HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVALSFlorida Building Code Online Page 1 of 2 Business & Professional . ® U fin' YA Raja DEp irlrn lltd ECIS Home ; lap In I User Registration I Hot TOPIM 1 Submit SurtTaMe Scats a Fatls PublitaUons : Mc Stan al]s Site Map un� SeanrcL Businesg a) ei product Approval Professi I f USER: MIk User [��nN�lL' Regulation ED Pmdod APPMYal Menu>Pmdod or Aoo@atlon Seamh> Anolloation Lilt>AoolltaHon Dec l BY FL # FLR9 S4. LucieCour lh- AppllcApplication Type Revision Code version 2010 Application Status Pending FBC Approval Comments Archived f Product Manufacturer GAF Address/Phone/Email 1361 Alps Road Wayne, N3 07470 (973)072-4421 lindarelth@trinityerd.com Authorized Signature Beth McSodey Ilndareith@trinityerd.com Technical Representative Beth MrSorley Address/Phone/Email 1361 Alps Road - Bldg 11-1 Wayne, N3 07470 (973) 872-4421 BMcSortey@gaf.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Rom Subcategory Asphalt Shingles Compliance Method Evaluation Rep rt from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed I Prof tonal Engineer v Eva uatlon Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who Robert Nleminen developed the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-59166 Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 08/08/2013 Validated By John W. Knezevich, PE r Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL10124 R9 COI Trinity ERD CI - Nieminen - 2013.odf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year ASTM D3161 (Class F) 2006 ASTM D3462 2007 A5 M D7158 (Class H) 2007 TAS 107 ' 1 1995 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By 3 �, Sections from the Code AIIPRnVPn Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 2 Date Submitted 02/20/2013 Date Validated 02/26/2013 Date Pending FBC Approval 02/27/2013 Summary of Products FL # 1140del, Number cr Name Description 10124.1 GAF Asphalt Roof Shingles Fiberglass reinforced 3-tab, laminated, 5-tab and hip/ridge asphalt shingles Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ% No FL10124 R9 II er022613FINAL GAF Asphalt Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Shinales FL30124-R . cif Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: Robert Nleminen PE-59166 Design Pressure: N/A - - - -Created by Independent Third -Party: Yes_ Other: Refer to ER, Section 5. Evaluation Reports FL10124 R9 AE er022613FINAL GAF Asphalt Shingles 1`1-10124-R9.odf 11 Created by Independent Third Pa : Yes Bark 2 The state of Florida Is an AA/EW employer. CopvrioM 2007-2010 slate of Florida.:: PrNacv Statement :: Aroesslbdflv Statement a Refund slatemem Under Media law, email addresses are public records. 9 you do net want your e-mall address released in response m a public-remrds repuest, do not send ahctronic mall co this Whey. instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any puesnans, please contact 850A87.1395. -pursuant to Senfon 4W..Z73(I), Mirada STatihMs, emecthe DOober I, Z012, rfmnsees rfteneed under chapter 455, F.S. must provide Me Department win an em ff address if May have one. The smalls provided may be usetl far of8dal conomunl®tlon win Me licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide Me Department with an email address which can be made available to the pupils To determine R you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please dkb ti Q. Product Approval Accepts: ®® N M CreditSQF E Florida Building Code Online a Page 1 of 2 r OF Professional Regulation Me BCLSHavre I Log In 1 User RNtImUo. : HOTWIcs sabmle mwearge I slat:&ram I PublkaUom ; FBC4 ff 1 9OSSite10P I wm I storm i Product Approval USER: wbacUser SCANNED pWurt Aeomval Menu> Pmdu" orAoolkatlon Sermh> APPOOMn Loth Aopllmtian Detail ley Fla Fu11zo-R7 fit. LudeCovoy Appliatlon Type Revision Code Version - 2010- - - - Application Status Approved -Approved by DCA Approvals by DCA shall be reviewed and radfled by Ole POC and/w the Commission IF netessary. Comments Archived ❑ Pmdud Manufacturer Address/phone/Email Authorized Signahne Technital Representative Address/Mone/Email Quality Assuana Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compilana Method Cer 1 aton Agency Validated By Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Eauivalena of Product Standards Certified By Produd Approval Method Date Submlted Date Validated Date pending FBC Approval Data Approved 3Ell>WEN 3737 Lakeport BNtl Klamath Falls, OR 97MI (800)535-3936 r"jeld-wen.mm 3ason Kemda )asonka®)eld-wen.am )E vmM Corporate Cistaner Service 3737 Lakeport Blvd. Wamad Falls, OR 97601 (800)535-3936 rustomersemlaaganis®)ekl-wen.com WlMows SlnBle Hunq Mark Or Llstng National Accreditation & Management institute, National Awedlation & Management InSUWte, Standard TAS 201 TM 202 TAS 203 Method I Option A 01/21/2013 OZ/04/2013 OZ107/2013 XIM 1994 1994 1994 Dse In HVHZ: Yes ma oualde HVHZ: Yes Instructions Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 2 Design Pressure: +60/-60 FI,11120 R7 11 I.pa(n le HungP li nIngmClons.ndf Verified BY: Robert Amoroso, PE 49752 Other. