4.2 44.0 19.2 19.2 6 YES RIGHT-J LOAD AND EQUIPMENT SUMMARY For: HMT C:ONSTRUC:TION 335-1646 By: PORT ST. LUCIE HEAT & AIR. 1430 SE HUF'FMAN RD PORT ST. LUCIE FL 34952 335-7075 WINTER, DESIGN CONDITIONS Outside db: Inside db: Design TD: HEATING SUMMARY 12-02-94 Job #: 10603 SE INDIAN FIVER DR Wthr : Fort Pierce FL Zone SUMMER, DESIGN CONDITIONS 42 Deg F Outside db: 70 Deg F Inside db: 28 Deg F Design TD: Daily Range Rel. Hum. . Grains Water Bldg. Heat Loss 19236 Btuh Ventilation Air 100 CFM Vent Air Loss 3080 Btuh Desiqn Heat Load 22316 Btuh INFILTRATION Const Qual a # Fireplaces 0 HEATING COOLING Area (sq.ft.) 1350 1350 Volume (cu.ft.) 13204 13204 Air Changes/Hour 1.0 0.5 Equivalent CFM 221 110 HEATING EQUIPMENT SUMMARY Make Model Type Efficiency / HSPF Heating Input Heating Output Heating Temp Rise Actual Heating Fan Htg Air Flow Factor 0.0 0 Pt uh 0 Btuh 0 Deg F 825 CFM 0.043 CFM/Btuh 90 Dea F 75 Deg F 15 Dea_ F L 50 F,'2 a r SENSIBLE COOLING EQUIP LOAD SIZING Structure 19047 Btuh Ventilation 1650 Btuh Design Temp. Swing 3.0 Deg F Use Mfg. Data n Rate/Swing Mult. 0.95 Total Sens Equip Load 19662 Btuh LATENT COOLING EQUIP LOAD SIZING Internal Gains 690 Btuh Ventilation 421E Btuh Infiltration 4648 Btuh Tot Latent Equip Load 9554 Btuh Total Equip Load 29217 Btuh COOLING EQUIPMENT SUMMARY Make Model Type C:OP/EER/SEER 0. ii Sensible Coolinq 0 Btuh Latent Cooling 0 Btuh Total Cooling 0 Btuh Actual Cooling Fan 825 CFM Clg Air Flow Factor 0.043 CFM/Btuh MANUAL J: 7th Ed. RIGHT-J: V1.74 S/N 2147 Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form J YES RIGHT-J CALCULATION PROCEDURES A,B,C,D IJob Q 10603 SE INDIAN RIVER DR Procedure A - Winter Infiltration HTM Calculation* 1 1. Winter Infiltration CFM 1 1.0 AC/HR x 13204 Cu.Ft. x 0.0167 221 CFM 1 2. Winter Infiltration Btuh 1 1.1 x 221 CFM x 28 Winter TD = 6792 Btuh 1 3. Winter Infiltration HTM 1 6792 Btuh / 252 Total Window - 26.9 HTM' 1 & Door Area !Procedure B - Summer Infiltration HTM Calculation* I 1. Summer Infiltration CFM I 0.5 AC/FIR x 13204 Cu.Ft. x 0.0167 110 CFM 1 2. Summer Infiltration Btuh 1 1.1 x 110 CFM x 15 Summer TD = 1B19 Btuh 1 3. Summer Infiltration HTM 1 1819 Btuh / 252 Total Window = 7.2 HTM 1 & Door Area ------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure C - Latent Infiltration Gain ----------------------------------------------- 1 0.68 x 62 gr.diff. x 110 CFM = ----------------------------------------------- Procedure D - Equipment Sizing Loads --------------------------------------------------- 1 1. Sensible Sizing Load 1 Sensible Ventilation Load 1 1.1 x 100 Vent.CFM x 15 Summer TD = 1 Sensible Load for Structure (Line 19) + 1 Sum of Ventilation and Structure Loads - 1 Rating and Temperature Swing Multiplie x 1 I Equipment Sizing Load - Sensible + 1 I I 2. Latent Sizing Load 1 Latent Ventilation Load 1 0.68 x 100 Vent.CFM x, 62 gr.diff. _ 1 Internal Loads = 230 x 3 No. People + 1 Infiltration Load From Procedure C + 1 Equipment Sizing Load - Latent = 4648 Btuh 12-02-94 1650 Btuh 19047 Btuh 20697 Btuh 0.95 RSM 19662 Btuh 421E Btuh 690 Btuh 4648 Btuh 9554 Btuh I MANUAL J: 7th Ed. RIGHT-J: V1.74 S/N 2147 Printout certified by AC:C:A to meet all requirements of Manual Form J NO Job #: 10603 SE INDIAN RIVER, DR Zone: ----- MANUAL J: 7th Ed. ---- R.IGHT-J: V1.74 11 Name of Room l Entire -1 21 Running Ft. Exposed Wall : 152 1 31 Room Dimensions, Ft. 1 41 C:eiings,Ft 1 Condit. Option! 9.3 1 5------------------------------------------ 12-02-94 ---- S/N 2147 --- Page 1 ---- House l DINING ROOM 1 0 Ft. 44.0 Ft. l 1 18.o x 11.0 Ft. 1 : 12.0 1 heat/cool l ----- :------- ! TYPE OF 1 !CST! HTM : Area 1 Btuh 1 Area 1 iEXPOSURE 1 :NO.!Htg lClg lLengthl Htg : Clg !Length: 1---- ----------------------------------------1------- 1 551 I I Gross rj I 1a'1 1 12M1 1.0: 0.81 15001 #### ! #### 1 528: 1 1 Exposed lb: : O.0! 0.0: O: #•x## : #### : 0! 1 : Walls and :cl 1 0.01 0.01 0: #### : #### 1 0: 1 1 Partitions ldl : O.0! 0.0! 0! #### 1 #### 1 0! ' lei ! 0.0! 0.0: O: #### 1 #### 1 01 1 I I I I I I ( 1 I I f 1 I V. O 1 U. 0 1 01 0 1 #### 1 1 I #### 1 I 0 1 1------------------------------- :-------------------- l------- 1 6: Windows :a! 1C132.31 ## : 158: 51031 #### 1 591 1 I 1 1 Q 1 1 I 1 I V'. ass 1 1 BC 1 �. 31 ## 1 I 94 1 =3I 3G �1.j 1 1 #### 1 40: : 1 Doors Htg. lc: : 0.0! ## : O! 01 #### 1 0! ! 1 :dl 1 0.0: ## : O: O: #### 1 Ol 1 1 lei : 0.01 ## 1 0! 0l #### 1 Ol : 1 :f! 1 0.01 ## 1 O: 0: #### 1 0: 1------------------------------- :-------------------- l------- 1 71 Windows 1 North :27.01 203: #### : 54711 66: 1 1 & Glass 1 NE&<NW 1 0. 0: O l ##•x # 1 O: 0: 1 1 Doors Clg. 1 E&W :85.0! 501 #### : 42141 33! ! ! 