February-20, 2019
Mr. Carl Peterson, Building Official $-. uAWED
St. Lucie County BY
Planning & Development Services St. Lglb Maly
Building & Code Regulation Division
2300 Virginia Avenue
Fort Pierce, FL 34982
Subject: Steel Certification — Boat Builder Phase I
Building Permit Number: 1809-0254
7485 Commercial Circle
Ft. Pierce, Florida 34951
Engineer's Project Number: 18BO13
Dear Mr. Peterson:
MAR .07?nip
Permitting Depnrtrn,
St. LUCiP County
As requested, we have completed our review of the subject commercial renovation. The purpose
of our review was to provide certification that the structural framing components meet the
requirements of the approved permit drawings and code requirements. Our review consisted of
a evaluating the as -built framing members above the new ceiling space. The 2x8 ceiling joists
span approximately 11'-4" and are spaced 16" on center. The wood framed bearing wall has 2x4
studs at 16" on center and a 6-foot opening with a (2) 2x8 beam.
It must be understood that the Engineer can only provide certification of the conditions of the
structures within the limits of the structural inspection performed.
Based on our inspection, to the best of our knowledge and belief, the engineer certifies that the
components listed in our report meet the requirements of the Florida Building Code.
Should you have any questions regarding the above subject, please call.
Very truly yours,
No.81238 ;
Terence Schlitt, P.E. ,
FL P.E. # 81238 February 20, 2019 i�.� STATE OF
cc: Mr. Barry Morris, St. Lucie Structures
1575 Indian River Blvd. Suite C-210 T: 772,360.4998
Vero Beach, FL 32960 StructuralFL@gmail.com