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports 11120 R7 AE Product Evaluation Report 2159 odf Created by Indepentlem Third Party: Yes 111120.2 Premium Atlantic Aluminum Single Hun 61D0 Sr 915/8'Sln le Glace 7/16'SGP Lam limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVH2: Yes FL11120 R7 C CAC NI0I1135 Certifiate.odf Approved for use outside HVH2: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: Yes 10/31/2016 Design Pressure:+80/-80 Installation Instructions Other: FLII120 R7 11 ImpacIn u DP80 InstallationInstmajons.pdf Verified By: Robert A oruso, PE 49752 C tad by IndependentThIN Parry: Yes Evaluation Reports FL11120 R7 AE Pmdua Evaluation Report 2107.odf Created by Independent ThIN Perry: Yes 11120.3 tPremi. Atlantic Aluminum Single Hun 6100 52 1/8' x 75' Single Glaze 5/16' PVB or SGP lam Unifts of Use rtifiratfon Agency Certificate Approved for use In HVH2.• Yes M11120 R7 C CAC N101133S Cedifiatexcif Approved for uss outside HVH2cYes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date. Impact Resistant Yes 10/31/2016 Design Pressure: +60/-65 Installation Instructions 11Mer. DuPont Bu adte PVB INerlayer, NOA If 11-1118.03. DuPont R11120 R ♦ n InnrucUons.od SentryGlas Intedayer, NOA p 11-0624.02. Verified By: Hermes Norem, PE 73778 Created by Independent ThIN Parry: Yes Evaluation Reports FL21120 R7 AE Product Evaluation Report 2284.odf Createtl by Independent Third Party: Yes Cormot m ;: seep xmrn Mon itn!^t TnoenaRee 3n99 p , es0.487-1824 The State of Florlde b an NVHU emplayen IbovnaM 2007a010 Send of Rohn.:: wxacv elate e;e:: �H,Rm 5tuarent:: Btu Under Ronda he,¢mall addresses art public records. If you do rot Want your a 11 address released In te,dme In A obb,mcn4s remot, do not send ehRmmo m 1i m Ms entity. Imread, rem d tM came by phone or by trwfiUmd mall If you lave any puestbm, please oxdatt850.48).1395.•Pursuant to Seubtl 45595 (1). FUnma Statute, epecihe Octobn I, 2012, Ixemcss Ikemh under 0ap or455, F.S. must provide the Dewdmem wire on.0 Md. If they, hays ow. The nmlb prevded may be wood for otpdel communbatdn Mm the Ix nsee. However ema0 add memo are publd mcond. If you do not wish b supply a wnorol Mdrem, pleme monde Ind Dewdmem with an email ad4nns whxh can be made a Ibbbblo atlro while. To timmum 0 you ass a liemee undchapter er npter 455, F.S., Plena Product A��pp.�1 AAmple �Fd Cred itSCAFE NOTICE OF PRODUCT CERTIFICATION CERTIFICATION NO: NI011135.01-R1 DATE: 08/20/2012 CERTIFICATION PROGRAM: Structural COMPANY: JELD-WEN CODE: 822-1 REVISION DATE: 11/12/2012 To verify that the "Notice of Product Certification" is valid, please visit www.NAMICertification.com to assure that the product is active and currently listed This certification represents product conformity to the applicable specification and that certification criteria has been satisfied ANAMIapproved certification label must beapplied tothe product toclaim certification status. Please review and advise NAMI if any corrections are required to this document. COMPANY NAME AND ADDRESS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION JELD-WEN "Premium Atlantic Aluminum (6100)" 3737 Lakeport Boulevard Aluminum Single Hung Window Klamath Falls, OR 97601 Configuration: O/X Glazing. laminate-1/8" Annealed Glass/0.090" PVB by DuPont/l/8"" Annealed Glass or Laminate-1/8" Annealed Glass/0.090" Sentry Plus Interlayer/1/8"" Annealed Glass Frame: W-1353mm(53.25') H-1937mm(76.25") Sash: W-1283mm(50.5") H-940mm(37") SPECIFICATION PRODUCT RATING TAS 201/202/203-94 Design Pressure: +60/-60 psf Large Missile Impact Rated Product Tested By: National Certified Testing Laboratories, Inc. Report No: NCTL-210-3466-1/210-3209-4 Expiration Date: June 30, 2016 Administrator's Signature: NATIONAL ACCREDITATION AND MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE, INC. 4794 George Washington Memorial Highway Hayes, VA 23072 Tel: (804) 684-5124 Fax: (804) 684-5122 .too; 1 m-eiv I' tlr OF 3 790 } Yx "i s. %ib yYPI:i PCf. Pi f!Jf':-0i•t 41 i5 _bit 1 :.id:'iS :iifr.tia{$�- j y�*.r,'.f: �,e.6r•st.i;: -i :rii :-S; f�i<t , 1 1 ' . i I ' JJ_ l t :+tSG>i i}i.; �: 3411 ihHP_i, � '•�illaii?i (S iSe 717??i�� y3![y!:] �t,:.l "..