1 SE&SW 1 0.01 01 #### 1 01 Ol l : 1 South : 0.0: O1 #### 1 0! 0: l ! : Horz ! O.OI 01 #### 1 O: 0! 1------------------------------- 1-------------------- 1------- '1 81 Othr doors la:10Dl12.9110.41 0! U: O: O: I: : lbl : 0.0! O.O! 0! O: 0! O: 1: ------------------------------- : -------------------- : ------- 1 1 9: Net :a:12:11 1.01 0.8: 12481 1293: 10431 4291 11 : Exposed lb! : O.01 O.O! 01 0! O: 0! 1 1 Walls and lc: 1 0.0! 0.0: 0: O: O: Ol Partitions ldl : 0.0: O.O! 0! 0! 01 01 - 1 1 1 1 y 1 1 1 1 0.01 1 e 1 1 0 n � i 1 0.01 l 0 1 O 1 01 l/ 1 I n, 1 ! if: 1 0.01 0.0: O: 01 01 O: 1-------------------------------1 -------------------- :------- 1101 Ceilings 1a:1661 0.91 1.4: 1350: 12471 19151 198! 1 : lb: : 0.0: 0.0: 0! 0: 0: 01 : 1 lcl l O.O! 0.0: O: 0! Ol O: 1------------------- 1-----------•-•--------- 1-------- !It: Floors :a! 1 O.OI 0.0: 0! O: Ol 01 lb: : 0.0: 0.0: Ol O: O: 01 : ! :r-: 1 0.0: 0.01 O: O: 01 0! !-------------------------------- !-------------------- ! ------- �:12: Infiltration a 126.9: 7.2: 2521 6792: 18191 99: 1------------------------------- :-------------------- l------- 1131Subtot Btuh Loss=6+8..+11+12: #### ! 174BBI #### : #### : 114: Duct Btuh Loss 1 10%: 17491 #### 1 10%: 1151 Total Btuh Loss = 13+14 1 #### : 192361 ###tt ! #### 1 1------------------------------- : -------------------- 1------- 1161 Int. Gains: People @ 30U1 31 #### : 900! 1: 1 1 Appl. [ 1200: 11 #### 1 12001 0: :17: Subtot RSH Gain=7+8..+12+161 #### : ##x•# : 16563: #### 1 :IS: Duct Btuh Gain 1 15%1 #### 1 2424: 1S%! #•n## : O: #### 1 O: #### 1 0: #### ' 0' -----'------: 01 1 01 1 O: 0: ------------: 4441 3581 0! 0! 0' 1 01 1 1 0' 01 1 O: O: 0' O' 1831 2611 0! 01 1 O1 O: ------------: 1 0' 1 n' 0! 0: 0' 1 ' 1 ------------ ! 26771 7171 ------------! 65181 #### 1 652: #### 1 71701 #### 1 ------------: #### 1 200! #### l O1 #### 1 62771 1201 CFM Air Required : **** ! 8251 8251 **** l 307: 3131 --- Printout certified by AC:CA to meet all requirements of Manual Form J -- NHS Job #; 10603 BE INDIAN FIVER DR Tome- 12-02-94 ----- MANUAL J: 7th Ed. ---- RIGHT-J: V1.74 ---- S/N 2147 --- Page 2 ---- 11 Name of Room : KITCHEN : LIVING ROOM : 1 21 Running Ft. Exposed Wall l 9.0 Ft. 1 18.0 Ft. : 1 31 Room Dimensions, Ft. : 9.0 x 16.5 Ft. 1 17.0 x 15.0 Ft. : f 41 Ceiings,Ft 1 Condit. Option! 12.0 1 heat/cool 1 12.0 : heat/cool ! 1-------------------------------------------------------- :--------------------! : TYPE OF ! !CST! HTM 1 Area 1 Btuh 1 Area : Btuh ! 1 EXPOSURE : !NO.!Htg lClg !Lengthl Htg : Clg :Length! Htg : Clq 1 1----------------------------------------------------- 1 ---------------------- : , 51 Gross ,a,ii`' lh, 1.0, 0.81 1081 **** 1 **** 1 2161 **** 1 1 1 Exposed :b: 1 0.01 0.0: 01 **** 1 **** : 01 **** 1 1 1 Walls and 1c: 1 0.0! 0.0! 01 **** 1 **** : 01 **** 1 **** 1 1 1 Partitions ldl 1 0.01 0.01 01 **** 1 **** 1 0: **** ! **** l ! ! :el 1 0.01 0.01 01 **** 1 **** 1 0: #*** ! **** 1 l : lfl 1 0.0: 0.01 01 **** : **** : 01 **** 1 :-------------------------------- :-------------------- :--------------------: 1 6: Windows !a! 1C132.31 ** : 10: 330: **** 1 19! 6211 I, , c Glass lbl 8C:32.31 ** 1 0! 01 **** 1 541 17531 **** l 1 ! Doors Htg. !c! : 0.0: ** : 0: 0: **** : 01 0: **** : , :dl : 0.01 ** 1 01 01 **** 1 0! 01 **** 1 ! ! lei 1 0.0: ** 1 0: 0: **** 1 0: 01 is : :f! : 0.01 ** 1 0: 01 **** 1 0: 01 **** 1 1------------------------------- 1 -------------------- l -------------------- : , , , 7, ' :2 ' Windows North ,�7.C!� 10: **** 1 275: 731 ##** 1 19821 1 1 &< Glass 1 NE&<NW l 0.0! 0:*tt* : 0: 01 **** 1 0: : : Doors C•1g. 1 E&<W 185.0: 0: **** 1 0! 01 **** 1 0: : : : SE&<SW ! O.u! 01 **** : 0! 01 **** 1 0! , South ' 0.0: !' ****1 0i 01 ****1 0i ' Horz 1 O.O: 01 **** : 0: 0: **** 1 0! , -------------------- ' -------------------- ' II 81 Othr doors :al10D112.9:10.41 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: l : lb: : O.Ol 0.0: 0! 0! 0: 0: 0! 0! , -------------------- ' -------------------- ' 1 91 Net lal12Ml 1.01 0.8: 98: 101! 821 1431 1481 119! ' Exposed :bl : 0.0: 0.01 0: 0: 01 0! 0! 0: 1 1 Walls and :cl 1 0.01 0.01 01 0: 0! 0: 0: 0! : 1 Partitions ldl 1 0.0: O.UI 0: 0: 0: 0! 0! 0: : ! le: : 0.0! 0.01 0! 0: 0: 0! 0: 0: : : if: : 0.0: 0.0! 0: 0: 0: 01 01 0! '-------------------------------- : -------------------- : -------------------- ! !10: Ceilings :a116G1 0.9: 1.4: 149: 1371 2111 2551 2361 3621 : : lb! : 0.0: 0.01 0: 0! Ol 0: 0! 0! 1 1 lcl : 0.0! 0.0: 0! 0: 0: 0: ❑! 0: :------------------------------- 1 --------------------- l -------------------- 1 ,111 Floors. ,a,, 0.0, 0.0, C!, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,, 1 ! lb! : 0.0: 0.0: 0! 