HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSy PERMIT# /96-7,67a9 ISSUE DATE k.5�ms�as„, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ` l Building & Code Compliance Division 0 (�1(f' BUILDING PERMIT SCANNED SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT BY St. Lucie County 6" A flUnAt RGb FTN- 0 fbTA5G have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the _j OpF&-R Sub -contractor for gMeg (Type of Trade) / %%�� �1 (Primary � Contractor) / For the project located at W-o / Jt_An", 6"d, gizmo foie (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) tv3, D It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. eONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) C:1-I e-n n A.. -b&(I S 1 L PRINT NAME oC.�tci C)r-N 6 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of54— C%t The foregoing instrument was signed before me this & day of J,_ST, 20 H by G i ter. Q83W who is personally known or has produced a Rientification. STAMP ignat a of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public c'`;Buev RHONDASROWE _ '' ° Commission # GG 104656 y o Ezpiras May 19, 2021 Revised 11/162016 ' dFf Bonded Tam BudgettiotorySenkes SUB-CONTRACCOR SI TURE (Qualifier) *-Ia COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County off The foregoing instrument was signed before me this /Aay of _ vim, 20-6, by who is personally known '—or has produced a as identification. ,N O //yy/T STAMP Signatureo Notary Public Jam, ific� Le"72 Print Name of Notary Public o�rr;fPug, DENISEIFMAY *MYCOMMISSION#0G07f376 % Q7 EXPIRES:Marth23,2021 'JEdrrl�P SolrlediMs Bid9et No6ry SW&M PERMIT# I /qO-7_ 0 74 9 I ISSUE DAIE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division t��y • BUWIXGPFJWT SCANNED SMCONTRACTORAGREEMENT BY St. Lucie County Prefetred A/C & Mechanical, Inc have agreed to be (Company Nam eALndivldual Name) theMedhanloal/HVAC Sub-contractorfor RenarSuliders,LLC (fypaofTrade) ^ � (p�maryCaatredar)� For the project located at J,, aim L/tre le, (Prcj=stronAddre„ssorlknpe;ty,TpxM#) 43140 5oa-oo6 i 60,6 Al It is understood that, ifthere is any ehangeelf status regarding our pard9ipationv th the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucia County will be advised pursuant to the riling of a Change �oJfj Sub -contractor notice. JQ iA�in Gilkt4,>aACrQR SIGNATURE( Glenn A Davis II P. Cec 1gJ1a28 CODNPYCaaTraicAunx 1NUNID68 Sb�teaflrlorlde,CounWof Martin The fattgolaHla#mmentmeelgnadheforeme N[s 6 dayof T J l kk 201%by to nm J r5197 Who bJ?&:mnally 1mdwA!::�or bw pmdur&la a mUaml[om STAMP Slgaem oteryPobae PrlolNemedtNo�ryPuhlla aaviad tulsnd�d RHONDA6ROWE sorts-,PON . Commission# GG 104656 ° Expires May 19.2021 '�Fov F�oo- BandedTlvuBadaetNalerySenkae Ct'O SX VLTWIR(Quallner) DchdId Waynp 94rion �rl�rrrr I CGUNW CORTMCATTGN NUFm BR 6mtedfPloitda,Coaelyat Fdm Beach Tbe(ateHolaHlnslnaIDtatam4goea tx@re ore Ih[hdeyot 'tol sr bonectcf in,''ynunt D 2"jvr i w6nUperaoneayNaren�: ee..6fe/.t_p/�ma%uc�ed�a � 1 aaldenNUeeUyo. ( VAS// ni yJ�/ &IgoaWnc Yvt.+t.J SfANIP plat Name arNoterypaEue ".:HOLLY GABRIEL w•°4O%�; Rotary Puaae-State of JICommission +P FF926My Comm. Expires Jan 3•,°F,t.`+°�NN PERMIT# I / 90 7- 07,;L-9 I ISSUE DA7E PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERNW ES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SCANNED SUB-CONTRACTORAGREEMENT BY -!St. LucieCoun$V Comfort Control Services (CompanyNemeQndividualNama) have agreed to be the Electrical Sub -contractor for Renar Builders, LLC (Type of Trade) (PAmaryContractor) Fortheproject located at A1,21 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) n?,3 /0 — 50a- It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice, CONTRACrORSIG r (Qu finer) Glenn A Davis II PRINT NAM[.+ CBC %, 1228 COUNTY CERX[FICATION NUg'IDER StaeeofFtorida,Countyof Martin Theforegaing htslrameutwasstgned before me this 10 of J U 2419by Ginn-r\ A'T%A\P3 9 who lAperso Ityimowu✓ orhm produceds IenWlrasao.5fAW reof olary Pe611e Print Name ofNutary Public sepv ro& RHONDASROWE Commisslon#GG 104656 Revised It/162016 M °. Eapites Mey 19,2027 firEaF P°P` BMde6tNV0Y60AlNA0jN8AIVIW4 ar1B-CONTRA 6IGNA71IH6(Qvilmer) Wayne Zimmerman PRINT NAME 26767 COUNTY CERTO7CAT0N MM9R Stateofpmdds,Caonlyor st.Luele .°yrr evak NoPublic State of Flonda Kimla J Simone yc My Commission FF 991921 'Mar fso Eupirea risrte12020 J J PEirhaTp / c%D 7 Q 7 a g I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Dlvlslon aU1LO1NG PERMIT SCANNED Su&CON7RACTO(tAORFFMFNT St. Luce Counfi/ have agreed to he (Typeofl5ade) aw-contractor KenersUllders,LLC 1inurycovmuiur) For the project located at. dle a Jo X m (2, "'le— =� (ProjcetSlnrolAddn orNmpcnyTax toq) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding Our participation with the above mentioned proJect, the Building and Code Regulation Division of5t. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the Ming of a Change of Sub-Contmctor notice. caNrwlzTORstcsn Tie(Qadt. er) Glenn A Davis,11 PRI\T NAME CB.0 1261228 CMUNIY CEnTIPICATIII\ NU31ORR slmrafFlarta .counlpKi5 L UCJE Irk, flregaingrnerumeattrardgntdheramonIWI drayyar pho4penv \WFnavo_pr�Mt�p�raduepde � grtatvr LYalaty Pu6lie STAMP Prinlsamra"Wir-y Puaae ---- sun<turrraaaoasmntYuss(vuBlmr�l Ronnie Burkhalter yRtnrnaMR 21272 St LUOAe County 04205704 State of Florida CTIII\TY Ci1RT1i1GTIU5 ryaAIRrA slalear"Witn,Coudy'l alnl Beach The romping rmlramrnt nu dEnq befam me tglr,�, dry of 20176 Ronnie Burkhalter xhv6p . n yfinwrn•�pi�pmdatWa w wtauaeaRaa. . stgnelurfofnat� STAMP Dolores A price Point NaawarNhUlrkblle .• •..._--'. — vru ' .,•� )y, DOLONESAA11 �•'oBVC ' Oornmteslcn9FF943E,i ExpUea Fuhnitry 19,2Vi0 M e�ananofraca.maarama RHONDASROWE a CommissiongGG104656 Rednl ul� Expires May19,2021� t'rfOF Budgeftt*Sarvkes tea? eandadThm