+.�tFi. + I C;4).}Sf roll. will! .0'!4DI1" EW MEMO. LOC,K„KIN BiC3'+ I •'.�.rt .irrr,b :[� 7':I'^l:r � 1 .1 �/rr+i-1;�(tf•i `Jli. f IIflg(i^+' ;i"f to t, .. ,.f :J rl`i P•, ,:.nl '+ .. a+n'^.. -,: I .. ..r,� ', .-';:cP'. �, .•t,;rr,.r..:.v:', .n. -Pr' ., ,- t � I �j 4 ",... £ !.J: 511 J ; : .<f 4.,. & Rill . a �... 7 . . '"'w' Kxa•.'2 �, �....,.,,.,_.+. . JELD-WEN REMIUMATLANTICALUMINUM 6100 SINGLE MUNG WINDOW, LMI NOTES: INSTALLATION ANCHORAGE DETAMS INSTALLATION NOTES: ODUCT IS DESIGNED TO COMPLY WITH THE HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE(HVHZ) OF THE CURRENT FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 1.ONE (1) INSTALLATION ANCHOR IS REQUIRED AT EACH ANCHOR LOCATION SHOWN. T THE DESIGN PRESSURE(S) STATED HEREIN. THE PRODUCT DETAILS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE BASED UPON SIGNED AND SEALED EPORTONCTL-210 2D .DATEDM/l4M7.NCR-216 U4 I.DATEDOW17ID7 ANDASSOCIATEDLABORATORYSTAMPEDDRAWINGS 2. THE NUMBER OF INSTALLATION ANCHORS DEPICTED IS THE MINIMUM NUMBER OFANCHORS TO :RE TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT NVHZ PROTOCOLS. BE USED FOR PRODUCT INSTALLATION. ICY OF THE EXISTING STRUCTURAL CONCRETE MASONRYAND M FRAMING ASA MAIN WIND FORCE RESISTING SYSTEMCAPABLE 3. SHIM AS REOUIREDAT EACH INSTALLATION ANCHOR WITH LOAD BEARING SHIM(E). MAXIMUM HSTANDING AND TRANSFERRING APPLIED PRODUCT LOADS TO THE STRUCTURE IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ENGINEER OR ALLOWABLE SHIM SIZE IS 1141NCH. SHIM WHERE SPACE OF I/161NCH OR GREATER OCCURS. ECT OF RECORD. SHIM(S) SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF HIGH DENSITY PLASTIC OR BETTER. JOKE AND a PT WOOD FRAMING (WHEN USED) SHALL BE DESIGNED AND ANCHORED TO PROPERLY TRANSFER ALL LOADS TO THE 4. ANCHORS FOR INSTALLATION INTO WOOD FRAMING OR THROUGH IX BUCK TO CONCRETE/ WIRE. BUCK DESIGN AND INSTALLATION IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT OF RECORD. MASONRY, OR DIRECTLY INTO CONCRETE MASONRY SHALL BE AS SHOWN IN'ANCHOR SCHEDULE' THIS SHEET. S WHERE WIND-BORNE DEBRIS PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS EXIST, USE OF AN APPROVED MIAMI DADE IMPACT PROTECTIVE IS NOT REQUIRED. 5. MINIMUM EMBEDMENT AND EDGE DISTANCE EXCLUDE WALL FINISHES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO STUCCO, FOAM, BRICK VENEER AND SIDING. \LS: )OW FRAME MATERIAL ALUMINUM ALLOY: 6O63-T5 (FRAME HEAD, SILL, JAMB) 6. FOR CONCRETE BLOCK APPLICATIONS DO NOT INSTALL INSTALLATION ANCHORS INTO MORTAR NATED GLASS INTERIAYERS: JOINTS. MIAMI-DADE NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE NO. 114)624.02 FOR DUPONT SENTiYGLAS INTERLAYER MIAW-DADE NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE NO. 11-1118.03 FOR DUPONT BUTACITE PVB INTERLAYER T. INSTALLATION ANCHORS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANCHOR MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS AND ANCHORS SHALL NOT BE USED IN SUBSTRATES WITH AEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM El 300414e1. STRENGTHS LESS THAN THE MINIMUM STRENGTH SPECIFIED IN-ANCHORSCHEDULE-THIS SHEET. ATIONS'X' AND 'Cr STAND FOR THE VING: X: OPERABLE PANEL AND O: FIXED PANEL - S. ANCHORS SHALL BE MADE OF CORROSION RESISTANT STEEL OR TREATED WITH CORROSION RESISTANT COATING. IRDANCE WITH THE CURRENT FBC, SECTION 2411.3.3.3 WOOD BUCKING SHALL HAVE BEEN PRESERVATIVE TREATED OR SHALL BE )RABLE SPECIES AS DEFINED IN SECTION 23262. JRDANCE WITH THE CURRENT FBC, SECTION 2M3.8.4 DISSIMILAR 1 INCLUDING FASTENERS THAT MAY COME INTO CONTACT -UMUNUM WINDOW FRAMING WOOD SHALL HAVE BEEN 'TED AS DEFINED IN SECTION 2MI8.4.2. 4RESSURE RATING (PSF) IMPACT RATING +80.0/60.0 LARGEMISING IMPACT TABLE OF CONTENTS SHEET SHEETDESCRIPTON 1 GENERAL& INSTALLATION. NOTES, DP CHART AND ANCHOR SCHEDULE 2 ELEVATION & ANCHOR LAYOUTS 3 VERTICALMIDHORIZONTALSECTIONS 4 GLAZING & CORNER DETAILS 5 BILL OF MATERIALS&COMPONENTS ANGIORSCHEOULE SUBSTRATE WINDOW FRAME TYPE SIZE MANUFACTURER AND/OR EMBEDMFM (IN) 1n EDGE DISTANCE ANCNORCAPACIfIES TYPE SPECIFICATIONBASm OM I4 ON THRUFRPME MN. 2000 PSI CONCRETE CONCRETE (FLANGE? FLATHEAD $116, MTAPCONSIV 1-M. 1-118, ANDCOMPLIESWTHACI 301,ACI318ANDACI355 MASONRY THRU-FRAME STRENGTH (BLOCK/CMU) (FLANGE) FLATHEAD 3116" DW TAPCONSH) 1" 2" CONFORMANCE TO ASTM C-90, MEDIUM WEIGHT ANSI BISAA THRUFRPME (WOOD SCREW) WOOD WITH AMNIMUM WOOD (FLANGE) FLATHEAD N0.10 !SINE 818.6.E 1-3/8' 3/4' SPECIFICGRAVTIYOF (TAPPING SCREW) 0.55. THRU-FRAME ASME B18.8.4 3SCREWTHREADS 18 GAGE, 33 KSIYIELD STEEL STUD (FLANGE) FLATHEAD NO. 10 (TAPPINGSCREW) EMBEDMENT PAST INSIDE 3/4' STRENGTH MN. STEEL OF STEEL STUDS WEB STUD LOTS 1)IIIN(ADJANC®TIiAOFOPoNT6JPlOLOGY) TAPCONS WILL SEUSED 00t TE'NASG62V INSTALLATION. 