0: 0: Ol 01 Ol 1 l :cl 1 0.01 0.01 01 0: 0: 01 0! 01 :-------------------------------:--------------------1--------------------: -:121 Infiltration a 126.9! 7.21 10: 2751 741 731 19771 5291 '--------------------------------- : -------------------- 1 -------------------- 1 1131Subtot Btuh Loss=6+8..+11+121 **** : 842: **** 1 **** ! 47341 **** 1 :14: Duct Btuh Loss l 10%: 94: **** 1 10%: 4731 **** 1 1151 Total Btuh Loss = 13+14 1 **** : 927: **** : **** 1 52071 **** 1 ---------------------- , -------------------- ! !IS! Int. Gains: People @ 3001 11 **** 1 300! 01 **** 1 0! 1 ! Appl. @ 1200! 1: **** 1 12001 01 **** ! 0: 1171 Subtot RSH Gain=7+8..+12+161 2141: 1 2992: 1191 Duct Btuh Gain i 1c%! *#*# ! q'71 ! ! AAC,! :201 CFtv1 Air Required 1 **** : 401 1071 **** : 2231 1491 --- Printout certified by ACC:A to meet all requirements of Manual Form J -- NBS Job #: 10603 SE INDIAN RIVER DR Zone., 12-02-94 _---- MANUAL J: 7th Ed. ---- RIGHT-J: V1.74 ---- S/N 2147 --- Page 3 ---- 1 11 Name of Room l STAIRS I BATH 1 ! •1 21 Punning Ft. Exposed Wall ! 4.0 Ft. 1 6.0 Ft. : 1 31 Room Dimensions, Ft. : 4.0 x 18.0 Ft. : 6.0 x 17.0 Ft. : ! 41 Ceiings,Ft : Condit. Option! 8.0 1 heat/cool 1 3.0 1 heat/cool : ----------------------------------------------------, , : TYPE OF : lCST: HTM 1 Area 1 Btuh ! Area 1 Btuh 1 1 EXPOSURE 1 !NO.!Htg lC:lg !Length! Htg 1 Clg :Length! Htg : Clg 1 1---------------------------------------------------- 1 -------------------- : ',1 5 J � Gross 1 a, 12M , 1. U ' � � 0.8 :+ 32! #### ! *tt# 1 481 # : **** : 1 1 Exposed lb! : 0.01 0.01 0: **** : **** 1 0: **** 1 **** 1 1 Walls and 1c: : 0,0: 0.0: 01 **** 1 **** 1 01 **** : **** 1 „ Partitions �d� 1 0.01 0.01 01 **** : **** 1 01 **** 1 **** 1 ! : le: l O.0! 0.0: 01 **** 1 * ** 1 01 ! : !f! : O.OI 0.0! 01 **** 1 *** ! 01 **** 1 **** ! 1------------------------------- : -------------------- 1 -------------------- ! : 6: Windows :a! iC::32.31 ** 1 71 2331 **** 1 0: 0l **** 1 1 : & Glass :bl BC!32.3: ** 1 0: 01 **** 1 0! 01 **** 1 1 , 1 ' Doers Htg. 1cl 1 0.0: ** : _ 0: 01 *x•*•i 1 0: Ol *#*# 1 ! : ldl 1 0.01 ** 1 01 01 **** : 0! 01 1 , lei 1 0.01 ** : 0! 0' **** 1 01 C' ! : ! ! l C 1 #* ! i f U.t 0 : U, **** � 01 1 � 1-------------------------------:--------------------: ------------! 1 7: Windows 1 North 127.01 7: **** : 194: Ct: **** 1 0! 1 1 & Glass 1 NE&NW : 0.0: 01 **** : 0! 0: **** 1 0! 1 Doors Clg. , E&W 185.01 0: 0: 01 1 0: : ! 1 SE&SW ! 0.0! 01 0! 01 ***# : 0! 1 : South i O.Oi 01 0i 0' **** 1 1 1 Horz : 0.0: 0! **** 1 0! 0: **** : 0: i1------------------------------- 1 -------------------- : -------------------- : 1 8: Othr doors lali0D112.5110.41 0! 0: 0: 0: 0! 0: : 1 lb: 1 0.0: 0.01 0: Ol Ol 0: 0: 0: 1 9: Net la:121°Il 1.01 0.81 251 261 211 491 501 401 : : Exposed lb! : 0.0: 0.0: 0: 0: 0! U: 0! 0: 1 Walls and :c: U.O, 1 0.01 0,, 0: 0: 1 0, 0, U! ' Partitions ldl 1 0.0: 0.01 0! 0: Ol 0: 0! 01 : 1 :e: : 0.01 0.0: 0! 0! Ol 01 0! 0! 1 1 :f: : 0.0: 0.0! 0: 0: 01 0! 0: 0! 1-------------------------------:--------------------' --------------' 1101 Ceilings la:1661 0.91 1.4: 721 67: 1021 1021 941 1451 l l lb! l 0.0! 0.0: 0! 0: 0! 0: 0! 0! : ! :c: : 0.0: 0.0: 01 0: 0: 0: 0! 0! :------------------------------- 1 -------------------- l ---------------------- : ill: Floors !a! : 0.0: 0.0: 01 0! 0! 0! 0! 0: : ! :bl ! 0.0: 0.0! 0: 0! 0! 0! 0! 0! ! l 11_: : O.O: 0.0: 0! 01 01 0: 0! 0! :------------------------------- l -------------------- : -------------------- ! 1 1121 Infiltration a :26.91 7.2: 71 1941 521 0: Ul 0! 1-------------------------------:--------------------:--------------------! :13:Subtot Btuh Loss=6+8..+11+121 **** : 519: **** 1 **** 1 1441 **** 1 1141 Duct Btuh Loss l 10%! 521 : 10%: 141 **** 1 115: Total Btuh Loss = 13+14 1 **** : 571: x*** 1 **** 1 158: :------------------------------- : -------------------- l--------------------! 1161 Int. Gains: People @ 3001 01 **** 1 0: 01 **** 1 0: Appl. @ 12001 0: **** 1 0! 01 **** 1 01 1171 Subtot RSH Gain=7+8..+12+161 **** 1 **** 1 3691 **** 1 **** : 1851 11BI Duct Btuh Gain i 15%1 **** 1 551 15%1 **** i 2E31 1201 CFM Air Required 1 #### 1 24: 18l #### 1 7: 9! --- Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form J --- NES Job #: 10603 SE INDIAN FIVER DR Zone: 12-02-94 ----- MANUAL J: 7th Ed. ---- RIGHT-J: V1.74 ---- S/N 2147 --- Paige 4 ---- 1 is Name of Room l MASTERBEDROOM : BEDROOM 1 !1 21 Running Ft. Exposed Wall : 35.5 Ft. : 29.5 Ft. : : 31 Room Dimensions, Ft. ! 16.5 x 17.5 Ft. l 13.5 x 14.5 Ft. : : 41 C:eilnos.Ft 1 Condit. Ootion: 8.0 : heat/cool : 6.0 l heat/cool ! ---------------------------------------------------- TYPE OF 1 !CST! HTM 1 Area 1 Btuh j EXPOSURE 1 !NO.!Htg lClg !Length! Htg : 1-------------------------------- : 5: Gross lall2M1 1.01 0.81 1 : Exposed lb! 1 0.01 0.01 1 1 Walls and Ir_: : 0.0! O.OI 1 Partitions ld: 1 0.01 0.01 : ! le! 1 0.01 0.01 ! : If! ! 