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PERMIT# / 9 dd _ 6 to 0 / isNSUEiE Cardinal Roofing a PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Cotnpliattee Division BUILDING PERMIT —--8UB•C0r4TRACT01kAGREEMPNT-- Inc R FCgF,_D loep'77- * je8?�jy S< n90 Dory "nr SCANNED 8��BY at �Fiiiyeeagr�ead W be SFP the Rooting Sub.contractorfor Rener Builders, LLC (Typo Of7111,1e) n (PnumTYConaacroT) For the project located at '19�7 ` c4m SYP_11..7 a-,s IDY C PierC¢, FL 9`fs (Project Shell Addreso orPropertyTeX w #) rZ) a - 00 9�- 600 /O It is understood that; ifthere is any change of afsitlTs rbgttrdiug outparticipadoa with the above mentioned project the Building and Code ReguEatiop Division of St. Lucie County viiii be advised pursuant to the filing ofa Chop of Sub -contractor notice. Glenn A We If PPMKAM CBC1201228 Cp�dTY C13RTOi[CAT[0NN114fa5a 8wedfFkorwo,Quw1yof 9t.tndie TeateragaiBeaWr+®eatwarelfaMbefore metbb i_i dayof 59421 ze lgty 6- lun,n who lepe'eowltylmawa J@aa9 winueda eflcatlea. SCAMP wgutwoormtorrynblic n Prbtt Nome of Kota? ftwe .rFv RHONDABROWE `� �����`�� CommHelan#60104856 �>ik. ExploeNeyl9, ta21 a51-taMtN1612016 aFew°' BarAodTe¢eodpNNopryaadoea Brad Hogan PBneTwAME 14:D1CAI NN0 BBan atdteorFW.rtda,famlYor StLudle 7'hefol¢goinglmhuaxnkway>taaedMtpremeddr I� d�ya[ �e �01- .ml�° ey f3rcid C wke 1r Prryomilty lmarya Apr nea pre dead a 98ld ; ,eaealL h -Y,cim . i U amP 91paaNee CaflgtyPeblc PriatNasesdwaiwy able ;ae�i+ RHONDA$ROWE 2eaPRY Commission# OG 104656 y Expires May 19, 2021 �JFOF F`opF Bonded TM Budget NO" SeMwe r ^+ RFCF�V�D t'ERPAIT# 0 pr O �O J SAP ISSUE OATS ae� . j 81dP,9 O ( hi ^ge cort PL,ANNINC & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Dlvlsion BUILPINGPERIVINT • SUB•CON•THACTOHAGREEWNT SCANNED — — — ----- — -- — By --- St -- LucieCounty Hypoluxo Plumbing Plumbing, Inc Irc (Campany Namd/tndtvldual Netne) _tavc ag ed to be the Plumbing Sub•contruclor for . Rsnar Builders, LLC (Type ofTradel 1Piimary Contradtoq For the project located in'3�779— 7'dry) (Pcojdc1 Staret Addre9s or P14Tcrry Tax lD #) — - -9 :� It is understood that, if there is any change orutitus regarding oar Paiticipatlon with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code [regulation Division ofSt. Lucie County will beadvisod pursuant to the filing of a Change ofSob-conlmctor notice. cavrHAcroBstcxA •aetvup Ki Glenn A Davis, II PHISTNAME cec 1261228 CooNtw COTtFICATIGNI.r•UNINa titol0etp1orida,Cmmn Vq& Lucte, ThefxeRamgmuramedttrarrlgned before me this 1I do) -of rahyCx�e n,r y DIMS J. who o of 1411neelim SfAAIP MAIMu arNatary•Publld Prml\omeorNotarypubae --^— SUdLYni'1'R;iCtp@SIfiAA7URR(puBllaerl Ro_ nnie H.tirgihalter eHlerN hrH 21272 St Lucie County CFC057074 State of Florida CIIIITY CKHTIFIC1TIa.TH16HNPA smteornmop, opolyerpalm Beach The RreteinglmwaexvtvuegnMpefaremethie ti dq•ef ad`�by Ronnie Burkhalter Who Gpr wnonylinwm �hetpmdeeed a m fdm/'u)rteai__toOpn. - 51gnuNrehfxet h �, RAMP Dolores A Price priefNamoer\tiugpp611e `• C DOLOHEGA.FRICE �'r� gammfastdh#FF943gL5 pww ll,IfntNe + EiiPhes Faluusry l9,tt(g0 ...,dr, sxednunwFaan.