HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONAll APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COM VLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTtid J Date: YA' ftzz - \ � Permit Number: o q ti• S�•�UC� G°OUn RECEIVE[? 3 () 2019 Building Permit Applica ion ��� Planning and Development Services ST..Luc(e County, permltt Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial Residential XXX PERMIT TYPE: PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address: 2909 N 25th ST, Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Property Tax ID #: 1428-702-0503-000-8 Lot No. 7 & 8 Site Plan Name: Block No. 30 Project Name: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: 30x3Ox9 Partially Enclosed Steel Structure on Existina Concrete " No Plumbing, No Electric, No Driveway" CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Additional work to be performed under this permit— check all that apply: _Mechanical Electric _ Gas Tank Plumbing Total Sq. Ft of Construction: 900 Cost of Construction: $ 6,365 _ Gas Piping _Shutters —Windows/Doors _ Sprinklers _ Generator _ Roof Sq. Ft. of First Floor: 900 Pitch Utilities: _Sewer _Septic Building Height:9'sidewall OWNER/LESSEE: CONTRACTOR: Name FranciscoJ Perez Name:James Player Address: 2909 N 25th ST Company: Carports Anywhere City: Fort Pierce State: _ Zip Code: 34946 Fax: Phone No. Address: PO BOX 776 City: Starke State: FL Zip Code: 32091 Fax: 352-468-1113 Phone No352-468-1116 E-Mail: Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page (if different from the Owner listed above) E-Mailjbpermitsfl@gmail.com State or County License CBC1 251995 If value of construction is 52500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. If value of HVAC is $7,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. l DESIGNS ENGINEER _ Not App icable MORTGAGE COMPANY: _ Not Applicable Name: ram�wamaWA Name•n Address: �rm Address: 'wPiw City: � D State: FL City: State• Zip: info Phone 3as-717-wo Zip: Phone: _ FEE SIMPLE TITLE BOLDER: " _ Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: - _Not Applicable Name: r9a Name: wa Address- Address: -city:--- - C — Zip: Phone• , Zip: Phone: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and Installation as indicated. I certify that no work crinsta.Hation has commenced priorto the Issuance of a permit , St. Lude County makes no representation that is mantis¢ a permit will authorbethe permit holder to build the sublect structure - In consideration of thegranting of this in accordance with the approved plans The following building permit appikati accessory structures, swimming pools, non and review your deep tor any resrnctions wmcn may appal. I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work ig Codes and St. Lude County Amendments_ in undergoing a full concurencv review room additions, saeen rooms and accessory uses to another non4eidential use '11ARNING TO OTIIITi•IC YOUR FAELLIRE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMRff1TCE1IENT MAY RESULT RR YOUR PAYING TITICE FOR IMPROYENNIS TO YOWL PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COTDImII®14NT NUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB ME W THE FRET MPWFWFL IF YOU RFT81111 TO OBTAIN FMMNMWft CONSULY MM YOUR LENDEReWM ATTORNEYMORERECOMM YOUR NOTKE OF COAVAENCEMM.w SlgnatureoF ner/Lessee/ComradorasAgentforOwner - SignMure Wntractor/UcenseHolder STATIE OF 000NTY O FLORIDA n �DU/l%L1. r - STATE OF COUNTY O FLORIDA ORA'D r— OAZO e forgoing instrument was admowledged liefore me The forrggoing instrument was acknowledged before me is day of ZO by thls2y dayof 0:-r LI/ 2.0.a'by -..,U�.V� � � lJA-fvL�S �L.4`1`"' l lime of person making statement., Name of person making statement Personally Known OR Produces Identifiiatiom LG Personalty Known .OR Produced Idemifimtton Type of Identi i�o n Type of Identification 7ZProduced jProduced re of Nota lic-State of Florida) (Signature of No a Commission N0. Cd� %�%ate (Seal) fommission No. :°"�T'wt!!