0.0! 0.0: i-------------------------------------: 1 6: Windows :a: iC132.31 ## 1 1 & Glass :bl 8C:3'2.31 ## 1 1 1 Doors Htg. Icl : 0.01 ## : ! ! ldl 1 0.01 ## : : le: 1 0. 0: ## : ! :f! : 0.0: ## 1 1-------------------------------: 1 71 Windows 1 North 127.01 1 1 & Glass 1 NE&<NW 1 0.O1 11 : Doors Clg. : EuW !65.0! : 1 1 SE&SW : 0.0: d : 1 South 1 0.01 1 l 1 Horz : 0.0: :-------------------------------: 1 B: Othr doors :a110D112.9110.41 : : !bl 1 0.01 0.01 i--------------------------------: : 9: Net lall2M1 1.01 0.81 Exposed lb: : 0.0! 0.0! 1 : Walls and Icl 1 0.01 0.0: Partitions :dl : 0.01 0.0: 1 ! lei : 0.0: 0.0: :f! : 0.01 0.01 1-------------------------------: 1101 Ceilings :a!16G! 0.91 1.41 1 : lb: ! 0.0: O.O! 'i i isl 1 0.01 0.0: 11 ------------------------------- 1 :111 Floors :a! 1 0.01 0.0: :bl i 0.0: 0.0: ici 1 O.01 0.01 1-------------------------------: 11121 Infiltration a 126.91 7.21 i---------------------------------- i 11319ubtot Btuh Loss=6+8..+11+121 :141 Duct Btuh Loss : 1151 Total Btuh Loss = 13+14 : :-------------------------------1 :161 Int. Gains: People C 300: ! 1 Appl. C 1200: 1171 Subtot RSH Gain=7+8..+12+16: 1181 Duct Btuh Gain l 284: #### 1 01 #x•#•x : 01 #•## 1 O: #### : 01### : 01 #### : 38: 12161 01 01 Ol Gi 0' 0' 1 1 0: 0: O: O: 01 0 1 : h i 0 i 246: 2551 O: 0! 0l 0: 01 U: O: 01 0: OI 289: 2671 0' 01 � 1 0 0: 0: 0 i Ui ni 0 : 0 1 38: 1013: #### : 27511 10%: 2751 #### 1 3026: 1! #### 1 01 #### ! 15%: 1 Area 1 Clg !Length: 1 2361 #### 1 O I #### 1 01 1 1 #### 1 0! #### ! 01 of #### ! 19: #### ! 0! 0: #### 1 0! #### 1 01 #### 1 U: -----l------- 578: 1s! 01 1 13751 0! 0' 1 0: O: O: 0! 0! 01 0! 0: 01 ----- i------- 2061 217: 01 0: 01 O: 01 0! 0' 0' 0: 0! --410:---196: 0: O: 0! 0: ----- i------- 01 0: 0: 0: 01 0: ----- 1------- 2711 19: #### ! #### ! #### ! #### ! 300 1 O ! O: 0! 3140: #### 1 4711 15%! ------------1 #### 1 5181 #### 1 1 01 � #### 1 01 #x## 1 0! #### : 01 #### 1 U: ------------! U: 0! 0! 0! -----------i 2251 181: 0l U: U: 0i t 1 0' i 01 0: 0! 01 181! 2781 01 1 0' � 0 i 0: -----------i 0: 0! 0 i 0 1 1 0! 0! -----------1 517: 138 ----------- i 1543: #### 1 1541 #### 1 16981 #### 1 ------------1 #### 1 Ul ##•x# 1 1116: 1201 CFM Air Required 1 **** 1 1301 1561 **** ! 73; 561 --- Printout certified by AC:C:A to meet all requirements of Manual Form J -- MBS Job #: 10603 SE INDIAN RIVER DR Zone: ----- MANUAL J: 7th Ed. ---- P.IGHT-J: V1.74 ---- S/N 2147 -- 1 11 Name of Room i BATHROOM i '1 2! Punning Ft. Exposed Wall i 6.0 Ft. i 1 31 Room Dimensions, Ft. i 5.5 x 10.5 Ft. ! 4.0 1 41 Ceiings,Ft ; Condit. Option! S.0 1 heat/cool i 8.0 i ------------ ! TYPE OF i EXPOSURE i------------ 12-02-94 - Page 5 - HALL 0.0 Ft. x B.0 Ft. heat/cool ------------------------------------- ----------- 1 :CST: HTM 1 Area 1 Btuh ; Area 1Btuh ! !NO.!Htg lClg lLengthl Htg 1 Clg !Length! Htg 1 Clg ------------------------------------- l------------------ 1 51 Gross lall2M1 1.01 0.81 481 **#* 1 1 1 Exposed ;bl ; 0.01 0.01 01 **** 1 1 1 Walls and ! c l i 0.0 l 0.0: 01 *•tt•** 1 1 1 Partitions ldl i O.Oi O.Oi 01 **** 1 i ! le! 1 0.0! 0.0! 01 **** 1 i ! !f; i 0.0! O.Oi 01 **** ! 1------------------------------- i-------------- 1 G! Windows la! iC132.31 ** 1 5! 168! 1 1 & Glass !bl 8Ci32.31 ** 1 Oi O! 1 1 Doors Htg. Ic! i O.O! ** i 0! 0! ! ! !dl 1 0.01 ** 1 0! Oi ! i lei 1 0.0! ** 1 0! 0l i i if! 1 0.01 #* 1 0! 0! i------------------------------- i-------- 1 71 Windows 1 North 127.01 5! **** 1 1 1 &< Glass 1 NE&NW ! O.Oi 01 **** ! 1 1 Doors Clg. 1 E&W 185.01 01 **** l i 1 1 SE&SW ! 0.01 01 **** 1 ! i 1 South i 0.0! 01 **** 1 i i 1 Horz i O.Oi 0: **** ; 1------------------------------- i-------------- 1 8! Othr doors la!1OD112.5110.4! 0! 0! 1 i lb! ! O.Oi O.Oi 0! 0! ---- --------' -------------- 1 9! Net lall2M1 1.01 0.81 421 441 ! Exposed lb! i O.Oi 0.0i 0! 0! 1 1 Walls and lcl i O.Oi O.Oi Oi O! 1 1 Partitions ldl ; 0.0! O.Oi 0! Gi i 1 lei i O.Oi 0.01 Oi 0! i i ifi 1 0.01 0.01 0! 01 i------------------------------- i -------------- 1101 Ceilings ;al1GG; 0.51 1.41 58! 531 i i ;bl i O.Oi O.O; Oi O! i i !c! ! 0.01 O.Oi 0! O! i------------------------------- i--------------- ili; Floors la! i 0.01 O.Oi 0! 0! i ! lb! i O.Oi O.Oi 01 01 1 1 ;cl 1 0.01 0.01 0! 01 1------------------------------- l-------------- l121 Infiltration a l26.9! 7.21 51 140: 1------------------------------- 1-------------- 1131Subtot Btuh Loss=6+8..+11+121 **** ! 