2) FOR WOODORTAPPNG SCREWS N'R42LLFPAMENSTALLATpNS NR) WOOD SUBSTRATE FSH-R7NJG 15 A CONCERN DRILL 1R' RUCT HOLEFORNO. 10 SCREW. ROEe4J.A ..PE FMM9 P.E. No. 497M 53114" MAX. CA. FRAME WIDTH 50 1/2' MAX. O.A- SASH WIDTH I� 46 3/4" MAX. O.A. �I D.L.OiWIDTH 37" 32 314"J101 CMAX. MAX.3OA. O.A.SASH D.L.O. O MAX. MAX 3 g REINFORCEMENT O.A. O.A. SASH D.L.O. CH HEIGHT 9 �� 05Ez LEGHEIGHT)(EIGHT ELEVATION SINGLE HUNG FLANGE ELEVATION EXTERIOR VIEW' ALL CORNER 6' MAX. FROM I.� 10 5/16' MAX, SPACING IS FROM CORNERS (TYP.)— I O.C. (TYP.) INTERIOR BUCK � I � 4' MAX. FROM r ell 10 1/16- (TYP.) CORNERS (TYP.) 4' MAX. FROM 4" MAX. FROM 0 CTR. OF MEETING CTR. OF MEETING �RAILS(TYP.) RAILS (TYP.) 03° (TYP.) 3 SPACES 3" (TYP) X 4 7 D.C.( MAX. C. (TYP.) 0 3" (TYP') 4' MAX. FROM CORNERS"P.) ANCHOR LAYOUT r SINGLE HUNG FLANGE INSTALLATION EXTERIOR VIEW N .J.Amn -P.E f RE N. INU a 0 n 1X WOOD BUCK BY OTHERS (SEE GEN. NOTE 3, SHT. 1) SEALANT BETWEEN FLANGE & SUBSTRATE W/ VULKEM 116 OR EQUIVALENT STRUCTURAL ADHESNE SEALANT EXTERIOR FINISH - BY OTHERS PERIMETER SEALANT BY OTHERS FRAME HEIGHT 76114" EXTERIOR 54 B SEE DETAIL 4 ON SHEET 4 EXTERIOR 4 PERIMETER SEALANT BY OTHERS IIISTR T BETWEEN FLANGE & JBSTRATE W/ VULKEM 116 OR EQUIVALENT STRUCTURAL %!%[%%� ADHESIVE SEAL ANT EXTERIORFINISH Y OTHERS SHIM AS REO'D. (SEE INSTL. NOTE 3, SHT 1) VERTICAL (AD SINCLI FLANGEINS Y�INSTALLATION ANCHOR VARIES. SEE 1B ANCHOR SCHEDULE SHEET 1. a UBSTRATE VARIES. SEE ANCHOR 4 CHEDULE SHEET 1. a a MIN. WDEOMENl VARIES, ~ SEE ANCHOR SCHEDULE SHEET I. OSHIM LU K a /4 /4 AS REQ'D. (SEE INSTIL. NOTE 3, SHT 1) D INTERIOR DETAIL 3 r ��$ IHEET4 aa p 1/4'MAX.SHIM z 3.i m' 6 .TION MIN.EMBEDMBLHENT VARIES. U' IF a % 01 �TIDN SEE ANCHOR EDUIE SHEET 1. U o w SHIM AS REDD. (SEE SUBSTRATE VARIES. SEE ANCHOR � w G a INSTIL. NOTE 3, SHT 1) SCHEDULE SHEET 1. Lj m F I z o' � £ O z zmyzo� j-� T INTERIOR INSTALLATION ANCHOR �+ +e VARIES. SEE ANCHOR w H' r a y o <w SEE GLAZING DETAILS 1i `i SCHEDULE SHEET 1. o i 6 Y i m F a ON SHEET4 l( z H�3 SEE GLAZING DETAILS Y ON SHEET Mw.E. EANCHOR mY QLaJj 1\ \'J VARIES.SEESHEET 1Y EXTERIOR SCHEDULE SHEET I. 1. 1 q CCTION 8 UL PERIMETER SEALANT 1X WOOD BUCK BY OTHERS qq BY OTHERS (SEE GEN. NOTE 3, SHT. 1) @ 6 EXTERIOR FINISH SEALANT BETWEEN FLANGE& 1Y BY OTHERS SUBSTRATE Wit VULKEM'116 OR MAX. O.A. FRAME WIDTH 53114" EQUIVALENT STRUCTURAL 11 INTERIOR HORIZONTAL ADHESIVE SEALANT SECTION „ D ^k1/4"MAX SHIM SINGLE HUNG FLANGE INSTALLATION Rc°en Y. FkxNa P.E Nn 4°l6] EW.4.7W 1X WOOD BUCK BY OTHERS (SEE GEN. NOTE 3,.SHT. 1)*�}1 SUBSTRATE VARIES. SEE ANCHOR.;, SCHEDULE SHEET 1. 11/32" (NOMINAL THK.) UNIT CONSISTING OF: 1/8" ANNEALED GLASS 0.090" DUPONT SENTR 118" ANNEALED GLASS N. SITE I EXT GLAZING DETAIL I TOP SASH AND TOP MAIN FRAME UPPER CORNER / n / DETAIL 3 11/32" (NOMINAL THK.) LAMINATED UNIT CONSISTING OF: �-1/8"ANNEALED GLASS, 0.090" DUPONT PVB INTERLAYER, I— 1/8" ANNEALED GLASS GLASS BITE EXT. "71NT. GLAZING DETAIL 2 BOTTOM MAIN FRAME LOWER CORNER DETAIL 4 a 0 0 m r d 0 w 3 n M ROGBNJ.A '..P.E Fl aP.E. No. 497W FRAME NFATI .0.050' TYP. THK. �2.813' --�� 1.572" 0.7 3 (2) FRAME SILL bus 10 ALUMINUM 0.060' TYP. THK. L2.813-+1 0.792" GLAZING BEAD 6063-T6 ALUMINUM ® PULL RAH, / LIFT RAIL 6063-T6 ALUMINUM 0.050' TYP. THK. 0.050' TYP. THK. �i 1.756- 0.752' Le IIFIF - 1 0.08T If 2.3 b' 444LLL 1430. T 0.93r - � TOP SASH © BOTTOM SASH ?,TERLOCK INTERLOCK ,63-T6 ALUMINUM 6063-T6 ALUMINUM 0" TYP. THK. ).05bf TYP. THK. 1.199' .�0.I05W T�I 'R''�0.937' 2.0} 1J.19_9' �0.937' ASH JAMB STILE 6063-T6 ALUMINUM 0.045- TYP. THK. ��. 918' i T- VINYL 11 VINYL WEDGE VINYL 0.15;j0'gT�YP. THK. 0.305' 1 TN 0.408' IALANCE GUIDE 29 TAKE OUT CLIP VINYL STEEL 0A49- TYP. THK. 7 7O FRAMEJAMB 6063-T5 ALUMINUM 0.050' TYP. THK. --�� [-- 2.773- 1.672' 1 �" z.25r 13 --+{ 1--0.625' 0.50- ALUMINUM 0.005a0+RITTY-,P.. THK. /1 ate' 11f0Frei ON05F.11YD)Rrll&N ITEM PART# DESCRIPTION MATERIAL MANUFACTURER 1 11395 FRAME HEAD ALUMINUM 6063-T5 INDALEX/EXTRUDERS 2 11344 FRAME SILL ALUMINUM 6D63-T5 INDALEX/EXTRUDERS 3 801GLB GLAZING BEAD ALUMINUM 6D63-T6 INDALEXIEXTRUDERS 4 601VSI PULL RAIL FOR TOP SASH/ LIFT RAIL FOR BOTTOM SASH ALUMINUM 6063-T6 INDALEX/EXTRUDERS 5 601TV1 TOP SASH INTERLOCK ALUMINUM 6D63-T6 INDALEX/EXTRUDERS 6 601BV1 BOTTOM SASH INTERLOCK ALUMINUM 6D63-76 INDALEX/EXTRUDERS 7 11343 FRAMEJAMB ALUMINUM 6063-T5 INDALEX/EXTRUDERS 8 601VJS SASH JAMB STILE ALUMINUM 6D63.T6 INDALEX/EXTRUDERS 9 PILE WEATHER