HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES, Building & Code Compliance WELDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT '� a I (0X1z'v'n (Company Narnt the a 10 iuz'. (lype of Trade� . j. For the project located at S, C) AUG 0 8 Z019 ST. Lucie County, Permitting �CANNED BY saudeCountv have agreed to be Sub1c_6i&'ici61if6i &�44e_k_-2 CA T ,riTary.Contractor� 4 6-.),4 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) E It isunderstood. that if.there is any.change.af statusregarding,our participation with.theabove mentioned ,project, tk Duilding -and Code:Regulati6n Diirik6n of St. Li filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTO GNATIRE (Qualillerl. IV . , f M ��LAK� PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION N BER The rtgermigInstrnmentwassignedw 4ay,,of ­.,-1 244. by Me4b'su) ('k�Qod who is personally known —or has produced a as identification. �A SigTature of Notiryl KAREN S. NIELSEN State of Florida.Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public f.;ornmi sion It GG 207484 myCornmission Expires "fil June 12, 2022 [Z--- im �RcVised 111161206 I i, �04 t4 PRINT NAME � � I lo O�OUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER was 9ImleWbP'm mews day a 0)3-6 CA LA4 '20J by .. .. .... . who is personally known or has produced a as identification. D&, M a,, STAMP' Signature,of Notary Public D '/v' ,, (q 4 C_ Print Name of Notary Public 4�!� !'�6 DAWNRACKERUM l4y COMM'SS'ON # GG 027914 114pq " 7t, EXPJRES: SePtllbw 7,2020 & add 7h, 60981 NOWY Servi� t\� �R�T�Lk C. L' L' C' (Company Name/Individual Name) I the 6-L—V—V4D (. f�'� Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property I PLANNING & DEVELOPNMNT: Building & Code Compliance I AUG 0 8 2019 BUILDING PERMIT LEE SMCONTRACTORAGIR EMEN� �T. Lucie County, Permittir BY St. Lucie Courb have aareed to b I (Primary Contractor) fZVAD ax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACT I SIGNATURE (Qualifier) KA ll�MV� --,T PRINT NAME q"_'_ZA COUNTY CERTIFICATION ER State of Florida, County a Ahe foregoing latstrument was signed before me this ay of 20_t$y MA:qk who Is Personally Imo"_orbm produceds as idendricadom J Pi AA Sigfiatureof..---, KAREN S.. NIIELSEN � ' LS N R S Print Name of Notary Public State 4�4� d N t rY ruU110 I ,,State of on a- o a 'y ub"c 41' 484 I Commi sion # GG 207484 as v My Com M 's a 1 0 n E x pi res J, 1 . 0 Jun, 12, 2022 My Comrnission Expires Revised II/W2016 NTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualffler) PRINTNAME oS-71 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County ofmagA-111i The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of &!� - 20�1'� by who Is Personally known \1/ or has Produced a as identification. eMCKKN �_Mk &U STAMP Siguatute of Notary Public m1i I k— Print Name of Notary Public ....... MARIAH MILLS f - . ;GGJO0722 on Expires June 3,2021 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT L U Go u'rl t8 2019J SGAWNM ST_Lucle C Y, Permitting BY StLudeCountiv L 1 _�Sonvice,,)tC have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) — the 44 V PrC Sub-contractorfor ihlo-t-&h-ew T. ecQta-hali (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at zro-& 2- It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. A CONTRACTOIR SIGNATURE (qualifier) 4 qMh,A, ' M� PRINTNAME ?;qA'3-L" COUNTY CERTIFICATI03NUMBER . State of Florida, County of T) , foregoing instrument was signed before me this "ay of 20-8 by Od�! who Is personally known _or has produced a t as Identification. i d&—STAM�? Signatuire of Notary PuT)Hc Revised 11/16/2016 9L(� SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualffler) �U'14 61n,cLer PRINT NAME cffcl 1%1111�?13 /Z866S COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of 'a - LL'C� The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this Z— day of -RUN C�+ 20­Jby 10-dia who is personally known X—or h as Identification. Public State of Florida Jennifer I Aquiar My Commission GG 339871 Expires 05129/2023 Signature of Ni PERMIT# BS� DATE PLAWNG & DEVELOPAMNT SERVICES Buildin & Code Complimee Division BUJLDRqG PERNUT - SUB-CONTRACTORAGRENIMT SCANNED BY It. Lucie County RECEIVED AUG 0=8 ?019 ST. Lucie County, Perm I t—b n- g- (Compmy NameffndMdaal Name) the TBTqT]T-ATT(-)N Sub-contractor1lat MATT CALLAHAN (Type of Trade) LPrbmry ContradDr) For Hie project tocated at 504 E MIDWAY RD, FORT PIERCE (ProjeaftcetAddress orPropertyThIODS) It is' undersb3od tha4 if there Is any change of status regarding our Participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code ReWlation Dh&ion of St. Lucie C=4 wiU be advised pursuant to the fi-ling of a Change of Sub-contuactor noticj-- ta-wvd: 1:42-3111. �g— COUNITYCERTMICA17W 0. A SrADW OENOW, X 61 .0mmissiop 0 GG 20748 My Commission E,pi,e, --June 12, 2022 RoMed I VW2616 SUB-CONZERACIURSWATURE (QuAlIffiff) rPINT KWE 2240 `COuNrYCElaUw—lkTl0lqNVATBER I&A Mil b, WhO is PCMQMUYIOMD�L� bas prodm=d 2.— � idenffficar� sMONANDEWN My COMMISSION# GG DIAM F EXPIRES:AP025,20 WdedTNUBUd*N0IUYSe0C'S 08-22-'19 07:54 FROM- T-647 P0002/0002 F-428 C PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division r- BUILDING PERMIT - SUH-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Lucieftnb� Davis Brothers Roofing have agreed to be (Company NamcAndividual Name) the Roofing Sub -contractor for Matthew J Callahan crype of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 504 E Midway Road 3402-605-0096-000-9 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID 4) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRAMO Qy SXGNATURE (Qual[fier) COUNTY CERTIFICATION RR do, County of mantwou signed before me this � dayal Y-%. 0,61, A I A" who is Personally known —or has produced a E':�b( , as idendficallog, _�OL -4X STAMP Signathre*fNotftryPubI1c— Print Name of Notary state 0 riorida-Notary Public Commission 9 06 207484 My Com iSsion Expiros Jun 12, 2022 Revised 11/16/2016 JIL=5"_ SVBWQNT&ACZ$M SIGNATUAt (Qualiffer) Eric S Netzorg 199-Rwrja�M'3 '31310 CUP, 05 )64-Z COUNTY CERTYPIg'ATION NUMBER State of Florida, County fSt Lucie The foregoing Instrument was signed lodure too this 8th day of August 20_11 by Eric Netzorg who Ispersonally kuown__,pr has produced a DL as identification, STAMP Quadire of Nofary Public ,PV, I -OL-n +�P_F Prinflyame of Notary Public %W