4061 114l Duct Btuh Loss i 10%i 411 1151 Total Btuh Loss = 13+14 ! **** 1 4461 '-------- '-------- l161 Int. Gains. People C 300! Ol **** 1 i l ADD1. @ 12001 01 **** ! 117l Subtot P.SH Gain=7+8..+12+SG! **** 1 **** ! 1181 Duct Btuh Gain 1 15%! **** 1 0; **** 1 Oi **** : Oi **** 1 Oi **** 1 O1 **** ! 0! **** ! Ul *** ! Ol Ol **** ! 0i **** 1 0! **** 1 0! 1401 Oi 0' 0' 1 1 0! Oi 0' 0' 1 1 01 0! 0! 0! 0' 0' 1 1 0' 0' 36! 0; Oi 0! 0' 0' � 1 0 1 0 1 4 1 1 O' 01 � 1 0! 0! ----- i-----^- 8'2 i 32 ; 01 0! 0! 0! Ol UI 0! Oi 0! 0i ----- i------- 3e l 0 i **** 1 10%! Ol 01 0' 0' 2y6! **** ; 44! 15%1 0; 0! Oi 0 1 01 0! Oi Oi 301 Oi ----01 1 0! 0' 1 01 0' 301 3i 33' 1 **** ! **** ! **** ! 1201 CFM Air Required 1 **** 1 191 151 **** 1 11 21 --- Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form J -- YES MANUAL J: 7th Ed. RIGHT-J: V1.74 S/N 2147 RIGHT-J WINDOW DATA Job #: 10603 SE INDIAN RIVER DR. 12-02-94 W S D W G L S S 0 N A S 0 0 W C W S N K I A L 0 T H V G N H V V H H N H D Y R L A W R A H L G C R. R G T A A W L Z E M D G 7. L 0 X Y T M R R DINING ROOM a n e a r_ n n n y 1 90 1.0 2.0 1.0 4.0 85.0 40.0 6.6 a n n a c n n n y 1 90 1.0 2.0 1.0 4.2 27.0 19.2 0.0 b n s a c n n n y 1 90 1.0 14.0 1.0 6.8 44.0 40.2 40.2 KITCHEN a n n a c n n n y 1 90 1.0 2.0 1.0 3.1 27.0 10.2 0.0 LIVING ROOM a n s a c n n n y 1 90 1.0 2.0 1.0 4.2 44.0 19.2 19.2 b n e a = n n n y 1 90 1.0 10.0 1.0 6.8 85.0 54.2 54.2 STAIRS a n n a c n n n y 1 90 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.2 27.0 7.2 0.0 BATH 1 MASTERBEDROOM a l n n a c n n n y 1 90 1.0 2.0 1.0 4.2 27.0 18.4 0.0 a n w a c n n n y 1 90 1.0 2.0 1.0 4.2 85.0 19.2 3.0 i BEDROOM a n s a c n n n y 1 90 1.0 2.0 1.0 4.2 44.0 19.2 19.2 BATHROOM a n s a c n n n y 1 90 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.2 44.0 5.2 5.2 HALL - .* INFILTRATION REDUCTION PRACTICE COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST=k COMPONENTS (SECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH PRACTICE CHECK PRACTICE #1 606.1 COMPLY WITH ALL INFILTRATION PRESCRIPTIVES. Windows 6b6:1 Maximum of 0.34 CFM per linear foot of operable sash crack (includes sliding glass doors). ' Exterior & 606.1 Maximum of 0.5 CFM per sq. Pt. of door area: solid hdjacent Doors core, wood panel,insulated or glass doors only. Exterior Joints 60¢.1 To be caulked, gasketed, weather-stripped or other- & Cracks - wise sealed. PRACTICE #2 606.1 COMPLY'WITH PRACTICE #1 AND THE FOLLOWING: Extqrior Walls 606.1 Top plate penetrations sealed. Infiltration barrier & Floors installed. Sole plate/floor joint caulked or sealed. Exterior Walls 606.1 Penetrations, joints and cracks on interior surface & Ceilings caulked, sealed or gasketed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ductwork 606,1 Ductwork in unconditioned space must be sealed. Fireplaces 606.1 Equipped with outside combustion air, doors and flue dampers. __ ExhFust Fans ______________-.__--_-_---_---------------------______-_------_- 606.1• Equipped with dampers. Combustion devices see 606.1.A.2. _...._ ---------- Combustion Combustion 606.1 Combustion space and water heating systems provided Heaping with outside combustion air, except direct vent --------------------- -------- appliances. ---------------------------- -------------------------- OTHER PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES (must be met or exceeded by all residences.)W Water Heaters 612.1 Comply with efficiency requirements in Table 6-11. Switch or clearly marked circuit breaker (electric) or cutoff (gas) must be provided. External or built- in heat trap required. Swimming Pools 612.1 Spas and heated pools must have covers (except solar & Spas heated). Non-commercial pools must have a pump timer. Gas spa & pool heaters must have a minimum thermal. efficiency of 78 percent. , Shower Heads 612.1 Water flow must be restricted to no more than 3 gal- lons per minute at 80 PSIG. Air Distribution 610.1 All ducts, fittings, mechanical equipment and plenum Systems chambers shall be mechanically attached, sealed, ins- ulated and installed in accordance with the criteria of Section 610. Ducts in unconditioned attics must be insulated to a minimum of R-6. Air handlers shall not be installed in attics unless in mechanical closet. HVAC Controls 607.1 -_ Separate readily accessible manual. or automatic v thermostat for each system. CA Insultion 604.1 - Ceilings minimum R-19. Common Walls - Frame R-11-or-- 602.1 CBS R--3 both sides. Common ceiling & floors R-11. SUMMER CALCULATIONS _-= BASE ___ ; _-= AS -BUILT =-= GLASS ---------------- ORIEN AREA x BSPM = POINTS TYPE SC ORIEN' AREA x SPM x SOF = POINTS N 58.70 82.2 4825.1 i DBL TINT N 37.3 43.5 .80 1302.6 DBL TINT N 11.5 43.5 .71 353.3 DBL TINT N 9.9 43.5 .76 326.8 E 93.00. 