STRIP VINYL/WOOLPILE 10 DOW CORNING 995 SILICONE SILICONE DOW CORNING 11 601GLVB VINYL WEDGE DUROMETER-75 VINYL 12 GLASS SEE GLAZING DETAILS ON SHEET4 GLASS 13 CRS STEEL REINFORCEMENT, (1/2"X5/8"X FULL LENGTH) STEEL, ASTM A38 14 ALUMINUM SPRING LOCK(2 EACH AT HEAD B SILL) ALUMINUM 15 - FIBERGLASS MESH SCREEN FIBERGLASS - 16 - METALLIC CAM LOCK 2- 10'FROM EACH END OF MEETING RAIL DIE-CAST METAL - 17 64SHBKT FIXED SASH BRACKET ALUMINUM INDALEX I EXTRUDERS 18 - 3116- ITW TAPCON(SEE SHEET I) STEEL ITW 19 - BULB VINYL WEATHER STRIP VINYL - 20 - #BX5/8'P.P.H.S.M.S. STEEL - 21 - #10 PAN HEAD WOOD OR TAPPING SCREW (SEE SHEET 1) STEEL - 22 - SCREENFRAME ALUMINUM - 23 HOLLOW VINYL SCREEN SPLINE VINYL 25 - #8X2PAN HEAD S.M.S. STEEL - 26 64SSTOP SASH STOP NOT SHOWN -1/JAMB VINYL - 27 64SCAM SASH CAM ALUMINUM - 28 64BG BALANCE GUIDE VINYL - 29 - BALANCE TAKE OUT CLIP STEEL - 30 64GASK-1,2 FRAME HEAD GASKET FOAM - 31 64GASK3,4 FRAME SILL GASKET FOAM - 32 SASHDUSTCOVER ALUMINUM ,4 SPRING LOCK 1s SASH LOCK ALUMINUM DIE CAST METAL I- OUT 1r0.765- ).826 A61f'J r 3D FRAME HEAD GASKET FOAM 0.060' TYP. THK. r 0.575' 1.602" 17 FIXED SASH BRACKET ALUMINUM 0.070' TYP. THK. 1.2L3'� 1 0.68T c�1.013, T- T 31 FRAME SELL GASKET FOAM 0.061i0' TYP. T�HKK..�'A`` 3.0' / J ---�.9r z.n 27 SASH CAM ALUMINUM 0.063' TYP. THK. am+- zs SASH STOP VINYL 0.08D' TYP. THK. ff�l 5' 1 IT 1.048'J �} O N 0 2"=w n Bcte�J.Nvem FbMa P.E Nn 497w8>52 ArOFJV ALW REFERENCES & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS 1. Drawings: a. JELD0107, Original Release, dated November 2, 2012, signed and sealed by Robert J. Amoruso, Jeld- -- Wen Inc. Premium Atlantic Aluminum 6100 Single Hung Window - Large -Missile -Impact = Installation Anchorage Details. 2. Test Reports by National Certified Testing Laboratories: a. NCTL-210-3209-4, dated August 14, 2007 b. NCTL-210-3466-1, dated August 17, 2007 3. Reports: a. PTC Report No. 2158, Rev. 0, Anchorage Engineering, for Jeld-Wen Inc. Premium Atlantic Aluminum 6100 Single Hung Window and 6400 Double Hung Window - Large Missile Impact, dated November 2, 2012, signed and sealed by Robert J. Amoruso. b. PTC Report No. 2159-EER, Rev. 0, Equivalency Evaluation to the 2010 FBC for Jeld-Wen Inc. Premium Atlantic Aluminum 6100 Single Hung Window - Large Missile Impact, dated November 2, 2012, signed and sealed by RobertJ. Amoruso. 4. Florida Building Code: a. 2010 Florida Building Code (FBC), Building Volume i. 1609.1.2 Protection of Openings ii. 1626 High Velocity Hurricane Zones - Impact Tests for Wind -Borne Debris iii. 1715.5.2 Exterior windows, sliding and patio glass doors iv. 1715.5.4 Anchorage methods v. 2411.3 Doors and Operative Windows in Exterior Walls- HVHZ b. 2010 Florida Building Code (FBC), Residential volume i. R301.2.1.2 Protection of Openings ii. R4403.16 High Velocity Hurricane Zones -Impact Tests for Wind -Borne Debris iii. R612.6 Exterior windows, sliding and patio glass doors iv. R612.10 Anchorage methods v. R4410.2.3 Doors and Operative Windows in Exterior Walls - HVHZ S. Material Certifications a. DuPont SentryGlas® Interlayer, Miami -Dade Notice of Acceptance No.11-0624.02. b. DuPont Butacite PVB Interlayer, Miami -Dade Notice of Acceptance No. 11-1118.03. PTC Product Design Group, LLC P.O. Box 520775 - Longwood, Florida 37252 Phone:321-690-1788 Fax:321-690-1789 FBPE Certification of Authorization No. 25935 Project No.412-0911 Robert J. Amoruso, P.E. Product Evaluation Report FL No 49752 No. 2159, Rev. 0 Page 4 of 4 -��I` Arom"Jr ALV Date: Report #: Report Revision No.: Project #: Product Mfg.: Product Description: Product Category: Product Sub -Category: Compliance Method: Prepared By: Product Evaluation Report November 2, 2012 412-0911 JELD-WEN INC. 3737 LAKEPORT BOULEVARD KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 Premium Atlantic Aluminum 6100 Single Hung Window —Large Missile Impact Windows Single Hung Product Approval Rule 9N-3.005(1)(a) — Certification Mark or Listing RobertJ. Amoruso, P.E. Florida P.E. No.49752 PTC Product Design Group, LLC, PO Box 520775, Longwood, FL 32752-0775 Florida C of A No. 25935 CERTIFICATE OF INDEPENDENCE PTC Product Design Group, LLC and Robert J. Amoruso, P.E. do not have, nor will acquire, any financial interest in the company manufacturing or distributing product(s) covered by this Product Evaluation Report. PTC Product Design Group, LLC and Robert J. Amoruso, P.E. do not have, nor will acquire any financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process or testing of the product(s) covered by this Product Evaluation Report. PTC Product Design Group, LLC Project No. 412-0911 Robert J. Amoruso, P.E. P.O. Box 520775 — Longwood, Florida 37252 Product Evaluation Repoli FL No 49752 Phone: 322-690-1788 Fax: 321-690-1789 No. 2159, Rev. 0 Page 1 of 4 FBPE Certification of Authorization No. 25935 rorArm ;901ld Evaluate Jeld-Wen Inc. Premium Atlantic Aluminum 6100 Single Hung Window — Large Missile Impact for conformance to the 2010 Florida Building Code — Building and Residential Volumes including the High Velocity --Hurricane Zone (HVHZ).