�ry PuDlle %Florida a R Bur m �- ' My Commission FF 912776 REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SFATU COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED Rey. 47/79 11 PLEASE HAVE THE FOLLOWING ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS NOTARIZED: I CERTIFY THAT: (CHECK ONE) A. ( ) 1 AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED _ PROPERTY AND WILL BE CONDUCTING THE WORK AS OWNER/BUILDER. Dzdanne 523MMM& State kW 111AWe9 10715MCbart to be dote by frtre zwd mnbadms You have appged for a penmi order an exemption to that /a)v. The ownwtior allows you as the owner of yosr fvoperty, to ad as yow own mr76ador nrM oatw intw w even Mough Iva do not have a Narse You must p7wafe &v4 wta" spertamn of Me mnsbu�an yore You nW bo7d or bnprove a one-faw7y or two-famwrawjww ora tam otr&&&,g. Yw nwy atsv bw7d a*bnpmve a mm maul 1mff&4 luovided yow costs do rot earned S75Aga. Tire bm7dmg`wrPsdatce rrrtst be for you/own roe oro�rpancy-Itrroyrotdrbm7t orsrtrsianf®Dybrpmvcdlorsale or/szse Jfyaur�D�/� a bro7dmg you_ have bw7t orsubs'6rt6aW bop7vvvdyow.xJfsvNivr I yearaRer tlJe m/ts»udion is mnrple� ffie brw wlDpresane Ctat you. bugt or suhstantiaW bnproved it lorsate or /e39whidr is a sMab%w of fi& zwgotl= You may'not Me an ar/grnrsrd pawn to ad as ymrmotrador or In supaYse people wwkiny on yowbw7dmy R/s yMi-nzpo/ss/b7Lly to r>Bke sun+b7at purple employed th' you have Gorses rngtdr�byaba LrJvartdby murdy orr/um7dpat gr>�2g ordvean�c'You nmynot delegate the iWva%W7yhasvpaws2rtg wok to a firnawd mnbador who is rotfanitsed to perhurr/ Me m*bang done: .Myperson wadang an yowbrrldng who 6nOt 17092A'Tl rrtrtst worktmder yaJrdnedsr�avmort aMnmsibe anployed by yo7, wlddt mays that you mist dedud F.ZCA and w1moldmg taramirmMde workers owls iassatim forbw elr/ oor ag as P •by laa: Your m7t�rztiort mast empty MM aff appgrabte La%* oJibtal2oer, bldfmg code. and zoning reg2dations .. . B. ( ) I AM NOT THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE ABOVED' DESCRIBED PROPERTY; HOWEVER, I HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT AS AGENT FOR THE OWNER OF RECORD. (St. Lucre County Code and Compiled Lasrs requires that this type aftrork be done by a'licensed contractor. PLEASE PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION). I CERTIFY THATIA FORMATION SUBMITTED WITH THIS AMICATION IS TRUE AND COMP T EST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. fYy "iv OWNER/_ GENTSIGNATURE CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE , ,STATE OF FLORIDA, . STATE OF FLORIDA; COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE , The foregoing instrumejp��v,as acknowledged The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thisA'ay`ofl cr( �9J,p% before me this 2" 1 day oft 20� by Q V c iv rrc tvbo is by _ � Al%AF—=s fi-4lt re . who is perso 1 know to me or h rod Enally L22ijto Me -or has produced epcation. i tifi as identification. Signature of Notary Signature ofNota g�pr °rsk' Notary pubAd State of Floritla MariaRBur in ' Type or Print Name of Notary Type or Print Na o � MYCommussionFF912775 Expires 08/25/2019 / No Publi v Title Notary Public Title Commission Number Commission Number J••ppV Pyry (SEAL): VAFINIADENNES (SEAL ): Notary Public-RateofFlodda Commission: GG 128722 `•:;$'a«;,.� My Comm. Expire5Jul 26.2021 gHsr�(stsrsrssr as ssss gssarrssss ssssssra ssssgsNfisia sf is ssapprsiip»srssrssrass 1W.0 Drill APPROVED ;: DEMED REVIEIYED/APPROVED BY ENVIRONME'NTAURESOURCFS DEPARTMENT / DATE Q UPDATID 10212014