82.2 7644.6 DBL TINT E 40.0 87.3 .93 3262.4 DBL TINT E 53.0 87.3 .38 1759.3 S 82.20 82.2 6756.8 ; DBL TINT S 37.4 78.8 .60 1774.2 DSL TINT S 4.8 78.8 .42 159.9 -DBL TINT S 40.0 78.8 .26 830.5 W 18-70 82.2 1537.1 i DBL TINT W =------------------------------- 18.7 87.3 .93 1525.2 --------------------------------------------------- .15 x COND. FLOOR / TOTAL GLASS = ADJ. x GLASS - ADJ GLASS ; GLASS AREA AREA FACTOR POINTS POINTS ; POINTS :------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .15 1,396.00 252.60 .829 20,763.72 17,212.68 i 11,294.22 NON GLASS ------------------- AREA x BSPM = POINTS TYPE R-VALUE ----------------------------------- AREA x SPM = POINTS WALLS ----------------- Ext 963.0 1.0 963.0 ; Ext LtWtBlock Int 26.0 963.0 .00 .0 DOORS --------------- Adi, 57.0 1.6 91.2 ; Adj Insdla.ted CEILINGS--------- --- UA 1396.0 .6 837.6 FLOORS --------------- Rsd 1396.0 -3.4-4788.3 Under -Attic Under Attic Rsd Wood Adjacent 57.0 1.60 91.2 30.0 784.0 30.0 637.0 19.0 1396.0 .60 470.4 .60 412-.2 1.00 1396.0 INFILTRATION --------- 1396.0 10-.9 15216.4 ; -------------------------------------------------------=----------------------- Practice #2 1396.0 10.90 15216.4 TOTAL SUMMER POINTS ; 29,532.60 28,880.42 ----------- -------------- TOTAL x SYSTEM = COOLING TOTAL x CAP x' DUCT x SYSTEM x CREDIT COOLING SU�1 PTS MULT COMPON RATIO MULT MULT MULT POINTS ------------------ --POINTS--_ 9,532.60 .37 10,927.06 r - ------------------------------------------------- 28,880.42 1.00 1.070 .340 1.000 10,506.70 t WINTER CALCULATIONS BASE ___ ; __= AS -BUILT GLASS --_...___________________ ORIE AREA x BWPM = -- POINTS TYPE SC ORIEN AREA x WPM x ------------------------ WOF = POINTS N 58.70 •-3.4 --199.6 DBL TINT N 37.3 6.1 1.17 265.6 DBL TINT N 11.5 6.1 1.26 88.3 DBL TINT N 9.9 6.1 1.20 72.7 E 93-00 -3.4 -316.2 ; DBL TINT E 40.0 -3.6 .85 -122.2 DBL TINT E 53.0 --3.6 -.85 163.0 S 82.20 -3.4 -279.5 DBL TINT S 37.4 -11.0 .69 -284.5 DBL TINT S 4.8 -11.0 .24 -12.6 DBL TINT S 40.0 -11.0 -.56 246.2 W 18.70 --3.4 -63.6 i DBL TINT W 18.7 --3.6 .85 .IS x COND. FLOOR / TOTAL GLASS = ADJ. x GLASS = ADJ GLASS i GLASS AREA AREA FACTOR POINTS POINTS ; POINTS .15 1,396.00 252.60 .829-858.84-711.96 i 359.26 NON GLOSS ------ AREA x BWPM = POINTS ; TYPE R-VALUE AREA x WPM = POINTS WALLS•_...__-_-__-.-.--._._.... Ext, 963.0 1.1 10.59.3 ; Ext LtWtBlock Int 26.0 963.0 .50 481.5 DOOf S---------------- - Adj 57.0 4.0 228.0 ; Adj Insulated 57.0 4.00 228.0 CEI IINGS--------------- i i UA 1396.0 .6 837.6 ; Under Attic 30.0 784.0 .60 470.4 i Under Attic 30.0 687-0 .60 412.2 FLOORS ---------------- i Rs-d 1396.0 -.2 --279.2 ; Rsd Wood Adjacent 19.0 1396.0 1.00 1396.0 INFILTRATION ---------- 1396.0 4.1 5723.6 Practice #2 1396.0 4.10 5723.6 TOTAL WINTER POINTS 6,B57.34 i 9,070.96 TOTAL x SYSTEM = HEATING ; TOTAL x CAP x DUCT x SYSTEM x CREDIT HEATING WIN PTS MULT POINTS ; COMPON RATIO 'MULT MULT MULT POINTS 6,857.34 1.10 7,543.07 9,070.96 1.00 1.070 1.000 1.000 9,705.93 WATER HEATING --- BASE ___ ; __= AS -BUILT --------------------------------- ---- -- ----------------------------- NUM OF x MULT = TOTAL TANK VOLUME EF TANK x MULT x CREDIT = TOTAL BEDRMS RATIO MULT 2 3527.0 7,054.00 ; 50 .90 1.000 3449.7 . .62 4,277.59 SUMMARY BASE ___ __= AS -BUILT COOLING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL ; COOLING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL POINTS. + POINTS + POINTS = POINTS POINTS + POINTS + POINTS = POINTS 10927.1 7543.1 - 7054.0 25,524.14 ; 10506.7 9705.9 4277.6 24,490.22 * EPI = 95.95 ENERGY GUIDE For detailed information of the EPI rating number or for any ITEM listed, ask, your Builder for DCA Form 60OA-93 or Form 6006-93 EPI= 95.9 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ---------------------------------- ------ ' The maximum allowable EPI is 100. The lower the GPI the more efficient the home RESIDENTIAL ENERGY PERFORMANCE RATING SHEET ITEM HOME VALUE Low Efficiency High Efficiency SINGL CLR DBL TINT WINDOWS ..................... Double Tint ;-------------------- X INSULATION. ................. Ceiling R-Value......... 30.0 Wall R-Value......... 26.0 Floor R-Value......... 19.0 r AIR CONDITIONER ............. EER....................... 10.0 HEATING SYSTEM ............... �lectric COP ............. 1.0 WATER HEATER ................ Electric EF.............. 0.90 Gas EF.............. 0.00 Solar EF.............. R-10 R-30 '----------------=--- X, ' R-0 R-7 --------------------X; R-0 R-19 '----------- --------- X, ' 9.7 EER 16.0 --------------------' ,X , 2.50 COP 4.19 � X--------------------- 0.88 0-96 ---- X-•--------------- 0.54 0.90 '---------------------' 0.40 0.80' ------------------------- OTHER FEATURES .............. I........................... certify that these energy saving features required for the Florida Energy Code have been installed in this house. Builder address: Signature: 'Date: iL ty/Zip ;Florida Energy Code for Building Construction •- 1993 Florida Department of Community Affairs FL-EPL CARD93• lda�ter 'Heaters ,.a I timing Pools pas ---------------- Shower Heads Air Distribution Systems HVAC Controls. Insulation �1 ----------------- ' t** INFIh.TRATIdN REDUCTION PRACTICE ,COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST ** - r ~CHECK COMPONENTS^^ SECTION-.- REQUIREMENTS FOR EACHPRACTICE- PRACTICE #1 606.1 COMPLY WITH ALL INFILTRATION PRESCRIPTIVES. Windows ' 606.1 Maximum of 0.34 CFM per linear foot of operable sash. crack (--.includes sliding glass doors). -----------------_--_.-._---------------_---_--.-----_-------------------------- terior & 606,1 1Maximum rdE of,0.5 CFMpEr sq. ft. of door area: solid ja'cent Doors core, wood panel,insulated or glass doors only. -------------------- ..-,.-----------------------------•---•--•------------------------ Ext-erior Joints 606.1 To be caulked, gasketed, weather-stripped or other- & Cracks wise sealed. PRACTICE #2- - --606.1.- - COMPLY WITH PRACTICE #1 AND THE FOLLOWING: --------------------'--------------------- Exterior Walls 606.1 --_---------------------'----'--••---- Top plate penetrations sealed. Infiltration barrier & T oors or sealed. ----7-------------------- -installed_-Sole-plate/floor-joint-caulked ------------ Ext�erior Walls 606.1 Penetrations, joints and cracks on interior surface & eilings sealed or gasketed. - - -- ---caulked, --1f----------------------------...------------------- DuCtWork 606.1 Ductwork in unconditioned space must be sealed. Fireplaces ]----------- E> haunt Fans C mbustion H ating 606.1 Equipped with outside combustion air, doors and flue dampers. ------- ------ 606.1 Equipped with dampers. Combustion devices see 606.1.A.2. 606.1 --Combustion-space-and-water heating systems provided with outside combustion air, except direct vent appliances. _-------------------------- ------------------------------- OTHER PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES (must be met or exceeded by all residences.) ** ------------------------------------------------------ 612.1---Comply with efficiency requirements in Table 6-11. Switch or clearly marked circuit breaker (electric) or cutoff (gas) must be provided. External or built- in heat trap required. 612.1- Spas -and -heated -pools musthavecovers (except solar heated). Non-commercial pools must have a pump timer. Gas spa & pool heaters must have a minimum thermal efficiency of 78 percent. 612.-1-- Water flow must be restricted to no more than 3 gal- lons per minute at 80 PSIG. 610..1 -All ducts, fittings, mechanical equipment and plenum chambers shall be mechanically attached, sealed, ins- ulated and installed in accordance with the criteria of Section 610. Ducts -in unconditioned attics must be insulated to a minimum of R-6. Air handlers shal`1 not,be installed in attics unless in mechanical. closet. --.. _._..---•-------------- •--.,--- --_ --. _.. _-.-----•-•-----•----_....-_--. -Sri-.-_ _. 607-1 Separate readily accessible manual or automatic' thermostat for each system.x --------------------.-----.-_--------------------_-_,.. _r 604 1 J- Ceilings minimum R•-19. Common Walls - Frame R•-11 or;' 602.1 CBS R-3 both sides. Common ceiling & floors R-11. a:7 t t SUMMER CALCULATIONS` *:k*t:�: ,V:*WY:*:Y•'K****�W�*:K**�:K�;K�k=4:*�:K:KX�%!KW.X:k��:�:KKK:k*=K=K:k*�:*%<:K*W.Y<*****%:*W�:*:K %::k-K %K'K'k.K*-k �%.., r ' --` BASE --- ; '-- AS -BUILT --_ _ GLASS ----------------- T ORIEN AREA x BSPM = POINTS ; TYPE SC ORIEN AREA x SPM x SOF- = Pb4NTS -..-.--......-.._--.....-... _.--_.-...-... .-... _.-_. _. . ......._-. -. ._.-_..-. _..__.. _..«.. _.- .--.-_-.4 N 58.70 82.2 4,825.1 ; DBL TINT N 37.3 43.5 .80 1302.6 DBL 'TINT N 11.5 43.5 .7.1 353.3 DBL TINT N 9.9 43.5 ..76 326.8 E 93-00 82.2 7644.6 ; DBL TINT E 40.0 87.3 .93 3262.4 DBL TINT E 53.0 .87.3 .38 1759.3 S 82.20 82.2 6756.8 DBL TINT S 37.4 78.3 .60 1774.2 DBL TINT S 4.8 78.8 .42 '159.9 DBL TINT S 40.0 78.8 .26 830.5 W 18-70 82.2 1537.1 ; DBL TINT W 18.7 87.3 .93 1525.2 --- 'Sx COND. FLOOR /TOTAL GLASS -Y- =ADJ. xGLASS - -- =ADJ GLASS - ; GLASS AREA "--_--------_---- AREA POINTS POINTS _&' -----__-_-_ __FACTOR_ - _ -POINTS_---- ----- .15 1,396.00 252.60 .829 20,763.72 17,212.68 ; 11,294.22 NO'VT GLASS------------------- ' • AREA x BSPM = POINTS TYPE R-VALUE AREA x SPM = POINTS WALLS------------------- i Ext 963.0 1.0 963.0 ; i Ext LtWtBl6c4< Int 26-0 963.0 .00 .0 DOORS--------..