-- The engineering analysis (Reference 3.a) determines the anchorage of the product to the supporting substrate and the product evaluation report (this document) summarizes 2010 FBC compliance verification and appropriate Limitations and Conditions of Use. DESCRIPTION OF PRODUCT — INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS See Reference 1 for a description of the product, its installation and other pertinent data related to its approved use. CODE CONFORMANCE This product is designed to comply with the 2010 Florida Building Code (FBC) requirements including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ). The 2010 Florida Building Code (FBC) and 2010 Florida Residential Code (FRC) requirements specific to this product that have been met by testing (Reference 2), engineering evaluation (Reference 3.a) and depicted on the installation drawings (Reference 1) are the following. 2010 Florida Building Code (FBC), Building Volume 0 1609.1.2 Protection of Openings 0 1626 High Velocity Hurricane Zones - Impact Tests for Wind -Borne Debris 0 1715.5.2 Exterior windows, sliding and patio glass doors 0 1715.5.4 Anchorage methods 0 2411.3 Doors and Operative Windows in Exterior Walls - HVHZ 2010 Florida Building Code (FBC), Residential volume o R301.2.1.2 Protection of Openings o R4403.16 High Velocity Hurricane Zones -Impact Tests for Wind -Borne Debris o R612.6 Exterior windows, sliding and patio glass doors o R612.10 Anchorage methods o R4410.2.3 Doors and Operative Windows in Exterior Walls — HVHZ Laminated glazing interlayer material requirements meet the 2010 FBC in accordance with Miami -Dade Notice of Acceptance No. 11-0624.02 (Reference 5.a) for DuPont SentryGlas and Miami -Dade Notice of Acceptance No. 11-1118.03 (Reference 5.b) for DuPont PVB interlayers. PTC Product Design Group, LLC Project No.412-0911 I Robert J. Amoruso, P.E. P.O. Box 520775 — Longwood, Florida 37252 Product Evaluation Report FL No 49752 Phone: 321-690-1788 Fax: 321-690-1789 No. 2159, Rev. 0 Page 2 of 4 FBPE Certification of Authorization No. 25935 ■ AVAL. LIMITATIONS AND CONDITIONS OF USE This product evaluation contains or makes reference to specifications, technical details and installation details end/or methods -that -pertain to the proper use and/or installation -of the product specified -herein. -Specific - - -- limitations and conditions of its use including but not limited to the following are contained in Reference 1 and are the subject of Product Approval in accordance with the State of Florida Product Approval Rule 9N-3. • Design Pressure Rating (psf) • Installation restrictions. • Installation substrate requirements. • Product description. • Installation anchor requirements. • Product components. QUALITY ASSURANCE This product is manufactured under a quality assurance program audited by an approved Certification and Quality Assurance Entity National Accreditation & Management Institute (NAMI) as required in Rule 9N- 3.005(3). See FBC Organization No. CER1773 and QUA1789 for approval under Rule 9N-3. APPLICATIONS/INSTALLATIONS OUTSIDE THE LIMITATIONS AND CONDITIONS OF USE Rule 9N-3.005(1)(e) states "Rational engineering analysis cannot be used in lieu of a standard test required by the Code for approval of products within the scope of the standard, except that project specific approval by the local authorities having jurisdiction in accordance with alternate methods and materials authorized in the Code." Any modification to this product as evaluated in this report and approved by the Florida Building Commission is outside the scope of this evaluation and will be the responsibility of others. As allowed in Rule 9N-3.005(1)(e), a project specific approval by the local authorities having jurisdiction may be used given an appropriate rational analysis is conducted and deemed acceptable to the local authorities having jurisdiction. PERFORMANCE AND TESTING STANDARDS Reference 2 conducted testing to the following standard(s). See Reference 3.b for Equivalency Evaluation of test procedures to the 2010 FBC/FRC. 1. TAS201-94, Impact Test Procedures. 