®uyamro �t�Y p�eL RHONOASROWE Commission # GG 104656 Nj Expires May 19.2021 c 9�fos F��e BondadThm BudgelNolaryServkee II PERMIT# I / 90c? _ 06e) / I lssurm ➢ATE I II PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Divisioa BUIL➢INGPERMIT SUB•CONTYtACMR AGREEMENT Preferred AIC & Mechanical, Inc Zt4v Sep j1% es 1te' p 8491S 441ge ena� cc°�ti Qor SCANW L) at Lucec0ow to be the MaohanlcalrHVAG Subcontractorfor RenarBuRders,I.LC, (type of fads) (Primary Costraft) I_ For the project located at �„ Qtri 1- 7- As T r F-0 iL+ �IeY� (Pro�ect5tteetAddrolorYmpeoTox #) -�-3V6- It is understood that, if there is any ohange.of status regarding ourpard0pationvith the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the tiling ofa Change of -Sub -contractor notice. 7, CONERACEQRSIGNATUR WUQu ) Cl'ORBIGNATI]AS(Queallert- Glenn A Davis 11 Y. CBG 14j122B COUNEYCERTIFICATION MMM Smteaesrarlaa.coaatva Martin The raceSalagtnslmmeatmaargatdheroreme lhk if dayot oJL .201�hy GJ(X%n , TjN Sr who [apettooaayrmdwa +/or bee producgda tie ld rtmflen, Srgaalm ENatarypoblle Friel Namedfflotoryrubuo Rovrsrd Itaandld RHONDAS ROWE Commission # GO 104656 s, d Expires May 19, 2021 �IaFf,eQ' Banded Thm BudgelNOlerySewxat gonald Wayne gEiryon RINT- 26Q�17 COu= Roam TTONnpLL8 R F.dw, rawly or PS, Beath TbefarcgofueNshatdatomilgnetl hdbreare Ihli 7 t hdayof 1c:n<t.id fi l.;aunrc9 'ivxI waa 6 persomgq hnaxn�yae hae pndut M e +d:gaamosa. ��� Slgaa[nreoENo ' a' a STAh1P 14D I W Gcl,bri e t YrlatNamo orNoletyeaLVt ":111OLLYGABRIEL Notary PubUr-Stale of Florida ? commission C FF 92.6942 My Comm. Expires An 31. 2020 bonded NeWph National Mary Assn. PERMIT # / /Q9 —'D©0 / I ISSUEDAT5 PLANNING & DEVELOPMNT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SORC01MUCTORAGREEMENT S,{rnptp'ED BY .U6ieCo Rk, st �7�� B10 9 j CVC`P C)Ppd CO Comfort Control Services (Company Neme/lndivlduer Name) have agreed to be the Electrical (Type of Trade) Sub -contractor for Renar Builders, LLC (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 9 q Ram b r- " f'1— Pl e.rr. e h i-- (ProjeetStreet Addressor Property Tax ID #) � � Sba ©d 9a 6VJ /U It is understood that, ifthere is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. t CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (QuuERer) SUBGONT1L1Cr011aGtL T—M(gneI ai.q) Glenn A Davis II PRINTNAh1E CBC 0..1228 COUNTY CERTIFrCATroN Num ER State ormorlds,County or Martin The foregoing lastmmeatweasfgned before me th0 —LQdayor who is per migyhuolvn_orbas produced uId rellon. // n•U)1 CJL ' SCAMP S goutm tNomry Publlc Print Name of No fury Public urrru RHONDASROWE 00mm1eslonp GG104666 Revised 11/162016 N a Explles Me119k2021 'rFa 50 eaodedlhN0adae'100"e "' Wayne Zimmerman paw NAIVE 28767 COUNTY CERTn4GTrON—WMMER Pateorpforida'ematpar St.Lucia Thetoregai9e ldebumtat7satgaed before are (big .11 -dgyof s ,� .ztjbr_ fV41e who is personally Nmwdr or has produced aaldeaO cutlaa Sla aNreafNoteryP hp rW `� RAW PrfatName orNotery Pob11a ."4< Notary Public Slate Of!`Wnda I( Kimla J Simone o My Commission FF 9e 1331 'boinoo- Ezplres OSllel2020