---------- Adj 57.0 1.6 91.2 ; Adj Insulated 57.0 1.60 91.2 CEILINGS ------------- UA 1396.0 .6 337.6 Under Attic 30.0 784.0 .60 470.4 Under Attic -30.0 687.0 .60 412.2 FLOORS --------------- i Rsd 1396.0 -3.4 -4788.3 ; i Rsd Wood Adjacent 19.0 1396.0 1.00 1396.0 INFILTRATION ---------- 1396.0 10.9 15216.4 ; Practice #2 1396.0 10.90 15216.4 TOTAL SUMMER POINTS- - 29,532.60 -------=----------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ; 28,880.42 TOTAL x SYSTEM = COOLING ; TOTAL x CAP x DUCT x SYSTEM x CREDIT = COOLING SUM PTS MULT POINTS ; COMPON RATIO MULT MULT MULT POINTS 29,532.60 .37 10,927.06 ; 28,880.42 1.00 1.070 - -- .340 1.000-10,506.70, WINTER CALCULATIONS BASE __= i =_= AS -BUILT - ------------------------`---------------------------------------------------- ORIEN AREA x BWPM = POINTS ; TYPE SC� ORIEN AREA x WPM x WOF = POINTS --------------------- 15 58.70 -3.4 ----------- -199.6 --------------------------------- DBL TINT N 37.3 ------------------ 6.11.17 265.6 DBL TINT N 11.5 6.1 1.26 88.3 DBL TINT N 9.9 6.1 1.20 72.7 E 93.00 -3.4 -316.2 ; DBL TINT E 40.0 -3-6 .85 -122.2 DBL TINT E 53.0 -3.6 -.85 163.0 S 82.20 -3.4 -279.5 i DBL TINT S 37.4 -11.0 .69 -284-S DBL TINT S 4.8 -11.0 .24 DBL TINT S 40.0 -11.0 -_56 246.2 W 18.70 -3.4 -63.6 ;-DBL TINT W 18.7 -3.6 .85 -57.1 .15 x COND.-FLOOR / TOTAL GLASS = ADJ. x GLASS = ADJ GLASS ; GLASS AREA AREA FACTOR POINTS POINTS ; POINTS -'15 1,396.00 252.60 .-829 -858.84 -•711.96 i 359.26 NON GLASS ------------- AREA x BWPM = POINTS ; TYPE R-VALUE AREA x WPM = POINTS WALLS----•---_-____._ _ Ext 963.0 1.1 1059.3 DOORS ----_- _.-- _. _-----_ Adi 57.0 4.0 228.0 CEILINGS -------------- UA 1396.0 -6 837.6 Ext LtWtBlock Int 26.0 963.0 .50 Adj Insulated 57.0 4.00 481.5 228.0 Under Attic .30.0 784.0 .60 470.4 Under Attic 30.0 687.0 .60 412.2 FLOORS --------------- Rs.d 1396.0 -.2 -279.2 ; Rsd,Wood Adjacent 19.0 1396.0 1.00 1396.0 i INn- LTRATION--------- 1396.0 4.1 5723.6 ; Practice #2 1396-0 4.10 -5723.6 0 "7TAL WINTER POINTS 6,857.34 i 9,070.96 ------------------------------------------- TOTAL x SYSTEM = HEATING TOTAL x - ------ CAP x DUCT --- x SYSTEM x -----Y-------- CREDIT HEATING WIN PTS MULT POINTS ; COMPON RATIO MULT MULT MULT POINTS ------------ - __- ------ --- __---- --------------- -------- I - 6_857_34 1_10 -- 7,543.07-; _ -.-_ _ 9,070.96 1_00 1.070 - 1_000 - _ 1.000--9,705_93 rEa WATER HEATING ' A: %::K :K'k V::k• w k: k:;k * X= M %:;P: W. N�:K %:'Y•'K %�-K * ;K:k:K=K+: *::k:k * � %: * *'F::K X'k W. * �: �'Y. * ;K:k x,:KW'K *:kW :K * * � *'K:K * * *;F::i: * y: * k:;,;Y. Yc=K �y �. -- BASE ; --- AS -BUILT --- NUM OF x MULT = TOTAL TANK VOLUME EF TANK x MULT x CREDIT = TOTAL° BEDRMS RATIO MULT 2 3527.0 7,054.00 ; 5.0 .90 1.000 3449.7 .62 4,277.59 SUMMARY M �:*=l:�* W-=K*Y:*k:'X. �t'K Y-*;kX MWh: yF Ni:l::k:k *:K:K* �%::K%V:`.#a'C:K-K:k�:*;k:!:;Y.***yFW=k:k;K�::k:k•IE yF*=k:K �:K*�;K**#:K*=1::k:k:K:K**�! BASE ___ __= AS -BUILT COOLING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL COOLING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL POINTS + POINTS + POINTS = POINTS ; POINTS + POINTS + POINTS - POINTS "10927.1 7543.1 7054.E 25,524.14 10506.7 9705.9 4277.6 24,490-22 -- e -- - -- -- - - -- -- - - ,' ;K EPI = 95.95 ENERGY GUIDE Fo.r detailed information of the EPI rating number or for any ITEM listed, ask your Builder f6r,, DCA Form 60OA-93 or Form 60OB•-53 EPI= 95.9 0 10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90 100 The maximum allowable EPI is 100. The lower the EPI the more efficient the home RESIDENTIAL ENERGY PERFORMANCE RATING SHEET ITEM HOME VALUE Low Efficiency High Efficiency SINGL CLR DDL TINT WINDPWS........ Double Tint --------------------Xi INSULATION .................. I R- 10 R-30 Ceiling R--Value......... 30.0 i-------------------- X R-0 R-7 Wall R•-Value......... 26.0 j-------------------- X R-0 R-19 Floor R--Value......... 19.0 i-------------------- K AIR CONDITIONER .......... --. 9.7 EER 16.0 ------------ HEATING SYSTEM .............. 2.50 COP 4.19 E ectric COP ............. 1.0 iX--------_,-----_____.- WATcR HEATER. ... ........... 1 0,88 0.96 Electric EF.............. 0.90 i---- X---------------- i 0.54 0.90 Gas EF.............. 0.00 j_--_--__.___.-----.-.---_ 0.40 0.80 Solar EF......... ---- -__.____---_---_.--- '_. 1 OTHER FEATURES.. ....... I certify that these energy saving features required for the Florida Energy Code have been installed in this house. Builder Address:____mm.— -_-- —Signature:,_ --_--, _Date: City/Zip Flo 'Aa Enorg• Code for Building Construction -- 1993 Fl: a Depit it of Community Affairs It FL-EPL CARb93 Q`ya P +YT iR