2. TAS202-94, Criteria for Testing Impact & Non -Impact Resistant Building Envelope Components Using Uniform Static Air Pressure. 3. TAS203-94, Criteria for Testing Products Subjected to Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading. PTC Product Design Group, LLC Project No. 412-0911 Robert J. Amoruso, P.E. P.O. Box 520775 - Longwood, Florida 37252 Product Evaluation Report FL No 49752 Phone: 321-690-1788 Fax: 321-690-1789 No. 2159, Rev. 0 Page 3 of 4 FBPE Certification of Authorization No. 25935 REFERENCES & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS 1. Drawings: a. JELDO_107, Original Release, dated November 2, 2012, signed and sealed by Robert J. Amoruso, Jeld- Wen Inc. Premium Atlantic Aluminum 6100 Single Hung W ndow -large Missile Impact — Installation Anchorage Details. 2. Test Reports by National Certified Testing Laboratories: a. NCTL-210-3209-4, dated August 14, 2007 b. NCTL-210-3466-1, dated August 17, 2007 3. Reports: a. PTC Report No. 2158, Rev. 0, Anchorage Engineering, forJeld-Wen Inc. Premium Atlantic Aluminum 6100 Single Hung Window and 6400 Double Hung Window — Large Missile Impact, dated November 2, 2012, signed and sealed by Roberti. Amoruso. b. PTC Report No. 2159-EER, Rev. 0, Equivalency Evaluation to the 2010 FBC for Jeld-Wen Inc. Premium Atlantic Aluminum 6100 Single Hung Window — Large Missile Impact, dated November 2, 2012, signed and sealed by RobertJ. Amoruso. 4. Florida Building Code: a. 2010 Florida Building Code (FBC), Building Volume i. 1609.1.2 Protection of Openings ii. 1626 High Velocity Hurricane Zones -Impact Tests for Wind -Borne Debris iii. 1715.5.2 Exterior windows, sliding and patio glass doors iv. 1715.5.4 Anchorage methods v. 2411.3 Doors and Operative Windows in Exterior Walls — HVHZ b. 2010 Florida Building Code (FBC), Residential volume I. R301.2.1.2 Protection of Openings ii. R4403.16 High Velocity Hurricane Zones -Impact Tests for Wind -Borne Debris iii. R612.6 Exterior windows, sliding and patio glass doors iv. R612.10 Anchorage methods v. R4410.2.3 Doors and Operative Windows in Exterior Walls — HVHZ 5. Material Certifications a. DuPont SentryGlas® Interlayer, Miami -Dade Notice of Acceptance No. 11-0624.02. b. DuPont Butacite PVB Interlayer, Miami -Dade Notice of Acceptance No.11-1118.03. PTC Product Design Group, LLC P.O. Box 520775 —Longwood, Florida 37252 Phone:321-690-1788 Fax:321-690-1789 FBPE Certification of Authorization No. 25935 Project No.412-0911 Robert J. Amoruso, P.E. Product Evaluation Report FL No 49752 No. 2159, Rev. 0 Page 4 of 4 Florida Building Code Online Page 1 of 2 Business & Professional Regulation RoddaDeparnentaf mrr H— I WO In : u Regbtat [ Hat TWks I Submit Surcharge I Snus&Fads I mbaorbm ; FBCStaf j BCtSSte Map I umla I seamh I Busines °aPuUApproval-' 11trgbkser Regulation SCANNED P,dAoomvalMenu>PmJURorAoolkl[ianSeartM1>Aooli[abi iAt>Aoaliotiondetail BY W. FL p N11136R1 St. Lurie l .nnnl t Applitatlon Type Revision — Code_Versi _ _ �010 Application Status Approved •Appmed by IDOL Appmvals by DCA shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC aM/o the Cnmrnbad. if necessary. Comments Anchwed ❑ product Manufacturer AGdress/Phone/Email Authorhed Signature Technical Repnesentafive AddressfMone/Email Quality Asumnce Representative Address/Phone,tEmail Category subcategory Compliance Method Certification Agency Valldated By Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified BY prvtluct Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Appmal Date Approved 3 VlEN 3737 Lakeport BhM Klamath Falls, OR 97WI (800)535-3936 f,c®Jeld-wen.con 3anet Gemrd ibcdIlekl-wen.mm 31 D- Corporate Clatomer Service 3737 Lakeport Blvd. Klamath Falls, OR W601 (800)535-3936 wsomerserricea9enaftw-wen.cem Fxtetot Dotrs SWirgirq 6ttadx DaorAaemblies Natlotal Accreditation ® Management Iratltute, National Accreditation B Management Institute, Stan4B11 TAS-201 TAS-202 TAS-203 Method 1 Option A 08/15/2012 08/28/2012 08/29/2012 Year 1994 19% 19% 13 Approved for use in NVNZ: Yes Appmvetl for use outside MVNZ: Yes Impact Resistane Yes Irtstm Lions rlonda Building Code Unline Page 2 of 2 Design Premiere:+80/-80 R11136 Rl 11 OC9970-1 IS REV4.PDF Other. Verified By: National Accreditation & Management Institute, Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Refrains Created by IndeWndea Third Pa : 11136.2 Steel, Steel Edge In Wood Fame 3'-0' x W-8-, Opaque, Single Odor, Out -swing Limits of Use Certification Agenq Certificate Approved for use in HVNL Yes R11136 RI C CAC N1011233 6-B.Mf Approved for case outside HVIR: Yes Quality Asuance Contact Expiration Date Impact Resistant, Yes 08/31/2016 Design pressure: +80/-80 Installation InstaClons Me, R11136 RI It DC99700S RW4DOF verified By: National Ameditetion B Management Im litlde, Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by IMependerd Third Pa . 11136.3 Sorel Steel Ede in Wood Fame 3'-0' x 8'-0', Oimque, Single Door In-sxin limits of Use C if don Agency, Cerdficaa Approved for use in HVHM Yes R11136 R3 C CAC N10112328-O.odf Approved for use outside HVHI: Yes Quality Assurance Contact MWwartion Date Impact Resistant Yes 08/31/2016 Design,Pressure--+61/-65 — — - Instillation lnstruWons — -- Oder: M11136 RI 11 DC9970-1 IS REV4.PDF Verified By: National Accreditation B Management Insaute, Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Repora Created try Indep dent Third Party-, 11136.4 Steel, Steel Edge In Woad Fame 3'-O' x 8'-0', Opaque, Single Door, Out -swing Limits of Use Certification Agenq Certificate Approvedfarusein HVH2:Yes R11136 RI C CAC N10112328-0,,cl Approved for use outside HVIQ: Yes Quality Assuance Contract Expiration Dora Impact Resistant Yes 08/31/2016 Design Pressure: +611-65 InsaHadon Instructlans (yther: RI1136 RI II DC9970 OS RBV4.PDF Verified By: National AOaediaUon & Management Institute, Created by Indepentlent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Contact, :: 14ae No" Mcmme c,..., Tellaaanee FL 32399 Mom )1824 the Stare of Florida la en AA/®eTplgYr. fA0MnM 2087-20105tnte of Fl ,, ;:) :: Arcenonnnv Statement:: Rehxi Sonemwnt UMer Honda mai law, el addresses are ublk metals.0rm ym do want your e-mal addnsc released d raspotee to a public-rerotOs realest, do ran sent red etedn mall W the entity. Intead, cotdad the of lre by phone or by eMitlmlal.0. By. Nava airy tluestic., please mmad 850.4 .1395. ewrmant to Senbn 455.215 (1). M.M.S Wtes, eRea0ve ortober 1,2012, Ilremees Tkamed uMer Chapter 455, F.S. must pmvde the Depa earn wnh an¢mall Mdress 0 they rove one.la malls provded may te used for oBbN mmmunlmtron wfth to Iden me. However map addresses are nation, record. If you do not wish W mpPry a Mnoral addwws, please prohie the Dep Anent with an errail address which can a mule available W the Wlar To deWmdne IF you an a Manse uMer Chapter 455, F.S., please dlcdh,,, pB�rord,�votApp aral�Amente mS� Creel itSAFE NOTICE OF PRODUCT CERTIFICATION Company: JELD-WEN Doors Certification No.: NIO11233 3737 Lakesport Drive Certification Date: 08/14/2012 Klamath Falls, OR 97601 Expiration Date: 08/31/2016 Product: DoorCraft Opaque Steel Edged Door (w/Wood Frame) Specification: PA 201-941202-941203-94 The "Notice of Product Certification" is only valid if the NAMI Certification Label has been applied to the product as described within Ithis document. The certification label represents product conformity to the applicable specification and that all certification criteria has been satisfied. This product has been approved for listing within NAMI's Certified Product Listing at www.Namicertification.com. NAMI's Certification Program is accredited by The American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Inswing Glazed Design Water Missile Test Report Number Configuration or or Maximum Pressure Test Impact Drawing Number & Outswing Opaque Size Pos/Neg Pressure Rated Comments X I/S Opaque 3'2" x 6'10" +80/-80 2.86 psf Yes CTLA65ow Sin le Ms. Panel Size: 3'0" x 6'8" g w/ Kwikset 700 Latch & Deadbolt & ADA Threshold Qualifies Configurations: X X O/S Opaque 3'2" x 6' 10" +80/-80 12.0 psf Yes I CTLA65ow Single w/ Kwikset 700 La h Deadbolt & Endura 4566A Threshold Qualifies Configurations: X X I/S Opaque 37' x 6'10" +80/-80 2.86 psf Yes CTLA65ow Single w/ Kwikset 0 Lath & Deadbolt & ADA Threshold Qualifies Configurations: X X O/S Opaque 37' x 6'10" +80/-80 12.0 psf Yes I CTLA65ow Single hoax Panel Sim: 3'0"x6'8" g w/ Yale Heritage Latch & Deadbolt & Endure 4566A Threshold Ties Configurations: X X O/S Opaque 37' x 6'10" +80/-80 12.0 psf Yes I CTLA65ow Single Max Panel Sim: 3'0" x 6'8" g w/ Kwikset 700 Latch & Deadbolt & Imperial High Dam Threshold Qualifies Cow tions: X National Accreditation & Management Institute, IncJ4794 George Washington Memorial Highway/Hayes, VA 23072 Tel: (804) 684-5124/F2x: (804) 684-5122 j NAMI AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE:-;� k a_ti;sr67 k"J7.1'L11,J _ „'j:.f�7i}'<`iye:9`:'.Yiv'ii�l�ii'S}•di .A.i�Jii.i I •..6; J, 1: R!G ;I)i s fr G)1 rlyt C3i is F v I'll � I 1 1 li 1 1 n IP r•,t11'ix�.is' ' trr�.; •. _'...,_ Eol;..\�e}:l.f.:. i3A4 )�sla{..a - -- •u!t I }}: ✓, :.. 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